Pi" Reflections at the fountain In remeriiberance of the* sixth month MM anniversary of the Sept. 11 attack, the ASCC will be holding a ceremony Mar.

CERRITOS COLLEGE VOL. 48, NO. 15 11 at noon. NORWALK, CA MARCH 6, 2002 Hoedown days next w

MARISOL REYES - in a couple hours," said Nassarin Bonyadloo, ASCC Chili. ASSOCIATE EDITOR President. "Culinary Arts have won for the past two years," :• It's lime to take those dingy boots out the closet. Also highlighting Tuesday's* events is the Dunk Bonyadloo said. Students also have the opportunity to . The 2002 Hoe Down Days begin next week. Your Favorite' Cop Booth sponsored by the ASCC. taste some of the award winning chili after the compe­ Hoe Down Days is the yearly spring event spon­ Students will pay to dunk their favorite campus police tition. sored by" the Associated Students of Cerritos College officer or parking officials. "Ail 'he proceeds go to The event students look forward to the most is the .(ASCC). It is comprised of three days filled with dif­ scholarship awareness," Bonyadloo said. Mr. Cerritos Contest. ferent activities with a western twist. "Think of it as a " I can't wait to see the guys," Evelyn De La Torre, western .carnival," said Sarah Mayorga, ASCC Vice At 6 p.m. food and entertainment vyill be provided President. , for afternoon students in the Social Science Patio. It Business Major, said. , : Hoe Down Days begins on Tuesday with Western will be the only activity held at night. •>., Cerritos College President Jane Harmon and Booth Day. Beginning at 10 a.m. different clubs will • The hot stuff begins on Wednesday with a chili Bonyadloo will host the event. Hoe Down Days finish­ erect booths in Falcon Square. "This is a huge fundrais- cookout that begins at 10:30 a.m. es its week of western fun on Thursday. A concert will ing event for all clubs. The spaces usually go out with­ Here different clubs and staff compete for the best be held in the Student Center at 11 a.m. Sweatshop fashion/ JIMMY MISTRY STAFF WRITER .' . I'he Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance, Mecha, International Students Association, Gay Straight Alliance, Hellfire, and Disabled Students of Cerritos College, held what they call a "Sweatshop Event" in the Student Center on Tuesday. The event mocked popu- ' lar brand names clothing companies that employ sweatshop work- ' crs. • • • V Volunteers, frorn.these clubs walked the catwalk, on a runway • wearing Brand names like Nike,' Tommy Hilfiger, Gucci, Guess, and Disney. • • > Mayra Gonzalez, president of FMLA said, "We are a. social, economic, and political organization which works nationwide and glob­ ally for the improvement of human equality. It's not just for females (in honor of March, official Women's History Month),, it's for males, elderly, disabled, and children." , .*. This was the second annual sweatshop event and Gonzalez's first time organizing the event here at Cerritos. ' Last year the event was held by FMLA alone, this year other clubs have joined in to support the fight for human rights. "They (big corporations) sell clothes so expensive but they don't pay workers

Continued on page 2 * .

Daisy Yale models Calvin Klien outfit Anthony Flores showing off Disney shirt

Lina Santamatja poses as she walks down the catwalk modeling a Forever 21 shirt made by underpaid workers in sweatshops.

Walk for breast cancer awareness Students shut out of • * - ...•• TERESE LEON among women, other than skin cancer. It is' the money for breast cancer research and awareness. A&E EDITOR / , . ; '- second leading cause of cancer death in women, Donations are optional, and will be accepted for college campus housing As a part of Women's History Month, after lung cancer." -'. the Susan G. Komen Foundation," Gleckner said. TARA CARTER , . ; ' , Cerritos College will be holding it's second The American Cancer Society also safd that The Susan G. Komen Foundation is a Texas- : ; EDJTOR-IN-CHIEF • ; ; annual, Breast Caner Awareness Walk. about 203,500 women in the United States will based establishment.-Thft mission statement of Community college students who are planning to attend a The event will be held March 21 in Falcon be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002. About the charity is "to eradicate breast cancer as a life-, California university and live on campus may find themselves Square. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. and the 40,000 women will die from the disease. threatening disease by advancing research, edu­ homeless when they transfer. ! " • walk is from 1T a.m. to nodn. , s However, the Cancer Society ?ays that breast cation, screening and treatment." "The needs of our universities are outpacing their capacity to > According to Dr. Carrie Gleckner, one of the cancer death rates have declined significantly For 18 years, the Susan G. Komen create enough student housing," said Assemblywoman Dion presenters of the walk, the motto is "Celebrate from. 1992 to 1998, with the largest decrease in Foundation has supplied funding for breast can­ . Aroncr. • ' • '-. and Educate." younger women. It said this decline is probably. cer research and for original projects that consist Students unable to afford campus housing are reporting that "We want to educate individuals about breast the result of earlier detection and improved treat­ of breast health education and breast cancer they have been forced to sleep in their cars, room with friends, cancer, risk factors and prevention, and celebrate ment. ... ' screening and treatment. survivors," Gleckner said. Because of facts like these, the Breast Cancer make iong commutes and even postpone their education, all Prizes will be awarded to the three people According to the American Cancer Society, Awareness Walk will be doing more than just , because they are not able to obtain campus housing. who donate the most to the Foundation. Continued on page 2 "Breast cancer" is the most common cancer educating and celebrating. '"We also hope to raise Continued on page 2 ' '

