Seven Senolors Feel Wroth of Erecutive Boord
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FRESNO Seven senolors feel wroth of Erecutive Boord The Senate's biggest problem committee. meeting for six Rico's removal bid had little to do Nick Rosas submitted their names, hours and phone numbers Tuesday was not the apathy of members and have them all with his action as a senator, but letters of resignation, effective of the ASB officers. the ASB or the non-cooperation attend, especially when you rather that it stems from a immediately. Both Morales and Commissioner of Publicitv of the administration, but the serve on two committees. personal incident involving Leg- Rosas cited personal and econom- Rick Yamamoto was granteä apathy and non;cooperation of its Dickson also added that the islative Vice President Ken ic reasons for leaving. extra letters needed in running own members. board members should also be Mitchell. Schroeder said põtitions for the linostrap machine used foi Seven senators were accused held liable for their time and Reportedly, Rico and a friend the spring Senate election are nraking posters. The Senate by the Executive Board of not effort. "It should be a two.wav showed up at ASB President now available at A-104. Deadline allocated $575 for the metallic meeting the needs of the street," he said. Dave Schroeder's house for an for announcing candidacy is letters, which included $49 for students or the Senate. Ramos, who remained silent informal Senate meeting. As the Tuesday,dec. 21. shipping. Roddy Earl (Chai¡m¿n of the during the meeting, later said, two were leaving, Mitchell asked Due to Mor¿les' and Rosas' In other Seuate action: policy Committee), lony Crump, "Work was the No. 1 reason Rico to step outside to discuss resignations and the number of Lounge Committee Rocco Petrosino, Joel Cotten, several Senate members are Rico's responsibilities as a senators who were elected in a -Student Manuel Ramos and Julie Benitez unable to attend certain commit- Senator. chairperson Finney reported she Once outside the house. special election, Schroeder was looking were all placed on censure by the tee meetings." unable to give the exact number is into the costs of two pool tables, a Board for not actively serving on However, most of the tension of seats that will be open. -purchasing color TV, and a new sound a committee. was centered around Senator Meanwhile, the Senate allo- Executive Vice President Stephan Rico. He was asked to cated system. Currently the Student 91,000 for on-campus Lounge posseses pool Mark Hernandez stated, "This is resign for refusing to serve on a A_ special Senate publicity two tables, _ meeting will through the use- of TV (primarily your first and last warning. Next committee, as specified under be held today (Thursday)-at bulletin boards and one screening soap I a directory oper4s) and an inaudible sound time, we will remove you from the constitution. p.m. in the Senate Chambers board. to system. the Senate." Rico, his eyes glazed, stood decide whether Rico should be The cork bulletin boards will However, Senators Kim Fin- before the board and said with a removed fgr conduct unbecoming be placed primarily in the ney, Sloan Dawson dnnounced that and Merritt crack in his voice, "I will not a Senator and refusing to serve Bookstore area, while the di- the-Schroeder reeent Dickson rebutted the board, resigr." Blood Drive don¿tion on a committee. rectory will be located next to accumulated 112 pints, a 500 per saying it is difficult to schedule a Some senate members feel Senators Juan Morales and SC-205, and will contain ùhe cent increase over last vear. Pre- Kwo n zq G, B¡ll benefi¡ celebrotion ]erm is extended sel Tuesdoy 'Veterans who served at least eligibility for 10 years after FCC's Pan Afrik¿n Student lE months on continuous active release from active duty or until Union will present their frrst duty after Jan. 81, 1955, now Dec. 81, 1989, whichever is Pre-Kwanza eelebration on Tues- have up to 45 months of earlier. day, Dec. 21, 1976. entitlement under the G.I. Bill. The Veterans Education and Kwanz¿ is an Afrikan The Veterans Education and Employment Assistance Act of celebra- '.A,ssist¿nee tion that is traditional all over Employment Aet of Oct. 1, 1976, also appliesto active the Af¡ikan world. The word 1976, effective Oct. 1, increased duty personnel and dependents Kwanza is a Swahili word training entitlement from 36 to attending school under Chapter meaning first or "first fruit". 