Final Report Executive Summary.Indd

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Final Report Executive Summary.Indd greater downtown tod strategy prepared for: detroit economic growth corp. downtown detroit partnership prepared by: hamilton anderson december, 2011 M- 1 T OD Executive Summary • The Opportunity • A Collaborative Approach • Incorporating Active Plans • Greater Downtown Today: The Challenge • Complete Districts and Neighborhoods • The Greater Downtown TOD Strategy • Phasing and Funding • Organizational Template 2 Draft for review and comment Draft for review and comment greater downtown tod strategy 3 E-W CONNECTIONS EUCLID MELBOURNE STREET BRUSH THIRD STREET THIRD SECOND AVE. SECOND BEAUBIEN STREET BEAUBIEN JOHN R STREET R JOHN WOODWARD (M-1) (M-1) WOODWARD WOODWARD OAKLAND M-10 - Lodge VIRGINA PARK MT VERNON summary SEWARD MARSTON 1.0 executive ROSA PARKS ROSA DELAWARE CHANDLER woodward corridor 1.0 understanding the CLAY PALLISTER PALLISTER SMITH NEW HENRY I-75 BETHUNENEE BETHUNETH NORTH END FORD CUSTERR CENTER HEALTH LOTHROPLOTHROLOTH OP SYSTEM NEW CENTER HORTON GRAND MILWAUKEEMILWAAAUKAUUKUKEEK BALTIMBALTIMORBALTIMOREMOREM REE AMSTERDAMAMSTERAMSTSTERRDAMRDAR M TECHTOWN PIQUETTE BURROUGHSUR OUGHS I-94 HARPERPER YORK MEDBURY ANTOINETTEANTOINET E HENDRIEDRDR ““II tthinkhink tthehe bbroaderroader qquestionuestion forfor MichiganMichigan is,is, whenwhen you’reyou’re competingcompeting forfor talent,talent, notnot justjust PALMERPALMERA PALMER ddomestically,omestically, bbutut gglobally,lobally, thethe youngeryounger generationgeneration inin thethe worldworld isis lookinglooking forfor qualityquality I-94 FERRYFFEE pplaces.laces. A llotot ooff tthosehose qqualityuality placesplaces wwouldould bebe traditionaltraditional citiescities withwith theirtheir downtownsdowntowns andand FERRY KIRBY ttheirheir waterfrontswaterfronts aandnd theirtheir cculturalultural institutions,institutions, andand thatthat sortsort ofof magicmagic mixmix ofof streetstreet WAYNE KIRBYKIRBKIRIRBBYBY CULTURAL KIRBY STATE FREDERICKFRFREDERICKR K DOUGLASSDOUD U IIff yyouou ddon’ton’t hhaveave ccitiesities tthathat hhaveave tthat,hat, iit’st’s hhardard ttoo iimaginemagine howhow youyou cancan competecompete forfor thethe DISTRICT UNIVERSITY FARNFARFARNSWORTHRNSWRNRNSWN WORTHW R FARNSWORTHH ttalentalent ooff tthehe wworld.”orld.” PUTNAMPUTNPUPUTNAMUTNTNAMM WARREN ---Bruce-Bruce KKatz,atz, VViceice PPresident,resident, BBrookingsrookings Institution;Institution; ffoundingounding Director,Director, BrookingsBrookings HANCOCKNCOCKNCCOCKCOCK HANCOCKHANNCOCKCK MMetropolitanetropolitan PolicyPolicy ProgramProgram FOREST FORESTF h GARFIELDD ST. ANTOINE DETROIT ST ANTOINE MIDTOWN MEDICAL CANFIELD TThehe OOpportunitypportunity CENTER WILLIS IInn rrecentecent yyears,ears, DDetroitetroit hhasas sseeneen a cconfluenceonfluence ofof willwill inin thethe public,public, GRAND RIVER ALEXANDRINE pprivaterivate aandnd philanthropicphilanthropic sectorssectors toto reshapereshape thethe citycity intointo a placeplace THIRD SELDEN SELDEN tthathat iiss nnotot oonlynly ssustainable,ustainable, butbut competitivecompetitive withwith otherother worldworld cities.cities. PARSONSARSONS MMajorajor