MISSION: The mission of the Judiciary, as an independent branch of government, is to administer justice in an impartial, efficient, and accessible manner in accordance with the law.

Within the Judiciary, the major program categories are court operations and support services. The programs in the court operations category serve to safeguard the rights and interests of persons by assuring an equitable and expeditious judicial process. These include the Courts of Appeal (JUD 101); and the First, Second, Third, and Fifth Circuits (JUD 310, 320, 330, and 350, respectively). Programs in the support services category enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the judicial system by providing the various courts with administrative services such as fiscal control and direction of operations and personnel, and fall under the title of Administration (JUD 601). Within Administration are the Offices of the Administrative and Deputy Administrative Director of the Courts, and five departments – Intergovernmental and Community Relations, Policy and Planning, Information Technology and Systems, Financial Services, and Human Resources. Also attached to the Judiciary for administrative purposes only is the Judicial Selection Commission (JUD 501), which is responsible for receiving applications for judgeships in Hawaiʻi Courts and submitting a list of six nominees to the appointing authority for each vacancy. Further details on the functions and activities of the programs in each of the categories can be found in Table 1.

ECONOMIC IMPACT: The Judiciary recognizes that ’s economy, economic outlook, visitor arrivals, job counts, and construction activities continue to be strong and that current state business sentiment remains positive. However, even with that, members of the Hawai‘i Council on Revenues at their most recent meeting expressed concern that the economy may have reached the end of its current expansionary cycle during the seven-year budget window and cited some uncertainty about the future and the possible impact on the local economy. This uncertainty related to such matters as the U.S. - China trade war, a slowing global economy, the inverted debt instrument yield curve which has preceded recessions in the past, the potential effect of increased regulation of transient accommodation units, and the negative economic impact of Hawaii’s population decline the past few years. In the end, the Council lowered its growth forecast for FY 2021 from 4% to 3%. The Judiciary is also aware of other challenges that could affect the availability of general funds including the ongoing collective bargaining negotiations, health care costs, State mandated commitments, and other post-employment/unfunded liabilities.

Further, while the last major recession took place some 10 years ago, the Judiciary, its employees, and the public still feel to a certain extent the effects of the $15.4 million funding reduction (10.3% of the Judiciary’s budget base) and 79 vacant position cut (4% of the Judiciary’s authorized permanent staffing) that occurred during that time.

Since the recession low point in FY 2011, the Legislature has increased funding to the Judiciary by about $42 million and provided an additional 86 permanent positions so that its budget base and permanent position count are now about $22 million and 29 positions more than they were in FY 2009. However, most of the funds added to the Judiciary’s budget since its low point in FY 2011 have related to pay restoration and collective bargaining increases so that payroll is 73.3% of the Judiciary’s budget as compared to 68% in FY 2009. This equates to a loss of some $2 million in non-payroll operating funding which, in turn, continues to impact the Judiciary in its ability to cover and restore funding in areas where it took cuts and/or where costs continue to increase – utilities, purchase of services (POS) contracts, technology requirements, repair and maintenance, and security needs, to name a few.

JUD page 1 The impact of the budget and personnel reductions that occurred is still being felt throughout the Judiciary to a certain degree, especially considering that the Judiciary has no control over its workload, has had to accommodate that workload with less non-payroll operating financial resources, and as difficulties have occurred in trying to find qualified applicants for certain types of positions in this strong economy. Over the years, this has sometimes resulted in cases and hearings taking longer to get scheduled, heard, and resolved; and the reduction of some services being provided by or through the Judiciary. These conditions continue to linger to a certain extent, as non-payroll operating funding remains below previous levels and as the caseload, the time it takes to resolve cases, and the number of self-represented litigants continues to increase. For example, the number of pending non-criminal actions (i.e., civil actions, probate proceedings, conservator/guardianship proceedings, temporary restraining orders (TROs), small claims, etc.) at the end of FY 2019, as compared to the end of FY 2008, increased by 11% in the District Courts and 80% in the Circuit Courts. Of particular note during this 11-year period was an increase of 169% in probate proceedings, 184% in trust proceedings, 438% in Tax Court proceedings, and 53% for small claims. It should also be pointed out that Judiciary efforts to close out old District Court criminal cases have resulted in the number of cases pending for criminal actions at the end of FY 2019 to decrease by 63% relative to FY 2008 even though new filings have decreased by only 24% between these periods.

For Family Courts statewide, including criminal, children’s referrals, marital actions, parental proceedings, and all other types of Family Court cases, the number of cases pending at FY 2019 year end increased by 19% compared to FY 2008. Especially noticeable were increases of 61% in marital actions, 118% in parental proceedings, and 40% in criminal actions. These increases were offset to a large extent by a 51% reduction (from 10,417 cases in FY 2008 to 5,089 cases in FY 2019) in children’s referrals for law violations, status offenses, traffic situations, abuse, and other.

The budget situation that occurred during the recession resulted in the Judiciary reducing funding for POS contracts with actual POS contract expenditures decreasing by more than $3 million between FY 2009 and FY 2013. These types of contracts involve the purchase of assessment and/or treatment services for substance abuse, child sex abuse, and mental health, as well as domestic violence emergency shelter services, juvenile client and family services, victim impact classes, individual/group counseling, and more. Portions of some of these programs/services were reduced or eliminated resulting, in some cases, in less services being available, less clients being served, and longer waits to access services. The Judiciary is very appreciative that the Legislature recognized this situation and provided more than $900,000 in funding in FYs 2014 and 2015 to restore some of the POS funding cuts, and additional one-time funding of $600,000 in FY 2016, $750,000 in FY 2017, $450,000 in FY 2019, and $500,000 in FY 2020 specifically for civil legal services. Actual POS contract expenditures totaled $9.5 million in FY 2019, some $2.5 million less than they were in FY 2009 and $1.5 million less than the $11 million projected for FY 2019. Expenditures were less than projected for various reasons including lack of a provider for specified services (e.g., two POS contracts projected at $61,000 in Second Circuit with no providers bidding) and staffing shortages by providers limiting their services (e.g., three POS contracts in Second Circuit projected at $1,059,000 with actual expenditures totaling just $753, 000).

Grant-in-aid funding totaled $1.2 million in FY 2014 and $1.3 million in FY 2015, but was only $90,000 in FY 2016 and zero in FYs 2017, 2018, and 2019. In FY 2020, $150,000 was provided for one organization. While the general reduction in overall grant funding does not directly affect the Judiciary as the Judiciary is more of a pass through agent for grants-in-aid, the absence of grant funding does affect those organizations that partly rely on such funds to operate and provide needed services to their target population.

JUD page 2 It should be noted that in spite of the various funding and resource challenges faced by the Judiciary over the past few years, providing the public with greater access to justice and its civil and criminal justice systems continues to be a major emphasis for the Judiciary. This can take many different forms whether it be through its interpreter program, self-help centers and access to justice rooms, unbundling, the court navigator program, technology, and various types of specialty courts. For example, the Judiciary currently has more than 400 interpreters in its Court Interpreter Certification Program, provides interpreter services in 50 different languages/dialects, and interpreted more than 11,000 proceedings in FY 2018. Further, it is in the process of translating court forms from English into the 10 languages most frequently encountered in State courts, and its website provides information in 14 languages other than English. The Judiciary also now has 12 interpreters that have completed the Basic Orientation Workshop, calls all Hawaiʻi Supreme Court and Intermediate Court of Appeals cases in both Hawaiian and English, and is working with Kapiʻolani Community College to translate the Judiciary’s Language ID Card and “How to Request an Interpreter” sheet into Hawaiian.

The Judiciary has also established self-help centers (“access to justice rooms”) in each circuit where volunteer attorneys are available to provide information on civil matters to self-represented litigants. Since the first self-help center was opened on Kauaʻi in 2011, almost 27,000 of these litigants have been assisted. Further, in September 2019, the Hawaiʻi Supreme Court issued orders allowing for the unbundling of legal services in Hawaii’s courts. In recent years, 97% of summary possession cases and 94% of divorce cases in Hawaiʻi involve at least one party without an attorney; in fact, in divorce cases, both parties represent themselves 62% of the time. The primary reason for this is the cost of counsel even though most litigants would prefer the assistance of a lawyer. Rules for unbundling now provide that lawyers can limit their work to certain parts of a case while clients retain responsibility for other parts. For example, a litigant may hire a lawyer for only a contentious custody portion of a divorce. This reduces costs to litigants and increases court efficiency through fewer court appearances and delays as litigants are better prepared to present their cases.

Other access to justice programs and/or accomplishments include the Hawaiʻi Appellate Mediation Program (AMP) and the Volunteer Court Navigator Program. Since its inception in 1995, AMP, which focuses on civil cases on appeal and matches income-qualifying litigants with attorneys willing to provide legal services without charge, has handled more than 720 cases with over half of them resulting in settlements. The Volunteer Court Navigator Program was established on Maui in June 2018. Under this Program, the Judiciary stations volunteer court navigators on various floors in the courthouse to assist self- represented litigants when they come to the courthouse. Navigators have served more than 700 people and been present at every debtor-creditor, landlord-tenant, and non-family TRO court session since this Program began.

The Judiciary’s use of technology also enhances access to justice. Its award winning court website has been recognized for improved communication, operational efficiencies, and access to justice, especially for self- represented litigants and those with limited English proficiency, while its free Courts Mobile App provides a wealth of information about Hawaii’s courts. Criminal, appellate, and civil cases (except civil family cases) all now have the convenience of e-filing which allows cases to be initiated online and court documents to be electronically filed 24 hours a day. Also, in late 2018, the eReminder Service Project, which sends electronic reminders about court hearings to criminal defendants, was launched and offered to all defendants that had traffic cases, or circuit, district, or family court criminal cases. Interested persons enrolled by filling out an application. Through August 2019, 15,511 texts had been sent to 2,031 subscribers.

JUD page 3 Specialty courts and programs are another facet of access to justice as these programs focus on certain targeted individuals or conditions. For example, Drug Court programs, which are 18 months of intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment, have been established on all islands. These programs have graduated 2,100 people since the first Drug Court was established on Oʻahu in 1996. Veterans Treatment Courts, the first of which was established on Oʻahu in 2013, are now on all islands and have graduated 42 participants to date. Truancy court programs, which have recently been established on Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi, and Kauaʻi, address chronic absenteeism and truancy problems, which have been identified as one of the early signs of delinquent activity among young people. Hawaiʻi launched one of the nation’s first Girls Court models in 2004 to provide gender-responsive programs and services that target at-risk and delinquent girls or boys who identify as female. Some 240 youth and 277 family members have received assistance from Girls Court.

In January 2017, the Judiciary, in collaboration with the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney of the City and County of , and the Office of Public Defender, State of Hawai‘i, started the Community Outreach Court with grant and subsequent legislative funding. The target population for this Outreach Court is nonviolent offenders, primarily homeless, who often face problems (such as drug abuse and mental health challenges) in obtaining basic services and necessities, like food and shelter, and connecting these people to those that can help with shelter/housing, health services, identification documents, and employment. Among this Court’s objectives are to relocate services closer to the community and help clear minor quality-of-life offenses and bench warrants. Court sessions have been held in Honolulu District Court, Wahiawā District Court, Waiʻanae Public Library, and Kāneʻohe District Court, generally once a month except in Honolulu where it is twice monthly. As of September 30, 2019, 101 Community Court Outreach sessions have been held, 201 persons have participated in the program, 2,321 cases have been cleared, and almost 4,000 hours of community service have been performed by these participants.

Lastly, access to justice has been significantly improved for West Hawaiʻi residents with the on-time, on budget completion of the new Keahuolū Courthouse in Kona, which opened in September 2019. These residents now have all court services available under one roof at one location in a modern, technologically improved and advanced facility as opposed to the previous situation where courts were located in non- court buildings at three separate locations distant from each other.

PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: In comparing the median age for disposition for circuit court cases in FY 2019 with FY 2018 and FY 2009 (before the budget and personnel reductions that occurred during the recession), it is noted that the median age for criminal cases in each circuit has increased from FY 2009, except for Third Circuit where there has been a significant decrease. For civil cases, the median time has also substantially increased in each circuit since FY 2009, primarily due to the effect of the increase in foreclosure filings during the recession, especially in FYs 2011, 2012, and 2013; the time necessary to dispose of these cases; and the review and clean-up of very old cases in the system. Specifically, for First Circuit, the median time went from 265 to 377 to 366 days for the three fiscal years [this is, FYs 2009, 2018, and 2019] for criminal cases, and from 393 to 604 to 601 days for civil cases. For Second Circuit, the median time was 231 to 252 days to 274 for criminal cases and 294 to 541 to 557 days for civil cases. For Third Circuit, the median time for criminal cases went from 301 to 176 to 175 days and civil cases went from 298 to 577 days both in FYs 2018 and 2019. Lastly, for Fifth Circuit, criminal cases went from 307 to 329 to 376 days and civil cases from 400 to 1,660 to 732 days, quite a significant reduction.

The clearance rate/disposition rate (number of cases terminated or disposed divided by number of new filings) is another performance measure that can be looked at. The Intermediate Court of Appeals had a disposition rate of 102% in FY 2019, which is a significant increase over the 83% rate in FY 2017 and the 85%

JUD page 4 rate in FY 2018. The clearance rates for Circuit, Family, and District Court cases (excluding parking cases) of 90.7%, 92.9%, and 127% in FY 2019 were also notably higher than the 84.8%, 87.7%, and 103.1% rates in FY 2018 and the 76.1%, 92.1%, and 110.5% rates in FY 2009.

FEDERAL FUNDS: The Judiciary is unaware of and has not identified any programs that are at risk for losing federal funds.

BUDGET REQUEST: In late July each year, the Budget Office prepares and distributes a Budget Instruction package to its programs, requesting them to provide their budget requests and associated write-ups to the Budget Office by early September. The Chief Justice and Administrative Director of the Courts are also asked to provide information as to any specific items or other guidance that the Budget Office might want to focus on or consider. Once the budget support packages are received from the programs, the Budget Office reviews them, requests further information from the programs as necessary, and then makes a preliminary determination as to which requests are supportable, adequately justified, and the Judiciary should go forward with. These requests, along with those not recommended, are reviewed with the Administrative Director and the Chief Justice and a final decision is made as to which items should be part of the Judiciary’s budget request. The programs prioritize their requests when they submit them to the Budget Office. However, once the final decision is made as to which budget request items to submit to the Legislature, the Budget Office, in conjunction with the Administrative Director of the Courts and the Chief Justice, prioritizes the requests Judiciary-wide.

With regard to our budget requests for the supplemental period, we, as mentioned earlier, are very cognizant that there are many issues and concerns that must be addressed by the legislature, and that funds will continue to be tight during this supplemental year. Accordingly, the Judiciary has a very modest supplemental budget request for just seven new permanent positions and funding of $1.23 million for FY 2021, which is only 0.7 percent of the Judiciary’s current budget. Three of these position requests are for no-cost conversions of temporary to permanent positions – two social workers for the Court Appointed Special Advocates Program in the First Circuit to help stabilize the program and provide programmatic assistance and advocacy for abused and neglected children, and one for a court operations specialist in Courts of Appeal. Stability for the court operations specialist position is necessary to provide continuity, knowledge, and familiarity in building management and maintenance issues for Ali‘iōlani Hale and Kapuāiwa Buildings, both of which are over 150 years old and on the National Register of Historic Places.

The remaining four new permanent positions being requested are for a District Court judge and three support staff positions in the Second Circuit where the county population has more than doubled since the last district court judge position was added in 1982. A new judge would allow the Second Circuit to consider implementing additional court dockets and programming to meet needs of individuals struggling with homelessness or mental health issues; expand court services in Lahaina to five days per week; and expand services in Hāna, and on Moloka‘i and Lāna‘i.

The Judiciary has only two other general fund requests – one to fund the $2,000 annual salary increase per judge based on the recommendation from the 2019 Commission on Salaries, and the second for continuous civil legal services funding for low-income individuals rather than have it periodically provided on a one- time basis by the Legislature. As mentioned earlier in this document, such funding has been provided in varying amounts over the past number of years, except for FY 2018.

Capital Improvement Project (CIP) requirements remain a major item of concern as the Judiciary’s infrastructure continues to age and deteriorate, and as the population served and services provided by the

JUD page 5 Judiciary keep expanding. CIP funds totaling $27.7 million are being requested to address certain critical needs, some of which relate to the health and safety of Judiciary employees and the public. Specifically, the Judiciary is requesting funds to upgrade and modernize fire alarm systems and elevators at Kaʻahumanu Hale (First Circuit), both of which are more than 30 years old, are tied into each other, and which continue to malfunction with greater frequency; to renovate the Kaʻahumanu Hale sheriff station; and to continue on-going projects to renovate piping at the Hoapili Hale parking structure (Second Circuit) and to reroof and repair leaks and resulting damages at Puʻuhonua Kaulike (Fifth Circuit). Lastly, CIP lump sum funding is being requested so that we can address both continuing and emergent building issues statewide.

In sum, the Judiciary recognizes the State still has important fiscal concerns even in this relatively stable economy, and that balancing the desire to continue to provide adequate public services to Hawaii’s citizens against competing initiatives with available general fund resources creates difficult allocation decisions. We believe that the additional amount being requested for this supplemental year is a relatively modest amount to enhance court and client services, and to serve some of those clients most in need of these services.

This concludes the overview section of our testimony. It should be noted that the tables requested by the December 2019 Supplemental Briefing Instructions follow this overview section.

JUD page 6 January 2020 The Judiciary FY 2021 Supplemental Budget ACCESS TO JUSTICE

• Support for People with Limited English Proficiency o Interpreters o Website Information in Other Languages o Translation of Court Forms from English

• Support for Self-Represented Litigants o Self-Help Counters / Access to Justice Rooms o Unbundling o Hawaii Appellate Mediation Program o Volunteer Court Navigator Program


• Technology o Website o Mobile Application o E-filing o eReminder

• Specialty Courts o Drug Courts o Girls Court o Veterans Treatment Court o Truancy Court o Community Outreach Court

• Keahuolū Courthouse




Courts of Appeal 1.00 / (1.00) 44,000

First Circuit 2.00 / (2.00) 220,000

Second Circuit 4.00 / 0.00 392,856

Third Circuit 0.00 / 0.00 48,000

Fifth Circuit 0.00 / 0.00 24,000

Judicial Selection 0.00 / 0.00 0 Commission

Administration 0.00 / 0.00 500,000

JUDICIARY TOTAL 7.00 / (3.00) 1,228,856 5

G:\commonbu\excel\lori\20 preleg\genfunsum SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET REQUESTS

Overall, 5 requests for 7 permanent positions and funding of $1.23 million in FY 2021.

• Essential Staffing: Court/Administrative Operations ($353K) – District Court Judge and Staff (4) – Second Circuit ($353K) – Court Ops Specialist Position Conversion (1) – Courts of Appeal ($0)

• Client Services – CASA Social Worker Position Conversions (2) – First Circuit ($0) – Civil Legal Services – Administration (0) ($500K)

• Judges’ Salary Increase ($376K)


Circuit Description FY 2021

1st Ka'ahumanu Hale Fire Alarm Systems/ Elevator Upgrade [C] 17,550,000

1st Ka'ahumanu Hale Sheriff Station Renovation [D], [C] 1,700,000

2nd Hoapili Hale Parking Structure Piping Renovations [D], [C] 2,800,000

5th Reroof and Repair Leaks/Damages - Kauai Courthouse [C] 2,650,000

Admin Lump Sum CIP 3,000,000

Total 27,700,000

Codes: [D] - Design, [C] - Construction 7 Judiciary Table 1 Functions Division Description of Function Activities Prog ID(s) Statutory Reference

The Supreme Court hears and makes determinations on appeals The Supreme Court is the State of Hawaii's court of last resort, and original proceedings that are properly brought before the and hears appeals on transfer from the Intermediate Court of court, including cases heard upon applications for writs of Article VI of the Appeals or on writ of certiorari to the Intermediate Court of certiorari; cases transferred from the Intermediate Court of Hawaii State Supreme Court JUD 101 Appeals. It licenses and disciplines attorneys, disciplines judges, Appeals; reserved questions of law from the Circuit Courts, the Constitution HRS and exercises ultimate rule-making power for all courts in the Land Court, and the Tax Appeal Court; certified questions of law Section 602 State. from federal courts; applications for writs directed to judges and other public officers; and complaints regarding elections.

The Intermediate Court of Appeals reviews, in the first instance, appeals from trial courts and from some agencies. It is also The Intermediate Court of Appeals provides timely disposition of Article VI of the Intermediate authorized to entertain cases submitted without suit when there appeals from trial courts and state agencies, including the Hawaii State JUD 101 Court of Appeals is a question of law that could be the subject of a civil suit in the resolution of the particular dispute and explication of the law for Constitution Circuit Court or the Tax Appeal Court, and the parties agree upon the benefit of the litigants, the bar, and the public. HRS Section 602 the facts upon which the controversy depends.

Article VI of the JUD 310 Adjudication provides the First, Second, Third, and Fifth Circuits Central to the operation of the lower court programs of the Hawaii State Lower Courts JUD 320 with judges and staff to operate the Circuit, Family, and District Judiciary are the Circuit Courts, Family Courts (a division of the Constitution Adjudication JUD 330 Courts. Circuit Court), and District Courts. HRS Section 603 JUD 350 HRS Section 604

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Circuit Courts are trial courts of general jurisdiction. Circuit Courts have jurisdiction in most felony cases, and concurrent jurisdiction with the Family Courts for certain felonies related to domestic abuse, such as violations of temporary restraining orders involving family and household members. Circuit Courts also have exclusive jurisdiction in probate, trust, and conservatorship (formerly "guardian of the property") The primary objectives of the programs in each circuit include proceedings, and concurrent jurisdiction with the Family Courts Article VI of the providing for effective and efficient planning, direction, JUD 310 Lower Courts over adult guardianship (formerly "guardian of the person") Hawaii State administration, coordination, and evaluation of all administrative JUD 320 Central proceedings. Circuit Courts have exclusive jurisdiction in civil Constitution business and support functions, operations, and activities JUD 330 Administration cases involving amounts greater than $40,000, and concurrent HRS Section 603 required to support judicial proceedings and judgements in the JUD 350 jurisdiction with District Courts in civil cases involving amounts HRS Section 604 Circuit, District, and Family Courts. between $10,000 and $40,000. Jury trials are conducted exclusively by Circuit Court judges. A party to a civil case triable by jury may demand a jury trial where the amount in controversy exceeds $5,000. Circuit Courts have exclusive jurisdiction in mechanics lien cases and foreclosure cases, and jurisdiction as provided by law in appeals from other agencies (such as unemployment compensation appeals).

Circuit Court programs include alternatives to traditional dispute resolution methods. The Circuit Court Drug Court Programs aim The primary objective is to provide direct services to adult and to divert nonviolent defendants from the traditional criminal juvenile clients of courts within the First, Second, Third, and Fifth justice path and incarceration, placing them in treatment Article VI of the JUD 310 Lower Courts Circuits. Activities include making recommendations to the programs under judicial supervision, rewarding good behavior, Hawaii State JUD 320 Client courts, enforcing compliance with court orders, maintaining and imposing immediate sanctions for relapse into drug use. The Constitution JUD 330 Services client classification and information systems, managing purchase Circuit Court’s Court Annexed Arbitration Program is designed to HRS Section 603 JUD 350 of service contracts, and maintaining contacts with community reduce the cost and delay of protracted civil litigation, requiring HRS Section 604 resources. tort actions with a probable jury award value under $150,000 to be submitted to the program and be subject to a determination of arbitrability and to arbitration under program rules.

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The Family Courts, divisions of the Circuit Courts, are specialized courts of record designed to deal with family conflict and juvenile offenders. The Family Court complements its strictly adjudicatory functions by providing a number of counseling, guidance, detention, mediation, education, and supervisory Court Services are responsible for providing courtroom clerical, programs for children and adults. The Family Courts retain court reporting, and other support and ancillary services to the jurisdiction over children who, while under the age of 18, violate Article VI of the JUD 310 Lower Courts courts of the First, Second, Third, and Fifth Circuits. Programs any law or ordinance, are neglected or abandoned, are beyond Hawaii State JUD 320 Court are designed to aid in the timely disposition of cases of general the control of their parents or other custodians, live in an Constitution JUD 330 Services and limited jurisdiction for civil, criminal felonies, misdemeanors, environment injurious to their welfare, or behave in a manner HRS Section 603 JUD 350 petty misdemeanors, family proceedings, and traffic injurious to their own or others' welfare. Activities are geared HRS Section 604 (decriminalized and regular traffic criminal) in each circuit. toward facilitating the determination of the court for appropriate and timely dispositions; preparing cases for detention, adjudicatory, and dispositional hearings; conducting social study investigations; and supervising and treating juveniles under legal status with the court. Family Court activities also include Foster Home placement and providing guardians ad-litem.

The Family Court's jurisdiction also encompasses adults involved in offenses against other family members; dissolution of marriages; disputed child custody and visitation issues; Article VI of the resolution of paternity issues; adoptions; and adults who are JUD 310 Lower Courts Hawaii State incapacitated and/or are in need of protection. The Family JUD 320 Court Constitution Courts provide services which include temporary restraining JUD 330 Services HRS Section 603 JUD 350 orders for protection; treatment of parties involved in domestic HRS Section 604 violence; supervision and monitoring of defendants in domestic abuse cases; and education programs for separating parents and children.

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The District Courts are the courts with which the citizens of Hawai‘i most frequently come into contact. In the First Circuit, courthouses in the four rural judicial districts of Ewa/Pearl City, Waianae, Wahiawa, and Kaneohe provide residents with the option of conveniently staying within their respective communities to transact many types of court business. The Article VI of the District Courts, in civil matters, exercise jurisdiction where the JUD 310 Lower Courts Hawaii State amount in controversy does not exceed $40,000. If the amount JUD 320 Court Constitution in controversy exceeds $5,000, the parties may demand a jury JUD 330 Services HRS Section 603 JUD 350 trial, in which case the matter is committed to the Circuit Courts. HRS Section 604 The District Courts also have exclusive jurisdiction in all landlord- tenant cases and all small claims actions (suits in which the amount in controversy does not exceed $5,000). The civil divisions of the District Courts also handle temporary restraining orders and injunctions against harassment for non-household members.

The Office of the Administrative Director primarily assists the Chief Justice in directing the administration of the Judiciary and in examining the administrative methods of the courts to determine and make recommendations to the Chief Justice for The Office of the Administrative Director of the Courts serves as Article VI of the their improvement. It also administers statewide programs and the administrative arm of the Judiciary. It is headed by an Hawaii State activities relating to personnel management; planning and Administrative Director who is appointed by the Chief Justice Constitution Office of the budget; fiscal; compilation and analysis of statistical data and with the approval of the Supreme Court. The Administrative JUD 501 HRS Section 601 Administrative reports; information and data processing; public information and Director is assisted by a Deputy Administrative Director of the JUD 601 HRS Section 6F Director dissemination; and facilities planning and maintenance. Relative Courts in fulfilling the duties and responsibilities assigned to the HRS Section 551A to these programs and activities, the Office of the Administrative office. The Director's Office is composed of a number of staff HRS Section 588 Director provides direction to the respective Chief Court and specific programs. HRS Section 613 Administrators, Administrative Department Heads, and other managers. It also has direct oversight over the Administration Fiscal Office.

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The Intergovernmental and Community Relations Department provides legal services, public relations, and information services for the Judiciary; coordinates citizen volunteer services and investigative processes in cases of intrafamilial and extrafamilial child sex abuse; researches, plans, and develops alternate Article VI of the dispute resolution procedures and programs; and provides Hawaii State Constitution Office of the educational programs using a variety of interpretive media that HRS Section 601 Administrative promote understanding and appreciation of the history of JUD 601 HRS Section 6F Director Hawaii's Judiciary. This Department is also concerned with HRS Section 551A providing public guardianship for mentally incapacitated adults; HRS Section 588 promoting equality and accessibility in the State’s justice system; HRS Section 613 conducting equal employment opportunity (EEO) training and discrimination investigations; and providing legal reference resources and services to the courts, the legal community, and the public.

The planning, program evaluation, budgeting, capital improvement, statistics, audit, and legislative coordination functions are carried out by the Policy and Planning Department. Article VI of the The financial, purchasing, and administrative drivers license Hawaii State revocation branches are managed by the Financial Services Constitution Office of the Department. The data processing, reprographics, HRS Section 601 Administrative JUD 601 telecommunications, and records management functions are HRS Section 6F Director performed within the Information Technology (IT) and Systems HRS Section 551A Department. The Human Resources Department manages HRS Section 588 centralized programs of recruitment, compensation, record HRS Section 613 keeping, employee and labor relations, employee benefits, and continuing education.

The Commission on Judicial Conduct, which is attached to the Article VI of the Judiciary for administrative purposes only, is responsible for Hawaii State Constitution Office of the investigating allegations of judicial misconduct and disability. HRS Section 601 Administrative Rules of the court require that three licensed attorneys and four JUD 601 HRS Section 6F Director citizens who are not attorneys be appointed to this Commission. HRS Section 551A The Commission is also allowed to issue advisory opinions to aid HRS Section 588 judges in the interpretation of the Code of Judicial Conduct. HRS Section 613

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The Judicial Selection Commission, which is attached to the Judiciary for administrative purposes only, is responsible for Article VI of the reviewing applicants for judgeships in Hawai‘i courts and Hawaii State submitting a list of six nominees to the appointing authority for Constitution Office of the each vacancy. The Governor, with the consent of the Senate, HRS Section 601 Administrative JUD 501 appoints justices to the Supreme Court and judges to the HRS Section 6F Director Intermediate Court of Appeals and Circuit Court. The Chief HRS Section 551A Justice appoints and the Senate confirms District Court and HRS Section 588 District Family Court judges. The Commission has sole authority HRS Section 613 to act on reappointments to judicial office.

Article VI of the Hawaii State Office of the The Office of the Deputy Administrative Director of the Courts Constitution Deputy assists the Administrative Director of the Courts in the HRS Section 601 JUD 601 Administrative administration of the Judiciary through subordinate HRS Section 6F Director administrators/managers. HRS Section 551A HRS Section 588 HRS Section 613

The Intergovernmental and Community Relations Department plans, directs, and coordinates the operations and activities of Article VI of the Hawaii State Inter- the various programs within the department through Constitution governmental subordinate program managers, and supervisors. Programs in HRS Section 601 and this unit include: staff attorneys, public information, alternative JUD 601 HRS Section 6F Community dispute resolution, volunteers in public service, equality and HRS Section 551A Relations access to the courts, children's justice advocacy, public guardian, HRS Section 588 Judiciary History Center, EEO/affirmative action, and the law HRS Section 613 library.