,,- X NEWS Page 2. TALON MARKS Mar. 6,2002 receives

TERESE LEON , . College to a four-year school. She a&e editor .' <; ;-, said she applied at UCLA and Cal Nichelle Long, Psychology ma­ State Long Beach. She plans, to jor, won a $500 scholarship front transfer in the fall. •.'•.'. the chruch she attends, Greater Dr, Kimberley Duff, psycholo­ Bethany Community Church. gy professor, wrote a letter of rec­ The church, located in South ommendation for Long. Duff said, Central Los Angeles, has about "Nichelle is a really outstanding 16,000 members according' to student and she deserved it. She Long. Only six scholarships were serves as a role model to others." given out to students. The scholar­ Long does research on stereo­ ships were available to undergradu­ typing with Duff in her lab, In ate students. April, she will be presenting s her < Long plans to use the money to research at a National Scholars help her transfer from Cerritos Honors'conference in Arizona. Breast cancer walk

i Continued from page one '1 Speakers will also be present at and faculty. We give aspirit award the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk, to the division or group with the Lauren Scott, the board of direc­ most participants. Anyone can par­ tors' president of Team Survivor and Barry Borkin, a board of direc­ ticipate, able bodies and wheel­ tors member with the Susan G. chairs alike. It is art easy two-mile Komen Foundation, will both be course around campus." Gleckner present to speak. .;'. said. The Athletics Department^ wel­ •' G'eckner said people not affili­ comes everyone to join the two- mile walk. "The walk i$ open' to ated with Cerritos, Col lege, are wel­ everyone on campus, students, staff come to join the Walk as well. College campus housing Continued from page one i David Hastings, a student at She added, "Often money has * n Perritos College who is planning to accumulated too slowly to meet attend UC Riverside in the fad I, is campus' demandUThe problem has concerned that he won't ha>e a been e.xacerbated by record enroll­ place to live when he transfer^. • ment and expectations that the Psychology major Nichelle Long (right) helps Dr. Kimberley Duff (left) conduct psycology experiments in DulT's laboratory. "I live in Norwalk with my par­ trend will continue." . ;' ents right now, if I'm not able to get Josh Fry day, a creator of the student housing at UC Riverside I housing bond, feels the measure is. Club members boycott sweatshops won't be able to go, I won't be able historical because if it passes, the to drive back and forth .from state wilt be looking at housing as a Hilfiger, .were all disovered as companies who a dollar a day to make the clothing. , Norwalk to Riverside everyday." , • - i Continued from page one critical piece of education for the; employee sweatshop workers. . "We pay $40 for a shirt 'we are gonna we.., I K$g^ftKj»# the, pro^cjjr.. • ..enough. J,t's very unfair and it goes against first time. JohrivDay', Aerospace,sEngineer major qnd , fey:, foiiir.; months,, w^eni;,the porkers get paid 4. \ IjuirTii^i VightV\sa|dD/ "aisy YateJ'wJio modeled fast month' lawmakers annot|p«?ed» spectator'of the Sweatshop.Event, cotnmen}ed<,, cents- .ji^hQuf^to.jniake,.!!^ shirt and it's unjust, y Aroner-s^Td'.iio*' IbrhiaJ oppose. f.Tomm'y Hilfiger pants and jacket. \-* ^n inclusioif of $15 million for stu-*' "Big companies suck. I'm'gonna wri.te^i letter to which is why 1 took part in this," said Anthony tion to the measure has surfaced but Caroline Wanatagala, member, of dent housing in a proposed housing the companies telling them to stop the injustice." Flores, who modeled Disney and Etnies clothing. UC and CSU response has been bond measure. * International Students Association, knows of "I didn't.know companies like-Wal*Mart, According to Folgar there are over 35.000 • moderate. • what these, shops consist of. The measure will be part'of a Disney, and K-Mart support sweatshops," said sweatshops iri U.S territory, these' shops are CSU 01 fie 1 a Is said they are " I'm coming from a country where I've seen $2.1 billion' bond proposal drafted Emmanuel Calderon, spectator and Electric anny style barracks and work goes; on for seven reviewing the language of the stu­ children work very hard at a young age. to provide housing for low and( Engineer major. days a week. • ;7 t. dent housing measure but have not Knowledge is contagious and it has affected me moderate-income students. As the models waked down the walkway Folgar also added that a sweatshop worker in made any decisions on whether to and hopefully it will effect others." "•• •• Arnoner, who is an avid propo­ Rosa Folgar, with Gonazalez, commented on the Cambodia gels paid,$40 a month'when the min­ endorse it. • * Abraham Macedomo, member of Mecha, nent of the measure, feels that it is. conditions the clothes we.re made in'. imum requirement for basic needs is $60 dollars UC officials have expressed researched this issue through the website time for the state to step in and help Folgar, vice president of FMLA, wants peo­ a month. • • . www.sweatshopwatch.org and .various other rectify the housing problem. concerns that if the measure is :"! think people, should know where the internet sites for the presentation. ple to be aware'of what the media does not show, '"• .''Historically the. state has not passed other school projects might • "So people get to know what's really out there." clothes they buy come from," said Alejandra His research uncovered many companies provided money for student hous­ suffer financially. •. Viliaeres, who modeled Tommy Hilfiger. pants'*. that people did not know utilized sweatshops as The sweatshop workers in Indonesia get paid ing, claiming it was an ancillary, . Patricia Kearney, executive The over all theme fop the event was to make their means of profit. a $1.25 a day while the promoters like Tiger service. Any housing project had to director of housing at UC Davis, Woods get paid $550 a day. . • the public aware of the working conditions that Companies .such as WaI*Mart, K-Mart, be sejf-supporting, with funding said the housing bond would be their clothes are made in and to get people to take Gucci, Dickies, Kathy Lee Gilford, JC Penny, As Gena Leguizamon showed off Addidas coming from sources such as stu­ useful but "in tough budget times action against violators of human rights. ' > Robert "Ross," Disney, Etnies, and Tommy and Dickies,outfits, Folgar commented about dent fees, donations or public-pri­ the state money should go to class­ , how Chinese workers in China get paid less than vate partnerships,'* Arnoner said. room's not bedrooms." Court reporting career day COMPLETE your DEGREE • I The court reporting/broadcast tioning. captioning industry is experiencing Cerritos College is hosting a 0 a severe shortage of skilled workers Court Reporting Career Day on and students entering these realtime Saturday, March 9, from I - 4 p.in. Information Technology profes- in the College's Student Center. #0^0 BALL ROAD, AT MOOOry ' sions. Congress recently appropri-' A varietyof activities and infor­ ated $5.75 million in grants for mation vvill be available to students training captioners (closed-captioh- and the public at this event. TH .\n ing), CART (Communication For more information, please Access Realtime Translation) contact the Court Reporting providers and realtime writers. Department at 562.860.2451, ext. €7*14) B1 g-T gPZ fl| The need for realtime writers in 2746 or visit the web site at traditional court reporting jobs, www.cerritos.edu/busc. TA/r) your Hot he let <>/ Scletuu in Applied such as working in court and taking, tsUQuyh depositions, also continues to grow. hUiaaqeftwni Anna Pacific UtlWertity : There is a shortageof court dxid «|/V# m w FIILRTTIETHITTN to your career reporters and their is an expanded Ait auie'jtte-d d

.need for this specialized skill, espi- 1 24-HOUR • -t >£ i h 1 .. ,'4 . ' f i, t, >>*U . >->t>j .cially in the area of broadcast cap- i i , f -1 • 1 ii • 1 i 1 >< j • . ' n 11 -i-'' y CLASSIFIEDS • : CARE* P Ait 1. • . i. ^ ', 1 *11; •< . 1 „ • i>, If- Call today if you . , . \ •