iinitiativesnitiatives fromfrom thethe HUD-DOT-EPAHUD-DOT-EPA PartnershipPartnership forfor SustainableSustainable BRAINARD T MACK MLK DAVENPORTDADAVENPORTAVVENPORT ELLIOT CCommunitiesommunities toto thethe philanthropicphilanthropic sector’ssector’s IntegrationIntegration InitiativeInitiative andand ELIOT STIMSONMSOSONN NNewew EEconomyconomy InitiativeInitiative toto thethe privateprivate sectorssectors AnchorAnchor InvestmentInvestment PETERBORO ERSKINERSKSK PETERBORO BRUSH WATSON WATSON MOTOR CHARLOTTE SStrategytrategy aandnd WWebwardebward 2.02.0 toto tthehe CCityity ooff DDetroit’setroit’s DetroitDetroit WorksWorks PARK WILKINS CHARLOTTE CITY EDMUND PL BREWSTER TEMPLE PProjectroject aarere ffocusingocusing onon buildingbuilding strongerstronger neighborhoodsneighborhoods andand creatingcreating PARK AVE TEMPLE ALFRED FOURTH ALFRED EASTERN LOWER SPROAT MARKET jjobs.obs. WWoodwardoodward LightLight Rail,Rail, withwith itsits placeplace asas a permanentpermanent piecepiece ofof ST. ANTOINE LEDYARDLE GRATIOT SPRUCE CASS ADELAIDE SECOND SECOND SIBLEYEYY iinfrastructurenfrastructure aalonglong thethe centralcentral spinespine ofof thethe city,city, isis thethe centerpiececenterpiece ofof PINE WINDERWIIN I-75 HENRY tthishis wwaveave ooff tthought,hought, aactionction aandnd investment.investment. HENRY MONTCALMONTCONTCALMM WWoodwardoodward LightLight RailRail willwill permanentlypermanently connectconnect thethe majormajor MONTCALMMONMONNTCTTCALMCALMCALMM COLUMBIA CLIFFORDCLIFFOC LLIFFOLIFF COLUMBIACOLCOLUUMBIAUMMBIAMBBIA ENTERTAINMENT MICHIGAN PLUMPLUM FO rregionalegional destinations,destinations, employment,employment, educationaleducational andand medicalmedical centerscenters O BETHH D ELIZABETHEELIZZABAB DISTRICT MGM/DTEELIZABETHELIZAELIZZAAABETHABBETHBET THIRD THIR THIRD THIRD ADAMSAADAMM RD R R iinn tthehe ggreaterreater downtowndowntown areaarea withwith neighborhoods,neighborhoods, improveimprove accessaccess R R N HN MADISONMAA ttoo jjobsobs aandnd sserviceservices forfor rresidentsesidents alongalong thethe corridor,corridor, andand offeroffer a newnew CENTRECENCEJOHNJOHJJO R ENTREE BAGLEY E V FARMERFFA BROADWAYBROADBROA LV ARMERAAR MULLET OA D RMER LDL MER ADWAYA DDWAY oopportunitypportunity toto lliveive inin a walkablewalkable environment.environment. WithWith a directdirect linklink toto R GGT CLINTON N IN RISWOL LAFAYETTE CBD GRISWOLDGRISWOLGGR WASHINGTONWAW BLVD MACOMBMACOM OMBM 1125,00025,000 jobs,jobs, 275,000275,000 residents,residents, destinationsdestinations attractingattracting 1515 millionmillion STATESTAT PARK TATE ABBOTABBOABBBOOT TE GREEKTOWNMONROEMMOONONNRROOEOE CAMPUS LAFAYETTE aannualnnual visitorsvisitors andand 1515 distinctdistinct neighborhoodsneighborhoods thatthat includeinclude severalseveral HOWARDHO ARD FARMERFARM FINANCIAL H MARTIUSNROE PH L MONROEMO ERE LAFAYETTELADISTRICT DOL N ON RST NNationalational HistoricHistoric Districts,Districts, culturalcultural destinations,destinations, schools,schools, placesplaces ofof RST FIRST FIRST FIRST FI FIRST T RANDOLPHRRAN CADILAC SQUARE RANDOLPH FORT NGTON N N NGTO D D D D D AC H H C N N ND SSQUAR SHINGTON SH SH O O O U ARRE WASHINGTON WA W W WA RESSR ECO ECO CONGRESSGRESSG D SECOND SECOND