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SESS 0 Retro E Indice Edi.Pub Il Quaternario Congresso AIQUA Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences Il Quaternario Italiano: conoscenze e prospettive 24, (Abstract AIQUA, Roma 02/2011), 158 - 160 Roma 24 e 25 febbraio 2011 THE EARLY TO MIDDLE PLEISTOCENE ITALIAN BOVIDAE: BIOCHRONOLOGY AND PALAEOECOLOGY Maria Rita Palombo 1,2, Federico Masini 3 & Roberto Rozzi 1 1 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università “Sapienza”, Roma, Italy 2 CNR, IGAG, Roma, Italy 3 Dipartimento di Geologia e Geodesia, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy. Corresponding author: R. Rozzi <[email protected]> ABSTRACT: Palombo M.R., Masini F. & Rozzi R. The Early to Middle Pleistocene Italian Bovidae: biochronology and palaeoecology. (IT ISSN 0394-3356, 2011) Bovids are common elements in the Italian local faunal assemblages (LFAs), but their diversity and ecological role varied in LFAs as well as in faunal units (FUs) throughout the Early and Middle Pleistocene. Representatives of Bovini tribe are continuously present, albeit with different lineages, while “Caprini” are sporadically recorded by several genera, and Anti- lopini are the less represented. RIASSUNTO: Palombo M.R., Masini F. & Rozzi R. I Bovidi italiani del Pleistocene inferiore e medio: biocronologia e pa- leoecologia. (IT ISSN 0394-3356, 2011) Durante il Quaternario, i bovidi sono elementi comuni delle faune locali (LFAs) italiane, ma la loro diversità e i loro ruoli ecologici variano specialmente nel corso del Pleistocene inferiore e medio. I Bovini sono presenti in tutto l’intervallo di tempo considerato, sebbene con diversi generi e linee evolutive, mentre il record dei “Caprini” è discontinuo e gli Antilo- pini sono la tribù meno rappresentata. Key words: Bovidae, Early Pleistocene, Middle Pleistocene, Italy Parole chiave: Bovidae, Pleistocene inferiore, Pleistocene medio, Italia 1. INTRODUCTION The soundest documentation comes from the his- During the Quaternary, in Italy, as in Eurasia, bo- torical collections from the Upper Valdarno, Mon- vids are common elements in local faunal assem- topoli (Lower Valdarno), Olivola (Aulla basin), Triv- blages (LFAs), though the richness of the Italian ersa (San Paolo and Dusino), and from recent ex- Bovidae is less than in most European regions. cavations in Upper Valdarno, Pietrafitta (Tavernelle Their dispersion and commonness vary over time basin), the Chiana valley, and the Tiberino basin and across the peninsula due to a multiple set of (see GENTILI & MASINI, 2005). Leptobos was re- factors, including discontinuity in the fossil record, placed during the latest Villafranchian (Pirro FU) by ecological and taphonomical biases. A few Euro- the rather stout Bison (Eobison) degiulii, while the pean genera of different tribes, such as Saiga, Am- heavy and even larger Bison schoetensacki is re- motragus, Caprovis, Soergelia and Ovibos, are corded in the Galerian LFAs. At the beginning of missing (PALOMBO, 2009) as well as some species the Middle Pleistocene the large species Hemibos which seem to have been either endemic in the galerianus, derived from an Indian genus, is only North Eastern Mediterranean (Euthyceros thes- reported from the middle Galerian LFAs of the Ro- salicus, Antilope (= Parastrepsiceros) koufosi) or man basin. The auroch, Bos primigenius, ap- present even in the Black Sea area (Pontoceros peared a bit later in LFAs of the Isernia FU and ambiguus) (KOSTOPOULOS, 2006; CRÉGUT- became more and more abundant during the late BONNOURE, 2007). Conversely, two species either Middle and Late Pleistocene. The late Middle endemic (e.g. Hemibos galerianus) or rarely re- Pleistocene Bovini guild is characterized by the ported in Europe (e.g. Bubalus murrensis) are re- occurrence of the water buffalo Bubalus murrensis, corded in central Italy. and perhaps also by the spread of the steppe bi- son, Bison priscus. 2. THE FOSSIL RECORD Antilopini Bovini Only two representatives of this tribe are reported During most of the Early Pleistocene, the repre- in the Italian fossil record. The larger one, Gazella sentatives of the tribe are the large, but quite slen- borbonica, the single species of Gazella occurring der Leptobos present during the early to late Villa- in Southern Europe since the Ruscinian franchian with two sub-genera, Leptobos (KOSTOPOULOS, 2006), appeared in the Italian pen- (Leptobos) and Leptobos (Smertiobos), whose insula at the beginning of the Early Pleisocene and species provide an important part of the fossil is recorded in the middle Villafranchian, mainly in documentation of this genus in Europe (MASINI, central Italian LFAs. The anticlockwise spiral 1989; DUVERNOIS, 1990; GENTILI & MASINI, 2005). horned Gazellospira torticornis, a parkland dweller, The Early to Middle Pleistocene Italian Bovidae: ... 