Article VI of the The Policy and Planning Department plans, directs, and Hawaii State coordinates the operations and activities of the various programs Constitution Policy within the department through subordinate program managers, HRS Section 601 and JUD 601 and supervisors. Programs in this unit include: budget, capital HRS Section 6F Planning improvements, planning and program evaluation, internal audit, HRS Section 551A statistics, and legislative coordination / special projects. HRS Section 588 HRS Section 613

Page 6 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 1 Functions Division Description of Function Activities Prog ID(s) Statutory Reference

Article VI of the Hawaii State The Financial Services Department plans, directs, and Constitution Financial coordinates the operations and activities of the various programs HRS Section 601 JUD 601 Services within the department through subordinate program managers, HRS Section 6F and supervisors. Programs in this unit include: financial and HRS Section 551A support services (including contracts and purchasing), and the HRS Section 588 administrative drivers license revocation office. HRS Section 613

Article VI of the The IT and Systems Department plans, directs, and coordinates Hawaii State the operations and activities of the various programs within the Constitution IT department through subordinate program managers, and HRS Section 601 and JUD 601 supervisors. Programs in this unit include: applications division, HRS Section 6F Systems infrastructure division (1), infrastructure division (2), and the HRS Section 551A Documents Management Division. HRS Section 588 HRS Section 613

The Human Resources Department plans, directs, and Article VI of the coordinates the operations and activities of the various programs Hawaii State Constitution within the department through subordinate program managers Human HRS Section 601 and supervisors. Programs in this unit include: administrative JUD 601 Resources HRS Section 6F services, labor relations, compensation management, staffing HRS Section 551A services, disability claims management, employee services, and HRS Section 588 judicial / employee training and development. HRS Section 613

Page 7 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 2 Department-Wide Totals

Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Acts Emergency Appropriation Reductions Additions Appopriations Total FY20 MOF $ - $ 171,819,204.00 $ 171,819,204.00 A $ 12,463,914.00 $ 12,463,914.00 B $ 343,261.00 $ 343,261.00 W $ - $ - $ 184,626,379.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 184,626,379.00 Total

Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Acts Appropriation Reductions Additions Total FY21 MOF $ - $ 171,496,990.00 $ 1,228,856.00 $ 172,725,846.00 A $ 12,463,914.00 $ 12,463,914.00 B $ 343,261.00 $ 343,261.00 W $ - $ - $ 184,304,165.00 $ - $ 1,228,856.00 $ - $ 185,533,021.00 Total

Page 8 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 3 Program ID Totals

As budgeted (FY20) As budgeted (FY21) Judiciary Submittal (FY20) Judiciary Submittal (FY21) Percent Percent Change of Change of Prog ID Program Title MOF Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ $$$$ Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ $$$$ #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

JUD 101 Courts of Appeal A 73.00 1.00 $ 7,216,185 73.00 1.00 $ 7,216,185 73.00 1.00 $ 7,216,185 0.00% 75.00 1] 0.48 1] $ 7,313,592 1] 1.35% JUD 310 First Circuit A 1,103.50 58.58 $ 88,278,054 1,103.50 58.58 $ 88,425,760 1,103.50 58.58 $ 88,278,054 0.00% 1,104.50 2] 56.58 $ 88,602,752 2] 0.20% B 41.00 - $ 4,429,112 41.00 - $ 4,429,112 41.00 - $ 4,429,112 0.00% 41.00 - $ 4,429,112 0.00% JUD 320 Second Circuit A 210.50 1.68 $ 17,949,998 210.50 1.68 $ 17,955,448 210.50 1.68 $ 17,949,998 0.00% 214.50 1.68 $ 18,348,304 2.19% JUD 330 Third Circuit A 240.00 5.68 $ 21,729,887 240.00 5.68 $ 21,761,042 240.00 5.68 $ 21,729,887 0.00% 240.00 5.20 3] $ 21,798,643 3] 0.17% JUD 350 Fifth Circuit A 103.00 2.60 $ 8,455,480 103.00 2.60 $ 8,447,902 103.00 2.60 $ 8,455,480 0.00% 103.00 2.60 $ 8,471,902 0.28% JUD 501 Judicial Selection Commission A 1.00 - $ 103,414 1.00 - $ 103,414 1.00 - $ 103,414 0.00% 1.00 - $ 103,414 0.00% JUD 601 Administration A 226.00 9.48 $ 28,086,186 226.00 9.48 $ 27,587,239 226.00 9.48 $ 28,086,186 0.00% 226.00 9.48 $ 28,087,239 1.81% B 1.00 9.00 $ 8,034,802 1.00 9.00 $ 8,034,802 1.00 9.00 $ 8,034,802 0.00% 1.00 9.00 $ 8,034,802 0.00% W - - $ 343,261 - - $ 343,261 - - $ 343,261 0.00% - - $ 343,261 0.00%

A 1,957.00 79.02 $ 171,819,204 1,957.00 79.02 $ 171,496,990 1,957.00 79.02 $ 171,819,204 0.00% 1,964.00 76.02 $ 172,725,846 0.72% B 42.00 9.00 $ 12,463,914 42.00 9.00 $ 12,463,914 42.00 9.00 $ 12,463,914 0.00% 42.00 9.00 $ 12,463,914 0.00% W - - $ 343,261 - - $ 343,261 - - $ 343,261 0.00% - - $ 343,261 0.00%

1] Reflects transfer in of 1.00 FTE permanent position and $43,008 from First Circuit Court and transfer in of 0.48 FTE temporary position and $10,399 from Third Circuit Court. 2] Reflects transfer out of 1.00 FTE permanent position and $43,008 to Courts of Appeal. 3] Reflects transfer out of 0.48 FTE temporary position and $10,399 to Courts of Appeal.

Page 9 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 4 Budget Decisions

Initial Department Requests Budget and Finance Recommendations Governor's Decision Prog ID Sub-Org Description of Request MOF FY20 FY21 FY20 FY21 FY20 FY21 Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$


Page 10 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 5 Proposed Budget Reductions

FY20 FY21 FY19 Restriction Prog ID Sub-Org Description of Reduction Impact of Reduction MOF Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$$ Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$$ (Y/N)


Page 11 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 6 Proposed Budget Additions

FY20 FY21 Dept- Addition Prog ID Wide Prog ID Sub-Org Type Priority Priority Description of Addition Justification MOF Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ ALL FC 1 Judges salary differential To fund Justices' and Judges' salaries at the A - - $ - - - $ 376,000 legislatively mandated pay levels set by the 2019 Commission on Salaries and authorized by the 2019 Legislature. JUD320 AR 2 District Court Judge and support staff Additional District Judge and 3 support staff to A - - $ - 4.00 - $ 352,856 handle increased workload; last District Judge added in 1982. Increase Lahaina District Court from 3-day a week to 5-day a week rural calendar; address growing judicial needs of rural communities (Hana, Lanai & Molokai); and provide for implementation of a mental health docket, DUI Treatment court and COC to help those struggling with homelessness.

JUD601 AR 3 Civil Legal Services To establish permanent funding. In the past, the A - - $ - - - $ 500,000 Judiciary received one-time funding of $500K (FY20); $450K (FY19); $0 (FY18); $750K (FY17)

JUD310 4 No cost conversion of two temporary Court Permanent staffing essential to meet all program's A - - $ - 2.00 -2.00 $ - Appointed Special Advocate Social Worker positions functions and maintain legal and national to permanent status certification standards. JUD101 5 No cost conversion of one temporary Court Permanent staffing needed to perform building A - - $ - 1.00 -1.00 $ - Operations Specialist Position to permanent status management duties for Aliiolani Hale and Kapuaiwa Buildings, both of which are almost 150 years old.

A - - $ - 7.00 -3.00 1,228,856$

Page 12 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 7 FB 2017 - 2020 Restrictions

Difference Between Fiscal Budgeted by Budgeted & Year Prog ID Sub-Org MOF Dept Restriction Restricted Percent Difference Impact


Page 13 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 8 Emergency Appropriation Requests

Prog ID Description of Request Explanation of Request MOF Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$


Page 14 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 9 Expenditures Exceeding Appropriation Ceilings in FY19 and FY20

Amount Exceeding Percent Recurring GF Impact Prog ID MOF Date Appropriation Appropriation Exceeded Reason for Exceeding Ceiling Legal Authority (Y/N) (Y/N)


Page 15 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 10 Intradepartmental Transfers in FY19 and FY20

Actual or Anticipated Percent of Program ID Percent of Receiving Date of From Appropriation To Program ID Recurring Transfer MOF Pos (P) Pos (T) $$$ Prog ID Transferred From Prog ID Appropriation Reason for Transfer (Y/N)

3/19/2019 A $ 142,323 0.5% JUD 310 0.2% To reallocate funds budgeted to Administration to the $ 7,746 0.0% JUD 320 0.0% JUD 601 respective circuits for expanded court interpreter $ 15,084 0.1% JUD 330 0.1% services. $ 8,130 0.0% JUD 350 0.1%

Page 16 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 11 Vacancy Report as of November 30, 2019

Perm Authority Occupied Date of Expected Position Exempt SR BU Temp Budgeted Actual Salary to Hire by 89 Day # of 89 Hire Describe if Filled Priority # Prog ID Sub-Org Vacancy Fill Date Number Position Title (Y/N) Level Code (P/T) FTE MOF Amount Last Paid (Y/N) Hire (Y/N) Appts by other Means to Retain

General Fund

JUD 310 10/28/2019 3/1/20 500557 District Family Judge Y JG06 0 P 1.00 A 193,272 195,276 Y N 0 1 JUD 310 10/28/2019 3/1/20 9836 District Judge Y JG06 0 P 1.00 A 193,272 195,276 Y N 0 2 JUD 330 11/30/2019 3/31/20 203 Circuit Judge Y JG05 0 P 1.00 A 205,080 207,084 Y N 0 3 JUD 350 7/19/2019 6/30/20 500856 District Family Judge Y JG06 0 P 1.00 A 193,272 N/A Y N 0 4 JUD 310 7/19/2019 6/30/20 500861 District Family Judge Y JG06 0 P 1.00 A 193,272 N/A Y N 0 5 JUD 310 11/30/2019 1/30/20 59229 Judicial Assistant I Y SR21 3 P 1.00 A 72,240 77,448 Y N 0 6 JUD 330 11/30/2019 3/31/20 57200 Law Clerk Y SR20 73 P 1.00 A 62,480 62,004 Y N 0 7 JUD 350 9/9/2019 2/1/20 500857 Circuit Court Clerk II N SR20 3 P 1.00 A 48,348 N/A Y N 0 8 JUD 350 9/9/2019 2/1/20 500858 Circuit Court Clerk II N SR20 3 P 1.00 A 48,348 N/A Y N 0 9 JUD 310 7/19/2019 3/31/20 500863 Circuit Court Clerk II N SR20 3 P 1.00 A 48,348 N/A Y N 0 10 JUD 310 7/19/2019 3/31/20 500864 Circuit Court Clerk II N SR20 3 P 1.00 A 48,348 N/A Y N 0 11 JUD 310 7/19/2019 3/31/20 500862 Court Bailiff II N SR15 3 P 1.00 A 39,720 N/A Y N 0 12 JUD 310 6/29/2019 3/4/20 14893 Social Services Manager N EM05 35 P 1.00 A 103,230 108,552 Y N 0 13 JUD 320 6/29/2019 2/18/20 58156 Social Worker I N SR16 13 P 1.00 A 41,237 41,856 Y N 0 14 JUD 320 8/27/2019 2/18/20 500451 Social Worker I N SR16 13 P 1.00 A 41,238 41,856 Y N 0 15 JUD 601 3/5/2019 3/31/20 58062 Accountant VI N SR26 23 P 1.00 A 81,588 81,588 Y N 0 16 JUD 601 12/29/2018 6/30/20 59206 IT Specialist VII N SR28 23 P 1.00 A 88,248 84,876 Y N 0 17 JUD 601 1/23/2017 3/31/20 58065 IT Specialist VI N SR26 23 P 1.00 A 64,476 69,540 Y N 0 18 JUD 601 12/29/2018 6/30/20 58297 IT Specialist VI N SR26 23 P 1.00 A 64,476 95,436 Y N 0 19 JUD 101 1/16/2019 5/30/20 500071 Judicial Assistant II Y SR23 63 P 1.00 A 71,592 71,592 Y N 0 20 JUD 310 7/6/2019 3/9/20 4765 Social Worker VI N SR26 23 P 1.00 A 69,247 75,432 Y N 0 21 JUD 310 8/1/2019 4/27/20 5884 Social Worker VI N SR26 23 P 1.00 A 87,610 95,436 Y N 0 22 JUD 310 3/18/2019 2/11/20 12718 Juvenile Detention Supervisor N CO09 20 P 1.00 A 68,442 73,560 Y N 0 23 JUD 310 10/26/2019 3/1/20 59398 Attorney (PROGRAM) I N SR24 73 P 1.00 A 56,692 59,616 Y N 0 24 JUD 310 9/1/2018 1/31/20 4717 Court Documents Supervisor N SR21 4 P 1.00 A 47,311 58,092 Y N 0 25 JUD 330 10/26/2019 1/31/20 59613 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 48,719 35,340 Y N 0 26 JUD 330 8/1/2019 3/30/20 57443 District Court Clerk II N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 48,719 48,348 Y N 0 27 JUD 330 11/16/2019 2/28/20 57117 Court Documents Clerk III N SR19 3 P 1.00 A 54,850 50,304 Y N 0 28 JUD 350 8/27/2019 4/1/20 500743 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 T 1.00 A 109,140 109,140 Y N 0 29 JUD 601 8/16/2019 3/31/20 58738 CIP Coordinator N SR26 13 P 1.00 A 64,476 81,588 Y N 0 30 JUD 601 11/16/2019 3/31/20 58934 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 55,092 55,092 Y N 0 31 JUD 601 9/6/2018 3/31/20 59094 Social Worker V N SR24 23 P 1.00 A 64,476 72,528 Y N 0 32 JUD 601 11/30/2019 4/1/20 500672 Human Resources Technician VI N SR15 63 T 1.00 A 39,720 50,304 Y N 0 33 JUD 601 11/1/2019 3/1/20 500388 Account Clerk III N SR11 63 P 1.00 A 31,440 34,020 Y N 0 34 JUD 320 11/16/2019 3/23/20 500185 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 56,478 57,324 Y N 0 35 JUD 320 3/30/2019 3/30/20 57788 District Court Clerk II N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 60,273 61,176 Y N 0 36 JUD 320 6/1/2019 3/30/20 58816 District Court Clerk II N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 57,955 58,824 Y N 0 37 JUD 601 5/1/2019 2/28/20 500640 Purch & Specs Spclt V N SR24 13 T 1.00 A 32,664 46,476 Y N 0 38 JUD 330 6/18/2019 2/28/20 57627 Account Clerk III N SR11 3 P 1.00 A 34,266 34,020 Y N 0 39 JUD 330 5/7/2019 2/15/20 58657 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 53,362 57,324 Y N 0 40 JUD 310 10/29/2019 1/31/20 57979 Circuit Court Clerk II N SR20 3 P 1.00 A 62,254 66,192 Y N 0 41 JUD 310 8/12/2019 1/31/20 500045 Circuit Court Clerk I N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 43,711 46,476 Y N 0 42 JUD 310 8/1/2019 3/1/20 4764 Ct Optns Spclt V N SR24 13 P 1.00 A 77,586 81,588 Y N 0 43 JUD 310 6/29/2019 4/20/20 27567 Court Research Analyst N SR24 13 P 1.00 A 71,732 75,432 Y N 0 44 JUD 310 4/19/2019 3/30/20 500831 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 48,614 52,956 Y N 0 45 JUD 310 8/5/2019 2/11/20 58555 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 69,247 75,432 Y N 0 46 JUD 350 1/1/2019 3/1/20 59467 Judicial Clerk III N SR14 3 P 1.00 A 52,296 51,648 Y N 0 47 JUD 350 9/16/2019 2/1/20 22542 Judicial Clerk III N SR14 3 P 1.00 A 44,724 44,724 Y N 0 48

Page 17 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 11 Vacancy Report as of November 30, 2019

Perm Authority Occupied Date of Expected Position Exempt SR BU Temp Budgeted Actual Salary to Hire by 89 Day # of 89 Hire Describe if Filled Priority # Prog ID Sub-Org Vacancy Fill Date Number Position Title (Y/N) Level Code (P/T) FTE MOF Amount Last Paid (Y/N) Hire (Y/N) Appts by other Means to Retain JUD 601 3/1/2018 3/31/20 59332 IT Support Technician IV N SR19 3 P 1.00 A 46,476 69,144 Y N 0 49 JUD 601 12/30/2017 2/28/20 25592 IT Specialist IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 52,956 76,692 Y N 0 50 JUD 310 3/27/2019 3/25/20 17613 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 66,581 72,528 Y N 0 51 JUD 310 9/3/2019 2/11/20 4749 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 52,623 57,324 Y N 0 52 JUD 310 10/1/2019 3/30/20 21679 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 69,247 57,324 Y N 0 53 JUD 310 10/7/2019 3/30/20 59723 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 52,623 57,324 Y N 0 54 JUD 310 10/7/2019 3/25/20 18663 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 56,920 59,616 Y N 0 55 JUD 310 10/19/2019 3/25/20 4771 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 48,614 52,956 Y N 0 56 JUD 310 11/12/2019 4/28/20 58554 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 48,614 59,616 Y N 0 57 JUD 310 11/30/2019 3/30/20 57622 Social Worker IV N SR22 13 P 1.00 A 71,990 78,420 Y N 0 58 JUD 310 1/14/2019 2/28/20 58224 Land & Tax Appeal Ct Clerk N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 42,063 44,724 Y N 0 59 JUD 310 2/27/2019 2/28/20 58924 Land & Tax Appeal Ct Clerk N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 47,311 50,304 Y N 0 60 JUD 310 6/1/2019 2/28/20 23037 District Court Clerk II N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 62,254 66,192 Y N 0 61 JUD 310 8/1/2019 2/28/20 14527 District Court Clerk II N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 57,536 61,176 Y N 0 62 JUD 310 8/2/2019 2/28/20 25245 District Court Clerk II N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 38,903 44,724 Y N 0 63 JUD 310 2/25/2019 2/28/20 57811 Accountant III N SR20 13 P 1.00 A 32,351 34,020 Y N 0 64 JUD 310 4/13/2019 3/30/20 59480 Social Worker III N SR20 13 P 1.00 A 41,574 45,288 Y N 0 65 JUD 310 10/1/2019 3/25/20 8923 Social Worker III N SR20 13 P 1.00 A 46,741 50,916 Y N 0 66 JUD 310 8/1/2019 2/26/20 57034 Social Worker II N SR18 13 P 1.00 A 41,574 48,948 Y N 0 67 JUD 310 10/28/2019 4/7/20 58821 Social Worker II N SR18 13 P 1.00 A 44,934 45,288 Y N 0 68 JUD 310 8/25/2019 4/3/20 58670 Juvenile Detention Worker II N CO05 10 P 1.00 A 51,015 56,688 Y N 0 69 JUD 310 8/30/2019 4/3/20 58755 Juvenile Detention Worker II N CO05 10 P 1.00 A 51,015 56,688 Y N 0 70 JUD 310 9/27/2019 2/28/20 4784 Accountant III N SR20 13 P 1.00 A 52,390 55,092 Y N 0 71 JUD 310 10/8/2019 1/31/20 59001 Accountant II N SR18 13 P 1.00 A 46,547 45,288 Y N 0 72 JUD 310 11/30/2019 2/28/20 57540 Court Bailiff II N SR15 3 P 1.00 A 51,193 54,432 Y N 0 73 JUD 310 4/4/2018 4/28/20 4793 Paralegal Assistant II N SR20 3 P 1.00 A 43,502 46,752 Y N 0 74 JUD 310 11/15/2019 4/28/20 19197 Secretary II N SR14 3 P 1.00 A 35,086 38,220 Y N 0 75 JUD 320 10/1/2018 3/30/20 57758 District Court Clerk II N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 37,656 39,228 Y N 0 76 JUD 320 9/10/2019 2/3/20 58332 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 49,561 50,304 Y N 0 77 JUD 330 11/1/2019 1/30/20 59207 Clerk IV N SR10 3 P 1.00 A 41,681 41,364 Y N 0 78 JUD 330 11/9/2019 1/30/20 59241 Social Worker III N SR20 13 P 1.00 A 53,362 48,948 Y N 0 79 JUD 601 8/28/2019 2/28/20 57124 Clerk III N SR08 3 P 1.00 A 31,031 30,240 Y N 0 80 JUD 601 4/19/2019 3/31/20 500420 IT Support Technician III N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 43,008 43,008 Y N 0 81 JUD 601 10/22/2019 2/28/20 59165 DUI Adjudicator Y SR26 13 P 1.00 A 75,432 81,588 Y N 0 82 JUD 601 11/14/2019 2/28/20 59381 Clerk III N SR08 3 P 1.00 A 32,319 34,020 Y N 0 83 JUD 310 7/10/2019 3/31/20 4735 Estate & Guardianship Spclt N SR19 3 P 1.00 A 43,711 46,476 Y N 0 84 JUD 310 11/12/2019 1/31/20 57968 Groundskeeper I N BC02 1 P 1.00 A 39,529 42,396 Y N 0 85 JUD 310 7/8/2019 1/31/20 15302 Judicial Clerk IV N SR16 3 P 1.00 A 40,449 43,008 Y N 0 86 JUD 310 11/18/2019 3/1/20 58578 Judicial Clerk III N SR14 3 P 1.00 A 37,357 39,720 Y N 0 87 JUD 310 8/1/2019 2/15/20 59347 Judicial Clerk III N SR14 3 P 1.00 A 45,471 48,348 Y N 0 88 JUD 310 11/30/2019 2/28/20 57804 Judicial Clerk III N SR14 3 P 1.00 A 37,357 39,720 Y N 0 89 JUD 310 9/9/2019 3/1/20 57800 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 33,237 35,340 Y N 0 90 JUD 310 9/10/2019 3/1/20 57102 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 33,237 35,340 Y N 0 91 JUD 310 11/30/2019 1/31/20 57808 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 35,946 38,220 Y N 0 92 JUD 310 10/9/2019 2/15/20 57523 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 35,946 38,220 Y N 0 93 JUD 310 8/5/2019 1/31/20 23007 Judicial Clerk I N SR10 3 P 1.00 A 35,946 32,664 Y N 0 94 JUD 310 9/12/2019 2/15/20 27894 Judicial Clerk I N SR10 3 P 1.00 A 28,441 32,664 Y N 0 95 JUD 310 10/22/2019 1/31/20 15369 Judicial Clerk I N SR10 3 P 1.00 A 31,996 34,020 Y N 0 96 JUD 310 10/24/2019 1/31/20 17649 Judicial Clerk I N SR10 3 P 1.00 A 28,441 32,664 Y N 0 97 JUD 310 11/25/2019 3/15/20 58695 Judicial Clerk I N SR10 3 P 1.00 A 28,441 32,664 Y N 0 98 JUD 320 11/16/2018 3/11/20 58330 Judicial Clerk I N SR10 3 P 1.00 A 32,182 31,056 Y N 0 99

Page 18 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 11 Vacancy Report as of November 30, 2019

Perm Authority Occupied Date of Expected Position Exempt SR BU Temp Budgeted Actual Salary to Hire by 89 Day # of 89 Hire Describe if Filled Priority # Prog ID Sub-Org Vacancy Fill Date Number Position Title (Y/N) Level Code (P/T) FTE MOF Amount Last Paid (Y/N) Hire (Y/N) Appts by other Means to Retain JUD 320 5/2/2019 3/11/20 58331 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 34,818 35,340 Y N 0 100 JUD 320 7/20/2019 3/11/20 57328 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 34,818 35,340 Y N 0 101 JUD 350 11/1/2019 3/1/20 57335 Social Service Assistant IV N SR11 3 P 1.00 A 34,020 34,020 Y N 0 102 JUD 330 6/7/2018 59288 District Judge (PD) Y JG09 0 T 0.20 A * 751.90/day Y N 0 103 JUD 330 10/25/2019 59287 District Judge (PD) Y JG09 0 T 0.20 A * 774.91/day Y N 0 104 JUD 330 7/21/2018 57646 District Judge (PD) Y JG09 0 T 0.20 A * 766.95/day Y N 0 105 JUD 330 8/31/2018 500797 District Judge (PD) Y JG09 0 T 0.20 A * 774.91/day Y N 0 106 JUD 330 11/4/2019 500798 District Judge (PD) Y JG09 0 T 0.20 A * 774.91/day Y N 0 107 JUD 310 8/7/2019 2/28/20 57397 Clerk IV N SR10 3 P 1.00 A 30,720 32,664 Y N 0 108 JUD 310 8/20/2019 2/15/20 57813 Judicial Clerk I N SR10 3 P 1.00 A 33,237 30,240 Y N 0 109 JUD 310 12/29/2018 4/30/20 14894 Court Reporter II N SR25 3 P 1.00 A 59,827 62,832 Y N 0 110 JUD 310 2/15/2019 4/30/20 12137 Court Reporter II N SR25 3 P 1.00 A 62,254 66,192 Y N 0 111 JUD 310 10/5/2019 2/28/20 59390 Court Reporter II N SR25 3 P 1.00 A 64,703 68,796 Y N 0 112 JUD 310 8/31/2019 3/1/20 59335 IT Support Technician III N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 55,939 58,824 Y N 0 113 JUD 310 10/6/2018 1/31/20 4708 IT Support Technician III N SR17 3 P 1.00 A 55,324 65,376 Y N 0 114 JUD 310 10/22/2019 1/31/20 6622 Judicial Clerk V N SR18 4 P 1.00 A 42,063 46,476 Y N 0 115 JUD 310 3/7/2019 2/1/20 58939 Human Resources Clerk IV N SR11 63 P 1.00 A 32,351 34,020 Y N 0 116 JUD 310 4/27/2019 2/1/20 57233 Human Resources Clerk IV N SR11 63 P 1.00 A 32,351 34,020 Y N 0 117 JUD 310 9/20/2019 1/31/20 4729 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 35,946 35,340 Y N 0 118 JUD 310 10/12/2019 1/31/20 15146 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 30,720 35,340 Y N 0 119 JUD 310 10/25/2019 1/31/20 15145 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 45,471 48,348 Y N 0 120 JUD 310 11/7/2019 2/28/20 58863 Judicial Clerk II N SR12 3 P 1.00 A 33,237 35,340 Y N 0 121 JUD 310 8/24/2019 2/26/20 17610 Clerk IV N SR10 3 P 1.00 A 29,986 32,664 Y N 0 122 JUD 310 12/7/2018 2/28/20 57227 Judicial Clerk I N SR10 3 P 1.00 A 30,720 32,256 Y N 0 123 JUD 310 11/2/2019 4/27/20 57798 Clerk III N SR08 3 P 1.00 A 27,760 30,240 Y N 0 124 JUD 310 12/10/2018 2/28/20 17676 Clerk III N SR08 3 P 1.00 A 28,441 28,728 Y N 0 125 JUD 310 10/28/2019 2/28/20 4722 Clerk III N SR08 3 P 1.00 A 28,441 30,240 Y N 0 126 JUD 310 7/8/2019 3/25/20 500647 Juvenile Counselor I N SR16 73 T 1.00 A 38,424 20.12/hr Y N 0 127 JUD 310 8/30/2018 57640 District Judge (PD) Y JG09 0 T 0.20 A * 766.95/day Y N 0 128 JUD 310 8/10/2019 3/25/20 500577 Juvenile Counselor I N SR16 73 T 1.00 A 39,966 20.93/hr Y N 0 129 JUD 310 6/1/2019 3/5/20 500702 Juvenile Detention Worker I N CO03 70 T 1.00 A 43,502 22.78/hr Y N 0 130 JUD 310 6/29/2019 3/1/20 500081 Law Clerk N SR20 73 T 1.00 A 45,657 48,948 Y N 0 131 JUD 310 8/23/2016 58029 District Judge (PD) Y JG09 0 T 0.20 A * 737.14/day Y N 0 132 JUD 310 8/10/2019 2/15/20 500300 Ct Optns Spclt V N SR24 73 T 0.48 A 26,298 28.66/hr Y N 0 133 *Per Diem Judges used on intermittent basis, therefore no "budgeted amount" assigned to individual positions.

Special Fund

JUD 310 10/14/2019 6/30/20 26900 Asst Driver Educ Prgm Admr N SR22 13 P 1.00 B 49,037 62,004 Y N 0 1 JUD 310 10/24/2019 1/27/20 26947 Clerk IV N SR10 3 P 1.00 B 30,247 32,664 Y N 0 2 JUD 310 12/11/2018 6/30/20 58158 Clerk III N SR08 3 P 1.00 B 28,002 28,728 Y N 0 3 JUD 310 11/23/2019 6/30/20 57016 Clerk III N SR08 3 P 1.00 B 28,002 30,240 Y N 0 4

Page 19 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 12 Positions Established by Acts other than the State Budget as of November 30, 2019

Occupied Date Legal Position Exempt Annual Filled by 89 Day Prog ID Sub-Org Established* Authority Number* Position Title* (Y/N) SR Level* BU Code T/P MOF FTE Salary* (Y/N) Hire (Y/N) JUD 101 Act 179/19 Criminal Justice Research Y EM07 35 P A 1.00 $99,636- N N Institute Director $138,396 JUD 101 Act 179/19 Criminal Justice Research Y SR24 13 P A 1.00 $59,616 - N N Institute Researcher $69,732 JUD 101 Act 179/19 Criminal Justice Research Y SR24 13 P A 1.00 $59,616 - N N Institute Researcher $69,732 JUD 101 Act 179/19 Criminal Justice Research Y SR16 03 P A 1.00 $38,220 - N N Secretary $46,476

*Act 179/19 appropriated six months funding for the four Criminal Justice Research Institute positions in FY 2020. Due to the partial year funding, the positions were not established as of November 30, 2019.

