PP 63/ 1/92 ISSN 01 26-6187

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Annotated bibliography of the geology of the and adjacent parts of Borneo

Emphasis on publications relevant to Petroleum Geology

Compiled and annotated by N.S.lIAILE

Edited by G.H. TEH

APRIL 1992 PERSATUAN GEOLOGI Geological Society of Malaysia

Majlis (Council) 1992/93 Presiden (President) Ahmad Said N aib Presiden (Vice-President) Khalid Ngah Setiausaha Kehormat (Hon. Secretary) Jimmy Khoo Kay Khean Penolong Setiausaha Kehormat (Asst. Hon. Secretary) Ahmad Tajuddin Ibrahim Bendahari Kehormat (Hon. Treasurer) Lee Chai Peng Pengarang Kehormat (Hon. Editor) Teh Guan Hoe Presiden Yang Dahulu (Immediate Past President) Hamzah Mohamad Juruodit Kerhormat (Honorary Auditor) Peter Chew Ahli-Ahli Majlis (Councillors) 1992-94 1992-93 Chin Lik Suan Abdul Ghani Mohd. Rafek Fateh Chand Mazlan Madon S. P. Sivam Nik Ramli Nik Hassan Tan Boon Kong Tan Teong Hing Jawatankuasa Kecil Pengarang (Editorial Subcommittee) Teh Guan Hoe (Pengerusi/Chairman) Lee Chai Peng Lili Sulastri Mazlan Madon NgTham Fatt Tan Teong Hing Lembaga Penasihat Pengarang (Editorial Advisory Board) Aw Peck Chin Dennis N.K Tan Senathi Rajah Azhar Hj. Hussin C.A. Foss Shu Yoon Khoon KR. Chakraborty N.S. Haile P.H. Stauffer Cheang Kok Keong C.S. Hutchison Tan Boon Kong Chong Foo Shin Ian Metcalfe H.D. Tjia Choo Mun Keong John Kuna Raj Yeap Cheng Hock Chu Leng Heng Leong Lap Sau Yin Ee Heng About the Society The Society was founded in 1967 with the aim of promoting the advancement of earth sciences particularly in Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region. The society has a membership of about 600 earth scientists interested in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian regions. The membership is worldwide in distribution. For enquiries about the Society, e.g. membership, annual dues and publication, please write to: The Hon. Secretary, GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA do Department of Geology, University of Malaya 59100 Kuala Lwnpur, Malaysia. Tel: 03-7577036 Fax: 603-7563900 PP 63/1/92 ISSN 0126-6187

~(U)[l~~~ ~~~~lf(u)~~ ~~~~~~~ Wl~~~~~~~ BULLETIN OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA

Annotated bibliography of the geology of the South China Sea and adjacent parts of Borneo

Emphasis on publications relevant to Petroleum Geology

Compiled and annotated by N .S. IIAIL:E

Edited by G.H. TEH

APRIL 1992 Published in April 1992

by the


This Special Publication is financed by the Society's Publication Fund

Printed by Art Printing Works Sdn. Bhd. 29 Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur Preface

This .Annotated Bibliography ofthe geology of the South China Sea and adjacent parts ofBomeo is an exhaustive list of4120 works. Like the Bibliography and index ofthe Geology ofWest Malaysia and Sirlgapore by D.J. Gobbett (GSM Bulletin No.2, 1968), this volume will pI:ove most useful for students, research workers and oil companies operating in the South China Sea area. .

The author, Neville S. Haile, was the first geologist to join the newly established Geological Survey Department, British Territories inBomeo in October 1949. At that time the territories of , Brunei and British North Bomeo were unmapped geologically and travel was by boat and on foot. Despite that, he took the challenge arid contributed immensely to unravelling the geology of East Malaysia and the offshore shelfareas before taking the post ofHead offiepartmentofGeology at the University ofMalaya in 1964, a post he held for 14 years. Even from the distance of Kuala Lumpur, he was able to re-evaluate the geology of Sarawak in tenns of the geosynclinal theory and later the plate tectonic theory.

In the mid 70s, he set up the first paleomagnetic laboratory in Southeast Asia and made pioneering measurements from the region.

After his retirement from the University of Malaya in 1978, he worked for short periods as a consultant to the UN in Bangkok and then joined Robertson Research in Wales.

In 1990, he took up his present position with the Petroleum Research Institute of Petronas, which has enabled him to renew his ties with Malaysia and in particular with the Society.


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Bukit Bt. hill Genting Gtg. pass Gunung G. mountain Jalan Jln. road, street Kampung Kg. village Kuala K. mouth of river Permatang Ptg. sandy ridge along coast Pulau P. island Sungai S. river Tanjung Tg. cape Teluk T. bay

Barat west Barat daya southwest Barat laut northwest Batu stone Batuan rock Besar large Kecil small Laut sea Selat strait Selatan south Semenanjung peninsula Tasik lake Tenggara southeast Timur east Timurlaut northeast Utara north Geol. Soc. Malaysia, Bulletin 30, April 1992; pp. 1-90 Annotated bibliography of the geology of the South China Sea and adjacent parts of Borneo

Emphasis on publications relevant to Petroleum Geology

Compiled and annotated by N. S. HAILE Petroleum Research Institute Petronas (Present address: Coppice Chase, Pwllycrochan Avenue, Colwyn Bay, Clwyd LL29 7BW, UK)


General The published literature on the South China Sea and Borneo is now extensive, as this list, which is not exhaustive, indicates. Primary geological data and interpretations have appeared in a number of local and international publications, and many of these are now not widely available. Possibly for this reason, a number of more recent papers quote secondary compilation sources rather than the original. I hope that this bibliography may assist in pointing authors to the primary sources. No bibliography as comprehensive as the one attempted here has been published. A good list of regional references is included by Hutchison (1989); Keij (1965c) gave a list of paleontological publications on northwest Borneo, and this was incorporated and much amplified by Hashimoto (1982). An annotated bibliography on the geomorphology of was given by Wilford (1986a). A comprehensive bibliography of geological investigations in West Kalimantan, including both published and some unpublished records, is being prepared (de Keyser, in preparation). The selection of publications to annotate was made partly on their availability to me. The aim of such annotation is to give the reader a general idea of the contents; space does not permit more than this. Lack of annotation does not imply that the publication is considered less important; many major primary sources of information, such as some of the Memoirs of the Geological Survey Department, are not annotated, as they are too wide ranging for annotation to be useful. 2 N. S.lIAILE

For Sarawak and Sabah (and, up to 1962, Brunei), the Annual Reports of the Geological Survey Department, British Territories in Borneo (to 1962) and of Malaysia (1963 onwards) contain a good deal of information in progress reports, much of which has subsequently appeared in Bulletins and Memoirs of the Survey. Short papers in addition to progress reports appeared in these annual reports, and many of the more significant ones are listed here. At some of the conferences of the Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society, printed papers in final form were distributed at the conference, but did not appear in the proceedings; it is doubtful whether such can be considered as published, but some of them are included here, as "Conference Papers". The compilation does not cover publications on: Land areas bordering the South China Sea other than Borneo; onshore Borneo that appear to have little bearing on petroleum geology (e.g. metallic mineral exploration); the Gulf of Thailand, Sulu Sea, and . Abstracts (with a few exceptions) have not been listed.

Unpublished information Sources of unpublished information that is available for reference and in some cases for copying, include: Open file reports at the Malaysian Geological Survey Department, Ipoh; and the Geological Research and Development Centre (GRDC), Bandung. In particular, a number of reports, data packages, and maps resulting from the joint Indonesia-Australia Geological Mapping Project (IAGMP), many of which are still in process of preparation, are available at GRDC; most of these are listed in, e.g., Pieters and Supriatna (1989), and Tate, (1991). Theses presented for fulfillment of degree requirements at the Malaysian Universities, notably: Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur; Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi; and Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. Theses presented to Indonesian Universities. Theses presented to overseas Universities.

Accessibility The increasing interest in the geology of Borneo, with many new universities both in the region and overseas involved in research, and a large number of oil companies, has resulted in increased demand for publications. For this reason, many of the Geological Survey publications are out of print. However, some can still be purchased from: Geological Survey Department, , Sarawak. BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 3

Geological Research and Development Centre, Jalan Ir. Juanda 450A, Bandung 40135, Java, Indonesia. Most of the publications of the Geological Society of Malaysia, and of the Indonesian Petroleum Association, are in print; those of the latter can be obtained from the Association at Jalan M. Ikhwan Ridwan Rais 3, (Menteng Raya 3), Jakarta 10110, Indonesia. Otherwise, recourse needs to be made to libraries, in particular those of the major Universities in the region and overseas, the Geological Survey offices, and the geological societies. The Indonesian Petroleum Association maintains a library at its offices in Jakarta. In the United Kingdom, apart from the major libraries of Universities and the Geological Society, the Royal Holloway and New Bedford New College of the University of London maintains a specialized collection on Southeast Asian geology.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My thanks are due to the Petroleum Research Institute, PETRONAS, for permission to publish this paper, to Dr Khalid Ngah, Deputy Director, Upstream, for his encouragment, and to Encik Mohamad Ali Hasan, Head, Department of Geology, University of Malaya, for access to the fine collections in the Klompe Reading Room. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS I would appreciate having any errors or omissions brought to my attention. 4 N. S. HAILE

A AADLAND, A J. & PHOA, R.S.K. 1981. Geothermal gradient map of Indonesia. Indonesian Petroleum. Association, Jakarta. Includes a tabulation of data from 41 wells in the South China Sea. Calculated gradients are in the range 24-64°Ckm-1•

ACHACBE, J., COURTILLOT, V., & BESSE, J.1983. Palaeomagnetic constraints on the late Cretaceous and Cenozoic tectonics of southeastern Asia. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 63, 123-136. ACHMAD, Z. & SAMUEL, L. 1984. Stratigraphy and depositional cycles in the N.E. Kalimantan Basin. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 13th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, I, 109-120. Groups stratigraphy of the NE Kaljmantan Basin into simplified lithologic units, reflecting five major depositional cycles. The stratigraphy relates, with some differences, to Baumann's Sundaland cycles (1982), but only poorly to Vail's global sea-level changes. Shows correlation of four sub-basins to Baumann's Sundaland Cycles. ADAMS, C.G. 1960. Eocene and Miocene foraminifera from limestone and shale in the middle Baram Valley, Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1959, 64-67. See Adams 1965 ADAMS, C.G. 1964. On the age and foraminiferal fauna of the Bukit Sarang Limestone, Sarawak, Malaysia. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1963, 156- 162. The limestone is about 20 miles SE ofTatau. Examination of 47 samples shows a rich algal flora and foraminiferal fauna of which Subterraniphyllum thomasi Elliott (alga) and Nummulites fichteli (Michelotti) prove a general Ted age; the absence of Lepidocyclina suggests an age not younger than Tc (lower Oligocene). The limestone is either in the lowest part of the Nyalau Formation or in the underlying Buan Formation. The limestone correlates well to the Tc part of the Melinau Limestone Formation. ADAMS, C. G. 1965. The foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Melinau Lime­ stone, Sarawak, and its importance in Tertiary Correlation. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 121,283-338. Definitive work on the geology and biostratigraphy of the Melinau Limestone, 'a pure shallow-water carbonate deposit in northeast Sarawak with a maximum thickness of about 7000 ft.' Age ranges from upper Eocene through Oligocene into lower Miocene. Dating based almost entirely on larger Foraminifera. New genus and three new species are described. ADAMS, C.G. 1970. A reconsideration of the East Indian Letter Classification of the Tertiary. Bull. British Museum (Natural History), 19,3,87-137. An important contribution to biostratigraphy based mainly larger foraminifers, especially from the Melinau Limestone of Sarawak and the Kinabatangan and Gomantong limestones, Sabah. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 5

ADAMS, C. G. & IIAAK, R. 1962. The stratigraphical succession in the Batu Gading Area, middle Baram, north Sarawak. In: Haile, N.S. The geology and mineral resources of the Suai-Baram area, north Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 13, 141-150. Documents the unconformity between lower Miocene and upper Eocene in the Melinau Limestone at Batu Gading and Bukit Besungai, with an account of the larger Foraminifera. ADAMS, C. G. & KmK, H. J. C. 1962. The Madai-Baturong Limestone Member of the Chert- Spilite Formation, North Borneo. Geol. Magazine, 44, 4. See Adams & Kirk 1963. ADAMS, C. G. & KmK, K. J. C. 1963. The Madai-Baturong Limestone Member of the Chert-Spilite Formation, North Borneo. Proc. British Borneo Geol. Conf. 1961, British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 4, 1963, 79-90. A shortened version of Adams & Kirk 1962. Pelagic Foraminifera in the marginal part of the limestone at Mount Madai indicate Upper Cretaceous, and the limestone is classified as a member of the Chert-Spilite Formation. ADAMS, C. G. & WILFORD, G. E. 1972. On the age and origin of the Keramit and Selidong Limestones. In: Malaysia Geol. Survey Geol. Papers, 1, 28-42. The Keramit limestone rests unconformably on Tab (Eocene) shales, and consists of a lower, Tb or Tcd (upper Eocene or lower-middle Oligocene) part, overlain with angular unconformity by a lower Te (upper Oligocene) part. The Selidong Limestone rests on Eocene or older Mulu Formation, and consists of a lower, Tab (Paleocene­ Eocene) part overlain by a lower Te (upper Oligocene) part; the junction is not seen. The limestones are shown to have been deposited in moderately deep water; the Selidong limestone at least is in part turbidite calcarenite, the lower Te (=upper Oligocene) part is probably the thickest calcareous turbidite succession reported. The paper corrects previous views that the limestones are biohermal and grew on topographical highs. ADAMS, C. G., BU'ITERLIN, J. & SAMANTA, B.K. 1986. Larger Foraminifera and events at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in the Indo-West Pacific Region. In: Pomerol, C. & Premoli-Silva, I. Terminal Eocene events. Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, 9, Elsevier, 237-252 Emphasizes the importance of the succession at Melinau, Sarawak, where there is an apparently continuous limestone succession from upper Eocene to Oligocene, the only place in the region where this is known. Elsewhere, an unconformity or hiatus occurs at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, and has been attributed to a global fall in sea level, possibly due to cooling of the oceans. ADE, W.C., MCMAHON, I.T., SUWARLAN, W. 1988. Seismic lithology (AVO) interpretation at the Badak and Nilam Fields in the Sanga Sanga Block, Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 17th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 323- 358. 6 N. S.lIAILE

AGOSTINELLI, E., MOHAMAD RAISUDDIN BIN AllMAn TAJUDDIN, ANrONIELLI, E. & MOHAMAD BIN MOHD Ams 1990. Miocene-Pliocene paleogeographic evolution of a tract of Sarawak offshore between and . Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 27, 117-135 Uses 5200 Jon of seismic lines and six wells to produce six maps showing the shift in time of the coastline from early early Miocene to late Miocene. Demonstrates a NE­ facing escarpment along the so-called 'West BaramlTi.njar line', persistent from at least as early as middle Miocene. The basin NE of the escarpment was filled mainly in late Miocene and Pliocene by the prograding paleo-Baram delta. AIGNER, T., DOYLE, M., LAWRENCE, D., EPTING, M. & VAN VLIET, A 1989. Quantitative modeling of carbonate platforms: some examples. In: Controls on carbonate platform and basin development, SEPM Special Publ. 44, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 27-37. Uses Luconia shoals as an example.

AKuANBATIN, H., ROSANDI, T., & SAMUEL, L. 1984. Depositional environment of the hydrocarbon bearing Tabul, Santul, and Tarakan Formations at Bunyu Island, NE Kalimantan. Proc.Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 13th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, May 1984, I, 425-442. Mainly confined to Bunyu. Gives detailed paleoenvironmental interpretation.

ALBRECHT, J. C. H. 1946. Contributions to the geology of the region between Soengai Klindjau and Soengai Belajan, northern Koetai, Borneo. Thesis, University Utrecht, Kemink en Zoon Nv, Utrecht, pp 115.

ALLEN, G. P., LAURIER, D. & THOUVENIN, J. 1976. Sediment distribution in the modern Mahakam Delta. Proc.Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 5th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1976, I, 159-178. The delta has formed under conditions of relatively high tides (up to 3 m), low wave energy (H5 '" 0.5 m), and large fluvial input. Three major environmental systems: delta plain; delta front; and prodelta. Fairly detailed descriptions and illustrations included. ALLEN, G. P., LAURIER, D. & THOUVENIN, J. 1979. Etude sedimentologique du delta de la Mahakam. Compagnie Franl;aise des Petroles, Paris, Notes et Memoires, 20, 1-155.

ALMOND, J., VINCENT, P. & WILLIAMS, L. R. 1990. The application of detailed reservoir geological studies in the D18 Field, Province, offshore Sarawak. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 27, 137-159. Study is based on integration of detailed reservoir and seismic data. Includes good paleoenvironmental scheme, and regional setting. Cycle II (lower Miocene) divided into three main reservoirs in middle unit. Four sandbody types: fluvial and distributary channel; crevasse; mouthbar; shallow marine. Fluvial and distributary channel sands are the best reservoirs, but usually only correlatable over 800-2500 feet laterally. Shallow marine sands occur over >22000 feet laterally; crevasse and mouthbar sands can be correlated over 3000-10000 feet. BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 7

ANDERSON, J. A. R. 1963. The flora of the peat swamp forests of Sarawak and Brunei, including a catalogue of all recorded species of flowering plants, ferns, and fern allies. Gardens Bulletin Singapore, 20, 131-228.

ANDERSON, J. A. R. 1964. The structure and development of the peat swamps of Sarawak and Brunei. Jour. Tropical Geography, 18, 7-16.

ANDERSON, J. A. R. 1976. Observations on the ecology of five peat-swamp forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan. In : Peat and podsol in Indonesia, Soil Research Inst. Bogor. Bull., 3.

ANDERSON, J. A. R. & MULLER, J. 1975. Palynological study of a Holocene peat and a Miocene coal deposit from NW Borneo. Review Palaeobotany and Palynology, 19,291-351. Holocene peat near Marudi (Sarawak) and a Miocene coal near Berakas (Brunei) studied by comparison to present-day swamp vegetation along the NW Bornean coast. 76 pollen and spore types recognized and diagnosed. Floristic composition of both is closely comparable.

ANDERSON, R.N. 1980. Update of heat flow in the East and Southeast Asian seas. In: Hayes, D.E. (ed.) The tectonic and geologic evolution of Southeast Asian seas and islands, Geophysical Monograph 23, Geophysical Union, Washington. Heatflow in the South China Sea is in good agreement with that predicted by the plate model for the age (17-32 Ma). Data do not support the idea of higher heat flow than in an ocean basin.

ANDERSON, R.N., LANGSETH, M.G. & HAYES, D.E. 1978. Heat flow, thermal conductivity, thermal gradient: a geophysical atlas of the east and southeast Asian seas. Geol. Soc. America Map and Chart Series MC-25.

ANDRIESSE, J.P. 1968. Note on the cause of black colouration of weathered carbonaceous shales in the Sadong Formation (52nd Mile Serian­ Simanggang Road). In: Collenette, P. & Goh, J. (eds.) Geological Papers 1967, Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region Bull. 9,51-53. Suggests the carbon may be sealed within alpha-quartz.

ARMrrAGE, J.B. & VIOTI'I, C. 1977. Stratigraphic nomenclature southern end Malay Basin. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 6th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, May 1977, I, 69-94. Describes groups and formations based on lithologic and electric log characteristics, with type sections in two wells.

AsCOPE 1981. Tertiary sedimentary basins of the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea: stratigraphy, structure, and hydrocarbon occurrences. ASEAN Council on Petroleum.

AUDLEY-CHARLES, M.G. 1976. Mesozoic evolution of the margins of Tethys in Indonesia and the Philippines. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 5th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1976, II, 25-52. 8 N. S. HArLE

AUDLEY-CHARLES, M.G. 1981. Geological history of the region of Wallace's line. In: Whitmore, T.C. (Ed.) Wallace's line and plate tectonics, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

AUDLEY-CHARLES, M. G. 1983. Reconstruction of eastern Gondwanaland. Nature, 306, 48-50.

AUDLEY-CHARLES, M. G. 1988. Evolution of the southern margin of Tethys (North Australia region) from early Permian to late Cretaceous. In: Audley­ Charles M.G. & Hallam, A. (eds.) ·Gondwana and Tethys, Geol. Soc. London Special Publ. 37,79-100. Reconstruction seems to imply 90 deg. CW rotation of Malaya since early Cretaceous [contrary to paleomag. evidence].

AWANG SAPAWI AWANG JAMIL, MONA LlZA ANwAR & SEAR, P.K. 1991. Geochemistry of selected crude oils from Sabah and Sarawak. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 28, 123-149. Analysis of 35 oils from 15 fields shows three types: i) normal, non-waxy crude oils; ii) waxy oils; iii) biodegraded oils. Biomarkers show derivation from terrigenous kerogen containing mixtures of different types of land plant material including resins, probably originally deposited in peat swamp environments. Source rock maturities ranged from 0.5% to at least 0.8% VRe.


BANDA, R. M. 1986. Progress report: geological mapping, Usun Apau Area, Sarawak. Malaysia Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1985, 326-321.

BANDA, R. M. 1987. Formation, Usun Apau area, Sarawak. Malaysia Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1987. 221-243. Introduces the Julau Formation (upper Paleocene to Eocene) for a chaotic assemblage of broken and tightly folded beds of shale, sandstone, and limestone, with minor and gabbro, north of the Usun Apau Plateau. Formerly mapped as Danau Formation and Lupar Formation. BANDA, R. M. 1989. Progress report: geological mapping, northern Usun Apau area, Sarawak. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Proc. 20th Geological Conference, 1989, Volume 1, Technical Papers, 146-155. Includes details offoraminifers of upper Paleocene, upper Eocene, and Oligocene age. BANDA, R.M. 1990. Progress report: geological mapping, Linau-Balui area, Sarawak. Malaysia Geol. Survey Proc. 21st Annual Geol. Con/. 1990, Volume 2, Technical Papers, 161-165. The Member of the Belaga Formation is overlain unconformably' by lower Pliocene to lower Pleistocene . A sample from the Kapit Member yielded Psammosphera placenta (Grzybowski), Eponides sp., and Globoratalia bullbrooki Bolli, indicating Eocene, and a deep marine environment. . BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 9

BASIR JASIN 1991. Some larger Foraminifera and Radiolaria from Telupid olistostrome, Sabah. WartaGeologi, 17,5,225-230. BASIR JASIN 1991. The Sabah Complex - a lithodemic unit (a new name for the Chert-Spilite Formation and its ultramafic association). Warta Geologi, 17,6,253-259. BASIR JASIN 1992. Significance of radiolarian cherts from the Chert-Spilite Formation, Telupid, Sabah. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull 31. The cherts contain more than 75% silica. The low content ofalumina and lime suggests that the chert was deposited far away from sources of terrigenous detritus and below the carbonate compensation depth.

BASIR JASIN & SANUDIN TAHIR 1978. Middle Miocene planktonic Foraminifera from the Libong Tuffite Formation, Sabah. Sains Malaysiana, 16(1), 1-5.

BASIR JASIN & SANUDIN TAHIR 1988. Barremian Radiolaria from Chert-Spilite Formation, Kudat, Sabah. Sains Malaysiana, 17, 1,67-79. Sixteen species were identified from three chert samples at Bukit Pengaraban. The Radiolaria were retrieved using the hydrofluoric acid technique. The assemblage indicates Lower Cretaceous, Barremian.

BASIR JASIN AND SELVARAJAH 1988. Paleogene planktonic Foraminifera from Pulau Kalampunian Kecil, Sabah. Sains Malaysiana, 17, 1,99-113. Sixteen species and subspecies were retrieved from three samples ofpelagic limestone. Two samples yielded upper Paleocene assemblages; the third species is indicative of lower Eocene (P8).

BASIR JASIN, SANUDIN TAHIR & SAMSUDDIN, A.R. 1985. Lower Cretaceous from the Chert-Spilite Formation, Kudat, Sabah. Warta Geologi 11 (4), 161- 162. BASIR JASIN, SANUDIN TAHIR & TATING, F.F. 1991. Late Eocene planktonic Foraminifera from the Crocker Formation, Pun Batu, Sabah. Warta Geologi, 17,4,187-191. BASIR JASIN, AHMAD JANTAN, LIM PENG SENG & MAT NIZA ADD. RAHMAN 1989. Some microfossils from the Wariu Formation [Sabah]. Sains Malaysiana, 18, 1, 57-75. Blocks of limestone in sheared shale in the Kota Belud District yielded upper Eocene larger foraminifera. Radiolaria from chert clasts are Upper Cretaceous, Campanian.

BATCHELOR, B. C. 1979. Discontinuously rising late Cenozoic eustatic sea­ levels, with special reference to Sundaland, Southeast Asia. Geol. en Mijinbouw, 58, 1, 1-20. BATOI, R. 1989. Progress report: geological mapping, Tanjung Mani-Roban area, Sarawak. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Proc. 20th Geological Conference 1989, Volume 1, Technical Papers, 139-145. Describes turbidites of the Layar and Kapit Members of the Belaga Formation south of the Batang Rajang. No fossils were found. The area has been affected by one period 10 N. S.lIAILE

of folding and faulting, in the late Eocene. A prominent NNW-SSE fault, the Lalang Fault Zone, was mapped. Minor antimony mineralization occurs related to the fault zone. BAUMANN, P. 1972. Les faunes de foraminiferes de l'Eocene superieur a la bas du Miocene dans Ie bassin de Pasir, sud de Kalimantan (Borneo). Revue de l'Institut Franc;ais du Petrole, Nov. - Dec. 817-829. BAUMANN, P. 1982. Depositional cycles on magmatic and back arcs: an example from western Indonesia. Revue de l'Institut Franc;ais du Petrole, 37, 1, 3- 17. Recognises five Cainozoic sedimentation cycles from middle Eocene to Pliocene on Sundaland, which correlate only poorly with Vail global sea level curves. BAYLISS, D.D. 1966. Foraminifera from the Bau Limestone Formation, Sarawak, Malaysia. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1965,173-195. BEATTLE, D. 1986. Gravity modelling of basic-ultrabasic association, , Sabah. Current Research Altlantic Provinces. Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology 22 (2),177. BEDDOEs, L.R. 1981. Hydrocarbon plays in Tertiary basins in Southeast Asia. In: Valencia, M.J. (ed.) The South China Sea: hydrocarbon potential and possibilities of joint development, Energy, 6,1141. BELLORINI, J.P., DEBERTRAND, T. & ISKANDAR UMAR, M. 1989. Handil Field [Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan] development example of geological reservoir study. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 18th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1989,1,91-106. The field is in Mio-Pliocene deltaic sediments of the Kutai Basin. The pay zone is between 200 and 3500 m subsea. More than 600 hydrocarbon accumulations have been identified. In the southern part of the field two reservoirs occur: the 20-3 reservoir, composed of two converging channel systems; and the underlying 20-35 reservoir, a bar-type sand body, which is in communication with the 20-3. BELTZ, E.W. 1944 Principal sedimentary basins in the East Indies. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 28, 1440-1454. BENARD, F., MULLER, C., LEroUZEY, J., RANGIN, C. & YAHIR, S. 1990. Evidence of multiphase deformation in the Rajang- (northern Borneo) from Landsat imagery interpretation: geodynamic implications. In: Angelier, J. (ed.) Geodynamic evolution of the eastern Eurasian margin, Tectonophysics, 183,321-339. In Sarawak, trends in the Rajang Group are mainly E-W, with a first event characterized by strong deformity and schistosity which affects Upper Cretaceous to lower Eocene rocks before deposition of the middle-upper Eocene. A second event is marked by the northward thrusting of Eocene rocks over the Oligocene. In the Crocker Range of Sabah, tight or even reversed N-S folds are deformed by large folds with associated thrusts; these later structures trend N-S in the Brunei area, N60E in BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 11

N Sabah, and bend towards N130E in the area. Late N60E-trending faults have affected this pattern in central Sabah. This paper has been extensively criticized by Hutchison and Haile (Tectonophysics, in press). BEN-AVRAHAM, Z.1978. The evolution of marginal basins and adjacent shelves in east and southeast Asia. Tectonophysics, 45, 267-288. Modifies the model put forward earlier (Ben-Avraham & Uyeda, 1973). Suggests a Cretaceous to middle Miocene opening of the South China Sea, followed by underthrusting of the sea floor along the Manila Trench.

BEN-AVRAHAM, Z. & EMERY, K.O. 1973. Structural framework of Sunda Shelf. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 57, 2323-2366. Early seismic, gravity, and magnetic surveys presented and interpreted. Five magnetic provinces, based on type of anomaly, are distinguished. BEN-AVRAHAM, Z. & UYEDA, S. 1973. The evolution of the China basin and Mesozoic paleogeography of Borneo. Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 18,365-376. Present and interpret magnetic anomaly maps and other geophysical data. Based on identification of several magnetic E-W stripes, suggest that Borneo was adjacent to mainland China and Hainan in early Mesozoic, and migrated S during the Jurassic opening of the South China Sea. Later the basin closed in two stages: the first in early Tertiary with subduction of the sea floor under the Palawan Trough as Borneo moved NW; the second associated with post-Eocene subduction along the Manila Trench.