¥SEEKING ASPIRING MODELS ¥ SERVICES • 'Ai-;4 iij.-'v^afci* ,:;iis, ' •- ' Want to be a. Model? We • ;"• Licensed, Insured, CPR • •Ai*h!wf.'^ Ib fc>:-«ta!'''C"'t can help you obtain your • First Aid Certified, Win 2 Season Passes professional portfolio FREE Provides ail Meals IflfiMniiifoff ^fsetrrjgs '.Call TO RT-U-r,-* N $E' " . W " '\'> •! 1 after 20. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Accepts Gain, Cal WORKS & for students and clubs. Ads are Children's Home Society by March 20, 2002 is eligible. payable in advance. For informa­ Member Cerritos Chamber tion call S6Q-245tj e*t 2611. Liofe Commerc#19800527e2 wWw.talonmarks.com EDITORIAL Page 3 TALON MARKS March 6,2002 Get cash and save the planet! EDITORIAL plastic pouches, or paper cups. year? Well it is, and did you also know LAURA A main dish could be wrapped in that everything used to package food is paper or aluminum foil, served on a paper also recyclable? • . TheTalon Marks is a First AGUILAR plate, cardboard box, or in a styrofoam If you grew up in the eighties and Amendment publication. Communist Photographer container. A side could be French fries in early nineties I'm sure you can remember Editorials express the views of the Editorial a cardboard container, a salad in a plastic the, recycling campaigns telling us to Board, Other opinions Container, or even a Snicker's bar in a express the view of the America? Cerritos College should have recy­ "Recycle, reduce, and reuse." Captain author and are not td be plastic wrapper. • ' * Planet was. there to help when we needed Let the Drafting begin!! * cling facilities. Many people think that considered opinions of the Imagine how much paper is involved.' Uncle Sam wants every male, ages 18-22, to recycling is expensive but the purpose of outside help. ; ' publications staff, the with students, homework, notes, rough Editorial Boardi the advis­ serve in the military for one year. recycling is to help the environment. , During high school when not so many ers, the Cerritos College Fortunately, women are not forced to join but drafts, flying paper airplanes across the' A school uses unimaginable amounts people cared, there was still a box • Associated Students, the are granted the opportunity to volunteer. room when they are bored. of paper. A well designed recycling pro­ labeled, "Recycling Paper Only" in every . college administration or Apparently the government doesn't value the Board of Trustees. We are given all sorts of useless hand classroom. women as a mans equal, or else they simply do gram can be set up to save money and not outs. The $70 books of which only two Production and printing of not believe they are as competent. just to be self sufficient The first time I walked through this the TALON MARKS is college's campus I was carrying an empty There are a few deferments: individuals with •Eateries use all kinds of recyclable chapters are read. The 18-page term partially funded by the disabilities, high school students who are earning packaging. Paper plastic and aluminum. papers for which we print endless water bottle, at every turn 1 looked for a Associated Students of a diploma, members of military academies, and Cerritos College. Shouldn't we be making money off of our amounts of online research, all for a paper recycling bin. I ended up carrying the bot­ legitimate correction officers are among the indi­ trash? tle for five hours and taking it hpme>. Facilities and academic viduals who are off the hook. : : that will be trashed once the professor" Every time I buy a bottled drink I make supervision are provided by How much trash is accumulated from skims through it. the Department of . asn't America supposed to be the land just eating? Drinks usually come in plas­ Did you know that about one billion sure that I have space in my back pack to Journalism. of the free? If the House ratifies the tic bottles, aluminum" cans, glass bodies, trees' worth of paper is thrown away each hold it in after I am done with it. Universal Military and Service Act of Newsroom offices are W located in the : 2001, young men will be FORCED to serve in the Arts & Crafts Building, US military. • • . WE CAN ORJYE, 8UT (MR • WE CAN VOTE, &JT N0NE WE CAN HAVE #X, Wf Room AC42. Cerritos Forcing Americans to work against their will, risk getting College is located at doesn't this sound like slavery? INSURANCE PREMIUMS OF THE ftimciWIS \mcm> llllOAIondra Blvd., America needs to realize that things have TO CARE PSCVT «... Norwalk, CA 90650. ARE ASTRWMICAL- (562) 