JANUARY 31, 1942









Year Ending January 31, 1 942

Bridge & Byron concord, n. h. 1942 Vv JDtez


March 11, 1941

At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Weare, on the 11th day of March 1941 at 9 o'clock in the forenoon. The meeting was called to order and the Warrant read by the Moderator Alfred Osborne. Also posting of the Checklist by the Supervisors. Whole number of names on the Checklist, 884.

Article 1. Upon motion of Gordon W. Porter, voted to keep the polls open until 6 o'clock. Proceeded to ballot for Town Officers. The Moderator called a recess for 30 minutes. Met after recess and proceeded to ballot for town of- ficers. The whole number of ballots cast 464. Blanks 15.

For Town Clerk

Ben Peaslee had 2 Frank H. Peaslee had 396 and was declared elected by the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office by law prescribed.

For Town Treasurer

Henry T. Osborne had 379 and was declared elected by the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office by law prescribed.

For Selectman for Three Years

Haven E. Moody had 186 Gordon W. Porter had 252 and was declared elected by the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office by law prescribed. 3

For Road Agent — North Division

George H. Dwinnells had 125 Charles F. Bennett had 292 and was declared elected by the Moderator.

For Road Agent — East Division

S. E. Bean had 1 Bryan W. Sargent had 364 and was declared elected by the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office by law prescribed.

For Road Agent — South Division

Malcom Dearborn had 1 Frank A. Philbrick had 380 and was declared elected by the Moderator.

For Overseer of the Poor

Harry W. Langlan had 2 Samuel D. Chase had 378 and was declared elected by the Moderator and in open meeting took the oath of office by law prescribed.

Article 2. Upon motion of Clarence E. Leeds, voted to raise the sum of $8,000 to defray town charges.

Article 3. Upon motion of Frank H. Peaslee, voted that Fred C. Jones be authorized to cast one ballot for Scott F. Eastman for Trustee of the Trust Funds for three years. This being done' the Moderator declared Scott F. Eastman elected a Trustee of the Trust Funds for three years. Article 4. Upon motion of Scott P. Eastman, voted that the Clerk be authorized to cast one ballot for Dorris D. Eaton, Trustee of the Library for three years. This being done the Moderator declared Dorris D. Eaton elected a Trustee of the Library for three years.

Article 5. Upon motion of Charles H. Stafford that we raise the sum of $6,500, George A. Waterman offered an amendment to raise the sum of $5,500. The motion as amended was carried.

Article 6. Upon motion of Clarence S. Still, voted to raise the sum of $75.00.

Article 7. Upon motion of Gordon W. Porter, voted to raise the sum of $1,414.14 to be used with the sum of $5,656.55 to be furnished by the State.

Article 8. Upon motion of Wilbur W. Kamp, voted that it be left with the Selectmen.

Article 9. LTpon motion of Charles F. Eastman, voted that the discount on taxes be the same as last year.

Article 10. Upon motion of Franklin Flanders, voted that the Selectmen be authorized to hire money in antici- pation of taxes.

Article 11. Upon motion of Fred C. Jones, voted to raise the sum of $1,515.00 to be used with a like sum furnished by the State for State Aid on the Deering Road.

Article 12. L^pon motion of Clarence S. Still, voted to raise the sum of $800 for two miles of black top road tar.

T Article 13. L pon motion of James L. Hills, voted to raise the sum of $800 for the Weare Fire Department. Article 14. Upon motion of Bernard L. Phelps, voted to raise the snm of $100 for Water Holes.

Article 15. Upon motion of Clarence S. Still, voted to raise the sum of $150.

Article 16. Upon motion of Clarence E. Leeds, voted to raise the sum of $800 for W. P. A. projects.

Article 17. Upon motion of Franklin Flanders, voted to raise the sum of $200 for Band Concerts.

Article 18. Upon motion of George M. Grinn, voted to dismiss the Article.

Article 19. Upon motion of Charles F. Eastman, voted to dismiss the Article.

Article 20. Upon motion of Fred C. Jones that the Selectmen be authorized to sell real estate acquired by the Town through Tax Collector's deeds.

Charles F. Eastman offered an amendment to sell at Public Auction properly advertised real estate acquired by the Town through Tax Collector's deeds. The motion as amended was carried.

Article 21. Upon motion of Denton Dearborn, voted that the Article be indefinitely postponed.

Article 22. Upon motion of Clarence E. Leeds, voted that the Selectmen appoint a committee to serve on the plan of the State Forestry Department.

Article 23. LTpon motion of Frank H. Peaslee, voted to raise the sum of $100 for new books for the Library.

Article 24. Upon motion of Clarence S. Still, voted to dismiss the Article. Article 25. Upon motion of Ernest A. Paige to adopt the Article was lost.

Upon motion of Ernest A. Paige, voted to dismiss the Article.

Article 26. Upon motion of George A. Waterman, voted that the Road Agents have charge of Town Roads both Winter and Summer under supervision of the Selectmen as required by Law.

Article 27. Upon motion of Ernest A. Paige that the Selectmen have cut and yarded 50 cords of wood for town purposes, at prevailing prices and charge the School Board $.50 per cord.

George M. Gunn offered an amendment that we strike out the $.50 to be paid by the School Board. The motion as amended was carried.

Article 28. Upon motion of Theodore W. Flanders, voted that we accept the Article according to the agree- ments submitted, and that we raise the sum of $150.00.

Article 29. Upon motion of Gerald H. Hight, voted that the Committee appointed last year be extended for another year. (Article 14 — 1940).

Upon motion of Charles F. Eastman, voted that the name of the Weare Reservoir be changed to Lake Horace.

A true copy of record. Attest :





Town Clerk


Town Treasurer HENRY OSBORNE




Overseer of Poor


School Board


Library Trustees


Collector of Taxes CHESTER W. FRENCH

Agent for Stone Fund ALFRED OSBORNE

Forest Fire Warden


Forest Fire Deputies


Fire Wards


Health Officer




Road Agents

East Division B. W. SARGENT North Division CHARLES BENNETT South Division F. A. PHILBRICK :


To the Inhabitants of the Town of Weare, in the County of Hillsborough, in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said Weare on Tuesday, the tenth day of March, next, at nine of the clock in the forenoon, to act upon the fol- lowing subjects:

1. To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing.

2. To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray town charges for the ensuing year and make ap- propriations of the same.

3. To choose by separate ballot one Trustee of the Trust Funds for three years.

4. To choose by separate ballot one Trustee of the Library for three years.

5. To ses what sum of money the Town will raise and appropriate for the repair of highways and bridges, re- serving 50 per cent for winter roads.

6. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the observance of Memorial Day.

7. To make provision for the collection of taxes.

8. To see if the Town will vote to allow a discount on taxes.

9 10

9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri- ate the snm of $1,504.00 to be used with the sum of $6,016.00 furnished by the State, for State Aid on the Deering Road.

10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to hire money in anticipation of taxes.

11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sum of money for W. P. A. projects.

12. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the AVeare Fire Department.

13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $100.00 for the repair of water holes.

14. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for band concerts.

15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $100.00 for new books for the library.

16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $400.00 for Pine Blister Rust.

17. To see what sum of money the Town will raise and appropriate for police and health departments, due to the emergency.

18. To see what sum of money the Town will raise and appropriate for use at the Chase Recreation Park. Also to take any other vote relating thereto.

19. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to administer or dispose of any real estate acquired by the town throughL c?- Tax Collector's deeds.

20. To see if the Town will vote to install toilets in the town hall and raise and appropriate money for the same. 11

21. To see if the Town will vote to clean np around the town buildings and land at Weare Center and raise and appropriate a sum of money for the same.

22. To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $150 to be combined with the $150 raised last year to erect a fire house at East Weare.

23. To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting.

Given under our hands and seal, this twentieth day of February in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-two.


Estimate of Revenue and Expenditures for the Ensuing

Actual Revenue and Expenditures of the Previous

Actual Estimated revenue revenue Sources of Revenue previous ensuing Increase Decrease year. 1941 vear, 1942 FROM STATE: Interest and Dividends Tax .... $196.67 $196.67 Railroad Tax 256.08 256.08 Savings Bank Tax 924.71 924.71 For Fighting Forest Fires 416.90 416.90 Class V Roads 4.769.00 4,769.00 Tax Abatements on State owned land 156.37 156.37 FROM LOCAL SOURCES EXCEPT TAXES: Rent of Town Hall and Other Buildings 65.50 65.50 Interest Received on Taxes and Deposits 995.13 995.13 Use of Town Pump 29.00 29.00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees .... 1,744.53 1.744.5:! FROM LOCAL TAXES OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAXES: Poll Taxes 1,004.81 1.004.81 TOTAL REVENUES FROM ALL SOURCES EXCEPT PROP- ERTY TAXES $10,558.70 $10,558.70 AMT. TO BE RAISED BY PROPERTY TAXES 39.487.58 TOTAL REVENUES 50.046.28

12 : : : : : : :


Year, February 1, 1942 to January 31, 1943, Compared with

Year, February 1, 1941 to January 31, 1942

Actual Estimated expenditures expenditures Purpose of Expenditures previous ensuing Increase Decrease year, 1941 year, 1942 CURRENT MAINTENANCE EXPENSES: General Government Town Officers' Salaries $1,432.14 $1,432.14 Town Officers' Expenses .... 1,065.47 1,065.47 Election and Registration Expenses 16.00 186.80 $170.80 Expenses Town Hall and Other Town Buildings 483.11 483.11 Protection of Persons and Property: Police Department including care of tramps 231.37 231.37 Fire Department, forest fires .-. 2,028.29 2.028.29 Health: Health Department, including dump 111.52 111.52 Vital Statistics 40.25 40.25

Emergency Water Pumping . . 29.60 $29.60 Highways and Bridges: Town Maintenance 6.768.73 7.500.00 731.27 Street Lighting 80.04 80.04 General Expenses of Highway Department 1,824.14 1.824.14 Town Road Aid 1,238.94 1,238.94 W. P. A. Road Project 531.51 600.00 68.49 Public Welfare Town Poor 2,796.70 2,796.70 Old Age Assistance 1,721.44 2.000.00 278.56 Patriotic Purposes Memorial Dav and Other Celebrations 75.00 75.00 Aid to Soldiers and their families 37.72 37.72 Recreation Parks and Plavgrounds. in- cluding band concerts 320.92 320.92 Public Service Enterprises: Expense on Propertv Account Tax Collector Deeds 56.74 156.74 100.00 Cemeteries 10.69 10.69 Interest On Temporary Loans 210.00 210.00 On Long Term Notes 660.00 630.00 30.00 OUTLAY FOR NEW CONSTRUC- TION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT Highways and Bridges State Aid Construction — ToAvn's Share 1.504.00 1,504.00

Water Hole Appropriation . . . 100.52 100.00 .52 INDEBTEDNESS: Pavment on Principal of Debt: Long Term Notes 1.000.00 1.000.00 PAYMENTS TO OTHER GOVERN- MENTAL DIVISIONS: Oountv Taxes 8.886.16 8,804.63 81.53

Payments to School Districts . . 15,927.44 16.827.44 900.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $47,684.44 $50,046.28 $3,753.12 $1,391.28

13 :: : : :


For Fiscal Year Ended January 31, 1942

Assets Cash: In hands of treasurer (do not include sinking funds) $1,123.16 In hand of officials 30.00 Tax Collector 160.27 Accounts Due to the Town Due from State Hedgehog bounties 55.60 Due from County January. 1942. county cash cases 30.00

I >ther bills due Town Due on Felch farm 1.400.00 Note and mortgage. Forrest Dearborn 800.00 Unredeemed Taxes: 'from tax sale on account of) Levy of 1940 1.956.39 Levy of 1939 1.208.71 Previous years 1.712.17 Uncollected Taxes Levy of 1941 11.100.83 Levy of 1940 80.26 Levy of 1939 6.00 Previous vears 2.00

Total assets $19,665.39 Excess of liabilities over assets (net debt) 9.838.83

Grand Total $29,504.22

Net debt January 31. 1941 10.919.77 Xet debt January 31. 1942 9.838.83 Decrease of debt $1,080.94

14 : : : : :



Accounts Owed by the Town: Due to School Districts: Dog licenses $191.95 Balance of appropriation 8,312.27 Long Term Notes Outstanding As listed in town report 21,000.00

Total liabilities $29,504.22

Grand total $29,504.22

Receipts Current Revenue From Local Taxes Total taxes committed to Collector, 1941 $43,799.08 Less discounts and abatements, 1941 446.86 Less uncollected, 1941 11,100.83

Property taxes, current year, actually col- lected $30,086.31 Poll taxes, current year, actually collected 1,004.81

Total of current year's collections $31,091.12 Property and poll taxes, previous years, actually collected 13,352.56 Tax sales redeemed 2,555.39 Tax abatements, state owned land 156.37 From State For Highways and Bridges For Class V highway maintenance 4,769.00 Reimbursement Old Age assistance 55.47 Interest and dividend tax 196.67 Railroad tax 256.08 Savings bank tax 924.71 : : : : :


Fighting forest fin - 416.90

Bourn s 47.80 From County For support of poor 420.73 From Local Sources, Except Tax-- Dog licens « 27*147

Use of town pump _ LOO Lumber sold by town 523.05 Rent of town property 65.50 Interest received on tax— 15.13 Dynamite and caps sold by town 12.54 Tractor sold by town 25.00 Refunds 24.i"i Registration of motor vehicles, 1941-42 permits 1.731.7b Registration of motor vehicles, 1942-43 permits 12.77 Receipts Other than Current Revenue Temporary loans in anticipation of tax-- during year 14.000.00

Total receipts from all sources - 1.038.04

-ii on hand Februarv 1. 1941 55.26

Grand total $74,993.30


Current Maintenance Expense : General Government

Town officers' salaries -Si. 432. 14 Town officers' expenses 1.065.47 Election and registration expenses 16.00 Issuing auto permits 165.00

Expense - * >wn hall and other town buildings 483.11 Protection of Persons and Property

Police department, including care of tram] - 231.37

Fire department. includin_ : resl fi - 2,028.29 : : : : : :


» Fire house appropriation 67.00 Bounties 55.60 Damage by dogs 84.52 Health Health department, including dump 111.52 Vital statistics 40.25 Emergency water pumping 29.60 Highways and Bridges Town road aid 1,238.94 Town maintenance 6,768.73 Street lighting 80.04 General expenses of Highway Department 1,824.14 W. P. A. road project 531.51 Public Welfare Old age assistance 1,721.44 Town poor 2,796.70 County poor 362.18 Patriotic Purposes Aid to G. A. R. Memorial Day exercises 75.00 Aid to soldiers and their families 37.72 Recreation: Parks and playgrounds, including band concerts 320.92 Public Service Enterprises Expenses on property acquired through Tax Collector's deeds 56.74 Appropriations to water holes 100.52 Cemeteries 10.69 Unclassified Refunds on auto permits 8.16 Damages and legal expenses 19.00 Taxes bought by town 3,260.14 Overtax 164.10 Interest Paid on temporary loans in anticipation of taxes 210.00 Paid on long term notes 660.00 : :


Indebtedness Payments on temporary loans in anticipa- tion of taxes 22,000.00 Payments on long term notes 1,000.00 Payments to Other Governmental Divisions Taxes paid to County 8,886.16 Payments to School Districts 15,927.44

Total payments for all purposes $73,870.14 Cash on hand January 31, 1942 1,123.16

Grand total $74,993.30 : : : :


Town hall, lands and buildings, valued as insured $9,000.00 Furniture and equipment 400.00 Libraries, lands and buildings 16,000.00 Furniture and equipment 500.00 Fire Department Equipment 7,400.00 Highway Department Lands, buildings and equipment 2,000.00 Materials and supplies 500.00 Schools Lands, buildings and equipment 25,000.00 All lands and buildings acquired through Tax Collector's deeds 8,730.00 All other property and equipment Town farm 2,000.00 Total $71,530.00


This is to certiiy that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete to the best of cur knowledge and belief. SAMUEL D. CHASE, FRED C. JONES, GORDON W. PORTER, Selectmen. HENRY T. OSBORNE, Treasurer.

February 1, 1942.

