RE a Lsummer Estate Ilanrhfattr Hrralb Manchester, Conn. Habib Steps
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to - MANCHESTER HEH/MLD. Fciduy, July 22, 1983 Social service agencies Manchester girl Legion team _ _ _ ^ — R E A l are feeling the strain ' vies In contest back In race s u m m e r e s t a t e ... p a g e 3 ... p a g e 11 .. p a g e 15 Sunny today, Manchester, Conn. •Attractively landscaped •it’s our home away from home humid Sunday Saturday, July 23, 1983 ilanrhfatTr Hrralb Single copy: 25<t •Efficiency kitchen •it’s Ed Gorman’s office building •A ir conditioned •it’s at 604 Middle Turnpike East •Spacious rooms •if you want to buy or sell a home Shuns media Habib steps down •Plenty of parking •O r start a career in real estate sales Tired Samantha returns •Large conference room •Stop by and say Hello *®***fP^ ^TNNHNI AUGUSTA, Maine (UPI)Samantha Smith, ,tt'ycdr-old junior diplomat who toured the as special envoy •A warm and friendly place Soviet Union for two weeks, arrived home Friday •You’ll feel right at home —I I ^ fo 3 hero's welcome with a red carpet, roses and a ^ lim o u s in e ride to her house. BEIRUT, Lebanon (U PI) — ~ “ I'm happy to be getting home to regular Artillery shells battered Beirut Home of the Week is sponsored by the Manchester Herald things,” said Samantha, as she was handed a airport Friday, touching off battles bouquet of specially ordered “ Samantha” roses around the capital in a day of and a dozen balloons with “ Welcome Home factional duels that killed 13 people Samantha" written on them. and wounded 35 others, including About 350 well-wishers met Samantha at the three American servicemen. 'ABSOLUTEIY IMMACUIATE' Augusta State Airport. They cheered as she In Washington, President Rea stepped from the airplane, wearing a green- gan announced after talks with striped shirt and purple pants. Lebanese President Amin Ge- She appeared tired from her long trip and mayel that Philip Habib had HJI slightly confused amid the crush o f the crowd, resigned as his Middle East envoy ' I f which included dozens of hews reporters and and will be replaced by deputy cameramen who jostled each other trying to get national security affairs adviser NEAT PACKAGE the best shots. Robert McFarlane. Reasonably priced ana convenieni{y located After a quick greeting from hometown officials, The airport shelling, the first at bedroom cape. Large kitchen and living room, Samantha was put into a black-and-maroon Rolls the facility since the Israeli siege family room, fireplaced living room. One car gar 'MW USTMO M COVBmY" age. $66,900. makes It a good buy. New Listing! Royce and whisked home for a private party. of Beirut last summer closed it for Lovely three bedroom ranch, large living room with Along the route she passed numerous banners four months, sent screaming pas fireplace, full walk-out basement. Nicely landscaped proclaiming, “ Welcome Back Samantha.” sengers fleeing for cover in the treed lot._________________ ONLY $61,000.00 UPI photo Friday's editions of the Kennebec Journal, her terminal. hometown newspaper, carried a large green Artillery and mortar fire Reagan (left) talks with Habib Friday after meeting This beautiful home has just about every headline across the top of the front page erupted later between rival Chris with Gemayal in Washington. thing you could possibly want, including a proclaiming, “ Welcome Home, Samantha!” tian and Druze Moslem militiamen R sunken tub! There are plenty of oak cabinets Samantha returned to “ a room full of letters” in the Israeli-occupied Aley-Shouf after what Beirut radio said was a him. He also wanted to return to lij V mountains east of Beirut — the 204 Scott Dr., Manchester *119,000. in the designer kitchen, fieldstone fireplace from people who read of her journey to Russia, cease-fire agreement late in the private life in California. It's sleek and sophisticated, planned for people' sib which began with a letter to Soviet leader Yuri V. source of the shells fired at the day. in t he family room, Anderson windows, 2 car Syria has blocked the agreement with "champagne taste." This distinctive Colo Andropov asking whether his country intended to airport. arranged by Secretary of State ^ , --------------------IE ANOWNER nial with 11 rooms Is a dream come true. Your gu over-sized garage, and over 2 acres of prop use nuclear weapons. The day of battles killed at least THE HABIB announcement at George Shultz for a withdrawal of ests will oohh & aahh at the sight of the 16x32 erty. Add to these amenities a price reduc Most of the letters praised her for taking the 13 people and wounded 35 others and quit paying out your income in taxesi Enjoy lim < the White House came after Israeli