860-2451, ext. 2617. changed from the dinosaur ages when young men FAX (562) 467-5044. expressed their patriotism and love for their country by joining the armed forces and going off to war. . • ' Volume 47 Kissing their girlfriends goodbye, young men ' ©2002 proudly shipped off to war and many never Talon Marks returned. Editor in Chief oday the attitudes of young men are very Tara Carter different, America prides itself on offering education and endless opportunities for its T Opinion Editor citizens and the youth are taking advantage. Sylvia Duran Today it is the American dream that is sought WE CAN gm, BUT WE CAN ATTEND COLLEGE, after. Young men would rather go to college and $UT HAVE TO GO \HTQ Features Editor build a future, for themselves and their families RISK GETTING LVNG rather than spend two years of their life in the CANCER OR £MPH>SEWU DEBT f(K20 YEARS TO Alicia Warner armed forces, , . It's not like patriotism has become a thing of Associate Editor the past, it is still prevalent in today's society, it is Marisol Rojas displayed in many different ways, A bumper sticker with a patriotic phrase, a A&E Editor and flag on a house or car and a financial donation Online Editor now replaces the "fight the enemy" mentality of Terese Leon the past. And why shouldn't it? f(i Staff Here in America, the supposed "land of the Jimmy Mistry free" individuals have the right to express their 51? /Hiffl '^rdr Enka Palma beliefs in any form they wish/ Marisol Rojas nfortunately America is now going the Laura Aguilar way of the communist. Who is St. Patrick? Here's the scoop Daniel Aguilar U identity. him to return to Ireland as a missionary, In a communist country, its citizens would SYLVIA Nightmares of evil leprechauns and Patrick's religious training took 15 years. Faculty Adviser have no say, whether they Wanted to defend their three-leaf clovers haunted me. . He eventually became a priest and ministered Rich Cameron country or not. They are drafted either way. DURAN I called a 1-900 psychic and she told me, to christians and converted the Irish. Who cares, if your religion does not allow Opinion Editor "In order for you to rid yourself of this curse He superimposed a sun, a powerful Irish you to join the military, who cares if you are studying hard to earn a college degree, who cares you must find out the .answers." With that symbol, on the christian cross to create the if you've never had any intentions of joining the I remember cutting out green three-leafed costly advice, and believe me it was, for an Celtic cross. Patrick used the three-leafed* Letters to the Editor military? The government sure doesn't. shamrocks and sinister-looking leprechauns outrageous $3.25 a minute, I was on a mis* shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity. His Forcing young men to join the armed forces are subject to edit* back in the days in elementary school. sion. followers adopted the custom of wearing a against their will goes against everything Maewyn (also Known as St. Patrick), shamrock on his feast day. ' America stands for. I alw'ays forgot to wear green and got ing due to content x born in Wales about 385 A.D., was a pagan An individual who posseses the true pinched a every 10 minutes. After 30 years of ministry, Patrick retired until the age of 16 when he was sold into slav-; American spirit,would not let this act come to As years went by 1 wondered who St. to County Down, where he died on March 17 and spacing. Letters fruition. , Patrick was and why he was associated with ery. . ' in 461 A.D. must be submitted Help to preserve democracy by speaking out shamrocks and leprechauns. I asked around After more than six years as a prisoner, he Npw I understand why St. Patricks Day is but always seemed to get the same apathetic escaped. According to his writings, the voice against this un-American act, Contact congress one of a college student's favorite holidays; the Thursday before and let the House df Representatves know that answer, "I dunrio." .., of God told him in a dream to leave Ireland. An actual holiday dedicated to drunkenness communism in America will not be tolerated. This lack of knowledge led to many slctp- Patrick then walked 200 miles to the coast and partying. Too bad, we don't get the day publication at Talon less nights. I laid awake in bed wondering if of Ireland. After leaving Ireland, he received off from school to allow more time for party­ I'd ever crack the enigma of St. Patrick's a second revelation: An angel in a dream told ing. , ' Marks, AC 42.