SECO SECO S S L wworshiporship andand communitycommunity institutions,institutions, thethe WoodwardWoodward LightLight RailRail corridorcorridor FORT LD O O OLD O O O CONGRESSCONGGRESSR LARNED JEFFERSON GRISWOLD rrepresentsepresents anan opportunityopportunity toto rethinkrethink howhow peoplepeople movemove inin Detroit—Detroit— SHELBY bbetweenetween home,home, work,work, shoppingshopping andand recreation.recreation. COBO/ JOE LOUIS HART PLAZA RENAISSANCE Right: Diagram showing east-west CENTER connections to neighborhoods, districts and destinations off of the Woodward DETROIT RIVER Light Rail line in the Greater Downtown. 4 Draft for review and comment Draft for review and comment greater downtown tod strategy 5 GREATER DOWNTOWN PLANNING GROUP Organization Representative • Kresge Foundation Benjamin Kennedy summary • Hudson Webber, Kresge Foundations U3 Ventures 1.0 executive • Downtown Detroit Partnership Robert Gregory woodward corridor 1.0 understanding the • Invest Detroit Dave Blaszkiewicz • Midtown Detroit, Inc. Sue Mosey TThishis iinvestmentnvestment iinn llightight railrail onon WoodwardWoodward AvenueAvenue representsrepresents • Compuware Steve Marquardt • Detroit Medical Center Dave Menardo mmuchuch mmoreore tthanhan a bbetteretter wwayay ttoo ggetet ffromrom ppointoint A ttoo ppointoint BB.. WWhenhen Top Five Guiding Principles • Henry Ford Health System Bill Schramm ssuccessfullyuccessfully plannedplanned andand executed,executed, WoodwardWoodward LightLight RailRail willwill bebe a • Illitch Holdings Atanas Illitch Established by the Planning ccatalystatalyst fforor nneighborhood/cityeighborhood/city buildingbuilding andand placemakingplacemaking initiatives,initiatives, • Quicken Loans David Carroll Group • Wayne State University Jim Sears iincluding:ncluding: • City Planning Commission Marcell Todd • CCreatingreating a ccatalystatalyst fforor jjobob ggrowthrowth inin thethe WoodwardWoodward CorridorCorridor 1. A safe and clean environment is • DDOT Triette Reeves • EEstablishingstablishing tthehe WWoodwardoodward Corridor’sCorridor’s rolerole inin thethe regionregion asas thethe top priority Tim Roseboom 2. Permanently connect destinations bbestest ttransitransit sservederved aarearea aandnd uurban/walkablerban/walkable placeplace toto livelive • P&DD Marja Winters to residents, employees, and visitors • DTC/DPM Barbara Hansen • EEnhancingnhancing tthehe CCorridor’sorridor’s economiceconomic vitalityvitality throughthrough thethe growthgrowth 3. Create walkable streets with • DEGC Malik Goodwin emphasis on Woodward and east- ooff iitsts ggreaterreater ddowntownowntown ccoreore aandnd rrevitalizationevitalization ofof itsits manymany diversediverse west connections Olga Stella nneighborhoodseighborhoods 4. Develop residential and retail Ron Flies • EEnhancingnhancing tthehe CCorridororridor asas touristtourist destinationdestination andand a regionalregional options in support of complete neighborhoods and districts ggatheringathering pplacelace 5. Reinforce authentic character of • BBeginningeginning thethe dialoguedialogue betweenbetween thethe manymany residents,residents, businessesbusinesses
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