Page 20 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 13 Overtime Expenditure Summary

FY18 (actual) FY19 (actual) FY20 (estimated) FY21 (budgeted)

Base Salary Overtime Overtime Base Salary Overtime Overtime Base Salary Overtime Overtime Overtime Overtime Prog ID Sub-Org Program Title MOF $$$$ $$$$ Percent $$$$ $$$$ Percent $$$$ $$$$ Percent Base Salary $$$$ $$$$ Percent

JUD 101 Courts of Appeal A $ 6,369,210 $ 7 0.0% $ 6,433,744 $ 556 0.0% $ 6,754,604 $ - 0.0% $ 6,821,612 $ - 0.0%

JUD 310 First Circuit A $ 59,183,174 1,245,406$ 2.1% $ 60,638,553 1,630,769$ 2.7% $ 65,302,087 1,140,606$ 1.7% $ 65,640,494 $ 1,140,606 1.7% B $ 1,442,114 $ 77 0.0% $ 1,494,345 $ - 0.0% $ 1,699,753 $ - 0.0% $ 1,699,753 $ - 0.0%

JUD 320 Second Circuit A $ 11,154,100 $ 32,160 0.3% $ 11,761,342 $ 18,861 0.2% $ 12,466,186 $ 97,097 0.8% $ 12,789,202 $ 97,097 0.8%

JUD 330 Third Circuit A $ 12,524,903 $ 27,222 0.2% $ 12,908,667 $ 66,103 0.5% $ 14,674,554 $ 32,246 0.2% $ 14,744,400 $ 32,246 0.2%

JUD 350 Fifth Circuit A $ 5,263,469 $ 10,206 0.2% $ 5,347,454 $ 3,585 0.1% $ 6,398,136 $ 11,450 0.2% $ 6,429,558 $ 11,450 0.2%

JUD 501 Jud Selection Commission A $ 68,768 $ - 0.0% $ 56,522 $ - 0.0% $ 71,435 $ - 0.0% $ 71,435 $ - 0.0%

JUD 601 Administration A $ 14,716,124 $ 112,029 0.8% $ 14,324,757 $ 147,233 1.0% $ 15,864,947 $ 118,311 0.7% $ 15,866,000 $ 118,311 0.7% B $ 709,399 $ 2,131 0.3% $ 709,968 $ 467 0.1% $ 724,584 $ 3,130 0.4% $ 724,584 $ 3,130 0.4%

Page 21 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 14 Active Contracts as of December 1, 2019

Term of Contract Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/*

JUD 101 A 800.00 M 57,600.00 44,800.00 7/5/2018 8/1/2018 8/31/2024 DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING & CJ CAR LEASE AGREEMENT WITH DAGS (72-MONTHS) N E JUD 101 A 534.99 O - QTR 10,699.80 7,904.50 6/12/2018 6/27/2018 6/26/2023 MAILFINANCE INC 60-MONTH MAILING MACHINE LEASE SC N E JUD 101 A 701.82 M 54,880.80 43,651.68 5/30/2018 7/1/2018 6/30/2023 XEROX CAPITAL SERVICES, LLC 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE SC 2ND FLR/CHAMBER N E JUD 101 A 701.82 M 45,143.40 33,914.28 6/13/2018 7/1/2018 6/30/2023 XEROX CAPITAL SERVICES, LLC 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE SC 1ST FLR/CLRKS O N E JUD 101 A 230.00 M 25,578.00 21,898.00 5/30/2018 7/1/2018 6/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE OFC CJ FISCAL 2ND N E JUD 101 A 173.68 M 11,498.40 8,719.52 6/13/2018 7/1/2018 6/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE SC FISCAL N E JUD 101 A 701.82 M 50,037.60 40,913.94 5/30/2018 10/1/2018 9/30/2023 XEROX CAPITAL SERVICES, LLC 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE COURTS OF APPEAL N E JUD 101 A 198.12 M 19,584.60 16,612.80 5/30/2018 8/1/2018 7/31/2023 XEROX CAPITAL SERVICES, LLC SC COPIER LEASE N E JUD 101 A 6,011.65 M 360,840.36 160,660.10 10/26/2012 2/1/2017 1/31/2022 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST ELECTRONIC RESEARCH SERVICES N S JUD 101 A 17,801.04 A 17,801.04 0.00 6/6/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 L-3 TECHNOLOGIES SECURITY SECURITY XRAY MAINTENANCE FOR COURT FACILITIES N S JUD 310 B VARIOUS M 1,227,381.35 245,685.72 4/1/2001 1/1/2016 11/30/2020 DOUGLAS EMMETT 2010 LLC DC1 MONTH OFFICE LEASE FOR 'S DRIV ED DIV N L JUD 310 A 5,811.25 M - 5,811.25 4/1/2002 - M-TO-M 345 QUEEN STREET BUILDING LLC. FC1 MON TO MON OFF LSE FOR FDC N L JUD 310 B 9,450.00 A 10,150.00 0.00 2/1/2003 2/1/2019 1/31/2020 MULTI-HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC. CC1-ACSB LIC FEE FOR LSI-R & SARA OFFNDR ASSMTS N S JUD 310 A 117.03 M 1,404.36 468.12 3/31/2003 4/1/2019 3/31/2020 ALERT ALARM OF HAWAII DC1 MONITRG BURGLAR/INSTRUSION - KANEOHE CT N S JUD 310 A 49.03 M 588.36 245.15 4/24/2003 4/24/2019 4/23/2020 ALERT ALARM OF HAWAII DC1 MONITORING FIRE - KANEOHE COURT N S JUD 310 A 7,790.28 A 36,646.68 23,370.84 8/1/2003 8/1/2018 7/31/2023 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY CC1-FM MAINTENANCE OF ELEVATOR AT KAPUAIWA N S JUD 310 A 2,997.00 A 2,997.00 0.00 7/1/2010 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 CLEARVIEW SOFTWARE INTERNATL INC CC1 ANNUAL COSTAR SUBSCRIPTION MAINTENANCE N S JUD 310 A 52.25 M 627.00 0.00 3/1/2005 3/1/2005 INDEFINITE LEXISNEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT INC. CC1-ACSB INTERNET MIS FOR CRIM INVESTIGATIONS N S JUD 310 A 2,943.65 M 2,943.65 0.00 3/1/2005 3/1/2005 Indefinite LEXISNEXIS MATTHEW BENDER FC1 INTERNET MIS FOR CRIMINAL INVETIGATIONS N S JUD 310 A 255.24 M 3,062.88 2,552.40 10/4/2005 10/4/2019 10/3/2020 ALERT ALARM OF HAWAII DC1 MAINT/MONTRG OF DURESS SYST -KAUIKEAOULI N S JUD 310 A 75,798.64 A 75,798.64 0.00 4/1/2006 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 AUTOMON CORPORATION CC1-ACSB MAINT STATEWIDE APD DATABASE N S JUD 310 A 45.66 M 547.92 319.62 1/15/2008 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ALERT ALARM OF HAWAII DC1 MONITORING FIRE - HONOLULU N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 1,452,444.00 843,924.00 12/1/2007 10/1/2017 8/31/2022 NEW STAR (FORMLY KILANI BUSINESS CTR) DC1 OFFICE LEASE OF 6,720 SF FOR WAHIAWA DC N L JUD 310 A 75.00 M 1,350.00 1,350.00 12/23/2009 12/23/2009 INDEFINITE CENTRAL PACIFIC BANK CC1 REMOTE DEP PROCESSING - SMALL EST/GRDSHP N S JUD 310 A 40.00 M 480.00 360.00 7/1/2008 7/1/2008 INDEFINITE FIRST HAWAIIAN BANK CC1 CREDIT CARD PROCESSING FOR CASHIERS N S JUD 310 A 4,825.51 M 21,696.75 0.00 1/31/2015 1/31/2015 1/31/2020 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION CC1-FM MAINT OF MAKAI ELEVATOR AT ALIIOLANI N S JUD 310 A 7,514.17 M 435,017.45 232,939.27 4/1/2012 4/1/2017 3/31/2022 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY FC1 MAINTENANCE OF ELEVATOR AT KAPOLEI N S JUD 310 A 624.35 Q 2,497.39 1,248.69 4/2/2012 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ISLAND STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE LLC FC1 MAINT. FOR AQUA SWIRL SEPARATOR UNIT N S JUD 310 B VARIOUS M 275,249.33 149,732.89 7/1/2012 6/1/2017 4/30/2022 MAUI ACADEMY OF PERF ARTS, LLC DC1 OFFICE LEASE FOR DRIVER ED MAUI DIVISION N L JUD 310 A VARIOUS A + QTR 3,821.91 3,012.93 11/1/2012 11/1/2019 10/31/2020 HAWTHORNE PACIFIC CORP. CC1- FM MAINT OF 2 EMERG GENERATORS (CC & DC) N S JUD 310 A 7,643.97 A 7,643.97 0.00 1/1/2013 1/1/2019 12/31/2019 ISLAND CONTROLS INC. CC1-FM WEB CONTRL MAINT/MONITOR OF A/C SYST N S JUD 310 A 176.31 M 176.31 0.00 12/9/2016 12/9/2016 M-TO-M TIME WARNER TELECOM OF HAWAII FC1 WIRELESS INTERNET SERVICES FOR KAPOLEI N S JUD 310 A 2,569.58 A 2,569.58 0.00 7/1/2013 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 JOHNSON CONTROLS CC1-FM FIRE ALRM & DETECTN MAINT - ALIIOLANI N S JUD 310 A 1,684.78 A 1,684.78 0.00 7/1/2013 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 JOHNSON CONTROLS CC1-FM FIRE ALRM & DETECTN MAINT - KANEOHE DC N S JUD 310 A 8,082.72 A 8,082.72 0.00 7/1/2013 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 INTEGRATED BUSINESS SOLUTIONS OF HI CC1 R/M IBM SELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS N S JUD 310 N 17,500.00 O 225,000.00 207,500.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII FC1 ANALYZE CT DATA N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 415,692.00 211,956.00 11/1/2013 11/1/2018 10/31/2021 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST CC1- SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT CC, FC, DC N S JUD 310 A 660.00 M 7,913.00 3,960.00 7/1/2014 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 VERIZON CC1 FACILITIES CELLULAR PHONES CONTRACT N E JUD 310 A 1,000.00 O - M EST 12,000.00 8,000.00 7/1/2014 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ACCESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT CC1 SHRED DOCS, DISPOSE MEDIA, HARD DRIVE N S JUD 310 N 3,916.66 M 47,000.00 31,333.36 7/1/2017 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 KIMURA, FAYE T. FC1 COURT IMPROVEMENT COORDINATOR N S JUD 310 A 354.88 M 21,115.36 177.44 12/16/2014 12/16/2014 12/15/2019 INTEGRATED BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CC1-ACSB 5 YR LSE KONICA BIZHUB C754E PRINTER/COPIER N E JUD 310 A 719.52 M 43,171.20 4,317.12 6/1/2015 6/1/2015 5/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1COPIER FOR LEGAL DOC. N E JUD 310 A 547.74 M 32,864.40 3,286.44 6/1/2015 6/1/2015 5/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1COPIER FOR DCCA N E JUD 310 A 158.75 M 9,525.00 793.75 5/1/2015 5/1/2015 4/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1COPIER FOR PUBLIC AREA N E JUD 310 A 241.80 M 14,508.00 967.20 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR FC FISCAL N E JUD 310 A 251.27 M 15,076.20 1,005.08 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR CASHIERS N E JUD 310 A 223.16 M 13,389.60 892.64 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR JUDICIAL SERVICES N E JUD 310 A 223.16 M 13,389.60 892.64 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR JUDICIAL SERVICES N E JUD 310 A 211.08 M 12,664.80 844.32 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR JUDICIAL SERVICES N E JUD 310 A 223.16 M 13,389.60 892.64 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR JUDICIAL SERVICES N E JUD 310 A 211.08 M 12,664.80 844.32 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR JUVENILE CLIENT SERVICES N E JUD 310 A 223.16 M 13,389.60 892.64 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR DCCA N E JUD 310 A 211.08 M 12,664.80 844.32 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR JUDICIAL SERVICES N E JUD 310 A 211.08 M 12,664.80 844.32 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR JUDICIAL SERVICES N E JUD 310 A 223.16 M 13,389.60 892.64 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR JUVENILE DETENTION FAC N E JUD 310 A 223.16 M 13,389.60 892.64 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 3/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR JUVENILE DETENTION FAC N E JUD 310 A 924.00 QTR 18,480.00 2,772.00 7/20/2015 7/20/2015 7/19/2020 PITNEY BOWES CC1 MAILING SYSTEM POSTAGE METER - Legal Docs N S

Page 22 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 14 Active Contracts as of December 1, 2019

Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/* JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 172,587.00 113,152.00 7/1/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC CC1 STATWIDE SECURITY SERVICES @CC1 N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 611,649.12 404,080.25 7/1/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC. FC1 STATEWIDE SECURITY SERVICES N S JUD 310 A 39,392.32 M 472,707.84 275,746.24 9/1/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC DC1 STATEWIDE SECURITY SERVICES N S JUD 310 A 549.36 M 32,961.60 3,845.52 7/1/2015 7/1/2015 6/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 60 MOLEASE OF XEROX D95CP FOR JUD SVCS N E JUD 310 A 720.08 Q 15,000.00 2,160.24 8/9/2015 8/11/2015 8/10/2020 PITNEY BOWES FC1 POSTAGE METER FOR KAPOLEI N S JUD 310 A 275.00 M 16,500.00 2,750.00 10/1/2010 10/1/2015 9/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 LEASE XEROX COPIER FOR DC1 FISCAL 4TH FLOOR N E JUD 310 A 355.14 O 7,102.80 976.64 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 10/31/2020 PITNEY BOWES DC1 LEASE OF NEOPOST MAILING SYST - KANEOHE DC N E JUD 310 B 193.13 M 11,587.80 2,317.56 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 11/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 LEASE OF XEROX COPIER FOR KONA DRV ED N E JUD 310 A 3,863.97 O 3,863.97 3,863.97 11/1/2012 11/1/2019 10/31/2020 HAWTHORNE PACIFIC CORP. DC1 MAINT OF EMERGENY GENERATORS - CC & DC N E JUD 310 A 189,944.00 A 863,860.00 189,944.00 1/1/2016 1/1/2016 12/31/2020 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY CC1-FM MAINTENANCE - 2 ELEV & 6 ESCLTRS-DC N S JUD 310 A 781.06 M 46,863.60 13,278.02 5/1/2016 5/1/2016 4/31/2021 XEROX CORPORATION CC1-ACSB 5 YR LSE XEROX XC70 COPIERS FOR ACSB1 N E JUD 310 A 390.32 O 7,806.40 1,658.86 5/1/2016 5/1/2016 4/30/2021 PITNEY BOWES 60 MO LSE OF PITNEY BOWES DM400 AT WAHIAWA DC N L JUD 310 A 116.91 M 7,014.66 2,221.31 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 6/30/2021 INTEGR BUS SOLUTIONS OF HI (NEOPOST) MAIL MACHINE REPLACEMENT FOR EWA COURT N L JUD 310 A 237.99 O 14,279.40 4,521.81 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 6/30/2021 RICOH USA, INC 60 MO LEASE AT DC1 WAHIAWA N L JUD 310 A 207.45 M 12,447.00 3,734.00 4/26/2016 4/26/2016 4/25/2021 XEROX CORPORATION CC1 WORKCENTRE 4265S COIN OP - LEGAL DOC N E JUD 310 B 6,346.00 O 76,152.00 44,422.00 4/15/2016 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 CYZAP, INC. CC1-ACSB SYSTEM LICENSE AND SERVICE AGREEMENT N S JUD 310 A 300.00 M 18,000.00 5,400.00 4/15/2016 4/15/2016 4/14/2021 CYZAP INC. FC1 RISK ASSESS APPLICATION FOR ACSB N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O - BI-ANN 549,558.00 177,607.00 6/1/2011 6/1/2016 5/31/2021 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORPORATION CC1-FM MAINT DOVER ELEVATORS AT KAAHUMANU N S JUD 310 A 12,411.32 O 487,175.37 99,290.56 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 6/30/2020 SECURITY RESOURCES PACIFIC FC1 IDENTIPASS CARD SYSTEM N S JUD 310 B 300.00 O 3,600.00 2,700.00 7/1/2016 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 GERARD, DIANNE PH.D. FC5 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 B 150.00 O 1,950.00 1,800.00 7/1/2016 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WHITE, JUDITH C., PSY D. FC5 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 B 150.00 O 1,950.00 1,800.00 7/1/2016 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 JAY, MARTHA FC5 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 B 150.00 O 1,950.00 1,650.00 7/1/2016 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 THEIS, MELONY FC5 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 A 24,236.06 A 24,236.06 24,236.06 7/1/2016 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SECURITY RESOURCES PACIFIC INC CC1 - MAINTENANCE OF ACCESS CONTROL N S JUD 310 A 463.79 M 27,827.60 8,812.07 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 6/30/2021 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MO. LEASE XEROX XC70 AT DC1 ACSB N E JUD 310 A 1,811.16 M 21,733.92 18,111.60 7/1/2017 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ISLAND SIGNAL & SOUND, INC. FC1 MAINT. FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEM N S JUD 310 A 26,060.72 O 26,060.72 0.00 1/21/2015 1/21/2015 1/22/2020 CARRIER COMMERCIAL SERVICE TOSHIBA STARTR CONTR MAINT - KAUIKEAOULI HALE N S JUD 310 A 4,890.60 A 4,890.60 0.00 7/25/2016 7/25/2019 7/24/2020 STENOGRAPH LLC CC1 - STENO MACHINES MAINTENANCE N S JUD 310 A 108.67 M 6,520.20 2,825.42 2/1/2017 2/1/2017 1/31/2022 RICOH USA, INC. CC1-ACSB 5 YR LSE RICOH MP C3503 COPIER FOR SIIS TRO N E JUD 310 A 21,280.00 A 99,800.00 21,280.00 9/1/2011 9/1/2016 8/31/2021 KONE, INC. CC1-FM FIVE YEAR ELEVATOR MAINT AT ALIIOLANI N S JUD 310 A 15,000.00 A 15,000.00 0.00 12/1/2016 6/22/2019 6/21/2020 AUDIO VISUAL COMPANY, THE CC1 COURTROOM RECORDING SERVICE MAINT N S JUD 310 A 333.97 M 20,038.39 8,683.30 2/1/2017 2/1/2017 1/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 COPIER LEASE-FISCAL PURCHASING N E JUD 310 A 188.40 M 11,304.00 5,086.80 3/1/2017 3/1/2017 2/28/2022 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 COPIER FOR LAW CLERKS N E JUD 310 A 213.47 M 12,808.20 5,763.69 3/1/2017 3/1/2017 2/28/2022 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 COPIER FOR JUDGES' OFFICE N E JUD 310 A 341.22 M 20,473.20 9,554.16 4/1/2017 4/1/2017 3/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION CC1-ACSB 5 YR LSE XEROX XC70 COPIER FO SIIS-DV N E JUD 310 B 106.49 M 6,389.40 2,981.72 4/1/2017 4/1/2017 3/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MONTH COPIER LEASE-KAUAI DRIVER'S ED N E JUD 310 A 355.10 M 21,306.00 9,942.80 4/1/2017 4/1/2017 3/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION CC1-ACSB 5 YR LSE XEROX XC70 COPIER FOR HDC N E JUD 310 A 378.31 M 22,698.60 10,970.99 4/28/2017 4/28/2017 4/27/2022 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 COPIER LEASE-EWA DISTRICT COURT N E JUD 310 A 801.93 M 48,115.58 24,859.72 7/1/2017 7/1/2017 6/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 COPIER LEASE-EWA DISTRICT COURT N E JUD 310 A 2,495.83 M 149,749.80 72,379.07 5/2/2017 5/2/2017 5/1/2022 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 COPIER LEASE-LEGAL DOCS BRANCH 2 N E JUD 310 A 807.03 M 48,421.80 23,807.39 5/15/2017 5/15/2017 5/14/2022 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 COPIER LEASE-LEGAL DOCS BRANCH N E JUD 310 A 364.74 M 21,884.40 11,306.94 7/1/2017 7/1/2017 6/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 COPIER LEASE-ADMINISTRATION N E JUD 310 A 191.82 M 11,509.20 5,946.42 7/1/2017 7/1/2017 6/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 COPIER LEASE-PERSONNEL OFFICE N E JUD 310 B VARIOUS M 108,370.02 108,370.02 2/1/2007 12/1/2019 10/31/2024 KANESHIRO AND SONS ENTERPRISE, DC1 OFFICE LEASE (CLASSRM) FOR HILO'S DRIVER ED N L JUD 310 A 5,077.00 M 304,620.00 162,464.00 7/1/2017 7/1/2017 6/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION CC1 5 YR LEASE XEROX C70 (6 EA) + 7970 (6 EA) N E JUD 310 A 1,107.00 M 39,852.00 8,856.00 7/1/2017 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 HONOLULU DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC CC1-FM REFUSE COLLECTION VARIOUS LOCATION N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 20,120.88 11,737.18 7/1/2017 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 HONOLULU DISPOSAL REFUSE COLLECTION FOR DC, EWA, AND KANEOHE N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 248,154.38 179,289.75 7/1/2017 7/1/2017 12/31/2019 SENTINEL OFFENDER SERVICES CC1-ACSB STATEWIDE OFFENDER ELECTR MONITRG SVC N S JUD 310 A 26,873.75 M 938,329.08 214,990.00 7/1/2017 7/1/2017 6/30/2020 OAHU AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES, INC. CC1-FM A/C MAINT OF 11 FACILITIES ON OAHU N S JUD 310 A 185.14 M 11,108.40 6,294.76 10/1/2017 10/1/2017 9/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 COPIER LEASE-KANEOHE DISTRICT COURT N E JUD 310 A 746.25 M 44,775.00 26,118.75 11/1/2017 11/1/2017 10/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 COPIER LEASE-KANEOHE DISTRICT COURT N E JUD 310 A 1,283.04 O 25,660.80 10,905.84 10/1/2017 10/1/2017 9/30/2022 PITNEY BOWES 61 MO LSE OF PITNEY BOWES POSTAL EQUIP FOR TVB N L JUD 310 A 241.44 M 14,486.40 8,208.96 10/1/2017 10/1/2017 9/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION REPLACEMENT OF COPIER AT TVB ADMIN.-C8055H N E JUD 310 A 346.94 M 20,816.20 11,795.85 10/1/2017 10/1/2017 9/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION REPLACEMENT OF COPIER AT TVB-B8045H - A N E JUD 310 A 173.47 M 10,408.20 5,897.98 10/1/2017 10/1/2017 9/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION REPLACEMENT OF COPIER AT TVB-B8045H - B N E JUD 310 A 267.00 M 16,020.00 9,345.00 11/1/2017 11/1/2017 10/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR HOME MALUHIA N E JUD 310 A 251.23 M 15,073.80 8,793.05 11/1/2017 11/1/2017 10/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR FDC N E JUD 310 A 251.23 M 15,073.80 8,793.05 10/1/2012 10/1/2012 10/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR DC 8TH N E JUD 310 A 274.97 M 16,498.20 9,898.92 12/1/2017 12/1/2017 11/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION REPLACEMENT OF COPIER FOR BAILIFFS-C8070H N E

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Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/* JUD 310 A 359.27 M 21,556.20 12,933.72 12/1/2017 12/1/2017 11/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION CC1-ACSB 5 YR LSE XEROX XC70 COPIER FOR AJCSRU N E JUD 310 A 445.86 M 26,751.60 16,050.96 12/1/2017 12/1/2017 11/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION REPLACEMENT OF COPIER AT WAIANAE-XC70 N E JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 14,000.00 0.00 10/1/2019 10/1/2019 9/30/2020 FAMILY PROGRAM OF HAWAII FC1 ITAO WEB SITE Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 5,500.00 2,750.00 10/1/2018 10/1/2019 9/30/2020 FAMILY HUI PARENT EDUCATION CIP Y S JUD 310 B 275.68 M 16,540.80 11,027.20 4/1/2018 4/1/2018 3/31/2023 TOSHIBA AMERICA BUS SOLUTIONS, INC. 60 MO LEASE: 2 TOSHIBA E-STUDIO7506 COPIERS N E JUD 310 B 202.93 M 12,175.80 8,117.20 4/1/2018 4/1/2018 3/31/2023 TOSHIBA AMERICA BUS SOLUTIONS, INC. 60 MO LEASE: 2 TOSHIBA E-STUDIO 5506 COPIERS N E JUD 310 A 3,915.00 O-AS NEED 82,215.00 27,405.00 7/1/2018 12/1/2019 11/30/2020 EMSS INC CC1 FABR/PRINT/MAIL OUT JUROR QUESTIONNR N S JUD 310 A 9,232.00 O-AS NEED 9,232.00 9,232.00 7/1/2018 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SIMS HAWAII ENTERPRISES CC1 PROCSSNG JUROR QUESTIONNAIRES/SUMMONS N S JUD 310 B 150.00 O 1,950.00 1,800.00 7/1/2018 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 BIVENS, ALEXANDER J. FC5 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 B 110,000.00 A 330,000.00 174,166.67 7/1/2018 7/1/2018 6/30/2021 PREVENTION RESEARCH INC. PRIME FOR LIFE WORKBOOKS N G JUD 310 A 896.53 A 10,758.37 6,275.72 7/1/2018 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 PHOENIX PACIFIC, INC. ANNUAL FIRE ALARM MAINTENANCE N S JUD 310 B 196.12 M 11,767.20 9,021.52 10/1/2018 10/1/2018 9/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 LEASE OF XEROX COPIER -DRIVER ED MAUI DIV N E JUD 310 A 12,985.00 A 12,985.00 12,985.00 12/20/2018 12/20/2018 12/15/2019 AVR DISTRIBUTORS FC1 PROVIDE AND PRINT FILE FOLDER COVERS N S JUD 310 A 141.57 M 8,493.97 6,795.18 12/1/2018 12/1/2018 11/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 LEASE XEROX COPIER -DC1 -HOOKELE ON 3RD FL N E JUD 310 A 153.00 M 9,180.00 7,497.00 12/1/2018 12/1/2018 11/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION CC1-FM 5 YR LEASE XEROX C8035H-FAC MGT N E JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 240,000.00 234,414.35 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 TECHNICAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, LLC CC1-ACSB OFFENDER ELECTRONIC MONITORING SVCS N S JUD 310 A 225.00 M 13,500.00 11,475.00 1/1/2019 1/1/2019 12/31/2023 XEROX CORPORATION CC1-5 YR LEASE XEROX ALTALINK - LAND & TAX CRT N E JUD 310 A 5,400.00 O 5,400.00 5,400.00 10/1/2018 10/1/2019 9/30/2020 1A SMART START, LLC (DWI) CONTRACT FOR BREATHALYZER N S JUD 310 A 6,750.00 O 8,100.00 6,750.00 10/1/2018 10/1/2019 9/30/2020 ALCOHOL MONITORING SYST (DWI) CONTRACT FOR SCRAM CAM N S JUD 310 A 362.71 M 21,762.60 18,860.92 4/1/2019 4/1/2019 3/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC1-ACSB 5 YR LSE XEROX XC70 COPIER FOR ICSS N E JUD 310 A 251.23 M 15,073.80 13,315.19 4/30/2019 4/30/2019 5/1/2024 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR CASA N E JUD 310 A 243.22 M 14,593.20 12,890.66 4/30/2019 4/30/2019 5/1/2024 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER FOR JDC N E JUD 310 B 172.58 M 10,354.80 8,974.16 4/1/2019 4/1/2019 3/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 LEASE OF XEROX COPIER - DRIVER ED HILO OFF N E JUD 310 A 17,238.00 O 17,238.00 17,238.00 4/16/2019 4/16/2019 4/15/2020 SBL SOLUTIONS LLC DC CRIMINAL DISPOSITION FORMS N G JUD 310 A 479.00/507.00 M 6,000.00 2,535.00 4/1/2017 4/1/2019 3/31/2020 CR DISPATCH SERVICES CC1 ARMORED CAR SERVICES N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 21,590.42 3,598.40 4/1/2019 4/1/2019 3/31/2020 SECURITY ARMORED CAR & COURIER DC1 ARMORED CAR SERVICE FOR DC1 N S JUD 310 A 766.95/774.91 O - DAY 11,597.93 0.00 3/24/2019 3/24/2019 3/23/2020 AKAMU, KELLEN KENJI CC1 GRAND JURY COUNSEL N C JUD 310 A 766.95/774.91 O - DAY 13,125.71 0.00 3/24/2019 3/24/2019 3/23/2020 SCANLAN, ALEXANDER P. CC1 GRAND JURY COUNSEL N C JUD 310 A 766.95/774.91 O - DAY 3,834.75 0.00 3/24/2019 3/24/2019 3/23/2020 KIM, JIN TAE CC1 GRAND JURY COUNSEL N C JUD 310 A 766.95/774.91 O - DAY 12,350.80 0.00 3/24/2019 3/24/2019 3/23/2020 MATTICE, DALE K. CC1 GRAND JURY COUNSEL N C JUD 310 A 766.95/774.91 O - DAY 3,099.64 0.00 9/23/2019 9/23/2019 9/22/2020 GUTIERREZ, CATHERINE P. CC1 GRAND JURY COUNSEL N C JUD 310 A 766.95/774.91 O - DAY 13,892.66 0.00 3/24/2019 3/24/2019 3/23/2020 JAMESON, LINDA C.R. CC1 GRAND JURY COUNSEL N C JUD 310 A 97,995.00 O 97,995.00 97,995.00 10/1/2019 10/1/2019 3/18/2020 SOCIETY CONTRACTING, LLC DC1 CARP REPL KAUIKEAOULI HALE JUDGES CHAMBR N G JUD 310 A 8,333.33 M 100,000.00 0.00 10/1/2018 10/1/2018 9/30/2019 PARENTS AND CHILDREN TOGETHER FC1 SUPERVISE CHILD VISITATION/SAFE EXCHANGE Y S JUD 310 N VARIOUS O 202,890.00 3,200.00 5/1/2019 5/1/2019 9/30/2021 JUSTICE SYST ASSMT & TRAINING (JSAT) CC1-ACSB ICIS TRAINING, COACHING, RESCH & CONSLT N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 56,000.00 54,051.50 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY SERVICES, INC. FC1 STATEWIDE DRUG COLL, SCREENING & CONFIRM N S JUD 310 B 537.00 O 5,000.00 3,803.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 CHING, JUNE W.J., PH.D. FC1 KIDS FIRST PRESENTER N S JUD 310 B 1,875.00 O 7,500.00 5,625.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ARMSTRONG, JOLENE FC3 KIDS FIRST COORDINATOR N S JUD 310 A 4,500.00 A/O 4,500.00 0.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 FORELLE, NICOLE LLC FC1 LEGAL SERVICE TRAINING N S JUD 310 B 100.00 O 2,400.00 1,900.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 NEWBOLD, REBEKAH FC1 KIDS FIRST PRESENTER N S JUD 310 B 537.00 O 5,000.00 3,680.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 KOPF, DONALD PH.D. FC1 KIDS FIRST PRESENTER N S JUD 310 A 537.00 O 5,000.00 4,010.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ROGERS, BARBARA HIGA FC1 KIDS FIRST PRESENTER N S JUD 310 A 537.00 O 5,000.00 3,020.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SALVDOR, DARRYL FC1 KIDS FIRST PRESENTER N S JUD 310 N 4,500.00 A 4,500.00 0.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 BOWERS, BEVANNE FC2 SPECIAL COUNSEL SERVICES FOR CASA PROGRAM N S JUD 310 B 3,750.00 Q 15,000.00 11,250.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SWENSON, GIULIETTA FC2 KIDS FIRST COORDINATOR N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 110,400.00 107,540.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HALE KIPA - INDEP LIVING PROGRAMS FC1 INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM SVCS Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 105,850.00 104,900.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HALE KIPA - INDEP LIVING PROGRAMS FC1 INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM SVCS Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 150,000.00 139,012.50 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 CATHOLIC CHARITIES - CSATP FC1 JUVENILE SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT Y S JUD 310 A 100.00 O 2,400.00 1,800.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 JILL SAKAMOTO FC1 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 B 100.00 O 2,400.00 1,900.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/3/2020 GILMAN, REBECCA FC1 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 B 100.00 O 2,400.00 2,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 GOTO-HIROKAWA, DEBORAH FC1 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 B 537.00 O 5,000.00 4,463.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 NEEDELS, TERRI FC1 KIDS FIRST PRESENTER N S JUD 310 A 191.00 M 11,460.00 10,696.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC1 5 YR LEASE XEROX ALTALINK COPIER - FISCAL N E JUD 310 A 34,225.00 M 821,400.00 684,500.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF HAWAII FC1 GUARDIAN AD LITEM FC1 N S JUD 310 A 13,375.00 A 71,410.00 58,035.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 KONE, INC. CC1-FM ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE AT KANEOHE DC N S JUD 310 A 1,000.00 M 24,000.00 19,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 MEDIATION CENTERS OF HAWAII FC1 ADR MEDIATION SERVICES Y S JUD 310 B 537.00 O 5,000.00 4,340.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WONG, KAY S., PH.D. FC1 KIDS FIRST PRESENTER N S JUD 310 B 100.00 O 2,400.00 1,900.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 FEGURSON-QUICK, SHARON FC1 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 B 100.00 O 2,400.00 1,800.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 MIZUKAMI, GAYLE FC1 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S

