Nurrumrut N Rttr

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Nurrumrut N Rttr I); { ADMINISTRATION OF NAURU nurrumrut nrttr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 36. 31st August, 196. Nauru. THH 17404"" 25111( G.N. No. 196/196. PUBLIC SERVICE ORDINANCE 1961-196 SECTION 15 : CREATION OF OFFICES The Honourable the Minister for Territories has approved creation of the following position: EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Assistant Teacher (M) £1377-1718, Education Department F. .vI. McCONAGHY ACTING PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER 8th August, 196, G.N. No. 197/196. CENTRAL COURT OF THE ISLAND OF NAURU LANDS - APPEAL In the matter of an appeal registered No.1-6/65 by Mrs Ameria Atuen against the decision of the Nauru Lands Committee published in Go\ernment Gazette No.2, 16th June 196, determining o'N.nership of Coconut Land "RONA1,.I1Ill in Anetan District, portion No.99 to persons as listed below : Former Proposed share Share Portion Name of Land Reference Q,mers Ql.roe rs. 99 C. L. Ronawi Reg.Book Eon.a l/ Eibairuken 1/2 page 208 (dec'd) Enene l/ Tiau D. 1/8 (dec'd) Erom l/ David D. 1/8 (dec'd) Eibairuken l/ Motieri D. 1/8 Ameria 1/8 (L.T.O. ) JUDGEHENT : Appeal Dismissed - - Hi\.G ISTRATES Robidok Bagewa Tedubararo DETUDAMO, EsqUire. Austin BERNICKE, EsqUire. Jacob DAGABWIffiRE, Esquire. -.." ., . .._ ..... _ /.\_ -. (I...... _ .. _ . ... "" \- - - - - - - --- \ 2. No. 36 31st August, 1964 Nauru G.N. No. 198/1964 • LANDS It is notified that the following transfers of land have been aproved by His Honour, the Acting Administrator: Ca) Coconut Land - Nibok District ­ 11 Ibokanaq uanni 11 Po rtion Ho. 1 27 Former O\:ill. Share Reference Proposed Owner Share Eibnnungamv 1/2 Gaz.No.39/62 Detsijogo All Detogobea, D. 1/12 Eigangang, P. 1/12 Eimon, re 1/12 Lorenzo, D. 1/12 Eidununge, G. 1/12 Grace, ':1. 1/48 Melody, 'J. 1/48 Leonard -.'1. 1/48 Joyce, 1. 1/48 Cb) Phosphate Land - Uaboe District "Yange bawo 11 ?ortion No s. CS) and }5 Fonner Owners Share Refer8nc ProDosed Owner Share Ereboweda, E. 1/21 Gaz. No. 6/61 Detogobea D. 1/18 Detogobea, D. 1/21 Eigangang, P. 1/18 Eigangang, P. 1/21 Eimon, K. 1/18 Eimon, K. 1/21 Lorenzo, D. 1/18 Lorenzo, D. 1/21 Eidununge, G. 1/18. Eidununge, G. 1/21 Grace, f'J. 1/72 Grace, \'l. 1/84 Melody, -1. 1/72 Melody, :.J. 1/84 Leonard ,j. 1/72 Leonard ;:J. 1/84 Joyce, \'1. 1/72 Joyce, 7'1. 1/84 Cc) Coconut Land - Nibok District IlEatuquenubabaell Po:C'tion No. 140 Former O;.,mers .Reference Prono sed Owners Share Eibanungauw 3/4 Gaz. ':'10.46/61 Detogobea, D. 1/6 .,.". D Detogobea, D. 1/24 .I:HganGang, J.. 1/6 Eigangzmg, P. 1/24 Einon, 1C. 1/6 Eimon, x. 1/24 Lorenzo, D. 1/6 Lorenzo, D. 1/24 Eidununge, G. 1/6 Eidununge, G. 1/24 Grnc e, '..I. 1/24 Grace, ,i. 1/96 Helody, '.J. 1/24 Helody, jJ. 1/96 Leonard, w. 1/2)+ Leonard, -:1. 1/96 Joyce, :'1. 1/24 Joy ce, 1.'1. 