BILLMAN, H. G. & KARTAADIPURA, L. W. 1974. Late Tertiary biostratigraphic zonation, Kutei Basin, offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 3rd Ann. Convention, 301-310. Much of offshore upper Tertiary section absent onshore. Most of the offshore upper Tertiary can only be assigned a generalized Tgh age.

BILLMAN, H. G. & SCRUTTON, M. E. 1976. Stratigraphic correlation in Indonesia. SEAPEX Program, Offshore SE Asia Conf. III, "Conference Paper 9", Singapore.

BISHOP, W. F. 1980. Structure, stratigraphy, and hydrocarbons offshore southern Kalimantan, Indonesia. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull., 64, 1,37-85.

BISWAS, B. 1973. Quaternary changes in sea-level in the South China Sea. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 6, 229-256. Lithologic changes combined with foraminiferal and spore- pollen data indicate shallowing of extensive areas of the S China Sea from middle neritic depths (50-100 m) to mangrove swamps, fresh-water marshes, and coal swamps or even lateritized surfaces, and vice versa.

BISWAS, B. 1976. Bathymetry of Holocene Foraminifera and Quaternary sea­ level changes on the Sunda Shelf. Jour. Foraminiferal Research, 6, 2, 107-133. Relates distribution of both benthonic and planktonic forms to water depth and . temperature. 12 N. S.lIAILE

BLADON, G.M., PIETERs, P.E. & SUPRIATNA, S.1989. Catalogue of isotopic ages commissioned by the Indonesia-Australia Geological Mapping Project for igneous and metamorphic rocks in Kalimantan. Geol. Res. and Development Centre, Indonesia, Prelim. Geol. report. BOL, A. J. & VAN BOORN, B. 1980. Structural styles in western Sabah offshore. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 12, 1-16. In S and central offshore Sabah, between Labuan and Mangalum, the main tectonic phase was in late Miocene, and led to the formation of steep, upthrusted, rather narrow anticlines separated by broad, deep, gently folded synclines. The anticlines ('ridges') may be related to basement-induced faulting. Further north, similar structural movements took place in the Pliocene between Mangalum and Kudat. BOTII:t, A. C. D. 1928a. Brief outline of the geology of the Rhio Archipelago and the Anambas Islands. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Indie 1925,2,97-100. BOTII:t, A. C. D. 1928b. Geologische verkenningen in den Riouw-Lingga Archipel en de eilanden der Poelau Toedjoeh (Anambas-en Natoena­ eilanden) [Geological investigations in the Riau-Lingga Archipelago and the Pulau Tujuh Islands (Anambas and Natuna)]. (Translation in Haile, 1970a). Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Indie 1925, 2, 101- 152. BOTTGER, O. 1895. Die fossilen Mollusken der Eocanformation auf der Insel Borneo [Fossil molluscs from the Eocene of Borneo]. Palaeontographica, Supp1.3, Lief. 1,9-95. BOWIN, C., Lu, R.S., LEE, C.S. & SCHOUTEN, H. 1978. Plate convergence and accretion in Taiwan-Luzon region. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 62,1645-1672. Present a two-episode seafloor-spreading model for the origin of the South China Sea basin, based on recognition of several N70E trending magnetic anomalies west of Luzon. First episode occurred in the Mesozoic, the second along a N70E spreading ridge during the middle Tertiary. BRAMI, J.B. & MUBAIYUDDIN, M.Y. 1984. History and geology of the Tinggi Field offshore Peninsular Malaysia. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Soc., Offshore S E Asia Conference, Session 4, Exploration Geology, "Conference Paper". BRIAIS, A., TAPPONNIER, P., & PAUTOT, G. 1989. Constraints of Sea Beam data on crustal fabrics and seafloor spreading in the South China Sea. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 95,307-320. Magnetic anomalies in eastern part trend = E-W, suggesting a N-S spreading. Sea Beam data show two major trends: scarps striking N50 E ± 15, interpreted as normal faults, and scarps striking N140 E ± 15 , interpreted as fracture zones; this implies NW-SE spreading, up to about 100 km N & S of the inferred spreading axis. Detailed survey NW of Scarborough Seamounts chain shows seamounts controlled by faulting in two orthogonal directions, N50 E & N140 E. BRONDIJK, J.F. 1963a A reclassification of a part of the Setap Shale Formation BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 13

as the Temburong Formation. British. Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1962,56-60. Defines the older, more indurated and strongly folded part of the Setap Shale as the Temburong Formation, a shaly age equivalent of the West Crocker, into which it passes laterally. BRONDIJK, J.F.I963b Sedimentation in Northwest Borneo. Proc. British Borneo Geol. Conf. 1961, British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 4, 19-30. Gives examples of paleoenvironmental studies from the Setap Shale ofKlias Peninsula and Belait Formation on N tip of Labuan Island. BRONDIJK, J.F. 1963c. Sedimentological investigations in North Borneo and northern Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1962, 61-69. Describes four types of sedimentary rocks related to depositional environments, from the Tertiary of SW Sabah: flysch-type; basin-flank; deep-water; and shallow marine. BRONDIJK, J.F. 1964. The Danau Formation in northwest Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1963,167-177. Proposes re-instating the Danau Formation as a natural association of serpentine, pillow lava, and radiolarite. BROUWER, B.A. 1925. The geology of the Netherlands East Indies. MacMillan, New York. BRUNO'lTE, D. & KITAYAMA, K. 1987. The relationship between vegetation and ultrabasic bedrock on the upper slopes of , Sabah. Warta Geologi, 14,4,153-165.

BURTON, C.K. & BIGNELL, J.D. 1969. Cretaceous-Tertiary events in Southeast Asia. Geol. Soc. America Bull., 80, 681.

C CAMPBELL, C.J. 1957. Geology of the Usun Apau area, east Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1956, 86-120. Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary sedimentary rocks are overlain in part by plateau­ forming Quaternary volcanic rocks. The first detailed geological account of this area.

CAMPBELL, K. & WAYAN ARnHANA, D. 1988. Barito Basin, south Kalimantan. In: Gibson-Robinson, C. (ed.) Guidebook, 17th Annual Convention Indonesian Petroleum Assoc. post-convention field trip, 28-31 October 1988,54 p. CARATINI, C. & TIsSOT, C. 1988. Paleogeographical evolution of the Mahakam Delta in Kalimantan, Indonesia, during the Quaternary and late Pliocene. Review Paleobotany & Palynology, 55, 217-228. CAREY, S.W. 1975. Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 4th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1975, 1,17-48. 14 N. S.lIAILE

Major megatectonics. Shows South China Sea as Borneo Rhombochasm. Gulf of Thailand and Malaya Basins as Siam Sphenochasm. CARSON, T.G. & PmPPS, G.G. 1982. The exploration applications of seismic DHI analysis in the Malay Basin. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Soc., Offshore S E Asia Conference, "Conference Paper". CARTWRIGHT, JA 1984. The coal resources of Brunei. In: James, D.M.D. (ed.) The geology and hydrocarbon resources ofNegara Brunei Darussalam. Muzium Brunei & Brunei Shell Petroleum Co. CATER, MoC. 1981. Stratigraphy of the offshore area south of Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 10th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 269- 284.

CHEN JU-CBIN 1972. Mineralogy and geochemistry of shelf sediments of the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait. United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull. 6, 99-115. In the S China Sea the investigation was confined to the northern part. CHEN S. G. 1987. Map of magnetic profiles. In: Atlas ofGeology and Geophysics of South China Sea, 1:2 000 000. Map publishing house of Guangdong Province, 1987. CHEN, S. P. 1986. Coal potential and exploration in Sarawak. GEOSEA V Proc. vo1.2, Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull., 20, 649-665. CHEN, S. P. & LIAw, K K 1984. Evaluation of coal resource at the proposed new Bintulu airport site (site 4). Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. forc~982, 232-246. Drilling shows several coal seams, the thickest about 0.5 m thick. CHEN, S. Z. & LI, Z. S. 1987. Major oil accumulation characteristics and exploration direction in the Pearl River Mouth Basin. Proc. Intemat. Symp. Petroleum Geol. N Continental ShelfArea S China Sea. Guangdong Petroleum Soc. & China Oil, Guangzhou, 12-23. Cmu SHAO-KANG & MOHD KHAm ADD KAnm 1990. The use of SAR imagery for hydrocarbon exploration in Sarawak. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 27, 161- 182. Shows a small scale radar mosaic of a large area of N central Sarawak, with structural interpretations. Four peaks in lineament directions are interpreted as follows: 0260 - principal stress direction and trend of normal faults;

3310 - right lateral shears; 0610 -left lateral shears;

2900 - trend of major fold axes and thrust of reverse faults. CHUNG, S.K, GAN, A.S., LEONG, KM. & Kuo, C.H. 1977. Ten years of petroleum exploration in Malaysia. United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull. 11, 111-142. BmLIoGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 15

CLARKE, M.C.G. (COMPILER) 1990a. Geological map ofIndonesia, 1:2500000. Overseas Development Administration, UK, and Department of Transmigration, Republic of Indonesia.

CLARKE, M.C.G. (COMPILER) 1990b. Mineral and energy resources map of Indonesia, 1:2500000. Overseas Development Administration, UK, and Department of Transmigration, Republic of Indonesia. CLENNELL, M.B. 1991. The origin and tectonic significances of melanges in eastern Sabah, Malaysia. In: Nichols, G. & Hall, R. Proc. Orogenesis in Action Conference, London, 1990. Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, vol 6, 407-429.

COLLENETl'E, P. 1954. The coal deposits and summary of the geology of the Silimpopon Area, District, Colony of North Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 2. vii, 74, 5 figures, 12 plates, 20 tables. Two coloured geological maps, 1:125000 and 1:15 000. The coal seams are in the upper part of an upper Eocene to Miocene sequence of shale and sandstone, which is folded along NW-SE axes. ~s sequence overlies Cretaceous or lower Eocene sandstone, shale, and radiolarian chert, associated with spilite and ultrabasic rocks. and gabbro intrusions are probably middle Eocene or lower Oligocene, and and dacite flows and sill probably Miocene.

COLLENETl'E, P.1958. The geology and mineral resources of the Jesselton and Kinabalu Area, North Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 6.

COLLENETl'E, P. 1963. The Miocene backdeep in North Borneo. Proc. British Borneo Geol. Conf. 1961. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 4, 47-60. Summarizes information on the Miocene formations of North Borneo, and prese~ model of regional relationships. .

COLLENETl'E, P. 1964. A short account of the geology and geological history of Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Proc. Royal Soc. B, 161, 56-63. Kinabalu moved diapirically upwards during and after the up- arching of the Crocker Range, resulting in the accumulation of much debris in the surrounding valleys, and particularly around the Pinosuk Plateau.

COLLENETl'E, P. 1965. The geology and mineral resources of the Pensiangan and upper Kinabatangan area, Sabah, Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Mem. 12.

COLLENETl'E, P. 1966. The Garinono Formation, Sabah, Malaysia. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1965,161-167. Describes bouldery mudstone deposits west of Sandakan. The origin may have been by gravity sliding of newly deposited upper Miocene rocks...... _ .

COLLENETl'E, P. (ed.) 1967. Geological Papers 1966. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 8. 16 N. S.lIAILE

COLLENETTE, P. & GoB, J. (EDS.) 1968. Geological Papers 1967. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 9.

COMBAZ, A. & DE MATBAREL, M. 1978. Organic sedimentation and genesis of petroleum in Mahakam Delta, Borneo. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull: 62,1684-1695. COSSEY, S.P.J., VALENTA, W.T., PAYOT, F., & Bo, T.T. 1982. Seismic hydrocarbon indicators in the South China Sea: geological and geophysical aspects. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 11th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1982, I, 335-355. Paper deals with part of Natuna Basin. COURTENEY, S., COCKCROFl', P., LoRENTZ, R. & Mrr,T.ER, R. 1989. Indonesia - oil and gas fields atlas. Volume 1: North Sumatra and Natuna. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc., Jakarta. Includes stratigraphic summary and data on Kepiting, KII, Udang, and Ikan Pari Fields. COx, L.R. 1948. Neogene Mollusca from the , British North Borneo. Schweitz. Palaeont. Abh. 66,4-70. See Nuttall, 1965, for a more complete account. CROOCKEWlT, J.B. 1855. Verslag van een reisje naar het landschap Palo en naar Tandjong Datoe [Report on a trip to the Palo region and to Tanjung Datu]. Tijdschrift Indische Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde van het Bataviaasch Genootschap. CROOCKEWlT, J.H. 1856. Verslag van een tocht naar den Goenoeng Klam en naar het Peneinggebergte, Westerafdeeling van Borneo [Report on a trip to Gunung Kelam and the the Peneing Mountains]. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Ned. Ind., XI, 276-294. CUMMINGS, R.B. 1962. Limestones of the Terbat Formation, West Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1961, 36-48.

D DAINES, S.R. 1985. Structural history of the W Natuna Basin and the tectonic evolution of the Sunda region. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 14th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1985,1,39-61. Two phases of deformation: 1) Crustal extension, 40-29 Ma, resulting in graben formation in the Boundary area. 2) Compression, resulting in two phases of inversion: left-lateral movement from 29 Ma, then quiescence 20-15 Ma, followed by right-lateral movement 15-10 Ma. Considers the deformation to result from collision of India with Eurasia, with subsequent extrusion and CW rotation of Indochina-Sunda. Hypothesizes a Malay­ Natuna-Lupar shear zone along a major Jurassic suture. BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 17

DALY, M.C., HooPER, B. G. D. & SMITH, D.G. 1987. Tertiary plate tectonics and basin evolution in Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 16th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1987,1,399-428. Presents a model as follows: 50 Ma, India collided; 42 Ma, Pacific Plate motion changed from NNW to WNW, relative to hot-spot frame of reference; 32 Ma, ocean-floor spreading began in S China Sea, with concomitant subduction in NW Kalimantan; c.25 Ma, northern passive margin of Australia came into contact with the Pacific Plate; 17 Ma, spreading ceased in SCS as Palawan collided with Kalimantan; c.5 Ma, Banda Arcs collided with N Australia. Considers Borneo has been fixed to Indochina since the Late Cretaceous, except for extreme SE (Meratus terrane). DALY, M.C., COOPER, M.A., WILSON, I., SMITH, D.G. & HoopER, B.G.D. 1991. Cenozoic plate tectonics and basin evolution in Indonesia. Marine & Petroleum Geol. 8, 1, 2-21. Basin evolution in SE Asia is not a result of major lateral extrusion in front of the Indian indenter. The major effect of this collision was clockwise rotation ofIndochina and extension of the Sumatran active margin. DAMUTH, J.E. 1980. Quaternary sedimentation processes in the South China Basin as revealed by echo-character mapping and piston-core studies. In: Hayes, D.E. (ed.) Tectonic and geologic evolution of Southeast Asian seas and islands American Geophys. Union, Geophys. Monograph 23, 89-104. Sedimentation predominantly by downslope processes (e.g. turbidity currents, and mass wasting, such as slumps, slides, and debris flows). DASH, B.P. 1970. Preliminary report on basic geologic and geophysical research in the eastern offshore area of West Malaysia. United Nations ECAFE, 7th Session CCOP Rept., 85-87. DASH, B.P. 1971. Preliminary report on seismic refraction survey southeast of N atuna Islands and seismic profiling in the vicinity of the N atuna and Tioman Islands on the Sunda Shelf. United Nations ECAFE, 8th Session CCOP Rept., 168-174. DASH, B.P., AHMED, K.O. & HUBRAL, P. 1970. Seismic investigations in the region of Poulo Panjang, offshore from southwestern Viet-Nam. United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull., 2, 37-54. DASH, B.P., SHEPSTONE, e.M., DAYAL, S., GURU, S., HAINs, B.L.A., KING, G.A. & RICKE'ITS, G.A. 1972. Seismic investigations on the northern part of the Sunda Shelf south and east of great Natuna Island. United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull., 6,179-196. DE Coo, J.C.M. & L\U, J.W.E. 1977. Recognition of reef facies in the Bau Limestone (Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous), Sarawak. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Geol. Papers, Volume 2,72-78. 18 N. S.HAILE

Distribution of coralgal and rudist-gastropod boundstones and related rock types enables the recognition of four reef facies: back reef; reef s.s.; fore reef; and inter-reef. The last is probably in part a time-equivalent of the Pedawan Shale: DE KEYsER, F. & NOYA-SINAY, J. (in preparation) History of the geoscientific investigations in West Kalimantan. In preparation for publication by the Australia Bureau of Mineral Resources. Concentrates on pre-World War II investigations, and includes a comprehensive bibliography,listing both published and unpublished records. DE KROES, J. 1925. Diamanten van Landak [The diamonds of Landak]. De Mijningenieur,185. DE MATHAREL, M., KLEIN, G., & OKI, T. 1976. Case history of the Bekapai Field. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 5th Ann. Conv., June 1976, I, 69-93. Deltaic Mio-Pliocene deposits. Regional seismic map. DE MATHAREL, M., LEHMANN, P. & OKI, T. 1980. Geology of the Bakapai Field. In Halbouty, M.T. (ed.) Giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1968-1978, American Assoc. Petroleum Geol. Mem. 30, 459-. Similar to the 1976 paper, but contains some additional maps. DESHENG, L. 1984. Geologic evolution of petroliferous basins on continental shelf of China. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull. 68,993-1003. DEWEY, J. F., CANDE, S., PITMAN, W. C. DI 1989. Tectonic evolution of the IndialEurasia collision zone. Eclogae Geol. Helv. 82, 3, 717-734. DHILLON, D.S. 1968a. Notes on the foraminiferal sediments from the Lupar and Labuk Estuaries, East Malaysia. Borneo Region, Malaysia Geol. Survey Bull. 9, 56-73. Foraminifera are sparse and entirely benthic. In the Lupar 46 species (30 genera) are >94% calcareous; m the Labuk 34 species (14 genera) are >94% arenaceous­ agglutinated. One genus and five species are described as new. DHILLoN, D.S. 1968b. A new genus of the Haplophragmoides from Malaysia. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, 19, 4, October 1968. DHoNAu, T.J. & HUTcmsoN, C.S. 1966. The Darvel Bay area, east Sabah, Malaysia. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 52, 2273-2274. DICKERSON, R.E. 1941. MolengraaffRiver: a drowned Pleistocene stream, and other Asian evidences bearing upon the lowering of sea level during the Ice Age. Univ. Pennsylvania Bicent. Conf., 13-30.

DORANI JOHARI 1981. Hydrological investigations in Kuala . Malaysian Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1980, 285- 293. DouST, H. 1981. Geology and exploration history, offshore Sarawak. In: BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 19

Halbout M.T. (Ed.) Giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1968-1978, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Mem. 30, 117-121. DoUVILLE, H. 1905. Les foraminifers dans Ie tertiaire de Borneo. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, 4 ser., 5, 435-464. DUAN, W. W. 1985. Tertiary calcareous nannofossil in the Pearl River Mouth Basin. Acta Paleont. Sinica, 24, 94-108. DuAN, W. W. & HUANG Y. Y. 1987. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Tertiary in the northern South China Sea. Proc. Internat. Symp. Petroleum Geol. N Continental Shelf Area S China Sea. Guangdong Petroleum Soc. & China Oil, Guangzhou, 292-316. Du BOIS E.L. 1980. Habitat of hydrocarbons of shelf basins in and adjacent to the South China Sea. In: Mason, J.F. (ed.) Petroleum geology in China. Pennwell Books, Tulsa, 219-232. Similar to Du Bois 1985. Du BOIS, E.L. 1981. Review of principal hydrocarbon-bearing basins of the South China Sea Area. Energy 6,11, 1113- 1140. Similar to Du Bois 1985. Du BOIS, E.L. 1985. Review of principal hydrocarbon-bearing basins around the South China Sea. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 18,167-209. Remains the only comprehensive summary of South China Sea petroleum-bearing basins. DuRAND, B. & OunIN, J.L. 1979. Exemple de migration des hydrocarbures dans une serie deltaique: La Delta de la Mahakam, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 10th World Petrol. Congr. Pan. Disc., 1-9, LeydenILondon. DuRAND, B., Hue, A.Y. & OunIN, J.L. 1987. Oil saturation and primary migration: observations in shales and coals from the Kerbau wells, Mahakam Delta, Indonesia. In: Doligez, B. (ed.) Migration of hydrocarbons in sedimentary basins, Collection Colloques et Seminaires 45, Edition Technip, Paris, 173-195.

E EARLE, W. 1845. On the physical structure and arrangement of the islands of the Indian Archipelago. Royal Geogr. Soc. London Jour., 15, 358-365. Draws attention to the extensive shelf seas around Southeast Asia, and north of Australia. EAsTON, N. WING 1889. De vulkanen Sitong en Pando ter Westerafdeeling van Borneo [The Sitong and Pando volcanoes in the Western Division of Borneo]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1, Wetenschap. Gedeelte, 24-51. 20 N. S. HAILE

EAsToN, N. WING 1899. Voorlopige mededeeling over de geologie van het stroomgebied der Kapoeas Rivier in the Westerafdeeling van Borneo [Preliminary report on the geology of the Kapuas Valley, Western Division of Borneo]. Tijdschr. Kon. Ned. Aard. Genootschap, Series 2, XVI, 245- 258.

EASTON, N. WING 1904. Geologie eines Teiles von West Borneo, nebsteiner kritischen Uebersicht des dortigen Erzverkommens [Geology of a part of West Borneo with a critical review of its ore occurrences]. Jaarb. Mijn. Ned. Ind. 1904, Wetensch. Ged., I-XV, 1-542 ..

EAsToN, N. WING 1914. Geologisch overzicht van West Borneo; verschil en overeenkomst met Centraal- en Zuidoost- Borneo [Geological overview of West Borneo; differences and similarities with Central and Southeast Borneo]. Geol.-Mijbouwkundig Genootschap van Ned. en Kolonieen, Geol. Sectie, 1, 179-189.

EASTON, N. WING 1917a. Had Borneo vroeger een woestijnklimaat? [Did Borneo have a desert climate in the past?]. Tijdschrift Kon. Ned. Aardr. Genootschap, 7, 16-22.

EAsToN, N. WING 1917b. Nogmaals "Bet Tertiare Indische woestijn klimaat" [More on "the Indonesian Tertiary desert climate"]. Tijdschrift Kon. Ned. Aardr. Genootschap, 2nd Series, Part 34, 853-854.

EAsTON, N. WING 1921. Het ontstaan van den Maleischen Archipel, bezien in het licht van Wegener's hypothesen [Genesis of the Malay Archipelago in the light of Wegener's hypothesis]. Tijdschrift Kon. Ned. Aardr. Genootschap, 2nd Series, Part 38,484-512.

ECKERT, H. R. 1970. Planktonic foraminifera and time-stratigraphy in well Ampa-2. Brunei Museum Jour. 2, 1, 320-326.

EDWARDS, P. B. 1987. Structure evolution of the Wenchang B depression area of the western Pearl River Motuh Basin. Proc. Internat. Symp. Petroleum Geol. N Continental ShelfArea S China Sea. Guangdong Petroleum Soc. & China Oil, Guangzhou. ELLENoR, D. W. 1984. The oil and gas resources of Brunei. Exploration history. Coastal and offshore oil and gas fields. In: James, D.M.D. (ed.) The geology and hydrocarbon resources of Negara Brunei Darussalam, Muzium Brunei & Brunei Shell Petroleum Co., 103-134. The two small onshore oilfields are described by James in the same book (James 1984c). EMERY, K. O. 1969a. Distribution pattern of sediments on the continental shelves of western Indonesia. Nature, 206, 814-816. BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 21

EMERY, K. O. ·1969b. Distribution pattern of sediments on the continental shelves of western Indonesia. United Nations / ECAFE / CCOP, Technical Bulletin, 2, 79-82.

EMERY K. O. & BEN-AVRAHAM, Z. 1972. Structure and stratigraphy of China basin. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 56, 839-859. (Reprinted in: United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull. 6, 1972, 118-140.) The authors use the term China basin for the more usual South China Sea Basin. Results of seismic profiling show that: 1) a~ustic basement in the southern part may be a continuation of igneous and metamorphic rocks that were peneplaned during Late Cretaceous- early Cenozoic; 2) more irregular basement in the northern part may be oceanic basement; 3) pre- deformational sediment, probably Paleogene; post­ deformational sediment, largely turbidites, deposited in deeper areas, probably Neogene to present. During deformation a series of NE-trending ridges was folded along the floor of the China basin. EMERY, K.O. & Nmm, H. 1963. Sediments of the Gulf of Thailand and adjacent continental shelf. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 74,541-554.

ENJOP, S. 1989. Progress report: geological mapping, -Pakan area, Sarawak. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Proc. 20th Geological Conference 1989, Volume 1, Technical Papers, 156-161. Describes turbidites of the Layar and Kapit Members of the Belaga Formation south of the Batang Rajang. All beds of the Layar Member dip steeply SW, and some are overturned, suggesting isoclinal folding. Beds in the Kapit Member dip steeply either SW or NE. The boundary between the two members is interpreted as a NW-SE fault. EPTING, M. 1980. Sedimentology of Miocene carbonate buildups, Central Luco- nias, offshore Sarawak. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 12, 17-30. Some 200 Miocene carbonate buildups have been seismically mapped. Fresh-water leaching during stages of emergence, and dolomitization, resulted in good reservoir characteristics. ESENWEIN, P. 1932. Petrologische beschouwingen omtrent de korund-diasproor­ rots rolstenen uit de diamantstreken van Westen Zuidoost Borneo. [Petrological discussion regarding the corundum-diaspore pebbles from the diamondiferous belts of West and Southeast Borneo]. Dienst. Mijnbouw Ned.-Indie, Wetenschap. Meded. 22. EvERWIJN, R. 1854. Voorloopig Onderzoek naar Kalen in de Landschappen Salimbaw, Djongkong en Boenoet, in de Residentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo [Preliminary investigations of coals in the Saimbau, Jongkong, and Bunut areas, in the Western Division of Borneo]. Nat. Tijdschr. v. Ned.-Indie, 7,379-. EvERWIJN, R. 1859. Westerafdeeling van Borneo [The Western Division of Borneo]. Nat. Tijdschr. v. Ned.-Indie, 1858-59,284-. . EvERWIJN, R. 1879. Overzicht van de mijnbouwkundige onder-zoekingen, welke tot nu toe door den Dienst van het Mijnweszen in de Wester- 22 N. S.lIAILE

Mdeeling van Borneo werden verricht (met eene overzichtskaart) [Overview of the mining investigations which have been made to date by the Mining Department in the Western Division of Borneo (with a general map). Jaarb. Mijnwesen Ned. Indil!, 1, 3-87. EYLEs, D. R. & MAy, J. A. 1984. Porosity mapping using seismic interval velocities, Natuna L-structure. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 13th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, May 1984, I, 301-316 .. Uses seismic interval velocities to produce a porosity map of the carbonate gas reservoir in the L- structure. Good illustrations, including a Tertiary isochor map.

F FELIx, J. 1921. Fossi1e Anthozoen van Borneo. In: Palaeontologie von Timor, Lief.9, Abhandl. 15, Stuttgart. FENG, Z. Q. & ZHENG, W. J. 1982. Tectonic evolution of Zhujiangkou (Pearl River Mouth) Basin and origin of South China Sea. Acta Geol. Sinica, 3, 212-222 (in Chinese). FITcH, F.B. 1954. Tertiary to Recent sea-level changes and their effect on British Borneo physiography. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1953, 20-37. Lists numerous Miocene or Pliocene terraces, and relates these to falls in sea level. FrrcH, F.B. 1955. The geology and mineral resources of part of the Segama Valley and Darvel Bay Area, Colony of North Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 4. FITcH, F.B. 1956. Problems of stratigraphy and geotectonics in North Borneo. Proc. 8th Pacific Science Congress, 2, 537-553. FrrcH, F .B. 1958. The geology and mineral resources of the Sandakan Area and parts of the Kinabatangan and Labuk Valleys, North Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 9. FrrcH, F .B. 1963. Possible role of continental core movement in the geological evolution of British Borneo. In: Fitch, F.H. (ed.) Proc. Brit. Borneo Geol. Conf. 1961. The sedimentary and structural history of British Borneo by directed pressures from the NW appears to be improbable. Movement of the continental core by mantle currents seems a more likely explanation. FONTAINE, B. & MAlNGUY, M. 1981. Pre-Tertiary hydrocarbon potential of the South China Sea. Energy, 6,1165.

FONTAINE, B., RoDZIAH DAUD & UPDESH SINGH 1990. A Triassic 'reefal' limestone in the basement of the Malay Basin, South China Sea: regional BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 23

implications. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 27, 1-25. Describes Triassic limestone from a core and cuttings, in well Sotong B-1 offshore Trengganu. Sponges indicate a middle Upper Triassic age. The limestone is overlain by 555 feet of dark red to purple sandy shale with green mottling, which is in turn overlain by Oligocene shale and sandstone (lower delta plain).

FONTAINE, H., DAVID, P., PABDEDE, R., & SUWARNA, N. 1983. Marine Jurassic in Southeast Asia. United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull. 16, 3-30. Includes a review of marine Jurassic in northwest Borneo.