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Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/* JUD 310 A 100.00 O 2,400.00 1,900.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ROWE, CAROLANN FC1 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 88,800.00 82,800.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 ROGERS, BARBARA HIGA FC1 JUVENILE MENTAL HEALTH ASSESSMENTS Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 40,000.00 40,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 WAIANAE COAST COMPR HEALTH CENTER FC1 JUVENILE ANGER MANAGEMENT Y S JUD 310 B 2,812.50 Q 11,250.00 8,437.50 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SAWYER, KAPUAHELELAONALANI FC3 KIDS FIRST COORDINATOR N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 940,000.00 940,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 SALVATION ARMY, THE CC1-ACSB ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT SVCS Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 80,000.00 80,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 WOMEN IN NEED CC1-ACSB ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT SVCS Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 302,400.00 302,400.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HO'OMAU KE ALOHA CC1-ACSB ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT SVCS Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 130,000.00 130,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 KOKUA SUPPORT SERVICES CC1-ACSB ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT SVCS Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 300,000.00 300,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 CARE HAWAII, INC. CC1-ACSB ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT SVCS Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 700,000.00 700,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HINA MAUKA CC1-ACSB ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT SVCS Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 200,000.00 200,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 ACTION WITH ALOHA, LLC CC1-ACSB SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT SERVICES Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 464,000.00 423,634.25 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 COALITION FOR A DRUG FREE FC1 FAMILY INTERVENTION SERVICES Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 600,000.00 600,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 KLINE-WELSH BEHAVRIAL HEALTH FOUND CC1-ACSB ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT SVCS Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 31,650.00 31,650.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 H.T.M. CONTRACTORS CC1-FM GROUNDSKEEPING SERVICES - VARIOUS CTS N S JUD 310 A 795.81 O - QTR 3,183.24 2,386.43 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 COMMERCIAL SHELVING INC. FC1 MAINT. - ROLL DOORS AT KAPOLEI COURTHOUSE N S JUD 310 A 262.51 M 15,750.60 14,438.05 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION FC1 LEASE - 1 COPIER - JUVENILE DETENTION FACILITY N E JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 180,000.00 142,457.03 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 GIOVANNONI, JOSEPH INC. CC1-ACSB ADULT SEX OFFNDR ASSMT AND TREATMT Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 200,000.00 200,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 YMCA OF HONOLULU COUNSELNG & TUTORING SERVICES Y S JUD 310 B 100.00 O 2,400.00 1,700.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 LOWE, KIANA ( DIANE ) FC1 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 B 537.00 O 5,000.00 3,350.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 GRAY, JILL FC1 KIDS FIRST PRESENTER N S JUD 310 B 537.00 O 5,000.00 4,010.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 HASHIMOTO, SCOTT FC1 KIDS FIRST PRESENTER N S JUD 310 A 3,971.00 A 3,971.00 0.00 7/1/2011 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 L-3 COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY CC1 -SECURITY WALK-THRU MAINTENANCE N S JUD 310 A 5,956.50 A 5,956.50 0.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 L-3 COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY FC1 SECURITY XRAY MAINT FOR CT FACILITIES N S JUD 310 A 9,500.00 A 9,500.00 0.00 7/1/2010 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 L-3 SECURITY & DETECTION SYSTEMS, INC. DC1 SEC XRAY MAINT FOR CT FAC - HNL & RURAL CTS N S JUD 310 A 102,675.00 M 2,464,200.00 2,053,500.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HONG, MALCOLM E. ESQ. FC1 GUARDIAN AD LITEM N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 270,000.00 270,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 YMCA OF HONOLULU FC1 SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 305,330.00 294,733.75 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HINA MAUKA - TEEN CARE FC1 JUVENILE SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 285,000.00 285,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 YMCA OF HONOLULU FC1 SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 53,600.00 48,740.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE CENTER FC1 ANGER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 200,000.00 200,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 WAIANAE DISTR COMPR HEALTH & HOSP CC1-ACSB ADULT SUBST ABUSE TREATMENT SVCS Y S JUD 310 A 8,157.33 M 195,800.00 155,010.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 UCERA FC1 JUVENILE PHYSICIAN SERVICES Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 60,000.00 60,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 WAIANAE DISTR COMPR HEALTH & HOSP CC1-ACSB ADULT SEX OFFENDER ASSMT & TREATMT Y S JUD 310 A 52,164.00 M 1,251,950.00 1,043,294.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 PARENTS AND CHILDREN TOGETHER FC1 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION SERVICES Y S JUD 310 B 15,083.00 M 362,000.00 301,668.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 PARENTS AND CHILDREN TOGETHER FC1 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION SERVICES Y S JUD 310 A 25,339.00 M 608,136.00 506,780.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 PARENTS AND CHILDREN TOGETHER FC1 SUPERVISED CHILD VISITATION/EXCHANGE SVCS Y S JUD 310 B 3,875.00 M 93,000.00 77,500.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 PARENTS AND CHILDREN TOGETHER FC1 SUPERVISED CHILD VISITATION/EXCHANGE SVCS Y S JUD 310 B 100.00 O 2,400.00 1,900.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 VALERIO, CARMENCITA FC1 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 A 145,440.93 A 436,322.79 290,881.86 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2022 JEFFERSON AUDIO VIDEO SYSTEMS FC1 SERVICE/MAINT. FOR COURT RECORDING SYSTEM N S JUD 310 B 160.00 O - AS NEED 3,200.00 3,040.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 JUSTICE SYST ASSMT & TRAINING (JSAT) CC1-ACSB TRAINING CRITIQUES N S JUD 310 A 2,366.93 M 28,403.13 28,403.16 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 JOHNSON CONTROL, INC. FC1 MAINT. FOR AUTOMATED HVAC SYSTEM N S JUD 310 A 8,325.00 M 199,800.00 158,175.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 NAGAMINE, DEAN T. FC1 GUARDIAN AD LITEM SERVICES N S JUD 310 A 40,322.00 M 967,740.00 789,784.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES FC1 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES Y S JUD 310 B 833.00 M 20,000.00 16,668.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES FC1 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES Y S JUD 310 A 107,877.00 M 2,589,068.00 2,157,560.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACTION CENTER FC1 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION Y S JUD 310 B 6,250.00 M 150,000.00 125,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACTION CENTER FC1 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION Y S JUD 310 A 1,666.00 M 20,000.00 15,002.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/1/2020 LEVI, MATT INVESTIGATIONS FC1 JUVENILE DRUG COURT PROGRAM Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 100,000.00 100,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 MARIMED FOUNDATION FC1 IN COMMUNITY COUNSELING Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 5,000.00 5,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 HALE MAILE KANE FC1 EMERGENCY HOUSING N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 5,000.00 4,045.01 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 HO'OMAU KE OLA FC1 EMERGENCY HOUSING N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 10,000.00 8,446.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SALVATION ARMY FC1 EMERGENCY HOUSING - KE OLA PONO Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 5,000.00 5,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WOMEN IN NEED EMERGENCY HOUSING N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 7,196.34 7,196.34 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 HAWTHORNE PACIFIC INC. FC1 MAINT. FOR EMERGENCY GENERATOR at KAPOLEI N S JUD 310 B 100.00 O 2,400.00 1,800.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 BAKER, FREIDA W.J. FC1 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 320,000.00 311,300.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 PALAMA SETTLEMENT FC1 IN-COMMUNITY SERVICES Y S JUD 310 A 4,660.00 M + PER BOX 55,900.00 4,660.00 7/1/2011 7/1/2019 12/31/2019 ACE RECORDS MGT AND STORAGE CC1 RECORDS STORAGE & RETRIEVAL SERVICES FOR N S JUD 310 A 164,100.30 O 164,100.30 164,100.30 8/26/2019 8/26/2019 12/11/2019 SBL SOLUTIONS LLC IFB STATEWIDE PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC CITATIONS N G JUD 310 A 400.00 O - AS NEED 9,600.00 8,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WOMEN IN NEED CC1-ACSB EMERGENCY HOUSING N S JUD 310 A 500.00 O - AS NEED 24,500.00 21,410.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 MAKANA O KE AKUA CC1-ACSB EMERGENCY HOUSING N S JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 347,832.00 333,344.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 CARE HAWAII, INC. FC1 JUVENILE SUBSTANCE ABUSE Y S

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Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/* JUD 310 A 8,000.00 M 184,000.00 152,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 SUSZNNAH WESLEY COMMUNITY CENTER FC1 INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY THERAPY Y S JUD 310 A VARIOUS O 62,400.00 62,400.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 12/31/2019 HAWAII CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES CC1-ACSB STATEWIDE DRUG TESTING SUPPLIES N G JUD 310 A 36,803.09 O 36,803.09 0.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SECURITY RESOURCES PACIFIC INC DC SECURITY CAMERA & ACCESS SYSTEM MAINT N E JUD 310 B 100.00 O 2,400.00 1,800.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 GANOOT, MINDY FC1 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N s JUD 310 A 330.00 O 5,000.00 4,340.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 PEDRO, DON. D. FC1 KIDS FIRST PRESENTER N S JUD 310 A 868.00 M 52,080.00 51,212.00 10/1/2019 10/1/2019 9/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC1 - 5 YR LEASE XEROX D125CP - LEG DOCS N E JUD 310 B 100.00 O 2,400.00 2,400.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 PARKHURST, JOYCE FC1 KIDS FIRST FACILITATOR N S JUD 310 A 179.38 M 10,762.80 10,404.04 10/1/2019 10/1/2019 9/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION DC1 LEASE XEROX COPIER FOR DC1 -HOOKELE 3RD FL N E JUD 310 A 30,750.00 O 30,750.00 30,750.00 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/30/2020 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI CC1-ACSB TRAINING ON CPC ASSESSMENT TOOL N S JUD 310 B VARIOUS O 14,000.00 13,000.00 10/1/2019 10/1/2019 9/30/2020 FAMILY MEDIATIN HAWAII FC1 FAMILY MEDIATION SERVICES Y S JUD 310 A 8,595.00 A 8,595.00 8,595.00 10/11/2019 10/11/2019 12/31/2019 AVR DISTRIBUTORS CC1 PROVIDE AND PRINT FILE FOLDER COVERS N S JUD 310 A 37,500.00 Q 150,000.00 150,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 HAWAII FAMILY LAW CLINIC TRAIN BY ATHLETIC COACHES N S JUD 310 N VARIOUS O 49,700.00 49,700.00 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 7/31/2020 CYZAP, INC. CC1-ACSB ICIS MGT INFO SYSTEM EXPANSION N S JUD 310 A 2,513.09 A 2,513.09 0.00 12/1/2016 12/1/2019 11/30/2020 ADVANCED MICRO-IMAGE SYSTEMS HI INC CC1 MICROFILM SCANNERS MAINTENANCE N S JUD 310 A 12.21 M 146.52 146.52 7/11/2019 7/11/2019 7/10/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 12 MONTHS MAINT FEE WC3345DNI DC1 JSB N E JUD 310 A 156.00 M 9,360.00 9,360.00 11/1/2019 11/1/2019 10/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC1 - 5 YR LEASE XEROX ALTALINK COPIER - CAAP N E JUD 310 N 32,500.00 O 65,000.00 32,500.00 10/1/2019 10/1/2019 9/30/2020 NATL COUNC OF JUV AND FAM CT JUDGES FC1 ASSESSMENT FOR CIP PROGRAM N S JUD 310 N VARIOUS O 44,300.00 44,300.00 10/1/2019 10/1/2019 9/30/2021 CYZAP, INC. CC1-ACSB HI INNOVATIONS SUPERVISION INITIATIVE N S JUD 310 A 69,399.45 O 69,399.45 69,399.45 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SECURITY RESOURCES PACIFIC INC DC1 CHANGE CELL BLOCK LOCKING SYSTEM N E JUD 310 A VARIOUS M 296,000.00 65,777.78 1/1/1981 8/1/2017 7/31/2020 BANK OF HAWAII DC1 BANK CARD PROCESSING SERVICE FEE FOR DC1 N S JUD 310 A 123.65 M 1,483.80 865.55 8/1/2014 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ALERT ALARM OF HAWAII DC1 MONITORING - BURGLAR/INTRSN - EWA CT N S JUD 310 A 83.46 M 1,001.52 584.22 9/16/1997 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ALERT ALARM OF HAWAII DC1 MONITORING - BURGLAR/INTRSN - WAHIAWA CT N S JUD 320 A 64.14 O/M 3,848.40 3,848.40 8/21/2019 11/15/2019 11/14/2024 XEROX CORPORATION LEASE OF A XEROX B405DN COPIER FOR 2JC, N E JUD 320 A 1,647.10 M 60,489.48 24,521.42 1/1/2019 1/1/2019 12/31/2021 THOMAS REUTER WEST WESTLAW SUBSCRIPTION N S JUD 320 A 64.14 O/M 3,848.40 3,017.94 10/12/2018 12/1/2018 11/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION LEASE OF A XEROX B405DN COPIER FOR 2JC, N E JUD 320 A 64.14 O/M 3,848.40 3,121.14 10/12/2018 12/1/2018 11/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION LEASE OF A XEROX B405DN COPIER FOR 2JC, N E JUD 320 A 64.14 O/M 3,848.40 2,966.64 10/12/2018 12/1/2018 11/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION LEASE OF A XEROX B405DN COPIER FOR 2JC, N E JUD 320 A 264.23 O/M 12,778.80 5,908.95 8/16/2016 8/16/2016 8/15/2021 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MO.LEASE OF XEROX WC5955 COPIER N E JUD 320 A 30,134.80 A 30,134.80 - 5/16/2019 6/1/2019 5/31/2020 JUSTICE AV SOLUTIONS MAINTENANCE OF JAVS SYSTEM FOR HOAPILI HALE N S JUD 320 A 3,400.00 A 3,400.00 3,400.00 10/4/2019 12/1/2019 11/30/2020 JUSTICE AV SOLUTIONS MAINTENANCE OF JAVS SYSTEM FOR MOLOKAI D N S JUD 320 A 4,510.00 A 4,510.00 4,510.00 10/4/2019 12/1/2019 11/30/2020 JUSTICE AV SOLUTIONS MAINTENANCE OF JAVS SYSTEM AT LAHAINA DC N S JUD 320 A 305.01 M 9,313.92 7,788.86 9/9/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2020 PACIFIC COURIER ARMORED CAR SERVICE FOR HOAPILI HALE AND LAHDC N S JUD 320 A 268.19 M 16,091.40 7,018.46 11/11/2016 1/8/2017 1/7/2022 PITNEY BOWES INC. MAIL SYSTEM FOR 2CC-WAILUKU N E JUD 320 A 238.10 O/M 17,576.83 11,110.57 4/27/2018 4/27/2018 4/26/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 48 MONTH LEASE OF XEROX B8075H COPIER N E JUD 320 A 4,973.53 O/M 234,743.30 172,730.09 11/8/2018 1/1/2019 12/31/2020 OAHU AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE, MAINTENANCE OF AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM A N S JUD 320 A 1,585.15 M 95,109.00 79,257.60 12/17/2018 1/1/2019 12/31/2023 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE OF THYSSEN ELEVATORS AT HOAP N S JUD 320 A 661.38 O - QTR 13,227.60 3,243.90 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2024 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR MAINT OF 2 DUMBWAITERS - HOAPILI HALE N S JUD 320 A 16,328.00 A 16,328.00 - 6/9/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 L-3 COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY MAINTENANCE OF L-3 COMMUNICATIONS SECURI N S JUD 320 A 1,219.28 O 7,315.65 4,877.11 4/26/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 JOHNSON CONTROLS MAINTENANCE OF FIRE ALARM AND SECURITY S N S JUD 320 A 27,618.57 O 27,618.57 - 7/31/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2020 SECURITY RESOURCES LLC MAINTENANCE OF SECURITY EQUIPMENT N S JUD 320 A 2,430.00 A 2,430.00 - 5/17/2017 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 CLEARVIEW COSTAR SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE N S JUD 320 A 15,541.56 O 15,541.56 - 8/24/2017 9/19/2017 9/18/2020 HAWAIIAN TELCOM LIFESIZE EXTENDED WARRANTY (RURAL COURTS) N S JUD 320 A 16,400.94 O 16,400.94 - 9/6/2018 9/24/2018 9/23/2021 HAWAIIAN TELCOM LIFESIZE EXTENDED WARRANTY (HOAPILI HALE) N S JUD 320 A 501.04 M 18,037.44 11,523.92 9/7/2018 11/1/2018 11/1/2021 KING POWER MAINTENANCE OF EMERGENCY STANDBY GENERATOR N S JUD 320 A 539.47 M 6,473.64 4,315.76 5/16/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ALOHA WASTE SYSTEMS,. INC. REFUSE & RECYCLING SERVICES FOR HOAPILI HALE N S JUD 320 A 3,685.80 O/M 104,272.78 89,529.59 4/2/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 ACCESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT RECORDS STORAGE & RETRIEVAL SVCS THRU IF N S JUD 320 A 764.96 O/M 9,300.00 6,240.15 3/8/2017 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ACCESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT RECORDS SHREDDING SERVICE N S JUD 320 A 1,953.26 O - QTR 7,813.04 5,859.86 4/18/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 TERMINIX QUARTERLY INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PEST CONTROL N S JUD 320 A 19,537.33 O/M 229,476.87 151,327.57 7/1/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC STATWIDE SECURITY SERVICES @CC2 N S JUD 320 A 3,208.12 O 3,208.12 - 7/17/2019 8/9/2019 8/8/2021 DELL MARKETING L.P. EXTENDED WARRANTY N S JUD 320 A 4,882.00 M 282,188.00 141,264.00 3/14/2012 2/16/2017 1/15/2022 UNION LEASING CORP FKA KAUNAKAKAI A OFFICE SPACE RENTAL FOR MOLOKAI CLIENT SERVICE N L JUD 320 A 24,055.73 M 1,419,288.07 1,347,117.76 9/4/2019 9/1/2019 7/31/2024 A & B PROPERTIES, INC. OFFICE LEASE - ACS N L JUD 320 A 8,895.78 M 533,454.99 216,787.32 12/28/2012 12/1/2016 10/31/2021 MAUI OFFICE, LLC. DBA 2200 MAIN, LLC MAUI DRUG COURT LEASE N L JUD 320 A 107.08 O/M 6,561.60 6,007.17 7/10/2018 7/10/2018 7/9/2023 KONICA MINOLTA 5 YEAR LEASE OF KONICA BIZHUB 368E N E JUD 320 A 49.92 O/M 2,995.20 2,995.20 7/31/2019 10/10/2019 10/9/2024 XEROX CORPORATION LEASE OF A XEROX B405DN COPIER FOR 2JC, N E JUD 320 A 558.73 O/M 17,371.85 8,990.84 8/1/2017 8/1/2017 7/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 5YR LEASE OF XEROX WORKCENTRE C8055H N E JUD 320 A 150.03 O/M 14,127.30 2,860.95 7/1/2015 7/1/2015 6/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 5YR LEASE OF XEROX W7835PT COPIER N E JUD 320 A 197.42 O/M 19,045.42 7,971.77 12/9/2016 1/11/2017 1/10/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 5YR LEASE OF XEROX COLORQUBE 9303 COPIER N E JUD 320 A 660.53 O/M 24,339.74 11,789.67 2/7/2017 4/1/2017 3/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 5YR LEASE OF XEROX COLORQUBE 9303 COPIER N E

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Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/* JUD 320 A 400.00 O 6,000.00 5,600.00 7/25/2019 7/15/2019 6/30/2020 AKAHAI COUNSELING LLC CC2 SUBSTANCE ABUSE ASSESSMENT Y S JUD 320 A 498.75 O/M 90,000.00 88,005.00 5/22/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 ALOHA HOUSE, INC. CC2 ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 7,205.38 O/M 162,000.00 133,178.50 5/22/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 ALOHA HOUSE, INC. CC2 ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 43,189.97 O/M 1,300,000.00 477,240.13 6/11/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 ALOHA HOUSE, INC. CC2 ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 3,743.33 O 100,000.00 88,770.00 6/11/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE CENTER CC2 ADULT SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 4,350.00 O/M 134,000.00 120,950.00 9/26/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 MOLOKAI COMMUNITY SERVICE COUNCIL CC2 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION Y S JUD 320 A 800.00 O 5,000.00 4,200.00 5/28/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 MOLOKAI COMMUNITY SERVICE COUNCIL CC2 JUVENILE IN-COMMUNITY SVCS Y S JUD 320 A 1,250.00 O/M 34,800.00 34,800.00 9/10/2019 9/1/2019 6/30/2021 MOLOKAI COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER CC2 JUVENILE SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 1,500.00 M 36,000.00 30,000.00 6/18/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 KA HALE POMAIKAI CC2 ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 1,250.00 M 30,000.00 25,000.00 6/11/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 LANAI COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER CC2 ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 43.00 O 30,000.00 30,000.00 5/22/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 MALAMA FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER CC2 ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 2,182.25 O 60,000.00 51,271.00 5/22/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 MALAMA FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER CC2 INTEGRATED SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 2,417.50 O/M 84,000.00 74,330.00 4/29/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 LOVE COUNSELING AND CONSULTING LLC CC2 JUVENILE SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 972.17 O 10,000.00 7,083.50 5/22/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 MAUI YOUTH & FAMILY SERVICES, CC2 INTEGRATED SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 1,876.81 O 28,000.00 20,492.75 5/22/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 MAUI YOUTH & FAMILY SERVICES, CC2 JUVENILE SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 500.00 O/M 30,000.00 28,500.00 6/11/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 OHANA MAKAMAE CC2 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION Y S JUD 320 A 150.00 O 8,000.00 7,850.00 5/30/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 NA PU'UWAI CC2 ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 320 A 15,071.67 O/M 651,250.00 606,035.00 5/22/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 PACT-FAMILY PEACE CENTER CC2 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION SVCS Y S JUD 320 A 900.00 O/M 28,000.00 27,100.00 5/28/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 PACT-FAMILY PEACE CENTER CC2 IN-COMMUNITY SERVICES Y S JUD 320 A 9,664.75 O/M 188,000.00 140,341.00 9/26/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 WOMEN HELPING WOMEN CC2 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION Y S JUD 320 A 1,010.85 O 17,000.00 13,967.45 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 TECHNICAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, LLC DRUG TESTING FOR ADULT CLIENTS N S JUD 320 A 1,443.38 O 36,000.00 30,226.50 11/1/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY SERVICES, INC STATEWIDE DRUG COLLECTION, SCREENING & CONFIRM N S JUD 320 A 2,500.00 O 125,000.00 76,513.15 4/19/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 FOSTER-AU, RENATA GAL FOR 2ND CIRCUIT N S JUD 320 A 2,500.00 O 150,000.00 101,667.50 4/19/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 BAKER, JOHN J. GAL FOR 2ND CIRCUIT N S JUD 320 A 2,500.00 O 120,000.00 101,747.30 5/22/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF HAWAII GAL FOR 2ND CIRCUIT N S JUD 320 A 2,500.00 O 120,000.00 96,624.13 4/19/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 TENGAN, DAVELYNN GAL FOR 2ND CIRCUIT N S JUD 320 A 2,500.00 O 125,000.00 99,280.00 5/16/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 LOWENTHAL AND LOWENTHAL GAL FOR 2ND CIRCUIT N S JUD 320 A 2,500.00 O 125,000.00 57,760.64 4/19/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 NICOLE FORELLI GAL FOR 2ND CIRCUIT N S JUD 320 A 2,500.00 O 100,000.00 85,041.00 4/19/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 BARBARA SAUER GAL FOR 2ND CIRCUIT N S JUD 320 A 16,574.25 A 16,574.25 16,574.25 8/26/2019 8/26/2019 12/11/2019 SBL SOLUTIONS LLC TRAFFIC CITATIONS N S JUD 320 A 36,540.00 A 36,540.00 - 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 11/30/2020 EMSS INC JUROR QUESTIONNAIRES PRINTING AND MAILING N S JUD 320 A 6,350.00 A 6,350.00 - 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SIMS HAWAII ENTERPRISES OPEN AND SCAN JUROR QUESTIONNAIRES N S JUD 320 A 186.26 O - QTR 3,725.40 3,539.04 8/30/2017 8/30/2017 8/29/2022 PITNEY BOWES INC. MAIL SYSTEM FOR LAHAINA DISTRICT COURT N S JUD 320 A 1,577.60 O/M 98,131.11 74,467.22 7/1/2018 9/1/2018 7/31/2023 LANAI RESORTS, LLC OFFICE LEASE FOR LANAI DISTRICT COURT. N L JUD 320 A 117.28 O/M 8,857.20 2,633.18 3/15/2016 3/15/2016 3/14/2021 RICOH USA LEASE RICOH M5054 COPIER 3RD FLOOR N E JUD 320 A 154.50 O/M 9,616.80 2,953.93 1/27/2016 1/27/2016 1/26/2021 XEROX CORPORATION LEASE OF XEROX W5945COPIER FOR LAHAINA DC N E JUD 320 A 76.74 O/M 5,089.20 1,775.82 8/4/2016 8/4/2016 8/3/2021 RICOH USA LEASE RICOH MP3054 COPIER MOLOKAI DC N E JUD 320 A 76.74 O/M 4,893.60 1,678.16 8/16/2016 8/16/2016 8/15/2021 RICOH USA LEASE RICOH MP3054 COPIER LANAI DC N E JUD 320 A 100.89 O/M 7,764.60 652.54 8/1/2015 8/1/2015 7/31/2020 RICOH USA 5YR LEASE OF RICOH MP3054 COPIER FOR FAMILY COURT N E JUD 320 A 150.73 O/M 28,904.40 9,762.98 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 12/9/2020 XEROX CORPORATION LEASE OF XEROX W7838 COPIER FOR SERVICE CENTER N E JUD 320 A 111.24 O/M 7,748.06 4,351.45 8/29/2017 8/29/2017 8/28/2022 XEROX CORPORATION VEND COPIER FOR 2ND CIRCUIT'S SERVICE CENTER N E JUD 320 A 26.07 O/M 1,964.85 1,074.08 7/31/2017 7/31/2017 7/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION LEASE XEROX B405DN FAX FOR SERVICE CENTER N E JUD 320 A 238.10 O/M 15,480.19 9,731.08 4/27/2018 4/27/2018 4/26/2022 XEROX CORPORATION LEASE XEROX B8075DN FOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS N E JUD 320 A 1,822.91 A 1,822.91 - 3/20/2019 4/15/2019 4/14/2020 ADVANCES MICRO-IMAGE SYSTEMS MAINT OF MINOLTA IMAGING SYSTEM-2ND CC N S JUD 320 A 365.08 O/M 5,887.52 4,055.56 4/19/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 STURDEVANT REFRIGERATION & AIR A/C MAINTENANCE AT LAHAINA DC N S JUD 320 A 8,294.00 O - QTR 33,176.00 8,294.00 4/30/2019 5/15/2019 5/14/2020 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC. SERVICE/MAINT OF FIRE ALARM/SECURITY SYS N S JUD 320 A 67.71 M 812.52 541.68 4/5/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 MAUI DISPOSAL REFUSE SERVICE - LAHAINA DC N S JUD 320 A 194.96 O 20,000.00 17,465.52 6/14/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ELIZABETH KELLY TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE N S JUD 320 A 637.66 M 21,600.00 2,007.33 2/1/2003 2/1/2017 1/31/2020 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE SERVICE N S JUD 320 A 1,550.59 M 32,400.00 7,590.60 7/1/1991 7/1/2017 6/30/2020 BANK OF HAWAII CREDIT CARD SERVICE N S JUD 320 A 774.91 O 9,298.92 6,199.28 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 BEN ACOB GRAND JURY COUNSEL N S JUD 320 A 774.91 O 9,298.92 8,524.01 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 CAROLINE BELSOM GRAND JURY COUNSEL N S JUD 330 A 2,932.64 M 173,092.00 170,093.12 12/1/2014 11/1/2019 9/30/2024 1284 KILAUEA K&M, LLC STORAGE SPACE FOR CC3 N L JUD 330 A 774.91 O - DAY 18,597.84 10,073.83 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ASHIDA, LINCOLN FY20 GRAND JURY COUNSEL CC3 N C JUD 330 A 1,216.72 M - EST 36,000.00 10,950.50 1/1/1981 8/1/2017 7/31/2020 BANK OF HAWAII STATEWIDE CREDIT CARD SERVICE N S JUD 330 A 2,862.10 M 67,369.44 17,172.60 6/7/2011 7/1/2018 6/30/2020 BURITZ, BHAGAVAN S. LEASE- STORAGE OF FILES, EQUIPMENT N L JUD 330 A 621.04 M - EST 7,452.49 7,452.49 11/1/2019 11/1/2019 10/31/2020 C. W. MAINTENANCE, INC. JANITORIAL SERVICES KAMUELA JUVENILE/ADU N S JUD 330 A 5,586.59 M 200,592.36 33,271.68 1/1/2003 7/1/2017 6/30/2020 CARTER PROFESSIONAL CENTER OFFICE LEASE FC3 N L JUD 330 A 349,357.00 O - NTE/YR 764,077.00 549,762.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 CHILDREN'S LAW PROJECT GUARDIAN LITEM/LEGAL COUNSEL SERVICES N C

