Annual Report of the Town of Weare, New Hampshire

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Annual Report of the Town of Weare, New Hampshire ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE TOWN OF WEARE (TOWN INCORPORATED IN 1764) NEW HAMPSHIRE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 31, 1942 ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE SELECTMEN TREASURER AND TOWN CLERK OF THE TOWN OF WEARE (TOWN INCORPORATED 1764) TOGETHER WITH THE REPORT OF THE SCHOOL BOARD FOR THE Year Ending January 31, 1 942 Bridge & Byron concord, n. h. 1942 Vv JDtez RECORD OF TOWN MEETING March 11, 1941 At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Weare, on the 11th day of March 1941 at 9 o'clock in the forenoon. The meeting was called to order and the Warrant read by the Moderator Alfred Osborne. Also posting of the Checklist by the Supervisors. Whole number of names on the Checklist, 884. Article 1. Upon motion of Gordon W. Porter, voted to keep the polls open until 6 o'clock. Proceeded to ballot for Town Officers. The Moderator called a recess for 30 minutes. Met after recess and proceeded to ballot for town of- ficers. The whole number of ballots cast 464. Blanks 15. For Town Clerk Ben Peaslee had 2 Frank H. Peaslee had 396 and was declared elected by the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office by law prescribed. For Town Treasurer Henry T. Osborne had 379 and was declared elected by the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office by law prescribed. For Selectman for Three Years Haven E. Moody had 186 Gordon W. Porter had 252 and was declared elected by the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office by law prescribed. 3 For Road Agent — North Division George H. Dwinnells had 125 Charles F. Bennett had 292 and was declared elected by the Moderator. For Road Agent — East Division S. E. Bean had 1 Bryan W. Sargent had 364 and was declared elected by the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office by law prescribed. For Road Agent — South Division Malcom Dearborn had 1 Frank A. Philbrick had 380 and was declared elected by the Moderator. For Overseer of the Poor Harry W. Langlan had 2 Samuel D. Chase had 378 and was declared elected by the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office by law prescribed. Article 2. Upon motion of Clarence E. Leeds, voted to raise the sum of $8,000 to defray town charges. Article 3. Upon motion of Frank H. Peaslee, voted that Fred C. Jones be authorized to cast one ballot for Scott F. Eastman for Trustee of the Trust Funds for three years. This being done' the Moderator declared Scott F. Eastman elected a Trustee of the Trust Funds for three years. Article 4. Upon motion of Scott P. Eastman, voted that the Clerk be authorized to cast one ballot for Dorris D. Eaton, Trustee of the Library for three years. This being done the Moderator declared Dorris D. Eaton elected a Trustee of the Library for three years. Article 5. Upon motion of Charles H. Stafford that we raise the sum of $6,500, George A. Waterman offered an amendment to raise the sum of $5,500. The motion as amended was carried. Article 6. Upon motion of Clarence S. Still, voted to raise the sum of $75.00. Article 7. Upon motion of Gordon W. Porter, voted to raise the sum of $1,414.14 to be used with the sum of $5,656.55 to be furnished by the State. Article 8. Upon motion of Wilbur W. Kamp, voted that it be left with the Selectmen. Article 9. LTpon motion of Charles F. Eastman, voted that the discount on taxes be the same as last year. Article 10. Upon motion of Franklin Flanders, voted that the Selectmen be authorized to hire money in antici- pation of taxes. Article 11. Upon motion of Fred C. Jones, voted to raise the sum of $1,515.00 to be used with a like sum furnished by the State for State Aid on the Deering Road. Article 12. L^pon motion of Clarence S. Still, voted to raise the sum of $800 for two miles of black top road tar. T Article 13. L pon motion of James L. Hills, voted to raise the sum of $800 for the Weare Fire Department. Article 14. Upon motion of Bernard L. Phelps, voted to raise the snm of $100 for Water Holes. Article 15. Upon motion of Clarence S. Still, voted to raise the sum of $150. Article 16. Upon motion of Clarence E. Leeds, voted to raise the sum of $800 for W. P. A. projects. Article 17. Upon motion of Franklin Flanders, voted to raise the sum of $200 for Band Concerts. Article 18. Upon motion of George