FOSTER, R.J. 1964. Echinoidea collected on the Dampier expedition. In: Haile, N.S., Keij, A.J. & Pimm, A.C. Preliminary report on the oceanography cruise of HMS Dampier in the South China Sea. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1963,119-145.

FRANCHINO, A. & LmCHTI, P. 1983. Geological notes on the stratigraphy of the island of Natuna, Indonesia. Mem. Scienze Geologiche (Padova), 36, 173- 195. A comprehensive map of the island, and correlation to offshore wells. Defines the Natuna Sandstone Formation, which is shown to be Oligocene to lower Miocene on palynological evidence.

FRANCHINO, A. & VIO'ITI, C. 1986. Stratigraphic notes on middle Miocene­ Recent sequence in East Natuna Basin (Indonesia). Mem. Scienze Geologiche, (Padova) 38,111-127. Proposes renaming the Terumbu limestone, as Ranai Group, divided into Senua, Panda, and Sahi Formations. Includes well type sections, with paleontological data. F'RI.rr.ING, H. 1920. Bijdrage tot de geologie van het landschap Kotawaringin en de afdeeling Ketapang resp. gelegen in de Residenties Zuider-, Ooster­ , en Westerafdeeling van Borneo, met gebruikmaking van gegevens verzameld door Loth en Adam [Contributions to the geology of the Kotawaringin and Ketapangregions in South, East, and West Kalimantan, using data from Loth and Adam]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie 1918, Verhandelingen, Part 1,210-223.

FuxAsAwA, H., RUSTAM SUNARYO & NAPITUPULU, P.H. 1987. Hydrocarbon generation in the Sangatta area, Kutei basin [East Kalimantan, Indonesia]. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 16th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1987, 1, 123-139. Area between Mahakam Delta and Mangkalihat Peninsula. Oil window (Ro >0.5) at 800 m. Oils have been derived from about 500 m deeper than the reservoir. Migration during late Miocene to Pliocene. FvLLER, M., ANDERSON, C.A., IIAsroN, R., LIN JIN-LU, RICHTER, B., 8cBMmTKE, E., & ALMAsco, J. (in preparation) Tertiary paleomagnetism of regions around the South China Sea. Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, in preparation. Confirms a history of Tertiary counter-clockwise rotation with respect to stable 24 N. S. HAILE

Eurasia for Sarawak, Sabah, and West Kalimantan. Some results from from central Kalimantan show similar CCW rotations but others show no rotation. FuLTHORPE, C.S. & SCHLANGER, S.O. 1989. Paleo-oceanographic and tectonic settings of early Miocene reefs and associated carbonates of offshore South East Asia. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 71, 281-289. Widespread reefs formed in SE Asia during late Oligocene to early middle Miocene. Generally rising eustatic sea level allowed the accumulation of thick reefal units. An episode of enhanced organic carbon burial is indicated by a positive 013 excursion from 13.5 to 17.5 Ma. Tectonic and paleo- oceanographic factors favoured deposition of source rocks and reef reservoirs in latest early to early middle Miocene. A reconstruction of paleogeography shows 90° CCW rotation of Borneo from mid­ Cretaceous.


GAGE, M. & WING, R.S. 1980. Southeast Asian basin types versus oil opportunities. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 9th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 123-147. Suggests CCW rotation of Borneo to accomodate new oceanic crust in Makassar Straits (fig. 9A).

GASAH LINGKAI 1983. Geology of the Nanga Lemai Area, Central Sarawak [Progress report]. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1981,289-293. A progress report that describes the geology of the Arip-Pelagau Anticline area, which includes the Arip Volcanics and the problematic Formation. Much of the core of the anticline is mapped as Belaga Formation, Bawang Member.

GASAH LINGKAI 1985. Summary of the geology of the Nanga Lemai Area, Central Sarawak [Progress report]. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1983,289-293. In his map the author shows the whole of the core of the Arip-Pelagau Anticline, much of which was previously mapped as Belaga Formation, Bawang Member, as Tatau Formation.

GASTALDO, R. A. 1989. Sediment facies and distribution of phytomacrodetritus in the Recent Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Institut Franr;ais du Petrole, Rapport ref. 37025, Geologie 29418, Project 4189, Etude B4189021.

GASTALDO, R. A., ALLEN, G. P. & Huc, A. Y. (in preparation) Detrital peat formation in the tropical Mahakam River Delta, Kalimantan, eastern Borneo: formation, plant composition, and geochemistry. Geol. Soc. America Special Paper. GATINSKY, Y. G. 1986. Geodynamics of Southeast Asia in relation to the evolution of ocean basins. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 55, 127-144. BmLIoGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 25

GATINSKY, Y.G. & HUTCmsoN, C.S. 1987. Cathaysia, Gondwanaland, and the Paleotethys in the evolution of continental Southeast Asia. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 20, 179-199. Precambrian continental blocks overlain by upper Proterozoic to Paleozoic platform rocks alI appear to have rifted from the Australian part of Gondwana. Between the blocks lie narrow inteI¥'ely folded Phanerozoic mobile belts of pelagic- turbidite flysch sequences which shalIowed as the oceans narrowed by subduction. This resulted in island arcs within the oceans and cordilleran -plutonic arcs along the basin margins. Palinspastic Phanerozoic maps are presented. GATlNSKY, Y.G., HUTCmsoN, C.S., NGUYEN, MINH, N.N., & Tm, T.V. 1984. Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia. 27th International Geol. Congress Rept. 5, Colloquium 5, Tectonics of Asia, 225-240.

GEIGER, M.E. 1964. Paleogeography of the late Cretaceous to Eocene geosyncline. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1963, 179-188. Geosynclinal conditions started in late Cretaceous on the northern flank of a wedge­ shaped extension of the continental core. The initial downwarp was accompanied by ophiolitic magmatism along both slopes. Deposition of argillaceous rocks was followed by turbiditic sandstones. Along the northern rim another shallow zone with reefs separated the geosyncline from the open sea. The main tectonism was in the late Eocene, and was centred in the trough, with less effect in the shallow flanking zones and hardly any on the stable areas.

GEINITZ, H.B. 1883. Ueber Kreidepetrefacten von West Borneo [On Cretaceous fossils from West Borneol. Zeits. der Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 35. GERARD, J. & OESTERLE, H. 1973. Facies study of the offshore Mahakam area. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 2nd Ann. Conv., Jakarta June 1973. Probably the first account of the geology of the delta. GERTH, H. 1923. Die Anthozoenfauna des Jungtertiars von Borneo. Samml. Geol. Reichmuseum Leiden, 1,10,3,37- 136. GEYLER, H.T. 1879. Ueber fossile Pflantzen von Borneo. Jaarb. Mijnw. in Ned. Oost Indie, 2, 16-110. GEYLER, H.T. 1887. Uber Fossile Pflanzen von Labuan [Fossil plants of Labuan}. Vega-Expedit. Vetenskapliga Arbeten, 457-507. GISOLF, F.1926. Over Leboersteenen [About leburstonesl. De Mijningenieur, 110. GoB, LOVELESS, & HEACOCK 1982. Exploration, development, and reservoir engineering studies for the Tapis Field, offshore Peninsular Malaysia. Proc. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration (SEAPEX) Conference, 1982. GoWER, R.J.W. 1990. Early Tertiary plate reconstructions for the South China Sea region: constraints from northwest Borneo. Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, 4, 1, 29- 35. 26 N. S. HAILE

Initiation of a major clastic depocentre in the Baram-Belait area during the early Miocene (Brondijk 1963) indicates a major change in sedimentation and deformational style at the northwest Borneo continental margin. Suggests that Borneo and Malaya were separate microplates during the early Tertiary. GRABAU, A. W. 1924. Stratigraphy of China. Geol. Survey of China, Peking. Reprint 1970, Hoover Books, Taipei. Postulated that an ancient borderland, Cathaysia, occupied the present China Basin. Two major geosynclines bordered this in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous: the East Cathaysian on the N, and the Bornean on the S. GRANT, C.R. 1984. Geographical overview [of Brunei]. In: James, D.M.D. (ed.) The geology and hydrocarbon resources ofNegara Brunei Darussalam Muzium Brunei & Brunei Shell Petroleum Co., 11-33. GRUBB, P.L.C. 1968. Transformation phenomena in kaolinitic clay from Mile 75, Kuching-Simanggang Road, West Sarawak. In: Collenette, P. & Goh, J. (eds.) Geological Papers 1967. Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region Bull. 9, 54-55. White clay turns brown on exposure, apparently due to oxidation of siderite to amorphous goethite. GRUBB, P.L.C. 1972. Mineralogy and genesis of kaolinitic clay deposits in the Balai Ringin-Abok area, [west] Sarawak. Malaysia Geological Survey, Geological Papers, Volume 1,46-63. Heavy mineral residues indicate derivation by in situ weathering of Sadong Formation sediments and volcanic rocks. Clay mineralogy indicates formation under semi­ estuarine swampy conditions in a humid climate. GUA, L. S. & LIN, X. Z. 1982. Review of organic characteristics and oil origin of well no. 5 in the Pearl River Mouth Basin in South China Sea. Marine Geol. Res., 2, 12-24 (in Chinese). GUEST, J. W. & DECKERS, F. 1982. The role of pressure, dipmeter, and seismic data in planning the development of the structurally complex South Furious Field. Proc. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration (SEAPEX) Conference, 1982 GWINN, J. W., IlELMIG, H. M. & WITOELAR KARTAADIPOETRA, L. 1974. Geology of the Badak Field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc.3rd Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1974 .. Detailed middle-upper Miocene stratigraphy.


IIAAK, R. & POSTVMA, J.A. 1975. The relation between the tropical planktonic foraminiferal zonation and the Tertiary Far East Letter Classification. Geol. en Mijnbouw, 54 (3-4) 195-198. BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 27

Presents a chart showing correlation between Series, European Stages, time, planktonic foraminiferal zones, letter classification, and datum planes from planktonic foraminiferal tropical species and larger Far Eastern Foraminifera. HAGEMAN, H. 1987. Paleobathymetric changes in NW Sarawak during the Oligocene to Pliocene. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 21, 91-102. From late Oligocene to early Miocene, mainly tectonic controls; middle Miocene to Pliocene, mainly eustatic. IIAILE, N.S.19M. The geology and mineral resources of the Strap and Sadong Valleys, West Sarawak, including the Klingkang Range coal. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem.1. xii, 150, 17 figures, 17 tables, 36 plates, coloured geological map, 1:125 000. Describes coal seams within the Tertiary estuarine Silantek Beds, overlain by massive continental Plateau Sandstone, on the northern rim of the Ketungau Syncline. These overlie Upper Triassic sedimentary and volcanic rocks, and Mesozoic granite. The Terbat Formation is introduced for Carbo-Permian limestone, and the Sebangan Hornstone Formation for pre- Tertiary siliceous rocks. Abundant Tertiary stocks and intrusive sheets are described. IIAILE, N.S. (ed.) 1955a. Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2. IIAILE, N.S. 1955b. An outline of the Dutch accounts and a review of related recent work. In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) 1955 Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2, 1-6. IIAILE, N.S. 1957. The geology and mineral resources of the Lupar and Saribas Valleys, West Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 7. xii, 123, 11 figures, 33 plates, 19 tables, coloured geological map 1:125 000. The oldest rocks are the Cretaceous to lower Eocene Rajang Group, including slaty rocks and sandstone, and radiolarian chert of the former Danau Formation. These are overlain unconformably by Tertiary estuarine and continental beds (Kantu Beds and Plateau Sandstone). Basic lavas and intrusions, probably Cretaceous, and acid to basic Tertiary intrusions, are described. Part of the area was subsequently remapped on a larger scale (1:50 000) and the stratigraphy revised by Tan (1982). IIAILE, N.S. 1960. Mesozoic age indications in the supposed Palaeozoic Crystalline Schists, Sejningkat Formation, and Serabang Formation, West Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1959, 45-58. IIAILE, N.S. 1961. Notes on Mesozoic orogeny in west Borneo. Proc. 9th Pacific Science Congress, 1957,12,117-120. Identifies Early Triassic and Early Jurassic folding movements. The upper Mesozoic strata north of the Lupar Valley are in a geosynclinal facies, whereas those in West Sarawak and adjacent parts of Kalimantan are in shelf facies. IIAILE, N.S.1962. The geology and mineral resources of the Suai-Baram area, north Sarawak. Brit. Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 13. xii, 176, 19 figures, 22 tables, 32 plates, coloured geological map, 1:250 000. 28 N. S. HAILE

The area is covered by a great thickness of Cainozoic, and some Upper Cretaceous sediments, classified into 12 formations. The succession passes up from bathyal subgreywacke and shale to shallow marine and coastal plain deposits, with locally thick shallow water limestones. Igneous rocks are rare; only some Palaeocene tuffite and volcanic breccia, and some Pliocene or younger tuff and olivine basalt dykes are known. Economic deposits of petroleum have not yet been found. A detailed account of the stratigraphy, foraminiferida, and algae of the Melinau Limestone at Batu Gading is included (Adams & Haak, 1962). BAILE, N. S. 1963. The Cretaceous-Cenozoic Northwest Borneo Geosyncline. Proc. British Borneo Geol. Conf. 1961, British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 4,1-18. Introduces the Rajang, Baram, Plateau, and Brunei Groups, as a classification for more than 30 formations in NW Borneo. BAILE, N.S. 1969a. Geosynclinal theory and the organisational pattern of the Northwest Borneo Geosyncline. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 124, 171- 195. Summarizes the stratigraphy ofSarawak north of the Lupar Valley, and of western Sabah, and classifies the 30 defined formations into four groups. Presents a model in terms of geosynclinal theory. BAILE, N.S. 1969b. Quaternary deposits and geomorphology of the Sunda Shelf off Malaysian shores. In: Geologie et Morphologie Sous-Marines, Union International Pour L'Etude du Quaternaire, Proc. VIIIth Congress INQUA, Paris, 161-164. Includes a map reconstructing the course of Pleistocene rivers on the north Sunda Shelf. BAILE, N.S. 1970a. Notes on the geology of the Tambelan, Anambas, and Bunguran (Natuna) Islands, Sunda Shelf, Indonesia, including radiometric age determinations. United Nations ECAFE / CCOP Technical Bulletin 3,Bangkok, 55-90. Besides a general account of the geology, includes radiometric dates for granite from Tambelan (84±2 Ma) and Bunguran (73±2 Ma), and radiocarbon dates indicating a sea level at least 0.3 m higher than present at about 5300 years BP. BAILE, N.S. 1970b. Radiocarbon dates of Holocene emergence and submergence in the Tambelan and Bunguran Islands, Sunda Shelf, Indonesia. Geol Soc. Malaysia Bull. 3, 135-137. Gives evidence of sealevels at least 0.4 m higher at 5270 years ago,at Tambelan, and 0.7 m lower at 6260 years ago at Bunguran. BAILE, N.S. 1971. Quaternary shorelines in West Malaysia and adjacent parts of the Sunda Shelf. Quaternaria, 15, Rome, 333-343. Concludes that there is evidence for a Holocene submergence of 6 m, but no other evidence for Quaternary submergence. Quaternary emergence of the Sunda Shelf of over 100 m is well documented. BAILE, N.S. 1973a. The recognition of former subduction zones in Southeast BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 29

Asia. In: Tarling D.H. & Runcorn, S.K. (eds.) Implications of Continental Drift to the Earth Sciences, Academic Press, London, 885-892. 1IAn.E, N.S. 1973b. The geomorphology and geology of the northern part of the Sunda Shelf and its place in the Sunda Mountain System. Pacific Geology, VI, 73-89, Tokyo. Erosional features include Pleistocene submerged channels of the North Sunda River, and its tributaries the Proto-Kapuas and Proto-Lupar. The solid geology of the shelf and the configuration of the Malaya and Sarawak Tertiary basins is described. The 'Lupar Line' and 'Serabang Line' may represent former subduction zones. 1IAn.E, N.S. 1973c. West Borneo microplate younger than supposed? Nature Physical Science 242, 28. Palynological evidence of Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in part of the Ketapang Complex. Matan District, West Kalimantan. 1IAn.E, N.S. 1974. Borneo. In: A M. Spencer (ed.) Mesozoic-Cenozoic orogenic belts. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ. 333-347. 1IAn.E, N.S. 1979. Rotation of the Borneo microplate completed by Miocene; paleomagnetic evidence. Warta Geologi 5,19- 22. ILuLE, N.S. 1981. Paleomagnetism in southeast and east Asia. In: Pa.1eoreconstructions of the continents. Geodynamics ser.2, 129-135. 1IAn.E, N.S. & BIGNELL, J.D. 1971. Late Cretaceous age based on K-Ar dates of granitic rocks from the Tambelan and Bunguran Islands, Sunda Shelf, Indonesia. Geol. Mijnbouw 50, 687-690. Present KlAr age estimates of 84±2 Ma for Ranai granite, on the (Bunguran) Natuna Island, and 73±2 Ma for granite from Pulau Benua, Tambelan. Rb-Sr determinations are not conclusive, but are consonant with a Late Cretaceous age. 1IAn.E, N. S. & BRIDEN, J. 1984. Past and future paleomagnetic research in southeast and east Asia. In: Proc. CCOP workshop on paleomagnetic research in southeast and east Asia (Kuala Lumpur, 1-5 March 1982), United Nations, ESCAP / CCOP, Technical Publication 13, Bangkok, 25-46. Reviews all paleomagnetic data that meet minimum criteria, and presents these on maps and as a table.

1IAn.E, N. S. & WONG, N. P. Y. 1965. The geology and mineral resources of Dent Peninsula, Sabah. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Mem. 16. xii, 199, 15 figures, 16 tables, 26 plates, two coloured maps, 1:250 000. Appendix on Plio-Pleistocene fossil molluscs by C.P.Nuttal. The oldest rocks are pre-Tertiary Crystalline Basement and Upper Cretaceous - ?Eocene Chert Spilite Formation, and ?Palaeogene Kulapis Formation. These are overlain by a thick sequence of upper Oligocene to Quaternary clastic sediments, limestone, and volcanic rocks, which have been divided into nine formations. The structure is complex, with the main trend ESE. 30 N. S. HAILE

HAILE, N. S., RELJ, A. J. & PIMM, A. C. 1964. Preliminary report on the oceanography cruise of HMS Dampier in the South China Sea. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1963, 119-145. One of the first accounts of systematic sampling of seabed sediments on the shelf and deep part of the South China Sea, including visits to Spratly and other islands. Submarine topography includes the first map of the Proto-Lupar Submarine Channels, 60-80 fathoms (c.150 m) deep in a part of the shelf that is about 40 fathoms (75 m) deep. HAILE, N. S., MCELHINNY, M. W., & McDOUGALL, I. 1977. Palaeomagnetic data and radiometric ages from the Cretaceous of West Kalimantan (Borneo), and their significance in interpreting regional structure. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 133, 133-144. KlAr ages from 16 samples of hornblende and biotite from mainly granitic rocks indicate a complex history of magmatism and cooling from Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous (112-75 Ma). Paleomagnetic measurements indicate that since the middle Cretaceous West Kalimantan has rotated CCW about 50°.

IlAMrr..TON, W. 1973. Tectonics of the Indonesian region. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 6, 3-10. An early plate tectonic interpretation of the history of SE Asia.

IlAMrr..TON, W. 1976. Subduction in the Indonesian region. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 5th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1976, II, 3-23. The crescentic arc of the NW Borneo subduction complex may have been produced by CCW rotation of Borneo and Palawan, hinged oroclinally in the west, over the subducting floor of the South China Sea.

IlAMrr..TON, W. 1979. Tectonics ofthe Indonesian Region. US Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 1078. The only comprehensive compilation of the geology of the Indonesian Archipelago and environs interpreted in terms of plate tectonics.

IlAMrr..TON, W. 1988. Plate tectonics and island arcs. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 100, 1503-1527.

IlARPER, G.C. 1975. The discovery and development of the Seria Oilfield. Brunei Museum Special Publ. 10.

IlARTING, A. Bijdrage tot de geologie van Beraoe (met een geologisch schetskaartje van Beraoe 1:750 000) [On the geology of Berau (with a geological sketch-map, 1:750000).] Gedenkboek Verbeek. Verh. Geol. Mijb. Gen v. Ned. en KoZ., Geol. Series, Deel8, 205-212.

HARTING, A. 1930. Enkele geologische waarnemingen langs de Sungai Kajan [Some geological observations along the Kayan River]. De Mijnenginieur, 176-179.

HARTONO H.M.S. 1984. Tectonic development of Kalimantan adjacent areas. Bull. Geol. Research and Development Centre [Bandung] 13, 30-38, (in Indonesian) BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 31

IlARUN MOHD NOOR 1987. Tinggi Field - analyzing the DHIs. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 21, 133-149. Includes a brief account and map of the field, as well as an account of direct hydrocarbon indicators seen on seismic records. HAsELDONCKX, P. 1974. A palynological interpretation of palaeo-environments in SE Asia. Sains Malaysiana, III, 119-129, Kuala Lumpur.

HAsHIMOTO, W. 1973. Sarawakia ellipsactinoides gen." et sp. nov., an Ellipsactina-like fossil from the Bau Limestone Formation, Sarawak, Malaysia. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 12,207-215.

HAsHIMOTO, W. 1982. Preliminary notes on fossil records of East Malaysia and Brunei. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 23, 137-175. A comprehensive and detailed review (with 19 tables and a bibliography) of the published records up to the time of writing. 1lAsBIM0T0, W. 1984. Summary of the APRSA projects in East Malaysia. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 25, 43-51. 1lAsBIM0T0, W. & KOIKE, T. 1973. A geological reconnaissance of the reservoir area of the Riam Kanan Dam, east of Martapura, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 13, 163-184. Includes a review of previous work, and a detailed stratigraphy and paleontology of Cretaceous and lower Tertiary strata. HAsHIMOTO, W. & MATSUMARU, K. 1973. Nephrolepidina parva Oppenoorth from the Dahor Area, Tanjung, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 11, 129-136.

HAsHIMOTO, W. & MATSUMARU, K. 1974. Orbitolina from the Seberuang Cretaceous, Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan), Indonesia. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 14, 89-99. Includes a review of all known occurrences of Orbitolina from western Indonesia. 1lAsBIM0T0, W. & MATSUMARU, K. 1977. Orbitolinas from West Sarawak, East Malaysia. "Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 18, 49-57. Gives details ofOrbitolina in the Kuching-Bau area. Forms include Barremian, Aptian or Albian, lower Aptian, and upper Aptian or lowermost Albian.

1lAsBIM0T0, W. & MATSUMARU, K. 1981. Larger Foraminifera from Sabah, Malaysia, Part 1. Larger Foraminifera from the , the Gomanton Area, and the . Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 22, 49-54. HAsHIMOTO, W. & MATSUMARU, K. 1984. Mesozoic and Cenozoic larger Foraminifera of the Philippines and a reference to those found from Borneo by the APRA's palaeontological reconnaissance. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 25,147-166. 32 N. S.HAn.E

1lAsmM0T0, W., KURIHARA, K. & MAstmA, F. 1973. A study on some reticulate nummulites from Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia. Geology and Palaeontology ofSoutheast Asia, 13, 73-90. 1lAsmM0T0, W., AuATE, E., AoKI, N., BALCE, G., ISHIBASBI, T., KITAMURA, N., MATSUMOTO, T., TAMURA, M., & YANAGIDA, J. 1975. Cretaceous System of Southeast Asia. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 15, 219- 287. As well as a review of the well-known Cretaceous formations of W Sarawak, W Kalimantan, and E Sabah, records the discovery of two specimens closely resembling Orbitolina from a thin marly layer in the Serabang Formation. HATTON, F. 1885. North Borneo: explorations and adventures on the equator. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington. HAyAMI, L 1984. Jurassic marine bivalve faunas and biogeography in Southeast Asia. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 25, 229-237. HAYES, D.E. (DmECTOR) 1978. A geophysical atlas of Southeast Asian seas and islands. (6 sheets) MC-25. Geol. Soc. America: Includes maps of tectonics, sediment isopachs, crustal structure, free-air gravity field, magnetic anomalies, and heat flow, thermal conductivity and thermal gradient at a scale of 1:6442 194 at latitude 0°. HAYES, D.E. (ed.) 1980. The tectonic and geologic evolution of Southeast Asian seas and islands. Geophysical Monograph 23, American Geophys. Union, Washington. HAYES, D.E. (ed.) 1983. The tectonic and geologic evolution of Southeast Asian seas and islands, part 2. Geophysical Monograph 27, American Geophys. Union, Washington. lIE, L.S. 1988. Formation and evolution of South China Sea and their relation to hydrocarbon potential. Marine Geol. Quat. Geol., 8, 15-28. IIEKINIAN, R., BONTE, P., PAUTOT, G., JAQUES, D., LABEYRIE, L., MIKKELsEN, N. & REYss, J.L. 1989. Volcanics of the South China Sea ridge system. Oceanol. Acta 12(2), 101- 116, 1989. Hn.nE, T.W.C. & ENGEL, C.G. 1967. Age, compostion, and tectonic setting of the granite island, Hon Trung-Long, off the coast of South Vietnam. Geol. Soc. America Bull., 78,1289-1294. IIINDE, G.J. 1900. Description of fossil radiolaria from the rocks of Central Borneo obtained by Prof. Dr G.A.F. Molengraaff in the Dutch exploring expedition of 1893- 94. Appendix in Molengraaif, GAF. 1900 Geologische verkenningstochten in Centraal Borneo (1893-94). E.J.Brill, Leiden. 1IINz, K. & SCBLt1rER, H. U.1985. Geology of the Dangerous Grounds, South China Sea, and the continental margin off southwest Palawan: results of BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 33

Sonne Cruises SO 23 and SO 27. Energy, 10,3/4,297-315. Five regional unconformities recognized: Miocene-Pliocene middle Miocene (coincides with the end of sea floor spreading) lower Miocene (often marks the top of a carbonate platform) middle to upper Oligocene (representing the transition from rift to drift phase) Cretaceous-Paleocene (onset of rifting) The Dangerous Grounds and possibly also parts of the Palawan Trough are underlain by stretched continental crust. Upper Triassic to Jurassic rocks were dredged. The Palawan Trough is not an ancient subduction zone, but due to elastic downwarp by a wedge of chaotically deformed sedimentary rocks overthrust from the south onto the carbonate platform.

1IINz, K., BLOCK, M., KUDRASS, H.R. & MEYER, H. 1991. Structural elements of the Sulu Sea, Philippines. Geol. Jb., A127, 483-506. Includes an account of the evolution of the South China Sea from Late Cretaceous onwards. 1IINz, K., FRITsCH, J., KEMPrER, E.H.K., MOHAMMAD, A.M., VOSBERG, H., WEBER, J., & BENAVIDEZ, J. 1989. Thrust tectonics along the northwestern continental margin of Sabah/Borneo. Geolog. Rundschau, 78/3, 705-730. Conclude that (A) an autochthonous N Palawan Continental Terrace (Oligocene to lower Miocene carbonate unit overlying inferred syn-rift half graben infills) is overlain by (B) an allochthonous imbricated terrane of ophiolite-bearing equivalents of the Cretaceous Chert-Spilite Formation and the Paleogene Crocker Formation. The unit (B) was formed outside the South and Central Palawan area, and has been overthrust onto the Palawan Continental Terrane since the early Miocene.

HmANo, H., IsHIHARA, S., SUNARYA, Y., NAKAYIMA, N., OBATA, I., & FurAKAMI, M. 1981. Lower Jurassic ammonites from Bengkayang, West Kalimantan, Republic of Indonesia. Geol. Research. & Dev. Centre, Indonesia, Bull. 4, 21-26. Ho KIAM Fm 1971. Distribution of Recent benthonic foraminifera in the "inner" . Brunei Museum Jour., 2, 3,124-137. Ho KIAM Fm 1978. Stratigraphic framework for oil exploration in Sarawak. Geol Soc. Malaysia Bull. 10, 1- 14. An important original paper on the Shell Group zonation and environmental schemes. The upper Eocene to Pleistocene of Sarawak can be divided into eight sedimentary cycles separated by rapid and widespread transgressions, which can be correlated to palynological and planktonic foraminiferal zones.

Ho MAN hUNG 1969. Esquisse structural du Delta du Mekong - discussion du probleme petrolier. Archives Geologiques du Viet-Nam, 12, Saigon.

HOFFMANN, C.F., MACKENZIE, A.S., LEWIS, C.A., MAxwELL, J.R., OUDIN, J.L., DURAND, B. & VANDENBROUCKE, M. 1984. A biological marker study of coals, shales, and oils from the Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Chemical Geol. 32, 1-23. 34 N. S.lIAILE

HOLCOMBE, C.J. 1977. How rigid are the lithospheric plates? Fault and shear rotations in Southeast Asia. Jour. Geol. Soc. London 134, 325-342.

HOLLOWAY, N.H. 1981a. The North Palawan Block, Philippines: its relation to the Asian mainland and its role in the evolution of South China Sea. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 14, 19-58.

HOLLOWAY, N.H. 1981b. The stratigraphy and relationship of Reed Bank, north Palawan, and Mindoro to the Asian mainland and its significance in the evolution of the South China Sea. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., 66, 1355-1383. HON, V. 1976. Some analyses of the Serian Volcanics from the Kuap area, Sarawak. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1975, 212-220.