45 months for thousãnds of 35. The program for the pre- veterans who have not reached The new law provided for an 8 Kwanza will consist of refresh- their l0-year deliminating date, in monthly ments with fruits and juices the Veterans Administration training of- said. llqng _!vit¡ music by Edison High Bill, except School's Jazz Band. The new law extended entitle- ctive Oct. l. The main event of the day will ment tô 45 months for veterans A single veteran attending be a guest speaker from-East pursuing both graduate and school full time now receives lafo A,lto. Vunlinlela will per- undergraduate degrees as well $292 monthly. If the student has form with his Afrikan iazz as other approved training one dependent, the rate is $347; programs. Quartqt and he will also rapp to Previously, basic en- two dependenfs, 9396. For each the students on just what titlement was 36 months. An additional dependent, the month- Kwanza stands for. additional nine months was av¿ilable only if the G.I. Bill That night a live show will be student was pursuing an under- held in the Theatre from 8-10 graduate college degree and p.m. The PASU will present needed the extra entitlenient to paid. Entitlement own "Essence Life", for ftight Fresno's Of obtain his degree. training was continued at ihe a band that has bee¡ called oræ of Unehanged is the l0-year rate of one ¡nonth for eaeh $ã10 Fresno's hottest local groups. delimiting date. Veterans retain paid. osses , Thursday,Dgc. 16, 1976, RC o9, gqrden clqsses set here Sports Music p.m. Breeds of f¿rm livestoch, Budy Stonehill e lhn¡ol Amos, Dec. 31, B¡nketbdl, Sequoias lournament, Dee. Wa¡nor's The¿tre, I p.m. lÉ18, Visalia. Ì'BA Itreetling, FCC vs. Bakersfield College, spring semester. (Þchest¡¡ Concert, Dec. 1?, FCC New FCC Gym, Dec. 21, at ?:30'p.m. LH I, Nursery Pr¿ctice, a The¿tre, 7 p.m, take place in four-unit class, meets Thursdays eeting of the at 9 to 10:60 a.m., lab ón YYreetling, FCC vs. Cypress College, Dec. es will be in 16, FCC Gym, ?:30 p.m. the staff. Blue Oyetor Cdt & Monboec, Dec. 19, AH 6.d, Horse llusbandry, Selland Arena, ?:30 p.m. - a three-unit cl¿ss, rireets on Tues- Theqtre Clubs LH 4, Principles of Landscape 'Tbe Ni¡tcracker," Dec. 18, Fresno Gardening ¿nd Construction,' a Convention Center Theatre,2 and g p.m. four-unit class, will meet T\¡es- Dec. 19, 2 p.m. day at 9 to 10:50 a.m. and lab'at lanning and MECHA, Thursday, 12 noon,Comm. Rms. Godepell, Theatre 3, Dec. 16-Jan. I, he garden. A&B Thursday thru Saturdays, 8:30 p.m. fertiliz¿tion, g of plant AH 9, General Livestock and insect ç,trist¡q Fellowehip, thursday, 12 noon, Production, a three-unir course, control, weed control, lawn lienate Speciol Events Quarters will meet Wednesdays and planting and care, the home Mondays ¿t 10 to 10:50 ã.m., lab vegetable and fruit garden,' on Friday from 10 a.m. to 12:50 house patio Ae¡¡n Aner¡ca¡ Student Union, Bake sale Christmæ Tree l¿ne, Dec. L6-27,6 to lO and plants. & Pot Luck, Jan. 5, Cafeteria Foyer, 11 p.m., weekends, 6 to 1l p.m. North Van a.m. to'I p.m. Ness Boulevard 'Deqth Perspect¡ves' '8%" Classic film series, Jan. 5, FCC Rally Club, Friday, 2 p.m., G-lOl Theatre, ?:30 p.m. of f ered f or spring How do believes about death lVednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. affect people's lives? What's it Each e¿rries two units of co[ege like to know you are dying, or to credit. have someone you love die? Can According you _ to instructor Lesley imagine your own death and Jensen, prepare the course will take an for it? historical philosophical questions and look these and others at the views on death examined held bv will be when City various societies and religioni, College offers special a new including an examinatiõn of studies course on "Perspectives drinS Amèrica. on Death and Dying" this spring 1 semester, the course is being offered in two sections. One will meet Mondays and I¡l¡ednesdays from 11 to 11:50 a.m. and the other on ASB COTUMN Give self this Yule On behalf of the Student Government Office I would like to wish you a Merry Christ¡nas. Christmas is a tipp to sh¿re ¿ud a time to löve. .Whethryou boliervein Gbigt m¡s c noL tfrc iba of Cb¡idn¡¡ b to slwr HqDit of yctreü, ffii:,iffi#"'Ar''oh¡sRe6€n'êd DtrpÞLa¡rBntibp/eser{s aJoh¡rCuilbmin Fìlm shni'"s Jetr eidges ChadesCtrodin Inhoducins Jessba Lange Screerìday bylomrzo Seniple,Ï Bodrced þ DnoDe Laurentib Drected þJohn Guilþrmin lvft¡s¡c Cornposed and Conducted þJohn Barry hna,,isirrr' inColø A hnrnount Reþase -Tt€ þad Cr€atio1'o{ Dm De l-a.ærtt¡' KIÌ\¡G f{CÌ{G- frqn Fbctet Boors Thursday, Dec.