Figures in Italics Indicate the Prime Taxonomic Reference. Figures in Bold Type Indicate the Page on Which There Is a Figure. AB
INDEX Figures in italics indicate the prime taxonomic reference. Figures in bold type indicate the page on which there is a figure. ABALOOS, 732, 748 Acerentomon, food, 455, 4.59; A. Acrocera, 1006; A. globulus, ABEL, 49I, 493 doderoi, 455 1006 abdomen, Coleoptera, adephagid Acerentulus, 4.59; head, mouth Acroceridae, 10o6; larvae par type, haplogastrous, hologa parts, 456; internal anatomy, asitic, 970; mesopleural sulcus strous, symphiogastrous, 825, 457 straight, 979 826, Diptera, 864; Achanthiptera rohrellijormis Acromantis, 6oi Hymenoptera, number of ex ( = inanis) in nests of Vespula, Acronycta, larval ecdyses, I094 posed segments, I I 87 I249 Acrotelsa, 44I ABDULLAH,884,89I,904 Acherontia atropos, I I39; sound acrotrophic ovarioles, in ABERNATHY,722,756 production, I I40; larva, alimen Coleoptera, 832 Abies excelsa, Physokermes piceae, tary canal, 1095; mandibular Acrydiidae, see Tetrigidae a pest on, 726 gland, 267 Actaletes, 470; tracheae present, ABRAHAMSON,903,904 Acheta domesticus, 546, .5 48; 467 Abraxas grossulariata auditory organ, I33 Actaletidae, 470 (Geometridae) wing-variation, Achilidae, 705 Actinoscytidae, 762 1133 Achilixiidae, 70.5 ACTON,684,688,748,767 Acalyptratae, I 020; larvae oc achrestogonimes, in Isoptera, 620 Actora, see Helcomyza casionally parasitic, 970; ner ACHTELIG,426,427,794,8I2 Actornithophilus, 665 vous system, 970; preapical Achroia, I 12 I Aculagnathidae, 884 tibial bristle, 967 acid gland, 1189 Aculeata, see Hymenoptera Acanaloniidae, 707 Acidia, see Philophylla Aculeata acanthae, in Mecoptera, 936; in ACKER, 794, 812 aculei, in Lepidoptera, I077 Siphonaptera, 946 Aclerda, 729 Acyrtosiphon, 7I7; A. pisum, Acanthaspis, puncture by, pain Aclerdidae, 7 29 photoperiod, temperature and ful, 732 Acleris (Tortricidae) venation, wing-development, 722 Acanthiidae, see Cimicidae or 1708 ACZEL, IOI6, I02J, IOJ7, I046 Saldidae Acletoxenus, I022 ADAIR, 599, 601 Acanthoceridae, 86o Aclypea, 854 Adalia, colour variation, 882; Acanthococcus devoniensis, 728 Acraea, I 126 development oflarva, 883; A.
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