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thunder word Vol. 16 No. 2 Highline Community College Midway, Wa. Oct. 8, 1976 will be taking an active part in CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION IS WELL prevent corrosion. Some classes may be Carman will be primarily in- the. operation of the food UNDER WAY... With the plumbers’ strike relocated while heatinglines are being in- volved with the food service service facilities. Present full- over, workers are busily building concrete stalled, althoughinterruption of classes will part of the program, while time employees will not bere- tunnels to househeating nad sewage lines to be avoided as much as possible. Armstrong will continue to placed, although the number photo by Douglas Creson handle the hotel-oriented of all full-time positions will classes. be graduallythrough reduced livelier, and more varied Management will be offered menu than hasbeen offered in for thefirst time Fall Quarter. -Highline Community Col- ComQlainant to (2)‘ Either the Complainaht the past. “We plan a new Food Service Techniqueswill lege is covered by Title IX determine whether the or mrson to whom the approach to salads and last about three weeks, prohibiting sex discrimina- Title IXofficer will meet complaint is directed entrees,” Carman reported. providing students with the tion in education. It is the poli- with each party may have witnesses “We also hopebuild to a better basics of food presentation. cy of Highline Community separately or i.n a single present at the discre- burger bar.” Students would then be re- College to insure equal meeting. tion of the person pres- quired to work for 50 to 100 iding. Armstrong, in an October opportunity withoutregard to If the Complainant re- 1975 memo to Robert hours in different cafeteria sex in all areas of admission, quests a single meeting, (3) The written findings of jobs. education, application for em- the PresidentialAppeal Beardemphl, Assistant Dean that meeting shall be of Occupational Education, ployment and employment. attended by the Com- will be considered final. Carman promises that the No further intra- cited several disadvantages Beverage Management class TITLE IX plainant, the personto of the present food service GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE who the complaint is institutional appeal will be one of themore “fullfil- exists. system. “Its size is too small ling” classes on campus. The Grievance Procedure (As re- directed and the Title IX for the campusit serves,” the quired by Section 86.8( b) cf officer who will chair 11. If desired, inquiries or course will focus on the appeals beyond the institu- memo said. “The design does development, production, Title ;X) the meeting. not provide for efficiency, and I. Any applicant for admis- StepC. 3. Presidential tional level may be directed storage, and service of wines, to:Regional Direction its lack of management com- spirits and beers. sion, enrolled student, ap- Appeal plicates the above (prob- If the complaint is not plicant for employment or lems. )’* The HotelIRestaurant employee of Highline Com- resolved as a result of Office of Civil Rights, HEW the hearing conducted 1321 Second Avenue Carman and Armstrong program at HCC isfully trans- munity College who believes ferable to Washington State he/she has beendiscriminated by the Title IX officer, Seattle, WA 98101 are now in the process of either the Complainant The Equal Opportunity Corn- redesigning the campus food University’s hotel program, against on the basis of sex located on the Seattle Wni- may lodge a formal institu- or the person to whom mission service system. Some of the tional grievance by: the complaint is A. siep I: Informal directed may request an Meeting appeal to the College Requesting an informal President in writing meeting with the in- within 10 days after dividual believed to receiving the written have committed thedis- results of Title IXOffici- criminatory act and al Hearing. Within 15 attempt to informally days after receiving the resolve the concern. written request, the Col- B. Step 2: Title IX Official lege President or the First Chamber Dance Hearing president’s designee If not satisfied by the will conduct the Pres- results of the Informal idential Appeal hearing Meeting, the Com- and report the findings CO.will work with HCC plainant may request in in writing to both the writing, stipulating the Compla; nant and the The First Chamber Dance basis. Four credits will be lavish props, mechanical tricks or many extra dancers. specific grievance(s1, a person to who the com- Company a world renowned offered for the program. and highly acclaimed dance The 16 year old company meeting with the college plaint is directed. The company, led by Artis- Title IX officer. Within (1) The College President troupe, has accepted Highline has performed in every state tic Director Charles Bennett, in the U.S.; Canada,Mexico, 30 days of receiving the or designee, the Title Community College’s invita- moved from New York to written request, the IX officer, the Com- tion to become ‘artists in and has been sent by the State Seattle in 1974. The company Department on three interna- Title IXofficer will have plainant andthe person residence.’ consists of eightmembers all arranged a meetingand to whom the complaint The FCDC willteach dance tional toursas an emissary of of whom were soloists or American culture. reported the findings, in is directed shall attend and its production in a work- principal dancers with lead- writing, to both the Com- the PresidentialAppeal shop program beginning Oct. Students interested in the ing ballet companies around program can get more in- plainant and the person hearing. The College 18 at the Highline Arts Center the world. to whom the complaint President or pres- in Burien. The five week prog- formation in the registration is directed. It shall be at idential designee shall ram will be open to 25 people Chamber dance is an in- office. The course will be the discretion of the preside. on a first-come first-serve dividual performance without listed under Dram8 181. .- .. ”_. .” c -.._ New student leaders guest commentary face big responsibility We were killers. i’iw concept of student go*.*ernnlcntat Highline Community L oilcg!c has changed sinceInst Fall Quarter, and hopefully the change will be for the better. We are killers. The 1975-76 school year was a chaotic one for student gov- ctmment here. Alrn:bst half of those elected to serve last year resigncd before thcir terms were completed. The popularly- elected President of the str~dcntbody resigned even before the We will be killers? school year began. Lack of strong,consecrated leadershiphampered theefforts by Michael Campbell, toddlers with much more love, of last year’s student leadcrs. Several scnirtors privately HCC Anthropology instructor we’ll have less violent adults. expressed disappointment with the i5-76 President. By world standards, ‘The prevailing campus attitude toward student government Americans have one of thc is one of skepticism, owing largely to delays and misinforma- Cheerful title, huh? Well, most shocking customsfor in- tion concerning last spring’s election.Theelection was delayed look how our ex-European fant care, yet rarely think twice. as the new constitution was not ready to be voted on by forefathers(foremothers, twice about it. It’s unheard of the first two scheduled election dates. forcparents, forefolks?) in most cultures to separatc The 1975-76 student government was not thecomplete failure treated the Indians. Except mother and infant, letalone in we have made it out tobe. Most of the student activities over the for Geronimo and a few like the dark. An infant doesn’t course of the year were well put together, andinvariably took him, we proved to be mighty know about ‘another room. * place where and when theywere scheduled. Theoutcome of two killers. Thank God ( ? 1 we had When mother (or father) “causes”championed by student government has been (at a fine old tradition of killing to walks out of sightinto the next least so far) favorable to the students of HCC. There willbe no help us feel good and proper room, the infant knowsonly tuition hike this year, and students have been promised more about it (the Crusades, the In- that she’s gone. An extremely space for educational purposes. quisition, andDracula the Im- common fear in America is Apathy has been and will continue to be a major hurdle for paler to mention just a few.) the deep-seated fear of losing an).type of student government here. In a Thunderword It’s not a tradition for babies a loved one. And this fear of interview last spring, former ASHCC Senator Mary Sachs and sissies! losing becomes a fear of expressed her views on student involvement at HCC; “Most of Well, enough of that. On a loving for many of us. And the people here at Highline are here for their own ten point scalefor violence in fear and lack of loving dc word.And Laverne and growth........ They could care less about tuition hikes, student the world’s cultures, I’d give produce violence. In the final space, handicapped persons, or speakers and dances.** America an eight or a nine. Shirley seem so lovable. Could To combat this apathy, our new student governmentmust be The Yanomamo of southern these good people have a bad scene in the film “Rockabyc open and active, responsive to student input, and above all, Venezuela rate an unqualified streak? Aren’t we really that Baby,” a woman and her in. fant lie rocking in a hammock ready to work hard to meet the needs ofthe student population. ten - an angry husband is *‘nice?’’ Ifthese pointsare not carried out, thenthere will be little reason perfectly correct to chop off It’s my guess that Ozzie both are nude and theinfant is for the average student to lose any developed apathy.