HOOGENBOOM, R. 1988. Some 3D seismic applications offshore Sarawak. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 22, 209-227.

HOOZE, J.A. 1893. Topographische, geologische, mineralogische en mijnbouwkundige beschrijving van een gedeelte der afdeeling Martapoera (Z. O. Mdeeling van Borneo) [Topographical, geological, and mining description of Martapura district (Southeast Division of Borneo)]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost Ind., 1-431. HoUWER, J.A.M. 1967. Riam Road section, Lambir Hills, Sarawak. In: Collenette, P. and Goh, J. (eds.), Geological Papers 1967, Geol. Survey Borneo Region Malaysia Bull. 9, 38-42. New road cuttings have exposed the upper 250 feet of the Setap Shale Formation, most of the estimated 1500 feet of the Lambir Member and the basal 600 feet of the Tukau Member, both of the Belait Formation. Shallow neritic and littoral sediments of the Setap Shale give way upwards to tidal flat and fluviatile deposition in the Lambir and Tukau Members. Hu GUIXIN 1991. Geochemical characterization of steranes and terpanes in certain oils from terrestrial facies within the South China Sea. Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sci., 5, 241-247. The source is a lacustrine-paludal deposit with vigorous growth of bacteria. HUFFINGTON, R.M. & HELMIG, H.M. 1980. Discovery and development of the Badak Field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: Halbouty, M.T. (ed.) Giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1968-1978, American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Memoir 30,441-458. HUTcmsoN, C.S. 1968. Tectogene hypothesis applied to the pre-Tertiary of Sabah and the Philippines. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 1,65-79. Suggests that a tectogene axis extended from Luzon through Palawan and Sabah to the Darvel Bay area, thence through the Sulu Archipelago to Negros, Panay, and Mindoro. The basement complexes of these areas are not a pre-Chert-Spilite Formation BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 35

metamorphic basement but represent rocks, probably including oceanic basalts, which have been folded and metamorphosed in the root zone or tectogene.

HUTcmSON, C. S. 1972. Alpine-type chromite in north Borneo with special reference to Darvel Bay. American Mineralogist, 57, 835-856. Chromite in Sabah, with its ultramafic envelope, is presumed to have originated in the mantle and to have been emplaced as tabular masses into the crust.

HUTCmSON, C. S. 1973. Tectonic evolution of Sundaland: a Phanerozoic synthesis. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 6, 61- 86. Explains the evolution of Sundaland in terms of accretion along subduction zones, with emphasis on chemistry of igneous rocks.

HUTcmSON, C. S. 1975. Ophiolite in Southeast Asia. Geol. Soc. America Bull., 86, 797-806.

HUTcmSON, C. S. 1978. Ophiolite metamorphism in northeast Borneo. Lithos, 11, 195-208. Alteration ofharzburgite, gabbro, and spilite in Darvel Bay is explained by sub sea­ floor retrogressive metamorphism and metasomatism by hot brine.

HUTcmSON, C. S. 1982. Southeast Asia. In: Nairn, A.E.M. and Stehli, F.G. (eds.) The ocean basins and margins: The Indian Ocean, 6, 452-512. Plenum Press, New York.

HUTcmsoN, C. S. 1984. Is there a satisfactory classification for Southeast Asian Tertiary basins? Offshore SE Asia Conf. Proc. 5, SEAPEX, Singapore, 6.64-6.76.

HUTCHISON, C. S. 1986a. Tertiary basins of S E Asia - their disparate tectonic origins and eustatic stratigraphic similarities. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 19, 109-122. Tertiary basins formed in the late Mesozoic and early Cenozoic by extensional tectonics combined with wrench faulting. Tertiary compression was only important in some basins, e.g. those lying between the South China Sea and Borneo. Eustatic rise from 29-13 Ma caused a widespread mid- Miocene transgression. Sea level falls at 13, 9.8, and 6.6 Ma are well documented.

HUTCmSON, C. S. 1986b. Formation of marginal seas in Southeast Asia by rifting of the Chinese and Australian continental margins and implications for the Borneo region. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 201-220. S China Sea Basin probably formed by post-Early Cretaceous rifting of the continental margin of southeast China.

HUTCmSON, C. S. 1988. Stratigraphic-tectonic model for eastern Borneo. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 22, 135-151. E Borneo nucleated since Late Cretaceous around Miri Zone, whose basement appears to be a microcontinent rifted from the shelf of Vietnam and S China.

HUTcmSON, C. S. 1989a. Geological evolution of South-east Asia. Clarendon Press, Oxford. xv, 368, many figures, 18 plates. 36 N. S. lIAILE

A major compilation and interpretation of the geology of Southeast Asia. Includes a comprehensive list of references, and an index.

HUTCmSON, C. S. 1989b. Displaced terranes of the southwest Pacific. In: The eVQlution of the Pacific Ocean margins. Oxford University Press, New York,161-175.

HUTCHISON, C. S. & DHONAU, T.J. 1969. Deformation of an Alpine ultramafic association in Darvel Bay, east Sabah, Malaysia. Geologie en Mijnbouw, 48, 481-493.

HUTCHISON, C. S. & DHONAU, T.J. 1971. An alpine association ofmetabasites and ultrabasic rocks in Darvel Bay, East Sabah, Borneo. Overseas Geol. Mineral Resources, 10,289-308.

HUTCHISON, C. S. & SURAT, T. 1991. Sabah serpentinite sandstone and conglomerate. Warta Geologi, 17,2,59-64. Describes unusual clastic rocks composed of serpentinite on the flanks of ultrabasic rocks in Sabah. HUTOMo, P. & JORDAN, W.V. 1985. Wireline pressures detect fluid contacts, Ikan Pari Field, Natuna Sea. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 14th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 543- 563.

HOUTZ, R.E. & HAYES, D.E. 1984. Sesimic reflection data from Sunda Shelf. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 68, 12, 1870-1878.

I ICBE, H. & MARTIN, K. 1905. Die Silatgruppe, brack- und suswasser-bildungen der Ober Kreide von Borneo [The Silat Group, Upper Cretaceous brackish and freshwater deposits of Borneol. Samml. Geol. Reichs Museum, Leiden, 1, VII, 1904-1912. IDRIS, M. B. 1989. Fossil crabs of Sabah. Warta Geologi, 15,5,207-213. IDRIS, M. B. & KoK, K. H. 1991. Stratigraphy of the Mantanani Islands, Sabah. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull., 26, 35-46. The islands are built mainly of Miocene bioclastic limestones and calcarenites, with minor content of quartz sand and clay. A well-bedded unit is overlain by a conglomeratic unit. IDRIS, M.B. & NGAB, D.S. 1986. A Miocene shark tooth from Sarawak. Warta Geologi, 12,5,221-224. Records a tooth of Carcharodon sp. from the Suai area. N Sarawak. IMAI, A. & OZAWA, K. (in preparation) Tectonic implications of the hydrated garnet periodotites near Mt Kinabalu, East Malaysia. Jour. Southeast Asia Earth Sciences, in preparation. BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 37

The Mt Kinabalu garnet peridoties form part of an ultramafic complex believed to be part of the sub-crustal mantle beneath Kalimantan which was metasomatized during ascent. The metasomatic fluid may have been introduced into a sub-continental mantle wedge after dehydration of a subducted oceanic slab.

INDARJIT SINGH & FORD, C.H. 1982. The occurrence and detection of abnormal pressure in the Malay Basin. Proc. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration (SEAPEX) "Conference Paper", 1982. INDONESIAN PETRoLEUM AssocIATION 1990. A reference index to IPA publications 1972-1987. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc., Jakarta. ISHIBASm, T. 1975. Some Triassic ammonites from Indonesia and Malaysia. Notes on the occurrence of Sturia sp. nov.(?) aff. S. sansovinii in the Upper Triassic Sadong Formation at Terbat, West Sarawak. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 16, 45-56. IsHIBASm, T. 1982. Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous ammonites from Sarawak, Borneo, East Malaysia. Geology and Palaeontology ofSoutheast Asia, 23,65-75. Describes species of seven genera of ammonite from the Pedawan and Kedadom Formations in the Bau-Serian area. IsAAcs, KN. 1963. Interpretation of geophysical profiles between Singapore and Labuan. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1962, 37-44.

J JACKSON, A. 1963. Sea-bed sampling off Northwest Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1962, 51-55. Presents a map of seabed sediments over a large area of shelf offshore Sarawak, Brunei, and Sabah, and lists foraminifera recovered.

JACOBSON, G. 1970. Gunong Kinabalu area, Sabah, Malaysia. Malaysia Geol Survey, Borneo Region, Rept. 8. JAMES, D. M. D.(ed.) 1984a. The geology and hydrocarbon resources ofNegara Brunei Darussalam. Muzium Brunei & Brunei Shell Petroleum Co. The definitive compilation of the petroleum geology of Brunei, unfortunately now long out of print. JAMES, D. M. D. 1984b. Regional geological setting [of Brunei]. In: James, D.M.D. (ed.) The geology and hydrocarbon resources of Negara Brunei Darussalam. Muzium Brunei & Brunei Shell Petroleum Co., 34-42. JAMES, D. M. D. 1984c. Structure [of Brunei]. In: James, D.M.D. (ed.) The geology and hydrocarbon resources ofNegara Brunei Darussalam. Muzium Brunei & Brunei Shell Petroleum Co., 93-102. JAMES, D. M. D. 1984d. The inland oil and gas fields [of Brunei]. In: James, D.M.D. (ed.) The geology and hydrocarbon resources of Negara Brunei 38 N. S. IlAILE

Darussalam. Muzium Brunei & Brunei Shell Petroleum Co., 134-139. Describes the geology of the small abandoned oilfields, Belait and Jerudong. JARRARD, R.D. & SASAJIMA, S. 1980. Paleomagnetic synthesis for Southeast Asia: constraints on plate motions. In: Hayes, D.E. (ed.) The tectonic and geologic evolution of Southeast Asian seas and islands. Geophysical Mono­ graph 23. American Geophys. Union, Washington. Compilation includes a few values around the South China Sea. JEFFERIES, K.G. 1980. The Sanga-Sanga Field. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 9th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, May 1980, 401-416. Confined to the field, which is in Mahakam Delta. JENNINGS, A.V. 1888. Note on the orbitoidallimestone of North Borneo. Geol. Magazine, New Ser., Dec. m, 5. JIN Q.B., Wu, Z., JIANG, J.P. & LIN M.Z. 1986. Preliminary study of Upper Tertiary oil source in Zhujiang (Pearl River) Mouth Basin. Marine Geol. & Quat. Geol., 6, 1-16 (in Chinese). JOHNSON, H.D., CHAPMAN, J.W. & RANGGON, J. 1989. Structural and stratigraphic configuration of the late Miocene Stage IVC reservoirs in the St Joseph Field, offshore Sabah, NW Borneo. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 25, 79-118. A comprehensive account of the field, which is complex, and situated along a major early Pliocene wrench fault zone. JOHNSON, H.D., KUUD, T. & DUNDAl'IfG, A. 1989. Sedimentology and reservoir geology of the Betty Field, Baram Delta Province, offshore Sarawak, NW Borneo. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 25, 119-161. Structure is the result of interaction of delta-related growth faulting and later Pliocene compressional folding. The reservoirs are Miocene shallow marine sandstones, in vertically stacked sequences separated by sealing shales and trapped by a combination of fault seal and dip closure. Includes good simple structural map of offshore Sabah. JOHNSON, H.D., LEvELL, S. & MOBAMAD, A.H. 1987. Depositional controls of reservoir thickness and quality distribution in upper Miocene shallow marine sandstones (Stage IVD) of the Erb West Field, offshore Sabah, NW Borneo. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 21, 195-230. Oil and gas occur in an SOO-foot thick sequence of Stage IVD. JOHNSON, J.B. 1962. Calcareous Algae from Sarawak. In: Haile, N.S. The geology and mineral resources of the Suai-Baram area, north Sarawak. Brit. Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 13. Describes fossil calcareous algae from 11 genera from Batu Gading and Bukit Besungai, including three new species. JONKLAAS, P. 1991. Integration of depth conversion, seismic inversion and modeling over the Belida Field, South Natuna Sea Block "B", Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 20th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 1, 557-585 .. BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 39


KAnDERI MD DEsA & IBRAHIM KOMOO 1989. Ofiolit Sabah: hasilan kerak lautan terkikis. Sains Malaysiana, 18, 1, 115-137. Almost complete successions of oceanic crust (ophiolite) are well exposed in Sabab. Exposures in the Mount Kinabalu, Ranau, and Telupid areas indicate that oceanic crust moved northward and collided with a continental plate

KAMIs, A.M. & VAN DER VLUCHT, W.R. 1988. Proc. SE Asia Petroleum Exploration Soc. (SEAPEX), 8,17-27. Describes application of modem seismic techniques in resolving the structurally complex Central Area of the Seria Field, Brunei. KAmG, D.E. 1971. Origin and development of marginal basins in the western Pacific. Jour. Geophysical Res., 76, 2543-2561. From heat-flow data, suggested that the South China Sea basin evolved as a result of back-arc extension.

KAsAMA, T., AKmOTO, H., 1lADA, S. & JACOBSON, G. 1970. Geology of the Mt. Kinabalu area, Sabah, Malaysia. Jour. Geol. Geosciences, Osaka City University, 13,6,113- 136. The authors accept biotite KJAr ages of 7.6-9 Ma for the Kinabalu granitic intrusion, with younger isotope ages of 1.3 ± 0.7 and 1.7 ± 0.6 Ma marking the beginning of uplift, which took place at a rate of about 5 mmla. KATILI, J.A. 1969. Recent advances in knowledge of the basic geology of the Sunda Shelf area with special reference to research results ofthe UNESCO/ ECAFE shipboard training course. United Nations / ECAFE / CCOP, Rept. 6th Session, 71-74. KATILI, J.A. 1973a. Geochronology of West Indonesia and its implications on plate tectonics. Tectonophysics 19, 195-212. KATILI, J.A. 1973b. Plate tectonics of west Indonesia, with special reference to the Sundaland area. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 1st Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 1972,57-61. KATILI, J.A. 1974. Geolpgical environment of the Indonesian mineral deposits; a plate tectonic approach. Geol. Survey Indonesia, Technical Publ., Economic Geol. Ser. 7. Criticizes the ideas ofWesterveld (1952), who correlated West Kalimantan with the Malay orogen. KATILI, J.A. & REINEMuND, J.A. 1984. Southeast Asia: tectonic framework, earth resources, and regional geological programs. Int. Union. Geol. Sciences, Publ.13. Contains some good clear maps derived from other publications. KATILI, J.A. & VALENCIA, M.J. 1981. Geology of Southeast Asia with particular reference to the South China Sea. Energy, 6, 11, 1077-1091. 40 N. S.HAn..E

KE Ru SEE Ru, K. KEIJ, AJ. 1963. Distichoplax in Sarawak and North Borneo. Proc. British Borneo Geol. Conf. 1961, British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 4, 153-160. The problematical fossil Distichoplax biserialis is common in Tethyan Paleocene and lower Eocene limestones. In Borneo it is associated with Foraminifera, corals, and coralline Algae. KEIJ, AJ. 1964a. The relative abundance of recent planktonic Foraminifera in seabed samples collected offshore Brunei and Sabah. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1963, 146-153. Presents quantitative results of an intensive survey of Foraminifera from seabed sediments, and shows that the ratio of planktonic to benthonic forms can be useful in interpreting the paleo-environment of Neogene sediments, but urges caution. KEIJ, AJ. 1964b. Upper Paleocene Distichoplax limestones ofKudat Peninsula and PulauBanggi, Sabah. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1963, 153-155. KEIJ, AJ. 1964c. Neogene to Recent species ofCytherelloidea (Ostracoda) from northwest Borneo. Micropaleontology, 10,4,415-430. KEIJ,AJ.1964d. Biological results and water salinity. In: Haile,N.S., Keij,A.J. & Pimm, A.C. 1964 Preliminary report on the oceanography cruise ofHMS Dampier in the South China Sea. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1963,119-145. Gives preliminary results and includes an account of the echinoids by Foster. Salinities of 32 samples from the top of gravity cores ranged from 3.59 to 3.78 %. KEIJ, AJ. 1965a. Late Cretaceous and Palaeogene arenaceous Foraminifera from flysch deposits in northern Borneo. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1964,155-158. Monotonous assemblages of arenaceous Foraminifera in the late Cretaceous and Paleogene of the Northwest Borneo Geosyncline and the Oligocene in Sabah are identical to those from European flysch, and, with sedimentological evidence, support a flysch origin for the Borneo strata. Cold water with low oxygen content not saturated with calcium carbonate probably prevented the formation and accumulation ofcalcareous tests. KEIJ, AC. 1965b. The echinoid Temnopleurus toreumaticus (Leske) from Brunei. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1964, 159. KEIJ, AJ. 1965c. Bibliography of palaeontological literature on Sarawak, Brunei, and Sabah, 1945-1965. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1964,155-158. KEMMEm.lNG, G.L.L. 1915. Topographische en geologische beschrijvingvan het stroomgebied van de Barito, in hoofdzaak wat de Doesenlanden betreft [Topographic and geological account of the Barito Valley]. Tijdschr. Kon. Ned. Aardr. Gen., 2de Serie, 32, 575-641, 717-772. BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 41

KENYON, C.S. AND BEDDOES, L.R. JR. 1977. Geothermal gradient map of Southeast Asia. SE Asia Petrol. Explor. Soc. and Indonesian Petroleum Assoc. KIlo, C.H. 1968. Bintulu area, Central Sarawak, East Malaysia. Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region, Rept. 5.

KIlo, C.H. & WILFORD, G.E. 1968. Notes on exposures near Kuching, West Sarawak. In: Collenette, P. & Goh, J. (eds.) Geological Papers 1967. Geol. Survey Borneo Region Malaysia Bull. 9, 88-94.

KIlo, C.H. & WILFORD, G.E. 1972. Notes on exposures between Serian and Silantek, west Sarawak. Malaysia Geological Survey, Geological Papers, Volume 1,43-45. Describes new road cuts in pre-Upper Triassic Kerait Schist, Upper Triassic (Sadong and Serian Volcanic Formations), Tertiary (Silantek Formation), Quaternary, and mid-Miocene intrusive rocks. KIMuRA, T. 1984. Mesozoic floras of East and Southeast Asia, with a short note on the Cenozoic floras of Southeast Asia and China. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 25, 325-350. KING, R.E. 1970. The East Asian shelves - a new exploration region with high potential. 10th Ann. Inst. Explor. and Econ. of Petroleum Industry Proc., New York, Matthew Bender, 8, 79-93. Km.K, H.J.C. 1957. The geology and mineral resources of the Upper Rajang and adjacent areas. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 8. xv, 181,29 figures, 30 tables, 53 plates, four coloured geological maps (two at 1:250 000, two at 1:125000). Very thick, intensely folded, Upper Cretaceous to upper Eocene deep-water sandstones and shales (Rajang Group) are overlain by Oligocene to Miocene strata. Flat-lying Pliocene to Quaternary lavas and tuff overlie the sedimentary rocks forming the Usun Apau and Linau-Balui Plateaux, and the Hose and Nieuwenhuis Mountains. Km.K, H.J.C. 1962. The geology and mineral resources of the Semporna Peninsula, North Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 14. Km.K, H.J.C. 1963. Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic activity in British Borneo. Proc. British Borneo Geol. Conf. 1961, British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 4, 137- 152. Explosive eruptions of andesite, dacite, and in the Pliocene were followed by eruption ofolivine basalt in the later Quaternary. The rocks originated by differentiation of a primary olivine basalt. Km.K, H.J.C. 1968. The igneous rocks of Sarawak and Sabah. Geol. Survey Malaysia Bull. 5.

KOBAYASm, T. 1973. On the history and classification of the fossil Conchostraca and the discovery of Esteriids in the Cretaceous of Borneo. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 13, 47-72. 42 N. S.lIAILE

KOBAYASm, T. & TAMURA,M. 1984. The Triassic Bivalvia of Malaysia, Thailand and adjacent areas. Geology and Palaeontology ofSoutheast Asia, 25, 201- 227.

KONNO, E. 1968. Some Upper Triassic species ofDipteridaceaefrom Japan and Borneo. Jour. Linnaean Soc. (Botany) 61, 384, 93-105.

KON'NO, E. 1972. Some Late Triassic plants from the southwestern border of Sarawak, East Malaysia. Geology and Palaeontology ofSoutheast Asia, 10, 125-178. 'Krusin florula' of 15 species, provisionally upper Carnian, lacks European or Siberian elements and represents an original floral assemblage peculiar to the Dictyophyllum­ Clathropteris flora of the SW Pacific floral province.

KOOLHOVEN, W.C.B. 1933. Het primaire diamant voorkomen in Zuider-Borneo [The occurrence of primary diamonds in South Borneo]. De Mijninginieur, 14, 138-144.

KOOLHOVEN, W.C.B. 1935. Het primaire voorkomen van den Zuid- Borneo diamant [The primary occurrence of South Borneo diamonds]. Verh. Geol. Mijnb. Genots. Ned. en Kol., Geol. Ser., 11, 189-232.

KOOPMANS, B.N. 1967. Deformation of the metamorphic rocks and the Chert­ Spilite Formation in the southern part of the Darvel Bay area, Sabah. In: Collenette, P. (ed.) Geological Papers 1966. Geol. Survey Borneo Region Malaysia Bull. 8, 14-24. Assigns the metamorphic rocks to pre-Cretaceous Crystalline Basement, on the basis of more severe deformation. The chaotic nature of the Chert-Spilite results from depositional deformation, slumping, and brecciation, in the hinge zone of a subsiding trough.

KOOPMANS, B.N. AND STAUFFER, P.H. 1967. Glacial phenomena on Mount Kinabalu, Sabah. In: Collenette, P. (ed.) Geological Papers 1966. Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region Bull. 8, 25-35. Large and small scale features ofthe summit and upper flanks show that the mountain was capped by icefields at least once during the Pleistocene. Features include valley shape and glacial moraines, lineations, glacial polish, grooves and striae, crescentic cracks and gouges, bevelled edges, and plucking.

KRAFT, M.T. & SANGREE, J.B. 1982. Seismic stratigraphy in carbonate rocks: depositional history of the natuna D-Alpha block (L-structure): Stage II. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 11th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1982, 1,299-334. Update of Sangree, 1981, with emphasis on seismic stratigraphy. The Terumbu Formation carbonates contain a gas column 5250 feet thick with carbon dioxide content from 67- 82%. During early Pliocene, sea level subsided for a short period exposing the structural crest of a broad carbonate platform to subaerial erosion. Foundering of the L-structure in late Pliocene resulted in deposition of deep-water shales. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 43

KRAUSE, P.G. 1897a. Ueber Lias von Borneo [On the Lias of Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums, Leiden, 5, 1888- 1899, 154-155.

KRAUSE, P.G. 1897b. Ueber terWi.re, cretaceische und altere Ablagerungen aus West Borneo [On Tertiary, Cretaceous, and older deposits in West Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums, Leiden, 5, 169-220. Also in Jaarh. Mijnw. Ned. Oost. Indie 1899, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, Part 2,1-52.

KRAUSE, P.G. 1904. Die Fauna der Kriede von Temojoh in West Borneo [The Cretaceous fauna of Temoyoh in West Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums, Leiden, 1st series, 7, 1-28.

KRAUSE, P.G. 1911. Ueber unteren Lias von Borneo [On the lower Lias of Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums, Leiden, 9, 72-82.

KREKELER, F. 1932a. Over een nieuw voorkomen van fossiel- houdend Palaeo­ zoikum in Midden-West Borneo (Voorloopige Mededeeling) [ A new occur­ rence of fossiliferous Palaeozoic rocks in the central part of West Borneo (provisional report)]. De Mijningenieur, 13, 167-172. English translation In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) 1955 Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch, British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2, 7-14. Records the discovery of Palaeozoic fossils (Chonetes sp., Orlhis sp. and Strophomena sp.) in the lower Sadong valley, west Sarawak [but retracted this idea in Kerekeler 1933].

KREKELER, F. 1932b. Critische beschouwingen over een nieuwe door L.H.Krol gepropageerde kaarteringsmethode voor de Mesozoische formaties in den Nederlandsch-Indischen Archipel en omgeving [Critical review of a new mapping method proposed by L.H.Krol for the Mesozoic formations in the Indonesian Archipelago and environs]. De Mijningenieur, 4.

KREKELER, F. 1933. Aanvullende Mededeelingen omtrent het voorkomen van Palaeozoikum in West Borneo [Supplementary report on the occurrence of Palaeozoic rocks in West Borneo]. De Mijingenieur, 14, 191-192. English translation In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) 1955 Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2, 15-16. Retracts the identifications of Palaeozoic fossils (Krekeler, 1932a), and gives evidence that the rocks are Triassic. KROL, L.B. 1920. Over de geologie van een gedeelte van de Zuider en Oos­ terafdeeling van Borneo [On the geology of a part of the Southern and Eastern Divisions of Borneo]. Jaarh. Mijnw. Ned. Oost. Indie, 1918, Verh., 1. KROL, L.B. 1922. Beitrage tode kennis van den oorsprong en de verspreiding der diamanthoudende afzettingen in ZO Borneo [The origin and extent of diamondiferous deposits in Southeast Borneo]. Jaarh. Mijnw. Ned. Oost. Indie 1920, 1, 250 pp. 44 N. S.lIAILE

KRoL, L.B. 1925. Eenige cijfers uit de 3 etages van het Eoceen en uit het Jong Tertiair van Martapoera. Verh. Geol. Mijnb. Genots. Ned. en Kol., Geol. Ser., 8, 343- 356. KROL, L.B. 1930a. De Mesozoische Plooiingen op Borneo - Nederlansch Indie enhunne Waarde voor hetKaarteeren van onbekende, fossielooze gebieden [The Meozoic folding in Borneo, Netherlands Indes, and the surrounding territories, and its value for mapping unexplored non-fossiliferous areas]. De Mijningenieur, 4, 68-81. English translation In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) 1955 Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2, 17-38. Suggests that Mesozoic formations can be dated on the basis oftheir direction ofstrike. Includes detailed maps and details offossillocalities ofthe Mesozoic from several parts of West Sarawak and Kalimantan. KROL, L.B. 1930b. Mijnbouwkundig geologisch onderzoek West Borneo [Mining geological investigation in West Borneo]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ost. Indie, 1930, Algemeen Gedeelte, 48-50.

KUDRASS, B.R., WIEDECKE, M., CEPECK, P., KREuSER, B. & MULLER, P. 1986. Pre-Quaternary rocks dredged from the South China Sea (Reed Bank area) and Sulu Sea, during Sonne Cruises in 1982-1983. Marine & Petrol. Geol. 3,1,19- 30. Tertiary rocks included marine sedimentary rocks, basalt. Lower Cretaceous: schist, gneiss, phyllite. Upper Jurassic: amphibolite. Upper Triassic - Lower Jurassic: Fern-rich sandstone and siltstone, black shale with molluscs. Demonstrates that Mesozoic continental crust underlies the Dangerous Grounds and Reed Bank. During early rift; phases (Paleocene-Eocene) highly metamorphosed rocks beneath the western parts of the Reed Bank area were presumably strongly uplifted and their overburden eroded. One depositional area was the southeastern Reed Bank where thick Paleocene and middle Eocene deltaic sequences of coarse sandstone and mudstone accumulated. Important for paleoenvironment are upper Oligocene to lower Miocene (mostly Te shallow-water carbonates) sampled at 23 sites. Carbonate platform subsided in middle Miocene. KUEH, KoS. 1981. Geology of part of the -Gunung Ngili Area, Sarawak. Malaysian Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1980, 268-273. KuSUMA, I. & DARIN, T. 1989. The hydrocarbon potential of the lower Tanjung Formation, S E Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 18th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1989,1,107-138.

L LA FOND, E.C. 1966. South China Sea. In: Fairbridge, R.W. (ed.) Encyclopedia of oceanography. New, York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 829-836. BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 45

LAI, K.H. 1990. Structural mapping of the Maliau Basin, Sabah, by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). Warta Geologi, 16, 6, 239-243.

LAI..I.ANNE DE HAUT, J.P.Y.M. 1966. Depositional history of the Recent Baram Delta, Sarawak, Malaysia. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept,for 1965, 168-172. Describes the history ofthe delta from 20 000 ka to present. Delta has been prograding since about 5400 ka at an average rate of 9 mJa. LAM, S.K. 1980. Feasibility study of the proposed Batang Ai hydroelectric project [Sarawak]. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1978,287-295 Describes the engineering geology of the area in detail. No major faults bounding the gabbro and basalts were recorded, although these rocks are locally sheared. LAM, S.K. 1983. Tektite found in Sarawak. Warta Geologi, 9, 6, 273-275. LAM, S. K. 1986. Progress report: Quaternary geological mapping of the Town Area, Sarawak. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1985, 309-320. Four mappable lithostratigraphic units are recognized: paludal; paludal or floodplain! residual; floodplain; residual. Residual deposits are mainly clay, sandy to clayey silt, and clayey sand, and are the weathering products of the Tertiary Belaga Formation; their base is 0->30 m below ground level. Floodplain deposits consist oflevee deposits (silt, fine sand and rare sand and gravel, with plant remains), and flood basin or backswamp deposits (mainly clay and silt with plant remains). Paludal deposits include peat formed in swamps, and range from 1->15 m in thickness. Analyses ofpeat and clay are included. •

LAND, D.H. & JONES, C.M. 1987. Coal geology and exploration of part of the Tertiary Kutei Basin in East Kalimantan. In: Scott, A.C. (ed.) Coal and coal-bearing strata: recent advances. Geol. Soc. London Special Publ. 32, 235-255.