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Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/* JUD 330 A 292,250.00 O - NTE/YR 565,328.00 382,648.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 CHUNG, AARON S. Y. GUARDIAN LITEM/LEGAL COUNSEL SERVICES N C JUD 330 A 1,500.00 O 3,000.00 3,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY SERVICES STATEWIDE DRUG SCREENING & CONFIRMATION TESTING N S JUD 330 A 45,675.00 O - NTE 45,675.00 0.00 7/1/2018 7/1/2019 11/30/2020 EMSS, INC. FABRICATE, PRINT & MAILOUT JUROR QUESTION - STATEWIDE N S JUD 330 A 76,518.00 O - NTE/YR 208,143.00 205,693.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 FREEMAN, ALYSA B, P.C. GUARDIAN LITEM/LEGAL COUNSEL SERVICES N C JUD 330 A 774.91 O - DAY 9,298.92 6,199.28 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 FREITAS, SANDRA L.S. FY20 GRAND JURY COUNSEL CC3 N C JUD 330 A 55,664.03 M - EST 780,963.60 389,648.20 7/1/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC STATWIDE SECURITY SERVICES CONTRACT N S JUD 330 A 142,051.00 O - NTE/YR 295,361.00 236,796.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HEIMGARTNER, JENNIFER A.S. GUARDIAN LITEM/LEGAL COUNSEL SERVICES N C JUD 330 A 110,754.00 O - NTE/YR 242,550.00 198,780.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HEIMGARTNER, R. HERMANN GUARDIAN LITEM/LEGAL COUNSEL SERVICES N C JUD 330 A 76,518.00 O - NTE/YR 208,143.00 182,628.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HENRY, DAWN AAL GUARDIAN LITEM/LEGAL COUNSEL SERVICES N C JUD 330 A 108,288.00 O - NTE/YR 239,913.00 173,268.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 IMUA LAW OFFICES LLLC GUARDIAN LITEM/LEGAL COUNSEL SERVICES N C JUD 330 A 5,675.20 O-SEMIANNL 11,523.76 5,675.20 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ISLAND CONTROLS INC. ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM N S JUD 330 A 153,409.00 O - NTE/YR 306,886.00 241,821.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 JACKSON, JOAN GUARDIAN LITEM/LEGAL COUNSEL SERVICES N C JUD 330 A 11,936.84 A 11,936.84 0.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE CC3 FIRE ALARM & SPRINKLER MAINTENANCE N S JUD 330 A 441.68 A 2,995.70 1,766.72 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE CC3 HJC FIRE ALARM MAINTENANCE N S JUD 330 A 638.51 A 2,995.70 2,554.02 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE CC3 FIRE ALARM MAINTENANCE KONA COURTHOUSE N S JUD 330 A 193,001.00 O - NTE/YR 392,306.00 297,191.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 KITAOKA, CAROL GUARDIAN LITEM/LEGAL COUNSEL SERVICES N C JUD 330 A 15,857.96 A 15,857.96 0.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 L-3 COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY SECURITY XRAY MAINT FOR CT FACILITIES N S JUD 330 A 158,246.00 O - NTE/YR 338,345.00 286,560.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF HAWAII GAL/ LEGAL COUNSEL SERVICES FOR FC3 N C JUD 330 A 8,880.90 M 201,750.00 177,618.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 OAHU AIR CONDITION SERVICE,INC A/C MAINTENANCE SERVICE FOR HILO JUDICIA N S JUD 330 A 2,012.19 M - EST 43,581.00 16,097.51 7/1/2018 7/1/2018 6/30/2020 PACIFIC COURIER FY19-20 CC3 ARMORED TRANSPORT SERVICE N S JUD 330 A 838.64 M 9,605.16 7,547.79 8/16/2019 8/16/2019 8/15/2020 PACIFIC WASTE INC. REFUSE REMOVAL KEAHUOLU COURTHOUSE N S JUD 330 A 31,098.55 O - NTE 31,098.55 31,098.55 8/26/2019 8/26/2019 12/11/2019 SBL SOLUTIONS LLC IFB STATEWIDE PURCH OF TRAFFIC CITATIONS N S JUD 330 A 10,970.10 M -EST 131,641.20 28,096.18 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2020 SCHATTAUER FAMILY PROPERTY LEASE OFFICE SPACE FOR BI DRUG CRT N L JUD 330 A 3,342.72 M - EST 40,850.94 26,741.78 7/1/2018 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SECURITY ARMORED CAR & COURIER FY19 COURIER SERVICE INTRA-CIRCUIT 3JC N S JUD 330 A 8,093.99 A 8,093.99 8,093.99 11/1/2018 11/1/2019 10/31/2020 SECURITY RESOURCES PACIFIC INC CC3 ACCESS CONTROL AND SURVELLANCE SYSTEM HILO N S JUD 330 A 284.51 M - EST 16,435.00 2,276.04 7/1/2017 7/1/2017 12/31/2019 SENTINEL OFFENDER SERVICES FY18/19/20 STATEWIDE ELECTRONIC MONITORING N S JUD 330 A 705.00 M - EST 23,575.75 7,755.01 10/1/2017 10/1/2017 9/30/2020 SERVICES HAWAII RUBBISH 10/2017 TO 09/2020 REFUSE SERVICE HILO N S JUD 330 A 200.00 M 2,400.00 1,000.00 4/1/2019 4/1/2019 3/31/2020 SERVICES HAWAII RUBBISH HAUL GREENWASTE HILO N S JUD 330 A 7,852.00 A 7,852.00 7,852.00 7/1/2018 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SIMS HAWAII CONSULTING, INC. FY20 JUROR QUESTIONNAIRE SCANNING - STATEWIDE N S JUD 330 A 12,957.00 A 12,957.00 0.00 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2020 SMITHS DETECTION, INC. FY19 X-RAY SCANNERS MAINTENANCE HILO N S JUD 330 A 255.00 O - DAY 3,500.00 3,245.00 2/1/2019 2/1/2019 1/31/2020 SOUZA, MERCEDES SHARON CC3 COURT REPORTER SERVICES N S JUD 330 A 62,000.00 O - NTE/YR 124,000.00 112,039.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 TECHNICAL RESOURCE STATEWIDE DRUG SCREENING & CONFIRMATION TESTING N S JUD 330 A 177,842.00 O - NTE/YR 346,268.00 207,163.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 THOENE, ALIKA GAL SERVICES N C JUD 330 A 2,052.82 O - MON 73,224.12 53,373.20 1/1/2016 1/1/2019 12/31/2021 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST WESTLAW SUBSCRIPTION FOR CC3 - STATEWIDE N S JUD 330 A 29,847.53 A 89,542.59 0.00 7/1/2014 7/1/2017 6/30/2020 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE N S JUD 330 A 333.37 M - EST 17,515.60 4,333.80 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 11/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON XEROX W7845PT KONA ACS, PSI N E JUD 330 A 325.53 M - EST 13,146.20 4,231.92 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 11/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON XEROX 5945APT KONA ACS SUPRVISION N E JUD 330 A 784.36 M - EST 32,195.60 10,196.62 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 11/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON XEROX D95CP KONA DIST CRT N E JUD 330 A 318.56 M - EST 11,829.40 4,141.26 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 11/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON XEROX 5945APT KONA FC CRT/JUDGE N E JUD 330 A 92.34 M - EST 13,399.32 1,292.72 12/1/2015 1/1/2016 12/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON XEROX WC4265X HILO DC LDB N E JUD 330 A 392.67 M - EST 9,567.60 5,495.91 12/1/2015 1/1/2016 12/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON XEROX WC4265X HILO PRGM SERV N E JUD 330 A 199.56 M - EST 10,602.24 2,793.82 12/1/2015 1/1/2016 12/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON XEROX WC4265X HILO DC CRTRM 2B N E JUD 330 A 158.33 M - EST 8,866.40 2,216.66 12/1/2015 1/1/2016 12/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON XEROX W4265X HILO DC CRTRM 2C N E JUD 330 A 120.63 M - EST 8,822.00 1,930.06 3/1/2016 3/1/2016 2/28/2021 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON XEROX WC5335PT KONA LAW LIBRARY N E JUD 330 A 92.30 M - EST 5,308.80 1,476.76 3/1/2016 3/1/2016 2/28/2021 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON LEASE XEROX KONA DC FAX N E JUD 330 A 595.60 M - EST 33,416.40 21,441.64 11/1/2017 11/1/2017 10/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON LEASE COPIER KONA COURT SERVICES N E JUD 330 A 315.65 M - EST 18,880.51 11,363.54 11/1/2017 11/1/2017 10/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON LEASE COPIER S. KOHALA DC N E JUD 330 A 279.24 M - EST 16,693.02 10,052.81 11/1/2017 11/1/2017 10/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON LEASE COPIER KONA DRUG COURT N E JUD 330 A 307.95 M - EST 16,693.02 11,086.08 11/1/2017 11/1/2017 10/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON LEASE COPIER KONA DIV 4 N E JUD 330 A 334.23 M - EST 18,880.51 12,032.23 11/1/2017 11/1/2017 10/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON LEASE COPIER KONA JCSB N E JUD 330 A 128.76 M - EST 7,657.45 4,763.97 11/1/2017 12/1/2017 11/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON LEASE COPIER FAX KONA COURT SERVICES N E JUD 330 A 792.46 M - EST 46,338.00 32,490.83 4/1/2018 4/1/2018 3/31/2023 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON LEASE COPIER HILO CC3 LEGAL DOCS N E JUD 330 A 341.43 M - EST 20,110.80 14,339.89 5/1/2018 5/1/2018 4/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON LEASE COPIER HILO CC3 ACS N E JUD 330 A 269.13 M - EST 15,868.80 12,649.03 10/1/2018 10/1/2018 9/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MON LEASE COPIER HILO FISCAL N E JUD 330 A 226.81 M - EST 13,269.00 11,340.51 1/1/2019 1/1/2019 12/31/2023 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE S.KOHALA N E JUD 330 A 247.77 M - EST 14,814.00 13,875.38 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE DRUG COURT N E JUD 330 A 293.97 M - EST 17,551.80 16,462.26 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE JUVENILE SERVICES N E JUD 330 A 238.66 M - EST 14,280.00 13,603.60 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE HILO 2ND FLOOR WKRM N E JUD 330 A 241.20 M - EST 14,467.80 13,748.25 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE 3RD FLOOR WKRM N E

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Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/* JUD 330 A 248.25 M - EST 15,031.80 14,149.97 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE ADMIN WORKROON 2ND FLOO N E JUD 330 A 360.13 M - EST 21,235.80 20,167.16 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE TVB CT RM SERVICES N E JUD 330 A 27.21 M - EST 1,714.80 1,523.69 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE JURY/NOTARY ROOM N E JUD 330 A 96.94 M - EST 5,689.20 5,428.63 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE DIV 1 N E JUD 330 A 101.28 M - EST 6,096.60 5,773.10 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE 1ST FLOOR WORKROOM N E JUD 330 A 97.15 M - EST 5,689.20 5,440.41 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE DIV 2 N E JUD 330 A 143.73 M - EST 8,744.40 8,192.77 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE COURT REPORTERS #258 N E JUD 330 A 105.33 M - EST 6,218.40 5,898.36 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE DISTRICT COURT JUDGE'S #242 N E JUD 330 A 100.77 M - EST 6,006.60 5,743.83 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE DISTRICT COURT JUDGE'S #244 N E JUD 330 A 108.21 M - EST 6,498.00 6,168.20 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE DCCA RM 122 N E JUD 330 A 87.67 M - EST 5,159.40 4,996.94 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE HILO FACILITY MANAGEMEN N E JUD 330 A 105.81 M - EST 6,218.40 6,031.38 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE HILO FC JUDGE 341 N E JUD 330 A 87.50 M - EST 5,185.80 4,987.26 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE HILO FC JUDGE 344 N E JUD 330 A 137.62 M - EST 8,197.20 7,982.21 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE - CIRCUIT DIV 3 N E JUD 330 A 137.62 M - EST 8,197.20 7,982.21 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE - CIR DIV 4 N E JUD 330 A 137.62 M - EST 8,197.20 7,982.21 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE - DIST JUDGE RM#2013 N E JUD 330 A 137.62 M - EST 8,197.20 7,982.21 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE - FAMILY JUDGE RM #2099 N E JUD 330 A 137.62 M - EST 8,197.20 7,982.21 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPER LEASE - FACILITY MGMT RM 2071 N E JUD 330 A 137.62 M - EST 8,197.20 7,982.21 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION CC3 COPIER LEASE - PROGRAM SVCS RM 2036 N E JUD 330 A 10,000.00 O - NTE/YR 20,000.00 20,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 ACCESS CAPABILITIES INC. CC3 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION Y S JUD 330 A 35,000.00 O - NTE/YR 70,000.00 35,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 ACCESS CAPABILITIES INC. CC3 ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT AND SOBER Y S JUD 330 A 2,000.00 O - NTE/YR 4,000.00 4,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 ACCESS CAPABILITIES INC. CC3 SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT - JUVENILE Y S JUD 330 A 155,000.00 O - NTE/YR 310,000.00 166,657.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 BIG ISLAND SUBSTANCE ABUSE CC3 ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 330 A 100,000.00 M 200,000.00 175,000.01 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 BRIDGE HOUSE, INC. CC3 SOBER LIVING & ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE Y S JUD 330 A 13,000.00 O - NTE/YR 26,000.00 26,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 CARE HAWAII, INC. CC3 ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 330 A 7,083.33 M 170,000.00 141,666.68 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 CATHOLIC CHARITIES - CSATP CC3 JUVENILE SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT SERV Y S JUD 330 A 39,208.25 M 940,998.00 784,165.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 CHILD & FAMILY SERVICE CC3 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION SVCS Y S JUD 330 A 160,000.00 O - NTE 320,000.00 280,550.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE CENTER CC3 ADULT SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT SERVICES Y S JUD 330 A 20,000.00 O - NTE/YR 40,000.00 33,266.06 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 LOKAHI TREATMENT CENTERS CC3 ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 330 A 3,000.00 O - NTE/YR 6,000.00 6,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 LOKAHI TREATMENT CENTERS CC3 JUVENILE SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Y S JUD 330 A 60,000.00 O - NTE/YR 120,000.00 60,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 LOKAHI TREATMENT CENTERS CC3 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION SVCS Y S JUD 330 A 22,362.50 M 536,700.00 447,250.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 SALVATION ARMY, THE CC3 JUVENILE LONG TERM & EMERGENCY SHELTER Y S JUD 330 A 625.00 O - FEE/ASSMT 12,500.00 9,375.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WINGERT, JOHN L., PH.D. CC3 JV MENTAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT - Terminate 12/2019 Y S JUD 330 A 12,916.67 M 310,000.00 245,416.65 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 YWCA OF HAWAII ISLAND CC3 TEEN COURT ADMINISTRATION Y S JUD 350 A 4,166.54 A 4,166.54 0.00 6/3/2019 7/5/2019 7/4/2020 ADVANCED MICRO-IMAGE SYSTEMS HI, INC MAINTENANCE FOR (4) MICROFILMS N S JUD 350 A 4,138.53 A 4,138.53 0.00 12/20/2018 12/15/2018 12/15/2019 AVR DISTRIBUTORS FABRICATE, PRINT & DELIVER COURT FILE FOLDERS N S JUD 350 A 795.81 M 9,549.72 5,570.67 3/8/2019 4/1/2019 3/31/2020 BLS & KTC INC RFUSE COLLECTION N S JUD 350 A 2,507.98 A 2,507.98 0.00 3/25/2019 5/18/2019 5/17/2020 EATON CORPORATION SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM BATTERY MAINTENANCE N S JUD 350 A 18,270.00 A 18,270.00 0.00 4/24/2019 7/1/2019 11/30/2020 EMSS, INC FABRICATE, PRINT & MAIL JUROR QUESTIONNAIRES N S JUD 350 A 14,967.54 M 180,873.60 135,970.98 10/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS (USA) INC. STATEWIDE SECURITY SRVICES N S JUD 350 A 1,250.65 O 5,002.60 868.38 12/17/2018 1/1/2019 12/31/2019 HAWTHORNE PACIFIC CORP GENERATOR INSPECTION/MAINTENANCE N S JUD 350 A 55,842.80 A 55,842.80 0.00 8/9/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2020 JUSTICE AV SOLUTIONS MAINTENANCE FOR JAVS RECORDING SYSTEM N S JUD 350 A 7,210.50 A 7,210.50 0.00 5/28/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 L-3 COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY SECURITY SYSTEM MAINTENANCE N S JUD 350 A 232,640.37 M 232,640.37 77,546.83 4/14/2018 7/1/2018 6/30/2020 OAHU AIR CONDITION SERVICE INC MAINTENANCE & CHEMICAL WATER TREATMENT SERVICE N S JUD 350 A 3,602.59 M 210,909.00 78,489.79 9/26/2019 9/15/2016 9/14/2021 OTIS ELEVATOR ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE N S JUD 350 A 498.90 M 6,324.00 3,829.50 5/28/2019 5/1/2019 4/30/2020 PACIFIC COURIER CORP COURIER SERVICE N S JUD 350 A 3,650.00 A 11,580.40 4,100.04 6/25/2018 6/23/2018 6/22/2021 PHOENIX PACIFIC, INC. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM/BOOSTER PANEL MAINTENANCE N S JUD 350 A 7,989.00 A 7,989.00 7,989.00 8/26/2019 8/26/2019 12/11/2019 SBL SOLUTIONS, LLC FABRICATE, PRINT & DELIVER VARIOUS TRAFFIC CITATION FORMS N S JUD 350 A 60,041.86 A 60,041.86 60,041.86 11/8/2019 11/17/2019 11/16/2020 SECURITY RESOURCES PACIFIC, INC. ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM/VIDEO SERVEILLANCE MAINT N S JUD 350 A 3,116.00 A 3,116.00 3,116.00 4/24/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SIMS HAWAII ENTERPRISES JUROR QUESTIONNAIRE PROCESSING/SCANNING N S JUD 350 A 4,440.00 A 4,440.00 0.00 4/5/2019 5/17/2019 5/16/2020 SMITHS DETECTION, INC. XRAY MACHINE MAINTENANCE N S JUD 350 A 17.00 O-PER KIT 16,320.00 15,772.70 6/15/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 TECHNICAL RESOURCEMGMT,LLC STATWIDE DRUG CONFIRMATION TESTING N S JUD 350 A 693.51 M 25,469.28 18,564.67 12/21/2017 1/1/2019 12/31/2021 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST 5JC WESTLAW SUBSCRIPTION N S JUD 350 A 2,764.00 A 5,528.69 2,764.69 9/5/2019 10/1/2019 9/30/2020 TRANE US, INC. MAINTENANCE: BUILDING AUTOMTION SYSTEM-A/C N S JUD 350 A 283.04 M 16,982.40 2,523.84 11/10/2014 1/1/2014 12/30/2019 XEROX CORPORATION (1) COPIER: BETWEEN CHAMBERS 4 & 6 N E JUD 350 A 284.04 M 16,982.40 432.84 12/12/2014 2/1/2014 1/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION (1) COPIER: PROBATION MAILROOM N E JUD 350 A 194.78 M 11,686.80 1,677.48 5/13/2015 7/1/2015 6/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION (1) COPIER: FC N E JUD 350 A 285.60 M 17,136.00 2,640.68 5/13/2015 7/1/2015 6/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION (8) COPY/FAX MACHINES (LDB, DRUG CRT, APD, FC & (4) CHAMBERS N E JUD 350 A 471.58 M 28,294.80 11,244.17 11/1/2016 12/1/2016 11/30/2021 XEROX CORPORATION 2 COPIERS: ADM MAILROOM & BACK WORK ROOM N E

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Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/* JUD 350 A 946.41 M 56,784.60 26,570.48 11/1/2016 12/1/2016 11/30/2021 XEROX CORPORATION 3 COPIERS: FISCAL, APD & DC CHAMBERS WORKROOM N E JUD 350 A 358.68 M 21,520.80 12,678.60 11/14/2016 12/1/2016 11/30/2021 XEROX CORPORATION LAW LIBRARY & 1ST FLR ADMIN (FISCAL) N E JUD 350 A 120.00 O-PER UNIT RT 20,000.00 20,000.00 6/21/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 CARE HAWAII, INC. SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT-APD & DRUG COURT Y S JUD 350 A 4,500.00 M 54,000.00 31,500.00 8/26/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 CHILD & FAMILY SERVICE GIRLS COURT THERAPIST-REIMBURSED BY OYS Y S JUD 350 A 1,250.00 M 30,000.00 26,250.00 5/10/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HALE OPIO FC5 TEEN COURT Y S JUD 350 A 505.00 O-PER UNIT RT 3,030.00 3,030.00 5/10/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HALE OPIO FC5 FAMILY CONFERENCING OUTPATIENT SVC Y S JUD 350 A 362.00 O-PER UNIT RT 12,308.00 12,308.00 5/10/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HALE OPIO FC5 VICTIM IMPACT OUTPATIENT CLASSES Y S JUD 350 A 5,877.08 M 141,050.00 123,418.72 5/24/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 KAUAI COUNTY YWCA CC5 SEX OFFENDER TREATMENT Y S JUD 350 A 13,219.83 M 317,314.00 277,654.51 5/29/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 KAUAI COUNTY YWCA CC5 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION Y S JUD 350 A 750.00 M 18,000.00 15,750.00 5/29/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 KAUAI COUNTY YWCA FC5 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OUTPATIENT SVC Y S JUD 350 A 2,083.33 M 24,999.99 18,750.00 5/29/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 KAUAI COUNTY YWCA FC5 TEEN ANGER MANAGEMENT Y S JUD 350 A 5,166.74 M 124,000.00 108,500.02 6/4/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 KAUAI COUNTY YWCA FC5 SEX OFFENDER OUTPATIENT SVC Y S JUD 350 A 75.00 O-PER UNIT RT 20,000.00 19,932.50 7/3/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 GERALD J. MCKENNA DBA KEALA PONO SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT-APD & DRUG COURT y S JUD 350 A 833.33 M 20,000.00 17,500.01 6/4/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 PARENTS & CHILD TOGETHER SUPERVISED CHILD VISITATION & EXCHANGE SERVICES Y S JUD 350 A 150.00 O-PER UNIT RT 20,000.00 20,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 WOMEN IN NEED SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT-APD & DRUG COURT y S JUD 601 A 6,263.23 A 6,263.23 0.00 10/1/2004 8/1/2019 7/31/2020 MICRO FOCUS (US), INC. ACUCOBOL MAINT FOR TRUST ACCTG ( 3 LICS ) N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 7,379.40 4,578.36 7/1/2011 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ACCESS INFORMATION PROTECTED STORAGE/TRANSPORTATION DATA BACKUP SVCS N S JUD 601 A 32,413.50 A 33,940.82 0.00 3/1/2005 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM, INC. HR NEOGOV LICENSE SUBSCRIPTION N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS M 660.00 494.12 10/1/2005 10/1/2019 9/30/2020 Verizon Wireless TELEPHONE CHARGES ACCT#870528137-00002 N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 7,200.00 5,272.97 10/1/2005 10/1/2019 9/30/2020 VERIZON WIRELESS MOBILE PHONES & IPHONES -ITCD N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 9,345.00 7,417.97 10/1/2005 10/1/2019 9/30/2020 VERIZON WIRELESS SMARTPHONE & IPHONE LIC FOR WIRELESS ACC N S JUD 601 A 3,934.69 M 228,732.72 59,789.00 5/1/2016 5/1/2016 3/31/2021 DYNASTY COURT LLC OFFICE LEASE CJC KAUAI N L JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 12,500.00 8,251.25 9/24/2007 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 DATA HOUSE CONSULTING, INC. IMPLEMENTATION OF ELS AND MAINTENANCE & N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 1,960,641.70 1,485,095.50 11/1/2006 10/1/2018 8/31/2023 KAMEHAMEHA SCH OFFICE LEASE FOR RECORDS MGT N L JUD 601 A 4,350.00 A 4,350.00 4,350.00 2/1/2008 2/1/2019 1/31/2020 SHELL STREAM SOFTWARE LLC WISP & KCSI SOFTWARE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE N S JUD 601 A 1,000.00 O - QTR 4,000.00 2,000.00 1/4/2008 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 HAWAII INFORMATION CONSORTIUM, JUD REF# FOR SPO VL 08-13 FOR INTERNET P N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS M 24,806.69 1,517.18 12/11/2009 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 FIRST DATA GOVERNMENT SOLUTION INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE HARD/SOFT UPG N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 117,277.44 117,277.44 11/1/2011 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 BUSINESS SOLUTION BUSINESS SOL PEOPLESOFT SOFTWARE N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS M 93,929.00 54,635.35 10/3/2012 7/1/2017 2/28/2020 CAPGEMINI AMERICA INC. TECHNICAL CONSULTING SVCS FOR JIMS N S JUD 601 A 2,754.54 M 162,517.86 71,618.04 4/1/2017 4/1/2017 2/28/2022 TAVARES, EDMOND J. & EDWINA A. OFFICE LEASE CJC MAUI N L JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 1,225.00 1,189.35 7/1/2012 7/1/2015 6/30/2020 AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK BANKING SERVICE (EDI) FOR OPG N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 76,228.35 57,171.26 12/31/2013 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ORACLE AMERICA, INC. PEOPLESOFT ENT SW FOR HR N S JUD 601 A 4,012.26 M 145,002.78 4,012.26 1/1/2017 1/1/2017 12/31/2019 ST. ANDREW'S PRIORY SCHOOL OFFICE LEASE CJC PALI N L JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 75,000.00 62,763.75 9/24/2014 9/1/2019 8/31/2020 DATAHOUSE CONSULTING, INC. RFP HAJIS/JUSTIS AND HO'OHIKI SUPPORT N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 307,860.00 212,695.87 1/13/2016 7/1/2019 12/31/2020 VERACITY CONSULTING, INC. COMPUTER INFRASTRUCTURE CONSULTING & SUP N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS O 65,000.00 65,000.00 1/13/2016 7/1/2019 12/31/2020 VERACITY CONSULTING, INC. COMPUTER INFRASTRUCTURE CONSULTING & SUP N S JUD 601 A 7,407.00 A 7,407.00 0.00 2/7/2015 2/7/2019 2/6/2020 EATON CORPORATION EATON 9390 POWERWARE UPS MAINT AT DATA C N S JUD 601 A 378,830.31 A 378,830.31 0.00 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 5/28/2020 MB FINANCIAL BANK, NA 5 YR STRAIGHT LEASE OF IBM ZBC12 MAINFRA N E JUD 601 A 3,344.36 M 119,143.44 53,370.08 5/1/2018 5/1/2018 4/30/2021 LIPIN ENTERPRISES, INC. OFFICE LEASE CJC KONA N L JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 171,893.76 112,312.50 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 G4S Secure Solution, Inc. Security Services - Supreme Court & Kapuiwa N S JUD 601 A 17,337.31 M 974,886.65 104,023.64 8/1/2015 8/1/2015 6/30/2020 DOUGLAS EMMETT 2010, LLC ADLRO OFFICE LEASE ASB STE #500 N L JUD 601 A 209.21 M 12,552.60 2,092.10 10/1/2015 10/1/2015 9/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MONTH LEASE XEROX CJC PALI N E JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 17,286.44 3,389.26 7/1/2015 7/1/2015 6/30/2020 HAWTHORNE PACIFIC CORP. CATERPILLAR GENERATOR MAINT AT DATA CENT N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 2,500.00 2,500.00 7/1/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 FUJIOKA, TERRY ANN, PH.D. CJC CONSULTING AND SPECIALIZED INTERVIEW N S JUD 601 A 7,750.45 M 433,076.56 72,735.10 11/1/2015 11/1/2015 9/30/2020 345 QUEEN STREET BUILDING, LLC OFFICE LEASE OPG N L JUD 601 A 239.86 M 14,391.60 3,366.00 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 11/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MONTH XEROX ADLRO #1 XEROX MODEL 5890 N E JUD 601 A 160.46 M 9,627.60 1,765.00 12/1/2015 12/1/2015 11/30/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MONTH XEROX ADLRO #2 XEROX MODEL 5945 N E JUD 601 A VARIOUS A 8,272.25 1,654.45 2/1/2016 2/1/2016 1/31/2021 ASCO SERVICES, INC. 5YR PWR SWCH MAINT, S#662852 WE @ITCD-B2 N S JUD 601 A 213.69 M 12,821.40 2,777.97 1/1/2016 1/1/2016 12/31/2020 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MONTH LEASE XEROX OPG N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS M 658,616.72 210,444.44 7/1/2016 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 HAWAIIAN TELCOM MULTIPROTOCOL LABLING SYS WIDE AREA NETW N S JUD 601 A 109.91 M 6,609.00 2,212.60 9/1/2016 9/1/2016 8/31/2021 RICOH USA, INC. 60 MONTH COPIER LEASE FOR HISTORY CENTER N E JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 55,000.00 0.00 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/31/2021 GALLAGHER KANE AMAI, ATTORNEYS WORKERS COMPENSATION LEGAL COUNSEL N C JUD 601 A 176.10 M 10,565.00 3,169.50 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 6/30/2021 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MONTH COPIER LEASE LCO OFFICE N E JUD 601 A 103.57 M 6,214.20 1,968.50 6/2/2016 8/1/2016 7/31/2021 XEROX CORPORATION 5 YEAR LEASE OF W7220PT COPIER - PPED N E JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 9,000.00 6,636.14 7/1/2016 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 CHING, JUNE W. J., PH.D CJC CONSULTING SERVICES N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 25,000.00 1,818.44 8/4/2016 8/4/2016 8/31/2021 CHUN & DECOURCY, LLC WC LEGAL SERVICES & REPRESENTATION N C JUD 601 A 99.77 M 5,986.20 2,194.94 11/1/2016 11/1/2016 10/31/2021 RICOH USA, INC. 60 MONTH COPIER LEASE CJC WEST HAWAII N E JUD 601 A 202.62 M 12,157.20 5,064.50 2/1/2017 2/1/2017 1/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MONTH LEASE XEROX W7855PT ITCD N E JUD 601 A 172.39 M 10,343.40 4,310.50 2/1/2017 2/1/2017 1/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MONTH LEASE XEROX W7845PT COPIER REC N E