We have examined the foregoing accounts of the Select- men and find vouchers and footings correct. THEO. W. FLANDERS, C. F. EASTMAN, GORDON F. BOYNTON, Auditors. :


Amoskeag Nat onal Bank $1,000. dated Sept. 15, 1937, due Sept. 15, 1942 Amoskeag Nat onal Bank 1.000, dated Sept. 15, 1937. due Sept. 15. 1943 Amoskeag Nat onal Bank 1.000, dated Sept. 15, 1937. due Sept. 15, 1944 Amoskeag Nat onal Bmk 1.000, dated Sept. 15. 1937. due Sept. 15. 1945 Amoskeag Nat onal Bank 2.000, dated Sept. 15, 1937. due Sept. 15, 1946 Amoskeag NaT onal Bank 2.000, dated Sept. 15, 1937, due Sept. 15, 1947 Amoskeag Nat onal Bank 2.000, dated Sept. 15, 1937. due Sept. 15. 1948 Amoskeag Nat onal Bank 2.000, dated Sept. 15, 1937. due Sept. 15. 1949 Amoskeag Nat onal Bank 2.000, dated Sept. 15, 1937. due Sept. 15, 1950 Amoskeag Nat onal Bank 2.000, dated Sept. 15, 1937. due Sept. 15, 1951 Amoskeag Nat onal Bank 2.000, dated Sept. 15, 1937. due Sept. 15. 1952 Amoskeag Nat onal Bank 2.000, dated Sept. 15. 1937. due Sept. 15. 1953 Amoskeag Nat lonal Bunk 1.000, dated Sept. 15, 1937. due Sept. 15. 1954

Total $21,000


Following- is the summary of the property taN warrant, lew of 1941, as of today's date


Amount of warrant $42,211.58 Added taxes 31.50 Interest collected 18.18



Paid to Treasurer $31,104.49 Cash on hand 160.27 Taxes uncollected 10,549.64 Discounts allowed 446.86 Abatements None



Land and buildings $819,036.00 Electric utilities 70,540.00 108 Horses 7,435.00 8 Oxen 545.00 373 Cows 20,080.00 66 Neat stock 1,870.00 133 Sheep 911.00 38,841 Fowls 34,359.00 200 Fur bearing animals 800.00 5 Portable mills 760.00 Wood and lumber 13,185.00 24 Gasoline pumps 2,545.00 Stock in trade 19,750.00 Mills and machinery 11,200.00

Total valuation $1,003,016.00

767 Polls $1,534.00 Soldiers' exemptions 34,566.00 Real estate exempt: Osborne Memorial Hall, South AVeare 4,000.00 Grange Hall, East Weare 1,500.00 22 DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS

Town Officers' Salaries

S. D. Chase, Selectman $240.00 F. C. Jones, Selectman 303.34 G. W. Porter, Selectman 269.80 Alfred Osborne. Moderator. March 11 5.00

Gordon Boynton, 3 1/> days auditing 14.00 T. W. Flanders, 4% days auditing 18.00 C. F. Eastman, 4 days auditing 16.00 J. L. Hills, 4 days supervisor work 16.00

E. L. Hardy. 4 days supervisor work, typing list 19.00 M. H. Sawyer, ballot clerk 4.00 Denton Dearborn, ballot clerk 4.00 Scott F. Eastman, ballot clerk 4.00 Bernard Gunn, ballot clerk 4.00 C. W. French, Collector on 1940 collection 100.00 C. W. French, Collector on 1941 collection 200.00 Henry Osborne, 1941 Treasurer's salary 150.00 F. H. Peaslee, Town Clerk's salary 50.00 S. D. Chase, salary of Overseer of Poor 15.00

Total $1,432.14

Town Officers' Expenses

Weare Telephone Co., telexmone service and tolls $89.40 S. D. Chase, use of car. postage and expenses 62.50 G. W. Porter, use of car. postage and expenses 45.33 F. C. Jones, use of car, postage and supplies 30.16 X. H. Assessor's Ass'n. required 2.00 Weare Grange, dinners for town officers 6.15 G. A. Waterman, service as constable, town meeting day 4.00 Bridge & Byron, town reports, supplies 225.73 J. L. Hills, bonds for town officers 95.00 23

Stanley K. Lovell, ballots 13.25 Brown & Saltmarsh, supplies 23.27 T. W. Flanders, postage 1.49 Donat Corriveau, recording deeds, mortgages, etc. 21.68 W. J. Boisclaire, furnishing 16 names 1.60 Wheeler & Clark, supplies 68.86 Alfred Osborne, 2 deeds and revenue stamps 3.10 Maxwell Press, supplies and printing for Tax Collector 38.16 A. D. Eastman, supplies .78 Messenger Pub. Co., Selectmen's notice 1.00 Mabel Jacobs, time searching titles 20.96 C. W. French, expenses of tax sales 260.75

Evelyn N. Twombly, Tax Collector's Ass'n dues * 2.00 F. H. Peaslee, copying inventory, postage and supplies 48.30

Total $1,065.47

Election and Registration

Scott F. Eastman, services as ballot clerk at Primary $4.00 Scott F. Eastman, services as ballot clerk at election 4.00

Total $8.00

Town Hall

Burnham Davis, janitor, town hall $53.76 M. H. Sawyer, janitor, town hall 17.44 P. S. Co. of N. H., lights, town hall and office 90.67 Johnson's Express, express 1.20 F. C. Jones, supplies 9.53 W. S. Hall, labor and supplies at town hall 11.48 A. F. Brown, 8 window shades 22.00 L. Moody, sawing wood 18.15 John Prescott, raking lawn .75 24

T. W. Flanders, supplies and labor 10.84 H. 0. Koford, tuning 2 pianos, repairing, and 2 new strings 10.00 C. C. Gregg, repairing and sharpening lawn mower 1.50 J. B. Varick Co., supplies 2.75 Fred Cleveland, labor 3.00 Manchester Supply Co., supplies 1.24 A. Kenneth Hambleton, Insurance on town hall 175.00 Weare Mut. Fire Ins. Co., assessments 1.80 George E. Dodge, supplies 2.40 G. W. Porter, time and labor 5.50 F. A. Philbrick, hauling wood to town hall from town farm 15.00 S. D. Chase, 3 cords wood 18.00 Ralph Perkins, labor 11.10

Total $483.11


W. S. Hall, care of tramps $126.03 Dr. E. B. Sweat, medical examination 5.00 J. L. Hills, police duty 2.00 G. W. Porter, police duty 12.00 G. E. Dodge, police duty 76.50 Chas. Hurlburt, supplies .70 Kenneth Dodge, police duty 2.25 L. Moody, police duty 2.00 F. C. Jones & Co., supplies 4.89

Total $231.37

Fire Department

F. H. Peaslee, coal for fire house $17.81 M. H. Sawyer, janitor 6.00 F. C. Jones & Co., supplies 39.56 Pauline McGilvary, rent, E. Weare fire truck 96.00 John Prescott, pay-rolls, men at fires 193.76 25

Gerald Hight, time, labor and supplies at fires 18.50 Blanchard Associates, Inc., supplies 37.47 John Prescott, janitor 6.00 John Prescott, supplies 2.95 C. W. Hurlburt, supplies 1.82 Johnson's Express, express 1.65 Wilford Hall, supplies .20 G. E. Eaton, time at fires 1.00 Chester French, time at fires 1.00 Iru M. Waite, insurance on E. Weare fire truck 44.75 A. K. Hambleton, insurance on S. Weare fire truck 44.75 S. Bussell, labor 10.80 T. W. Flanders, supplies and labor 11.00 Wade Knowlton, insurance on Center fire truck 52.65 Dow & Colburn, supplies .40 Henry Nichols, labor and supplies 23.49 Weare Telephone Co., fire house phone 22.92 F. Gordon Kimball, 1940-1941 Firemen's Ins. 222.00

State of N. II., Forestry Dept., tools 33.15 South Weare Garage, Inc., labor and supplies 105.91 A. D. Eastman, supplies .80 N. H. Explosive Co., labor 7.85 R. W. Johnson, labor 2.70

Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co., 500 ft. fire hose 317.50 Sanborn Carriage Co., lettering: fire truck 8.50 Total $1,332.89

W. P. A. Road Work

F. C. Jones & Co., cement and supplies $249.26 Henry Nichols, supplies 11.30 Corner Grocery, supplies 2.70 A. D. Eastman, supplies 1.00 Johnson's Express, express 1.25 Marion and Shirley Gove, gravel 50.00 Wm. Wheldon, trucking 39.00 G. W. Porter, time and mileage 177.00 Total $531.51 26

T. R. A.

Our share with State $1,238.94

Street Lighting at Riverdale

Paid P. S. Co. of N. H. $80.04


S. D. Chase, labor, cleaning and burning dump» $43.40 John Prescott, labor, cleaning and burning dumpnp 27.20 Douglas Lafond, labor at dump 6.75 Charles Philbrick, labor at dump 3.19 R. G. Hollis, labor at dump 4.50 Wm. Bartlett, labor at dump 4.13 S. D. Chase, rent of town dump 15.00

Total $104.17

Water Hole Appropriation

Paid appropriation $100.00 Paid over-run .52

Total $100.52

Forest Fires

Paid forest fire bills, order C. F. Eastman, 1941 $695.40 State reimburses us 50 per cent of above.

Expenses on Town Property

Paid to repair buildings acquired through tax sales $21.20 Paid insurance on buildings acquired through tax sales 35.54

Total $56.74 27


Wm. Syms, soldier $42.00 Forrest Dearborn 85.00 Allison Drewry 4.62 Chester Moody 32.48

Total $164.10

Memorial Day

Paid appropriation $75.00

Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds

F. C. Jones & Co., supplies $14.11 Allen W. Sawyer, lumber 17.40 Dow & Colburn, supplies 28.94 Corner Grocery, supplies 1.92 Thomas J. Eastman, sawing- lumber 7.00 Johnson's Express, express .15 A. D. Eastman, supplies 1.00 Gilbert Spooner, yarding lumber 17.60 Wm. Camp, life guard duties 28.80 National Decorating & Renovating Co., supplies 4.00

Total $120.92

Weare Band

Paid vote of Town for band concerts $200.00


S. D. Chase, Selectman, paid for 61 hedgehog heads $12.20 G. W. Porter, Selectman, paid for 65 hedgehog heads 13.00 28

F. C. Jones, Selectman, paid for 152 hedgehog heads 30.40

Total $55.60

Dog Damage

J. E. Stevens, poultry damage $17.00 John Dunnells, poultry damage 20.00 Viola Flanders, poultry damage 3.00 Animal Rescue League, killing 2 dogs 2.50 Abraham Wimple, killing 2 dogs 4.00

Geo. Dodge, poultry damage . 38.02

Total $84.52

Health Department

John Prescott, pumping out wells $2.00 Henry Nichols, supplies for well pump 5.35

Total $7.35

East Weare Fire House Appropriation

Wm. Wheldon, drawing lumber $39.00 Gilman & Son, sawing lumber for fire house 28.00

Total $67.00

Vital Statistics

Frank H. Peaslee, recording marriages, births and deaths $34.50 Samuel Fraser, M. D., reporting 2 deaths .50 Richard A. Backus, M. D. reporting 6 deaths 1.50 E. W. Gillander, M. D., reporting 3 deaths .75 Dr. B. Alfred Dumm, reporting 1 marriage .25 Oliver M. Frazer, reporting 1 marriage .25 Louis W. Swanson, reporting 1 marriage .25 29

J. A. H. Plowright, reporting 1 marriage .25 Wilbur W. Kamp, reporting 3 marriages .75 Austin H. Reed, reporting 1 marriage .25 Franklin Flanders, reporting 3 marriages .75 Alfred Osborne, reporting 1 marriage .25


Old Age Assistance

Amount paid by town, 25% $1,721.44

Town Poor

Amount paid by town $2,796.70

County Poor

Amount paid by town $362.18 County reimbursed us 100%. Soldiers' aid $37.72


Paid Welcome Wilson for work in cemetery $10.69

Emergency Water Pumping

Paid John Prescott, pumping water $14.53 Paid Henry Nichols, labor and supplies 15.07

Total $29.60

Damages and Legal Expenses

Hamel Auto Body Co. $9.00 J. L. Turner, loss of boat in flood 10.00

Total $19.00 30

Taxes Bought by Town

Bought of Collector French $3,260.14

Auto Refunds

Paid Murry Wood, refund on auto tax $8.16

Issuing Auto Permits

Paid Frank H. Peaslee, Clerk, for auto permits $165.00


Paid Amoskeag Xat'l Bank, long term note int. $660.00 Paid Amoskeag Nat'l Bank, temporary note int. 210.00

Total $870.00

Temporary Loans

Paid Amoskeag Nat'l Bank, temporary loan $22,000.00 There are no unpaid ones.

Long Term Notes

Paid Amoskeag Xat'l Bank for note due Sep- tember 15, 1941 $1,000.00

County Tax

Paid county tax $8,886.16

School District

Paid B. O. Sawyer, Treasurer, bal. of 1940 $7,316.97 Paid B. O. Sawyer, Treasurer, bal. 1940 dog tax 110.47 Paid B. O. Sawyer, Treasurer, on 1941 appro. 8,500.00

Total $15,927.44 31

General Expenses of Highway Department

State of New Hampshire, tar $392.80 Koscoe Dearborn, labor 5.25 Ture Neilson, labor 2.40 Ralph Edmunds, labor 22.50 Merrimack Co. Farmers' Exchange, supplies 31.75 Almon Favor, labor 3.38 Bryan Sargent, labor 7.50 So. Weare Garage, Inc., labor and supplies 10.70 George Dodge, supplies 26.40 Howard Gove, truck labor 74.20 C. F. Bennett, foreman 50.00 C. F. Bennett, truck 82.50 Ralph Chancey, labor 3.00 Gilbert Spooner, labor 8.00 Wm. Wheldon, truck labor 84.40 G. W. Porter, labor 48.00 G. A. Russell, bridge material 11.80 A. C. Dow, labor and truck work 26.40 Wesley Herrick, painting 2 special signs 6.50 N. H. Explosive Co., drilling and supplies 127.07 Dorothy Eastman, dynamite 4.55 Wm. Parker, labor 2.25 Harold Buxton, labor 3.00 Harold Morse, labor 16.55 John Silver, labor 1.50 John B. Yarrick Co., supplies 30.69 L. O. Turner, labor 2.63 H. Parsons, truck labor 25.20 T. J. Eastman, sawing and drawing lumber 135.60 F. C. Jones & Co., supplies and cement 363.02 Johnson's Express, express 7.35 Corner Grocery, supplies 1.90 F. A. Philbrick, grader work 20.40 F. A. Philbrick, foreman 9.50 F. A. Philbrick, truck work 6.60 Burnham Davis, labor 3.00 32

Fred Cleveland, labor 9.20 A. D. Eastman, supplies 6.76 Lyons Iron Works, supplies 9.68 J. J. Moreau & Son, supplies 23.56 John Dwinnells, labor 2.00 Leon Peaslee, labor 6.40 R. W. Johnson, garage labor 10.55 Gilman & Son, sawing lumber 68.00 R. C. Hazelton Co., supplies 18.00 John Prescott, labor 8.00 B. L. Phelps, labor 3.00 J. A. LaChance, labor .70

Total $1,824.14

SUMMER ROADS — East Division

B. W. Sargent, Agent

B. W. Sargent, grading, truck work and labor $308.26 Chas. D. Eaton, labor 100.14 Daniel Eaton, labor 3.00

S. Bussell, labor 1.88 A. Peaslee, labor 113.45 F. Fisher, labor 26.63 H. Ineson, labor 30.00 B. L. Phelps, truck work 344.40 A. Wimpel, labor 3.00 Leo Gilman, labor 12.00 Eulalia Purington, truck work 157.20 George Gunn, gravel 8.60 Clara M. E. Favor, gravel 3.20 S. Chagrusolis, labor and material 4.00 S. E. Bean, use of grader and labor 162.90 C. S. George, gravel 9.20 T. Quackenbush, labor 19.50 James Bowie, labor 18.00 Harold Felch, labor 6.00 33

W. I. Bowie, labor 6.00 Fred Taro, labor 6.00 Walter Wilson, labor 71.76 Ralph Perkins, carpenter work on bridge 6.38 Harry Davis, labor 23.25 Harry Zouvelos, labor 19.13 J. W. Clark, labor 5.75 George Hamel, labor 3.00 Harold Morse, labor 8.25 Leon Peaslee, labor 1.13 F. C. Jones & Co., supplies 16.10 T W alter Keddy, labor 15.00 C. J. Rowell, labor 12.00 C. S. Still, gravel 1.90 John Wilson, labor 44.80 N. Bolieo, labor 44.80 Carroll Johnson, driving grader 16.90 Henry Friedrich, blacksmith work 3.10 Charles F. Bates, cutting bushes 6.40

Total $1,643.01

WINTER ROADS — East Division

B. W. Sargent, trucking, sanding and labor $156.24 Charles D. Eaton, labor 28.13 Howard Bowen, labor 20.63 A. Peaslee, labor 1.50 Howard Ineson, labor 1.13 Eulalia Purington, trucking, labor 53.90 L. V. Burbeck, sand 5.00 C. J. Rowell, labor 3.00 F. C. Jones & Co., supplies .04 Henry Friedrich, blacksmith work 1.85 Charles Boynton, labor .75 J. W. Clark, labor 1.50 S. E. Bean, plowing snow 298.50 Geo. Gunn, sand 3.60 34

Clara Favor, sand 1.80 Joe Malfet. gasoline 4.00 Daniel Eaton, labor 3.20 Leslie Eaton, labor 1.60 B. L. Phelps, truck and sanding 45.60 Leo Gilman. labor 9.20 Clarence Russell, labor 2.40 Carroll Johnson, labor 25.20 T. Qnackenbush. labor 1.60

Total $670.37

SUMMER ROADS — South Division

F. A. Philbrick, Agent

F. A. Philbrick. grading, trucking and labor $733.13 Harold Buxton, labor 154.13 Fred Chancer, labor 1.88 Ren Philbrick. labor 51.75 Ralph Perkins, labor 3.00 Ralph Chancer, labor 5.63 South Weare Garage. Inc., supplies and labor 4.65 A. D. Eastman, supplies .25 Ralph Edmunds, labor 12.38 H. H. Simons, labor 1.50

Total $968.30

WINTER ROADS — South Division

F. A. Philbrick. plowing, sanding, truck and labor $470.31 Harold Buxton, labor 54.38 Fred Chancey. labor 24.93 Leon Grant, tractor plowing 684.38 Murray Wood, labor 5.25 Ren Philbrick, labor 5.38 35

Ralph Chancey, labor 4.50 James Aston, labor 1.60

Total $1,250.73

SUMMER ROADS — North Division

C. F. Bennett, Agent

C. F. Bennett, grading, trucking, gravel and labor $626.07 Archie Dow, labor with truck 77.56 H. M. Gove, truck work and labor 170.03 Geo. Nichols, labor 3.83 C. A. Bradbury, labor 12.40 Lewis Haines, garage work 1.50 Bernard Gunn, labor 6.20 L. D. Varney, labor 28.51 Harold Fisk, labor 1.13 Geo. Gunn, gravel .90 J. Gaffney, labor 2.25 John Prescott, labor 2.66 F. A. Philbrick, labor 18.00 Dow & Colburn, supplies 1.25 Addison Weeks, labor 14.80

Total $967.09

WINTER ROADS — North Division

Locke Bros., labor $25.50 E. Marshall, labor, plowing snow 44.40 H. Parsons, snow splowing 327.00 C. F. Bennett, sanding, truck labor, labor 210.36 Addison Weeks, labor 41.15 Ralph Thompson, labor 2.45 H. M. Gove, truck work 46.80 Bernard Gunn, labor 3.76 A. C. Dow, truck work 36.30 36

Leon Grant, tractor plowing, 484.37 J. Jaffney, labor 9.75 Douglas Lafond, labor .75 Geo. Lafond, labor 1.13 Edward Sawyer, labor 1.13 Tom Richardson, labor 1.13 Geo. H. Nichols, labor 1.85 Percy Carter, labor 6.70 John Winslow, labor 2.40 Fred Drewry, labor .40 Raymond Thompson, labor 2.00 Clinton AVilson, labor 1.00 Malcolm Dearborn, truck labor 14.40 J. Abbott, labor 4.50

Total $1,269.23 :


We hereby authorize the abatement of the following taxes of the Levy of 1940

1940 Levy

Eaton, Blanche, unable to pay $2.00 Eaton, Frank E., left town 2.00 Emery, Forrest, illegal tax 2.00 Goodwin, Etta, unable to pay 2.00 Hoyt, Delia, unable to pay 5.96 Maskell, John, left town 2.00 Maskell, Viola, left town 2.00 Xeal, Amos, deceased 2.00 Prevoncher, Marie, unable to pay 2.00 Payette, Joseph, illegal tax 2.00 Rowell, Martha, left town 2.00 Simonds, Franklin, illegal tax 2.00 Smith, Fred R., unable to pay 2.00 Booth, George W., paid in Manchester 2.00 Booth, Esther, paid in Manchester 2.00 Butler, William L., unable to pay 2.00 Butler, Addie M., unable to pay 4.08 Clark, Dorothy, left town 2.00 Heath, Oswald, left town 2.00 Heath, Doris, left town 2.00 Mahmot, Helen, left town 2.00 Maxwell, Clinton, left town 2.00 Maxwell, Elsie, left town 2.00 Rainville, Alfred, left town 2.00 Stevens, Calvelle E., deceased 2.00 Stevens, Agnes, unable to pay 2.00 Smith, Harold, illegal tax 2.00 Smith, George, paid in Milford 2.00 Thompson, Mrs. Willis, illegal tax 2.00 Taylor, Theodore, left town 2.00

