Fordham University, New York Two Students Expelled, One Suspended for Villages Incident O'hare Speaks at Convocation
BfWWW •I^"""«"P Thursday Nr ri P >f t Oct II, U . P i|i j Volume 67 BISU Number 24 Fordham University, New York Two Students Expelled, One Suspended For Villages Incident by Scott Benjamin, Jack Curry dent, but they will be allowed to remain on and Mike Zuccarello the football team. Two members of the Fordham football "It became clear to me that a number of team were expelled, and one other was sus- women on campus were terrorized by this pended for harassment and destruction of kind of behavior. As it turned out, on other University property, Vice President for Stu- nights as well," McGowan said. "Under the Joe Griffith Joe Gentile Andv O'Connell dent Affairs Dr. Joseph McGowan said Wed- same heading, there is a concern that male nesday. students here get (he wrong message, too. "It became clear to me that a number Joe Griffith, FC'86, and Andy O'Con- This is not the way grown, educated, mature nell, FC'87, were expelled and Joe Gentile, men behave." of women on campus were terrorized by CBA'87, was suspended from school until At an emergency meeting of the United the fall of 1986, for breaking down six dormi- Student Government Tuesday night, | this kind of behavior. As it turned out, tory room doors in The Villages, exposing McGowan related the details of the incident. themselves in publie and using vulgar lan- He said that ten students, apparently intox- on other nights as well,'' guage early Sunday morning, October 20. icated, gathered on Edward's Parade, where —Dr.
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