Campus Comment What woman has been an inspiration in your life?

, COMPILED BY "My mother be­ "My mom because ,i ERICA PALMA AND LAURA AGUILAR "My mother "My curent girl­ cause she has made she has taught me because she has friend, she inspires me who I am today how to value every­ taught me to never and will be in the me to do stuff for one and everything give up in school future." others." ONLINE POLL no matter how big and irt my life." or smull." What woman do you most admire?

Jersson Rivera '. . • Oprah Rebecca Lopez David Sandoval Dwlght Blair Architecture Marketling Undecided • • • Madonna Undecided

* • Janet Reno "My mother for "My momma, she "My grandmother, 5 - * "I guess my high' going to work every­ taught me how to • Assata Shakur she didn't need any , school biology day arid puttimg up ' buy clothes at the support from a man, teacher. She was Q: your mother ' swap meet and save with me and my she raised eight kids just always there. • yourgrand- dad." lots of money." on her own." She always lis­ r. • mm • , mother. tened and she: seemed very > •' • Mavis Leno 9H9I together." W^mMm f Register answer online at www.talonmarks.com Alan Chavez Carlos Ulloa Jebus Compas if Ceci Acero; Results are immediately available. Music Music Culinary Arts Undecided Page 4 TALON MARKS March 6,2002 Campus play about women

