From: Randy Credico [email protected] Subject: Re: Libya Date: September 19, 2016 at 6:17 PM To: [email protected]

That batch probably coming out in the next drop...I can't ask them favors every other day .I asked one of his lawyers...they have major legal headaches riggt now..relax

On Sep 19, 2016 6:11 PM, "Roger Stone" wrote: 100 %


On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 1:02 PM, Randy Credico wrote:

Do you think that this story is on the level

On Sep 19, 2016 1:01 PM, "Randy Credico" wrote:

Roger I think he's all my show tomorrow so just give me a little bit of time

On Sep 19, 2016 12:58 PM, "Roger Stone" wrote: Why do we assume Wikileaks has released everything they have ???


On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 10:01 AM, Randy Credico wrote: those emails would be on the site if they exist

On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 9:59 AM, Roger Stone wrote: No one unless I can get some kind of confirmation from Assange

Roger stone

On Sep 19, 2016, at 9:54 AM, Randy Credico wrote: who could i have on my show tomorrow to talk about this?

On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 10:42 PM, Randy Credico wrote:

Can we talk about this tomorrow...I conking out early... it's funny the woman who wrote the book on the Liberian new president is on my show Tuesday have been presenting something at the UN

On Sep 18, 2016 10:38 PM, "Roger Stone" wrote:

Dr. R.K. Paul is a prominent Indian Evangelist once called "the world’s most popular Evangelist “ by New Republic magazine and touted as “ the next Billy Graham” by the Times. Nominated six times for

the Noble Peace Prize Paul is widely credited with convincing strongman Charles Taylor to step down in Liberia.Dr. Paul supported Obama in 2008 and 2012.

Between August 10 and August 20 2011, Dr. Paul undertook a piece mission to persuade Qaddafi to step down. This Mission received widespread coverage in the International Press. There are over 32 stories published at the time.

During this time he was given US State Department conditions that would allow Quadafi to abdicate without bloodshed.General Wesley Clark was the liaison to State. Paul spoke to Clark by cell phone 40 times from Libya- on two such calls

Hillary Clinton the Secretary of State participated . Cell phone records prove the calls took place .

On August 19, 2011 Quadaffi agreed to all terms. An executed letter of agreement was faxed to the White House, State and General Clark on August 20, 2011. Fax records prove this. Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich was privy to the negations and can confirm the above.

Former Congressman Walter Fauntroy Jr. , former Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus was in Libya with Paul and can also confirm this narrative of events.

Although General Clark thanked Dr. Paul profusely , the US Government moved to topple and murder Quadaffi despite his agreeing to all terms set forward by State. Libyan Intelligence informed Dr.

Paul and Fauntroy they were targeted by the CIA for assassination. Both fled Libya by August 30, 2011. Faun troy went into hiding for five years only to be arrested on a trumped-up bad-check charge for which he went jail. Dr. Paul, who is very inflection in Indian politics because of his large following in the Country was falsely indicted by his own government for the murder of his own brother. He was cleared.

General Clark has repeatedly told Dr. Paul not to reveal this back story, as recently as August 10, 2016, promising him he will be received in a Clinton White House if he remains silent. Clark alsoconfirmed the above to Walter Shapiro of but the Post has never reported the story.

Please ask Assange for any State or HRC e-mail from August 10 to August 30--particularly on August 20, 2011 that mention Dr. R.K Paul or confirm this narrative