37 38

Taylor, Dorothy, left town 2.00 Warren, Scott, left town 2.00 Warren, Mildred, left town 2.00 Buckley, Francis, paid in Manchester 2.00 Buckley, Arline, left town 2.00 Davies, James D., in U. S. Army 2.00 Emerson, Thomas, veteran 2.00 Jones, Nellie, over 70 years of age 2.00 Lafond, William, unable to pay 2.00 Lafond, Ernest, in U. S. Army 2.00 Purington, Marion C, illegal tax 34.87 Reade, Anita, unable to pay 2.00 Turner, Arthur, illegal tax 2.00 Turner, Mary, illegal tax 2.00 Wheldon, Richard, illegal tax 2.00 AVheldon, Marian, illegal tax 2.00 Dodge, Margaret V., illegal tax 2.00 Byers, Louise, illegal tax 2.00 Total $134.91

1938 Levy

Tenney, Mabel, unable to pay $2.00

1939 Levy

Eaton, Frank E., left town $2.00 Stevens, Calvelle E., deceased 2.00 Lafond, Ernest, in IT. S. Army 2.00 Total $6.00

1940 Levy

Marion Richard, as of May 15, 1941, overtax $6.24

Paige and Bailey, as of Aug. 1, 1941, overtax 12.48 Peter Dlugosz, as of Oct. 26, 1941, overtax 6.74 Total $25.46


February 1, 1941 through January 31, 1942


Cash on hand February 1, 1941 $3,055.26 C. W. French, Tax Collector, 1938 taxes and interest 2.50 C. W. French, Tax Collector, 1939 taxes and interest 135.70 C. W. French, Tax Collector, 1940 taxes and interest 13,190.31 C. W. French, Tax Collector, 1941 taxes and interest 32,110.30 C. W. French, Tax Collector, tax redemptions 1936, '37, '38, '39, '40 2,555.39 F. H. Peaslee, Town Clerk, auto tax February

1, to December 31, 1941 1,731.76

F. H. Peaslee, Town Clerk, auto tax January 1, to January 31, 1942 12.77 F. H. Peaslee, Town Clerk, dog licenses 276.47 State of New Hampshire, tax reimbursement on state owned land 156.37 State of New Hampshire, forest fire reimburse- ment 278.50 State of New Hampshire, old age assistance re- imbursement 25.47 State of New Hampshire, reimbursement — William Wilson 30.00 State of New Hampshire, hedgehog bounty 47.80 State of New Hampshire, gasoline tax 4,769.00 State of New Hampshire, lumber sold by town 36.00 State of New Hampshire, railroad tax 256.08 State of New Hampshire, savings bank tax 924.71 State of New Hampshire, interest and dividends tax 196.67

39 40

Hillsborough County, relief reimbursement 390.75 Hillsborough County, relief reimbursement — Emma Gregg 30.00 Amoskeag National Bank, short term notes ,000.00 B. A. Davis, janitor, rent of town hall 13.50 M. H. Sawyer, janitor, rent of town hall 9.00 The Rebekahs, rent of town hall 4.50 Weare Grange, rent of town hall 2.00

I. W. Dodge, meadow grass 1.50 Don Putnam, use of fire truck 1.00 George Harvey, use of town pump 1.00 Ren Philbrick, use of town pump 2.00 Lorraine Fottler, use of town pump 1.00 Moses Clement, use of town pump 1.00 Edward Marshall, use of town pump 2.00 Walter Armstrong, use of town pump 1.00 John Dwinnells, use of town pump 1.00 Will Bowie, use of town pump 1.00 Wilder Tenney, use of town pump 1.00 Sam Bussell, use of town pump 1.00 Fred Muzzey, use of town pump 1.00 Mrs. Burnett, use of town pump 1.00 Arthur Reade, use of town pump 1.00 Mr. Griffin, use of town pump 2.00 Clarence Hall, use of town pump 1.00 Charles Hurlburt, use of town pump 1.00 Lawrence White, use of town pump 1.00 M. C. Purington, use of town pump 1.00 Leon Grant, use of town pump 2.00 Ted Brown, use of town pump 1.00 Harry Dow, use of town pump 1.00 Harry Langlan, use of town pump 1.00 Leon Hadley, use of town pump 1.00 Wilford Hall, use of town pump 1.00 William F. Lane, Fire Warden, reimbursement Stoddard fire 138.40 Gene Stevens, rent of pasture 10.00 Carrie Waldo Estate, reimbursement 10.00 41

N. H. Children's Aid and Protective Society, refund 4.00 Norman Chase, tractor sold by town 25.00 Ralph Townes, rent of pasture 25.00 James Hamel, lumber sold by town 10.00 Lewis Illsley, lumber sold by town .75 Clarence Still, lumber sold by town 3.00 Jones Construction Co., lumber sold by town 325.00 Gordon Osborne, logs sold by town 47.70 Gordon Osborne, lumber on the Oliver lot 100.60 Howard Parsons, refund 10.00 Selectmen, dynamite and caps sold 12.54

Total receipts $74,993.30

Selectmen's orders paid $73,870.14

Cash on hand February 1, 1942 1,123.16

Total $24,993.30

HENRY T. OSBORNE, Town Treasurer.

February 4, 1942.

We have examined the accounts of Henry T. Osborne, Town Treasurer, and find same correct. THEO. W. FLANDERS, C. F. EASTMAN, GORDON F. BOYNTON, Auditors. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WEARE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT

The department during 1941 answered 38 calls: 28 chimney fires, 5 building fires, 2 brush fires, 2 truck fires, and 1 oil burner fire. This is the largest number of calls received in any one year. As usual, chimney fires account for about two-thirds of the fires. Of these, chimney fires, live set fire to the buildings around unused thimble holes and defective Hues. Our only major fire of the year destroyed the Malfet and Boynton places on Sugar Hill and occurred under conditions which made the saving of any part of either place impossible. With this exception, our record for the year is good. All other fires were kept confined to small extent and damage. One forest fire in the south- west part of the town threatened to spread under bad conditions but was confined to about 20 acres after a stiff battle in which practically all of the department's equipment was used. The water hole appropriation was spent in cleaning out and deepening the holes at Turner's, Marshall's, Mabel Eastman's. Clinton Grove and Leon Reade's corner. The brush was cut and fences fixed at several more water holes. Several additional holes should be provided at places having no present water supply. The dam at North AVeare improves the situation in that village. The company held twelve monthly meetings and six drills during the year. An auxiliary fire company was formed in December as a defense measure and consists of 4 companies with a total of 25 men. This auxiliary force has had 8 training sessions and will complete the course prescribed by the State Defense Council. Several members of the regular department and the auxiliary have taken the Red Cross First Aid Course.

42 43

During the past year we added the following equip-

ment : 2 short extension ladders to the trucks at East and

South Weare for use inside buildings ; 500 feet of IV2 inch fire hose ; a hose coupling machine with which we have put 12 lengths of damaged hose back in service;

4 brass back pack pumps ; and some other small tools. A telephone was installed in the fire station at the Center and was of considerable value in getting quick location of alarms.

Moving the siren on to the town hall made it more effective in getting out the Center company. The uncertain condition of the flood control project in East Weare has delayed the building of a fire station at that village. It is hoped that this may be built during the coming year as the conditions under which that truck is kept are very unsatisfactory and it is far too expensive to rent a building. The present war emergency presents many new prob- lems to the fire department and it is with some pride that we can look upon our local organization and its equip- ment as being well able to cope with whatever fire prob- lems we may encounter. We wish to thank all who have assisted the depart- ment during the past year and hope to render even better service in the future.

Respectfully submitted,

GERALD H. HIGHT, Chief, Weare Volunteer Fre Department. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE

Report of Dog Licenses

81 Males at $2.00 $162.00 1 Male at $1.00 1.00 11 Females at $5.00 55.00 23 Females at $2.00 46.00 1 Kennel license at $20.00 20.00 1 Kennel license at $12.00 12.00 1 Kennel license at $12.00 12.00

Total $308.00

Less Clerk's fees on 119 licenses at 20c $23.80 Less amount paid for license tags 7.73


Balance $276.47

Paid Henry T. Osborne, Treasurer $276.47


February 10, 1942.

We have examined the foregoing account of Frank H. Peaslee, Town Clerk, and find vouchers and footings cor- rect.



Automobile Permits

Frank H. Peaslee, Town Clerk, submits the following report on automobile permits, issued from February 1, 1941 to January 31, 1942

Received for 652 permits from February 1,

1941 to January 1, 1942 $1,731.76 Received for 8 auto permits from January 1 to 31, 1942 12.77

Total $1,744.53

Paid Henry T. Osborne, Treasurer $1,744.53


February 10, 1942.

We have examined the foregoing account of Frank H. Peaslee, Town Clerk, and find vouchers and footings cor- rect. THEO. W. FLANDERS, C. F. EASTMAN, GORDON F. BOYNTON, Auditors.

45 1 I

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« ' *- J £ o.= c 1 t« "d -r o-*x.S?.2Ps cd Jr +- 72 -3 5 h C * CD CD a cd g a, CD c ^ §^ X S CD 7Z CC CD 'C u^*d -, x C a 73 x - hH *= > ^ i- Eh S fi Ph Ph c SCdQKa X OQ fc HH — £6^ sOOIZiHOh x c c c c c c o — — ci cm c-3 d (M cm d cm cj ci ci cm cm co ro " ro co co co co co co co co re co re co :o co rt co co co r: :t :t rt -? Tf rf •*< ^ C5 cr. o ci c c cs o a o o c c o o c ci c c-. c c o o o c c c c c o c c c c c c o c o c c c c cs FOREST FIRE WARDENS REPORT

I have received from the town for forest fire work, $557.00, and the town has been reimbursed by the State Forestry Department for $278.50. Stoddard fire paid by town for $138.40 has been paid back 100%. Hancock fire was paid direct from there.


February 10, 1942.

We have examined the account of C. F. Eastman, Forest Fire Warden, and find same correct.



Memorial Day

Speaker $10.00 Hoops and flags 16.00 G. Eaton, mileage 4.00 Postage and cutting grass at mound 1.00 Posters 5.00 Band 39.00

Total $75.00

Respectfully submitted,



Report of Agent

On deposit in Manchester Savings Bank $3,690.00 On deposit in Amoskeag Savings Bank 5.000.00


Interest, Amoskeag Savings Bank $126.85 Interest, Manchester Savings Bank 93.55

Total $220.40


Rent of safe deposit to February 11, 1943, $2.40 Time and expense of agent, 2.00 Leona M. Batchelder, Treasurer of Trustees. 216.00

Total $220.40


January 31, 1942.

We have examined the foregoing account of Alfred Osborne, Agent, and find the vouchers satisfactory and footings correct.


Treasurer's Annual Statement

1941 Feb. 1 Amount on hand $97.06 Nov. 24 Received of Alfred Osborne. Agent 216.00

$313.06 Feb. 5 Paid on orders $91.00 Dec. 8 Paid on orders 122.00 Paid for stamps and stationery 1.50 Service charge at bank. Januarv and March 2.00


Amount on hand, February 1, 1942 $96.56

Respectfully submitted.


February 10, 1942.

We have examined the accounts of Leona M. Batch- elder. Treasurer, Joseph Stone Fund and find same cor- rect. THEO. W. FLANDERS. C. F. EASTMAN. GORDON F. BOYNTON. Auditors.


Balance on hand February 1, 1941 $308.22


Public Service Co. $11.00 Blanche Gunn, librarian 96.00 Harry Philbrick, janitor 89.30 Helen Dearborn, 2 books 3.00 C. C. Gregg 2.00 Goodman's Book Store 104.08 National Slate Roofing Co. 15.00 Doris Eaton, 2 books 1.16 Frank Peaslee, insurance 9.00 Henry Osborne, wood 30.00 T. W. Flanders 22.85 Goodman's Book Store 141.00 Bank charge 1.00


Balance on hand February 1, 1942 $146.96

Respectfully submitted,

EVA M. SAWYER, Treasurer.

February 16, 1942.

We have examined the accounts of Eva M. Sawyer, Treasurer of Library and find same correct.


Report of Librarian for 1941

Volumes in library 6,083 Circulation 5,836 Fees $10.75 Books bought 234 Gifts of books 16 Repaired 60

MRS. BLANCHE E. GUNN, Librarian. : :



To the inhabitants of the School District in the Town of Weare, New Hampshire, qualified to vote in District affairs

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said district on the 29th day of March, 1941, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon to act upon the following subjects

1. To choose a moderator for the coming year.

2. To choose a clerk for the ensuing year.

3. To choose a member of the School Board for the ensuing three years.

4. To choose a Treasurer for the ensuing year.

5. To determine and appoint the salaries of the School Board and Truant Officer, and fix the compensation of any other officers or agent of the district.

6. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Commit- tees or officers chosen, and pass any vote relating thereto.

7. To choose Agents, Auditors and Committees in re- lation to any subject embraced in this warrant.

8. To see if the district will vote to make any altera- tion in the amount of money required to be assessed for the ensuing year for the support of public schools and the payment of the statutory obligations of the district, as determined by the school board in its annual report.

54 55

9. To see if the district will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $250 (Two hundred and fifty dollars) for repairs to the Sugar Hill School House.

10. To see if the district will vote to authorize the School Board to sell the Waterman School House, so called.

11. To see if the district will vote to authorize the School Board to sell the school house at Dearborn Tavern, so called.

12. To see if the district will vote to authorize the School Board to re-locate the Buxton School House.

Given under our hands at said Weare this 11th day of March, 1941.



At a meeting of the inhabitants of the School District in the Town of Weare, qualified to vote in District affairs, holden at the Town Hall in said District on the 29th day of March, 1941, at tAvo o'clock in the afternoon.

The meeting was called to order by Charles F. East- man, Moderator, and proceeded to the transaction of business as follows

The warrant was read by the Moderator.

Article 1. On motion of George Sawyer, voted that the clerk cast one ballot for Charles F. Eastman for moderator, which was done and the said Charles F. East- man was declared elected moderator, and in open meeting took the oath of office prescribed by law.

Article 2. On motion of Franklin Flanders, voted that the moderator cast one ballot for Gertrude W. Osborne for clerk, which was done and the said Gertrude W. Os- borne was declared elected clerk, and in open meeting took the oath of office prescribed by law.

Article 3. Nominations were made for a member of the

School Board as follows : Mabelle C. Jacobs and Roland A. Barnard. The whole number of ballots given in was 107, upon which Roland A. Barnard had 39 and Mabelle C. Jacobs had 68, and the said Mabelle C. Jacobs was de- clared elected a member of the School Board for the en- suing three years, and in open meeting took the oath of office prescribed by law.

Article 4. Bert 0. Sawyer was nominated for treas- urer by Florence Flanders ; it was voted that the clerk cast one ballot for Bert 0. Sawyer for treasurer, which was done, and the said Bert O. Sawyer was declared elected treasurer.

56 57

Article 5. On motion of Gerald Hight, voted that the salaries of School Board and officers be the same as in the past.

Article 6. No action taken.

Article 7. On motion of Alfred Osborne, voted that the accounts of the School Board be audited by the town auditors.

Article 8. On motion of Frank H. Peaslee, voted that we raise $16,562.27 for support of schools.

Article 9. On motion of Franklin Flanders, voted that the sum of $250.00 be raised for repairs to the Sugar Hill schoolhouse.

Article 10. On motion of Frank H. Peaslee, voted that the School Board be authorized to sell the Waterman schoolhouse, so called.

Article 11. On motion of Roland A. Barnard, voted that the School Board be authorized to sell the school house at Dearborn Tavern, so called.

Article 12. On motion of Theodore W. Flanders, voted that the School Board be authorized to re-locate the Bux- ton schoolhouse.

On motion of George Gunn, voted that all carpenter work and painting on schoolhouses in AVeare be done by voters in the Town of Weare.

The minutes have been read.

On motion of Florence Flanders, voted that this meet- ing be now adjourned.

A true copy of record. Attest: GERTRUDE W. OSBORNE, Clerk of School District. :



To the Inhabitants of the School District in the Town of Weare, N. H., qualified to vote in District affairs

You are hereb}^ notified to meet at the Town Hall in said district on the fourth day of April, 1942, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, to act upon the following* subjects:

1. To choose a moderator for the coming year.

2. To choose a clerk for the ensuing year.

3. To choose a member of the School Board for the ensuing three years.

4. To choose a Treasurer for the ensuing year.

5. To determine and appoint the salaries of the School Board and Truant Officer, and fix the compensation of any other officers or agent of the district.

6. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Commit- tees, or Officers chosen, and pass any vote relating thereto.

7. To choose Agents, Auditors and Committees in re- lation to any subject embraced in this warrant.

8. To see if the district will vote to make any altera- tion in the amount of money required to be assessed for the ensuing year for the support of public schools and the payment of the statutory obligations of the district, as determined by the school board in its annual report.

9. To see if the district will vote to authorize the School Board to sell the River Road Schoolhouse so called.

58 :


10. To see if the Town will vote to accept the North Weare Depot to be used as a gymnasium and raise and appropriate a sum of money for the necessary alterations.

Given under our hands at said Weare this sixteenth day of February, 1942.


A true copy of Warrant—Attest




Cash on hand June 30, 1940 (Treasurer's bank balance) $330.93 Received from Selectmen Appropriations for current year $16,816.97 Dog tax 110.47 Income from trust funds 98.54 Received from State Treasurer 3,123.59 Federal grants 1,076.88 Received from all other sources 445.77

Total amount available for fiscal year (balance and receipts) $22,003.15 Less School Board orders paid 21,475.63

Balance on hand as of June 30, 1941 (Treas- urer's bank balance) $527.52

BERT O. SAWYER, District Treasurer.

Auditor's Certificate

This is to certify that we have examined the books, vouchers, bank statements and other financial records of the Treasurer of the School District of Weare, of which the above is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941 and find them correct in all respects.