JIMMY MISTRY complete of course until the whole life was STAFF WRITTER ' portrayed. ? "This will be the dumbest thing I've A surprising part was displayed; the ever done," my friend whispered to me as women were living lives even after the war. we took our seats to watch the play "A The horror of war continues even when Piece of My Heart." the war is over. • \ We came out of the theatre in awe, it Topics like Agent Orange, war syn­ was magnillcantly done. dromes, haunting war memories, naive Everything came together. adults in combat, and leaders-who-fight- The base for "A Piece of My Heart" is battleS-while-sitting-on-leather-cbairs, were the lives of women who entered the brought up. .•'. Vietnam War. . Everything mentioned later on in the Yet, • it manages to cover various play was mentioned before. amounts of topics like the brutality of war, The cause and effect were shown won­ girls in their youth, military actions, false derfully. leadership, politics, and the very moments Like when one of the girls is in the plane of how it feels like to be in a war zone. with some guys she finds out they are It stages the lives of six young girls who spraying the fields so the enemy can't hide participate in the war, each with a different in the thick flora. mentality and feeling towards it. Later on, when the girl is a mother her They all start out as young girls who are child has weaknesses, rashes, and? other excited about entering the military for the medical conditions that doctors can't identi- different benefits such as touring different cities. It was finally found out that the medical But as they go through the brutality and conditions were caused by the effect of the the savageness of war they realize it is not spraying of the chemical Agent Orange. something anyone should go through, It seems that an incredible amount' of women, men, children or elderly. research was done about how the era was, The ugly side of war was picked on. about how the different mentalities were, The girls'get lonely, desperate, and about how women had a hard time getting a, afraid of what they have gotten themselves job, and of course racism. > into. ' . A man (Dave Wrathall) hugs Leeann (Yezmin Bernal) while other cast members watch, in "A Piece of My Heart." Of course the play had flaws, but one , Similar to the 18-year-old guys who go would not be' able to even notice them, into battle without knowing what it feels against war and fighting. Vulgarity not only being words, but vio­ one goes through the military life and the which is excellent. like when a,bullet passes through bones, ' There were moments when there was lent, sexual actions, and offensive sentences other goes through the post-war experience. "A Piece of My Heart" is a very well their own or the enemies. dead silence in the theatre. against race and gender. .We were ready to leave after the first, done masterpiece.. Even though I was sitting just five feet The play had frozen not only the audi­ If you are new to plays, you may be part ended. , The great thing about it is, is that it has away from the actors and actresses it felt ence but also the actors. confused in the beginning because the Not because we wanted to get away but a theme. ; like five feet away from me was a whole Every line seemed to have a signifi­ direction of the play seems confusing >s the because ft felt like a whole movie had It isn't just about a contribution, to world away. cance to it. not to mention a lot of symbol­ actors start switching roles. • • ; ended. . ;. ' Women's History Month, it's about all of As if the soil of Vietnam was really Hy­ ism. . ; One moment the woman is a tear jerking It felt like it was complete, when the the things that mankind is made of, the ing through their faces as the helicopters It was almost as if the the script was sensitive person the next a yelling, grunting meaning of the name "A Piece of My worst ones. flew by and the bombs fell like rain drops. from a book. • lieutenant. * Heart" is mentioned, but little did we know When you walk out of the theatre you " \ The acting was superbly done with raw THERE was a lot of vulgarity mentioned, Not to worry, after a while one gets used ' "it was just interval time. will surely feel upsetting emotions that will emotion. '.''.,*'. i • as one would expect from any warzone to it. When we came back, it was dessert make you want to do something about A lot of crying took place. moments. There are two parts to the play, the first lime, something extra; the story was not what's going on today in the world. The girls had real tears and real anger EDITORS' PICKS Aesop Rock 'Labor Day' TARA CARTER , unfathoniable deep tone, he deliv­ EDITOR IN CHE.F ' ' ers intricate rhymes faster than the t • Tired of listening to rappers listener's mind can process it. talking about their money, cars and Tracks like "No regrets" which women? follows a girl named Lucy on her If you are, pick up the latest hit journey to fulfill her dreams, and "9-5er's" anthem which echoes the Staffmark by Aesop Rock "Labor Days." sentiments of all of us who work Aesop Rock is an obvious graduate for a living, are just two of the head of the Freestyle Fellowship/Com­ hodders on the that will pany Flow genre of emceeing, but make average listeners forget about he defines his own style., the songs about fast cars and jew- ; With his fast delivery and ah. ery that dominate the airwaves. elemarketing positions Le Tigre 'Feminist Sweepstakes9 TERESE LEON machine beats and samples from at LA Times, Fortune 500 A &E EDITOR protests rallies, comedy routines Punk feminist electronica. It's a and interviews. genre of music you don't really The new CD, from Le Tigre publication. Hourly plus great hear much about. Maybe because "Feminist Sweepstakes," released Le Tigre is the only band around in October, is filled with political that fits into it. and feminist lyrics, commission. Part-time. Flex The driving force behind Le In this era of jock rock and pop Tigre is Kathleen Hanna, the singer princesses, Le Tigre is something of the '90's punk band Bikini Kill. new, insightful and experimental hours available. Top perform­ Le Tigre combines the feminist for those of us that are sick of com­ politics of Bikini Kill with drum- mercial, pre-packaged music. erscan make 400 per week. Garth Brooks 'Scarecrow' ALICIA WARNER "Scarecrow" is one of the best FEATURES EDITOR Must pass drug screen Garth Brooks that has ever The new sound of country is becoming more up-beat and it's hot been produced. His top song someone singing about his wife "Wrapped up in You," is played and background check. leaving him. constantly on country radio. He Garth Brooks' latest album may not be a rap artist or a punk "Scarecrow" is one that is full of rock star, but he still has just as up-beat music and catchy tunes. many fans waiting to hear him do Ok, we know country is not always the favorite or the trend, but his infamous song "Friends in Low country does get listened to. Places," in concert. Interested parties call Staffmark, 'Camino Palmero' (562) 220-1750. MARISOL ROJAS redemption. The themes may sound Telemarketing positions ASSOCIATE EDITOR similar but it's this groups powerful To hell with *NSync and The delivery found in- songs like available with a Fortune 500 Backstreet Boys, The Calling is far "Adrienne"and "Stigmatized" that from being labeled the average boy make this band stand out. band. The Calling's popularity has newspaper company. Their premier album "Camino been shooting up since the release Palmero" is. filled with powerful of the hit single "Wherever You lyrics written by lead singer Alex Will Go." It's evident that they will Band and guitarist Aaron Kamin. stay true to their music and their Their songs focus on situations fans and not to the dumb trends like love and loss, rejection, and musicians are pressured into today.