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Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/* JUD 601 B 3,736.42 A 3,736.42 0.00 3/10/2017 3/11/2019 3/10/2020 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP JIMS RENEWAL FOR TENABLE NETWORK SECURIT N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 25,000.00 2,532.55 3/1/2017 3/31/2017 3/31/2020 LEONG KUNIHIRO BENTON & BROOKE WC LEGAL SERVICES N C JUD 601 A 202.62 M 12,157.20 5,470.50 3/28/2017 3/28/2017 3/27/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60 MONTH COPIER LEASE FSD PAYROLL/ACCTG N E JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 25,000.00 14,362.64 4/5/2017 4/5/2017 5/31/2022 LEONG KUNIHIRO LEZY & BENTON WC LERGAL SERVICES & REPRESENTATION N C JUD 601 A 10,088.82 A 10,088.82 10,088.82 6/1/2017 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 DAVID CORPORATION SW SUPPORT/MAINT OF NAVRISK VISION-COMP N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 25,000.00 22,218.67 3/1/2017 6/6/2017 5/31/2022 LEONG KUNIHIRO BENTON & BROOKE WC LEGAL SERVICES & REPRESENTATION N C JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 25,000.00 25,000.00 8/4/2016 6/22/2017 3/31/2022 CHUN & DECOURCY, LLC WC LERGAL SERVICES & REPRESENTATION N C JUD 601 A 442.35 M 26,541.00 13,712.90 8/1/2017 8/1/2017 7/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH XEROX WC-C70 COLOR PRINTER OEAC N E JUD 601 A 120.00 M 1,440.00 960.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 NURSERY ASSOCIATES, LTD. PLANT RENTAL AND MAINTENANCE FOR SC N S JUD 601 A 787.65 M 47,259.00 28,355.40 12/1/2017 12/1/2017 11/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION LEASE OF D110CP COPIER SN: BGO-973417 - BGT N E JUD 601 A 147.04 M 8,822.40 5,000.50 11/1/2017 11/1/2017 10/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE BUDGET OFC MODEL C N E JUD 601 A 355.10 M 21,306.09 12,428.50 12/1/2017 12/1/2017 11/30/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE BUDGET OFC MODEL X N E JUD 601 A 130.72 M 7,583.00 6,275.68 1/1/2018 1/1/2018 12/31/2023 XEROX CORPORATION COPIER LEASE 60-MONTH CJC MAUI N E JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 25,000.00 24,825.08 4/5/2017 12/13/2017 10/31/2022 LEONG KUNIHIRO LEZY & BENTON WC LERGAL SERVICES & REPRESENTATION N C JUD 601 A 224.46 M 13,467.60 8,079.50 1/1/2018 1/1/2018 12/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE-FSD ACCTG COPIER R N E JUD 601 A 215.60 M 12,936.00 7,761.50 1/1/2018 1/1/2018 12/31/2022 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE-FSD CONTRACTS & PU N E JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 48,909.55 0.00 5/31/2018 5/31/2019 6/30/2020 SKILLSOFT CORPORATION LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS O 1,657.44 1,079.94 5/15/2018 5/15/2019 5/14/2023 IBM CORPORATION 5-YR HW MAINTENANCE CISCO MDS 9148 FABRI N S JUD 601 A 463.22 O 9,264.40 6,944.18 7/30/2018 7/30/2018 7/29/2023 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL 60-MONTH LEASE MAIL MACHINE SCALE AD OFF N L JUD 601 A 22.99 A 3,888.45 551.76 9/1/2018 9/1/2018 8/30/2021 XEROX CORPORATION AUTOSTORE SOFTWARE FOR XEROX COLOR C70 N E JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 180,000.00 43,869.13 7/1/2018 7/1/2018 6/30/2020 AKAMINE, OYADOMARI & KOSAKI, PROVIDE FINANCIAL & COMPLIANCE AUDIT N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 2,250.00 910.20 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 GERARD, DIANNE, PH.D. FY20 CJC CONSULTANT CONTRACT N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 156,932.24 115,550.58 7/1/2018 7/1/2019 6/30/2023 HAWAIIAN TELCOM HAWAIIAN TELCOM ISDN PRI SERVICES N S JUD 601 A 305.91 O-Qtr 6,118.20 3,366.00 9/1/2018 9/1/2018 9/29/2023 PITNEY BOWES 60-MONTH LEASE MAILING MACHINE N L JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 3,000.00 675.00 7/1/2018 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WORKLIFE HAWAII EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE SERVICES N S JUD 601 A 112.90 M 6,774.11 4,967.71 9/1/2018 9/1/2018 8/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE VERSALINK C505 N E JUD 601 B 4,771.31 A 14,313.92 4,771.31 7/20/2018 7/20/2018 7/19/2021 PACXA HW MAINT TWO ORACLE X5-2 MODEL N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 43,561.24 0.00 8/1/2018 8/1/2018 7/31/2021 Connecting the Dots LLC RMO DOCUMENT SCANNER W/3-YR WARRANTY N E JUD 601 B 223.14 A 425.02 0.00 8/1/2018 8/1/2019 7/31/2020 LENOVO (UNITED STATES) INC. H/W MAINTENANCE-IBM X3530 BACKUP SERVER N S JUD 601 A 245.95 M 14,757.00 11,067.75 10/1/2018 10/1/2018 9/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE JSC (C8055H) N E JUD 601 A 169.96 M 10,200.00 7,650.24 10/1/2018 10/1/2018 9/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE CCR OFC C8045H N E JUD 601 A 253.90 M 15,234.00 11,426.50 10/1/2018 10/1/2018 9/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE HR (C8055H) N E JUD 601 A 191.97 M 11,518.20 9,231.93 10/1/2018 10/1/2018 9/30/2023 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE C8045 COM JUD COND N E JUD 601 A 537.64 M 32,258.40 30,647.00 1/1/2019 1/1/2019 12/31/2024 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE C95CP HR DEPT N E JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 40,500.00 27,697.00 1/1/2019 1/1/2019 6/30/2020 HAWAIIAN TELCOM FY19-FY20 HAWN TELCOM LD SERVICES N S JUD 601 A 16,230.36 A 16,230.36 0.00 12/10/2018 12/10/2018 12/10/2019 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. JIRA SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE N S JUD 601 A 104.71 A 104.71 0.00 12/12/2018 12/12/2018 12/11/2019 TIME CLOCKS HAWAII INC. TIME STAMP MAINTENANCE - ADLRO N S JUD 601 B 96.86 A 96.86 0.00 1/22/2019 1/22/2019 1/22/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. SW MAINTENANCE RENEWAL SURVEY AND VOTE N S JUD 601 A 1,104.71 A 1,104.71 0.00 12/21/2018 12/21/2018 12/21/2019 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX SVR SBSCRPTN N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS O 117,656.40 117,656.40 1/8/2019 1/8/2019 1/7/2024 HAWAIIAN TELCOM ENHANCED IP DATA 4 EXISTING SITE UPGRADE N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS O 29,260.80 29,260.80 1/8/2019 1/8/2019 1/7/2024 HAWAIIAN TELCOM MPLS WAN KEAHOUHU COURTHOUSE N S JUD 601 A 57,887.42 A 57,887.41 0.00 2/1/2019 2/1/2019 1/31/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. MAINT & SUBSCRIPTION FOR LANDESK MGMT N S JUD 601 B 2,196.79 A 2,196.79 0.00 2/14/2019 2/14/2019 2/13/2020 PACXA H/W MAINTENANCE FOR ORACLESUN STORAGETEK N S JUD 601 A 38,091.92 A 38,091.92 0.00 3/1/2019 3/1/2019 2/29/2020 CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORP. SW CLOUD MAINTENANCE JAMA, 35 LICENSES N S JUD 601 B 2,881.23 A 2,881.23 0.00 4/30/2019 4/30/2019 4/30/2020 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP S/W MAINTENANCE TOAD 7 LICENSES N S JUD 601 B 10,314.13 A 10,314.13 0.00 5/2/2019 5/2/2019 5/2/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. SW LICENSE RENEWAL CONFLUENCE 500-USERS N S JUD 601 A 15,256.54 A 15,256.54 0.00 3/30/2019 3/30/2019 3/29/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. TRENDMICRO ENT SECURITY (OFFICESCAN) SW N S JUD 601 B 2,073.30 A 2,073.30 0.00 5/31/2019 5/31/2019 5/30/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. HW JIMS MAINTENANCE FOR IVR SERVERS N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS O 27,785.40 27,785.40 3/1/2019 3/1/2019 2/29/2024 HAWAIIAN TELCOM HWNTEL MPLS WAN UPGRADE WAIMEA DC N S JUD 601 A 149.34 M 8,960.40 8,266.59 6/1/2019 11/1/2018 10/31/2023 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTION FY19 COPIER LEASE-CJC HILO N E JUD 601 A 9,854.35 A 9,430.00 0.00 4/5/2019 4/5/2019 4/4/2020 NEXTSCAN HW MAINT RENEWAL NEXTSCAN 4/5/19-4/4/20 N S JUD 601 A 206,319.65 A 618,958.95 412,639.30 6/1/2019 6/1/2019 5/31/2022 PACXA 3-YEAR AGREEMENT ORACLE DBASE LICENSING N S JUD 601 A 49,422.44 A 49,522.70 100.26 4/24/2019 4/24/2019 4/23/2020 MICRO FOCUS (US), INC. ACUCOBOL GT DEV SYS FOR IBM PSERIES UPGR N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 15,000.00 15,000.00 6/1/2019 6/1/2019 6/30/2020 OFFICE OF LANGUAGE ACCESS (OLA) MOA FY20 BASIC ORIENTATION WORKSHOP N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 132,424.32 114,468.48 5/1/2019 5/1/2019 3/31/2024 WAGNER, JOHN CJC EAST HAWAII LEASE RENTAL N L JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 74,925.00 49,848.75 7/5/2019 7/5/2019 6/30/2022 EWORLD ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS, TIVOLI & LOTUS NOTES SUPPORT (RFP) N S JUD 601 A 33,333.00 M 400,000.00 233,335.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 MEDIATION CENTERS OF HAWAII, ADMIN - MEDIATION AND RELATED DISPUTE RE Y C JUD 601 A 3,275.00 A 3,275.00 3,275.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 AXIELL ALM CANADA INC. FY20 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION MAINTENANCE N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 1,662.50 1,662.50 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WOODS, MAIKA FY20 CARPET CLEANING AND STRIPPING CJC E N S

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Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/* JUD 601 B 2,467.43 A 2,467.43 0.00 7/7/2019 7/7/2019 6/7/2020 PACXA HW MAINTENANCE TWO ORACLESUN X4-2 N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 24,764.39 22,159.53 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 FILEMINDERS OF HAWAII, LLC RMO SHREDDING SERVICES N S JUD 601 A 4,554.97 A 4,554.97 0.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 A3 COMMUNICATION, INC. FY20 METROPOLIS OFFICEWATCH SL MAINT N S JUD 601 A 16,802.09 A 16,802.09 0.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WORLD WIDE TECHNOLOGY, INC FY20 SINGLEWIRE INFORMCAST MAINTENANCE N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 10,000.00 10,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 CATHOLIC CHARITIES - CSATP SEXUALLY REACTIVE YOUTH Y S JUD 601 B 39,203.25 O - QTR 156,813.00 78,406.50 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACTION ILAF FY20 RFA J19267 N L JUD 601 B 21,893.25 O - QTR 87,573.00 43,786.50 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 HAWAII DISABILITY RIGHTS ILAF FY20 RFA J19267 N L JUD 601 B 7,368.50 O - QTR 29,474.00 14,737.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 HAWAII APPLESEED CENTER FOR ILAF FY20 RFA J19267 N L JUD 601 B 136,751.00 O - QTR 547,004.00 273,502.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF HAWAII ILAF FY20 RFA J19267 N L JUD 601 B 4,897.00 O - QTR 19,588.00 9,794.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 MEDIATION CENTER OF THE ILAF FY20 RFA J19267-Mediation Center of the Pacific, Inc. N L JUD 601 B 17,532.50 O - QTR 70,130.00 35,065.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 NATIVE HAWAIIAN LEGAL ILAF FY20 RFA J19267-Native Hawaiian Legal Corp N L JUD 601 B 6,692.50 O - QTR 26,770.00 13,385.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII ILAF FY20 RFA J19267-Elder Law Program N L JUD 601 B 6,741.50 O - QTR 26,966.00 13,483.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII ILAF FY20 RFA J19267- Medical/Legal Partnership Hawaii N L JUD 601 B 8,920.50 O - QTR 35,682.00 17,841.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 VOLUNTEER LEGAL SERVICES ILAF FY20 RFA J19267 N L JUD 601 B 15,575.25 O - QTR 62,301.00 31,150.50 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 HAWAII JUSTICE FOUNDATION ILAF FY20 ADMINISTRATOR (RFA J19267) N L JUD 601 B VARIOUS M 48,000.00 33,920.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 OHANASOFT LLC JIMS SW ORACLE GL TECHNICAL SVCS N S JUD 601 A 432.75 M 5,193.00 3,894.75 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ARC OF HILO, THE FY20 CJC East Hawaii Janitorial Svcs N S JUD 601 A 728.80 M 8,745.60 5,830.40 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 JANI-KING HAWAII FY20 JANITORIAL SVCS FOR CJC OAHU N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 15,000.00 13,087.50 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 CATHOLIC CHARITIES - CSATP CJC PHYSICAL ABUSE VICTIM ADVOCACY/CRISI Y S JUD 601 A 17,566.01 A 17,566.01 0.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 TRANSOURCE SERVICES CORP FY20-VIAVI NETWORK MONITORING TOOL N S JUD 601 A 4,041.88 A 4,041.88 0.00 6/29/2019 6/29/2019 6/30/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. FY20-SOLAR WINDS NETWORK PERFOR MONITOR N S JUD 601 A 1,431.62 A 1,431.62 0.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WORLD WIDE TECHNOLOGY, INC FY20 CISCO VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 5,204.19 5,204.19 11/9/2019 11/9/2019 6/30/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. FY20 SPLUNK ENTERPRISE LOGGING MONITOR N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 10,000.00 10,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WESLEY, SUSANNAH COMMUNITY CJC - INTERV AND VICTIM ADV-HUMAN TRAFFI Y S JUD 601 B VARIOUS M 32,460.72 21,586.38 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 CENTURY COMPUTERS, INC. FY20-KOFAX/FILENET SW MAINT JIMS N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 8,115.18 7,060.21 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 CENTURY COMPUTERS, INC. FY20-KOFAX/FILENET SW MAINT RMO/JUSTIS N S JUD 601 A 60,271.22 A 60,792.54 521.32 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. MICRO FOCUS ENTERPRISE SERVER LICENSES N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 6,562.08 4,692.97 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ALII CLEANING SERVICE FY20 CJC KAUAI JANITORIAL SERVICES N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O - QTR 15,000.00 15,000.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 NATIONAL CHILDREN'S ADVOC FY20 CJC CONSULTANT CONTRACT CHILD FOREN N S JUD 601 A 28,192.32 A 28,192.32 0.00 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. IBM PASSPORT ADVANTAGE DB2 DOMINO SERVER N S JUD 601 A 30,890.04 A 30,890.04 0.00 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. FY20 IBM RATIONAL HIS FOR MULTIPLATFORMS N S JUD 601 B 390,450.13 A 390,450.13 390,450.13 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WORLD WIDE TECHNOLOGY, INC FY20-JIMS CICSO SMARTNET MAINTENANCE N S JUD 601 A 13,444.27 A 13,444.27 0.00 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 WORLD WIDE TECHNOLOGY, INC FY20-ITCD CISCO SMARTNET MAINTENANCE N S JUD 601 A 81,918.03 A 81,918.03 0.00 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. RENEW SMARTCLOUDLOTUS EMAIL IBM PASSPORT N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 15,000.00 10,573.87 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 TMB Consulting Corp FY20-CONSULTING SERVICES FOR CCR N S JUD 601 N VARIOUS M 8,000.00 2,712.50 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 1/31/2020 KAWANO, JUDY R. COORDINATOR SVCS-CJC MILITARY GRANT N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 5,198.95 3,453.43 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 PROFESSIONAL PROTECTIVE SECURITY SERVICES CJC EAST HAWAII N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 33,327.07 33,327.07 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2020 PACXA MS HYPERV ACTIVE DIRECTORY SYSTEM ADMIN N S JUD 601 B 3,073.30 A 3,073.30 0.00 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. SW MAINT AND SUPPORT RENEWAL ITEXT N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS M 50,000.00 48,363.98 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 LANGUAGE LINK FY20 TELEPHONE INTERPRETING SERVICES N S JUD 601 A 220.10 M 13,206.00 12,765.80 10/1/2019 10/1/2019 9/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE C8070H ADMIN DIR O N E JUD 601 A 1,123.06 M 67,383.60 62,331.00 10/1/2019 10/1/2019 9/30/2024 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH COPIER LEASE D136 GRAPHICS OFC N E JUD 601 A 33,303.38 A 33,303.38 0.00 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2020 CENTURY COMPUTERS, INC. FY20-SW MAINTENANCE KOFAX N S JUD 601 A 7,417.80 A 7,417.80 0.00 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2020 WORD SYSTEMS, INC. FY20 CJC REMOTE TECHNICAL SVC AGREEMENT N S JUD 601 B 4,547.12 A 4,547.12 0.00 9/19/2019 9/19/2019 9/18/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. FY20 SW MAINTENANCE VERITAS NETBACK N S JUD 601 B 11,967.45 A 11,967.45 0.00 9/24/2019 9/24/2019 9/23/2020 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP FY20-SW MAINTENANCE UFTE 3 LICENSES N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 5,000.00 5,000.00 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 KANEMITSU, MELISSA FY20 FORENSIC INTERVIEW SERVICES FOR CJC N S JUD 601 A 243.63 M 14,617.80 13,523.50 9/23/2019 9/23/2019 9/22/2024 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH LEASE XEROX V180 COLOR REPO GRA N E JUD 601 B VARIOUS O 2,481.34 2,481.34 10/11/2019 10/11/2019 10/11/2020 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP SW ATLASSIAN SCROLL VERSIONS CONFLUENCE N S JUD 601 A 19,294.63 A 19,294.63 0.00 11/16/2019 11/16/2019 11/15/2020 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP FY20 SW MAINTENANCE SAP CRYSTAL REPORTS N S JUD 601 A 149.19 M 8,951.00 6,265.86 10/21/2019 10/21/2019 10/20/2024 XEROX CORPORATION 60-MONTH C8045H COPIER LEASE - STAFF ATTORNEY OFFICE N E JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 50,160.00 41,800.00 9/1/2019 9/1/2019 8/31/2020 AVOLIN LLC "REALTIME" ACTG SVCS P/R&OVERNITE PRCG N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS O 6,792.19 6,792.19 9/24/2019 9/24/2019 9/23/2020 PACXA JIMS - HW MAINTENANCE: ORACLESUN X3-2 MO N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 53,140.29 53,140.29 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 7/31/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, IN SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE FOR IBM FILENET N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS O 1,497.38 1,497.38 11/27/2019 11/27/2019 11/27/2020 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR, INC. S/W MAINTENANCE: GOEDIT FOR CONFLUENCE, N S JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 24,500.00 23,975.83 8/27/2019 8/27/2019 8/26/2024 CHUN & DECOURCY, LLC WC LEGAL SERVICES AND REPRESENTATION N C JUD 601 A 87.75 M 5,265.00 5,265.00 12/1/2019 12/1/2019 11/30/2024 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS CJC KAUAI - COPIER LEASE N E JUD 601 A VARIOUS O 20,020.94 20,020.94 10/28/2019 10/28/2019 10/27/2020 SIRIUS COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC IBM POWER 9 SYSTEM MIGRATION N S JUD 601 A 73,226.77 O-SEMIANNL 146,453.53 73,226.33 1/1/1990 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 SOFTWARE AG USA, INC. ADABAS SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE N S

Page 32 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 14 Active Contracts as of December 1, 2019

Frequency Outstanding Date Explanation of How POS Category Prog ID MOF Amount (M/A/O) Max Value Balance Executed From To Entity Contract Description Contract is Monitored* Y/N E/L/P/C/G/S/* JUD 601 A 46,619.23 A 139,857.69 0.00 1/31/1996 3/31/2017 3/30/2020 CA, INC. ANN. LIC FEE AND MAINFRAME MAINTENANCE N S JUD 601 B VARIOUS M 3,812,426.00 684,006.57 10/3/2012 7/1/2019 2/28/2020 CAPGEMINI AMERICA INC. SOW 19 - EXECUTION PHASE OF CC/DC CIVIL PROJECT N S JUD 601 A 3,200.00 A 21,000.00 9,600.00 3/9/2017 5/22/2017 5/22/2022 BYWATER SOLUTIONS SUBSCRIPTION-INTEGRATED LIBRARY SYSTEM N S JUD 601 A 389.53 A 389.53 0.00 6/28/2019 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 ELECTRONIC BUSINESS MACHINES ANNUAL TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE N S JUD 601 B 228.04 M 13,682.40 11,428.06 11/2/2018 12/11/2018 12/10/2023 XEROX CORPORATION COPIERS (2) LEASES FOR LAW LIBRARY N E JUD 601 A 229.95 M 13,797.00 1,820.59 12/18/2014 3/15/2015 3/14/2020 XEROX CORPORATION LAW LIBRARY - COPIER LEASE N E *Contract monitoring is performed by the contract administrator of each contract at the program level. For POS contracts, the contract administrators at the programs monitor the contracts pursuant to HRS 103F. Note: Contracts in red are non-general fund.

Page 33 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 15 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Requests

Dept- Prog ID Wide Senate Rep. Prog ID Priority Priority District District Project Title MOF FY20 $$$ FY21 $$$

JUD 601 1 13 26 Ka'ahumanu Hale Fire Alarm Systems/ Elevator Upgrade [C] C $ 17,550,000

JUD 601 2 Lump Sum CIP C $ 3,000,000

JUD 601 3 5 8 Hoapili Hale Parking Structure Piping Renovations [D], [C] C $ 2,800,000

JUD 601 4 8 15 Reroof and Repair Leaks/Damages - Kauai Courthouse [C] C $ 2,650,000

JUD 601 5 13 26 Ka'ahumanu Hale Sheriff Station Renovation [D], [C] C $ 1,700,000

$ 27,700,000

Page 34 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 16 CIP Lapses

Act/Year of Lapse Amount Prog ID Appropriation Project Title MOF $$$$ Reason

JUD 601 Act 26/18 Kona Judiciary Complex FF & E C $ 1,000,000.00 Funds remaining after addressing FF & E requirements for the new Kona Judiciary Complex

Page 35 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 17 Program ID Sub-Organizations Sub-Org Program ID Code Name Objective


Page 36 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Judiciary Table 18 Organization Changes Year of Change FY20/FY21 Description of Change

Supreme Court, Office of the Chief Justice - Restructure the organization to create a new organizational unit designated as Criminal Justice Institute as set forth in House Bill No. 1552, C.D.1 (2019); create an exempt position as director of the institute, FY20 two (2) exempt assistant researchers and one (1) exempt clerical assistant

First Circuit, Administrative Services Division, Fiscal Management and Support Services Branch, Kapolei Section - Restructure the organization to create a full supervisory level over the Receivables/Revenues Unit; transfer position from the Accounting Unit to FY20 the Receivables/Revenues Unit to assume the supervisory duties.

Office of the Administrative Director, Information Technology and Systems Department - Restructure the organization to merge duplicate functions in the Information Technology and Communications Division and the Judiciary Information Management Systems (JIMS); create three (3) new divisions--Applications Division (custom built & Commerical Off-the Shelf applications), Infrastructure Division 1 (legacy IBM systems) and Infrastructure Division 2 (X86 server and desktop IT); and reassign staff in FY20 current branches and sections accordingly based on function.

Page 37 of 37 2020 Budget Briefing Chief Justice Office of the Administrative Director 206E of the Courts

Administrative Director Prvt Sec II SR-24 of the Courts 59259E 223E Sp. Asst. to Admin Dir. EM05 500562E 59404E Clk IV SR-10 59113 Judicial Selection Commission on Commission Ofc of Staff Attorney Judicial Conduct Admin Asst II SR-21 Chief Staff Atty/ICRD Dir Admin Asst II SR-21 58945 * 4712 ES-01 1) 22539 * Sr Staff Atty EM-05 58952 Atty SR-28 * Reports to the Administrative Director of the Courts 500408 Deputy Administrative for administrative purposes only. Director of the Courts 14563E 1) Pos No 4712 Serves as Chief Staff Atty Administration Fiscal Office and ICRD Director. Prvt Sec I SR-22 59112E EEO Ofcr SR-26 Ct Fiscal Ofcr II SR-26 2)Title to be amended. 58961 57507 Accountant IV SR-22 Judiciary Security & Emergency 57518 Mgmt Office Acct Clk V SR-15 Special Asst for Jud Sec EM-05 57236 24063 Acct Clk IV SR-13 Program Specialist II SR-24 59222 26622

Intergovernmental/ Policy & Planning Dept Support Services Dept Human Resources Dept Financial Services Dept Community Relations Budget & Prog Rev Director Dir of IT & Bus Svcs EM-08 HR Director EM-08 Financial Svcs Dir EM-08 Dept. 1) 58698 EM-08 4710 2) 15275 59572

Sec IV SR-18 Sec IV SR-18 Sec IV SR-18 Judicial Sec IV SR-18 Sec IV SR-18 JIMS 57127 58086 19068 Education Ofc 57243 500640T

-Communications & Community Relations Ofc -Budget Division -IT & Communications Div -Employee Svcs Div -Fiscal Services Division -Law Library -CIP Division -Documents Management Div -Compensation Mgmt Div -Contracts & Purchasing Div -Jud History Ctr -Plan & Prog Evaluation Div -Administrative Svcs Div -Adm Drivers’ Lic Rev Ofc -Ctr Alternative Dispute Res -Internal Audit Ofc -Labor Relations Division -Children's Justice Ctr -Leg Coord/Special Proj Ofc -Staffing Svcs Div -Ofc on Equality & Access -Disability Claims Mgmt Div -Ofc of Public Guardian 59404E Research Analyst trfr from ADR

Updated October 2018 Intergovernmental/Community Relations Dept

Intergovernmental/ Community Relations Dept.

Communications & Community Center for Alternative Dispute Office on Equality & Access to Relations Office Resolution the Courts Special Assistant for Judiciary ADR Director EM-05 Equality & Access Coord SR-26 Communications EM-05 58841E 59420E 57019E

Sec, ADR SR-14 Secy I SR-12 59141E 58824

Ct Interpreting Svcs Coord SR-24 Research Analyst SR-24 Public Info Prog Spclst SR-24 59556 58839E 58840E 24360 Prog Spclst I SR-22 Info Spclst IV SR-22 500400 500331 500026* Program Spec I SR-22 58925


*Special Funded

500672T Info Spclt IV trfr to HR/ES

59404E Research Analyst trfr to AD Updated October 2018 Intergovernmental/Community Relations Dept

Law Library Law Librarian SR-29 3310

Technical Services Public Services Librarian V SR-24 Librarian V SR-24 4528 57058

Law Library Tech SR-17 Library Tech VI SR-14 13056 21715 12872 Library Tech VI SR-14 15366 Student Assistant II 58674

Updated December 2017 Intergovernmental/Community Relations Dept

Judiciary History Center Executive Director, JHC SR-26 59067E

Education Director, JHC SR-24 59069E Program Spclst SR-22 59293E Education Asst SR-10 59452E

Updated December 2017 Intergovernmental/ Community Relations

Children's Justice Center Soc Svcs Mgr EM-05 58299

Sec III SR-16 58314

Oahu Maui East Hawaii West Hawaii (Kona) Kauai CJC Prog Spclst SR-26 CJC Prog Spclst SR-26 CJC Prog Spclst SR-26 CJC Prog Spclst SR-26 CJC Prog Spclst SR-26 58310 58784 58786 58785 58783

Secretary I SR-12 Secretary I SR-12 Forensic Int Spclst Secretary I SR-12 Secretary I SR-12 58834 58837 500399 500795T 58836 58835 SR-22

Forensic Int Spclst Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Forensic Int Spclst Forensic Int Spclst Forensic Int Spclst 500642 SR-22 500405 500641 SR-22 500643 SR-22 500644 SR-22

Clerk IV SR-10 58719

Updated November 2018 Intergovernmental/Community Relations

Office of the Public Guardian Soc Wkr VII SR-28 59009

Accountant III SR-20 58933 Acct Clk III SR-11 57144 Clerk IV SR-10 500360

Oahu Maui Hawaii Kauai Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 59094 500318 1) 58934 500317 1)

Soc Wkr IV SR-22 58311 58842 59091 57420 500094 500095 58826

Soc Svc Asst IV SR-11 500385

1) Position is .50 FTE

Updated December 2017 Policy & Planning Dept

Policy & Planning Department

Budget & Prog Review Dir EM-08 58698

Secretary IV SR-18 58086

Budget Division CIP Division Planning and Program Deputy Dept. Dir. EM-07 Capital Improv Admr EM-05 Evaluation Division 57642 57649

Prog Budget Anal V SR-24 CIP Coord SR-26 57489 57868 58071 58738 58276 CIP Spclst V SR-24 58979

Updated December 2017 Policy & Planning

Policy & Planning Department

Budget & Prog Review Dir EM-08 58698

Planning & Program Evaluation Division

Plan & Prog Eval Admr EM-05 58201

Secretary III SR-16 27614

Research & Statistics Planning Branch Program Evaluation Branch Branch Planner V SR-24 Research Stats V SR-24 58998 Prog Eval Anal V SR-24 58932 59106 Planner IV SR-22 57865 58710 21730 58004

Updated December 2017 Policy & Planning Dept

Policy & Planning Dept Budget & Prog Review Dir. EM-08 58698

Legislative Coordinating/ Special Projects Office Internal Audit Office Special Proj Coord SR-26 Audit Mgr EM-05 59438E 57027 Research Analyst SR-24 57394 Legislative Office Asst I SR-12 57980

Sec II, SR-14 58548

Int Control Anal VI SR-26 57796

Int Control Anal V SR-24 58971

Updated December 2017 IT & Systems Department

IT & Systems Dept Director of IT & Bus Svcs EM-08 4710 **

Documents Applications Division Infrastructure Division Infrastructure Division Management Division 1 2

Updated December 2019 IT & Systems Dept Director of IT & Bus Svcs EM-08 IT & Systems 4710 ** Department Sec IV SR-18 IT Spec V SR24 19068 500653T

Continue on next page

Applications Division Infrastructure Division 1 JIMS Manager Chief Info Ofcr. EM-08 59560ET 58936 1)

JIMS Secretary JIMS Specialist 5000386ET 500093ET Secretary II SR14 14462

JIMS Project JIMS Production Administrative Systems Support Branch Management Branch JIMS Specialist (Project Branch IT Specialist VI IT Specialist VII SR-28 Manager) Systems 500293T 59206 59685ET Administration Data Center Branch

IT Supp Tech III SR-17 IT Spclst V SR-24 27487 58177 IT Specialist V SR-24 Prgm Spclst I SR-22 57119 15367 500750T 500751T IT Supp Tech II SR-15 58145, 58190, 25465, IT Spclst IV SR-22 57633 58504 58050, 58144 25592, 59371 58505

Application Support Application Support Application Support Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 IT Specialist VI SR-26 IT Specialist VI SR-26 IT Specialist VI SR-26 58297 59274 59273 IT Specialist V SR-24 IT Specialist V SR-24 IT Specialist V SR-24 58628, 16871 58915 58854 NOTE: ** Title to be amended

1) Position to be reviewed

Updated December 2019 IT & Systems Department

Continued from previous page Continue on next page

Infrastructure Division 2 IT Specialist VI SR-26 58065 1)

NOTE: 1) Vacant position to be reviewed and redescribed Clerk IV SR-10 2) Position to be reviewed 58637 2) 3) Position to be reviewed and redescribed

User Support Branch Telecommunications IT Specialist VII SR-28 Branch 23967 IT Specialist VII SR-28 25466

IT Spclst VI SR-26 58066

Help Desk Section JIMS Infrastructure Server Support IT Spclst VI, SR-26 Support Section Section IT Spclst VI SR-26 59231 JIMS Spclst (Tech Ld) Telecom Support IT Spclst V SR-24 500406 ET 58064 Telecom Support IT Spclst V SR-24 Section 1 Section 2 57448 59336 IT Specialist V SR-24 IT Spclst VI SR-26 IT Spclst IV SR-22 500745 T 59332 58153 IT Spclst VI SR-26 58909 58908 59205 IT Spclst V SR-24 IT Supp Tech III IT Spclst V SR-24 58916 58895 59372 57061 57795 500420 SR 17

Updated IT & Systems Department

Continued from previous page

Documents Management Division Position TBD

Graphics Office Records Mgmt Office Print Shop Spvr F2-08 Ct Recs Mgmt Spvr 16872 57396 SR-15

Clerk V SR-12 Offset Press Optr IV WS-08 58737 57039 Clerk IV SR-10 Document Tech II SR-13 57125 57981 59558 57826 57982 Document Tech I SR 11 Clerk III SR-8 57338 57124 59381 57395 Illustrator III SR-19


Position 500464 Clerk III Abolished

Updated January 2020 Human Resources Dept

Human Resources Department HR Director EM-08 15275

Judicial Education Office Sec IV SR-18 Jud Ed Ofcr EM-05 57243 59495 Jud Ed Spclst SR-24 59496 1)

1) Provides staff support to Judicial Education Committee.