LAu, E.M.C., HOOGENBOOM, R.C. & SMETHURST, J. 1991. Shallow marine seismic survey over Saracen Bank, offshore Sabah. ~ol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 28, 97-106. Mainly describes technique, and contains little of geological interest, except for three seismic records, one of which passes through Saracen-1 well and is interpreted. LAu, J.W.E. 1974. The rediscovery ofrudist with its associated fauna in the Bau £imestone and its palaeobiogeographic significance in circumglobal correlation and plate tectonic studies. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1973,188-197. A rich fauna mostly from one locality of rudists, gastropods, echinoids, and corals, are described and illustrated. The rudists indicate that in the Cretaceous Borneo was within the Tethyan Realm and further north than at present. LAu, J.W.E. 1975. The Bau-Gunung Undan area, Sarawak [Progress report]. 46 N. S. IlAILE

Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1974, 213-219. LAn, J.W.E. 1976. Bau - Gunung Undan area, west Sarawak [Progress report]. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1975, 209-210. LEE, D.C.T. 1967. The Sandakan Formation, East Sabah. In: Collenette, P. and Goh, J. (eds.), Geological Papers 1967, Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Bull. 9, 43- 50. Introduces new term Sandakan Formation for upper Miocene massive mudstone, thick-bedded sandstone, siltstone, and rare thin coal in the . LEE, D.C.T. 1979. Application of Landsat to regional geologic studies with reference to the geology ofcentral and west coast Sabah and adjacent areas. Geol. Survey Malaysia, Geol. Papers, Volume 3,126-133. An included lineament map shows considerably more major faulting than has been previously recognized. The most prominent lineament is the curving NNW-SSE Crocker Lineament. The East and West Crocker Formations are separated by the Kiulu Lineament. Multiple bisecting concentric arcs and basins ofuncertain origin have been mapped. Major lineaments and faults postulated by some previous authors are not observed. LEE, D.C.T. 1991. Formation ofPulau Batu Hairan and other islands around Pulau Banggi, northern Sarawak. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 26, 71-76. Diapiric action probably gave rise to a 100-m diameter island that emerged in 1988. Many of the more than 40 small islands in the area probably also formed in the same way. LEE, D.C.T. & KWAN, H.E. 1980. Bauxite deposit at Sungai Mansan and Sungai Wasai, Telupid, Labuk Valley, Sabah. Malaysian Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1980,298-306. LEFEvRE, J.C., COLLART, J., JOUBERT, J., NAGEL, L. & PAUPY, P. 1982. Geological mapping and mineral exploration in north-east Kalimantan, 1979-1982, final report. Rapport du Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans, France, 82 RDM007 AO, and Directorat Sumber Daya Mineral, Bandung, Indonesia. (unpublished). LEONG, K.M. 1970. Bouldery mudflow deposit at Ranau, Sabah, East Malaysia. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull., 3, 139-146.

A diamicton covers at least 4 km2, and is interpreted as a Quaternary mudflow. The largest boulder is estimated to weigh 4700 t. The mudflow probably originated on the Pinosok Plateau on the eastern flanks of Mount Kinabalu. LEONG, K.M. 1971. Peridotite-gabbro problems, with special reference to the Segama Valley and Darvel Bay area, Sabah, East Malaysia. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Newsletter, 28, 4-13. LEONG K. M. 1974. The geology and mineral resources of the Upper Segama Valley and Darvel Bay area. Malaysia Geol. Survey Mem. 4 (revised). xxi, 354,63 figures, 45 tables, 123 plates, coloured geological map, 1:125000. A crystalline basement is overlain by Lower Cretaceous limestone and an Upper BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 47

Cretaceous to Lower Tertiary chert- spilite assemblage. Oligocene to Miocene marine to continental sedimentary and volcanic formations are intruded by andesite and tonalite stocks, and overlain by olivine basalt. The structure is complex. Petroleum prospects are considered poor.

LEONG, K.M. 1976. Miocene chaotic deposits in eastern Sabah: characteristics, origin, and petroleum prospects. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1975, 238. Chaotic bouldery deposits ofthe Ayer, Kuamut, Garinono, and Kalabakan Formations are ascribed to gravity-induced submarine sliding and debris flow into fault-bounded basins in the Miocene (Te 6-Tf). The deposits have been later tectonized. The mudstone matrix is a possible petroleum source rock.

LEONG, K.M. 1977. New ages from radiolarian chert-spilite formations. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 8, 109-111. Reports a Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian to Barremian) age for chert from the Upper Segama Valley based on radiolarians from a single specimen; two other chert specimens yielded probable Upper Cretaceous radiolarians.

LEONG, K.M. 1978. The 'Sabah Blueschist Belt' - a preliminary note. Warta Geologi, 4, 2, 45-51.

LETOUZEY, J. & SAGE, L. 1988a. Geological and structural map ofeastern Asia. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Three maps, one sheet of sections, scale 1:2 500 000.

LETOUZY, J. & SAGE, L. 1988b. Structure of sedimentary basins in Eastern Asia. 7th Offshore South East Asia Conference, Singapore, 2-5 February 1988, 135-140.

LETOUZEY, J., MULLER, C. & SAGE, L. 1988. Structure of sedimentary basins in eastern Asia. Proc. SE Asia Petroleum Exploration Soc. (SEAPEX), 8, 63- 68. Appears to be a short version of Letouzey, Sage & Miiller, 1988.

LETOUZEY, J., SAGE, L. & MULLER, C. 1988. Geological and structural map of eastern Asia: introductory notes. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Some good diagrams and an up-to-date bibliography. LEvELL, B.K. 1987. The nature and significance of regional unconformities in the hydrocarbon-bearing Neogene sequences offshore West Sabah. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 21, 55-90. The W Sabah Basin contains up to 12 km of mainly siliciclastic sediments. Two sequences 1) Pre-middle Miocene deep marine deposition, with tectonic imbrication related to SE convergence along the fore-runners of the Palawan Trough/NW Borneo Trench. 2) Middle Miocene and later deposition after cessation ofsubduction, by NW -prograding shelf/slope sequences, associated with basement wrench-faulting. At landward margin, separated by the Deep Regional Unconformity (DRU). Five regional unconformities in the younger sequence: 48 N. S.lIAILE

Lower and Upper Intermediate (LIU and UIU) in upper middle Miocene; Shallow Regional (SRU) in middle upper Miocene and upper middle Miocene; Horizons I and II in Pliocene and Pleistocene. Typically each passes from an erosion surface to an onlap surface to NW.

LEvELL, B.K. & AWANG KAsUMAJAYA 1985. Slumping at the late Miocene shelf­ edge offshore West Sabah: a view of a turbidite basin margin. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 18, 1-29. A coalescing series of elongate spoon-shaped unconformities along about 150 km of the late Miocene shelf-edge are interpreted as retrogressive submarine slumping, especially in the Samarang and St Joseph areas. These are attributed to active linear basement faults with rapid progradation. LIAw, K.K. 1980. Brief notes on the geological aspects of the design-stage investigation of the Batang Ai hydroelectric project. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1980, 293-297. Intensive drilling in the area of the proposed main dam and saddle dams, mainly into gabbroic rocks and acljacent sedimentary rocks, showed only localized shearing and brecciation. LIAw, K.K. 1989. Preliminary results of the revaluation of coal resources in the Merit Block South, Merit-Pilah Coalfield, Sarawak. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Proc. 20th Geological Conference 1989,119-126. lA, D.S. 1984. Geological evolution of petroliferous basins on continental shelf of China. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 68, 993-1003. LI, M.x., ZHANG, X.L. & ZHON, C.F. 1987. Oil and gas in the ancient Pearl River delta. Proc. Internat. Symp. Petroleum Geol. N Continental Shelf Area, S China Sea. Guangdong Petroleum Society and China Oil, Guangzhou, 535-556. lA, Y. 1988. On the synchronism of extensional subsidence of South China Sea Basin and compressional uplift of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Proc. SE Asia Petroleum Exploration Soc. (Seapex), 8, 92-99. The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau includes the West Kunlun Qiliangshan and Himalaya Mountains in the south, the Pamir Mountains in the north, the Longmemshan Mountains in the east, and a broad area in the west. Since the Late Cretaceous, the South Asian continent episodically moved north and caused continuous horizontal compression and gradual uplift, resulting in large-scale thickening of the crust. Meanwhile, lateral compression has resulted in the South China continental margin breaking off and extending southward along a free boundary. This caused the South China Sea to spread, subside, and rotate clockwise. lA, y.x., ZO, J.L., ZHANG, y.x., XIE, y.x., Lu, C.B. & ZHONG, J.Q. 1987. Analysis of active faults, seismic activities and submarine instability factors of the Pearl River Mouth Basin and adjacent areas. Proc. Internat. Symp. Petroleum Geol. N Continental ShelfArea, S China Sea. Guangdong Petroleum Society and China Oil, Guangzhou, 334-355. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOup! CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 49

LmCHTI, P., ROE, F.W. & lIAILE, N.S. 1960. The geology of Sarawak, Brunei, and the western part of North Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Dept. Bull. 3. Vol. 1 (Text). vii, 360, 30 figures, 33 tables, 73 plates. Vo1.2 (Portfolio). Coloured geological map (four sheets) 1:500 000; columnar sections, 1:25 000; tectonic map, 1:1 000 000. Although modified and amplified by subsequent work, remains the fundamental account ofthis area, especially for lithostratigraphy. The maps include comprehensive photogeological interpretation. LIM, P. S. 1977. Earth tremors in eastern Sabah. Malaysia Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1976, 220-223. Records tremors with epicentres in the Lahad Datu area and northeast of the Dent Peninsula, in 1976. The strongest had a magnitude of 5.3 on the Richter Scale. Among other effects, a mud volcano near Lahad Datu was re-activated. LIM, P .S. 1978. The geology of the Wullersdorf area, eastern Sabah. Malaysian Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1977,191-193.

LIM, P .S. (COMPILER) 1985a. Geological map ofSabah, 1 :500 000, third edition. Geol. Survey Malaysia. LIM, P. S. 1985b. History of earthquake activities in Sabah. Malaysia Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1983,350-357. LIM, P. S. 1986. Seismic activities in Sabah and their relationship to regional tectonics. Malaysia Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1985, 465-480. Earthquakes in Sabah are mostly shallow (<70 km) with magnitudes 4-5.9, and are concentrated in three zones: Dent Peninsula and Semporna; Central to North Sabah; and Labuk Bay.

LIM, P. S. & TuNGAH SURAT 1989. Geology and coal potential of the northeast Meliau Basin, Sabah. In: Proc. 20th Geological Conference, Geological Survey of Malaysia, 1989, 1, Technical Papers, 108-118. Includes identifications of pollen and foraminfers in the lower Miocene Tanjong Formation. LIU, Z.H., YUAN, H.Y. & ZANG, Y.X. 1981. The relation between the characteristic gravity anomalies and crust structure in central and northern regions ofthe South China Sea. Sci. Geol. Sinica 2,105-112. Lm, Z.H., WANG, Q.L., YUAN, H.Y. & Su, D.Q. 1985. The Bouger anomalies and depths of Mohorovicic discontinuity in the South China Sea region. Acta Oceanol. Sinica, 4, 579-590. LLoYD, A.J. 1978. Geological evolution ofthe South China Sea. Proc. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society, 4, 95-137. Presents an account, with many maps, interpreting the history of Southeast Asia in terms of the expanding earth hypothesis.

LOIRET, B. & MUGNIOT, J.F. 1982. Seismic sequences interpretation, a contribution to the stratigraphical framework of the Mahakam area. 50 N. S.lIAILE

Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 11th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1982, I, 323- 334. Includes paleogeographic map, end middle Miocene. LoTH, J.E. 1918. Verslag over de resultaten van geologisch- mijnbouwkundige verkenningen en opspooringen in de Residentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo [Results of the geological and mining investigations in West Borneo]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned Oost-Indie, 1, 224-280. LoTH, J.E. 1920. De resultaten van geologisch-mijnbouwkundige verkenningen en opspooringen in de Residentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo [Report on the results of geological and mining investigations in the Western Division of Borneo]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Indie, 1918, 1,224-280

LUDWIG, W.J., KUMAR, N., & HOUTZ, R.E. 1979. Profiler-sonobuoy measurements in the South China Sea Basin. Jour. Geophys. Res., 84, 3505-3518. LUKI SAMUEL 1980. Relation of depth to hydrocarbon distribution in Bunyu Island, NE Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 9th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, May 1980, 417-431. Gives a regional map, and summary of depositional history of Tarakan Subbasin. LUKI SAMUEL & MUCHSIN, S. 1975. Stratigraphy and sedimentation in the Kutai Basin, Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 4th Ann. Conv., 27-39. Sedimentation in early Tertiary mainly from N & S sources. Tectonic uplift of the 'Kuching High' during the late Oligocene resulted in a shift of the source area to the W.

LUMADYO, E., MCCABE, R., HARDER, S., MERRILL, D. & LEE, T. 1990. Borneo: a stable portion of the Eurasian margin since the Eocene. Abstract, EOS, 71, 43, 1642.

LUMADYO, E., MCCABE, R., LEE, T. & MERRILL, D. in press. Borneo: a stable portion of the Eurasian margin since the Eocene. Geophys. Res. Lett. MAGNIER P. & SAMSU, B.S. 1975. The Handil oil field in East Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 4th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1975, II, 41- 61. Confined to a fairly smail part of the Mahakam Delta. MAGNIER, P., OK!, T., & KARTAADIPUTRA, L.W. 1975. The Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. Ninth World Petrol. Conf. 1975,239-250. Several deltaic systems superimposed since middle Miocene, prograding eastwards. Traps structural/sedimentary.

MAHMOOD, D.N.P. 1974. Scanning electron microscope studies of selected foraminifera from the Seria Formation. Brunei Museum Jour., 2, 271-284. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 51

MAlNGUY, M. 1968. Regional geology and prospects for mineral resources on the northern part of the Sunda Shelf. United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull. 1, 129-142. MAlNGUY, M. 1970. Regional geology and petroleum prospects of the marine shelves of eastern Asia. United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull. 3, 91- 107. MAlNGUY, M. 1971. Tertiary basins of eastern Asia and their offshore extensions. United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull. 6,225-227.

MAMMEmcKX, J., FISHER, R.L., EMMEL, F.J. & SMITH, S.M. 1976. Bathymetry of the east and southeast Asian Seas. Map Chart Ser. MC-17. Geol. Soc. America, Boulder, Colo.


MARKs, E., SUJATMIKO, SAMUEL, L., DHANUTlRTO, H., ISMOYOWATI, T., & SIDIK, B.B. 1982. Cenozoic stratigraphic nomenclature in East Kutei Basin, Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 11th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1982, I, 147-179. Five deposystems are separated into Groups and Formations, which are defined. MARsHALL, A.J. & SCHUMANN, H.O. 1981. Stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of the Klandasan beds in the Kutei Basin, east Kalimantan, Indonesian.Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 10th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 285- 295. Describes middle Miocene sandstones and shales. These were later defined as Mentawir formation (Marks et al. 1982). MARTIN, K. 1885. Neues iiber das Tertiar von Java und die Mesozoischen schichten von West-Borneo [New information on the Tertiary of Java and the Mesozoic strata ofWest Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichs Museum, Leiden, 5 (1888-1899), 23. MARTIN, K. 1889a. Ueber das Vorkomen einer RudistenferendenKriedeformation im siid-ostlichen Borneo [On a rudist-containing Cretaceous formation in southeast Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichs-Mus. Leiden, 1 Ser., 4, 117-125. MARTIN, K. 1889b. Die Fauna der Kreideformation von Martapoera [The fauna oftheCretaceousofMartapura].Samml. Geol. Reichs-Mus. Leiden, 1Ser., 5,52-69. MARTIN, K. 1889c. Untersuchungen ueber den Bau von Orbitolina (Patellina aucht.) von Borneo [Investigation ofthe structure of Orbitolin a (Patellina) from Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichs-Mus. Leiden, 1 Ser., 5, 209-231. MARTIN, K. 1890. Versteinerungen der sogenanten alten Schieferformation von West Borneo [Rocks of the so-called Old Slate Formation of West Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums, Leiden, 4. 52 N. S. HAILE

MARTIN, K. 1895. Neues ueber das Tertiar von Java und die mesozoischen Schichten von West-Borneo [New information on the Tertiary of Java and the Mesozoic of West Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums, Leiden, 5, (1898-1899),23. MARTIN, K. 1898a. Notiz uber den Lias von Borneo [Note on the Lias of Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichs Museum, Leiden, 5 (1888-1899), 253. MARTIN, K. 1898b. Die Fauna der Malawi Gruppe, einer Tertiaren (Eozanen) Brakwasserablagerung aus dem Innern von Borneo [The fauna of the Melawi Group, a Tertiary (Eocene?) brackish-water deposit in the Broneo hinterland]. Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums, Leiden, 5, (1898-1899), 257- 315. Also in Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost- India, Part 1.

MATSUBAYASffi, O. & UYEDA, S. 1980. Estimation of heat flow in certain exploration wells in offshore area of Malaysia. United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull. 13, 11- 22. Gives data for measured thermal conductivity of 143 core samples, and shows that regional heat flow is anomalously high in the Malay Basin. In contrast, heat flow in the Sabah Basin is subnormal to normal.

MAy, J.A. & EYLEs, D.R. 1985. Well log and seismic character of Tertiary Terumbucarbonate, South China Sea, Indonesia.AmericanAssoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 69,9,1339-1358. Miocene L-structure divided into upper and lower units by a prominent reflector, and L-structure carbonate into three main facies: deep-water detrital carbonate; upper Terumbu platform carbonate; and lower Terumbu platform carbonate. Deposition was controlled by eustatic sea-level changes and local tectonics. Porosities are much higher in the platform facies. Porosity is at a minimum for a given depth at a sequence boundary, and increases upsection to the next sequence boundary.

MAzLA.N IIA.rr MAnON 1986. A note on the occurence of clay- associated dolomite from offshore Sabah. Warta Geologi, 12,3,117-126. Describes dolomite from well Tiga Papan-2, offshore Kudat Peninsula.

MAzLA.N IIA.rr MAnON 1992. Note on dolerite, rhyolite, and granophyre in the basement of the Tenggol Arch, offshore Terengganu [east Peninsular Malaysia]. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 31. Basement cores in well Malong 50-17.2 consist of highly fractured porphyritic rhyolite in sharp contact with a dolerite dyke.The rhyolite is overlain by a lower Miocene conglomerate of rhyolite and granophyre clasts. McMANus, J. & TATE, R.B. 1976. Volcanic control of structures in north and west Borneo. SEAPEX Program, Offshore South East Asia Conference, Paper 5. Presents a view that volcanic and epiclastic rocks are more widespread than recorded previously, and that many melanges and chaotic deposits are of an explosive volcanic origin. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 53

McMANus J. & TATE, R.B. 1983. Obduction in Sabah. Proc. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration (SEAPEX), 6, 58-65. Propose that a slice of sea-floor from the Sulu Sea was obducted northeastwards onto the Borneo microcontinent. Resultant collapse induced slump breccias and the formation and filling of crustal depressions. McMANus, J. & TATE, R.B. 1986. Mud volcanoes and the origin of certain chaotic deposits in Sabah, East Malaysia. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 19, 193-205. MEENE, E.A. 1984. Geological aspects of peat formation in the Indonesia - Malaysia lowlands. Geol. Res. & Development Centre Bull. 9, 20-30. METcALFE, I. 1985. Lower Permian conodonts from the Terbat Formation, Sarawak. Warta Geologi, 11, 1, 1-3. METCALFE, I. 1988. Origin and assembly of south-east Asian continental terranes. In: Audley-Charles, M.G. & Hallam, A. (eds.), Gondwana and Tethys. Geol. Soc. London Special Publ. 37, 101-118. Pre-Tertiary continental core composed of at least four terranes: Sibumasu (Shan State of Burma, NW Thailand, Peninsular Burma & Thailand, W Malaya, NW Sumatra); Indo-China; E Malaya (incl. SE Sumatra & Natuna); SW Borneo. Separated by sutures, and joined to S China along the Song Ma Song Da zone. METcALFE, I. 1991. Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic palaeogeography ofSoutheast Asia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 87, 211-22l. South China, Indochina, and east Malaya were rifted from northeast Gondwanaland in the Silurian or Devonian and amalgamated to each other during the Carboniferous. "Sibumasu" remained attached to northwestAustraIian Gondwanaland until late early Permian, when it rifted away and collided with Indochina-East Malaya probably in early Triassic. Other small terranes including southwest Borneo and Semitau were accreted to the resultant core during Jurassic and Cretaceous to form Sundaland. MITCHELL, A.H.G. 1981. Phanerozoic plate boundaries in mainland SE Asia, the Himalayas and Tibet. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 138,109-122.

MOHD NAZRI RAMu 1988. Stratigraphy and palaeofacies development of Carigali's operating areas in the Malay basin, South China Sea. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 22, 153-188. Oldest rocks are Oligocene upper coastal plain, succeeded by lower coastal plain sediments. Lower Miocene section is coastal fluviomarine sediments in S (PM12) and lower coastal plain to the N (PM 6). Middle to upper Miocene sediments are mainly coastal fluviomarine, whereas Pliocene to Holocene sediments are holomarine.

MOHD ZAn.oN BIN R.AMLI 1983. Geology of the Lingga-Bijat area, Sarawak. Malaysian Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1981,285-289. MoHLER, W.A. 1943. Flosculinella reicheli n. sp. aus dem Tertiar von Borneo. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, 42, 2, 521- 527. 54 N. S. HAILE

MoHLER, W.A. 1946. Uber das Volkommen von Trocholina Paalzowin der Unter Kreide von West Borneo [On the occurrence ofTrocholina Paalzow in the Lower Cretaceous ofWest Borneol. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, 39 (2), 300-302.

MOLENGRAAFF, G.A.F.1900. Geologische verkenningstochten in CentraalBorneo (1893-94). E.J.Brill, Leiden. A classical account of pioneering field work in West Kalimantan, lavishly illustrated, and accompanied by an atlas ofcoloured maps. Introduces the Danau Formation for the radiolarian cherts extending from the Lupar Valley of Sarawak across northern Kalimantan. MOLENGRAAFF, G.A.F. 1902. Geological explorations in Central Borneo (1893- 94). English revised edition. Leyden and Amsterdam, Society for the Promotion of the Scientific Exploration ofthe Dutch Colonies. E.J.Brill & Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. MOLENGRAAFF, G.A.F. 1909. On oceanic deep-sea deposits of Central-Borneo. Proc. Kon. Akad. v. Wetensch., 141-147. Describes the radiolarites and mafic and ultramafic rocks ofthe Danau Formation, and interprets them as analogues of modern deep-sea red clays.

MOLENGRAAFF, G.A.F. 1914. Hoofdtreken der geologie van Oost Borneo naar aanleiding der reizen van Prof. Dr Niewenhuis en anderen [Major aspects of the geology of East Borneo following the journeys of Prof Niewenhuis andothersl. Geol.-MijnbouwkundigGenootschapNed. en Kolonieen, 1912- 1914, 1, Verslagen der Geologische Sectie, 175-179.

MOLENGRAAFF, G.A.F. 1916. On the occurence of nodules of manganese in mesozoic deep-sea deposits from Borneo, Timor, and Rotti, their significance and mode of formation, Proc. Royal Acad. Amsterdam, 18,415-430. MOLENGRAAFF, G.A.F. 1921. Modem deep-sea research in the East Indian Archipelago. Geogr. Jour., 57, 95-121.

MOLENGRAAFF, G.A.F. 1922. De Geologie der zeeen van Ned. Oost-Indie [The geology of the seas of the Netherlands East Indesl. In: De Zeeen van Ned. Ost-Indie, edited by Kon. Ned. Aadr. Gen. (English translation in Proc. IVth Pan Pac. Sci. Congress, Java, 1929, lIB, 989- 1008, 1010-1021).

MOLENGRAAFF, G.A.F. & WEBER, M. 1919. On the relation between the Pleistocene glacial period and the origin ofthe Sunda Sea (Java- and South China-Sea), and its influence on the distribution of coral reefs and on the land- and freshwater fauna. Proc. Royal Acad. Amsterdam, 23, 395-439. The first compreheIisive attempt to explain the geomorphology ofthe Sunda Shelffrom glacio-eustatic sealevel fluctuations. Describes drowned channels of Pleistocene rivers. Supports the view thatE Sumatra and WBorneo were drained by the same river system by an analysis of freshwater fish fauna. MOLNAR, P. & TAPPONIER, P. 1975. Cenozoic tectonics of Asia: effects of a BffiLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 55

continental collision. Science 189,419- 426. MoRLEY, R.J. 1977. Palynology of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments in Southeast Asia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 6th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, May 1977, I, 255-276. A comprehensive review and bibliography. MoRLEY, R.J. 1981. Development and vegetation dynamics of a lowland ombrogenous peat swamp in Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia. Jour. " Biogeography, 8, 383-404. MOTLEY, J. 1852. Report on the geological phenomenon on the island of Labuan and neighbourhood. Jour. Indian Archipel~o and Eastern Asia. The firstrecorded visit ofa geologistto North Bomeo (Sabah). Describesthestratigraphic units containing coal seams at Kubong Bluff. MUELLER,"F.P. 1915. Tektite from British Borneo. Geol. Mag.,ll, 206-211. MULLER, J. 1963. Palynological study ofHolocene peat in Sarawak. Symposium on Ecological Research in Humid Tropics Vegetation, UNESCO, Kuching, Sarawak, July 1963, 147-156. MULLER, J. 1964. A palynological contribution to the history of the mangrove vegetation in Borneo. In: Ancient Pacific Floras, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 33-34. MULLER, J. 1966. Montane pollen from the Tertiary ofNW Borneo. Blumea, 14, 1,231-235. MULLER, J. 1968. Palynology ofthe Pedawan and Plateau Sandstone Formations (Cretaceous-Eocene) in Sarawak, Malaysia. Micropaleontology, 14(1), 1- 37. MULLER, J. 1969. A palynological study of the genus Sonneratia (Sonneratiaceae). Pollen et Spores, II, 223- 298. MULLER, J.1972. Palynological evidence for change in geomorphology, climate, and vegetation in the Mio-Pliocene of Malesia. In: Ashton, M. & P.S. The Quaternary Era in Malesia, 2nd Aberdeen-Hull Symp. on Malesian Ecology, 1971. Univ. Hull, Dept. Geogr. Misc. Ser., 13, 6-16. MUNDY, R. 1848. Narrative of events in Borneo and Celebes down to the occupation of Labuan, from the journals of James Brooke, Esq. London, John Murray. Includes the earliest notes on the geology of Sarawak by Hiram Williams. MURPHY, R.W. 1975. Tertiary basins of Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia Petrol. Expl. Soc. Proc. 2, 1-36. Classifies basins into: shelfal, continental margin, archipelagic, and marginal sea. 56 N. S. HAn.E

MYERS, L.C. 1977. A weathering profile developed on ultrabasic rocks at Telupid, Sabah. Malaysia Geological Survey, Geological Papers, Volume 2, 66-71. A high degree of chemical weathering extends to 28 feet, beneath which a layer of montmorillonite lies above the bedrock.

N NEWTON, R.B. 1887. A Jurassic Lamellibranch from Sarawak. Borneo. Geol. Magazine, 4, 407. NEWTON, R.B. & HOLLAND, R. 1899. On some Tertiary Foraminifera from Borneo collected by Prof. Molengraaff and the late Mr A.H.Everett, and their comparison with similar rocks from Sumatra. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 7, 3, 245-264. NEWTON-SMITH, J. 1967. Bidu-Bidu Hills area, Sabah, East Malaysia. Malaysia Geol. Survey (Borneo Region) Rept., 4. NEWTON-SMITH, J. & WILFORD, G.E.1968. Radiocarbon determination from near Kambarango, Mount Kinabalu. In: Collenette, P. and Goh, J. (eds.) Geological Papers 1967, Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Bull., 9, 36-37. Wood from till-like debris at 6000 feet elevation has a 14C age of 34 300 years BP. The deposit is interpreted as a solifluction deposit formed when the mountain was capped by ice. NG TONG SAN 1987. Trap styles ofthe TenggolArch and the southern part ofthe Malay Basin. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 21, 177-193. Believed to form part ofan early Oligocene (?) rift system. Drape and anticlinal features and fault/dip closures have been identified. NnNO, H. 1971. A study of the sediments and magnetics across the continental shelf between Borneo and the Malaya Peninsula. United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull. 4, 143-147. NnNo, H. & EMERY, K.O. 1961. Sediments ofshal1ow portions ofEast China Sea and South China Sea. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 72, 731-762. NIK RAMu 1986. Depositional model of a Miocene barred wave- and storm­ dominated shoreface and shelf, SE Malay Basin, offshore West Malaysia. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 70, 1, 34-47. NIK RAMu 1988. Characteristics of J Sandstone (Tapis Formation) in the southeastern part of the Malay Basin, offshore West Malaysia. Proc. Petroleum Exploration Soc. (SEAPEX), 8, 239-248. Depositional texture including degree of bioturbation appears to control permeability distribution in the various types ofshoreface and offshore bar sandstones. Anomalously high secondary porosities may increase permeabilities of otherwise poorly permeable bioturbated sandstones. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 57

NOOR AzIM IBRAHIM & MAzLAN MAnON 1990. Depositional environments, diagenesis, and porosity of reservoir sandstones in the Malong Field, offshore West Malaysia. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 27, 27-55. Reservoir interval (?lower Miocene; c. 1500 m depth) includes three main types of sandbody: prograding shoreface; shallow marine; fluvial channel. Porosity and permeability primarily related to depositional environment; highest in fluvial channel and offshore shelf. Shoreface deposits slightly lower.