M. Grinn, voted to dismiss the Article. Article 19. Upon motion of Charles F. Eastman, voted to dismiss the Article. Article 20. Upon motion of Fred C. Jones that the Selectmen be authorized to sell real estate acquired by the Town through Tax Collector's deeds. Charles F. Eastman offered an amendment to sell at Public Auction properly advertised real estate acquired by the Town through Tax Collector's deeds. The motion as amended was carried. Article 21. Upon motion of Denton Dearborn, voted that the Article be indefinitely postponed. Article 22. Upon motion of Clarence E. Leeds, voted that the Selectmen appoint a committee to serve on the plan of the State Forestry Department. Article 23. LTpon motion of Frank H. Peaslee, voted to raise the sum of $100 for new books for the Library. Article 24. Upon motion of Clarence S. Still, voted to dismiss the Article. Article 25. Upon motion of Ernest A. Paige to adopt the Article was lost. Upon motion of Ernest A. Paige, voted to dismiss the Article. Article 26. Upon motion of George A. Waterman, voted that the Road Agents have charge of Town Roads both Winter and Summer under supervision of the Selectmen as required by Law. Article 27. Upon motion of Ernest A. Paige that the Selectmen have cut and yarded 50 cords of wood for town purposes, at prevailing prices and charge the School Board $.50 per cord. George M. Gunn offered an amendment that we strike out the $.50 to be paid by the School Board. The motion as amended was carried. Article 28. Upon motion of Theodore W. Flanders, voted that we accept the Article according to the agree- ments submitted, and that we raise the sum of $150.00. Article 29. Upon motion of Gerald H. Hight, voted that the Committee appointed last year be extended for another year. (Article 14 — 1940). Upon motion of Charles F. Eastman, voted that the name of the Weare Reservoir be changed to Lake Horace. A true copy of record. Attest : FRANK H. PEASLEE, Town Clerk. TOWN OFFICERS Moderator ALFRED OSBORNE Selectmen FRED C. JONES GORDON W. PORTER SAMUEL D. CHASE Town Clerk FRANK H. PEASLEE Town Treasurer HENRY OSBORNE Supervisors ELWIN L. HARDY J. L. HILLS FRANKLIN FLANDERS Trustees of Trust Funds ALFRED OSBORNE ALLEN W. SAWYER ELWIN L. HARDY Overseer of Poor SAMUEL D. CHASE School Board CLARENCE S. STILL MABEL JACOBS ELSIE PURINGTON Library Trustees DORIS D. EATON HELEN DEARBORN EVA M. SAWYER 8 Collector of Taxes CHESTER W. FRENCH Agent for Stone Fund ALFRED OSBORNE Forest Fire Warden CHARLES F. EASTMAN Forest Fire Deputies T. J. EASTMAN GEORGE H. NICHOLS GERALD HIGHT R. A. BARNARD LEWIS HAINES CHARLES 0. STEVENS Fire Wards SAMUEL D. CHASE GERALD H. HIGHT FRED C. JONES THOMAS J. EASTMAN Health Officer JOHN F. TIERNEY Auditors THEODORE W. FLANDERS CHARLES F. EASTMAN GORDON F. BOYNTON Road Agents East Division B. W. SARGENT North Division CHARLES BENNETT South Division F. A. PHILBRICK : THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE To the Inhabitants of the Town of Weare, in the County of Hillsborough, in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said Weare on Tuesday, the tenth day of March, next, at nine of the clock in the forenoon, to act upon the fol- lowing subjects: 1. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing. 2. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray town charges for the ensuing year and make ap- propriations of the same. 3. To choose by separate ballot one Trustee of the Trust Funds for three years. 4. To choose by separate ballot one Trustee of the Library for three years. 5. To ses what sum of money the Town will raise and appropriate for the repair of highways and bridges, re- serving 50 per cent for winter roads. 6. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the observance of Memorial Day. 7. To make provision for the collection of taxes. 8. To see if the Town will vote to allow a discount on taxes. 9 10 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri- ate the snm of $1,504.00 to be used with the sum of $6,016.00 furnished by the State, for State Aid on the Deering Road. 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to hire money in anticipation of taxes. 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sum of money for W. P. A. projects. 12. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the AVeare Fire Department. 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $100.00 for the repair of water holes.
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