1 March

: ,; : ; s! ond round; ;v"/ v V-"-'"v'. ' •"''' • " ' Cerritos has not played the Lady Arabs this season, who came in second place in the Pacific Coast Conference. The Falcons will enter the playoffs riding a 12-ga'me winning streak. • , Baseball , The Cerritos College baseball team has opened the South Coast Conference season with a 1-2 record after the first week. First, the Falcons dropped an 8-5 decision to Mt. San Antonio and then followed it up with an 8-2 win over Long Beach City. Then, the team lost a 2-0 lead to El Camino and fell, 4-2. As a result, Cerritos is now 1-2 in conference play and 9-8 overall. This week, Cerritos will travel to Pasadena City on Thursday before taking to the road against East Los Angeles on Saturday. , • i i ? » {'-'•!»* "ti i \v* ^SL' • Softball The Cerritos College softball team exploded for 21 runs in the South Coast Conference win over Los Angeles City. They: followed that with a dramatic come-from-behind 5-4 win over El Camino. With the wins; the Falcons are now 11-7 overall and 3-3 in divi­ sional play. ; - . Thjs week, the Falcons will travel to Long Beach City (Thursday) and East Los Angeles (Friday). ' " Oner sports WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 All Day M&W Swimming in South Coast Conference Relays at £ VjStAl, ^„a'„L -s— !t,j — — Mt. San Antonio- > . , Photo by Daniel Aguilar 3:00 p.m. Softball at Long Beach City ; Cerritos and Canyons players rush the key for a rebound in case Marcel Justin's free*throw fails in the playoff opener Saturday.

THURSDAY, MARCH 7 ' ^ All Day M&W Swimming at Mt. San Antonio Invitational Men win first-round opener, Oxnard next 2:00 p.m. Women's Tennis ys; Compton at Cerritos Sophomore guard James Perkins came off the p.m. Cerritos started the game slowly and trailed bench to score a game-high 17 points, as the Oxnard defeated Mt. Sari Antonio, 103-90, in at halftime, 28-24. But with less than 10 minutes FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Cerritos College men's basketball team defeated the first round. left, sophomore guard Curtis Williams drained 1:00 p.m. M&W Track & Field vs: Long Beach City & Mt. San College of the Canyons, 63-52, in the first round The.winner of the game on Wednesday will three straight three-pointers to turn a seven-point Antonio at Cerritos of the Southern California Regional Playoffs. , face the winner of the No. 3 Mt. San Jacinto-No. deficit into a two-point lead. 2:00 p.m. M&W Swimming vs. Los Angeles City & Los Angeles With the win, the Falcons (25-7), seeded No. 14 Irvine Valley game this Saturday night. Trade-Tech at Cerritos 6 will how advance to the second round to host If the Falcons and Mt. San Jacinto each win, From there, the Falcons pulled away to No. 11 Oxnard (22-10) on Wednesday at 7:30 CerritoS would play on the road. record the win. ' ' ' online this week