NUAY, E.S., AsTARITA, A.M. & EDWARDS, K. 1985. Early middle Miocene deltaic progradation in the southern Kutai Basin [East Kalimantan, Indonesia]. Prot;. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 14thAnn. Conv., Jakarta, October 1985, 1, 63-81. Active eastward progradation in middle Miocene around Balikpapan Bay, is attributed to uplift in early middle Miocene. Detailed paleoenvironmental maps of a small area.

NUGROHO SETIO, WAHYUDIN SUWARLIN & RENNIER LATIEF 1989. The integration of borehole, seismic data, geological field work, paleontological data, and SAR in a thrusted area ofEast Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 18th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1989,1,17-54. Integration of surface structural interpretation from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images over two parts of the Kutei Basin in the Mahakam Delta area.

NURAITENG TEE ABDULLAH & KUSHAIRI BJ. ABANG 1987. Pedawan Formation of the Penrissen Area, Sarawak. A revision of its upper age limit. Warta Geologi, 13, 2, 43-50. Upper limit should be revised from Maastrichtian to upper Santonian, as no younger planktonic foraminiferids have been reported. NUTI'ALL, C.P. 1961. Mollusca from the Togopi Formation (Upper Caenozoic) of North Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1960, 83-96.

NUTI'ALL, C.P. 1965. Report on the Haile collection of fossil Mollusca from the Plio-Pleistocene Togopi Formation, Dent Peninsula, Sabah, Malaysia. In: Haile, N.S. & Wong, N.P.Y., The geology and mineral resources of Dent Peninsula, Sabah. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Mem. 16, 155- 192. Lists 200 species -. 109 gastropods and 88 bivalves - and discusses their biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental significance. NUTI'AL, C.P. & LEONG, K.M. 1972. Occurrence of Acteonella (opisthobranch gastropod) in the Cretaceous of Sabah. Malaysia Geological Survey, Geological Papers, Volume 1.1-9. The genus was previously unknown in Southeast Asia. The samples were from a limestone block resting on altered basalt, probably ofthe Chert-Spilite Formation. The age is probably Cenomanian to Campanian. 58 N. S. HAILE o ODP LEG 124 SCIENTIFIC DRILLING PARTY 1989. :teg 124 researchers drill marginal basins. Geotimes, May 1989,15-16. Results from Sulu Sea. Major change in middle Miocene at 10.5 Ma: lower part green claystone sedimentation rate 9 mlMa; upper part turbidites, at nearly 300 mlMa. Good paleomagnetic results; short normal event within the Matuyama cbron, just below the Jaramillo subcbron at 1.1 Ma. S of the Atlantic-type SCS basin, the Sulu Sea appears to have opened rapidly in an intra-arc or back-arc position during collision of the Cagayan Ridge with Dangerous Ground. On, H.L. 1987. The Kutei Basin - a unique structural history. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 16th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1987, 1,307-316. Notes that it is difficult to explain the position of the Kutei Lakes over a gravity high (but why?). Interprets structure in the eastern basin to be a result of massive land slip on a huge scale.

OUDIN, J.L. 1987. Source rock and hydrocarbon generation in the Bei Bu Gulf of the South China Sea. Proc. Internat. Symp. Petroleum Geol. N Continental Shelf Area, S China Sea. Guangdong Petroleum Society and China Oil, Guangzhou, 575-604.

OUDIN, J.L. AND PICARD, P.F. 1982. Genesis of hydrocarbons in the Mahakam Delta and the relationship between their distribution and the overpressured zones.Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 11th Ann. Conv., June 1982, 1,181- 202. In Handil Field, maximum oil generation in transition zone; high-pressure zone can only source gas; heavier oils in in deeper reservoirs; all oil at same maturity.


PACKHAM, G.H. 1990. Plate motions and Southeast Asia: some tectonic consequences for basin development. Offshore South East Asia 8th Conference, Singapore, December 1990. Shows a suture between Borneo with SE Malaya (CCW rotation) and rest of Malaya (CW). Clear regional maps.

PANIGORO, H. 1983. Petrographic characteristics of Badak and Nilam Fields sandstone reservoirs. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 12th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 191-206.

PARKE, M. L. JR., EMERY, K.O., SznfANKIEWlCZ, R. & REYNOLDS, L. M. 1971. Structural framework ofcontinental margin in South China Sea. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 55, 723-751.CReprinted in United Nations ECAFE, CCOP Tech. Bull. 4, 103-142). Reports results of a 16000-km seismic and magnetic survey, and delineates the topography and subsurface structure of the western and southern parts of the South China Sea. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 59

PAUL, D.D. & LIAN, H.M. 1975. Offshore Tertiary basins of Southeast Asia, Bay of Bengal to South China Sea. Ninth World Petrol. Congr. Proc. 3, Exploration and transportation, 107-121. Applied Science Publishers, London. Gives an account ofGulf of Thailand & Malaya Basins based on previous publications­ but includes no new data on these areas and no interpretation. PAUTOT, G. & RANGIN, C. 1989. Subduction of the South China Sea axial ridge below Luzon (Philippines). Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 92,57-59, 1989. PAUTOT, G., RANGIN, C., BRIAIs, A., TAPPONNIER, P., BEUZART, P., LEruCOLAIS, G., MATHIEU, x., Wu, J., IIAN, S., LI, H., Lu, Y., & ZHAO, J. 1986. Spreading direction in the central South China Sea Nature, 321,150-154. PELTON,P.J.1974. Explorationofthe south Barito Basin Reef Tract, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc.3rd Ann. Conv., 153-169. Paleoenvironmental maps. See Siregar & Sunaryo for a more recent (1980) paper. PmERs, P.E. & 8uPmATN:A, S. 1989. Explanatory notes on the 1:1 000 000 preliminary geological map of the West, Central, and East Kalimantan Area. GRDC, Bandung, BMR, Australia. Open file report. Lists and systematically describes lithostratigraphic units. Summarizes mineral and petroleum resources. Contains a fairly comprehensive bibliography. PIETERS, P.E. & SUPRIATNA, S. 1990. Geological map of the west, central, and east Kalimantan area, 1:1 000000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung. PIETERS, P.E., TRAIL, D.S., & SUPRIANATA, S.1987. Correlation of Early Tertiary rocks across Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc., 16th Ann. Conv., 291-306. Gives evidence for an upper Eocene age for the basal beds in upper Mahakam and Barita rivers, and in the Keriau River, and in Sarawak. Some bold regional paleoenvironmental maps. PILZ, R.R. 1913. Geologische Studien in British North Borneo. VI Jahresber. Freiberger Geol. Ges. PIMM, A.C. 1965a. Seabed sediments from the South China Sea. Geol. Survey Borneo Region Malaysia, Ann.Rept for 1964,122-146. Describes the sedimentology including clay mineralogy of samples from gravity cores, grab samplers, and dredge hauls, from an extensive area of the shelf, slope, and deeper areas offNW Borneo. PIMM, A.C. 1965b. Serian area, west Sarawak, Malaysia. Geol. Survey Malaysia (Borneo Region), Rept. 3. PIMM, A.C. 1967a. Triassic volcanic rocks in East and West Malaysia. In: Collenette, P. (ed.) Geological Papers 1966. Geol. Survey Borneo Region Malaysia Bull. 8, 36-40. 60 N. S. HAILE

Analyses indicate that Triassic rocks in the two areas do not belong to the same petrographic province. PIMM, A.C. 1967b. Bau Mining District, West Sarawak, East Malaysia. Part II: Krokong. Geol. Survey Borneo Region Malaysia Bull. 7. x, 97, 20 figures, 13 tables, 46 plates, coloured geological map, 1:10000. Describes in detail the Upper Triassic to Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, mid­ Miocene stocks and intrusive sheets, and associated gold, mercury, and antimony mineralization, of the southern part of the Bau area. For Part I see under Wolfenden, 1965. POLLOCK, R.E., HAYES, J .B., WILLIAMS, K.P. & YOUNG, R.A. 1984. The petroleum geology of the KH Field, Kakap, [Natuna area, S China Sea], Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 13thAnn. Conv., Jakarta, May 1984, I, 407-423. Widespread fluvial channel sandstone system in late Oligocene (Upper Gabus), fromN. Lacustrine SR (Gabus) Marginal marine to deltaic sandstones in early and middle Miocene (Arang), followed by marine claystones. Marine mudstones to Pleistocene (Muda) effective seal. Includes maturity map and burial history. Oligocene paleoenvironment.

POSEWITZ, T. 1882. Unsere geologischen Kenntnisse von Borneo [Our geological knowledge of Borneo]. Buda-Pest.

POTTER, T.L. 1984. Paleontology [of Brunei]. In: James, D.M.D. (ed.) The geology and hydrocarbon resources ofNegara Brunei Darussalam. Muzium Brunei & Brunei Shell Petroleum Co., 76-92.

POTTER, T.L., JOHNS, n.R. & DE NATRlS T.B.G. 1984. Lithostratigraphy [of Brunei]. In: James, D.M.D. (ed.) The geology and hydrocarbon resources of Negara Brunei Darussalam. Muzium Brunei & Brunei Shell Petroleum Co., 43-75.

POSEWITZ, T. 1889. Borneo. Entdeckungsreisen und Untersuchungen. Berlin. Translated by Hatch, F.H. 1892 as: Borneo; its geology and mineral resources. E.Stanford, London.

PuLUNGGONO, A. 1985. The changing pattern of ideas on Sundaland within the last hundred years, its implications to oil exploration. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 14th Ann. Conv., Jakarta. An account of the evolution of geological thought about Sundaland, from early ideas of the Dutch geologists to recent work. PuPILLI, M. 1973. Geological evolution of South China Sea area: tentative reconstruction from borderland geology and well data. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 2nd Ann.. Conv., Jakarta, June 1973. An early attempt to explain the South China Sea in terms.ofplate tectonics. BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 61

Q QIAN YI-PENG (no date). Characteristics of the heat flow profile on the continental margin in the northern part of South China Sea and their geological significance. In: Combined Proceedings of the Joint Ascopel CCOP Workshops I & II, 1981 & 1984. United Nations ESCAP/CCOP Technical Publication 15, 100-104. QIN, G.Q. 1982. Late Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera and zonations in the northern South China Sea. Marine Geol. Res., 2, 39-58 (in Chinese). QIN, G.Q. 1985. A preliminary analysis on Cenozoic foraminifera and sedimentary environment in the northern slope of the Pearl River Mouth Basin. Acta Micropalaeont. Sinica, 2, 107-114 (in Chinese).


RAMu, NIK SEE NIK RAMu RANGIN, C., STEPHAN, J.F. & MULLER, C. 1985. Middle Oligocene oceanic crust jammed into Mindoro collision zone (Philippines). Geology, 13, 425-528. RANGIN, C., BELLON, H., BENARD, F., LEOUZEY, J., MULLER, C. & SANUDIN, T. 1990. Neogene arc-continent collision in Sabah, northern Borneo (Malaysia). Tectonophysics, 183, 305-319. Arc-continent collision in early middle Miocene was followed by intraplate shortening which is active at present. A late Oligocene-middle Miocene is imbricated with melanges and thrust northwest on an Upper Cretaceous to middle Miocene polyphase-deformed turbiditic sequence. This paper has been comprehensively criticized by Hutchison (Tectonophysics, in press). REINHARD, M. 1924. Contributions to the physiography and geology of the SE coast of British North Borneo. Geographical Jour., 63,121-176. REINHARD, M. & WENK, E. 1951. The geology of the Colony of North Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 1. xiv, 106,29 figures, 11 tables, 20 plates, 10 geological maps scales 1:500000,1:200000,1:100009. A compilation of results of exploration work by geologists of the Royal Dutch/Shell and Nederlandsche Koloniale Petroleum Maatschappij, and laboratory work on the samples. RICE-OxLEY, E.D. 1991. Palaeoenvironments of the Lower Miocene to Pliocene sediments in offshore NW Sabah area. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull., 28, 165- 194. Maps of the depositional environment for 10 Miocene time intervals are presented, based on biostratigraphic and seismic data. Four "seismic facies" (base of slope, slope, shelf, and coastal plane) are distinguished. Integration with sand distribution enables an evaluation of the reservoir potential of these facies to be made. Rmn, M.F. 1971. Southeast Asia as a part of Gondwanaland. Nature, 234, 62 N. S. HAILE

5331,531-533, December 31,1971. Suggests that Thail~d, Malaya, and Sumatra, formerly fitted against India and Ceylon. ' RIDn, M.F. 1972. Southeast Asia ,a part of Gondwanaland?: reply. Nature Physical Science, 240, 140-141. Replies to the objections of StaUffer and Gobbett (1972). RIDn, M.F. 1980. Possible Palaeozoic drift of SE Asia and Triassic collision with China. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 137,635-640. Thai-Malay Peninsula block: separated from Gondwana in mid- Paleozoic, and collided with mainland Asia 'in the late Triassic. RLms, E.J.C. 1981. Baram Delta and hydrocarbon occurrences. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 14, 1-18. ' The Baram Delta Province, although a small part ofthe Sarawak offshore, contains the bulk of discovered oil. The depocentre was initiated in the late Eocene, and from early middle Miocene onwards is marked by regressive phases ofclastic sedimentation. Two types of deformation are: 1) gravity induced growth faults, generally hading N and arcuate; 2) NE-SW trending compressional folds, which formed in late late Miocene. All fields are at the intersElCti.on of the growth fatilts and anticlinal trends. RoBINSON, K. 1985. Assessment of undiscovered conventionally recoverable petroleum resources in Tertiary sedimentary basins of Malaysia and Brunei. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 18, 119~131. Estimates undiscovered recoverable reserves at 8 x 109 bbl oil and 80 x 1012 ft3 gas. Penyu Basin and Malacca Straits may lack seals, and mature source rock:. It is unlikely that the Sabah Basin, the Balingian and West Luconia Provinces, the Sandakan and N Tarakan Basins will be almost as rich again as theBaram Delta was originally. The West Luconia Province may have exceedingly large gas potential. ROE, F.W. 1955. Geological map of the British Territories in Borneo. 1:1000000. British Borneo Geol. Survey, 1st edition. RoE, F.W. (COMPILER) 1956. Lexicon of British Borneo stratigraphic terms. Reprinted from Briti~h Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1955. RoE, F .W. 1957. Sketch map showing the geology ofBorneo. 1:2 000000. British Borneo Geol. Survey. ROE, F.W. 1959. Geological map of the British Territories in Borneo. 1:1000000. British Borneo Geol. Survey, 2nd edition. RoE, F.W. (co-ORD.) 1962. Oil and natural gas map ofAsia and the Far East, 1:5000000, 4 sheets. United NationslECAFE, Bangkok. RoSE, R. & IlARTONO, P. 1978. Geological evolution of the Tertiary Kutei­ Melawi Basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 7th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1978,225-251. > 40 000' ofclastic and carbonate rocks in thickest part. Connected to Melawi-Ketungau area in Paleogene, and M-K basin open to the NW Borneo basin at that time. Greatest BmUOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 63

carbonate in Paleogene on Barito & Paternoster platform. In Neogene regressive deposition from deltaic complexes filled much of Kutei & NW Borneo basins, while carbonate continued on the Paternoster Platform. The Meratus Graben received sediment from Eocene to m Miocene & was uplifted, folded, and faulted in m to late Neogene. Obduction in Sabah. Series of small scale paleogeographic maps. Ru, K. 1987. Plate tectonic views of basin development of the northern margin ofthe South China Sea. Proc. Intemat. Symp. Petroleum Geol. N Continental , Shelf Area, S China Sea. Guangdong Petroleum Society and China Oil, Guangzhou, 644-669.

Ru, K. AND PIGGOT, J.D. 1986. Episodic rifting and subsidence in the South China Sea. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 70, 1136-1155. Three phases of rifting- Late Cretaceous (NE-SW), late Eocene (E-W), and late early Miocene (E-W) - and two intervening stages of sea-floor spreading are postulated. Oceanic crust in the SW sub-basin is considerably older (55 Ma) than that in the NW (35-36 Ma) or E (32 Ma) subbasins. Includes heat-flow data for 252 points in the South China, Sulu, and Celebes Seas, and subsidence curves for five wells.

RUDOLPH, K.W. & LEHMANN, P.J. 1989. Platform evolution and sequence stratigraphy of the Natuna Platform, South China Sea. In: Controls on carbonate platform and basin development, SEPM Special Publ. 44, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 353-361. Platform retreat from middle Miocene onward due to increased subsidence. Large eustatic sea level rise in early Pliocene, combined with continued rapid subsidence, drowned the platform.

RUSTAM SUNARYO, SOEJONO MARTODJOJO & ABDUL WARAB 1988. Detailed geological evaluation ofthe possible hydrocarbon prospects in the Bungalun area, East Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 17th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1988, 1, 423-446. Describes an area SW of Mangkalihat Peninsula. RUTHERFORD, K.J. & QuREsm, M.K. 1981. Geothermal gradient map of SE Asia. 2nd Edition. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Soc.! Indonesian Petroleum Assoc. RUTTEN, L.M.R. 1916. Veranderingen der facies in het tertiair van Oost Koetei [Changing facies in the Tertiary of East Kutail. Akademie Verslagen, Amsterdam, 25. RUTTEN, L.M.R. 1926. Over het voorkomen der Danauformatie in Martapoera (ZO Borneo) [On the Danau Formation in Martapura (Southeast Borneo)]. Versl. Kon. Akad. Weten. Amsterdam, Md. Naturkund, 31. RUTTEN, L.M.R. 1947. De gesteenten der Midden Oost Borneo Expedite 1925 [The rocks of the middle-east Borneo expedition, 1925]. Utrecht University Geog. Geol. Mendeleel, Physiog.-Geol. Ser 2, 9. 64 N. S. HAILE

RUT1'EN, M.G. 1915. Studien iiber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien. 9. Tertiare Foraminiferen von den Inseln Balambangan und Banguey, nordI. von Borneo [Studies onforaminiferids from East Asia. 9. Tertiary foraminiferids from the islands ofBalambangan and Banggi, northern Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums. Leiden, Ser. 1, Bd. 10. RUT1'EN, M.G. 1921. Over het ouderdom der tertiare, oliehoudende afzettingen van Klias-schiereiland en Poeloe Laboean (Noordwest-Borneo) [On the age of the Tertiary oil-bearing deposits of the peninsula of Klias and Pulau Labuan (NW Borneo)]. Kon. Akad. van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 29. (English translation in vo1.33, 8, Section of Sciences, 1922) RUT1'EN, M.G. 192580 Over fossielhoudende tertiare kalksteenen uit British Noord Borneo [On fossiliferous Tertiary limestone from British North Borneo]. Gedenkboek Verbeek. Verhandel. Geol. Mijnbouwk. Genootschap. V. Ned.en Kol., Geol. Ser. 8, 415-427. RUT1'EN, M.G. 1925b. Tertiary rocks from north-western British Borneo and from Berau (E. Borneo). Proc. Kon. Akad. van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 28, 7, Sect of Sciences.

RUTTEN, M.G. 1940. On Devonian liD,lestones with Clathrodictyon cf. spatiosum and Heliolites porosus from eastern Borneo. Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetensch., 43, 8, 1-6. RUT1'EN, M.G. 1943. Over enkele devonsiche fossilen uit Midden Oost-Borneo. Handel V. h. XXIX Ned. Natur-en Geneeskundig Congr., Amsterdam, 58- 59 .. RUT1'EN, M.G. 1948. On the contemporaneous occurrence ofLepidocyclina and Discocyclina in Northern Borneo. Geol. en Mijnbouw, Niewe Serie, lOe jaargang.

S SABINS, F.F. 1985. Space shuttle radar images of Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 14th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1985, 2, 471-476. Includes some images of Sarawak (Linau-Balui. Baleh) and of sub-circular basins.

SAFARUDIN & MANvLANG, M.H. 1989. Trapping mechanisms in Mutiara Field, Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 18th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 399-421.

SAITO, K., NURIM, R.D. & UCHIYAMA, T. 1987. Sedimentological and geometrical analysis of sandstones in Pamaguan Field, Kutei Basin - case study Indonesia. World Oil, July 1987, 43-46.


offshore northwest Palawan, Philippines. Proc. 2nd Ascope Conference, Manila, 99-123. On Palawan Island pre-Tertiary basement is separated from the accreted oceanic crust ofS Palawan by the N-S strike-slip ffiugan Bay Fault. Offshore hydrocarbons occur in the Eocene to lower Miocene Nido Limestone. SAMUEL, K. 1980. Relation of depth to hydrocarbon distribution in Bunyu Island, N E Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 9th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 417- 431.

SAMUEL, L. & MUCHSIN, S. 1975. Stratigraphy and sedimentation in the Kutai Basin, Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 4th Ann. Conv., 27-39. Sedimentation in early Tertiary mainly from N & S sources. Tectonic uplift of the 'Kuching High' during the late Oligocene resulted in a shift ofthe source area to the W.

SANDERSON, G.A. 1964. Penrissen area, West Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1963, 95.

SANDERSON, G.A.1966. Presence of Carboniferous in West Sarawak.American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 50, 578-580.

SANGREE, J. B. 1981. Use of seismic stratigraphy in carbonate rocks, N atuna D­ Alpha block example. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 10th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, May 1981,135-152. Deepwater shales deposited directly on Terumbu carbonates beginning in late Pliocene. From unpublished reports, gives KlAr date of quartz diorite in AP-IX well as 79.3 ± 4.7 Ma, and date ofridge formation from dates from NE Puas and Ranai wells as 54-48 Ma.

SANUDIN HJ TAHIR & TAN TEONG BING 1986. The Sabah Melange - a stratigraphic unit? Warta Geologi, 12, 2, 58-59.

SANUDIN HJ TAHIR & MAzLAN ADD. GHAFFAR 1990. Effects of the mud volcanic activity on the morphology ofPulau Tiga. Sains Malaysiana, 19, 1,91-102.

SANUDIN, H. T., MUHAMMAD, B.G., PEREIRA, J.J. & QUEK, C.J.1991. Occurrence of melange in , Sabah. Warta Geologi, 17,6. The melange forms a basement overlain by volcanic and upper Miocene sedimentary rocks. It contains blocks ofserpentinized ultrabasic rocks, pillow basalts, metamorphic rocks, graywackes, limestone, and red chert and shale, in a foliated sandy clay matrix.

SARKAR, S. S. 1973. The extension of Tethyan Lower Cretaceous to Sarawak, East Malaysia. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Newsletter, 45, 4-5. SATO, T. 1975. Marine Jurassic formations and faunas in Southeast Asia and New Guinea. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 15, 151-189. SAXBY, R. & LATIEF, R. 1989. Post-convention field trip Samarinda, 27-29 October 1989 (guide). Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 18th Ann. Conv., Jakarta.

SCHAAR, G. 1976. The occurrence of hydrocarbons in overpressured reservoirs 66 N. S.lIArLE

of the Baram Delta (offshore Sarawak, Malaysia). Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 5th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1976, II, 163-169. Abnormally high fluid pressures result from a) undercompaction and b) inflation of originally normally pressured reservoirs by injection (leakage) from an underlying undercompacted sequence. Now oil has been found in undercompacted sequences underlying the overpressured zone.

SCHAUB, H.P. & JACKSON, A. 1958. The northwestern oil basin of Borneo. In: Habitat of oil, a symposium. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 1330-1336.

SCHERER F. C. 1980. Exploration in East Malaysia over the past decade. In: Halbouty, M.T. (ed.) Giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1968-1978. American Assoc. Petroleum Geol. Mem. 30, 423-440. Magnetic data, locally supported by seismic data, suggest the greatest sedimentary thicknesses are in central and northern Sarawak, close to the present coast... In Sabah, a zone of maximum thickness appears to occur 60 km offshore. The main source ... was the orogenic belt that runs along the southern border of Sarawak northward into Sabah... mainly uplifted in the Eocene. Mentions Paleocene shallow-water limestones in the subsurface of southwest Luconia. Gives brief history - no new data. Mainly a description of Baronia & Samarang Oilfields, and Central Luconia Gas Fields.

SCHMIDT, C. 1901. Observations geologiques it Sumatra et it Borneo. [Geological observations in Sumatra and Borneo]. Bull. Soc. geol. de France, 4eme serie, tome I.

SCHMIDT, C. 1904. Ueber die Geologie von Nordwest-Borneo und eine daselbst entstandene "Neue Insel" [On the geology of Northwest Borneo and a spontaneously emerging "new island"]. Gerlands Beitriige zur Geophysik, Bd. 7, Heft 1, 12-136.

SCHMIDT, H.J.E. 1988. Highlights of 3D surveys, offshore Sarawak. Proc. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Soc. (Seapex), 8, 1-16.

SCHMIDTKE, EA, FuLLER, M.D. & HAsTON, R. B. 1990. Paleomagnetic results from Sarawak, Malaysia Borneo, and the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonics of Sundaland. Tectonics, 9, 1, 123-140. Data from Upper Jurassic to Miocene rocks imply up to 1080 CCW rotation of Borneo with respect to stable Eurasia, sometime during the Cretaceous and Cenozoic. The data do not support the 'propagating extrusion tectonics' model for Cenozoic Southeast Asia.

SCHMIDTKE, E., ALMAsco, J., DuNN, J.R., FuLLER, M., HAsTON, R. & LoNGRAF, R. 1986. Paleomagnetic results from Sabah, East Malaysia. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 70, 7, 934 (Abstract). Results indicate a strong counterclockwise rotation between late Oligocene and BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 67

Pliocene for the region near Kinabalu, a slight clockwise rotation in the Kudat region. Post-tectonic intrusions in Sarawak indicate no late Cenozoic rotation. SCHMUTZER, J. 1909. Bijdrage tot de kennis der oude eruptiefgesteenten en amfiboolschisten aan de rivieren Sebilit en Tebaoeng [Contribution to the study of the old igneous rocks and amphibole schists along the Sebilit and Tebaung Rivers]. Verhandl. Mad. Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 2nd sectie, 14,3.

SCHOELL, M., DURAND, B. & OUDIN, J.L. 1985. Migration of oil and gas in the Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan: evidence and quantitative estimate from isotope and biomarker studies. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 14th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1985, 2, 49-56. In Nilam Field organic matter of Type II increases from immature at 2 km to mature at 4 km. Oils were derived from humic organic matter at 3.5-4 km, gases from 5-6 km.

SCHOELL, M., TESCHENER, M., WEHNER, B., DURAND, B. & OUDIN, J.L. 1983. Maturity related biomarker and stable isotope variations and their application to oiIlsource rock correlation in the Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan. In: Bjoroy, M. (ed.) Advances in organic geochemistry 1981, Wiley, 156-163.

SCHWANER, C. 1853 & 1854. Borneo (2 volumes). Amsterdam.

SCHWARTZ, C.M., LAUGHBAUM, G.B., SAMSU, B.S. & AMsTRONG, J.D. 1973. Geology of the Attaka oil field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 2nd Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 195-215.

SCRIVENOR, J .B. 1905. On the geology of the residency of Sarawak, and of the Sadong District, Borneo, with special reference to the occurrence of gold and coal. Federated Malay States Government Gazette, Supplement, March 1905.

SENOOR, A.M.C. 1985. East Asian tectonic collage. Nature, 318, 16-17.

SENG<>R, A.M.C. 1986. The dual nature of the Alpine-Himalayan System: progress, problems, and prospects. Tectonophysics, 127, 177-195.

SENG<>R, A.M.C. & Bsu, K.J. 1984. The Cimmerides of Eastern Asia: history of the eastern end of Palaeo-Tethys. Memoire Soc. Geol. France, N.S., 147, 139-167. SETIO, N., SUWARLAN, W. & LATIEF, R. 1989. The integration of borehole, seismic data, geological fieldwork, paleontological data, and SAR in a thrusted area of East Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 18th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 17-30. SHAW, R.D. 1990. Frontier basins of Southeast Asia: a review of their hydrocarbon potential. Offshore South East Asia 8th Conf., Singapore, December 1990. Presents a classification of basins, based on crustlbasement type and position within or marginal to a plate. 68 N. S. HAILE

SHEPARD, F.P., EMERy, 1[.0. & GoULD, B.R. (no date) Distribution ofsediments on East Asiatic Continental Shelf. Charts I-II, figures 1-26. Occasional Paper 9, US Navy Hydrographic Office. Compiled from notations on US Navy charts. Shows sediment distribution in inshore areas of parts ofEast Asia, including the South China Sea otrthe west coast ofMalaya. SHVTO, T. 1975. Preliminary correlation of the Neogene molluscan faunas in Southeast Asia. Geology and Palaeontology ofSoutheast Asia, 15, 289-301.