forces from Lebanon. Sy ownership but without all the yard maintenance pool with Cabana & shower. The extras could fill tion to trip and wished her luck, said her grandmother, around the capital, said official Reagan assured Gemayel that rian and Israeli troops were ... enjoy carefree weekends In this lovely 3 bed a book. You won't find a more luxurious home for $139,900.00 Theresa Smith. However, a few letters criticized Beirut radio, including one Leba U.S. efforts to achieve the withdra digging in for an indefinite occupa room town home, 2% baths, central air and much your family. Q "JKT IDVOD FOI QUICK $AU" in ANDOVa We would be pleased to show you this Con her and called her a propagandistic pawn of the nese soldier killed and eight others wal of foreign forces from Lebanon tion — or possible partition — of morel Only $70,500. Three bedrooms, two baths, two car garage. Country Soviet government. wounded at the Lebanese army remained alive, saying “ Lebanon Lebanon. wt can iMlp you bocome i FMCE sized kitchen with ceramictila Close to.Com. bus park temporary home with Country atmosphere. “ I think you get bad reactions to even a good headquarters at suburban Yarze. can count on our support.” “REALE" PR0FE88I0NAU MARKET ing, 10 mins, to Manchester, 25 mins, to Hanford piece of cake,” said Theresa Smith. "It's their Beirut residents hauled mat Habib, a career foreign service iSENTRVIm*. mmm . ^ ^ I AT BEIRUT inlernalional air Call 64(M&2B. and aak lor Dan. EVALUATION 1 Real Estate Services ik SEE IT TMAV far $69,600.00 prerogative if they have bad things in their tresses to their basements in officer, has felt that his usefulness port, the Lebanese army moved in STRANG REAL ESTATE anticipation of a long weekend of D.F. REAIE, INC. 223 East Center SL. Manchester 64MOM background that won't let them accept an as mediator had come to an end tanks and reinforcements after the Real Eelele S4S HwtIonI Tpk«, Rta. ao V«mon TEDFORD 156 EAST CENTER ST. endeavor to make friends. Ninety-nine percent of battles despite a halt in the shelling because of Syria's opposition to barrage. I IS aw. II.. ■.»itiii», ct. as Comwctlcut Bhrd., East Hwttord, the letters urged her to go.” 60 Poquonock Am ., Wlnitoor I REAL ESTATE, INC. ______ 646-4S25 ■lAL^ ISTATI3Si MANCHESTER, CT. 646-2000 Samantha was to be guest of honor Saturday 647-9914 y during Manchester Festival Day. She was to ride 1 " T T ’ ' < in a convertible at the front of the parade carrying I 1 a bouquet of roses. Israelis speculate Begin The Maine girl will not step out of the spotlight once her the welcome home hoopla has finished. .O a M a n d She must still decide whether to accept numerous invitations from network television shows. Samantha's Soviet tour may also be the r e s t a u r . ^ ! will announce retirement beginning of a lecturing career. Many of the UPi.phoio letters she received were from school teachers D m a c e TEL AVIV, Israel (UPI) - The candidates. asking Samantha to come talk. appear to have deteriorated in Samantha poses with her father "The teachers want her to give their students future of Menachem Begin, report Shamir, 68, and the other top recent months. One U.S. official "^of^hmimum '^ommuhUy edly ailing and depressed over the outside their home in Manchester, some of the excitement she has for history and contenders for the prime minis has described Begin as "a shadow Only Fourt«ca Units in our communily moAet human events.” said Theresa Smith. "I'm sure extended war in Lebanon war, ter's post Defense Minister Moshe of the man he once was." Oakland Terrace so special. Com/ortablii priuale Maine. She was anxious to get away it's something Sam can do because she has a raised intense speculation Friday Arens, 58, and Housing Minister hut still Itn aleJ ideaffy close fo major shoppins from all the reporters hounding her. great deal of ability.” as the prime minister celebrated David Levy. 46, are all members of ( enivi s and only minules from downtown Hartford. his 70th birthday. the governing Likud bloc. C'ome and see while they last! "There were still pundits who Giving Shamir an edge in the Spacious 2 Bedroom Units • Garage & Full expected a dramatic move by intra-party race. The Yedioth Inside Today ^sem ent • Appfi'onces & Central Air • Energy Begin, perhaps a retirement an Ahronoth newspaper said he would MANCHESTER VERNON nouncement on this, his 70th pages, 2 sections BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Efficient • C.H.F.A. Approved. have the support of Arens, Levy 20 •Beautiful Garrison Colonial New U&R 6 room Colonial, spacious Priced Affordabhi at $67,900 Fried mouse triggers iawsuit birthday weekend,” the Jerusalem and Minister-without-Portfolio Post newspapers wrote.