Balance $330.93 University of New Hampshire, reimbursement 366.66 Federal, for agriculture 898.00 Federal, for home economics 159.16 H. T. Osborne, Treasurer 2,000.00 H. T. Osborne, Treasurer 3,000.00 Wesley Herrick, rent of schoolhouse 6.00 Putnam & Son 24.25 J. A. Osgood, high school 9.67 A. W. Sawyer, school and literature fund 98.51 H. T. Osborne, Treasurer 2,000.00 State Treasurer 3,123.59 H. T. Osborne, Treasurer 2,500.00 J. B. Lippincott & Co., returned check 2.69 H. T. Osborne, Treasurer 1,000.00 H. T. Osborne, Treasurer 1,500.00 State Treasurer, high school shop refund 10.00 H. T. Osborne, Treasurer 200.00 State Treasurer, high school 1.60 State Treasurer, high school 8.12 H. T. Osborne, Treasurer 3,000.00 W. Herrick, rent of schoolhouse 10.00 R. Edwards 7.50 W. Herrick 19.00 H. T. Osborne, Treasurer 1,300.00 H. T. Osborne, Treasurer 316.97 H. T. Osborne, Treasurer, dog tax 110.47

Total receipts during year $22,003.15

61 : : :


For the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1940 and Ending June 30, 1941


State and Federal Aid: Equalization fund for elementary schools $3,123.59 Smith-Hughes or George-Deen fed- eral aid for vocational education 1,057.16 Income from Local Taxation For support of elementary schools 16,816.97 From Sources Other than Taxation Dog licenses 110.47 Income from local trust funds 98.54 Sale of property 42.50 Other receipts 403.27 Grants from temporary federal agencies O. S. Y. N. O. (Na- tional Defense) 19.72

Total receipts from all sources $21,672.22

Cash on hand at beginning of year, July 1, 1940 330.93

Grand total $22,003.15

Payments Total High Elementary Administration Salaries of district officers $343.00 Superintendent's excess salary 266.66 Truant officers and school census 32.62 Expenses of administration 211.90

62 : : :


Instruction Principals' and teachers' salaries 10,364.50 $4,227.00 $6,137.50 Text books 384.28 125.57 258.71 Scholars' supplies 702.73 316.12 386.61 Flags and appurtenances 3.08 3.08 Other expenses of instruc- tion 90.88 65.43 25.45 Operation and Maintenance of School Plant: Janitor service 979.69 556.19 423.50 Fuel 867.78 343.68 524.10 Water, light, janitor's supplies 416.38 199.12 217.26 Minor repairs and expenses 692.46 207.63 484.83 Auxiliary Agencies and Special Activities Medical inspection 331.64 7.79 323.85 Transportation of pupils 2,614.65 38.75 2,575.90 Other special activities 393.35 287.60 105.75

Fixed Charges : Tax for state-wide super- vision 536.00 Insurance and other fixed charges $271.72 Outlay for Construction and Equipment: Alterations of old buildings 250.00 New equipment 527.59 Debt, Interest and Other Charges Payment of principal of debt 1,000.00 Payment of interest on debt 175.00 National Defense 19.72

Total payments for all purposes $21,475.63 64

Total cash on hand at end of year (June 30, 1941) 527.52

Grand total $22,003.15

Assets, June 30, 1941

Cash on hand : Balance (June 30. 1941 $527.52

Total assets (527.52

Liabilities, June 30, 1941

Notes outstanding $3,000.00


This is to certify that the information contained in this report was taken from official records and is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. The ac- counts are kept in accordance with Section 24 of Chap- ter 82 of the Revised Laws of Xew Hampshire (Commis- sioners' Report 1941), and upon forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.


July 14. 1941. 65

Auditor's Certificate

This is to certify that we have examined the books and other financial records of the School Board of Weare, of which this is a true summary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941, and find them correctly cast and properly vouched.

THEO. W. FLANDERS, C. F. EASTMAN, GORDON F. BOYNTON, Auditors. July 14, 1941. :


School District of Weare, N. H.

Detailed Statement of Expenditures

High Elementary School Schools Total Support of Schools: Teachers' salaries $1,400.00 $6,500.00 Text books 225.00 275.00 Scholars' supplies 350.00 350.00 Flags and appurtenances 5.00 10.00 Other expenses of Instruc- tion 100.00 50.00 Janitor service 600.00 500.00 Fuel 350.00 450.00 Water, light, janitors' supplies 200.00 200.00 Minor repairs and expenses 200.00 350.00 Health supervision 25.00 350.00 Transportation of pupils 150.00 2.500.00 Payment of elementary tuitions 36.00 Other special activities 150.00 150.00

$6,755.00 $11,721.00 $18,476.00

Other Statutory Requirements Salaries of district officers (fixed by district) $400.00 Truant officer and school census (fixed by district) 35.00 Superintendent's excess salary 266.66 Per capita tax 506.00 Payment of district debt 1.000.00 Interest on district debt 150.00

66 67

Other obligations 500.00


Total amount required to meet School Board's budget $21,333.66

Estimated Income of District

State Aid (December 1942 allotment) $2,588.31 Dog tax (estimate) 110.00 Income from trust funds (estimate) 98.00 Other estimated income 1,450.00

Deduct total estimated income (not raised by taxation) $4,246.31

Total assessment required to cover budget and appropriations $17,087.35


Weare, N. H., February 12, 1942. :


To the School Board and Citizens of Weare

It is with pleasure that I submit my first annual report as Superintendent of your schools. Schools opened last fall with several new teachers. Miss Josephine Lyon of New Boston, a graduate of the University of New Hampshire, was engaged to teach English and French in the high school. Her predecessor, Miss Doris Eckhart, resigned to be married. Last De- cember, Miss Lyon resigned to be married. She was re- placed by Miss Wilma Lunt of Rochester, also a graduate of the University of New Hampshire. George Murray of Newport, Maine, a graduate of the University of Maine, replaced Edward Currier as mathe- matics and science teacher after the latter gave up his position to enter industry. Mr. Murray resigned in Janu- ary to enlist in the United States Coast Guard. Miss

Leona Batchelder of Weare is completing the year.

Miss Hope Lincoln of Enfield is teaching home eco- nomics in place of Miss Margaret Schneider who resigned to accept a position in Quincy, . Miss Lincoln graduated from Keene Teachers' College last June. Miss Margaret Robinson of Medford, Massachusetts, a graduate of the State Teachers' College at Lowell, re- placed Miss Gertrude Harney as teacher at Weare Center. Miss Mildred Irving of Lawrence, Massachusetts, also a graduate of the State Teachers' College at Lowell, was engaged to teach at Sugar Hill after Miss Nellie Malfet resigned to accept a position in Beverly, Massachusetts. Miss Ruth Stafford of Worcester, Mass., replaced Miss Frances Leach at East Weare. Miss Leach was mar- ried last summer. Miss Stafford is a graduate of the State Teachers' College at Framingham, Massachusetts.

68 69

The enrollment last year as will be seen by the table at the end of this report was 259. This year to date 230 have been registered. The decrease has been in Sonth Weare, the Center and East Weare. The school lunch program, with the use of Surplus Com- modities and a small charge for the cost of supplementary food, is operating very successfully for the benefit of all the schools in town. A hot noon meal is served each school except Sugar Hill where facilities are lacking for a complete program. Pupils' lunches there are supple- mented by some food cooked elsewhere and by uncooked Surplus Commodities. All elementary schools have been equipped with the most modern of first grade reading materials. Many outmoded or worn books have been replaced. Several minor repairs or replacements of equipment have been effected. The schools are in good condition generally, and are functioning efficiently.

The age for entering the first grade is five years and eight months, or six years on or before the next Janu- ary first. This is a standard generally recommended in Xew Hampshire and followed by most school districts. Detailed information concerning Weare High School will be found in Headmaster Osgood's report. Spirit, dis- cipline, and achievement in the high school are excellent under his leadership. Schools will be affected in many ways by war condi- tions. War is no respector of individual needs. Already there is a shortage of teachers. The draft and defense boom with inflated living costs, which compel low sal- aried teachers to accept better wages in business and industry, are responsible for this. The result is keener competition everywhere to secure and keep good teachers. Looking beyond the immediate danger to our children's educational- welfare, we must realize that effective educa- tion is the bulwark of democracy in the future. "When our young people leave our schools to take their places in society we want them to be well equipped to face the 70 competition of modern living. Under these circumstances we should endeavor to keep good teachers as replace- ments will be difficult. The cost of textbooks and supplies has already in- creased. Shortages in materials are developing. We may have to spend a little more for books and supplies. At the same time we must try to conserve on their use by steady effort to eliminate any waste or abuse of ma- terials. True patriotism can be shown by teachers and pupils alike in making the most of what we have and doing the best job possible in the face of difficulties. The cooperation being shown by parents, other citizens, and members of the school organization is of great value to our schools and is very much appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,

HARLAN E. ATHERTON, Superintendent of Schools. Statistics for the School Year 1940-1941

Pi (U o » ^ u w CO -^ to S s cfi -_ - &E~J ® T3 (3,Q O g CO CO U 5 ~T3 43 2 £ ©5 U 43 43 J-l o o > v > 43 CD 4^ O 0! PQ O &n <% << Ph

High Grades 9-12 . . 35 30 65 60.93 57.08 93.7 66

High Grades 7-8 . . . 19 18 37 36.14 34.56 95.6 40

So. Weare Grades 1-6 . . . 18 18 36 28.99 27.98 96.5 22

Weare Ctr. Grades 1-6 . . . 18 15 33 27.63 25.92 93.8 35

No. Weare Grades 1-6 . . 16 18 34 29.45 28.41 96.5 14

East Weare Grades 1-8 . . 14 19 33 27.99 27.03 96.6

Sugar Hill Grades 1-8 . . 9 12 21 20.94 19.84 94.8 14

Totals 129 130 259 232.07 220.82 95.4 191

State Average 1940-1941 94.7

Visits to schools by — Superintendent (Mr. Tarney -Mr. Morrison) 302 School Nurse 83 Total registration 259

Teachers — 1941-1942

Jonathan A. Osgood High, Headmaster Leona Batchelder High, Social Studies—Mathematics Wilma Lunt High, English Hope Lincoln High, Home Economics Mary Charas South Weare, Grades 1-8 Margaret Robinson Weare Center, Grades 1-6 Gladys Miller North Weare, Grades 1-6 Ruth Stafford East Weare, Grades 1-8 Mildred Irving Sugar Hill, Grades 1-8 Edith Walker School Nurse

71 : : : :


February 2, 1942.

Mr. Harlan Atherton, Superintendent of Schools Dear Mr. Atherton

I herewith submit my annual report as Headmaster of AVeare High School. This report deals briefly with the following topics Registration and attendance; Home Economics; Agri- culture; Student Council; Physical Education and Health; Other Activities and Graduates.

1941-1942 Jr. High Sr. High Xo. pupils enrolled 38 66 Xo. transferred or withdrawn 1 4 Xo. not absent or tardy 3 10 Per cent attendance 97 95.7

Our per cent attendance for last year was about the

same as that for 1939-40 ; a fraction of a point below the average for the state. AVe have at present an average of only .6 tardiness per pupil as compared with our aver- age of last year of 1.1 and as compared with the state average of 1.1. Our attendance records indicate whole-hearted effort on the part of both pupils and parents in keeping up with or above the state average. Pupils not absent or tardy last year were

Perfect attendance this year to date includes : Phyllis Ilsley, Mary Fisk, Allen Ilsley, Gertrude Reade, Ruth Philbrick, Evelyn Perkins, Vera Aston, Dorothy Fisk. Richard Dumm, Ellen Bean, Gerald Gilman, Robert Royal, Wendell Purington, Blanche Reade.

72 ;:


Home Economics: The courses offered by the Home

Economics Department this year are : The Home, Its Care and Management for the Junior and Senior girls Clothing and Textiles for the Freshman and Sophomore girls, and Homemaking for the Junior High girls. The "home management" group included in its study the selection, furnishing and management of the home also, home finances, mechanics and grounds. Among the units studied by the clothing class were personal grooming ; care of clothes ; shopping for clothes and clothing selection, construction and renovating. A Red Cross project provided additional experience in clothing construction. The course taken by the seventh and eighth grade girls was a more general study of home economics, adapted to the specific interests and abilities of the pupils of that age. Concluding the foods unit, the group successfully planned, prepared and served nutritious breakfasts and luncheons. The new electric refrigerator was greatly appreciated. The laboratory equipment was augmented by dishes, a silex coffee pot, cooking utensils and pinking shears. Visits were made to pupils' homes by the Home Eco- nomics teacher for the purpose of becoming acquainted with the parents and to help the pupils with their home projects. The general exhibit of the Home Economics Depart- ment won second place at the Hopkinton Fair, some girls receiving individual awards of cash prizes. Agriculture: We have at present twenty-nine boys taking vocational agriculture. Their supervised practice programs continue along the enterprises most character- istic of our community with quite an increased interest in dairying and small fruit. The increased interest in dairy- ing is due possibly to a larger representation from the Sugar Hill section of town. We are looking forward to more activity in gardening and small fruit with the con- tinued interest in poultry raising. Last year four boys 74 harvested approximately three thousand quarts of straw- berries from thirty-seven hundred plants set. Our present national emergency has caused in our agri- cultural shop work an increased emphasis on the care and repair of farm tools and equipment. Much time has been spent in reconditioning chisels, axes, hammers, etc.. in addition to work on plows and gasoline motors. Our local chapter of Future Farmers of America took its usual active part in exhibiting and other vocational agricultural activities at Hopkinton Fair last fall. The boys won $57.00 in individual cash prizes in addition to first place in their shop and agricultural exhibits and first place in manual training. Instead of receiving cups as usual, the groups decided to pool their interests and take the cash allowed in place of the cups and bought, with the help of each of the other organizations in the school, a combination radio-victrola. The Weare Chapter of Future Farmers of America participated in the State Future Farmers of America radio broadcasts from W. F. E. A. in Manchester, in the State judging contests and the state agricultural prize speaking contest at which our representative. Starvro Chagrasulis. won first place and represented the state at the regional contest at the East- ern States Exposition in Springfield. Mass. The National Defense Shop Program in Auto-Mech- anics, to which has been added a unit in oxygen-acetylene welding, continued this year for Out-of-School-Youth. Physical Education and Health: This program has been conducted for the physical well being of the pupils as well as to build up and maintain a spirit of good sports- manship, promotion of team work and cooperation and to make better coordination between "mind and muscle." Regularly scheduled periods have allowed for calesthenics and other supervised playground activities during the spring and fall for grades 7 and 8. Members of the basketball squads were given physical examinations by a medical doctor and regular visits and examinations have been made by our school nurse. The radio-victrola. ping- 75 pong and basketball utilize the pupils' time during lunch periods. Other Activities: Assembly programs, school socials and public plays presented throughout the year provide for pupil participation in the various activities which are so important to supplement the regular classroom work. The annual yearbook "The Reflector" provides for pupil experience in business management and writing as well as to afford an opportunity to present the more detailed accounts of our school activities to the public. We have concentrated on drill in the fundamentals by utilizing short periods in English classes for penmanship,

diagnostic and remedial reading, and spelling ; drill in arithmetic has been carried on in mathematics classes and Junior Business Training. Graduates: A brief survey of our recent graduates in- dicates that they have the ability and the desire to find for themselves a useful place in society. Of the twenty- four graduates of the past two years six are in a post- secondary training institution, six are working as a re- sult of post-secondary training which they have re- ceived, six are otherwise usefully employed and three are in the army. Again I wish to express my appreciation for the whole- hearted cooperation which I have received from the Superintendent, School Board, Teachers, Parents, Pupils and other citizens in making our efforts successful.

Respectfully submitted,


Record of the annual physical examination and follow- up work for the year 1940-1941.

The number of pupils affected at the time of this ex-

amination : Defective vision 26 — number of defects corrected 22. Defective teeth 93 — number of defects corrected 50. Diseased tonsils 9 — number of defects corrected 4. Cases of communicable diseases: There were 3 scarlet fever eases in August, 1941. There were 17 whooping cough cases during the sum- mer of 1940-1941. One pupil had her eyes examined at the Hanover eye clinic. Four pupils attended the heart clinic at the Elliot Hos- pital, two of these have been examined at this clinic at regular intervals. One pupil suffered a broken arm. There were two appendectomy cases. The audiometer test was given in May, 1941. Dr. Backus examined the basketball team in the fall of 1940. Dr. Fraser examined the basketball team in the fall of 1941.

A dental clinic was held November 6 and 7. 1941. Dr. Bethel of Manchester was the operator. About 60 children received dental care. The use of the Surplus Commodities has been avail- able in the AVeare schools these past two years. The children pay a small sum which helps supply added articles of food. It was interesting to note that when the children were weighed, nearly all showed a gain of from 6 to 10 pounds.

EDITH G. WALKER. School Nurse. 76 ii I . 1

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^^^^^•^-:^-''<--<_ -X ~ ys/ /---- Inventory, Valuation and Taxes 1941

NORTH DIVISION — RESIDENT NAME Valuation Total Tax Bailey, Ella, sprout land $50.00 $2.10 Bailey, Arthur D., 1 poll 2.00 176.30 Irland pasture 400.00 Wheeler farm 1,150.00 Peaslee lot 100.00 Wallace land 400.00 Collins land 50.00 Toby Hill land 200.00 Brown land 100.00 Chas. Peaslee lot 100.00 Colburn farm 1,600.00 Bailey, Edith, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Burnett, Douglas, 1 poll 2.00 109.10 Patnaude farm 2,500.00 1 cow 50.00 Burnett, Adrana, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Batchelder, Leona, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Barrows, E. H., 1 poll Exempt House and mill site 1,000.00 Exempt Barrows, Carrie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bartlett, W. S., home 1,000.00 42.00 Breed, Stanley, 1 poll 2.00 18.80 Home 400.00 Breed, Evelyn, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Breed, Annie, home 26.00 109.20 Breed, Eula, 1 poll 2.00 44.00 Home 1,000.00 Bradbury, C. A., 1 poll 2.00 56.60 Home 1,300.00 Brown, W. G., state and home 1,200.00 50.40 Brown, E. E., 1 poll Exempt

1 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Brown, Charles W., 1 poll 2.00 131.78 Breed farm 2,250.00 2 horses 250.00 10 cows 550.00 1 neat stock 40.00 Brown, Barbara, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bennett, Charles, 1 poll 2.00 109.10 Farm 2,500.00 1 cow 50.00 Bruce, Roy, 1 poll Exempt Home 1,000.00 Exempt Bruce, Jenett, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Buckley, Frances, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Buckley, Frank, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Buckley, Arline, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Backus, Forrest, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Backus, Beatrice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Brennan, Joseph, 1 poll 2.00 4.10 1 horse 50.00 Buzzell, Sam, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Buzzell, Isadore, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Carter, Percy, 1 poll 2.00 18.80 Home 400.00 Carter, Helen, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Chase, Fred D., 1 poll Exempt Home, $1,200.00; exempt $1,000 200.00 8.40 Chase, Alma, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Chase, H. O., farm and timber land .... 2,000.00 176.40 Follansbee land 700.00 Collins place 1,500.00 Chase, Susie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Chase, Mildred, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Chase, Arthur, 1 poll Exempt Chase, Howard, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Chase, Norman, 1 poll 2.00 149.84 Chase farm 2,500.00 Universalist land 200.00 800 fowls 720.00 Mill 100.00 Chase, Sam D., 1 poll 2.00 306.18 Store building 2,500.00 Home farm 3,800.00 Camp 150.00 2 horses 300.00 NAME Valuation Total Tax 10 cows 500.00 2 neat stock 40.00 Chase, Louise G., 1 poll 2.00 8.30 New England Box land 150.00 Chapin, A. B., home 1,450.00 60.90 Clement, Fred, 1 poll 2.00 56.60 Home 1,300.00 Clement, M. H., 1 poll Exempt 147.00 Home 2,000.00 Bell Clement house 1,500.00 Clement, Delia, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Clement Toy Co., Inc., house 1,400.00 499.80 Store building 1,500.00 Mills and machinery 8,000.00 Stock in trade 1,000.00 Clark, Grace R., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Clark, Will E., 1 poll 2.00 59.03 Hen houses 250.00 1,232 fowls 1,108.00 Clark, Phoebe, 1 poll 2.00 128.00 Home 3,000.00 Clapp, William, 1 poll 2.00 23.00 Shop and land 500.00 Clapp, Mrs. William, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Church, Hazel M., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Colby S. P. Heirs, woodland 500.00 21.00 Colburn, Clinton, 1 poll 2.00 56.60 Loverin place 1,100.00