Labor Relations Employee Services Compensation Staffing Services Disability Claims Administrative Division Division Management Division Division Management Division Services Division Deputy Department HR Mgr II EM-05 HR Mgr II EM-05 HR Mgr II EM-05 HR Mgr II EM-05 HR Mgr II EM-05 Director EM-07 21686 58251 57169 57893 58922 57168

HR Spclst VI SR-26 HR Spclst V SR-24 HR Spclst V SR-24 IT Spclst V SR-24 HR Ofcr EM-01 HR Spclst V SR-24 4782 23177 57313 26597 58848 14471 57790 HR Spclst V SR-24 HR Tech VII SR-17 Clerk IV SR-10 HR Spclst V SR-24 HR Tech VI SR-15 22121 57326 19228 58296 59517 500388 58847 58913 HR Tech VII SR-17 HR Tech VI SR-15 57312 57375 58123 HR Tech VI SR-15 500672T 57555 58014 500744

Updated October 2018 Financial Services Dept

Financial Services Dept Financial Svcs Dir EM-08 59572

Sec IV SR 18 59152 Clerk IV SR-10 500640T

Contracts & Purchasing Administrative Drivers Fiscal Services Division Division License Revocation Office Acctg Syst Mgr EM-05 Purch & Specs Spclt VI Chief DUI Adjudicator EM-05 15276 57794 SR26 59154E

Support DUI Adjudicators DUI Adjudicator SR-26 Purch & Specs Spclt V SR24 DUI Asst SR-20 59155E 59162E 59163E 58189 57219 58770 59331E DUI Review Tech SR-15 59164E 59165E 500671ET 59169E 59170E 59171E 59309E 59418E Systems Section Accounting Section Payroll Section DUI Review Tech/Acct Clk Accountant V SR-24 Accountant VI SR-26 Accountant VI SR-26 59678E SR-15 57101 58731 58062 DUI Clk SR-10 59172E 59173E 59174E 59176E 59175ET 500402ET 500404ET Financial Sys Spclt IV SR-22 Accountant V SR-24 58627 23932 58154 58720 Pre-Audit Clk III SR-15 58721 57057 Financial Sys Spclt II SR-18 Pre-Audit Clk II SR-13 26211 58875 58874


Chief Justice 206E

Office of the Chief Office of the Chief Justice Clerk

FIRST JUDICIAL SECOND INTERMEDIATE OFFICE OF THE SUPREME COURT CIRCUIT JUDICIAL THIRD JUDICIAL FIFTH JUDICIAL COURT OF APPEALS ADMINISTRATIVE First Circuit Court CIRCUIT CIRCUIT CIRCUIT DIRECTOR OF THE Land & Tax Appeal Second Circuit Third Circuit Court Fifth Circuit Court COURTS Court Court Family Court of the Family Court of the Family Court of the Family Court of the Third Circuit Fifth Circuit First Circuit Second Circuit District Court of the District Court of the District Court of the District Court of the Third Circuit Fifth Circuit First Circuit Second Circuit

Updated December 2017 SUPREME COURT Office of the Chief Justice

Chief Justice 206E

Criminal Justice Institute Director, CJI* Exec Sec to CJ SR-26 3312E

Researcher, CJI** Researcher, CJI** Secretary, CJI**

Appellate Court Clerical Office of the Supreme Ct Judicial Council Admin Law Clk SR-22 SC Ofcr/Bailiff SR-17 Staff Staff Attorney Jud Asst II SR-23 19606E 19196E Appellate Ct Clk II SR-22 Ct Staff Atty EM-08 8633E 57855 57246

Law Clk SR-20 Appellate Court Clk SR20 27461E 11315E 57446 Student Asst I 58567ET Attorney SR-28 Paralegal Asst II 58753 59441 SR-20 59379

58567ET Student Asst I from 3rd Cir, Leg Docs *Exempt position to be established. Reports to the Chief Justice for administrative purposes only.

Updated October 2019 ** Exempt positions to be established. SUPREME COURT

Chief Justice 206E

First Division Second Division Third Division Fourth Division Associate Justice Associate Justice Associate Justice Associate Justice 209E 207E 210E 208E

Jud Asst II SR-23 Jud Asst II SR-23 Jud Asst II SR-23 Jud Asst II SR-23 3313E 3311E 12257E 12256E Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 12892E 27465E 12739E 27462E 12281E 27464E 8538E 27463E


Chief Justice 206E


Jud Asst II SR-23 ICA Atty EM-07 57258E 500368 Law Clk SR-20 57261E 57720E Attorney SR-28 Appellate Ct Clk SR-20 59317 58760 500367 500290 500369 Ct Docs Clk III SR-19 59301

First Division Second Division Third Division Fourth Division Fifth Division Associate Judge Associate Judge Associate Judge Associate Judge Associate Judge 57256E 57257E 26937E 500064E 500065E

Jud Asst II SR-23 Jud Asst II SR-23 Jud Asst II SR-23 Jud Asst II SR-23 Jud Asst II SR-23 57259E 57260E 58243E 500070E 500071E Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 57262E 57721E 57263E 57722E 58758E 59187E 500066E 500067E 500068E 500069E

NOTE: Position No. 59301, Appellate Court Clerk, reallocated to Ct Docs Clk III, SR19 Updated January 2018 Courts of Appeal Office of the Chief Clerk

Chief Justice 206E

Chief Supreme Ct Clk 3307 EM-05

Secretary III SR-16 26076 Ct Optns Spclt III SR-20 500748T

Legal Documents Section Records Mgmt Section Fiscal Office Bar Examination Section Supreme Ct Clk SR-24 Supreme Ct Clk SR-24 Ct Fiscal Ofcr I SR-24 3309 3308 Bar Exam Tech III SR-17 57438 57247 58832 Acct Clerk IV SR-13 500803

Court Docs Clk III SR-19 Court Docs Clk I SR-15 57726 58830 26077 57946 58831

Realloc 500803 to Acct Clk IV Realloc 58832 to Bar Exam Tech III Updated September 2018 FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CIRCUIT JUDGES

Chief Justice

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

1st Division Judge 2nd Division Judge 3rd Division Judge 4th Division Judge 5th Division Judge 6th Division Judge 7th Division Judge 211E 212E 213E 214E 215E 216E 217E

Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 12139E 4698E 14904E 4704E 4702E 4700E 8880E Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 23424E 14890E 25218E 57877E 25881E 58003E 23507E Foreclosure Leg Researcher SR-20 500595ET*

1) Per Chief Justice's order of assignment.

*Psn transferred from 21st Division Judge Updated December 2017 FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CIRCUIT JUDGES

Chief Justice

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

8th Division Judge 9th Division Judge 10th Division Judge 11th Division Judge 12th Division Judge 13th Division Judge 14th Division Judge 218E 3550E 3551E 3552E 4097E 10295E 57273E

Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 4899E 14899E 14901E 14902E 5758E 14906E 57106E Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 25217E 57251E 25311E 58008E 26894E 27005E 57267E

1) Per Chief Justice's order of assignment.


Chief Justice

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

15th Division Judge 16th Division Judge 17th Division Judge 18th Division Judge 19th Division Judge 20th Division Judge 21st Division Judge 57274E 57872E 57873E 59227E 59355E 58868E 10489E

Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 57108E 57874E 57875E 59229E 59356E 58280E 58577E Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 57268E 500531T 57876E 500740ET 22197E 59228E 59357E 58869E 58323E

500531T transferred from Det Svcs & realloc to Law Clk 1) Per Chief Justice's order of assignment. 500740ET Law Clk trfr from 22 Div to 16th Div


Chief Justice

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

22nd Division Judge 23rd Division Judge 24th Division Judge 25th Division Judge 59448E 59671E

Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 59305E 59672E Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 58583E 59673E

1) Per Chief Justice's order of assignment. 500740ET Law Clk trfr 22 Div to 16th Div


Chief Justice

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

Civil Administration Civil Motions Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 59096E 59474ET 59079E 59430ET 2)

1) Per Chief Justice’s order of assignment. 2) Reports to Civil Motions Judge.


Chief Justice

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

Criminal Criminal Motions Administration Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 59105E 59432ET 2) 59427E 58579E

1) Per Chief Justice’s order of assignment. 2) Reports to Criminal Motions Judge.


Chief Justice

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

Law Clk SR-20 59445E Jud Asst I * SR-21 Ct Supp Svcs Coord SR-20 Law Clk * SR-20 *Designated trial judge's staff. 58665

District Family Judges 0184E 1128E 3107E District Family Judges - Per Diem 1264E 7935E 57411E 1267E 3944E 57190E 57202E 57412E 58272E 57204E 57281E 57639E 57640E 59049E 500557E 57917E 59236E 59247E 59318E 500674E 500682E 500683E

1) Per Chief Justice's order of assignment.


Chief Justice

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

Admin Asst I SR-19 Law Clk SR-20 57229 57845E 59101E

1st District Judge 2nd District Judge 3rd District Judge 4th District Judge 5th District Judge District Judges - Per Diem 1261E 1263E 3777E 1262E 1266E 1268E 1269E 1270E 1271E 5059E 57000E 57136E 57138E 57139E 57170E 57205E 57206E 57238E 57239E 57240E 57468E 6th District Judge 7th District Judge 8th District Judge 9th District Judge 10th District Judge 57478E 57506E 57631E 1265E 3489E 3945E 9836E 10328E 57644E 58029E

11th District Judge 12th District Judge 13th District Judge 14th District Judge 10329E 16662E 57995E 58032E 1) Per Chief Justice's order of assignment.

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Office of the Chief Court Administrator Chief Judge 1)

Office of the Chief Court Administrator Chief Ct Admr II ES-02 4763

Sec V SR-20 5889 Clerk IV SR-10 500696T

Administrative Deputy Chief Ct Admr Deputy Chief Ct Admr Circuit Court Family Court District Court Services Division 57367 EM-08 14566 EM-08

Sec IV SR-18 Staff Services- Sec IV SR-18 Ct Ops Spclst V SR-24 25253 Kapolei 19291 4764 59380 14484 Clk IV SR-10 57807

Prgm Spclst II SR-24 500802

Prgm Spclst I SR-22 Client Services 500811 Division

Legal Research Unit Dist Ct Atty SR-26 25246 Law Clerk SR-20 500081T 500083T Adult Client Juvenile Client Services Branch Services Branch

1) Per Chief Justice's order of appointment. Court Services Court Operations Division Division

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Administrative Services Division

Administrative Services Division

Personnel Fiscal Mgmt & Support Staff Services Ct Optns Spclst VI SR-26 Services Branch 26300

Kapolei * Ct Optns Spclst V SR-24 HR Tech VI SR-15 21714 58278 25442 57414 500298T 500300T HR Clk IV SR-11 HR Tech VI SR-15 *Reports to Position No. 57367 Deputy Chief 59397 57043** Court Administrator for attendance purposes. 58186 14475 HR Clk IV SR-11 58939 57233

**Position no. 57043, Secretary II, transferred from Detention Services and redescribed

Updated December 2017 FirstAdministrative Circuit Services Division

Staff Services Section

Statistics Unit Ct Ops Unit #1 Ct Ops Unit #2 Ct Research Unit Res Stat V SR-24 DWI Court Coordinator SR-24 Ct Ops Spclst VI SR-26 Ct Ops Spclst VI SR-26 Atty (Prog) I SR-24 57565 500555ET 57903 58219 59398 Res Stat II SR-18 DWI Court Case Mgr SR-22

8927 500812ET

Computer Support IT Spclst V SR-24 Ct Ops Spclst V SR-24 Ct Ops Spclst V SR-24 57374 14561 57591 500298T* 14896 57364 500189 IT Spclst IV SR-22 500659T

Kapolei IT Supp Tech III SR-17 IT Supp Tech IV SR-19 58524 58041 500298T* COS V from Admin Svcs, Personnel IT Supp Tech I SR-13 500030T

IT Supp Tech III SR-17 4790 59335 23383 IT Supp Tech II SR-15 58742

Updated December 2018 First Circuit Administrative Services Division

Staff Services Section- Kapolei

Ct Operations Legal Research Unit SW Program Specialists Unit Family Ct Atty SR-26 Specialists Unit Ct Ops Spclst V SR-24 27452 Soc Wkr VI SR-26 23449 Sec II SR-14 19217 58520 58249 14536 58124 Ct Res Anal SR-24 58648* 57252 27567** Soc Wkr V SR-24 Law Clerk SR-20 58651 57368T 57896T 58678T Paralegal Asst II SR-20 59295 58966 Jud Clk II SR-12 58965

NOTE: *Position will report to the Deputy Chief Court Administrator. Position will Position no. 19378, SW V transferred to JCSB remain in Honolulu until such time that space becomes available in Kapolei. **Position No. 27567 was transferred from CSD, JCSB-Special Svcs and redescribed to Ct Res Anal.

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Administrative Sevices Division Fiscal Mgmt & Support Services Branch Ct Admin Svcs Offcr SR-28 4720

Secretary II SR-14 57724 Accountant IV SR-22 57044 58294

Facilities Management Circuit Court Section District Court Section Kapolei Section Section

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Administrative Sevices Division Fiscal Mgmt & Support Services Branch

Circuit Court Section

Accounting Unit Receivables/Revenues Payables/Procurement Accountant IV SR-22 Unit Unit 57951 Jud Clk V SR-18 Acct Clk V SR-15 Accountant III SR-20 4718 4723 58872

Jud Clk IV SR-16 Acct Clk IV SR-13 59400 58171 57269 Jud Clk II SR-12 Acct Clk III SR-11 58173 58174 58976 58172 58870 9658 18122 Account Clk IV SR-13 57337

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Administrative Services Division Fiscal Mgmt & Support Services Branch

District Court Section

Asst Ct Fiscal Ofcr II SR-26 14565

Accounting Unit Receivables/Revenues Receivables/Revenues Payables/Procurement Accountant III SR-20 Cashiers Unit Accounts Unit Unit 19244 59417 59001 Jud Clk V SR-18 Acct Clk V SR-15 Acct Clk V SR-15 25258 59000 15300

Jud Clk IV SR-16 Acct Clk III SR-11 Acct Clk IV SR-13 14560 57811 57456 59002 Jud Clk II SR-12 Acct Clk III SR-11 57529 58191 59007 57103 57801 58358 57635 14572 57802

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Administrative Services Division Fiscal Mgmt & Support Services Branch

Kapolei Section

Asst Ct Fiscal Offcr II, SR-26 58871*

Accounting Unit Receivables/Revenues Payables/Procurement Payables/Procurement Accountant IV SR-22 Unit Family Court Unit Detention Unit 500041 Accountant III Acct Clk V SR-15 Acct Clk V SR-15 Accountant III SR-20 58028 1) 58507 57469 4784

Acct Clk IV SR-13 Jud Clk II SR-12 57844 5888 57195 10350 Acct Clk III SR-11 58509

*Reports to Position No. 57367 Deputy Chief Court Administrator for attendance purposes. 1 ) Position classification to be reviewed. Updated October 2019 First Circuit Administrative Sevices Division Fiscal Mgmt & Support Services Branch Facilities Mgmt Section

Facilities Mgr II SR-24 57494

Kapolei Court Complex Asst Facilities Mgr SR-21 Asst Facilities Mgr SR-21 Asst Facilities Mgr SR-21 6716 1) 57950 2) 500481 3)

District Court Supreme Court Circuit Court Janitor III WS-02 Bldg Maint Wkr II WS-09 Janitor III WS-02 Janitor III WS-02 Janitor III WS-02 500483 500484 57952 57953 57959 57976 57954 57955 Janitor II BC-02 Bldg Maint Wkr I BC-09 Janitor II BC-02 Janitor II BC-02 Janitor II BC-02 500492 500493 500494 58239 59073 57958 57977 57960 57965 57967 57963 57971 57969 57966 500495 500496 500497 Electrician BC-10 57961 57962 58092 57970 59562** 59563** 58301 57972 58316 500498 500499 500500 59075 57957 58250 57964 Groundskeeper II WS-02 57973 57974 57975 500501 500502 500503 Janitor III WS-02*** 58302 58094 58317* 58095 58300 500504 500505 500055 Groundskeeper I BC-02 Groundskeeper I BC-02 Groundskeeper II WS-02 Groundskeeper II WS-02 Janitor II BC-02*** 59072 59071 57968 58093 500485 500056 500057 Groundskeeper I BC-02 Groundskeeper I BC-02 Groundskeeper I BC-02*** 57956 59070 500488 500489 500490 500058 500059 500491

*Responsible for DC & SC. **Assigned to Kapuaiwa Hale (#59562 & 59563). *** Assigned to Abner Paki Hale-Kaneohe. 1) Also responsible for Kaneohe District Court. Responsible for other buildings in the absence of other Asst Facilities Mgrs. 2) Responsible for other buildings in the absence of other Asst Facilities Mgrs. 3) Reports to Position No. 58871 Asst Court Fiscal Officer II for attendance purposes. Also responsible for Ewa and Wahiawa District Courts. Updated December 2017 First Circuit

Client Services Division Adult Client Services Branch

Adult Client Services Branch Soc Svcs Mgr EM-05 4746

Soc Wkr VI SR-26 Sec III SR-16 58772 26072 59762 4753 26210 Soc Wkr V SR-24 500596 500575 500574 Clk III SR-8 Soc. Wkr IV SR-22 500169 500681 Soc Svc Asst IV SR-11 500283T 500284T 500285T 500436T

Supervision I Supervision II Specialized Intake Section Section Section Services

Integrated Driver Education Community Drug Court Mental Health Court Section Sanctions Section Soc Wkr V SR-24 500517 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 500060 500813 500814 NOTE: 500773T 500788T Position Nos. 500298ET and 500300ET, Research Aide positions Student Asst I transferred to ASD/Personnel and redescribed 500419ET

Established new SW IV psns 500813 & 500814 authorized by Act 95, SLH2017 Updated September 2018 First Circuit

Intake Section Soc Wkr VI SR-26 4747

Sec II SR-14 Prog Spclst I SR-22 57493 500096

Adult/Juvenile Adult/Juvenile PSI/AJCSR Clerical PSI I PSI II Unit Dist Ct PSI Unit Community Service & Community Service & Unit Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Restitution Unit #1 Restitution Unit #2 Jud Clk V SR-18 12967 9625 57490 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 57837 24359*

Jud Clk II SR-12 Soc Wkr III SR-20 Soc Wkr III SR-20 57320 58167 57041 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 58019 57628 57385 58039 57626 Clk IV SR-10 57318 57409 57821 57028 57030 57822 57033 57317 57491 57915 58068 58067 57400 12966 57622 4752 57820 17721 21679 57131 58125 57723 Soc Wkr II SR-18 Soc Wkr II SR-18 Clk III SR-8 500829 4750 500424T 57399 58821 57398 57910 59297

*Also supervises AJCSR Unit #2 Estab perm SW IV 500829 authorized by Act 26, SLH2018

Updated October 2018 First Circuit Client Services Division Adult Client Services Branch

Supervision I Section Soc Wkr VI SR-26 15614

Soc Svc Asst IV SR-11 500476T 500475T

Dist Ct Prob Supervision Prob Supervision Prob Supervision Admin Risk Mgmt Dist Ct Dist Ct Probation Adult Probation Supervision II I Unit II Unit IV Unit Unit Supervision I Unit Clerical Unit Clerical Unit Unit Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Jud Clk V SR-18 Jud Clk V SR-18 Soc Wkr V SR-24 18031 4748 21661 59345 26304 27787 4756 27786

Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Jud Clk II SR-12 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Jud Clk II SR-12 58165 59344 15620 27810 4749 58025 58164 21713 26073 57029 57132 57492 58242 58240 4757 4758 57031 500544 26505 58151 58166 17720 17632 14418 57621 26075 19319 26774 58198 57623 58152 Soc Wkr III SR-20 57598 500657T 58907 58027 58555 Soc Wkr III SR-20 Soc Wkr III SR-20 Clk IV SR-10 58163 59343 Clk IV SR-10 57034 58126 57797 17610 500168 25327

Updated September 2018 First Circuit

Supervision II Section Soc Wkr VI SR-26 5884

Sec II SR-14 19197

ASB Criminal Misdemeanor ASB Criminal Misdemeanor ASB TRO/Domestic Adult Services Clerical Unit Prob Unit 1 Prob Unit 2 Violence Unit Jud Clk V SR-18 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 58185 58891 7722 58580

Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 58535 58180 58169 Jud Clk II SR-12 58888 58889 15613 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 58256 58890 58968 11933 58521 59196 58882 4773 58308 19220 Soc Wkr III SR-20 58938 58940 59644 Soc Wkr III SR-20 57638 59641 58533 57895 59195

Updated December 2017 First Circuit

Integrated Community Sanctions Section Soc Wkr VI SR-26 14416

Jud Clk II SR-12 58975 59726

Integrated Community Prob Supervision III Unit Sex Offender Unit1 Sanctions Unit (Search & Seizure) Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 58899 59725 9626

Supervision Intake Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 58024 57319 19216 58906 58902 58901 59719 59720 59721 58903 58554 500287T 500289T 58905 500286T 59722 59723 59724 500831 500833 500834 500288T 500830 Soc Svc Asst IV SR-11 500832 500823 500824 500825 500826 500827 500828

Estab perm Soc Svcs Asst IV psns 500823 – 500828 authorized by Act 26, SLH2018 Estab perm Soc Wkr IV psn 500830- 500834-authorized by Act 26, SLH2018 Updated October 2018 First Circuit

Drug Court Soc Wkr VI SR-26 59440

Soc Wkr V SR-24 59484

Ct Based Treatment Unit Drug Ct Sub Abuse Cnslr IV SR-22 Case Management Unit Intake Unit 59475 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Drug Ct Sub Abuse Cnslr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 59480 59481 59478 59479 59529 Soc Svc Aid IV SR-11 59486 59568

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Client Services Division

Adult Client Services Branch Driver Education Section Specialized Services Driver Ed Prog Admr SR-26 15664

Driver Ed Offcr SR-24 Secretary II SR-14 25738 21712

Clerk IV SR-10 59223

Asst Driver Ed Prog Admr SR-22 26900

Clerical Support Driver Improvement Driver Improvement Maui Hilo Kona Kauai Services Unit Unit 1 Unit 2 Driver Ed Asst II SR-17 Driver Ed Asst II SR-17 Driver Ed Asst II SR-17 Driver Ed Asst II SR-17 Clerk IV SR-10 Driver Ed Asst III SR-19 Driver Ed Asst III SR-19 26931 57922 26933 57941 26932 26934 26948 21710 19273 Driver Ed Asst I SR-15 Clerk IV SR-10 Clerk IV SR-10 Clerk IV SR-10 57783 26944 26946 26947 Clerk IV SR-10 Driver Ed Asst II SR-17 Driver Ed Asst II SR-17 26943 Clerk III SR-08 25739 26928 28320 28324 Clerk III SR-08 21704 26807 58158 28322 57923 58333 57016 57011 57782 Driver Ed Asst I SR-15 57942 57940 19272

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Client Services Division Juvenile Client Services Branch

Juvenile Client Services Branch Soc Svcs Mgr EM-05 14893

Soc Wkr V SR-24 500775T 19378* Secy III SR-16 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 4789 500655 500656

Family Drug Court Girls Court Specialized Services Intake & Probation Juvenile Drug Detention Services Prog Spclst II SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Section Section Court Section 500215 500804

Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 500217 500218 500805 500806 500219 500807 500808 Jud Clk II SR-12 Soc Svcs Aid III SR-9 500216 500810 Clk IV SR-10 500809

*Position No. 19378 SW V transferred from CCA SW Prog-Kapolei

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Client Services Division Juvenile Client Services Branch

Specialized Services Section Soc Wkr VI SR-26 57560

Prog Spclst I SR-22 Sec II SR-14 500677T 57566

Court Appointed Special Custody Investigation Special Services Unit Clerical Support Unit Kids First Program Advocates Unit Unit Soc Wkr V SR-24 Jud Clk V SR-18 Prog Spclst II SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 57561 58518 500221 58210 500017

Soc Wkr IV SR-22 58733 58645 58881 Jud Clk II SR-12 Soc Wkr III SR-20 58309 58644 58735 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 26299 19218 4785 58736 5883 57564 57938 15611 57445 500018 58671 4788 58964 500013T 500014T Clk IV SR-10 Jud Clk II SR-12 58010 500019 500020 Clk IV SR-10 500220 57867 59323 57568 58519 5890 Clk III SR-8 57567 57798

Updated June 2018 (reorg) First Circuit Client Services Division Juvenile Client Services Branch

Juvenile Intake & Probation Section Soc Wkr VI SR-26 4765

Sec II SR-14 14495

Persons In Need of Juv Sex Offender Clerical Support Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Supervision Unit Unit Unit Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Jud Clk V SR-18 5887 27791 4772 4781 14417 58083 500201 4783

Jud Clk II SR-12 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 26301 7727 11936 11937 23034 4771 4780 14222 4767 5885 8921 8923 4766 57562 4768 500202 500203 15972 57674 18663 57831 4775 4776 16006 18796 7724 19219 11935 58510 57563 19223 500204 500205 57787 58885 16873 17613 4769 26223 4778 8244 15579 4777 58654 500206 Clk IV SR-10 7723 58687

Updated June 2018 reorg First Circuit

Detention Services Section Det Fac Supt SR-26 4791

Sec II SR-14 59610T

Deputy Det Fac Supt SR-24 4792 59482 58991

Hale Ho'omalu Facility Admissions/Operational Juv Det Spvr CO-09 Home Maluhia Facility Support Services Unit 4802 12718 19222 26161 58257 4794 Juv Counselor IV SR-22 500691 500692 4815 4803 Juv Counselor III SR-20 58759 58990 58984 58986 58993 58992 Juv Det Ofcr CO-07 58988 58989 58982 4814 12393 58754 58757 58983 59085T APRN II SR-26 Juv Det Wkr II CO-05 Juv Counselor I SR-16 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 500739 Cook III WS-08 4724 4793 4796 4797 4798 4801 59088T 500576T 500577T 58253 16987 Reg Prof Nurse SR-22 4800 4804 5891 5892 5893 7728 7730 500578T 500579T 500590T 59194 57042 26222 8928 10253 10254 11954 11955 11956 500645T 500646T 500647T JD Train Prog Spclst 58985 57347T 12719 12720 14469 17611 24261 26160 500648T 500649T 500650T 15612 SR-22 500547T 57680 58026 58057 58245 58573 58670 Clk IV SR-10 58755 59606 500342 500343 500344 58273 58756 Cook II BC-08 500345 500346 500347 500690 11957 12721 58246 500558 500559 500560 500685 500392T 500686 500687 500688 500689 Kitchen Helper BC-02 Juv Det Wkr I CO-03 500518T 500519T 500561 500520T 500522T 500523T 500524T 500525T 500526T 500527T 500529T 500584T 500585T 500614T 500615T 500618T 500675T 500697T 500698T 500699T 500700T 500701T 500702T 500722T 500723T NOTE: 500724T 500725T 500779T 500780T Position no. 57043 Secy II, transferred to Admin 500781T 500782T 500783T 500784T Svcs, Personnel, Kapolei, and redescribed to HR 500785T 500786T 500787T Clk IV

500531T JDW I, trfr to 15th Div & realloc to Law Clk Updated October 2018 First Circuit

Juvenile Drug Court Soc Wkr VI SR-26 500044

Soc Wkr V SR-24 59656

Soc Wkr IV SR-22 500046 500048 500049 500050 500051 Soc Svcs Assist IV SR-11 500295T

Updated December 2017 First Circuit

Court Services Division

Court Services Division Deputy Chief Ct Admin II EM-08 14566

Ct Annex Arbitration Estate & Probate Judicial Services Court Services Land & Tax Appeal Program Branch Branch Support Branch Court

Updated December 2017 First Circuit

Court Annex Arbitration Program Arbitration Admr SR-26 59100

Arb Prog Spclst II SR-18 59114 Jud Clk II SR-12 58978

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Court Services Division Court Services Support Branch

Ct Svcs Support Branch Ct Admr II SR-26 57714

Secretary II SR-14 57755 Clerk IV SR-10 58744 58745 500662T

Jury Pool Section Court Reporters Section Court Interpreting Services Section Jud Clerk V SR-18 Supvg Court Reptr II SR-27 26636 4709 Court Supp Svcs Coord SR-20 14473

Clerk IV SR-10 Clerk IV SR-10 57021 57397 57749 58622 1) 58038

Court Reporters Unit

Ct Reptr II SR-25 4705 4706 4707 4708 5757 8878 12137 14528 14894 14895 15971 57113 57713 57854 59390

1) Provides clerical support to the Certified Shorthand Reporters Board Updated December 2017 First Circuit

