Enquiries: NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED Benefit P Washaya, Chief Executive Officer, NMBZ Holdings Limited
[email protected] Benson Ndachena, Chief Finance Officer, NMBZ Holdings Limited
[email protected] Website: http://www.nmbz.co.zw Email:
[email protected] Telephone: (+263-4) 759 651/9 Cash Guaranteed Collect USD Cash at NMB Bank when you receive money via 31 December 31 December FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2018 2017 CONDENSED AUDITED US$ US$ Total income (US$) 74740671 53606281 CONSOLIDATED Operating profit before impairment charge (US$) 31 155 227 16 870 839 Totalcomprehensiveincome(US$) 21267632 10029136 RESULTS Basic earnings per share (US cents) 5.43 2.58 Dividend per share (US cents) 0.96 0.36 Total deposits (US$) 434957949 348956385 FOR THE YEAR ENDED Totalgrossloansandadvances(US$) 262335026 211005418 Total shareholders’ funds and shareholders’ 31 DECEMBER 2018 liabilities (US$) 79962313 65651843 CHAIRMAN’SCHAIRMAN’S STATEMENTSTATEMENT Capital (continued) TheThe Group’sGroup’s shareholders’shareholders’ fundsfunds andand shareholders’ liabilities have increased by 22% from US$65 651 843 as at 31 INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION December 2017 to US$79 962 313 as at 31 December 2018 as a result of the current year’s total comprehensive income. TheThe GroupGroup hashas continuedcontinued inin thethe pursuitpursuit ofof itsits shortshort andand mediummedium termerm goalsgoals andand thethe accompanyingaccompanying resultsresults areare testimonytestimony toto thethe considerableconsiderable progressprogress towardstowards ourour statedstated strategy.strategy. Thehe financialfinancial r resultsesults c continueontinue t too b bee l largelyargely d drivenriven b byy t thehe The Bank’s regulatory capital as at 31 December 2018 was US$74 927 487 and is above the minimum required Bank’sBank’s continuedcontinued diversificationdiversification i intonto t thehe b broaderroader m amarketrket se segmegments,nts, enhancedenhanced useuse ofof thethe bank’sbank’s digitaldigital offerings,offerings, stricterstricter regulatory capital of US$25 million.