Land and barn . 200.00 Colburn, Mary, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Colburn, Fred A., 1 poll 2.00 181.97 Home farm 1,700.00 McKellips place 1,100.00 1,650 fowls 1,485.00 Colburn, Annie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Colburn, Chester, 1 poll 2.00 20.06 Bartlett land 25.00 450 fowls 405.00 Colburn, Margaret, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Colburn, Frank, 1 poll 2.00 10.40 1 horse 50.00 3 cows 150.00 Colburn, Grace, 1 poll 2.00 149.00 Home place 3,500.00 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Colburn, Wendell, 1 poll 2.00 98.60 Home 2,200.00 2 cows 100.00 Colburn, Rosmand, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Colburn, Alden, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Colburn, Brennan, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Colburn, Doris, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Colburn, Edgar, 1 poll 2.00 16.70 Home 200.00 3 cows 150.00 Colburn, Marjorie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Covell, Raymond, 1 poll 2.00 57.57 Home place 500.00 5 goats 35.00 875 fowl 788.00 Covell, Ruth, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Cram, Herbert, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Cram, Midred, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Cram, Harris G. Estate, Home 1,250.00 52.50 Crawford, L. D., farm 2,200.00 92.40 Crosby, Annie, home 1,000.00 42.00 Cornell, Alfred, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Cornell, Roger Francis, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Davies, Elizabeth, 1 poll Exempt Home 550.00 Exempt Davis, Freeman, home 1,500.00 63.00 Davis, Frank, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Davis, Bessie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Davis, Burnham, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Davis, Reita, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dow, Archie, 1 poll Exempt 88.41

Home $2,700.00; exempt $1,000 .. 1,700.00 450 fowl 405.00 Dow, Maude, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dow, Nellie, Ashby land 25.00 1.05 Dow, Harry, 1 poll 2.00 102.80 Home and store 2,400.00 Dow, Gladys, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dow & Colburn, stock in trade 1,800.00 76.86 1 gas pump 30.00 Dodge, Ruth, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dodge, George E., 1 poll 2.00 197.30 Home farm 3,000.00 White land 25.00 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Shop site 25.00 Gas, poultry and grain house 1,000.00 Stock in trade 600.00 Dodge, Nellie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dodge, Kenneth, 1 poll 2.00 35.60 Gregg place 800.00 Dean, Harold E., 1 poll, Exempt 16.80 Home and field, $1,400; exempt $1,000 400.00 Dean, Gladys E., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Downing, Emma, home 1,150.00 48.30 Downing, Herbert, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Duxbury, Herbert, 1 poll 2.00 56.60 Home 1,300.00 Duxbury, Belle, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Duxbury, Herbert L., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Duxbury, Isabel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Downing, Frank, 1 poll 2.00 210.53 Home 1,900.00 Wood land, East Div 50.00 Henhouses and land 800.00 Peaslee and Mitchell land 900.00 Emerson and Dow land 280.00 1,150 fowl 1,035.00 Downing, Sadie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Drewry, Philip, 1 poll 2.00 14.60 V± Peaslee lot 150.00 i/4 Brown lot 25.00 M Muzzey lot 125.00 Drewry, Reginald, 1 poll 2.00 86.00 Leighton farm 2,000.00 Drewry, Helen, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Drewry, Leighton, 1 poll 2.00 20.90 Home and land 400.00 1 cow 50.00 Drewry, Eunice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Drewry, Fred, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dwinells, Frank, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dwinells, Ina, Est., home 1,800.00 75.60 Dwinells, George, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dwinells, Hilda, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dwinells, Maurice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dwinells, Beatrice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dwinells, Etta, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Dwinells, John, Martin land 100.00 4.20 Drewry, Allison, 1 poll 2.00 143.43 Mill site and field 200.00 % Peaslee land 450.00 % Brown land 75.00 % Muzzey land 375.00 Bruce land 100.00 Home farm 1,350.00 450 fowls 405.00 Dunn, P. J., 1 poll Exempt 45.57 Home, $1,000 exempt Bennett field 150.00 5 sheep' 35.00 1,000 poultry 900.00 Dunn, Emily C, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dunn, B. A., home 1,300.00 54.60 Emerson, Ruth, 1 poll 2.00 35.60 Felch place 800.00 Emerson, Thomas, 1 poll Exempt 8.40 2 horses 200.00 Emerson, Earl, 1 poll 2.00 172.99 Home farm 3,250.00 1 horse 50.00 1 cow 60.00 790 fowl 711.00 Emerson, Helen, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Emerson, George, 1 poll Exempt Home $700.00 Exempt Emerson, John, home 2,500.00 140.70 Bailey and Emerson land 850.00 Eaton, Marianna, home farm 6000.00 252.00 Eaton, Frank, Breed field 100.00 4.20

Eastman, Frank L., Toby Hill farm .... 1,500.00 63.00 Fotler, Stedman, 1 poll 2.00 2.42 Land 10.00 Fotler, Mabel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Fisk, Harold, 1 poll Exempt 21.00

Home, $1,400; exempt $1,000 .... 400.00 2 cows 100.00 Fisk, Mrs. Harold, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Flanders, Edd, home 1,500.00 63.00 Fisher, Floyd, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Flanders, Harold, 1 poll 2.00 116.66 Home farm 1,600.00

6 NAME Valuation Total Tax

1 cow 50.00 1,200 fowl 1,080.00 Flanders, Irine, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Flanders, Franklin, 1 poll 2.00 325.82 Home farm 5,200.00 Woodbury land 150.00 Sawyer place 1,000.00 2 cows 100.00 14 fowl 1,260.00 Flanders, Florence, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Flanders, Theodore, 1 poll 2.00 132.20 Home 2,800.00 Stock in trade 300.00 Flanders, Lena, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Flanders, Mabel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Flanders, Russell, 1 poll Exempt 16.80

Home, $1,400; exempt, $1,000 .... 400.00 Flanders, Geneva, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 French, C. W., 1 poll Exempt 64.68 Simonds field, $1,000 exempt Nichols field 1,000.00 10 cows 500.00 1 neat stock 40.00 French, Grace, 1 poll 2.00 75.50 Home 1,750.00 French, C. W., Jr., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Foote, Leonard, 1 poll 2.00 14.60 Home 300.00

Foote, Ellie, 1 poll , 2.00 2.00 Fuller, John, 1 poll 2.00 190.58 Home place 3,500.00 1,100 fowls 990.00 Fuller, Ada, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Fuller, John A., 1 poll 2.00 26.57 650 fowls 585.00 Fuller, Muriel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Flanders, Albert, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Flanders, Nellie B., 1 poll 2.00 52.40 Home place 1,200.00 Gallagher, William, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gallagher, Bernice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gelinas, Peter, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gelinas, Margaret, 1 poll 2.00 18.80 Home 400.00 NAME Valuation Total Tax George, Stanford Estate, farm 1,700.00 71.40 Gilbert, Charles, 1 poll 2.00 75.00 Land and houses 1,000.00 820 poultry 738.00 Gilbert, Bessie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gove, H. M., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gove, Blanche, 1 poll 2.00 90.20 Home 1,600.00 Wood lot 500.00 Gross, Carroll, 1 poll 2.00 128.00 Home 3,000.00 Grant, Leon, shop and land 1,650.00 69.30 Gregg, Charles C, 1 poll Exempt Gregg, Bertha, 1 poll 2.00 52.40

Home, $1,500; $1,000 exempt .... 500.00 More place 700.00 Gregg, Guy, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gregg, Hazel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gove, Dana, 1 poll 2.00 191.00 Home 1,200.00 Hotel 2,300.00 Wilson place 800.00 Shop 200.00

Gove, Florence, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gunn, Bernard, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gunn, Blanche, 1 poll 2.00 75.50 Home 1,600.00 Field 150.00 Gunn, George, 1 poll 2.00 62.90 Farm and Peaslee land 1,200.00 2 horses 150.00 2 cows 100.00 Gunn, Hazel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gaffney, Joseph, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gaffney, Frances, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Graves, Alfred, 1 poll 2.00 81.80 Dow place 1,900.00 Graves, Elizabeth, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hadley, Russell, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hadley, Jennie S., 1 poll 2.00 44.00 Home place 1,000.00 Hodgeman, Donald, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hodgeman, Laura, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hazen, Ralph, 1 poll Exempt 8.40

Home, $1,200; $1,000 exempt .... 200.00

8 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Hazen, Ruth, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hadley, Leon, 1 poll 2.00 27.83 Hadley field 200.00 1 horse 125.00 5 cows 250.00 2 neat stock 40.00 Hadley, Nellie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hadley, Lucy, home and field 3,250.00 178.50 Drew place 1,000.00 Hadley, Minnie, home 1,650.00 69.30 Hadley, Emma D., home and land 3,000.00 172.20 Rogers place 400.00 Simonds building 800.00 Herrick, Wesley, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Herrick, Marion E., 1 poll 2.00 77.60 Baker house 1,800.00 Haines, Louis D., 1 poll 2.00 31.40 Garage 100.00 Hanson land 300.00 2 horses 50.00 Stock in trade 250.00 Haines, Mildred, 1 poll 2.00 15.17 7 cows 385.00

Hadlock, May, I., 1 poll 2.00 35.60 Home 800.00 Hall, Wilford, 1 poll 2.00 53.45 Clifford place 500.00 1 cow 50.00 750 fowl 675.00 Hall, Vivian, 1 poll 2.00 52.40 Simonds place 1,000.00 Stock in trade 200.00 Hanson, Bernice, 1 poll 2.00 77.60 Home 1,800.00 Hahn, John, 1 poll 2.00 8.30 Home 150.00 Hahn, Etta, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hill, Sarah, home and land 1,500.00 63.00 Hill, David, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hight, Gerald, 1 poll 2.00 14.98 Mill site 100.00 2 cows 110.00 110 fowls 99.00 Hight, Dorothea, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

9 NAME Valuation Total Tax Hood, George, home 1,250.00 67.41 Woodbury land 25.00 Jones and Bailey land 250.00 2 oxen 80.00 Hamell, Alvin, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hamell, Olive, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hamell, Delia, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hamell, William, 1 poll 2.00 14.60 Home 200.00 2 horses 100.00 Hollis, Reginald, 1 poll Exempt 23.52 Home, $1,300; exempt $1,000 300.00 Morse land 200.00 1 cow 60.00 Hollis, Esther, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hutchins, Eva, home and field 400.00 16.80 Hunt, Nettie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hunt, Edith, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hulbert, Charles, 1 poll 2.00 44.00 Stock in trade 1,000.00 Hulbert, Shirley, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hughes, Donald V., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Jameson, Stella, home 2,000.00 84.00 Jesseman, Gerald, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Jesseman, Mildred, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Jones, J. L., 1 poll 2.00 21.00 Land and hen house 500.00 Jones, Nellie, home 2,200.00 92.40 Kamp, WilbHr, 1 poll 2.00 146.74 Home place 3,000.00 Dow land 100.00 2 horses 75.00 5 co ws 250.00 3 sheep 21.00 Kamp, Lois, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Lahey, Arthur, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Lahey, Althea, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Lahey, Wilfred E., 1 poll 2.00 11.87 1 horse 125.00 2 cows 110.00 Lahey, Ruth, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Lafond, Herman, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Lafond, William, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Lafond, Nellie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

10 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Lafond, Amos, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Lafond, Ernest, 1 poll Exempt Lock, John A., farm 2,800.00 117.60 Lock, Minnie, pasture 150.00 6.30 Lock, Herman, 1 poll 2.00 9.94 2 oxen 90.00 1 cow 50.00 7 sheep 49.00 Lock, Dwaine H., 1 poll 2.00 8.51 3 cows 135.00 1 neat stock 20.00 Langlan, Harry, 1 poll 2.00 148.79 Home place 2,800.00 2 cows 110.00 650 fowl 585.00 Langlan, Helen, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Lowe, James Est., houses and land 700.00 29.40 McLean, Charles William, 1 poll 2.00 185.33 Purington farm 4,000.00 1 cow 50.00 350 fowls 315.00 McLean, June Frances, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Morgan, Whittier, building and land .... 150.00 6.30 Morgan, Edward, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Morgan, Marie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Marshall, Edward, 1 poll 2.00 152.57 Home and orchard 2,500.00 Leighton place 700.00 400 fowls 360.00 1 gasoline pump 25.00 Marshall, Eunice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Moodey, Elenor, home 1,200.00 50.40

Mt. William Lodge, I. O. O. P., hall .... 1,600.00 67.20 Moulton, Gertrude, 1 poll 2.00 94.40 Home and land 2,200.00 Martin, Donald, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Martin, Walter S., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Merrill, Charles, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Merrill, Edith M., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Nichols, George H., 1 poll 2.00 98.60 Farm 2,250.00 1 cow 50.00 Nichols, James, 1 poll 2.00 77.60 Farm 1,100.00 2 horses 250.00

11 NAME Valuation Total Tax 7 cows 350.00 4 neat stock 100.00 Nichols, A. J., 1 poll 2.00 23.55 570 fowl 513.00 Nichols, Ruth, 1 poll 2.00 144.80 Home 2,500.00 Wilson place 900.00 Nichols, George C, 1 poll 2.00 44.00 Home 1,000.00 Nichols, Lois A., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Neal, Arthur, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Nichols, Henry, 1 poll 2.00 114.40 Home 1,400.00 Stock in trade 300.00 Garage 1,000.00 Nichols, Doris, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Nichols, Elenor, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Oquist, Alfred J., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Osborne, Alfred, 1 poll 2.00 195.62 Home farm 3,750.00 Copland land 700.00 1 horse 50.00 1 cow 60.00 2 naat stock 50.00 Osborne, Gertrude, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Osborne, Henry F., 1 poll 2.00 57.74 Woodbury land 10.00 Chase land 50.00 300 fowl 270.00 216 cords wood 997.00 Osborne, Barbara, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Peaslee, Gregg & Osborne, Simonds place 2,000.00 84.00 7 Patnaude, W illiam, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Patnaude, Ruby, 1 poll 2.00 52.40 Home 1,200.00 Parsons, Howard, 1 poll 2.00 107.00 Purington farm 2,250.00 1 horse 100.00 3 cows 150.00 Parsons, Alice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Peaslee, Frank, 1 poll 2.00 179.45 Home 2,200.00 Grain and can house 225.00 Northrup place 1,800.00 12 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Peaslee, Minnie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Peaslee, Arnold, 1 poll 2.00 77.60 Home 1,800.00 Peaslee, Virginia, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Peaslee, George M., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Peaslee, Mrs. George M., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Prescott, John H., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Prescott, Sarah, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Phenix, James, 1 poll 2.00 130.10 Home farm 3,000.00 1 cow 50.00 Phenix, Madge, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Philbrick, Harry, 1 poll 2.00 44.00 Home 1,000.00 Philbrick, Ethel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Philbrick, Paul, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Purington, M. C., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Purington, Elsie, 1 poll 2.00 14.60 Herbert land 200.00 Tenney land 50.00 1 cow 50.00 Purington, C. E., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Purington, Ellen, 1 poll 2.00 69.20 Home 1,600.00 Purington, Gerald, 1 poll 2.00 12.50 5 cows 250.00

Purington, Eva M. 3 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Purington, Roger, 1 poll 2.00 109.10 Home and Woodbury land 2,500.00 1 cow 50.00 Purington, Edith, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Purington, Clara, home farm 3,200.00 152.38 475 fowls 428.00 Purington, Grace, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Paige, E. A., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Paige, Ida B., 1 poll 2.00 399.11 Home farm 7,800.00 1 cow 50.00 10 sheep 70.00 1,650 fowls 1,485.00 Portable mill 50.00 Paige & Bailey, Cram lot 40.00 33.18 Right lot 350.00 L. D. Peaslee lot 400.00

13 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Paige, Lawrence, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Richardson, Thomas, 1 poll 2.00 44.00 White place 1,000.00 Richardson, Sarah, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Reade, Leon, 1 poll 2.00 78.36 Home farm 1,500.00 1 horse 50.00 2 cows 110.00 175 fowls 158.00 Reade, Julia, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Reade, Henry, home 1,500.00 63.00 Reade, George, 1 poll 2.00 75.92 Home 1,400.00 400 fowls 360.00 Reade, Alice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Reade, Charles A., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Reade, Anita, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Reade, Arthur, 1 poll 2.00 ' 2.00 Reade, Rena, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Reade, George and Arthur Leighton, land 25.00 1.05 Reade, Roy, 1 poll 2.00 218.51 Home farm 3,500.00 Breed place 400.00 1 cow 60.00 1,300 fowls 1,170.00 Reade, Olive, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Russell, Gordon, 1 poll 2.00 16.70 Camp 350.00 Russell, Marion, 1 poll 2.00 52.40 Home 900.00 Postoffice building 300.00 Rice, Arthur, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rice, Evelyn, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Ryan, Oliver, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Sawyer, M. H., 1 poll 2.00 27.20 Home 600.00 Sawyer, Carrie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Sawyer, Frank N., 1 poll Exempt Sawyer, Verna, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Sawyer, Daniel, 1 poll Exempt Sawyer, B. O., home farm 5,500.00 233.10 Gove land 50.00