Estate & Probate

Estate & Probate Branch Ct Admin II SR-26 4711

Atty (Prog) I SR-24 Sec II SR-14 4728 58727

Probate & Conservatorship Probate & Conservatorship Section 1 Section 2 Est & Guard Spclst SR-19 Accountant III SR-20 4735 10077 57114 4732 14903 10342 Jud Clk III SR-14 4721

Est & Guard Clk I SR-15 4716 4725 10341 57128 Jud Clk I SR-10 58060

Updated December 2017 First Circuit

Court Services Division Judicial Services Branch

Judicial Services Branch Ct Admin II SR-26 11934 ##

Sec II SR-14 58536 ##

Asst Ct Admin SR-22 25206

Circuit Ct Clks DC Crim/Traf/Civil DC Crim/Traf/Civil Kapolei Kapolei Kapolei Kapolei DC Section Section # Section 1 Section 2 FC Section 1 FC Section 2 FC Section 3 FC Section Ct Bailiff III SR-17 Circ Ct Clk III SR-22 Dist Ct Clk III SR-19 Dist Ct Clk III SR-19 Circ Ct Clk III SR-22 Circ Ct Clk III SR-22 Circ Ct Clk III SR-22 Ct Bailiff III SR-17 57539 23040 15703 14602 57780 1) 57213 2) 58664 3) 26840

Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 Ct Bailiff II SR-15 Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Ct Bailiff II SR-15 12138 57748 4703 23035 23037 23055 19229 23940 24062 23811 15957 57419 59280 57109 57421 58182 26163 59639 58011 14224 58188 22976 58898 14907 14905 23056 23448 25249 25244 25245 25248 15960 25243 58187 59014 57979 26164 59013 58007 57781 58181 59640 58886 58887 8881 4696 14898 57882 14527 58223 26152 59532 25260 57536 57540 500566 8113 14223 58183 500565 26162 59012 57435 14900 12443 8114 58224 14520 16999 57449 19269 21709 15961 22996 58200 57894 58589 4697 57107 57751 14519 15662 27893 23939 23941 58103 Circ Ct Clk I SR-17 Circ Ct Clk I SR-17 57436 58706 57752 4701 59230 57059 23082 57880 57294 25242 19230 59483 57366 58606 58605 59183 Circ Ct Clk I SR-17 58707 57814 59316 58537 59399 58147 59533 57541 58102 500045*** 58604 21723 16034 23906 59642 57885 59674 57401 57538 59701 Clk III SR-8 59643 500567 4699 57754 23040 15958 15673 57813 58937 Jud Clk III SR-14 57852 57451 Circ Ct Clk I SR-17 15198** 14557****

Jud Clk III SR-14 **Assigned to Drug Ct. 58594 ***Assigned to Specialty Cts. ****Assigned to HOPE. . # Circ Ct Clk positions from the Trial Divisions and former Criminal Administration 1) Domestic Calendar Updated August 2018 will be administratively assigned to individual trial divisions 2) Juvenile Calendar ## position located at Kapolei 3) Special Calendar First Circuit

Court Services Division Land & Tax Appeal Court

Land & Tax Appeal Court

Registrar of the Land Ct VI SR-26 15

Registrar of the Land Ct V SR-24 14

Land & Tax App Ct Clk SR-17 57407 11946 58924 Jud Clk II SR-12 57996

Updated December 2017 First Judicial Circuit

Court Operations Division

Legal Documents Legal Documents Traffic Violations Rural Courts Branch 1 Branch 2 Bureau

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Court Operations Division

Legal Documents Branch 1 Ct Admin II SR-26 14559

CC Documents CC Docket/Index CC Files/Services Kapolei Receiving Section Section Section Ct Docs Spvr SR-21 Ct Docs Spvr SR-21 Jud Clk V SR-18 Jud Clk V SR-18 13365 4717 6622 19232

KCC Docs Receiving KCC Docket, Index & Jud Clk II SR-12 Unit Files Unit Ct Docs Clk III SR-19 Jud Clk II SR-12 27565 26503 57025 4714 4715 15144 57191 4733 4729 57392 57192 Ct Docs Clk III SR-19 Jud Clk II SR-12 27033 58591 58252 15146 10488 17676 Jud Clk I SR-10 6946 58184 58663 12074 57024 58588 58862 59058 57227 15145 12073 57393 17725 57115 23112 58863 Clk III SR-8 Clk III SR-8 4722 58274 19290 58866

Updated December 2017 First Circuit Court Operations Division

Legal Documents Branch 2 Ct Admin II SR-26 14529

Sec II SR-14 23981

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Ho’okele Court Navigation Jud Clk V SR-18 Jud Clk V SR-18 Jud Clk V SR-18 Ct Docs Spvr SR-21 14567 58202 59386 14487 ## DC Files/Services Section Kapolei Svc Ctr Kauikeaouli Hale Jud Clk IV SR-16 Jud Clk IV SR-16 57235 Jud Clk IV SR-16 Ct Docs Clk I SR-15 Jud Clk IV SR-16 59218 Ct Docs Clk III SR-19 Jud Clk III SR-14 57450 58037 15661 58150 21197 Jud Clk II SR-12 58149 17664 25256 57881 Jud Clk III SR-14 15375* Jud Clk III SR-14 23036 58204 59363 59125 59132 58220 57296 14538 57295 14470 21716 24039 26979 59362 58221 25247 58222 58578 57038 57812 14480 Clk III SR-8 Jud Clk II SR-12 59133 57682 19270 57037 58148 4786 14525 58342 Jud Clk II SR-12 59385 14530 57102 57800 58203

Kaahumanu Svc Ctr/ Kauikeaouli Svc Ctr Kauikeaouli Concierge Concierge Ct Docs Clk I SR-15 Ct Docs Clk I SR-15 ## Psn located in Kapolei Ct Docs Clk I SR-15 14912 57223 14467 24040 58143 58021

*Position No. 15375 transferred from DC Files/Svcs to Kapolei Svc Ctr.

Updated December 2017 First Circuit


Traffic Violation Bureau Ct Admin II SR-26 14562

Sec II SR-14 21198 Clk IV SR-10 23102

Asst Ct Admin SR-22 15523

Customer Services Customer Services Support Section 1 Support Section 2 Section 1 Section 2 Jud Clk V SR-18 Jud Clk V SR-18 Jud Clk V SR-18 Jud Clk V SR-18 14556 14474 14555 27908

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Data Entry Unit Control Unit Unit 5 Unit 6

Jud Clk IV SR-16 Jud Clk IV SR-16 Jud Clk IV SR-16 Jud Clk IV SR-16 Jud Clk IV SR-16 Jud Clk IV SR-16 Jud Clk IV SR-16 Jud Clk IV SR-16 25259 15382 14476 15302 57222 21810 14550 15374 Jud Clk III SR-14 Jud Clk III SR-14 Jud Clk III SR-14 Jud Clk III SR-14 Jud Clk II SR-12 DP Cont Clk I SR-12 Jud Clk II SR-12 Jud Clk II SR-12 57590 14477 58146 25138 14472 25265 17649 25262 14466 19275 25254 25255 15392 19271 14482 23382 19266 23380 57827 57828 57036 23385 57809 14573 4787 57224 25604 Jud Clk I SR-10 Jud Clk II SR-12 25261 57250 23007 14483 Jud Clk I SR-10 Clk III SR-08 14468 P/T 57808 57810 Jud Clk II SR-12 Jud Clk II SR-12 Jud Clk II SR-12 14463 14465 14478 25211 19267 23857 14571 57232 58197 59384 19274 57035 27894 23387 23381 15369 57221 DE Optr I SR-08 57824 58085

Updated December 2017 First Circuit COURT OPERATIONS DIVISION RURAL COURTS Koolauloa/Koolaupoko

Rural Courts

Koolauloa/Koolaupoko Ewa/Waianae Wahiawa/Waialua Ct Admin II SR-26 14517

Asst Ct Admin SR-22 57779

Judicial Clk IV SR-16 14490

Jud Clk III SR-14 Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 Acct Clk III SR-11 57096 57803 57249 57095 14491 19226 25263* 58192 25251 Jud Clk II SR-12 25250 58193 58199

*Position provides account clerical services for Kaneohe and Wahiawa.

Updated December 2017 First Circuit COURT OPERATIONS DIVISION RURAL COURTS Ewa/Waianae

Rural Courts

Ewa/Waianae Wahiawa/Waialua Koolauloa/Koolaupoko Ct Admin II SR-26 14552 Asst Ct Admr SR-22 14472#

Ewa Waianae Asst Ct Adm, SR22 Asst Ct Admin SR-22 14472 15741

Dist Ct Clk III SR-19 Acct Clk III SR-11 Dist Ct Clk III SR-19 Jud Clk IV SR-16 14558 27892* 16023 57454

Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 Jud Clk III SR-14 Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 14486 21707 24060 57452 57230 58194 14492 59185 25264 19268 57234** 58195 57523 25257 58666 Jud Clk I SR-10 Jud Clk III SR-14 21708 58695 57522 57336 25252 59153 57453 59347 Jud Clk II SR-12 58205 57883 Jud Clk I SR-10 58196 *Position provides account clerical services for Ewa and Waianae. **Position also provides courtroom clerical for Ewa and Waianae.

Updated November 2018 First Circuit


Rural Courts

Wahiawa/Waialua Koolauloa/Koolaupoko Ewa/Waianae Ct Admin II SR-26 14518

Asst Ct Admin SR-22 14488

Jud Clk IV SR-16 26936

Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 27025 27891

Jud Clk III SR-14 21703 57455 57804 23386 Jud Clk I SR-10 27890 57524

Updated December 2017 SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Circuit Judges

Chief Justice 206E

Chief Judge 1)

1st Division 2nd Division 3rd Division 4th Division Circuit Judge Circuit Judge Circuit Judge Circuit Judge 16858E 202E 57769E 500105E

Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 27877E 4808E Jud Asst I SR-21 500106E 57133 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 57770E Law Clk SR-20 Judicial Clk II SR-12 27881E 23704E Law Clk SR-20 500107E 58793* Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 57772E Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 4807 27879 Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 500103 57771 Foreclosure Legal Researcher SR-20 500589T

*Position No. 58793 transferred from Ct & Ops Supt Svcs, Legal 1) Per Chief Justice’s order of appointment. Docs and redescribed

Updated December 2017 SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT District Judges

Chief Justice 206E

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

District Judge – Per Diem 3rd District Judge 1st District Judge 2nd District Judge 57207E 57349E 57862E 1276E 1275E 57600E 59461E 59630E 57863E*

1) Per Chief Justice’s order of appointment.

*Assigned to Molokai.

Updated December 2017 SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Family Judges

Chief Justice 206E

Chief Judge 1)

District Family Judges 58751E 59048E

1) Per Chief Justice’s order of appointment.

Update December 2017 SECOND CIRCUIT

Chief Judge 1)

Office of the Chief Court Administrator Chief Court Admr I EM-08 4806

Secy IV SR18 19224 Ct Optns Spclt V SR-24 Judicial Clerk II SR-12 59683 58557

Dep Chief Ct Admr I EM-07 Circuit Court District Court Family Court Dep Chief Ct Admr I EM-07 4816 14545

SecySecy III III SR SR-16-16 Secy III SR-16 48244824 59243

Client Services Administrative Court & Operational Division Services Division Support Svcs Division

1) Per Chief Justice’s order of appointment.

Updated December 2017 SECOND CIRCUIT Administrative Services Division

Administrative Services Division

Facilities Mgmt Branch Computer Support Personnel Branch Facilities Mgr I SR-22 Fiscal Branch Branch HR Tech VI SR-15 500351 IT Supp Tech IV SR-19 59203 Bldg Maint Wkr I BC-09 57850 58829 IT Supp Tech III SR-17 Janitor III WS-02 57994 500350 4813 Janitor II BC-02 58212 58213 58214 500817 Groundskeeper I BC-02 58211

Estab half time Janitor II 500817 authorized by Act 26, SLH2018

Updated September 2018 Second Circuit

Fiscal Branch

Fiscal Branch Ct Fiscal Ofcr II SR-26 22466

Asst Ct Fiscal Ofcr I SR-22 25100

Trust Accounting Cashiering/ Section Procurement Section Accountant III SR-20 Account Clk V SR-15 59334 58788 26782 57372

Account Clk IV, SR13 4809 57369 24043 Jud Clk III SR-14 59601 26328 58142


Updated December 2017 Second Circuit

Client Services Division

Client Services Divsion

Adult Client Services Juvenile Client & Family Special Services Branch Drug Court Branch Services Branch

Updated December 2017 SECOND CIRCUIT Client Services Division Adult Client Services Branch

Adult Client Services Branch Social Worker VI SR-26 59084

Social Services Asst IV SR-11 500170

Pre Sentence Supervision Section I Supervision Section II Special Services Domestic Violence Clerical Services Section Investigation Section Social Worker V SR-24 Social Worker V SR-24 Section Section Jud Clerk II SR-12 Social Worker V SR-24 57993 59254 Social Worker V SR-24 Social Worker V SR-24 59151 58858 59217 59120 58155 59255

Social Worker IV SR-22 Social Worker IV SR-22 Social Worker IV SR-22 Social Worker IV SR-22 Social Worker IV, SR-22 59257 59263 58156 12046 58563 59337 58562 58157 12047 58561 500366 59253 58762 9727 57815 500451 59262 58303 4820 4818* 9201 59729 59728 500819 500820 500818

* Position is physically located on the island of Molokai.

Estab perm Soc Wkr IV psn 500818, 500819. 500820 authorized by Act 26, SLH2018

Updated September 2018 SECOND CIRCUIT Client Services Division Juvenile Client & Family Services Branch

Juvenile Client & Family Services Branch Social Worker VI SR-26 4817

Probation & Other Juvenile Intake & Crisis Clerical Section Family Court Drug Court Support Svc Section Agency Services Section Section Judicial Clk II SR-12 Social Worker V SR-24 Soc Svcs Asst V SR-13 Social Worker V SR-24 Social Worker V SR-24 12048 500136 1) 57405* 58660 4819 58935

Social Worker IV SR-22 Social Worker IV SR-22 Social Worker IV SR-22 57775 57018 59184 4822 58162 59016 59126 59275* 12392 58558

1) Position also serves as a social work program specialist.

*Position is physically located on the island of Molokai

Updated December 2017 SECOND CIRCUIT Client Services Division Special Services Branch

Special Services Branch Social Worker VI SR-26 57413

Social Worker V SR-24 57849 58559

Program Svcs Section I Program Svcs Section II Clerical Section Social Worker V SR-24 Social Worker V SR-24 Judicial Clerk II SR-12 57625 500272 59367

Social Worker IV SR-22 Social Worker IV SR-22 58248 57791 500370 57866 6042 500371 57776 Soc Svc Asst V SR-13 Soc Svc Asst V SR-13 500273 500564 500563

Updated December 2017 SECOND CIRCUIT Client Services Division Drug Court

Drug Court Social Worker VI SR-26 500015

Social Worker V SR-24 500179 Social Worker IV SR-22 59747 500098 500099 500185 500269 D/C Subst Abuse Cnslr IV SR-22 59746 500138 Social Service Asst IV SR-11 500104

Updated December 2017 SECOND CIRCUIT Court & Operational Support Services Division

Court & Operational Support Services Division

Court & Operational Ct Annexed Arbitration Est & Guardianship Branch Court Reporters Branch Support Services Branch Branch Est & Guard Spclst SR-19 Spvg Ct Rptr II SR-27 Ct Admin II SR-26 Judicial Clerk II SR-12 4811 13244 57105 58268 26780 58815

Ct Reporter II SR-25 27880 57773

Traffic Operations Rural Courts Courtroom Support Section Legal Documents Section Section Circuit Ct Clk III SR-22 Section see chart see chart 58540 see chart

FC Clerks Unit Bailiffs Unit Law Library/Service Center/Jury Pool Section Ct Docs Clk III SR-19 57402 Judicial Clk II SR-12 Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Ct Bailiff II SR-15 59220, 57719. 500401 58659 59046 59047 58685 59015 57829 59256 57830 57577 58138

Updated December 2017 SECOND CIRCUIT Court and Operational Support Services Division Court and Operational Support Services Branch

Traffic Operations Rural Courts Section Section Dist Ct Clerk III SR-19 Asst Court Admr SR-22 58000 57744

Traffic Violations Unit DC Clerks Unit Lahaina ** Molokai Lanai Hana Judicial Clk V SR-18 Dist Ct Clk III SR-19 Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 Judicial Clk IV SR-16 23038 14544 14543 57788 14542 District Ct Clk I SR-15 14541*

Judicial Clk III SR-14 21813, 58366** Judicial Clk III SR-14 Judicial Clk IV SR-16 58942 Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 58348 58789 14540 57048 57579 Judicial Clk III SR-14 58313 58816 59328 57129 57758 58216 59522 58818# 58367 58528 58838 58849 58851 59077 59078

** Provides staff coverage for Lanai and Hana District Courts.

#Position No. 58818 DCC II transferred from Legal Docs Sec, Subunit 2 to DC Clerks Unit.

*14541 trfr psn from DC Clk Unit to Lahaina, DCC I, SR15

Updated May 2018 SECOND CIRCUIT Court & Operational Support Services Division Legal Documents Section

Legal Documents Section Ct Docs Spvr SR-21 22961

Documents Support Unit Docs Receiving Unit Judicial Clk V SR-18 Ct Docs Clk III SR-19 59202 6041 26327 57193 58676 26781 Ct Docs Clk I SR-15 57745 58140 Student Asst I 500693E

Sub Unit I Sub Unit 2 Judicial Clk IV SR-16 Judicial Clk IV SR-16 58828 58139

Judicial Clk II SR-12 Judicial Clk II SR-12 58792 57370 58791 57049 57371 58853 57727 58332 57328 58331 59076 58330 58141

NOTE: Pos. no. 58793, Judicial Clerk II, transferred from Sub Unit 2 to Cir Ct Judges Pos no. 58818, Judicial Clerk II, transferred from Sub Unit 2 to Traffic Optns Sec-DC Clks Updated December 2017 Pos no. 58332, Judicial Clerk II, transferred from Sub Unit 2 to Sub Unit 1 THIRD CIRCUIT Circuit Judges

Chief Justice 206E

Chief Judge 1)

1st DIVISION 2nd DIVISION 3rd DIVISION 4TH DIVISION Judge Judge Judge Judge 203E 204E 57487E 500137E

Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 11402E 4830E 500146E 57379E Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 57200E 57122E 500148E 57382E Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 11405 4829 57380 500147

1) Per Chief Justice’s order of assignment.


Chief Justice 206E

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

1ST DISTRICT JUDGE 2ND DISTRICT JUDGE 3RD DISTRICT JUDGE PER DIEM JUDGES 1278E 1277E 57089E 57646E 59130E 59287E 59612E 500747ET 500797ET 500798ET 500799ET 500800ET

1) Per Chief Justice’s order of assignment.

Updated December 2017 THIRD CIRCUIT Family Judges

Chief Justice 206E

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

DISTRICT FAMILY JUDGE PER DIEM JUDGES 58681E 59006E 59605E 59288E 59289E 500456E

1) Per Chief Justice’s order of assignment.

Updated December 2017 THIRD CIRCUIT

Chief Judge 1)

Office of the Chief Court Administrator Chief Ct Admin I EM-08 58795

Sec IV SR-18 Attorney (Prog) I, SR-24 59060 500658 Ct Optns Spclt III SR20 14531

Deputy Chief Ct Admin I Deputy Chief Ct Admin I EM-07 CIRCUIT COURT FAMILY COURT DISTRICT COURT EM-07 4834 2) 14551

Sec III SR-16 5209 2) Sec III SR-16 59239

Client Services Administrative Court Support & Division Services Division Operations Division

1) Per Chief Justice order of assignment. 2) Position located in Kona.

Updated December 2017 THIRD CIRCUIT Office of The Chief Court Administrator

Administrative Services Division

Human Resources IT Support Office Fiscal Office Facilities Management Office Law Library IT Specialist IV SR-22 Ct Fiscal Ofcr II SR-26 Branch HR Tech VI SR-15 58544 4827 58896 IT Support Tech III SR-17 500271 58892

Hilo Section Kona Section Asst Ct Fiscal Ofcr I SR-22 Lib Tech VII SR-16 Lib Tech VI SR-14 23039 57329 58571

Trust Accounting Hilo Cashiering/ Kona/Kamuela Cashiering Section Procurement Section Procurement Section Accountant III SR-20 Acct Clk V SR-15 Acct Clk V SR-15 58814 59333 26477 19194

Acct Clk IV SR-13 57378 57939 58923 Acct Clk III SR-11 58036 58963

Kona Unit Kamuela Unit Acct Clk IV SR-13 Clerk III SR-08 Updated December 2018 58572 500252 Acct Clk III SR-11 57627 Clerk III SR-8 500254T THIRD CIRCUIT Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Branch

Facilities Management Branch

Hilo Section Kona Section Fac Mgr I SR-22 Fac Mgr I SR-22 500372 500842

Janitor III WS-02 Janitor III WS-02 500375 Bld Maint Wkr I BC-09 500821 Janitor II BC-02 500373 Janitor II BC-02 500376 500377 Groundskeeper I BC-02 500822 500378 500379 500373 500384 Bld Maint Wkr I BC-09 500380 500381 500841 500383

Updated November 2018 THIRD CIRCUIT Office of The Chief Court Administrator

Client Services Division

Drug Court Program Services Adult Client Svcs Juvenile Client Service Soc Wkr VI SR-26 Branch Branch Branch 59743 Social Wkr VI SR-26 500011

Soc Wkr IV SR-22 500670T

Hilo Kona Soc Wkr V SR-24 11995

Hilo Unit Kona Unit Jud Clk I SR-10 Jud Clk I SR-10 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 500010 59742 57778 57341 57354 SSA V SR-13 SSA V SR-13 500569 500568

Adult Juvenile Adult Juvenile Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 500025 500111 500113 500012 500110 500112

Updated December 2017 THIRD CIRCUIT Client Services Division Adult Client & Services Branch

Adult Client Services Branch Social Wkr VI SR-26 4843

Soc Svc Asst IV SR-11 500167 4835

Supervision Supervision PSI/Intake Section Supervision Supervision Supervision Clerical Section PSI/Intake Section Section 2 Kona/ Section 1 Kona Hilo Section 1 Hilo Section 2 Hilo Section 3 Hilo Hilo Kona Waimea Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Jud Clk IV SR-16 Soc Wkr V SR-24 Soc Wkr V SR-24 59238 59354 59115 23699 57823 58568 59240 58105

Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Jud Clk II SR-12 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 Soc Wkr IV SR-22 57389 59731 59242 4841 59258 57212 59715 59714 12057 59052 24378 59733 58930 58244 58833 58928* 59732 4836 59279 57008 4840 500570 Clk IV SR-10 Clk IV SR-10 59716 59200 7737* 59054 59241 59649 59207 57458 58919 Clk IV SR-10 500571 58658

* Position located in Waimea/Kamuela Office.

Updated December 2017 THIRD CIRCUIT Client Services Division Juvenile Services Branch

Juvenile Services Branch Soc Wkr VI SR-26 7738

Clerical Section Kona/Kamuela Section Hilo Section Judicial Clk V SR-18 Social Wkr V SR-24 59365 4838

Juvenile Intake Crisis Juvenile Supervision Hilo Unit Kamuela Unit Unit Unit Jud Clk II SR-12 Kona Unit Kona Unit Social Wkr IV SR-22 Social Wkr V SR-24 Social Wkr V SR-24 6270 7736 Judicial Clk II SR-12 Social Wkr IV SR-22 58546 59311 57675 19225 Clerk IV SR-10 59186 58657 8875 58247 59717

Social Wkr IV SR-22 Social Wkr IV SR-22 57388 57889 59232 57888 58545 59055 4837 59718

Updated December 2018 THIRD CIRCUIT Court Support & Operations Division

Court Support & Operations Division

Jury Branch Court Reporters Arbitration Branch Estate & Guardianship Hilo Support & Kona Support & Traffic Operations Branch Jud Clk II SR-12 Branch Operations Branch Operations Branch Branch 57765 Est & Guard Spclt SR-19 15197 4833

Hilo Section Ct Reptr II SR-25 11404 24041 27036

Updated December 2018 THIRD CIRCUIT Court Support & Operations Division Hilo Support & Operations Branch

Hilo Support & Operations Branch

Court Services Legal Documents Section Section Circ Ct Clk III SR-22 Ct Docs Spvr SR-21 59053 4825

Court Clerks Unit 3 Hilo Documents Filing Court Clerks Unit 1 Court Clerks Unit 2 Bailiffs Unit Hilo Files & Records Island-wide Unit Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Dist Ct Clk III SR-19 Ct Bailiff II SR-15 Maintenance Unit Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Ct Docs Clk III SR-19 58699 58700 59604 57209 59320 58176 59603 Jud Clk IV SR-16 59198 500835 4828 26476 59008 58693 58526 500280 57117

Jud Clk III SR-14 Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 59608 26945 57210 57345 57442 58926 58175 59521 59613 58927 58951 58929 Jud Clk II SR-12 21325 57715 57006 58109 58531 57365 Student Asst I Estab Ct Bailiff II 500835 authorized by 58567T Act 26, SLH2018

Updated September 2018 THIRD CIRCUIT Court Support & Operations Division Kona Support & Operations Branch

Kona Support & Operations Branch Ct Admin II SR-26 18677

Court Services Legal Documents Section Section Circ Ct Clk III SR-22 Ct Docs Spvr SR-21 59004 14534

Court Clerks Unit Court Clerks Unit- Bailiffs Unit Kona Documents Filing Kona Files & Records Circ Ct Clk II SR-20 Keakealani Ct Bailiff II SR-15 Unit Maintenance Unit 59005 59602 Dist Ct Clk III SR-19 59003 57098 58646 Ct Docs Clk III SR-19 Jud Clk III SR-14 500457 500458 57444 1) 500836 58529 57116 59197 57009 59179 57097 57381 59181 58119 Jud Clk II SR-12 58530 58527 57766 57327

Kamuela Unit Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 57527 57099 58918 57443

1) Temporary reallocation from District Court Clerk II.

Estab 500836 Ct Bailff II authorized by Act 26, SLH2018

Updated December 2018 THIRD CIRCUIT Court Support & Operations Division Traffic Operations Branch

Traffic Operations Branch Ct Admin II SR-26 14539

Hilo TVB Unit Kona TVB Unit Kamuela Unit

Jud Clk III SR-14 Jud Clk IV SR-16 Jud Clk IV SR-16 58643 58532 59650 26835 59651 58179 Jud Clk III SR-14 Jud Clk III SR-14 Clerk III SR-8 59504 59520 59182 59180 58920 59497T 57211 58917

Updated December 2017 FIFTH CIRCUIT Circuit Judges

Chief Justice 206E

Chief Judge 1)

1st Division 2nd Division Circuit Judge Circuit Judge 205E 59667E

Jud Asst I SR-21 Jud Asst I SR-21 4849E 59668E Law Clk SR-20 Law Clk SR-20 58855E 59669E

1) Per Chief Justice’s order of assignment.

Updated December 2017 FIFTH CIRCUIT District Judges

Chief Justice 206E

Chief Judge 1)

Deputy Chief Judge 1)

District Judge-Per Diem

57137E 57187E District Judge 59457E 500430E 1282E 57900E 500431E 500654E 500665E 500666E

1) Per Chief Justice’s order of assignment.

Updated December 2017 FIFTH CIRCUIT Chief Judge 1)

Ofc of the Chief Ct Administrator Chief Ct Admin I EM-08 4844

Sec IV SR-18 Judicial Clk II SR 12 23657 500278

Deputy Chief Ct Admin I EM-07 Deputy Chief Ct Admin I EM-07 Administrative Special Services Circuit Court Family Court District Court 500743T 14546 Services Division Division

Court Bailiff II SR-15 Sec III SR-16 57846, 59433 Client Services 4851 Division

Law Library Lib Tech VII SR-16 Facilities Mgmt Unit 57391 Fac Mgr I SR-22 500143

Court & Operational Support Services Janitor III WS-02 Division 500161 Janitor II BC-02 500162 500163 500164 500165 500166 Groundskeeper I BC-02 500160 500270 Bldg Maint Wkr I BC-09 1) Per Chief Justice's Order of Appointment. 500159

Updated June 2018 FIFTH CIRCUIT Administrative Services Division

Administrative Services Division

Computer Fiscal Branch Personnel Branch Support Branch Ct Fiscal Ofcr II SR-26 HR Tech VI SR-15 IT Supp Tech III SR-17 5736 500097 500152

Asst Ct Fiscal Ofcr I SR-22 27728 Acct III SR-20 59098 Acct Clk V SR-15 57203 Acct Clk IV SR-13 59081 58116

Updated June 2018 FIFTH CIRCUIT Special Services Division

Special Services Division

Social Wkr V SR-24 58941

Soc Wkr IV SR-22 500572 Soc Wkr III SR-20 500573 Soc Svc Asst IV SR-11 57335

Updated June 2018 FIFTH CIRCUIT Client Services Division

Client Services Division

Juvenile Client & Family Adult Client Probation Drug Court Services Branch Services Branch Social Wkr VI SR-26 Social Wkr VI SR-26 Social Wkr VI SR-26 59748 4846 58714

Soc Svc Asst IV SR-11 500210 Jud Clk II SR-12 Judicial Clk II SR-12 57023 58547 Soc Svc Asst IV SR-11 Jud Clk II SR-12 59750 59248 58880 59208 57869

Section 1 Section 2 Social Wkr V SR-24 Social Wkr V SR-24 Section 1 58108 Section 2 Social Wkr IV SR-22 59118 Social Wkr V SR-24 Social Wkr V SR-24 59749 500198 500199 57390 8904 D/C Subst Abuse Cnslr IV SR-22 500033

Social Wkr IV SR-22 21292 59119 Social Wkr IV SR-22 59117 59727 58879 59080 59277 Social Wkr IV SR-22 Social Wkr IV SR-22 27613 57878 59312 58581 58111 58878 7030 59237 57279 57676 59393

Updated June 2018 FIFTH CIRCUIT APPROVED: ______Court & Operational Support Services Division Mark E. Recktenwald CHIEF JUSTICE

DATE: ______

Court & Operational Support Services Division

Court & Operational Support Est & Guardianship Section Svcs Branch Est & Guard Spclst SR-19 Ct Admin I SR24 4891 58827

Legal Documents Section Traffic Section Ct Support Services Ct Docs Spvr SR-21 Jud Clk IV SR-16 Section 4850 58883

Ct Docs Clk III SR-19 Jud Clk III SR-14 Cir Ct Clk II SR-20 58859 58560 500274 58120 22542 59250 4848 58110 58702 Jud Clk III SR-14 59670 58884 19193 Dist Ct Clk II SR-17 Jud Clk II SR-12 57126 58121 59467 57983 58861 58860 57558 26939 Jud Clk II SR-12 500277 Updated June 2018 (Reorg