SIGIT, S. (COMPILER) 1965. Geologic map ofIndonesia, 1:2000000,2 sheets. US Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-414.

SIREGAR, M.S. & RUSTAM SUNARYO 1980. Depositional environment and hydrocarbon prospects, Tanjung Formation, Barito Basin, Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 9th Ann. Conv., 379-400. Three cycles: c. Miocene-Pliocene (Tgh) b. Oligocene-Miocene (Tcd-Tf) a. Eocene-Oligocene (Tab-Ted) Gives a stratigraphic column and some paleoenvironmental data.

SLUMBERGER, C. 1902. Note sur un Lepidocyclina nouveau de Borneo [Note on a new Lepidocyclina from Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichs-Mus. Leiden, Ser.6, 250-253. SMIT-SIBINGA, G.L. 1932. The interference of the meridional and transversal stress in southeastern part of Borneo. Proc. Konink. Akad. Wetenschapl., Amsterdam, 35, 8. SMIT-SmINGA, G.L. 1935. Geologie en Zwaartekracht in den IndischenArchipel. Critische beschouwing over eenige recente publicaties van Prof. Dr J.H.F. Umbgrove [Geology and gravity in the Indonesian Archipelago. Critical review of several recent publications by Prof. Dr J.H.F. Umbgrove]. Tijds. Kon. Ned. ADrdr. Genootschap, 2nd Series, 52, 515-524. Defends the mobilistic ideas of Wing Easton (1921), which had been criticized by Umbgrove (1934; 1935). SPANGLER, S.E. & HAYES, D.E. 1989. Variations in rifting style of the South China Continental margin: tectonic implications. Eos, Trans. American Geophys. Union, 70, 43, 1343.

SRIYANEE DE Sn.VA 1986a. Petrology and geochemical analysis of coal from the south -Balingian region, Sarawak. Warta Geologi, 12,4,169.

SRIYANEE DE Sn.VA 1986b. Stratigraphy of the south Mukah-Balingian region, Sarawak. Warta Geologi, 12, 5, 215-219.

SRIYANDl DE Sn.VA 1987. The sedimentology of the "Begrih-Liang" Formation. Warta Geologi, 13,4,165-167. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 69

SRIYANEE DE Sn.VA 1988. The telogenetic formation of a red bed [Mukah Road, Sarawak]. Warta Geologi, 14,1,1-10. A redbed in the upper Eocene Metah Member ofthe Belaga Formation alongtheMukah Road occurs near the unconformity with the overlying "Begrih-Liang" formation (Pliocene). Origin is ascribed to porosity enhancement and subsequent occlusion by iron salts carried by percolating water, probably derived from the overlying formations.

STAUFFER, P.H. 1967. Studies in the Crocker Formation, Sabah. In: Geological Papers 1966, Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region Bull. 8, 1-13. Turbidites in western Sabah form an E-dipping monocline complicated by faulting and folding, becoming more severe eastward. Paleocurrent directions indicate northward transport and imply two intersecting fan-patterns. A trough-like basin has been filled either by lateral supply or longitudinally by advance of deep-water 'deltaic' fronts.

STAUFFER, P .H. 1973. Malaya and Southeast Asia in the pattern of continental drift. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 7, 89-138. Suggests an origin for West Malaya adjacent to N Africain the Ordovician, and presents a model for the possible evolution of Southeast Asia from several microplates. STAUFFER, P.H. 1980. Glacially smoothed and striated surfaces on Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah. Warta Geologi, 6,155-157.

STAUFFER, P.H. & GOBBETT, D.J. 1972. Southeast Asia a part of Gondwanaland? Nature Physical Sciences, 240,139-140. Criticizes the idea and evidence put forward by Ridd (1971) that SE Asia was part of Gondwana, and suggests that the area may have formed a bridge between Gondwana and Cathaysia in the Paleozoic.

STAUFFER, P.H. & LEE, D.T.C. 1972. Sedimentology of the Sandakan Formation, east Sabah. Malaysia Geological Survey, Geological Papers, Volume 1, 10-17. Abundant primary structures in clastic sedimentary rocks imply a shallow marine and deltaic environment, with a probable western source. Large channel structures are found in the coarser sandstones.· Deeper water conditions existed in the north of the area. STEPHENS, E.A. 1956. The geology and mineral resources of the Kota Belud and Kudat area, North Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 5. xiv, 137,18 figures, 15 tables, 47 plates, two coloured geological maps, scales 1:50000 and 1:125 000. The oldest rocks are the Chert-Spilite Formation, believed to be Upper Cretaceous to lower Eocene. Most of the area is formed of Eocene shale and sandstone, with some Aquitanian and upper Miocene sandstone, shale and foraminiferal limestone in the northern part. Ultrabasic, basic, and intermediate igneous rocks are mostly lower Eocene. Miocene andesitic lava occurs.

STIGAND, J.A. 1911. Some contributions to the physiography and hydrography of North-East Borneo. Geographical Journal. STINTON, F.C. 1963. Teleostean otoliths from the upper Tertiary strata of 70 N. S.lIAILE

Sarawak, Brunei, and North Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1962, 75-92. Su, D.Q. The study of subsidence and thermal maturity of oil and gas in the northern continental margin of South China Sea. Acta Oceanol. Sinica, 9, 199-208 (in Chinese). Su, D.Q., WHITE, N. & MCKENZIE, D. 1989. Extension and subsidence of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. Basin Research, 2, 4,205-222. The basin formed by lithospheric extension by a factor of about 1.8, lasting from Late Cretaceous to late Oligocene. Small differences between observed and calculated subsidence curves (ca. 400 m in middle Miocene) are explained by minor extension (B=1.l). The time-temperature history has been calculated to predict vitrinite reflectance and oil abundance, and these are in reasonable agreement with well data. SU, N.R. & lIE, Z.L. 1987. The characteristics of fault activities in the Pearl River Mouth Basin and their control ofhydrocarbons. Proc. Internat. Symp. Petroleum Geol. N Continental Shelf Area, S China Sea. Guangdong Petroleum Society and China Oil, Guangzhou, 12-23.

SUJAMIKO, AGU SALIM & BAMABANG SETO IRAWAN 1984. Geology of the Tunu gas field [Mahakam Delta, east Kalimantan]. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 13th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, May 1984, I, 341-363. Besides a detailed account of the Tunu Field, includes useful general maps and stratigraphy of Mahakam Delta. SULONG ENJOP 1986. Laporan kemajuan:pemetaan geologi, Kawasan Sarikei­ Pakan, Sarawak. Malaysia Geological Survey Ann. Rept. for 1985, 321-325. Progress report on part of the southern Lower Rajang Valley, underlain by the Layar and Kapit Members of the Belaga Formation. Thirty samples were examined; no nannofossils were found, probably because the vitrinite reflectance is 2-3%. Foraminifera indicate Holomarine neritic conditions, and a lower to middle Eocene age.

SUNARYO, RUSTAM SEE RUSTAM SUPRIATNA, S.1989. New data on the geology of the Meratus Mountains. Bull Geol. Research & Development Centre [Bandung] 13, 30-38. (in Indonesian) SUTOTO, A. 1991. Reservoir geology of the Belida Field, South Natuna Sea, Block B. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 20th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 1,453- 478. The Belida Structure has a four-way dip closure and is bounded by a fault along the southern flank. It formed by structural inversion of a half-graben during early Miocene regional compression. An Oligocene-Holocene section overlies Cretaceous granite. The reservoirs are Oligocene and lower Miocene sandstones BffiLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 71

T TAIRA, K & HAsHIMOTO, W. 1971. 14C age calculated for raised limestone near Semporna, Sabah, North Borneo, Malaysia. Geology & Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 9, 161-164. Radiocarbon dating of four samples of coral limestone about 3 m above high tide level gave dates ranging from about 19 ka to 36 ka B.P.

TAJUL ANuAR JAMALUDDIN 1989. Struktur sedimen dalam Formasi Crocker di kawasan Tamparuli, Sabah. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 24, 135-157. TAMESIS, E.V., MANALAc, E.V., REVES, C.A. & OTE, L.M. 1973. Late Tertiary geologic history of the continental shelf off northwestern Palawan, Philippines. Proc. Regional Conf. Geol. SE Asia, Geol Soc. Malaysia Bull. 6,165-176. TAMURA, M. & HON, V. 1977. Monotis subcircularis Gabb from Sarawak, East Malaysia. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 18, 29-31. TAMURA, M., HAsHIMOTO, W., IGo, H., ISHIBASHI, T., IWAI, J., KOBAYASHI, T., KIOKE, T., PITAKPAIVAN, K, SATO, T. & YIN, E.H. 1975. The Triassic System of Malaysia, Thailand, and some adjacent areas. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 15, 103-149. TAN, D.N.K 1973. The geology of the Simanggang- area. Malaysia Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1973, 206-213. TAN, D.N.K 1975. Preliminary notes on the melange in the Lupar Valley. Malaysia Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1974, 219-228. The Lupar Formation is interpreted as a melange with exotic blocks in a cleaved slaty matrix. Pillow lava and gabbro are interpreted as an incomplete ophiolite suite. Overturned thick turbidite sequences are recognized. The contact between the Silantek and Lupar Formations is confirmed to be a fault contact. TAN, D.N. K 1977. Simanggang-Engilili-Lubok Antu area, West Sarawak (Report 13). Progress report. Malaysia Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1976, 195-210. TAN, D.N.K. 1978a. Review ofthe geology of the Lupar Valley, west Sarawak. Malaysian Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1977,187-188. TAN, D.N.K. 1978b. Lower Cretaceous age for the chert in the Lupar Valley, West Sarawak. Warta Geologi, 4, 6, 173- 178. TAN, D.N.K. 1979. Lupar Valley, West Sarawak, Malaysia. Explanation of sheets 1-111-14, 1-111-15, and 1-111-16. Malaysia Geoz. Survey Rept., 13. Redefines the Lupar Formation as confined to a belt of folded and mostly overturned Upper Cretaceous flysch along the north of the outcrop previously mapped and describes the remainder of the former Lupar Formation as the Lubok Antu Melange. The melange includes blocks of Lower Cretaceous chert, with blocks of sandstone, shale, limestone, graywacke, and altered gabbro and spilite in a sheared pelitic matrix. 72 N. S. HAILE

Southward subduction from Paleocene to the end ofthe Miocene is postulated to explain the melange. TAN, D.K.N. 1980. Geology of the Kuching area, West Sarawak, with some aspects of the engineering geology of Kuching Town. Malaysian Geol. Survey. Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1980, 249-268. Introduces the Tuang Formation for slate, phyllite, metagraywacke, with minor chert and silicified rock and tuff, for rocks in the Kuching area previously mapped as Sejingkat Formation; the age is possibly pre-Upper Carboniferous. Recognizes that the SejingkatFormationis probably in part a melange. Mapped sandstone in the Santubong Peninsula as the Kayan sandstone (possibly Upper Cretaceous to lower Eocene by correlation), whereas the sandstone of the Bako peninsula is mapped as Plateau Sandstone Formation (by correlation upper Eocene or younger). TAN, D.N.K. 1982. The Lubok Antu Melange, Lupar Valley, West Sarawak: a Lower Tertiary subduction complex. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 15, 31-46. The Lubok Antu Melange consist of blocks of Lower Cretaceous radiolarian chert, Upper Cretaceous graywacke and slate, ?Cretaceous and Eocene limestone, calcareous shales, mudstone, and sandstone, hornfels, basalt, spilite, gabbro, and serpentinite, in a sheared pelitic matrix which in one place has yielded lower Eocene nannofossils. Some ofthe metamorphosed blocks contain mineral assemblages ofthe prebnite-pumpellyite facies, indicating comparatively high- pressure,low-temperature metamorphism. Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary southeast subduction of oceanic crust is postulated. TAN, D.N.K. 1983. Nomenclature of the upper Cretaceous-Tertiary molasse deposits of West Sarawak. Malaysia Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1981,348- 355. Proposes the informal term Kayan sandstone for strata in the Bungo Range, Kayan basin, and Samunsan valley, and extends this to sandstones in the Santubong Peninsula. Sandstones in the Bako Peninsula resemble the Plateau Sandstone Formation. TAN, D.N.K. 1984. Palaeocurrents in the Tertiary sedimentary deposits in western Sarawak. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 17,257-264. Local mean directions are to the NW, N, NNE, and ESE, and suggest the provenance for the Tertiary sedimentary deposits to be the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks of the Bau-Kuching-Serian area. TAN, D.N.K. 1986. Palaeogeographic development of west Sarawak. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 19, 39-49. TAN, D.K.N. & LAMY, J.M. 1990. Tectonic evolution oftheNW Sabah continental margin since the late Eocene. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 27, 241-260. NW Sabah continental margin consist of two main elements: a Tertiary trench­ associated sedimentary basin with up to 12 km of siliciclastic sediments; and the S China Sea Platform. These are separated by the NE-trending NW Sabah Trough. Two main phases: 1. pre - early middle Miocene deep-marine clastic sedimentation (Stages I,ll, & III). Resulting strata were subjected to strong compression to form an imbricate wedge related to the subduction ofthe South China plate, concomitant with CCW rotation of the Borneo plate. BffiUOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 73

2. post - early middle Miocene clastic shelf/slope deposition (Stage IV) prograded NW over the underlying imbricate wedge. Sabah continental margin divided into seven tectonostratigraphic provinces: 1) Crocker Accretionary Prism; 2) Inboard Belt; 3) Outboard Belt; 4) East Baram Delta; 5) NW Sabah margin; 6) NW Sabah Trough; 7) Southern South China Sea Platform. All drilling and all commercial petroleum found has been in middle Miocene or younger clastic reservoirs in the Inboard Belt, Outboard Belt, and East Baram Delta. TAN, T.H. 1989. Estuarine sediment geochemistry. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 23,29-40. Presents data on base metal content of sediment from estuaries in the Tawau­ Semporna Peninsula of Sabah. TANG, X. 1980. The origin and plate tectonic framework ofthe South China Sea. Petroleum Exploration Development, 1,1-15 (in Chinese). TAPPONNlER, P., PELZER, G., & ARMIJO, R. 1986. On the mechanics of the collision between India and Asia. In: Coward, M.P. & Ries, AC. (eds.) Collision tectonics. Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ. 19, 115-157. TAPPoNNlER, P., PELZER, G., LE DAIN, A.Y., ARMIJo, R. & COBBOLD, P. 1982. Propagation extrusion tectonics in Asia: new insights from simple experiments with plasticene. Geology, 10,611-616. TATE, R.B. 1970. Tektites in Brunei. Brunei Museum Jour. 2, 1,253-263. TATE, R.B. 1971. Radiocarbon ages from Quaternary terraces - pre-history in Brunei. Brunei Museum Jour. 2, 3, 108- 123. TATE, R.B. 1974. Paleo-environmental studies in Brunei. Brunei Museum Jour., 3, 2, 285-303 (plus addenda). Presents an interpretation of the depositional environments of various Cenozoic sedimentary formations. TATE, R.B. 1976. Palaeo-environmental studies in Brunei. SEAPEXProceedings, III, 1976, 102-124. Updated version of Tate, 1974. TATE, R.B. 1986. The Sabah Melange -a stratigraphic unit? (Discussion). Warta Geologi, 14, 1, 1-10. TATE, R.B. 1991. Cross-border correlation of geological formations in Sarawak and Kalimantan. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 28, 63-95. Presents correlation charts to reconcile the stratigraphy of the two areas, in the light of results of the Indonesian-Australian Geological Mapping Project. TATE, R.B. 1992. The Mulu Shear Zone - a major structural feature of NW Borneo. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 31. A NE-SW shear zone affects the lower part of the Melinau Limestone Formation in N Sarawak, and can be traced northwards to Brunei where it forms a narrow belt of intensely sheared rocks in the Temburong Formation. Splayed fault patterns offshore, particularly in Sabah, and shear zones in central and SW Sarawak. may be related. 74 N. S.lIAILE

TATE, R.B. & BON, V. 1991. The oldest rocks in Borneo: a note on Tuang Formation, West Sarawak and its importance in relation to the presence of a "Basement" in west Borneo. Warta Geologi, 17,4,221-224. Describes greenschist-facies rocks in the Kuching area Tuang Formation, which may be metamorphosed deep-water deposits. They probably represent a Carbo-Permian ocean floor. TAYLOR, B. & HAYES, D.E.1980. The tectonic evolution ofthe South China Basin, In: Hayes, D.E. (ed.) Tectonic andgeologic evolution ofSoutheast Asian seas and islands. American Geophys. Union, Geophys. Monograph 23, 89-104. Identifies from magnetics a symmetrical pattern of seafloor spreading from mid­ Oligocene to early Miocene (32-17 Ma). Observed trend is about E-W, relict spreading centre coincides closely with the E-trending linear chain of seamounts near 15°N. TAYLOR, B. & HAYES, D.E. 1982. Origin and history of the South China Basin. In: Hayes, D.E. (ed.) Tectonic andgeologicevolution ofSoutheast Asian seas andislands,Part2. American Geophys. Union, Geophys. Monograph27, 23-56.

TIm BRUGGEN, G. 1935. De Eocene fyllietformatie in Centraal-Borneo. [The Eocene Phyllite Formation in Central Borneo]. Proefschrift (Ph.D. Thesis). N.V. Drukkerij Waltman, Delft. English translation: The Eocene phyllite formation in Central Borneo. In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2,1955,39-124. Shows that a large part ofthe phyllitic or slatyrocks of West Kalimantan and Sarawak, previously thought to be Mesozoic or even Paleozoic, is Lower Tertiary. 'fER BRUGGEN, G. 1936. De eocene fyllietformatie in Centraal Borneo. Een wederwoord [The Eocene Pyllite Formation in Central Borneo (a reply)]. De Ingenieur in Ned. Indie, 3, 7, IV, 124-127. In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) 1955 Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2,139-158. A reply to ZejImans van Emmichoven and Ubaghs (1935) who criticized ter Bruggen's view that all the phyllitic rocks are Tertiary. THAMIuN, M. 1987. Terrestrial heatflow map of Indonesian basins (Revised issue). Indonesian Petroleum Association. Accompanying publication includes a useful discussion on the methods and results. Average values for basins in the Borneo region are: 123 W Natuna 38.1 6.36 2.04 E Natuna 32.4 4.81 1.66 Tarakan 34.0 4.94 1.68 Kutei 31.3 6.24 1.64 Barito 34.6 6.63 1.95 Asem-AsemIPasir 32.8 6.39 1.77 1 =temperature gradient 0C/km: 2 =thermal conductivity mcallcm8jOC 3 =heatflow 10-8 ca1/cm2/sec BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 75

'fiNG C. 8.1992. Jurassic-Cretaceous palaeogeography ofthe J agoi- area [west Sarawak] as indicated by the Bau Limestone FoI'mation. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 31. The Bau Limestone Formation is interpreted as a reef complex with minor patch reef and mud mounds. Back-reef deposits occur close to the Jagoi granodiorite. Gunung Jagoi and Gunung Kisam acted as two promontaries bordered by a fringing reef complex on the slope of a rapidly subsiding basin in which the Pedawan Formation was deposited. TJIA, H.D. 1963. Large deltas in Kalimantan. In: Th. H.F. Klompe Memorial Volume. Contributions from the Department of Geology, Inst. Technology Bandung, 53, 73- 90. Describes the Kapuas, Mahakam, and Rajang fan-shaped deltas and the Baram and Pawan cuspate deltas. These have formed since the post-gJacial sealevel rise. Rivers discharging into the Java Sea have long low-gradient lower courses and have not formed deltas. TJIA, H.D. 1970a. Transcurrent faulting in the Sarawak-kiri region, Sarawak, East Malaysia. Geol. Mag., 107,3,217- 224. TJIA, H.D. 1970b. Ancient mudflows on Mount Kinabalu. Malaysian Scientist (University of Malaya) , 5,1969170,47-49. Suggests that large granodiorite boulders around Ranau, and a plateau and crestal surface near Dallas village may be remains ofmudflows derived from moraines near the summit.

Assuming an erosion rate of 1 rom a·I , the Dallas mudflow surface already existed some 200 ka ago. TJIA, H.D. 1970c. Eocene directional indicators near Tandjung, Southeast Kalimantan. Bull. National Inst. Geol. and Mining, Bandung, 3, 1, 29-32. Pebble orientations indicate a NNE to NE directed current during deposition of the Tandjung Conglomerate, the basal member of the Eocene strata. TJIA, H.D. 1972. Structural pattern of Bau Limestone Formation, Sarawak. Malaysian Jour. Sci., 1(B), 173-182. Alignment of topographic lineaments and of ore-bearing dykes and faults indicate WNW-ESE and/or NE-SW compression. TJIA, H.D. 1973a. Displacement patterns of strike-slip faults in Malaysia­ Indonesia-Phillipines. Geologie en Mijnbouw, 52,121-30. TJIA, H.D. 1973b. Geological observations of the Kinabalu summit region, Sabah. Malaysian Jour. Science, 3, 1. Describes glacial features, including a new type - linear gouge mark - and tills. Stratification and foliation of rocks on the southern slopes generally dip south. E-W faults at 3525 m show late right-lateral movement. TJIA, H.D. 1974. Sense of tectonic transport in intensively deformed Trusmadi and Crocker sediments, Ranau-Tenompok area, Sabah. Sains Malaysiana, 3,129-161. 76 N. S. HAILE

The strata have been intensely deformed into flasered strata, low-angle reverse to overthrust faults, and overturned to recumbent folds, mainly during a middle Miocene orogeny. General uplift and normal faulting started in Plio- Pleistocene and continues today. TJIA, H.D. 1978. The Lahad Datu (Sabah) earthquakes of 1976: surface deformation in the epicentral region. Sains Malaysiana, 7, 1, 33-64. TJIA, H.D. 1983a. Quaternary tectonics of Sabah and Sarawak, East Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 12,2, 191-215. Long term rates ofQuaternary uplift are about 1 mm a· 1 for most ofSarawak and Brunei and 0.35 mm a· 1 for westernmost Sarawak and eastern Sabah. Short-term rates of 7 mm a·1 are indicated by radiometrically dated shorelines. T JIA, H.D. 1983b. Earthquake stress directions in the Indonesian Archipelago. In: Hilde, T.W.C. & Uyeda, S. (eds.) GeodYnamics ofthe Western pacific­ Indonesian Region, American Geophys. Union and Geol. Soc. America Geodynamics Series, vo1.2, 413-422. Includes an account of the Lahad Datu earthquake of 1976 (see also Tjia, 1978). TJIA, H.D. 1985. Stacked former shorelines near Papar, Sabah. Ilmu Alam, 14 & 15, May 1985, 3-14. Describes benches and terraces at seven levels up to 5 m above present high tide. These mark former submergence due to sea level rise and tectonic uplift. TJIA, H.D. 1988. Accretion tectonics in Sabah: Kinabalu suture and East Sabah accreted terrane. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 22, 237-251. The Kinabalu Suture Zone is a belt, up to 80-km wide, across Sabah from Teluk Darvel to the Banggi and Balambangan Islands. West Sabah is an accreted region ofcontinental margin crust that rifted off from continental Asia, probably from near Hong Kong, and drifted 750 km S between 32 Ma and 17 Ma. E Sabah was welded to mainland Borneo by middle Miocene. TJIA, H. D. & Fum, S. 1976. Kadar pengangkatan tecktonic Sekitar Miri, Sarawak. Warta Geologi, 2, 5, 95-97. Stigmaria in lagoonal mudstone 19 m above sea level gives a radiocarbon age of20460 ± 1170 years BP. At that time sea level was 100-130 m lower, and so an average rate of tectonic uplift of about 6.5 mm a·1 is indicated.

TJIA, H.D., BORHAN SIDI & TEOH CHUEN LYE 1987. Superimposed deformations and vergence of lower Tertiary sediments near Tatau, Sarawak. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 21, 251- 271. The older strata (upper Eocene to lower Oligocene) are turbidites of the Bawang Member, Belaga Formation, with wide zones of slumping, on which tectonic structures were superimposed: a northward vergence represented by large- scale recumbent folds was followed by a west vergence which produced moderately large overturned folds. TJIA, H.D., Fum, S., KIGosm, K. & SUGIMURA, A. 1975. Additional dates on raised shorelines in Malaysia and Indonesia. Sain~ Malaysiana, 4, 2, 69-84. Twelve new radiocarbon dates include one from Tanjung Lipat, Sabah, of calcarenite beachrock up to 50 em above high tide, dated as 180±75 a BP, suggesting uplift at 2.7 mma·1. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 77

TJIA,H.D.IBRAHIMKOMOO,CBEAzIzAu&SANUDIN, T.1991. Geology ofTaman Bukit, Tawau, Semporna Peninsula, Sabah. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 31. Quaternary daciticto basaltic tuffs and flows, locally silicified, but elsewhere containing nephelinite, build mountains in the area. A carbonised tree trunk in the lava has been dated at 24 ka. Lineaments trend 340, about 000 north, 10-15,75, and 90 degrees. A lineament, 3 km wide and traceable for almost 30 km, trending about 10 degrees across Mount Magdalena, is probably a major fault zone. TJIA, H.D., IBRAHIM KOMOO, LIM, P.S., & TuNGAH SURAT 1990. The Maliau Basin, Sabah: geology and tectonic setting. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 27, 261-292. The Tanjung Formation (lower-middle Miocene), consists of dominant mudstone, with coal and sublitharenite. Depositional environment is interpreted as low energy transitional, probably tidal flats. Predominant paleocurrent towards NE. Basin subsidence began when E Sabah Terrane stopped drifting S, and the denser ophiolitic basement of the suture zone subsided. TJIA, H.D., FUJII, S., KIGOSHI, K., SUGIMURA, A. & ZAKARIA,T. 1972. Radiocarbon dates of elevated shorelines, Indonesia and Malaysia. Part 1. Quaternary Research, 2, 4, 487-495. Dates from strandlines in tectonically active areas of eastern Indonesia and East Malaysia indicate average rates of uplift between 4.5 and 9 mm a·1 during the past 24 ka. ToKUYAMA, A. & YOSHIDA, S. 1974. Kinabalu fault, a large strikeslip fault in Sabah, East Malaysia. Geology and Paleontology ofSoutheast Asia , 14, 171- 188. Two zones of sinistral NW-SE faults: I).from Kota Belud area, through Kinabalu to Silimpopon; 2) from Kudat Peninsula to Darvel Bay. Since the faults affect the Kinabalu granitic intrusion, they must be Pliocene or later. TONGKUL, F. 1988. Geological control on the birth of Pulau Batu Hairan mud volcano, Sabah. Warta Geologi, 14,4,153-165. TONGKUL, F.1989. The sedimentology and structure of the Crocker Formation in the KotaKinabalu area, Sabah. Proc. GEOSEA VI, Jakarta, 1987, Indonesian Assoc. Geol., 135-156. TONGKUL, F. 1990. Structural style and tectonics of western and northern Sabah. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 27, 227- 239. Earliest episode of deformation, Late Cretaceous to early Eocene, probably controlled the formation of an elongate basin trending N-S in W Sabah and E-Win N Sabah. This later became the site for deposition of middle Eocene to lower Miocene Crocker, Trusmadi, and Kudat Formations. These subsequently deformed in middle Miocene­ NW-SE in W Sabah, and N-S in N Sabah - to form a series of imbricate thrust slices. These compressive directions controlled the formation ofNE-SW (W Sabah) and E-W (N Sabah) late Miocene and Pliocene basins. TONGKUL, F.1991. Basin development and deposition ofthe Bongaya Formation in the Pitas area, northern Sabah. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 29. 78 N. S. HAILE

Formation of a small, shallow basin in which the upper Miocene Bongaya sediments were deposited was controlled by earlier faults trending NE-SW, N-S, and NW-SE within the underlying Crocker and Chert-Spilite Formations. This nearly circular basin was filled by sediments sourced from older uplifted rocks to the east, south,and southeast, as overlapping fluvio-deltaic fan lobes. TONGKUL, F. 1991. Tectonic evolution of Sabah, Malaysia. In: Nichols, G. and Hall, R. (editors) Proceedings of the Orogenesis in Action conference, London, 1990. Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, vol 6, 395-405.