1/96 Jerer:lia 2th August, 1964 Secretary G.N. No. 199/1964 Nauru Local GovrmJent Council Jmpounding of fuLinals Pursuant to the provisions of the Nauru Local Government Council Rule No. 1, notice is hereby given that the follO\'ling ,animals have this day been impounded:- 3. No s.-.36. 31st August. 164. Nauru. Number Description 1 Only \Vhite Female pig, about 6 months old, found straying at the Administration Office's Ground, Yaren District, on 19/8/64 at 3.30 p.m. 1 Only White Female pig, about 6 months old, found straying within the Airstrip in Yaren District, on 19/8/64 at 5.30 p.m. 1 Only \Vhite Boar, about 6 months old, branded with end-tipped tail found straying at the Dumping Area, Boe District, on 19/8/6 at 7.00 p.m. 1 Only Black and White Boar, about 6 nonths old, found straying at Administration Settlement, rleneng District, on 20/8/64 at 7.00 p.m. Owners may obtain release of these ffilimals upon proof of ownership and paynent of pound fees to the undersigned. In default of such payment within seven days of the d2te of this notice, the animals will be sold by public auction or otheYwise disposed of. I. WAIBEYA 28th August, 1964. POillID KEE PER G.N. No. 200/1964. BIRTHS, DEATHS & iliRRIAGES Narriage GRAEME FREDERICK PITCHER of the British Phosphate Comr.issioners, Nauru and PAULINE HARRIS of Boe on 8th August, 1964, by the Rev. Itubwa Amram, Orro Central Church, Nauru. J. B. FISHER REGISTRAR, 28th August, 1964. BI;PeTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES G.N. No. 201/1964. ADMINISTfu\7ION OF NAURU TENDERS Tenders are invited for the purchase of one diesel Land/Rover long Wheel-base utility. The vehicle is offered as and where it stands and may be inspected on application to the Director of Works during normal '.oJOrdng hours. Tenders should be placed in sealed envelopes endorsed ,llTender for Land/Rover", and lodged "Hi th the Official Sscretury before. +.30 p.m. on Friday 11th September 1964. J. B. FISHER 28th August, 1964. AC7ING OFFICIAL SECRETARY. 1, -r. No. 36 31st August, 1964 Nauru. G.N. No. 202/1964. LA N1) S The Nauru Lands Corittee having made due enquiry deterrnines the lands as listed hereunder. Under the provisions of Section7(1) of the auru Lands Cowittee Ordinance 1956-63 ny person who is.dissatisfied with the decision may. lodge their appeal with the Central Court within 21 days of this gazette. Failing the receipt of any appeal within the prescribed tine this dGterrnination, in accordance with Section 6 (2) of the above Ordinance, is final. COCONUT LANDS - BUADA . Portion: CL :Nane of Forner Proposed No. PL : Land Reference Owners Share C}I,mers Share . : 303 CL : Are ben : Reg Boo1>: :Domaijongo: All :Einganga D: 1/2 : Page 148. : (decld) :Eidobobwea: 1/2 : (LTO). 304 CL :Adungidw:Lgur :Vincent Itte 1/6 :Vincent Itte 1/6 pr : : Hizpha D.: 1/6 :Mizpha D.: 1/6 :Oebuebin: :Akeaitsi Do: 1/6 : Akeai tsi Do: 1/6 :Deraure D.: 1/6 :Deraure D.: 1/6 :Sarah T. : 1/6 :Sarah T. : 1/6 :Eijabo(LTO) 1/6 :Eijabo(LTO) 1/6 . 