Perennials for Cutting

Many Perennials are useful for fresh-cut and/or dried flower arrangements. Those with showy fruit,foliage, or flowers for drying are marked (D).

Achillea spp - Yarrow (D-flower) Gypsophila - Baby's Breath (D-flowers) Aconitum - Monkshood Helleborus orientalis - Lenten Rose Alcea rosea - Hollyhock Hemerocallis - Daylily Alchemilla mollis - Lady's Mantle (D-flower) Heuchera - Coral Bells Anaphalis margaritacea – Heucherella - Foamy Bells Pearly Everlasting (D-flower) Hosta - Plantain Lily Anemone - Windflower Iris Anthemis - Golden Marguerite Kniphofia vivaria - Red Hot Poker Aquilegia - Columbine Lavandula - Lavender (D-flowers and foliage) Armeria - Sea Pink Liatris - Gay-feather (D-flowers) Artemisia spp - Wormwood (D-foliage) Ligularia Aruncus - Goatsbeard Lilium - Lily Asclepias - Weed (D-seed pods) Limonium latifolia - Statice (D-flowers) Aster - Aster Linum - Flax Astilbe - False Spirea (D-flowers) Lobelia - Cardinal Flower Baptisia - False Indigo (D-fruits) Lunaria - Money (D-seed pods) Bellis - English Daisy Lupinus - Lupine Bergenia cordifolia - Heartleaf Bergenia Lychnis - Campion, Maltese Cross Brunnera - Heartleaf Brunnera Lysimachia clethroides - Gooseneck Loosestrife Campanula persicifolia - Peachleaf Bellflower Monarda - Balm Campanula glomerata - Clustered Bellflower Nepeta - Catmint (D-flowers) Catananche caerulea - Cupid's Dart (D-flowers) Oenothera spp - Evening Primrose, Centaurea - Cornflower Sundrops (D-seed pods) ruber - Jupiter's Beard Papaver - Poppy (D-fruit) Chelone - Turtlehead Penstemon - Bearded Tongue Chrysanthemum spp Paeonia - Peony Chrysanthemum parthenium - Perovskia - Russian Sage Feverfew (D-flowers) Phlox carolina - Carolina Phlox Chrysopsis - Golden Aster Phlox paniculata - Garden Phlox Coreopsis - Tickseed Physostegia virginiana - Obedient Plant Crocosmia - Montbretia Platycodon grandiflorus - Balloon Flower Delphinium - Larkspur Polemonium caeruleum - Jacob's Ladder Dendranthema rubella - Clara Curtis Chrysanthemum Polygonum affine - Knotweed Dianthus - Pinks, Carnations, Sweet William Primula - Primrose Dicentra - Bleeding Heart Rudbeckia - Coneflower Digitalis - Foxglove Salvia - Sage (D-flowers and foliage) Doronicum - Leopard's Bane Scabiosa caucasica - Pincushion Flower Echinacea - Purple Cone Flower Sedum - Stonecrop (D-flowers) Echinops - Globe Thistle (D-flowers) Sidalcea - Mallow Erigeron – Fleabane Stachys - Lamb's Ear (D-foliage) Eryngium - Sea Holly (D-flowers) Stokesia - Stoke's Aster Eupatorium - Ageratum Tiarella - Foam Flower Gaillardia x grandiflora - Blanket Flower Tricyrtis - Toad Lily Geranium - Cranesbill Geranium Verbena Geum - Avens Veronica - Speedwell