14. NAMPJ Valuation Total Tax

Sawyer, George, 1 poll 2.00 114.35 Home 2,000.00 750 fowls 675.00

Sawyer, Eva, 1 poll ..." 2.00 2.00 Simonds, Dorothy, 1 poll 2.00 122.75 Simonds Inn 2,675.00 Stock in trade 200.00 Simonds, J. P., heirs, home 1,200.00 50.40 Simonds, Wm. J., Simonds farm 2,400.00 100.80 Smith, Walter E., 1 poll 2.00 37.70 Home and land 850.00 Smith, Frances E., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Smith, Elsie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Smith, Florence, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Slack, Edith, 1 poll 2.00 172.00 Farm 4,000.00 Slack, George M., 1 poll 2.00 16.70 Hanson land 150.00 Stock in trade 200.00 Slack, Ruth, 1 poll 2.00 107.00 Home place 2,500.00 Stafford, Charles, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Stafford, Hazel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Terrio, Edward, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Terrio, Lillian, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Terrio, Edward, Jr., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Thorndike, Charles, home 1,700.00 100.80 Dow land 700.00 Timson & Chase, home and hall 2,600.00 109.20 Timson, Albert, houses and land 850.00 31.50 240 fowls 216.00 Tenney, Fred P., 1 poll 2.00 33.50 Home 750.00 Tenney, Mabel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Thomson, Harold, 1 poll 2.00 103.85 Home 2,400.00 1 Gasoline pump 25.00 Thomson, Ruby, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Thomson, Raymond, 1 poll 2.00 18.80 Home 400.00 Thomson, Mildred, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Thompson, S. E., home 1,200.00 50.40 Thompson, Ella, 1 poll 2.00 9.35 3 cows 150.00 1 neat stock 25.00 15 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Tierney, J. F., and Fannie, 1 poll 2.00 128.00 1 poll exempt Home 3,000.00 Tiffany, Henry D., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Tiffany, Clair Place, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Thomson, Ralph, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Trombly, Joe, 1 poll Exempt 21.00

Home, $1,500; exempt, $1,000 .... 500.00

". Trombly, Mabel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Turner, Louis, 1 poll Exempt 23.10 Home, $1,500; exempt, $1,000 500.00 1 cow 50.00 Turner, Edith, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Turner, Joe, home 450.00 18.90 Tucker, Sarah, home 3,000.00 126.00 Tucker, Ethel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Twombly, Forest, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Twombly, Edna P., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Williams, Oscar S., Connor place 750.00 31.50 Waterman, George N., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Waterman, Luna, 1 poll 2.00 86.00 Home 1,300.00 Morse place 700.00 Waterman, Elmore, 1 poll 2.00 4.10 1 cow 50.00 Waterman, Sarah, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Weeks, Addison, 1 poll 2.00 6.20 Camp 100.00 Weeks, Anna, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Whitaker, John, 1 poll 2.00 81.80 Home 1,800.00 Gove land 100.00 Whitaker, Gertrude, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Whitaker, David, 1 poll 2.00 20.90 500 fowls 450.00 Wheldon, William, 1 poll 2.00 121.70 Home farm 2,000.00 16 cows 800.00 2 neat stock 50.00 Wheldon, Susie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Wheldon, Ray, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Woodbury, Maude, home 1,800.00 75.60 Wood, Harold T., 1 poll Exempt 115.50 Store, $1,500; exempt, $1,000 500.00

16 NAME Valuation Total Tax Dearborn lot 650.00 Cord wood 800.00 Stock in trade 800.00 Wood, Norman G., 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Wood, Marguerite, 1 poll ... 2.00 2.00

Wheldon, Wm. H., 1 poll ... 2.00 2.00

Wheldon, Florence, 1 poll ... 2.00 2.00

Walrath, Willard, F., 1 poll . 2.00 27.20 Tenney place 600.00 Walrath, Elizabeth M., 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Waterman, Gladys, 1 poll ... 2.00 2.00 Welch, Richard, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Welch, Marion, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Willis, Perley, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Wilson, Grace, 1 poll 2.00 2.00


American Oil Co., pumps and tanks .... $160.00 $6.72 Bigwood, Anna, Bigwood field 100.00 4.20 Burnap, R. H., camp at Reservoir 150.00 6.30

Bradley, Harry Bently, Bartlett land .... 900.00 37.80 Clark, Harry W., Currier place 2,500.00 105.00 Coults, Alfred Est., Gilman place 600.00 25.20 Case, Mary A., Woodbury farm 1,800.00 75.60 Campbell, Herbert A., Camp Nether- land 2,200.00 92.40 Chase, Gertrude, camp 150.00 6.30 Colman, Mrs. Jere, summer home 2,000.00 84.00 Carter, Harry, Lull cottage 1,900.00 79.80 Drewry, John, Branch and White land 175.00 Exempt Delaney, J. L., Buckley farm 1,200.00 50.40 Dow, Levi, Morse place 1,200.00 50.40 Edwards, T. P., cottage 500.00 21.00 Fenton, Mary, summer home 3,500.00 147.00 Favor, Annie, Tenney land 400.00 16.80 Fox, Edith W., camp 100.00 4.20 Farr, C. W., farm pasture 500.00 52.50 Colburn pasture 500.00 Mayer pasture 200.00 Woodbury land 50.00 Gove, Shirley and Marion, Brown farm 1,400.00 58.80 Gunn, Annie, wood land 250.00 10.50

17 NAME Valuation Total Tax Hesslein, Mrs. George Walbrath, cabin 1,000.00 42.00 Hurd, Nellie, wood land 200.00 8.40 MacFadyen, Willard and Mary, Bank lot 40.00 1.68

Morse, M. W. and F. I. Brown land .... 1,200.00 50.40 Morgan, Fred, summer home 5,000.00 369.81 Moody place 2,500.00 Ferguson land 800.00 3 horses 140.00 1 cow 50.00 350 fowls 315.00 McDougal, Robert, sprout land 200.00 33.60 Wood 600.00

Moody, Chester, Moody Apartments .... 6,500.00 273.00 Martin, Llewellyn, Pomeroy land 700.00 29.40 Marston, Leon, Peaslee place 800.00 33.60 Morse, Walter, Philbrick place 1,200.00 50.40 N. H. Congregational-Christian Confer- ence, Morse place 1,800.00 75.60 N. H. Women's Christian Temperance Union, Kenney place 1,600.00 67.20 Poore, Alfred, camp 200.00 8.40 Percival, Catherine and Edna Twombly, Paige lot 1,670.00 70.14

Parker, Frank R., land and cottage .... 750.00 42.00 Nichols land 250.00 Rummell, Robert, Buckley land 600.00 25.20

Shell Oil Co., Inc., pumps and tanks .... 320.00 13.44 Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc., pumps and tanks 320.00 13.44 Texas Co., pumps and tanks 320.00 13.44 Tidewater Assoc. Oil Co., pumps and tanks 170.00 7.14 Tiffany, Mrs. H. D., farm 4,200.00 239.40 Colburn farm 1,500.00 Titcomb, Harold, Ashby land 250.00 10.50 Woodbury, Frank, summer home 2,500.00 Pine Hill pasture 1,300.00 Shirley lot 400.00 30 acre lot 200.00 Philbrick land 250.00 Sawyer field 100.00 Woodman, Henry, Simonds land 400.00 16.80 Winslow, Arthur, farm 1,900.00 79.80

Woodward, Ada Fitch, Hollis place .... 1,000.00 Exempt 18 SOUTH DIVISION RESIDENT

NAME Valuation Total Tax

Archibald, Mary, 1 poll $2.00 $48.20 Home 1,100.00 Allaire, Alphonse, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Aston, James, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Aston, Lucy, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Allen, C. F. Est. woodlot 100.00 4.20 Adams, Geo. C, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Adams, Dorothy, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Beesmer, Lucille, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Brach, Agnes, 1 poll 2.00 44.84 Old Marshall place 800.00 1 horse 35.00 1 cow 65.00 Stock in trade 120.00 Brach, Chester, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Brach, John, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Blanchette, Lavelle, 1 poll 2.00 95.66 and Blanchette, Mary, 1 poll 2.00 Martin Farm 2,000.00 V± Johnson pasture 175.00 Dustin meadow 10.00 1 cow 45.00 Blanchette, Arthur, 1 poll 2.00 44.42 Hurd field and buildings 900.00 Sprout land 50.00 1 horse 60.00 Bartlett, John Est, home farm 2,500.00 105.00 Bartlett, John, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bartlett, Jennie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Belgrove, Fred, 1 poll 2.00 80.41 Livingston place 1,800.00 130 fowls 67.00 Belgrove, Oline, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bailey, Alice M., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bailey, A. D., Bartlett land 100.00 253.26 Osborn land 125.00 E. L. Paige place 600.00 Colburn timber lot 100.00 2 camps 40.00 Portable mill 175.00 Lumber and wood 4,990.00

19 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Bailey, Alice L., 1 poll 2.00 23.34 Norris pasture 100.00 Geo. Booth land 400.00 Bailey, Robert W., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Brunsell, Carl, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bouchard, Harold, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bouchard, Beatrice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Buxton, E. E. Est., Lull land 150.00 10.50 Lull land on Mt. Misery 100.00 Buxton, Harold, 1 poll 2.00 96.50 Home place 500.00 Taylor place 1,000.00 Barrett land 250.00 2 horses 50.00" 1 cow 50.00 500 fowls 400.00 Buxton, Leila, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Butler, William L., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Butler, Addie M., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bruyneel, Casimir, 1 poll 2.00 184.70 John Stoning farm 3,500.00 1,000 fowls 850.00 Bruyneel, Theresa, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bruyneel, August, 1 poll 2.00 10.40 House and land 200.00 Bruyneel, Hilda, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Butz, Lloyd A., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Blouin, Rodolphe, 1 poll 2.00 5.36 2 cows 80.00 Blouin, Marie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Blouin, Hertel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bokman, Frank, 1 poll 2.00 6.20 House lot and cellar 100.00 Bokman, Margaret, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Collins, John, home and shop 2,000.00 84.00 Corliss, Frank, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Chancey, Clarence, 1 poll 2.00 10.40 land and camp 200.00 Chancey, Ralph H., 1 poll 2.00 6.20 Kendrick land 100.00 Chancey, Lionel J., 1 poll Exempt Gove land 150.00 Exempt Chancey, Fred S., 1 poll 2.00 10.40 F. P. Currier land 200.00

20 NAME Valuation Total Tax Carson, Fred Douglass, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Cram, Guy, 1 poll 2.00 143.96 Guy Cram farm 700.00 Frank Cram farm 2,300.00 Gove field 200.00 Meadow 20.00 2 horses 100.00 1 cow 60.00 Cram, Marian, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Cram, Helen, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Clark, John, 1 poll 2.00 29.93

I. Richards place 475.00 Johnson field 100.00 2 horses 60.00 1 cow 30.00 Dearborn, Carlisle, 1 poll 2.00 161.60 Roymane Nichols farm 3,200.00 Balch land 450.00 Nichols land 25.00 1 horse 40.00 1 cow 65.00 1 neat stock 20.00 Dearborn, Myrtie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dearborn, Malcolm C, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dearborn, Roland, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dearborn, Denton, 1 poll 2.00 125.48 Geo. Dearborn farm 2,800.00 1 horse 30.00 1 cow 60.00 2 neat stock 50.00 Dearborn, Helen, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dearborn, Earl, 1 poll 2.00 16.70 Grant land 25.00 Bartlett land and buildings 225.00 Stock in trade 100.00 Dearborn, E. H., home 1,200.00 54.60 4 pieces, E. H. and Jason Dear- born land 100.00 Dearborn, Forrest, Sr., home place 1,800.00 149.31 Davis land 100.00 Dustin meadow 100.00 Currier pasture 1,000.00 Dearborn shop 100.00 Phippen place 150.00 Hodgdon land 25.00 21 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Old Colburn place 100.00 2 horses 150.00 1 cow 30.00 Dearborn, Forrest, Jr 2.00 2.00

Dearborn, Roscoe, 1 poll , 2.00 193.73 Home farm 1,700.00 Toby timber 800.00 C. W. Buxton place 1,800.00 1 horse 40.00 Wood 225.00 Davis, C. F., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Davis, Ernest, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Davis, Esther, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dodge, Geo. H., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dodge, Myrtle, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Durgin, Jessie L., Whitcher (or Gard- ner) place 1,200.00 50.40 Dean, Waldo L., 1 poll 2.00 19.14 Booth land and buildings 400.00 1 goat 8.00 Dean, A. Florence, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Eastman, Thomas J., 1 poll 2.00 188.90 Home, booth and camp 2,500.00 Eastman pasture 650.00 Hadley pasture 200.00 900 fowls 760.00 Portable mill 300.00 1 cow 40.00 Eastman, Ruby B., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Eastman, John H., 1 poll 2.00 10.40 House and land 200.00 Eastman, Margaret, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Eastman, Wilma M., 1 poll 2.00 4.10 land and cellar 50.00 Eastman, Charles F., 1 poll 2.00 176.51 J. B. Eastman place 3,200.00 1 horse 40.00 14 cows 840.00 3 neat stock 75.00 Eastman, Ethel B., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Eastman, Scott F., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Eastman, Dorothy, 1 poll 2.00 132.20 Squier Eastman farm 2,700.00 Hoitt land 400.00

22 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Eastman, A. D., 1 poll 2.00 327.50 Cottage and garage 1,250.00 Store 2,500.00 Stock in trade 4,000.00 Eastman, Hazel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Eastman, Howard, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Eastman, Addie, home 1,900.00 110.46 H. E. Currier farm 700.00 1 cow 30.00 Eastman, G. H. Est., home farm 4,000.00 210.00 Old Eastman place 1,000.00 7 shares N. & L. R. R. stock Eastman, G. F. Est., home farm 4,000.00 172.20 Dustin meadow 100.00 Eastman, F. L., home 2,800.00 510.30 Hadley, Richards & Emerson land 800.00 Eastman and Hoitt Bog 800.00 Lull pasture 600.00 Parker land 125.00 Eastman fields 400.00 Dustin meadow 200.00 Colby and Hoitt land 1,750.00 Barrett pasture 75.00 E. Hadley land 100.00 Melvin pasture 3,700.00 Fessenden pasture 100.00 Cottage 700.00 Edmunds, Ralph W., 1 horse 25.00 1.05 Edmunds, Lizzie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Edmunds, Albert, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Edmunds, Jennie, 1 poll 2.00 4.10 Camp 50.00 Edmunds, R. Leroy, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Edmunds, Alice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Emmich, Rose, 1 poll 2.00 35.60 Old Grant place 800.00

Ellsworth, Cleves G. Est., Davis land .. 450.00 18.90 Ellsworth, Vilona, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Home 1,200.00 55.13 1 horse 25.00 1 cow 40.00 Foote, Allyn P., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Frith, Rhoda A., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Favor, Almon, 1 poll 2.00 4.10 2 camps 50.00 23 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Farmer, A. S., St., 1 poll 2.00 115.40 Bartlett place 2,200.00 Old place 500.00 Farmer, Theresa, 1 poll 2.00 48.20 Rebecca Hadley place 1,100.00 Farmer, Lucy, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Farmer, A. S., Jr., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Farmer, Rita, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Follansbee, C. A., home 1,350.00 60.90 Woodlot 100.00 French, Harry, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

French, Edith, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 French, Elton, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 George, Apostolos H.. 1 poll 2.00 23.00 Herbert Wilson place 500.00 Georschel, William P., 1 poll Exempt Cottage, $800 Exempt Georschel, Annie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Georschel, Eleanor, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Grant, Leon H., 1 poll , 2.00 147.95 H. E. Grant farm 1,500.00 Rand place 1,800.00 Philbrick land 150.00 1 horse 25.00

Grant, Mildred, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Grant, Hazel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Goudy, Wm. O., 1 poll 2.00 47.67 Goudy, Mabell, 1 poll 2.00 Mary Follansbee place 900.00 ^2 woodlot 100.00 150 fowls 110.00 Hand, Walter, 1 poll 2.00 132.62 Hand, Mildred, 1 poll 2.00 Simons farm 3,000.00 1 horse 50.00 1 cow 60.00 Hall, Frederick, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Hall, Frances, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hall, Benj. Est., Page Gove place and Whitney land 600.00 25.20 Hall, George, 1 poll 2.00 98.60 Home and garage 2,300.00 Hall, Mildred, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Herron, Jaque, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Herron, Marion, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 24 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Hesselden, Walter, 1 poll 2.00 4.52 1 horse 60.00 Hills, J. L., 1 poll 2.00 62.06 Buxton place 1,400.00 1 cow 30.00 Hills, Armena, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hills, Marian, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Hooper, Peter I., 1 poll 2.00 118.97 Hadley farm 2,600.00 1 horse 30.00 2 cows 100.00 2 neat stock 55.00 Hooper, Jessie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Holmes, Annie K., 1 poll 2.00 52.40 Richards place 1,200.00 Haskins, Annie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Holobinko, John J., 1 poll 2.00 14.60 Geo. Woodbury land and buildings 300.00 Jacobs, Alice M., Colby place 1,500.00 63.00 Jacobs, Mabelle C, 1 poll 2.00 77.60 Old Jerry Davis place 1,800.00 Jobin, Sally, land and camp 100.00 4.20 Kendrick, Ralph, 1 poll 2.00 162.65 Home and timber 3,300.00 1 horse 25.00 2 oxen 200.00 2 cows 100.00 2 neat stock 50.00

7 shares Northern R. R. stock .... Wood 150.00 Kendrick, Shirley, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Kendrick, Elizabeth, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Kendrick, Rachel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Kendall, Mary, 1 poll 2.00 23.00 Elvira Woodbury place 500.00 Ketcham, Edward, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Ketcham, Georgia, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 LaPalm, Honore, 1 poll 2.00 113.93 Mudgett place 2,500.00 3 cows 165.00 LaPalm, Mary, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Locke, Duane, Wyman or Flanders land 500.00 21.00 MacDonald, Angus, 1 poll 2.00 44.00 Old Harrison Simons Place 1,000.00

25 NAME Valuation Total Tax

MacDonald, Alice, 1 poll 2.00 111.20 Home and booth 2,400.00 Stock in trade 200.00 Merrimac Fur Co. Inc. (J. W. Farley, Pres.), Scott Bailey farm 2,000.00 213.15 Scott Bailey land 1,600.00 Plodzik land 675.00 200 mink 800.00 Mahmot, Riza, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Meyers, Elizabeth, 1 poll 2.00 52.40 Mudgett place 1,200.00 Mitchell, Frank Est, cottage 1,200.00 52.50 Woodlot 50.00 Mitchell, Helen 0., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Mitchell, Chas., 1 poll 2.00 10.40 Pasture 200.00