159 Table 1 – Integrated chronological scheme for the Late Pliocene to Late Pleistocene Bovidae of the Italian peninsula. Schema cronologico integrato e distribuzione del record dei Bovidi italiani dal tardo Pliocene al Pleistocene superiore. 160 M.R. Palombo, F. Masini & R. Rozzi appeared later in the Gelasian, but survived most creased due to the appearance of both large and of the early late Villafranchian (Olivola, Tasso FU). very large Bovini (Hemibos galerianus, Bos primi- “Caprini” genius and then Bubalus murrensis) and Caprini, A representative of the enlarged Caprini sensu lato as well. Among the latter, Hemitragus bonali and tribe (see ROPIQUET & HASSANIN, 2005; BIBI et al., Ovis ammon antiqua are reported from a few early 2009 for a discussion), Hemitragus cf. H. orientalis, Middle Pleistocene sites, whereas Capra ibex and is first dubiously reported at the beginning of the Rupicapra, which appeared at the end of the Mid- Early Pleistocene in the Collepardo LFA (Montopoli dle Pleistocene, are very frequent throughout the FU) but the specimens have never been de- Late Pleistocene. scribed. During the following middle Villafranchian, REFERENCES the goral Gallogoral meneghinii appeared, while Procamptoceras brivatense, phenetically close to ABBAZZI L., FANFANI F., FERRETTI M. P., ROOK L., CATTA- the living Rupicapra (MASINI & LOVARI, 1988), oc- NI L., MASINI F., MALLEGNI F., NEGRINO F., TOZZI C. (2000) - New human remains of archaic Homo sapiens curred later. The occurrence of the ancient muskox and Lower Palaeolithic industries from Visogliano Praeovibos sp. (lately referred to as Preaeovibos (Duino Aurisina, Trieste, Italy) – Journal of Archaeolo- cf. P. mediterraneus by CRÉGUT-BONNOURE, 2005; gical Science, 27, 1173-1186. BIBI F., BUKHSIANIDZE M., GENTRY A. W., GERAADS D., 2007) is reported from the Tasso FU by DE GIULI & KOSTOPOULOS D. S. & VRBA E. S. (2009) - The Fossil MASINI (1983). The remains of a large “Caprini” Record and Evolution of Bovidae : State of the Field. found in the Pirro LFA (DE GIULI et al., 1986) have Palaeontologia Electronica, CRÉGUT-BONNOURE E. (2005) - Nouvelles données pa- recently been assigned by CRÉGUT & DIMITRIJEVIĆ léogéographiques et chronologiques sur les Caprinae (2006) to Megalovis balcanicus. During the early (Mammalia, Bovidae) du Plio-Pléistocène moyen et Middle Pleistocene, the fossil record of “Caprini” supérieur d’Europe - Homenaje a Jesús Altuna, Munibe consists of only scanty remains. A few teeth of (Antropologia-Arkeologia), San Sebastian, 57, 205-219. CRÉGUT-BONNOURE E. (2007) - Apport des Caprinae et Hemitragus bonali were found at Isernia La Pineta Antilopinae (Mammalia, Bovidae) à la biostratigraphie (SALA, 1996), while Ovis ammon antiqua was pre- du Pliocène terminal et du Pléistocène d’Europe – sent during the late Galerian, not only in the north- Quaternaire, 18, 73-97. CRÉGUT-BONNOURE E. & DIMITRIJEVIĆ V. (2006) - Mega- eastern corner of the Italian peninsula (Visogliano lovis balcanicus sp. nov. and Soergelia intermedia sp. Shelter, ABBAZZI et al., 2000), but also in central nov. (Mammalia, Bovidae, Caprinae), new Ovibovini Italy, likely in the PG4 deposits of the Ponte Gale- from the Early Pleistocene of Europe. Revue de Paleo- biologie, 25, 423-473. ria/Magliana area (cfr. ROZZI et al. in press). DE GIULI C., MASINI F. (1983) - A new element of the Chamoios (Rupicapra) and ibex (Capra ibex) pos- Late Villafranchian (Tasso Unit) faunas of Italy: occur- sibly were already spread during the latest Middle rence of Ovibovini (Bovidae, Arctiodactyla, Mammalia) in the Fauna of Casa Frata (Upper Valdarno, Tus- Pleistocene across the Italian peninsula as docu- cany). Bollettino Società Paleonto- logica Italiana, 22, 271-280. mented by the Paglicci LFA (cfr. PALOMBO, 2009 DE GIULI C., MASINI F. & TORRE D. (1986) - The latest and references therein). Villafranchian faunas in Italy: the Pirro Nord Fauna (Apricena, Gargano). Palaeontografia Italica, 74, 56-62. DUVERNOIS M.P. (1990) - Les Leptobos (Mammalia, Ar- 3. REMARKS tiodactyla) du Villafranchien d’Europe occidentale. Systématique, Évolution, Biostratigraphie, Paléoécolo- Throughout the Early and Middle Pleistocene, the gie. Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la diversity and ecological role of Italian bovids were Faculté des Sciences de Lyon, 113, 1-213. GENTILI S. & MASINI F. (2005) - An outline of Italian Lep- changing in LFAs as well as in faunal units (FUs). tobos and a first sight on Leptobos aff. vallisarni from During the Gelasian and the Early Calabrian (from Pietrafitta (early Pleistocene, Perugia) – Quaternaire Montopoli to Tasso FU), species of the genus Lep- Hors-série, 2, 81-89. KOSTOPOULOS D. (2006) - Greek bovids through time. tobos, sometimes found in association
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