Scaling the Digital Divide Home Computer Technology and Student Achievement J a c o b V i g d o r a n d H e l e n l a d d w o r k i n g p a p e r 4 8 • j u n e 2 0 1 0 Scaling the Digital Divide: Home Computer Technology and Student Achievement Jacob L. Vigdor
[email protected] Duke University Helen F. Ladd Duke University Contents Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii Introduction 1 Basic Evidence on Home Computer Use by North Carolina Public School Students 5 Access to home computers 5 Access to broadband internet service 7 How Home Computer Technology Might Influence Academic Achievement 10 An Adolescent's time allocation problem 10 Adapting the rational model to ten-year-olds 13 Estimation strategy 14 The Impact of Home Computer Technology on Test Scores 16 Comparing across- and within-student estimates 16 Extensions and robustness checks 22 Testing for effect heterogeneity 25 Examining the mechanism: broadband access and homework effort 29 Conclusions 34 References 36 Appendix Table 1 39 i Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the William T. Grant Foundation and the National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER), supported through Grant R305A060018 to the Urban Institute from the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education for research support. They wish to thank Jon Guryan, Jesse Shapiro, Tim Smeeding, Andrew Leigh, and seminar participants at the University of Michigan, the University of Florida, Cornell University, the University of Missouri‐ Columbia, the University of Toronto, Georgetown University, Harvard University, the University of Chicago, Syracuse University, the Australian National University, the University of South Australia, and Deakin University for helpful comments on earlier drafts.