Mitchell, Hattie Est., Cochran place .... 750.00 31.50 Melvin, Letitia Est., xk Johnson pasture 175.00 7.35 Moineau, Ruth F. 1 poll (Exempt) 6.30 F. P. Currier farm, $1,000 exempt 150.00 Moody, Haven E., 1 poll 2.00 73.19 Sleeper place 1,600.00 1 horse 35.00 1 cow 60.00 Moody, Dorothy E., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Moody, Lester, 1 poll 2.00 35.60 Burns place 800.00 Moody, Beatrice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Morse, Chas. E. Est., cottage 2,300.00 96.60 Morse, Alice C, 1 poll 2.00 98.60 Page place 2,300.00 Murphy, Frank, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Nichols, H. D., home place 1,000.00 42.00 Nichols, W. H. Est., home and timber 1,250.00 52.50 Nichols, William J., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Osborne, Gordon, 1 poll 2.00 27.83 Grant land 15.00 Bartlett land 600.00 Osborne, Ruby, 1 poll 2.00 90.96 Dunbar land 15.00 Tavern farm 1,600.00 Gove pasture 150.00 Parker, William F., 1 poll 2.00 10.40 Land and camp 200.00 Parker, William H., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 26 NAME Valuation Total Tax Parker, Mary E., 1 poll 2.00 31.40 A Gove place 700.00 Paradis, Paul, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Paige & Bailey, land and growth 100.00 4.20 Perkins, Ralph R., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Perkins, Ralph R. and Perkins, Fred H., Cottage 400.00 17.64 Colburn land 20.00 Perkins, Josephine, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Philbrick, Frank R., 1 poll 2.00 82.64 Home 900.00 2 horses 200.00 12 cows 720.00 3 neat stock 100.00 Philbrick, Eleanor, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Philbrick, Frank G. Est., Old Sanders farm 900.00 37.80 Philbrick, Frank A., 1 poll 2.00 5.78 1 horse 15.00 1 cow 60.00 3 goats 15.00 Philbrick, Hazel L., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Philbrick, Ren W., 1 poll 2.00 42.95 Colburn place 800.00 1 horse 65.00 2 cows 110.00 Philbrick, Mellissa, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Porter, Gordon W., 1 poll 2.00 72.77 Home farm 1,400.00 1 cow 65.00 300 fowls 220.00 Porter, J. Arline, 1 poll 2.00 8.30 Hadley Hill pasture 150.00 Putnam, Don L., 1 poll Exempt Kendrick place 900.00 Exempt Putnam, Anna, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Powers, Loren, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Powers, Julia, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Richards, Frank Est., Intervale and Bixby land 800.00 33.60 Richards, John, 1 poll 2.00 148.16 D. W. Buxton farm, 2,900.00 1 horse 40.00 10 cows 500.00 1 neat stock 40.00 27 NAME Valuation Total Tax Richards, Edith H., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rice, Arthur, 1 poll 2.00 9.35 250 fowls 175.00 Rice, Frances, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rice, Peter, 1 poll 2.00 100.07 Morse place 2,100.00 2 horses 200.00 1 cow 35.00 Rice, George, 1 poll 2.00 75.08 Home farm 1,700.00 1 cow 40.00 Rice, Fannie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rice, Leon, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rice, Olive, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rice, Dorothy, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rice, Mary, 1 poll Exempt Worthley land and buildings 1,000.00 Exempt Rice, David, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rice, David Est., home 500.00 21.00 Rice, Henry, 1 poll 2.00 29.93 Barrett land and camp 300.00 Dr. Eaton land 125.00 Stock in trade 200.00 Rice, Genevieve, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rice, Lucy, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rice, Lewis, 1 poll Exempt

Collins place and Colburn land .... 800.00 Exempt Roach, Ernest, 1 poll 2.00 81.80 Isora Eastman place 1,500.00 500 fowl 400.00 Roach, Grace A., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Riley, John W., 1 poll 2.00 86.21 Frank Mitchell farm 1,650.00 450 fowl 355.00 Riley, Isabel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rowell, Harold, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Rowell, Abbie D., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Roberts, Arcule, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Roberts, Olive, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Straw, Alice, Knox place 4,000.00 168.00 Silver, James, 1 poll 2.00 12.50 Archibald land and buildings 150.00 2 horses 100.00 Snow, Arthur, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Snow, Kate, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 28 NAME Valuation Total Tax Stevens, L. E., 1 poll 2.00 71.51 Gould farm 1,400.00 1 horse 75.00 2 cows 120.00 2 neat stock 60.00 Stevens, Agnes, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Stevens, James E., 1 poll 2.00 65.42 Cottage 900.00 Hadley land and buildings 300.00 400 fowls 310.00 Stevens, Emma B., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Stevens, Charles 0., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Stevens, Margaret, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 South Weare Garage Inc., land and buildings 6,000.00 378.00 Stock in trade 3,000.00 Spooner, Gilbert, 1 poll 2.00 64.16 Home 1,400.00 1 horse 40.00 1 cow 40.00 Spooner, Henrietta, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Sawyer, Herbert, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Sawyer, Florence, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Sawyer, Allen W., Gould place 2,000.00 159.39 Buxton pasture 200.00 Dearborn pasture 500.00 Gove land 200.00 2' cows 95.00 Johnson land 100.00 Jerome Gould and 1/3 Adeline Gould place 600.00 Stock in trade 100.00 Smith, Clayton, 1 poll 2.00 59.54 Home 1,300.00 1 horse 40.00 1 cow 30.00 Smith, Aldone, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Smith, George, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Smith, Mary Est., 1/3 Gould Est 200.00 8.40 Southworth, E. H., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Southworth, Florence, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Thorp, Guy B., 1 poll 2.00 77.60 C. A. Thorp place 1,800.00 Thorp, Maude, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Tenney, Wilder D., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 29 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Tenney, Iola, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Taylor, Robert, 1 poll 2.00 7.67 Brooder houses 75.00 1 cow 60.00 Taylor, Rose, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Thompson, John, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Thompson, Donetta, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Tucker, George, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Tucker, Constance, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Warren, Leon, 1 poll Exempt 43.89 Colby land and barn 350.00 Eastman land and camp 100.00 Lull place, $1,200; $1,000 exempt 200.00 1 cow 60.00

1 neat stock 25.00 400 fowls 310.00 Warren, Mildred, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Warren, Elvin M., 1 poll 2.00 14.60 Ryan land and camp 300.00 Warren, Priscilla, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Walsh, John, 1 poll Exempt 66.57 Hazen farm, $1,000 exempt 1,300.00 2 horses 175.00 2 cows 110.00 Walsh, Katherine, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Wilson, Harris Est., home and Inter- vale 1,600.00 67.20 Wilson, Eliza Est., village home and Flanders land 800.00 33.60 Wilson. E. Guy, 1 poll 2.00 5.99 5,000 sq. ft. Hodgdon land and Mt. Misery land 75.00 Potter field 20.00

Wilson, Eva, 1 poll 2.00 12.50 Old Simons place 50.00 2 horses 50.00 2 cows 125.00 1 neat stock 25.00 Wilson, Clinton H., J. L. Wilson farm, SI. 000 exemption 200.00 8.40 Wilson, Nina M., 1 poll 2.00 163.07 Allard place and Webb land and buildings 3,800.00 1 horse 35.00 Wilson, Franklin, Sr., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 30 NAME Valuation Total Tax Wilson, Franklin, Jr., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Woodbury, Chas. Est., camp 100.00 4.20 Watt, Leon, Frank Richards place 1,500.00 170.10 Gove place 2,200.00 V2 Johnson pasture 350.00 Waldo, Fred Est., home 1,400.00 60.90 Meadow 50.00 Waldo, Carrie Est., Collins place 400.00 42.00 Dearborn place 600.00 Wood, Charles R., 1 poll 2.00 165.17 Perley Bartlett farm 3,300.00 Samuel Osborn land 250.00 Osborn land on Mt. Misery 150.00 Nichols land ^ 50.00 1 horse 50.00 1 cow 60.00 1 neat stock 25.00 Wood, Lou., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Wood, Harold T., old home farm 1,500.00 74.97 1 horse 50.00 2 cows 110.00 5 neat stock 125.00 Wood, Maynard, 1 horse 40.00 20.58 5 cows 275.00 6 neat stock 175.00 Wood, Cora, home 400.00 16.80 Wood, Thos. G., 1 poll 2.00 170.00 Home 1,400.00 Osborne land and Maynard Wood farm 2,400.00 2 horses 200.00 Wood, Gertrude, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Wood, Lloyd N., 1 poll 2.00 63.32 Dan Osborn place 1,200.00 Cora Wood and Osborn land 200.00 1 cow 60.00 Wood, Edna S., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Whitney, Mary T., Hodgdon place 1,800.00 75.60 Whitney, Leslie T., 1 poll 2.00 10.40 Brooder houses 200.00 Whittaker, Gertrude, Cynthia Richards place 150.00 6.30 Webber, Oscar, 1 poll 2.00 42.95 Britton place 800.00 250 fowls 175.00 Webber, Rosalie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 31 SOUTH DIVISION — NON-RESIDENT

NAME Valuation Total Tax Allard, Fred, meadow $100.00 $4.20 Archibald, Shirley, Simons land and buildings 500.00 21.00 Archibald, Joseph, Emerson land and camp 550.00 27.30 Lumber 100.00 Barron, Sadie, Hart land 25.00 1.05 Bartlett, E. B., Balch and Bailey land 150.00 6.30 Bartlett, Jennette Est., 1/3 Gould place 200.00 14.70 Sprout and pasture land 150.00 Owner Unknown (formerly H. P. Beals or E. A. Smith Heirs) J. Smith land 400.00 16.80 Buxton, H. J., cram land 300.00 12.60 Brown, Allen, Mudgett land and camp 250.00 10.50 Buxton, A. C, A. C. Buxton place 2,000.00 84.00 Brackett & Shaw, stock in trade 800.00 33.60 Carr Brothers, Spring Brook land and growth 75.00 3.15 Connell, J. H. and Emma, Old Dan Os- born place 450.00 18.90 Cirella, Laurence E., Henry Balch place 500.00 21.00 Colvin, Sheldon D., Rufus Vadleigh lot 50.00 2.10

Clark, Ray J., Collins land and camp .... 400.00 16.80 Cudahee, James, Cram land 80.00 3.36 Creed, Harold S., Joliff land and camp 250.00 14.70 Barrett land 100.00 Dickerman, Blanche, cottage 700.00 29.40 Dearborn, J. G. Est., Josiah Dearborn farm 8,000.00 336.00 Desmond, Minot S., Old Worthley place 700.00 29.40 Dlugzosz, Peter, growth on Whitney's and growth on Foote's 300.00 56.70 Wood 1,050.00 Dee, Jerry Est., summer home 500.00 21.00 Dodge, Isaac W., Gregg Meadow and Johnson bog and Tuttle bog 600.00 25.20 Dearborn, Dr. Luther G., land on Mt. Misery 60.00 2.52 Dearborn, M. L., administrator F. O. Gould Est., Dud. Lull land 200.00 16.80 Cram land 200.00

32 NAME Valuation Total Tax Dinsmoor, Marjorie, Spring Brook land and growth 25.00 1.05

Elliott, Theodore, old Melvin farm .... 500.00 25.20 Sap orchard 100.00 Eastman, Ervin A., Colby land 350.00 14.70 Eastman, Miss Ethel M., F. S. Eastman place 800.00 33.60 Farr, Carroll, Emerson or Hodgdon land 250.00 10.50 Globe Realty Co., Philbrick land 125.00 5.25 Gulf Oil Co., pumps and tanks 320.00 13.44 Hadley, John L., John B. Colby and Tewksbury land 200.00 25.20 Dustin White land 400.00 Hadley, Harry G. Est., Mt. Misery land 50.00 13.65 Dearborn or Stowell Land 125.00 Balch lot 150.00 Hampton, Marian, old Jonathan Phil- brick farm 1,500.00 63.00 Hoit Miss Mary, Lull land 20.00 .84 Hambleton, A. K., Murphy place 600.00 25.20 Knowlton, Emma Est., Jewett and Sawyer land 1,600.00 67.20 Knowlton, T. O. Est., Emerson and Fletcher land 800.00 33.60 Lescatre, Henri, Townes place and camp 250.00 12.18 Wood 40.00 Lunt, R. S., Mt. William Lodge, land and camps 2,000.00 84.00 McElroy, Sophrona, David Gove place 500.00 21.00 Manter, G. W., Green place 700.00 29.40 Melvin, Lillian, A. C. Follansbee place, Home, meadow and sprout land 850.00 35.70 McGlenen, Rev. E. W., Hodgdon house and land 1,200.00 50.40

Milton, Leon H., G. H. Bixby place .... 950.00 39.90 Marshall, Everett A., Green place 850.00 44.94 22 goats 220.00 Nichols, Forrest, Bartlett land 400.00 16.80 Nelson, Grace L., Hodgdon land 700.00 29.40 Osborne, Chas. Est., Cram land 30.00 * 1.26 Osborne, Edgar S., old place 350.00 14.70 Public Service Co. of N. H., wires, poles and meters 44,440.00 1,866.48

33 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Perkins, Charles G. Est., home 4,500.00 294.00 Gove place 1,200.00 Old Perkins homestead 1,000.00 Mill and meadow 300.00 Perkins, Fred, Fifield land 175.00 7.35 Prince, L. O., George land 100.00 4.20 Platts, Natt T., John Cram land 500.00 21.84 Green field 20.00 Parker, Frank, Malvin land 625.00 27.09 Hoitt land 20.00 Philbrick, Frank A., sprout land 100.00 4.20 Philbrook, Mary, Jonathan Philbrick land 800.00 33.60 Plodzik, Mary, Davis place, Hodgdon land, Canada field 800.00 33.60 Sturtevant, Dr. Mills G., Knox place 8,500.00 357.00 Scheuermann, Loretta and Henry, Oscar Martin place 4,000.00 172.73 Geo. Rice land 75.00 7 sheep 40.00 Sinotte, Arthur, wood and lumber 200.00 8.40 Sprague, Mrs. Chas., Whittemore place 800.00 33.60 Smith, Byron, field and pasture 450.00 18.90 Smyth, Nettie Est., Hadley land 1,200.00 50.40 Standard Oil Co. of N. Y., pumps and tanks 245.00 10.29 Smith, H. M. Est., Webb pasture and Nichols meadow 500.00 21.00 Simons, Frank N., Simons lot 120.00 5.04 Stearns, Frank L., Mudgett land and building 500.00 21.00 Thompson, Margaret, bungalow 200.00 8.40 The Texas Co., pumps and tanks 60.00 2.52 Universalist Gen'l Convention, land and timber 500.00 21.00 Upton & Whitcomb, lumber 3,460.00 145.32 Waldo, Orren Est., Balch land 400.00 16.80 Wilson, Ella, Melvin land 200.00 8.40 Wilson, Irving, land 50.00 2.10 Wilson, A. Page Est., Norris field 200.00 8.40 Woodbury, Arthur J., George Wood- bury farm 2,600.00 121.80 Worthly land 300.00

34 NAME - Valuation Total Tax

Wilson, Arthur Est., Newman Wilson land 400.00 72.45 Cilley land 25.00 A. C. Wilson land, Hutchinson meadow, Hoitt meadow, J. Y. Wilson land and growth 1,300.00 Woodman, Henry, Whittaker and San- ders land 300.00 12.60 Woodbury, Sherman, D. Woodbury Est. 150.00 6.30 Wheeler, Benj. H., A. Gove land and camps 100.00 4.20 Young, Earl W. Est., % Fry meadow 30.00 6.51 Downing pasture 125.00


Avery, W. E., 1 poll $2.00 $33.50 Village home 750.00 Archibald, Mary, 1/3 Frank Marshall place 65.00 2.73 Archibald, Shirley, 2/3 Frank Marshall place 135.00 5.67 Armstrong, Walter, Day place 1,200.00 50.40 Armstrong, Marjorie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Barnard, Roland A., 1 poll 2.00 43.37 Holebenko pasture 150.00 Parsons and Harrington land 10.00 Sargent and Wilson Intervale 25.00 16 cows 800.00 Barnard, Dorothy, 1 poll 2.00 6.20 Emerson land cut over 100.00 Barnard, E. B. Est., home farm 3,000.00 126.00 Bean, Sidney E., 1 poll 2.00 8.51 Gladys Aker lot cut over 100.00 1 cow 55.00 Bean, Louisa F., 1 poll 2.00 102.80 Home place 2,400.00 Bean, Ellen Est., McCalvey place 1,625.00 68.25 Johnson meadow 25.00 Bean, Lorenzo F., 1 poll 2.00 36.86 Wilson field and pasture, Frank lot 200.00 700 fowls 630.00

35 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Bean, Mrs. Lorenzo F., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bowie, W. I., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bowie, Bernice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bowie, Bradford Est., farm 900.00 37.80 Bowie, Howard A., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bollivar, Arthur, 1 poll 2.00 39.80 House, land and garage 900.00 Bolio, Nathan, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Black, Ellen Clarina, 1 poll 2.00 60.80 Arthur Black farm 1,400.00 Burbeck, Lindley V., 1 poll 2.00 91.25 Home farm 2,000.00 2 cows 125.00

Burbeck, Nina I., 1 poll 2.00 23.00 Greenhouse 300.00 Shalvey land 75.00 Garage 125.00 Baptist Society, Baptist parsonage 800.00 33.60 Not used for church purposes.

