Irena Krzywicka and Hiratsuka Raichō – Life, Activity, Work
INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS ◦ RELACJE MIĘDZYKULTUROWE ◦ 2020 ◦ 2 (8) Zofia Prażuch1 IRENA KRZYWICKA AND HIRATSUKA RAICHŌ – LIFE, ACTIVITY, WORK Abstract The main aim of this article is to draw a comparison between two female fig- ures – Hiratsuka Raichō from Japan and Irena Krzywicka from Poland. Despite the fact that these two women lived in different countries and came from to- tally different cultural backgrounds, they fought for a better future for women. Both Irena Krzywicka and Hiratsuka Raichō lived during a difficult time of war and were witnesses to dynamic political and social changes in their respective countries. As in historical terms, this was the very beginning of feminist move- ment, both in Poland and Japan, their lives and activities fall within the period of the first wave of feminism. Key words: Hiratsuka Raichō, Irena Krzywicka, Poland, Japan, feminism, mar- riage, motherhood, women’s activism INTRODUCTION At the beginning of the 20th century, a trend towards women gaining emancipation became visible, one which enabled women to obtain an ap- propriate education and professional positions, as well as allowing new op- portunities to open up for them. Over the years, increased activism has re- sulted in the regulation of women’s rights in various areas of life. Activities such as the fight for gender equality, marriage, motherhood, birth control, pacifism, and gaining the right to participate in political life intensified. As women began to unite, support each other and set up various char- ity organisations and trade unions, they became politically active. As this 1 MA Student; Jagiellonian University in Kraków; ORCID: 0000-0002-0249-3131;
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