U UBAGHS, J.G.H. & ZEIJLMANS VAN EMMICHOVEN, C.P.A. 1936. Beschouwingen over het Palaeogeen van Borneo [On the Palaeogene of Borneo]. De lng. in Ned. lndie, 4, 164 fr. U.mE, H. 1970. Miocene foraminiferal faunas from the Sandakan Formation, North Borneo. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, 8, 165-185. UJIIE, H. 1977. New species and subspecies of benthonic Foraminifera from the Miocene Sandakan Formation, North Borneo. Geol. Palaeontology Southeast Asia, 18,87-102. A brackish-water depositional environment is indicated for the southern coast area of the Sandakan Peninsula, inner neritic for the part along Labuk Road, and outer neritic for the Sungai Manila areas further north i.e. the basin may have opened towards the NW. UMBGROVE, J.H.F. 1927. Neogene foraminiferen van de Soengai Beboeloe (Zuidoost Borneo). Wetensch. Meded. Dienst Mijnb. Ned. Ind., 5, 28-41. UMBGROVE, J.H.F. 1929. The amount of the maximal lowering of sea level in the Pleistocene. Proc. IVth Pacific Science Congr., Java, IIA, 1-9. The submarine valley topography on the north Sunda Shelf suggests sea-level lowering of >80 m. UMBGROVE, J.H.F. 1934. A short survey of theories on the origin ofthe East Indian Archipelago. In: Vening Meinisz, F.A. Gravity expeditions at sea, 1923/32, voUI. N V Drukkerij J. Waltman Jr, Delft. UMBGROVE,J.H.F. 1935. Overhetentstaan van den IndischenArchipel [On the origin ofthe Indonesian Archipelago]. Tijds.Kon. Ned. Aardr. Genootschap, 2nd Series, 52, 17-24. Rejects the mobilistic ideas of Wing Easton (1921). Umbgrove was in turn criticized by Smit Sibinga (1935). UMBGROVE, J.H.F. 1938. On the time of origin ofthe submarine relief ofthe East Indes. C.R. Congr. Intl. Geogr. Amsterdam, 2,150-159. Supports Molengraaffs hypothesis for glacial-eustatic sealevel lowering in the Pleistocene to account for submerged river valleys on the Sunda Shelf, in preference to von Koenigswald's polar wandering idea. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 79

UNYA AK AMBUN, A. 1980. Ground magnetometer survey results over the Kampung Subang area, Pedawan, west Sarawak. Malaysian Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1980, 280-285.

v VALLET, J. 1983. Seismic facies study in the Sepasu area of East Kalimantan. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 12th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, 1,359-373. Area N of Mahakam Delta. Good illustrations. VAN BAREN, F .A. & KmL, H. 1950. Contribution to the sedimentary petrology of the Sunda Shelf. Jour. Sed. Petrology, 20,185-213. VAN BEMMELEN, R.W. 1939. De geologie van het Westelijke en Zuidelijk deel van de Westerafdeeling van Borneo. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ost. Indie. English translation: Geology of the western and southern parts of the Western Division of Borneo. In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2, 1955. VAN BEMMELEN, R.W. 1949. The Geology ofIndonesia. Govt. Printing Office, The Hague. (2nd Edition, 1970). Definitive work on Indonesian geology pre-World War II; includes a comprehensive bibliography. VAN DELDEN, J.M. & LALANNE DE HAUT, J.P.Y.M. 1967. Repeated sampling survey, offshore Baram Delta, Sarawak. In: Collenette, P. (ed.) Geological Papers 1966, Malaysia Geol. Survey Bull. 8, 43-52. Shows that variation in water movement due to the NE and SW monsoons has little influence on the sediments and the foraminiferal thanatocoenosis. VAN DE VLERK, I.M. 1929. Groot Foraminiferen van N.O. Borneo. Wetenschap. Meded. Dienst v. d. Mijnb. Ned. Indie, 9, 3-30. VAN DE WEERD, A.A. & ARMIN, R.A. (in preparation) Origin and evolution of the Tertiary hydrocarbon-bearing basins in Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. Submitted to: American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. Detailed description of basins in east and southeast Kalimantan, with some consideration ofwest Kalimantan. During middle Eocene a large extensional basin formed and began to be filled by transgressive middle Eocene to lower Oligocene non-marine and shallow­ marine clastics, carbonates, and deep-marine Eocene-Oligocene clastics. This was followed by a regressive upper Oligocene to Miocene sequence. The basin began to be segmented by Oligocene tectonism and erosion. Deltaic sedimentation began in latest Oligocene in the Upper Kutei basin and prograded eastwards, reaching the present Kutei coast by the end ofthe early Miocene, and continues today. Carbonates dominated in shallow interdeltaic areas and shales were deposited in deep basins. Inversion of the Upper Kutei Basin and uplift of the Meratus Mountains started in early-middle Miocene. Basin inception and tectonic phases are related to plate rearrangements. 80 N. S. HAILE

VAN DE WEERD, A., ARMIN, R.A., MAHAnI, S. & WARE, P.L.B. 1987. Geologic setting of the Kerendan gas and condensate discovery, Tertiary sedimentation, and paleogeography of the northwestern part ofthe Kutei Basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 16th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1987, 1, 317- 338. Good paleogeographic maps.

VAN DIZHUIJZEN & DE WAAL 1984. Reservoir compaction and subsidence in the Central Luconia gas-bearing carbonates, offshore Sarawak, East Malaysia. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration (SEAPEX), "Conference Paper". VAN Es, L.J.C.1918 (1921). Toelichting bij blad IX, Geologische Overzichtkaart van de Nederlandsch Oost-Indischen Archipel, Schaal 1:1 000 000 (West Borneo en Billiton) [Explanatory notes to Sheet IX (West Borneo and Billiton) of the 1:1000000 geological map ofIndonesia (with critical review of previous work)]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ost. Indie, 1918 (1921) II, 1-64. VAN Es, L.J.C. 1923. Geological investigations carried out in the Dutch East Indes during the 20th century on behalfof the Department ofMines, etc. The history and present state of scientific research in the Dutch East Indes: geology. Kon. Akad. Wetenschap. Amsterdam, 22-28. VAN Es, L.J.C. 1925. Relations between the new volcano of the 'Ile des cedres' (Annam) and extinct volcanoes in Borneo. Bull. Volcanologique, 5/6,212- 215. VAN SCHELLE, C.J. 1880. De geologische en mijnbouwkundige onderzoekingen in de Wester-Afdeeling van Borneo. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind., 2, 33-41. VAN SCHELLE, C.J. U~83. Beschrijvingvan de Kolenafzettingen bij Napan aan de rivier Bojan in het landschap Boenoet [The coal deposits near Napan in the Boyan River in the Bunut Region]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 2, 92 ff. VAN SCHELLE, C.J. 1884. Mitterlungen iiber die geologisch- bergmanmsche Aufname eines Teiles von West-Borneo .. Mit einer topographischen Ubersichts-karte [Account of the geological and mining condition of a part of West Borneo. With a topographic map]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost­ Indie, 2. VAN SCHELLE, C.J. 1886. De vulkaan Melaboe ter Westerafdeeling van Borneo [Melabu Volcano, West Borneo]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1, . Wetenschap. Gedeelte, 133-144.

V AROL, O. 1983. Proposed calcareous nannofossil zonation scheme for the Miocene to Holocene of Southeast Asia. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 16,37-46. VERBEEK, R.D.M. 1871. Die nummuliten des Borneo kalksteines [Nummulites ofthe Borneo limestones]. Neues Jahrb. f Min., Geol. u. Petrol., 1, 1-14. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BC)RNEO 81

VERBEEK, R.D.M. 1874. Die nummuliten uit den eocenen kalksteen van Borneo [Nummulites from the Eocene limestone of Borneo]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Indie, 2, 133-161.

VERBEEK, R.D.M. 1875. Geologische beschrijving der districten Riam-Kiwa en -Kanan in de Zuider- en Ooster-Afdeeling van Borneo [Geological account of the district of Riam-Kiwa and Riam-Kanan in the South and East Divisions of Borneo]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Indie 1875, 3-130.

VERBEEK, R.D.M. 1912-1926. Geologische bibliographie van Nederlansch Indie [Geological bibliography ofthe Netherlands Indies]. Geol-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Ned. en Kolonieen, Parts 1 (1912), 2 (1924),3 (1924126).

VERDIER, AC., OK!, T. & SUARDY, A 1980. Geology of the Handil Field (East Kalimantan - Indonesia). In: Halbouty, M.T. (ed.) Giant oil and gas fields ofthe decade 1968-1978. American Assoc. Petroleum Geol. Mem. 30, 399- 421. (reprinted inProc. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Soc., 5, 1980, 124-150.) Paleoenvironments of the Miocene; structural maps of Mahakam Delta; petroleum geochemistry. . .

VETH, P.J. 1856. Borneo's Westerafdeeling (2 volumes) [The Western Division of Borneo]. Zaltbommel, The Netherlands.

VOGEL, F. 1896. Mollusken aus dem Jura von Borneo [Jurassic molluscs from Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums, Leiden, 5,127-153.

VOGEL, F. 1900. Neue Mollusken aus dem Jura von Borneo [New molluscs from the Jurassic of Borneo]. Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums, Leiden, 6, 40-76.

VOGEL, F. 1902. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Mesozoischen Formationen von Borneo [AccountoftheMesozoicofBorneo].Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums, Leiden, 7, 208-220.

VOGT, E.T. & FLOWER, M.F.J. 1989. Genesis of the Kinabalu (Sabah) granitoid at a subduction-collision junction. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.

VON FRITSCH, K 1875. Einige Eocane Foraminiferen von Borneo [Some Eocene foraminifers from Borneo]. Palaeontographica, Supp!., 3, 144.

VON FRITSCH, K. 1879. Die Echiniden etc. der Nummulitenbildungen von Borneo [Echinoids etc. from the nummulitic (Eocene) of Borneo]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1.

VON KOENIGSWALD, G.H.R. 1933. Soenda-plat en poolverplaatsing [The Sunda Shelf and polar wandering]. De Mijningenieur, 14, 124-130. Suggests polar-wandering as an explanation for the Pleistocene emergence of the Sunda Shelf. 82 N. S.lIAILE


WAHYONO, B. & SUNATA, W. 1987. Posisi lintang purba Kalimantan sejak Mesozoikumawal berdasarkan hasil penelitianmagnet purba [Paleolatitude of Kalimantan since the late Mesozoic based on paleomagnetic datal. Proc. Assoc. Indonesian Geophysics 12th Ann. Meeting. WAIN, T. & BEROD, B. 1989. The tectonic framework and paleogeographic evolution of the upper Kutei Basin. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 18th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, October 1989,1,55-78. Detailed paleogeographic maps of part of central Borneo. WALLER, B.O. 1960. Foraminiferal biofacies off the South China coast. Jour. Paleont., 34, 1164-1182.

WAN ISMAIL WAN YUSOFF (NO DATE). Heat flow study in the Malay Basin. In: Combined Proceedings of the Joint Ascope/CCOP Workshops I & II, 1982 & 1984, United Nations ESCAP / CCOP Technical Publication 15, 77-87. WANG, A. Q. & ZllENG, B. M. 1991. Characteristics of biomarkers from light oils and their source rocks in the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea. Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sci., 5, 225-230. Three types related to: Eocene lacustrine rocks rich in algae and Pinus pollen; Oligocene coal and paludal mudstone; Oligocene lacustrine rock. with angiosperm pollen. WANG, p.x., MIN, Q.B. & BIAN, Y.B. 1985. Foraminiferal biofacies in the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea. In: Wang, P.X. (ed.) Marine micropaleontology of China, Guangdong Science and Technology Publishing House, 151-175.

WANG, S.S. 1982. Basic geological structural features of the basin at the mouth of Pearl River. Acta Petrol. Sinica, Special Issue, 1-13. (in Chinese). WANNER, J. 1922. Beitrage zur Geologie und Geographie von Nordost-Borneo. Ergebnisse einer von D K Stamm in den Jahren 1913-1914 ausgerursten Reise etc. Neues Jahrb. fUr Mineralogie. Geologie, und Palaontologie, Beil. Bd. 45, 149-213. The first attempt to establish the stratigraphy of part of the Dent Peninsula. WEEDA, J. 1958. Oil basin of east Borneo. In: Habitat of oil, a symposium. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 1337- 1358.

WENK, E. 1946. Gunong Kinabalu, der Viertausender von Borneo [Gunung Kinabalu the "fourthousander" (4000 m peak) ofBorneol. DieAlpen, J ahrg. 1946, 'Heft 12.

WESTERVELD, J. 1949. Fasen van Gebergtevorming en Ertsprovincies in Nederlands Oost-Indie. De Ingenieur. (English version see Westerveld, 1952). BmLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 83

WESTERVELD, J. 1952. Phases of mountain building and mineral provinces in the East Indies. International Geol. Conf., Rept. 8th Session, Great Britain, 1948,13. Opines that West Kalimantan belongs to the Late Jurassic Malay Orogen. This concept was criticized by Katili (1974). WESTERVELD, J. 1954. Radioactivity and chemistry of some Indonesian eruptive rocks Verhandlingen Kon. Ned. Mad. Wetensch., Afd. Natuurkunde, 1, 20 (4). WHITE, J.M. JR., & WING, R.S.1978. Structural development ofthe South China Sea with particular reference to Indonesia. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 7th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, June 1978, 159-177. Good figures, and paleogeography, esp. Sokang Sub-basin in Oligocene. WHIT1'LE, A.P. & SHORT, G.A.1978. The petroleum geology of the Tembungo Field, east Malaysia. Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration (SEAPEX), "Conference Paper". Describes upper Miocene reservoirs interpreted as bathyal turbidites. WILFORD, G.E. 1955. The geology and mineral resources of the Kuching-Lundu area, West Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 3. WILFORD, G.E. 1961. The geology and mineral resources of Brunei and adjacent parts of Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 10. WILFORD, G.E. 1963. Limestone cave formation in Sarawak and North Borneo. Proc. British Borneo Geol. Conf. 1961, British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 4, 161-173. WILFORD, G.E. 1964. The geology ofSarawak and Sabah caves. Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region Bull. 4. WILFORD, G.E. 1965a. Penrissen area, west Sarawak, Malaysia. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Rept. 2. WILFORD, G.E. 1965b. Geology of the Bako National Park area, west Sarawak. Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Ann. Rept. for 1964,147-152. WILFORD, G.E. (COMPILER) 1965c. Gravity measurements in West Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1964, 190-194. WILFORD, G.E.1967a. Earth tremor, Sabah, 1966. Malaysia Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1966,78-79. Records a tremor at 5.93 deg N, 116.6 deg E, focal depth 48 km, magnitude 5.4. WILFORD, G.E.1967b. Earth tremors in Sabah. Sabah Society Jour., 3, 136-138. WILFORD, G.E. 1967c. Mud volcanoes in Sabah. Sabah Soc. Jour. 3, 32-35. WILFORD, G.E. 1967d. Notes on weathering at Bukit Kukusan, Tawau, Sabah. 84 N. S. HAILE

In: Geological Papers 1966, Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region Bull. 8, 41-42. Describes solution features on hypersthene dolerite boulders. Wilford, G.E. 1968a. Notes on the geomorphology of Sabah. In: Collenette, P. & Goh, J. (eds.) Geological Papers 1967, Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region Bull. 9, 1-22. The present relief results from partial peneplanation in the late Pliocene or early Pleistocene, followed by differential uplift, warping, and tilting. Five regions are distinguished. Includes an annotated bibliography of Sabah geomorphology.

WILFORD, G.E. 1968b. Notes on the geology of the Kalabakang area. In: Collenette, P. & Goh, J. (eds.) Geological Papers 1967. Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region Bull. 9, 23-31. Kalabakang Formation is of flysch type, and is of age Teij or younger.

WILFORD, G.E. & KIlo, C.B. 1965. Penrissen area, West Sarawak, Malaysia: explanation of sheets 0-110-2,1-110-13,1-110-14. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Rept. 2. WILFORD, G.E., COLLENETTE, P. & KIRK, B.J.C. 1967. Radiocarbon determinations on specimens from Sabah. British Borneo Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1966, 83-85. WILLIAMS, P.R. & IIARAHAP, B.B. 1986. Geochemistry, age, and origin of post subduction intrusive rocks in West Kalimantan and Sarawak. Bull. Geol Res. & Dev. Centre, Bandung, 12, 43-54. KlAr ages of intrusions from Ketungau & Melawi Basins range from 16.4 - 41.7 Ma. Related to late Oligocene to early Miocene deep crustal remelting, in a passive, post­ subduction environment. Younger rocks are in N, and correlate with 16 & 19 Ma ages from Sarawak (Kirk, 1968). WILLIAMS, P.R. & IIARAHAP, B.B. 1987. Preliminary geochemical and age data from post-subduction intrusive rocks, northwest Borneo. Australian Jour. Earth Sci., 34, 405- 415. WILLIAMS, P.R., SUPRIATNA, S., & IIARAHAP, B.B. 1986. Cretaceous melange in West Kalimantan and its tectonic significance. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 19,69-78. Extensive tectonic melange implies the existence of a major suture zone trending WNW just S of Semitau. In the Boyan River the melange contains blocks of sedimentary rock, metamorphics of both greenschist and blueschist facies, gabbro, and ultramafic rocks. The Boyan is now recognized as a Late Cretaceous melange zone. On the N and S sides the melange-is-bordered by strongly deformed turbidite and mass-flow deposits of the Upper Cretaceous Selangkai Formation. Thick olistostromes contain shallow-water limestone and sandstone. The suture zone may represent a major deep-seated fault, or the southern boundary of the major subduction melange of latest Cretaceous and Tertiary age in Sarawak, or a short-lived independent subduction event. WILLIAMS, P.R., SUPRIATNA, S. & IIARAHAP, B.B. 1990. Cretaceous melange in BffiLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 85

West Kalimantan and its tectonic significance. Geol. Res. & Dev. Centre, Bandung, 14,29- 37. Distribution of extensive tectonic melange (Boyan Melange) implies the existence of a major WNW suture zone south ofSemitau, on the Kapuas River. On the north and south the melange is bordered by strongly deformed mass-flow deposits of the Upper Cretaceous Selangkai Formation. The melange has all the characteristics of a subduction-related unit, but no Late Cretaceous igneous activity was present in the area. The suture zone may represent i) a deep-seated fault zone related to the later onset of subduction to the north, or ii) the southern boundary of the major subduction melange of latest Cretaceous and Tertiary age in Sarawak; or iii) a short-lived independent subduction event, halted by the collision of Kalimantan with a terrane composed of the basement granites and Mesozoic strata of West Sarawak. WILLIAMS, P.R., SUPRIATNA, S., TRAIL, D.S., & HERYANTO, R. 1984. Tertiary basins of West Kalimantan - associated igneous activity and structural setting. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 13th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, May 1984, 1,151-160. An early report on thejoint survey by GRDC, Bandung, and BMR, Canberra. Identifies a belt 200 km long and 50 km wide, of south-directed thrusting, along the N margin of the Melawi Basin.

WILLIAMS, P.R., JOHNSTON, C.R., ALMOND, R.A., AND SIMAMORA, W.B. 1988. Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary structural elements ofWest Kalimantan. Tectonophysics, 148,279- 297. Three domains: Schwaner Mountains Domain: Low-grade regionally metamorphosed rocks intruded in Early Cretaceous by subduction related granitoids. Northwest Kalimantan Domain: Complex of sedimentary and volcanic rocks Upper Carboniferous to Cretaceous.. Cretaceous flysch of the accretionary prism. The paper includes tables of chemical analysis and radiometric age determinations on igneous rocks. WILLIAMS, P.R., SUPRIATNA, S., JOHNSTON, C.R., ALMOND, R.A., & SIMAMORA, W.B. 1989. A Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary accretionary complex in West Kalimantan. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, 13,9-29. WILSON, R.A.M. 1961. The geology and mineral resources of the Banggi Island and area, North Borneo. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 15. WILSON, RAM. 1963. The Chert-Spilite Formation of North Borneo. Proc. British Borneo Geol. Conf. 1961, British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 4, 61-78. The formation ranges from Cretaceous to upper Eocene; it was deposited in deep water and later tectonized. WILSON, R.A.M. 1964. The geology and mineral resources of the Labuan and Padas Valley area, Sabah, Malaysia Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region Mem. 17. xiii, 150, 14 figures, 16 tables, 45 plates, two coloured geological 86 N. S. HAILE

maps, scales 1:125 000 and 1:250000. Paleocene limestone and clastics are the oldest rocks, but most of the area is of Eocene to Miocene flysch and younger clastics. Mud and oil seeps occur on and Labuan Island. A detailed account of the oil seeps, and a history of oil exploration in the area, is, included.

WILSON, RAM. 1965. Earth tremors in Sabah. Malaysia Geol. Survey (Borneo Region) Bull. 9, 1-22.


WISSMANN, G. 1984. Map ofocean floor relief ofthe South China and Sulu Seas (around Palawan, Philippines) revised after R. V. Sonne cruise. Hannover, Germany, Bundesanstalt fUr Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe. WITKAMP, H. 1927. Beknopt voorloopig overzicht van de geologische resultaten der Midden-Oost-Borneo Expeditie 1925 [Summary of the geological results of the expectations to central East Borneo, 1925]. Midden-Oost­ Borneo Expeditie 1925, Weltvreden, 105-116. WITKAMP, H. 1932. Diamantafzettingen van Landak [Diamond deposits of Landak]. De Mijningenieur, 3, 13, 43-55. Recognises six terrace levels in the area. Considers that the diamonds have been transported over long distances.

WOLFE, J.A. 1984. North Palawan block, Philippines - its relation to Asian mainland and role in evolution of South China Sea: discussion. American Assoc. Petroleum Geology Bull. 6S; 914-915.

WOLFENDEN, E.B. 1960. The geology and mineral resources of the lower Rajang Valley and adjoining areas. British Borneo Geol. Survey Mem. 11. xii, 167, 15 figures, 26 tables, 39 plates, coloured geological map, scale 1:125 000. The area is almost entirely of sedimentary rocks, of Upper Cretaceous to Pliocene age, with minor intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. Miocene and Pliocene coal appears to offer economic prospects. Petroleum seeps are known.

WOLFENDEN, E.B. 1965. Bau Mining District, West Sarawak. Part I: Bau. Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region Bull. 7. x, 147,53 figures, 12 tables, 44 plates, coloured geological map, scale 1:10 000. Describes in detail the Upper Jurassic Bau Limestone and the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Pedawan Formation sedimentary rocks, mid-Miocene silicic stocks and intrusive sheets, and asso~ated gold and antimony mineralization, ofthe northern part of the Bau area. For Part II see under Pimm, 1967b.

WOLFENDEN, E.B. AND 1IAn..E, N.S. 1963. ' and Lundu Area, West Sarawak; explanation of sheets 1-109-3, 1-109-7, 1- 109-S, and 2-109-15. British Borneo Geol; Survey Rept. 1.

WONG, N.P.Y. 1968a. Orchid Plateau, Segama Area, Sabah. In: Collenette, P. & Goh, J. (eds.) Geological Papers 1967. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Bull. 9,34-37. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 87

The plateau, previously mapped as Quaternary basalt, is built ofgneiss and amphibolite of the Crystalline Basement. WONG, N.P.Y. 1968b. Geology and copper mineralization of the Bamabangan Valley, Kinabalu, Sabah. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull., 8, 81-88. WONG, N.P.Y. & LEONG, KM. 1967. Unconformity between the Chert-Spilite Formation and Crystalline Basement around Sungai Agob and Sungai Dabalan, East Sabah. In: Collenette, P. and Goh, J.(eds.) Geological Papers 1967, Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region Bull. 9, 32-33. Records an unconformity between unmetamorphosed limestone of the Chert-Spilite Formation and gneissose rocks in the middle Segama Valley. WONGSOSANTIKO, A., & WmOJUDO, G.K. 1984. Tertiary tectonic evolution and related hydrocarbon potential in the N atuna area. Proc. Indonesian Petrol. Assoc. 13th Ann. Conv., Jakarta, August 1975, 202-211. Some useful regional and semi-detailed structural maps, seismic lines. Attempts to relate structural history to 'extrusion tectonics'. WOOD, B.G.M. 1985. The mechanics of progressive deformation in crustal plates - a working model for SE Asia. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Bull. 18, 55-99. Model links wrench tectonics and plate tectonics. Tertiary deformation in stages: 1) E-W crustal shortening by compressional folding, thrusting, strike-slip faulting, and buckling of the SE Asian Plates in response to a W-directed horizontal principal stress; 2) Vertical crustal thickening by basin development and mountain building; 3) N-S crustal expansion by formation of island arcs. WOODS, J.E.T. 1885. The Borneo coalfields. Nature. Wu, J.M.1988. Cenozoic basins ofthe South China Sea. Episodes, 11,91-96. WYRTKI, K 1957. Die Zirkulation an der Oberflache der siidost-asiatischen Gewasser. Deutsch. Hydro. Zeitschr., 10, 1, 1-13. WYRTKI, K 1961. Physical oceanography of the Southeast Asian waters. Scientific results of marine investigations, South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand 1959-1961, NAGA Rept., 2.

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YAP KOK THYE 1980. Traces of ancient life. Nature Malaysiana, 5, 3, 4-13. YIN E. H. 1991a. Sarawak. In: Malaysian Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1990, 57-73. A useful summary of the geology ofSarawak. YIN E. H.I991b. Sabah. In: Malaysian Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. for 1990, 73-81. An up·to-date summary of the geology of Sabah.

Z ZAIroN IlARUN & TJIA, H.D. 1985. Lipatan berganda dalam Formasi Crocker, Sabah. Warta Geologi, 11,2,51-53. Describes a moderately large refolded fold in the Crocker Formation near Kundasan. ZANG, y.x., lA, L.L., ZHOU, F.H. & Wu Q.D. 1983. Study on the geological structure and its origin in offshore China. Geological Review, 29,2, 101-100 (in Chinese).

ZEIJLMANS VAN EMMICHOVEN, C.P.A. 1930. Mijnbouwkundig geologisch Onderzoek West Borneo, Jaarverslag 1930 [Mining and geological investigation of West Borneo, Annual Report 1930]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, Algemeen Gedeelte, 60-66.

ZEIJLMANS VAN EMMICHOVEN, C.P.A. 1931. Mijnbouwkundig geologisch Onderzoek West Borneo, Jaarverslag 1931 [Mining and geological investigation of West Borneo, Annual Report 1931]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, Algemeen Gedeelte, 52. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND BORNEO 89

ZEIJLMANS VAN EMMICHOVEN, C.P.A. 1935. Het Eoceen ten Z. van S. Kerijau in het O. deel van het Centrale Miillergebergte (Westerafdeeling van Borneo). De Ing. in Ned. Ind. 4, 102-105. English translation: The Eocene south of Sungai Keriauin the eastern part ofthe central MUller Mountains (Western Division of Borneo). In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) 1955, Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2.

ZEIJLMANS VAN EMMICHOVEN, C.P.A. 1938. Korte schets van de geologie van Centraal Borneo [Outline of the geology of Central Borneo]. De Ing. inNed. Indie, 5 (9), Afdeeling 4, 135-149.

ZEIJLMANS VAN EMMICHOVEN, C.P.A. 1939. De geologie van het Centrale en Oostelijke deel van de Westerafdeeling van Borneo [Geology of the central and eastern parts of the Western Division of Borneo]. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned­ Indie 1939,8-186. In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) 1955. Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2, 159- 272.

ZEIJLMANS VAN EMMICHOVEN, C.P.A. 1940. Het Schwanergebergte (Westerafdeelingvan Borneo) [The Schwaner Mountains, Western Division of Borneo]. De Ing. in Ned. Indie, 7, 7,4, (7) 79-100; 6, 135-149; (8), 104-122.

ZEIJLMANS VAN EMMICHOVEN, C.P.A. & TER BRUGGEN, G. 1935. Voorlopige mededeeling over het terti air ten W van het Merengebied in de Wester­ afdeeling van Borneo. [Provisional report on the Tertiary west of the Lake District in the Western Division of Borneo]. De Ingenieur in Ned. Indie, sect. IV, 99-102. In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) 1955. Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2, 273-285. .

ZEIJLMANS VAN EMMICHOVEN, C.P.A. & UBAGHS, J.G.H. 1936a. Beschouwingen over de veronderstelde eocenen ouderdom van de geheele 'Oude-Leiformatie' in Centraal Borneo [Consideration ofthe supposed Eocene age ofthe whole "OldSlateFormation"inCentraIBorneo].DeIngenieurinNed.Indie, 3, IV, 37-45. In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) 1955. Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2, 125-138. Disagrees with ter Bruggen's idea that the whole of the "Old Slate Formation" is Eocene, and applied the term Embaloeh Complex" to the supposed pre-Tertiary part, and "Phyllitic Tertiary" to the Tertiary part.

ZEIJLMANS VAN EMMICHOVEN, C.P.A. & UBAGHS, J.G.H. 1936b. Nogmaals over den veronderstelden eoceenen ouderdom van de geheele 'oude-Ieiformatie' in Centraal-Borneo (Antwoord op ter Bruggen's wederwoord) [Further remarks about the supposed Eocene age of the whole 'Old Slate Formation' in Central Borneo (an answer to ter Bruggen's reply)]. In: Haile, N.S. (ed.) 1955. Geological accounts of West Borneo, translated from the Dutch. British Borneo Geol. Survey Bull. 2, 147-158. 90 N. S. HAILE

ZIIAI G.M. & Qru Z.J. 1983. Geological characteristic and oil prospects in the South China Sea. World Reserves of Crude Oil, PDll, 3.

ZHANG Q.M. & ZHANG Q.x. 1991. A distinctive hydrocarbon basin - Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea. Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Science, 6, 2, 69-74. The Cenozoic Yinggehai Basin lies on the geosuture of the Indonesian Plate and South China Plate (Red River Fault Zone), southwest ofHainan Island. The tectonic setting may be compared to that of the Malay Basin.