Bowen, Howard, 1 poll 2.00 3.05 Pheasants 25.00 Bowen, Isabelle, 1 poll 2.00 5.15 1 horse 75.00

Bancker, Edward D., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bancker, Esther, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Bancker, Howard, 1 poll 2.00 37.70 Chandler place 850.00 Bancker, Emma, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Boynton, Jennie, 1 poll 2.00 95.53 Home place 1,500.00 Eastman pasture 300.00 2 oxen 175.00 1 cow 50.00 225 fowls 202.00 Boynton, Guy H., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Boynton, Laurence, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Boynton, Marguerite, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Boynton, Jesse, 1 poll 2.00 151.52 Willard Johnson place 1,200.00 William Eaton land 400.00 White farm 800.00 1 horse 150.00 2 cows 110.00 1,000 fowls 900.00

36 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Boynton, John, 1 poll 2.00 41.80 Boynton, Ruby, 1 poll 2.00 Home, joint deed 900.00 Boynton, Gordon F., 1 poll Exempt 117.39 Home $3,000, $1,000 exempt 2,000.00 13 cows 715.00 2 neat stock 80.00 Boynton, Grace E., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Blake, Arthur T., 1 poll 2.00 98.60 P. H. Lufkin farm 1,500.00 1 horse 100.00 10 cows 700.00 Blake, Doris L., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Burnham, Carroll, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Clancy, Josephine, home place at Fes- sendons 700.00 29.40 Colby, Daniel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Carter, Godfrey, Burley lot 100.00 4.20 Carter, Charles F., land and buildings 150.00 8.30 1 poll 2.00 Cutting, Florence, 1 poll 2.00 103.85 House on corner 300.00 5 brooder houses 125.00 Marshall field 50.00 Smith field 100.00 Frank Cutting piece 50.00 Paige Boynton place 1,800.00 Clough, Susan H., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Clough, Henry B., 1 poll 2.00 116.37 Home place 2,000.00 1 horse 175.00 2 cows 100.00 1 neat stock 30.00 27 sheep 162.00 284 fowls 256.00 Clark, J. W., 1 poll 2.00 80.96 Home place 1,800.00 1 cow 50.00 1 neat stock 30.00 Clark, Mabel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Currier, Edward H., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Chagrasulis, Spiros, 1 poll 2.00 102.59 House, barn, garage and henhouse 2,250.00 1 cow 55.00 100 fowls 90.00 37 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Chagrasulis, Visilike, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Chagrasulis, Charles, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Chandler, Carrie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Chandler, Harold, Lewis Gramms place 600.00 Exempt Cray, Harold A., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Cray, Dorothy Phelps, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Carmichael, Steward, 1 poll 2.00 4.10 1 camp 50.00 Carmichael, Doris, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Chagrasulis, Angelina, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Chagrasulis, Helen, 1 poll 2,00 2.00 Daniels, Lottie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Darres, Delvret, 1 poll 2.00 116.24 Vitty pasture 200.00 House lot 25.00 Vitty farm 2,000.00 Poultry house 200.00 1 horse 25.00 6 cows 270.00 Darres, Delma E., 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Davis, Melvin, home at Fessendville .... 800.00 33.60 Davis, Harry, A. J. Nichols farm, $1,200; $1,000 exempt 200.00 11.97 1 horse 50.00 1 cow 35.00 Davis, Pauline, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dwinnells, Ina Est., % Mary Hadley place 150.00 6.30 Dwinnells, John, 1 poll 2.00 151.94 Tom Emerson farm 2,700.00 2 horses 300.00 4 cows 200.00 3 neat stock 100.00 300 fowls 270.00 Dwinnells, Edna, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Dwinnells, Frank P., 1 cow 50.00 2.10 Downing, Frank, sprout land 50.00 2.10 Eaton, Guy E., Edmunds pasture 100.00 Esterbrooks Village home 800.00 ($900.00 exempt) Eaton, Doris D., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Eaton, Thomas H., home 400.00 16.80 Eaton, Sadie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Eaton, Blanche, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

38 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Eaton, George Thomas, 1 poll 2.00 24.26 Home and pasture 500.00 5 sheep 30.00 Eaton, Villa, pasture on Basset Mill Road 350.00 14.70 Eaton, Jennie W., village home 1,275.00 54.60 Meadow 25.00 Eaton, Charles D., 1 poll 2.00 71.93 Homestead 1,500.00 1 horse .'. 75.00 2 cows 90.00 Eaton, Eva S., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Eaton, Frank E., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Eagan, Margaret, 1 poll 2.00 21.95 Mary Richardson place 475.00 Eastman, Frank L., Melvin and Peas- lee land 900.00 63.00 Favor land 500.00 Bailey land 100.00 Eastman, Charles F., land between Chuck St. and River Road 100.00 8.95 Land near Roland Barnards 25.00 Eastman Bros., Andrew Eastman land 25.00 1.05 Emerson, John, Favor and Hadley land cut over 100.00 4.20 Fiske, Charles, A. Hood field 200.00 8.40 Favor, Clara M. E., 1 poll 2.00 243.50 Will Favor place, Church St 700.00 Perry Eaton farm and Hyde land 3,000.00 Old Eaton place, Chuck St 800.00 Holt place in village 1,100.00 Marshall land 150.00 Favor, Leon, 1 poll 2.00 81.80 Drees field 400.00 John Favor farm 1,500.00 Flanders, Theodore W., house and flow- age at Rockland 500.00 21.00 Fottler, Robert S., 1 poll 2.00 110.15 Fottler farm 2,500.00 1 horse 75.00 Fottler, Louise B., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Fottler, Lorrain E., 1 poll 2.00 75.50 New house Richardson farm 1,700.00 1 cow 50.00

39 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Fottler, Elizabeth J., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Fottler, Veneta, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Flanders, Viola, 1 poll 2.00 18.80

Cutting meadow, pasture, camp ... 400.00 Felch, Harold W., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Felch, Asa E., Cilley place 1.600.00 69.72 10 sheep 60.00 Gregg, Emma J., home place 600.00 25.20 Gilman, Perley S., 1 poll 2.00 44.00 Village home 1,000.00 Gilman, Leo, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Gilman, Irving Ray, 1 poll 2.00 73.82 Home farm 1,500.00 Sprout land 50.00 Gould land 100.00 1 cow 60.00 Gilman, William, 1 poll 2.00 39.80 850 fowls 765.00 Steam mill 135.00 Gilman, Kenneth, 1 poll 2.00 3.05 Camp 25.00 Gilman, Frank E., 1 poll 2.00 6.20 Camp 100.00 Gilman, Hazel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 George, Charles S., Roach land 75.00 114.87 Edmunds farm 2,000.00 2 horses 175.00 7 cows 385.00 3 neat stock 100.00 George Elwin T., 1 poll 2.00 102.17 Dance shed 150.00 Laney place 2,100.00 Parker pasture 50.00 1 cow 50.00 1 neat stock 35.00 Graves, John, 1 poll 2.00 44.00 Home farm 1,000.00 Green, Norris M., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Garrigan, James P., 1 poll 2.00 73.40 Charles Sawyer place 1,700.00 Garrigan, Eileen N., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hoyt, Delia, 1 poll 2.00 9.35 1 horse 75.00 2 cows 100.00

40 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Humphrey, Sadie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Humphrey, Charlotte, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Holmes, H. P., Henry Eaton farm 3,000.00 127.26 1 cow 30.00 Hall, Clarence R., 1 poll 2.00 3.05 Quinn camp site 25.00 Hall, Muriel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hall, Edith, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hall, Clarence C, 1 poll 2.00 51.98 Osborne farm 1,000.00 1 horse 100.00 2 cows 90.00 Hall, Goldie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hall, Harold, 1 poll 2.00 14.60 Shop building and machinery 300.00 Hadley, Leon, 2 pieces Mudget sprout land 500.00 21.00 Hamel, James, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hamel, Mary, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hardy, Elwin L., 1 poll 2.00 73.40 Village home 1,250.00 Toy shop land 50.00 Shop in barn 400.00 Hardy, Marian, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hodgeman, Ella, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Harvey, J, George, village home, land and henhouses 1,400.00 58.80 Harvey, Laura B., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Hayden, Linwood, 1 poll 2.00 51.77 Guy Wilson pasture 250.00 New hen house 100.00 Home and brooder house 700.00 150 fowls 135.00 Heino Bros., Walter Sargent farm 3,500.00 215.46 2 horses 200.00 22 cows 1,430.00 Heino, F. August 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Henio, Lena, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Heino, Elmer, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Heino, Otto, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Heino, William, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Heino, Minnie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Haines, Mildred, Kiley pasture 125.00 5.25 Hood, George, 1 cow 50.00 2.10

41 NAME Valuation Total Tax Hook, Harry L., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Ineson, Charles, 1 poll 2.00 69.20 Calderstone farm 1,600.00 Ineson, Howard, 1 poll 2.00 6.54 18 sheep 108.00 Ilsley, Lewis C, 1 poll 2.00 92.30 Johnson farm 1,350.00 2 horses 250.00 10 cows 550.00 Ilsley, Mildred, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Johnson, L. W., 1 poll 2.00 10.40 Stock in trade 200.00 Johnson, Gladys, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Johnson, Edward N., 1 poll 2.00 76.76 River field 30.00 Mattie Marshall place 1,750.00 Johnson, Clara, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Johnson, Carroll R., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Jutras, Rose, 1 poll 2.00 35.60 Rockland home 800.00 Jones, Fred C, 1 poll 2.00 401.00 Garage 300.00 Fisk land 350.00 Richardson land and barn 1,800.00 Hoyt farm 2,000.00 1 cow 50.00 Stock in trade 3,000.00 Machinery 2,000.00 Jones, Fred C. and Co., home place in village 1,200.00 50.40 Jones, Ella B., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Jones Toy Co., land and creamery building destroyed by flood 1.00 .04 King, Arline, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Keddy, Walter A., home place, $1,250 250.00 10.50 Barn burned ($1,000 exempt) Knox, Walter B., Sr., 1 poll 2.00 110.78 Wesley Hodge farm 2,500.00 1 cow 55.00 1 neat stock 35.00 Knox, Florence, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Knox, Walter B., Jr., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Kibbe, Laurence, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 LaBonta, Israel Est., Israel Labonta place 800.00 33.60 42 NAME Valuation Total Tax

LaBonta, Mattie J., 1 poll , 2.00 4.10 Pasture 50.00 LaBonta, Cora F., 1 poll 2.00 58.70 Village home 1,350.00 Leach, Howard, 1 poll 2.00 150.22 Home farm 3,000.00 2 horses 100.00 4 cows 240.00 210 fowls 189.00 Leach, Ethel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Leach, Francis, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Leach, Hazel, 1 poll .' 2.00 4.10 Cilley camp 50.00 Leeds, Clarence E., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Leeds, Jessie W., 1 poll 2.00 69.20 Susan Burroughs place 1,600.00 Leeds, Alden W., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Leeds, Amelia, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Legge, J. Hardy, 1 poll 2.00 44.00 Village home 1,000.00 Legge, Cora, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Legge, R. Clyde, 1 poll 2.00 33.29 A. G. Pare shop, tenement and barn 500.00 Gasoline tank and pump 245.00 Legge, Elizabeth, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Legge, Hannah, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Legge, Benjamin W., 1 poll 2.00 83.90 George Daniel home and poultry houses 1,500.00 500 fowls 450.00 Marshall, Alfred H., store buildings and garage 3,000.00 159.60 Stock in trade 800.00 Marshall, Sarah, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Martin, Ernest and Jennie, George

Drees farm .... 800.00 46.83 350 fowls 315.00 Malfet, Joseph, 1 poll 2.00 676.73 Ed Straw farm 5,000.00 Cottage at Straw farm 500.00 Buckeye Poultry Farm 6,750.00 1 horse 35.00 3 cows 180.00 4,000 fowls 3,600.00 43 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Malfet, Grace, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Malfet, Nellie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Muzzey, Fred C, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Muzzey, Elsa M., 1 poll 2.00 18.80 Home place 400.00 Merrill, Charles W., 1 poll 2.00 23.00 Campbell place 500.00 McGilvery, Freeman L., Dr. Eaton

place, $2,800; $1,000 exempt ... 1,800.00 84.00 Meadow and woodlot 200.00 McGilvery, Pauline, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Morse, Harold, camp 400.00 Exempt 1 horse 40.00

Melvin, Stanley, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Nelson, Muriel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Nelson, Knute, 1 poll 2.00 52.40 Cottage 900.00 Cottage, new not finished 300.00 Nichols, A. G., Eastman land 150.00 .84 ($1,000 exempt) Camp 35.00 Bancker land 475.00 400 fowl 360.00 Nichols, Ruth, Vittey pasture 300.00 12.60 Nichols, A. J., Phelps pasture 100.00 4.20 Noury, Ubald E., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Noury, Marie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Noury, Robert A., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Noury, George, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Peaslee, Leon, 1 poll 2.00 104.06

Pasture and F. C. Cutting farm .... 2,000.00 2 horses 140.00 5 cows 200.00 3 neat stock 90.00 Peaslee, Mabel, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Peaslee, Frank H., Putnam meadow .... 25.00 1.05 Purrington, Eulalia, 1 poll 2.00 35.60 Home place and Edwards pasture 800.00 Purrington, Roy, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Purrington, Gertrude, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Provencher, Marie J., 1 poll 2.00 2.00

Pihl, Arthur S., 1 poll 2.00 56.60 Village home 1,300.00 Pihl, Christine, 1 poll 2.00 4.10 Sargent land 50.00 44 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Pihl, Louise, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Pihl, Richard, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Phelps, B. L., 1 poll 2.00 46.10 Home place 900.00 Jerry Kane land 100.00 Ed Gregg place 50.00 Phelps, Alice, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Phelps, B. L., Jr., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Perrigo, Lyhl, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Peaslee, Arthur, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Quackenbush, Thomas, 1 poll 2.00 6.20 Camp 100.00 Rowell, C. J., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Richards, Leonard, 1 poll 2.00 3.05 1 horse 25.00 Richards, Marjorie, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Russell, Joseph, 1 poll 2.00 35.60 J. Hamel farm 800.00 Russell, Stella, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Straw, F. H. and Esther Sargent, Straw- farm 3,500.00 164.85 Hen houses 400.00 Brooder house 25.00 Sargent, Bryan, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Sargent, Esther, 1 poll 2.00 15.86 4 cows 240.00 3 neat stock 90.00 Straw, Fred H., village place and shop 900.00 37.80 Still, Clarence S., Lufkin meadow 75.00 152.46 ($1,000 exempt) Hall place 800.00 Hayford place 2,725.00 1 horse 150.00 7 cows 385.00 550 fowls 495.00 Still, Ethel L., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Simonds, Fred and Kate, Ekberg place, joint deed, 1 poll 2.00 47.40 Ekberg 1,000.00 90 fowls 81.00 Simonds, Kate, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Simonds, Franklin, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Shatney, Arnold, 1 poll 2.00 6.20 Richardson land 100.00

45 XAME Valuation Total Tax

Smith, Fred R., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Towns, Ralph, 1 poll 2.00 224.39

Melvin and Burnet Hill pasture .... 200.00 Lewis Towns farm 3,800.00 2 horses 300.00 14 cows 770.00 250 fowls 225.00 Towns, Julia, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Tilden, M. R., 1 poll 2.00 60.80 A. M. Tilden home 1,400.00 Tilden, Donald, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Van de Bogart, Ray, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Van de Bogart, Emma, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Van de Bogart, Roy. Frost place land washed out 5.00 .21 Van de Bogart, Katherine, 1 poll 2.00 15.02 Home place, $1,250; SI, 000 exempt 250.00 1 cow 60.00 Zuvelos. Harry. 1 poll 2.00 11.03 1 cow 45.00 200 fowls 170.00

Wilson, Walter H., 1 poll 2.00 39.80 Gilbert and Dow land, Judd place 900.00 Wilson, Stella, 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Wilson, John G., 1 poll 2.00 67.10 Land and buildings Peaslee mill lot 1,500.00 1 cow 50.00 Wilson. Clara M., 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Wood. Vernon. 1 poll 2.00 4.10 At North Weare, 1 camp 50.00 Wood. Elsie Mae. 1 poll 2.00 58.28 Edith Ineson place 1,300.00 1 cow 40.00 White. Willard L.. 1 poll 2.00 2.00

White. Olive P., 1 poll 2.00 85.79 Albian Clark place 1,800.00

1 horse 75.00 1 pony 30.00 2 cows 90.00 Wheeler, Bernice C. Rockland cottage 600.00 25.20 Wimple, Abraham. 1 poll 2.00 2.00 Williamson, Winton, 1 poll 2.00 2.00

46 NAME Valuation Total Tax Wimple and Armstrong, Joint deed, meadow 20.00 74.00 Henry Follansbee farm 1,700.00 7 sheep 42.00


Burnham, P. H. sprout land $125.00 $5.25 Burnham, L. Webster, Arthur Richards land 100.00 4.20 Boutwell, F. M., camp at Sargents 450.00 18.90 Bailey, Arthur, Gould, Richards and Moore land and growth 800.00 33.60

Bollivar, Aubrey, Leon Hadley land .... 75.00 3.15

Clark, Roy D., old Clark farm land .... 1,600.00 67.20 Clough, Doris, G. F. Clough farm 3,500.00 156.45 Clough and Dixon land and growth 125.00 Doris Dixon land and growth 100.00 Dearborn, E. J., woodlot partly cut over 200.00 8.40 Dudley, Harriett, Terrell farm 1,000.00 42.00 Dexter, M. N., 2 room camp and land 400.00 16.80 Eagan, William, camp and land 300.00 12.60 Eaton, Willie, home place 1,800.00 128.10

. River field 200.00 Hobart place 1,000.00 Favor field 50.00 The Fessendon Co., J. M. Hoyt lot deed No. 221; Sewell Hoyt lot deed No. 208; Emerson land deed No. 203 600.00 25.20 Flynn, Edward F., Bessie Flanders

place, Olive Peaslee Hamel land .... 1,950.00 81.90 Griffin, Wayne M., land at Fessendons 300.00 12.60 Gulf Oil Corp., pumps and tanks at Jones store 245.00 10.29 Garmon, A. L. Est., gravel bank, land, wood 750.00 81.90 Value stock in trade 1,000.00 Machinery 200.00 House of Mercy, John Clough, house barn and growth 2,500.00 105.00 Geer, Bert, Sewell Hoyt pasture 75.00 3.15 Hackett, Frank H., pasture, former A. E. Felch home 1,800.00 75.60

47 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Hahn, William, I. 0. G. T. hall 400.00 16.80

Hadley, John, % Mary Hadley place .... 150.00 6.30 Hoyt, Elmer, 1 horse 75.00 3.15 Irving, 0. G., Thayer place 400.00 20.37 Everett pasture 85.00 Johnson, Isadore, Everett pasture and growth badly blown down 600.00 25.20 Jones, Jessie C, Marshall field 350.00 14.70 Kimball, N. D., pasture and sprout land 100.00 4.20 Luscombe, Helen, summer camp and garage 550.00 23.10 Little & Smith, Barnard Hill land and growth 750.00 31.50 Moulton, William, Towns land 100.00 8.40 Sprout land 100.00

Monroe, Vaughn, Clara Elvert place .... 800.00 33.60 Nichols, Caterine, Buzzell and Phil- brick land 500.00 21.00 Noyes, Albert M. and Ruby H., David Dunbar property 300.00 12.60 Palmer, William T., Willis Gove place 100.00 25.20 Summer place 500.00 Pare, J. Oliver, field near Jessie Jones field 100.00 4.20 Public Service Co. of N. H., addition to Sugar Hill line 910.00 1,096.20 Sugar Hill line 2,190.00 Poles, lines and equipment 23,000.00

Palmer, Charles E., Towns pasture .... 300.00 12.60 Richard, Marion, pasture and growth, formerly Etta Goodwins 300.00 12.60 Standard Oil Co. of N. Y., Malfets 1 pump, Marshalls 1 pump (both hand pumps) 60.00 2.52 Straw, Clara Est., sprout land 150.00 6.30 Smith, Herman Est., McElroy land and growth 375.00 15.75 Shepard, Almys Est., Orrie Tilton lot, Marshall lot 250.00 10.50 Sedgdell, Hattie, Gilbeau place 600.00 25.20 Terrell, Lillian, land near Geo. T. Eatons 10.00 .42 Towns, Shirley, Hill pasture 400.00 16.80

Troop, Jennie R., Allen Robie farm .... 2,000.00 88.20 1 horse 100.00 48 NAME Valuation Total Tax

Warren, John B., land near No. Weare Station 150.00 6.30 Watts, John, pasture and growth 150.00 6.30

Woodman, Henry, Otis Johnson land .. 175.00 7.35 Wheeler, Sterling, Felch lot 35.00 18.27 Buzzell land and growth 400.00 Wheeler, Antoinette D., Maxwell lot and growth 500.00 40.95 Rogers and Rowell land and wood 100.00 Dora Green lot with water rights 350.00 Cord wood 25.00

Wheeler, Norwin, Maxwell stumpage .... 50.00 2.10 Zuvelos, Theone, M. Sanborn land and buildings 700.00 29.40