305 CL :Oebuebin:Reg Book :Ebebe(decld) All :Darcey - : Page 110. :Moaijauwe All . • . • 306 CL :Oebuebin:Reg Book :Fritz N. All :Fritz N. All : : Page 94 . 307 CL :Eibwijeje Reg Book :Fritz N. All :Fritz.N. All : Page 94 . 308 CL :Adungidw:Lgur Reg Boo Demaibure: 1/2 : Demaibure 1/2 Page 97: Dmau...n.a(dec'd) 1/2:Areoeo D.: 1/8 : De ranga bua:D , 1/8 :Zidiaunena:D.1/8 : CE..:.lelia E.: 1/8 ,. • • 0 • . o 0 u • . 309 CL :Bangabanga Reg Book :Eijouruwan: All : Rebecc All Page 92. : (dec'd) File L/E/£. Page 16. : . 310 CL :AdungidU1:l.gur Reg Book Eijouruwae All : Rebecca H.: 1/2 . Page 92: (dcc Id) :Anna H • 1/2 File L/E/2, Page 16: . 311 : CL : Oebuebin: Reg Book :Auwebi (dC'd) 1/2: Phillip 1l,..: 1/4 Page 1'J 6 : Agousenang: 1/2: Ran A. : 1/4 :Agougenang: 1/2 o • 000 o 0 Q 0 0 312 CL :Bangabanga German :Eigeouw (dec1d) !11:Akubor All Record. I 5. No. 36 t August, 1964 Naurus G.N. No. 202/1964. LANDS (Continued) COCONUT uNDS - BUADA. Portion: CL : Name of Former . Proposed No. : P Land : Reference O\ffierS :Share: Owners Share . .. • . .. 313 CL :Oreb :Reg Book : Egag<:'.. (de c 'a.) All: Eamwemve B. 1/9 : Page 96 : Adili;im 1/9 :Dorodeab : 1/9 . : Lilac J • 1/9 :Milka D. 1/9 :Enna R. 1/9 : Renzo 1/27 :Ron 1/27 : Linl-ce 1/54 : Rotiouda r 1/54 : :Eoe (LTO) 1/9 :Eobob (LTO) 1/9 . .. .. • 3 CL :Aromwemwe : Reg Book :Egaga(dec'a.) AII:Eamlvemwe B. 1/9 : Page 96 : Adimim 1/9 : :Dorodeab 1/9 ( : Lilac J. 1/9 : : lviil;:a D. : 1/9 :Enna R. 1/9 . :Renzo 1/27 :Ron : 1/27 : Linl.;:e 1/54 : Rotiouda '1/54 :Eoe (LTO) 1/9 :Eobob (LTO) 1/9 . .. 315 CL :Ianemara :Reg Book :Egaga(decfa.) AII:Eamwemwe B. 1/9 : Page 96 : Adimim 1/9 :Dorodeab 1/9 . :Lilac J • 1/9 ::!:1iIJra D. 1/9 :Enna R. 1/9 : : Renzo 1/27 :Ron 1/27 : Linl:e 1/54­ : RotioudJ. 1/54 :Eoe (LTO) 1/9 :Eobob (LTO) 1/9 . COCONUT LANDS - NIBOK . • . CL : Ango\Arang . 1/2 232 : Reg Book :Deablmg 1/4 : Do '.lwenC'i'TU . : Page 48 : (dec Id) : Harl.'y Paul D. : 1/2 : : Eide bvli t 1/4 :(dec'd) : : Eidienumara 1/4 :(dec1d) :Eidiuen 1/4 . : (dec'd) . : . : . 233 CL : Angovlang : Geman :EitsifoOUW All : Douvlenenwu B. : All :Sketch :(dec'd) . : JEREIvlIA 28th ugust, 164 SECRETARY ... 6. 31 st August, 1964 Nauru, G.N. No. 203/1964. MEDICAL INSPECTIONS Medical Inspections of all Nauruans and Other Pacific Islanders trill be held from 8th September 1964 to 13th October, 1964, according to the follmving Schedule. Attendance at Inspections is Compulsory. SCHEDULE OF lliDICAL INSPECTIONS September Tuesday 8th '64 Yaren Dist, Commencing 2pm-3pm at Yaren Ba by Clin! c • 11 Neneng Dist. 11 3pm-4.30pm at Neneng Baby Clinic. Thurs 10th '64 Anibare Dist. 11 2pm-2,30pm at Anibare Baby Clinic. It Iyuw Dist, 11 2.30pm-3pm at Iyuw Ca tcll111ent Shad. It Anabar Dist. 11 3pm-3.30pm at Anabar Clinic, Tuesday 15th '64 Anetan Dist, " 2pm-2.30pm at Anetan Former school 11 Ewa District.
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