Lake View Cemetery Cleveland’S Outdoor Museum and Arboretum Pat Mraz, MG ‘07
Trumpet Vine July/August 2009 12 Lake View Cemetery Cleveland’s Outdoor Museum and Arboretum Pat Mraz, MG ‘07 On May 19, 2009 a group of Master plain (sections near Euclid gate) to loamy Gardeners took a Horticultural walking tour soils to clay. of Lake View Cemetery led by Lake View Several of us were surprised to see many Horticulturist Dave Gressley. Founded in graves covered with English Ivy instead of 1869, Lake View Cemetery sits on 285 acres grass. Dave said that Ivy is an option at Lake of land (70 undeveloped) in Cleveland, East View and that since it is an evergreen, it Cleveland and Cleveland Heights. It was serves as a symbol of everlasting life. modeled after the great garden cemeteries of Victorian England and France. Along the way we noted that the Sycamore trees did not look very healthy. Dave ex- In keeping with its garden-like design, plained that the Sycamores were plagued by Lake View is home to many rare and in- anthracnose last year and are late in leafing teresting flowers, plants, and trees. This out this year. But Buckeyes, Horse Chestnuts includes “Daffodil Hill”, a section of the and Tulip trees were all in flower. cemetery that contains over 100,000 daffodil bulbs, as well as the Moses Cleveland tree The west branch of Dugway Brook passes and numerous Japanese Threadleaf Maple through Cleveland Heights as an open trees. channel at several points and inside historic Lake View Cemetery. The cemetery quarried Designed by Adolph Strauch, the ceme- Euclid bluestone, a desirable, dense, finely- tery was meant to resemble Victorian English grained and easily-cut variety of sandstone, and French cemeteries.
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