AAffrriiccaann SSoocciiaalliissmm An Anarchist Critique ZZaabbaallaazzaa BBooookkss “Knowledge is the Key to be Free” Post: Postnet Suite 116, Private Bag X42, Braamfontein, 2017, Johannesburg, South Africa E-Mail:
[email protected] Website: www.struggle.ws/africa/safrica/zababooks/HomePage.htm SamSam MbahMbah andand I.I. E.E. IgariweyIgariwey African Socialism: An Anarchist Critique - Page 20 ANARCHISM - THE WAY FORWARD FOR AFRICA African Socialism: The relevance of anarchism to human society has nowhere been more An Anarchist Critique obvious than it is in Africa. Given the multitude of problems that stare the peoples of Africa in the face, the debilitating socio-economic conditions Economic development has been central to the ideologies of post- under which a great majority of them live, and the overall economically colonial African states. In their choice of which ideological model to adopt deprived status of Africa vis-à-vis the other continents, anarchism is really for economic development, some states have chosen a form of socialism - the only liberating concept capable of turning "the dark continent" in a truly "African socialism," as some of its proponents have labelled it. However, forward-looking direction. the term "socialism" as used here does not signify a rigid, doctrinaire Things have gone haywire for too long; only a drastic cure can satisfy an approach as in Marxist Leninism. Thus Senghor identifies "spiritual values" increasingly angry, bitter and restive population stretching from Cape Town which he feels were lost to Soviet Communists under Stalin; Kwame to Cairo. Conditions include the seemingly endemic problem of ethnic Nkrumah saw no contradiction between socialism and Christianity; and conflicts across the continent; the continued political and economic Julius Nyerere has associated African socialism with traditional kinship marginalisation of Africa at the global level; the unspeakable misery of solidarity in his Ujamaa concept.