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Subscribe today at: www.talonmarks.com FEATURES Page 6 TALON MARKS March 6,2002 Women's Month A le//on in women *# right to Vole

received a master's degree in journalism from the process. Number 11 was the right for women Event Calendar American University in Washington.D.C. along to vote and during Jhis time it was outrageous to with receiving her BA in Latin American studies think of such nonsense as women being able to from Yale University. vote. . < • - • Wedneday - March 6 Zavala had a change in plan from what the / Fredrick Douglass was at the meeting and topic of the lecture on "The Life of Mary Baker encouraged them to pass the voting item. The . Islamic American Women's Panel Eddy," was changed to a discussion about group listened to him and passed item 11 and meeting was adjourned. • 9:30-11:00 a.m., SS-306 . Tuesday's primary elections because being a journalist Zavala figured it would be more of a Zavala also explained on how Susan B. timely'event to talk about. Anthony, who was very cledicated abolitionist, Writing Women's Lives She wanted to make students and faculty became involved with the group. 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m., LA-29 aware of how important voting is to our society, The thing that really connected the group but the topic of her speech-focused on how was slaves and women were at the time both con­ 5 Risky Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Health women got the right .to. vote| in the United States. sidered property, so the women banded together 11:30 a.m.-l:00p.m., HS-101 1 Zavala encouraged the audience to go out and even stronger. - / .. • vote because not every person realizes what a None of the women on^lhe original commit­ struggle it was for women to gain the right to tee had the chance to vote, except for Susan B. Essay Contest Deadline vote. . . ' " . Anthony who cast her vote illegally and stood Re-Entry Resource Program by 4p.m. She took the audience on a trip through histo­ trial for it. \ ry of the Women's Rights Movement. Although the topic of Zavala's speech was During" the speech, Zavala explained about serious, she managed to create laughter in the how women were not entitled to anything in the room while talking about the struggle to gain the Thursday - March 7 , - VAL ZAVALA 1848: right to vote and all the hardship that the women ALICIA WARNER • Women were not allowed to speak in public, had to push through to get the bill to congress. FEATURES EDITOR could not stand at a pulpit, sign contracts or be Diane Keenan, chair of the Women's studies 6th Annual International Business Panel "1 was amazed to see all the activities going active with any church committees program, wants to encourage students to come to H':00a.m.-12:15p.m.,LC-155 on during women's month here at Cerritos, noth­ The most shocking fact was that women had the rest of the women's month activities and to ing like this was ever at Yale," Val Zavala said. no legal rights over their own children. . become aware of women's issues. The group Children of a Lesser God' Val Zavala, Vice President of News and The spark that-lit the fire tg start the women's encourages faculty to get involved and bring stu­ '•; 12:30 - 3:30 p.m., LC-155 Public Affairs for KCET, was Tuesday's keynote right movement was a headline in a little town dents into the programs. speaker for Women's History Month. newspaper that simply read, "Women's Rights « Even if the teachers offer extra credit to their The Changing of Womanhood Zavala works at the major public television Convention." .. '. students. Students' will gain knowledge about 2:00 - 3:00 p.m., Student Center Stage station for Southern and Central California. She Women gathered to the little church hall and issues if they atterid the lectures and activities. Oversees a program on KCET called "Life and began to come up with a plan on how to get the The group wants to bring awareness of today's A Piece of My Heart Times Tonight,'' which is broadcast live each United States legislature to side with the women issues concerning women in the United States weeknight on KChF. The program examines and all over the world. 2:00 p.m., Burnight Center on being able to vote. ' ' news, politics, people, controversies, ideas and The women sat down and wrote their own Zavala closed with'encouraging words to the cultures. Women's Declaration of Independence. audience made up of men and women. In 1992 she attended Stanford University on Zavala explained that there were 10 items ori , "The hardest thing that everyone has to do, is Friday - March 8 a John S. Knight. Journalism Fellowship. She the bill that passed easily, but number 11 held'up be true to our highest self," she said.

A Piece of My Heart 8:00 p.m., Burnight Center Young men may be drafted to military TARA CARTER forcing men to enlist in the army is not an act of he obtains a high school diploma, ceases to pur­ ' EDITOR-IN-CHIEF " ' freedom." . • sue $ satisfactory course of. study or attains die Saturday - March 9 Young male American' citizens may soon be The act does rjot require female participation age of 20, which ever comes first." forced to enlist in the United States armed forces. in the armed forces instead it authorizes them to Others' deferred from the act include those A Piece of My Heart In December Mil higan Rep. Nick Smith and. volunteer. ' afflicted with a hardship or disability., Pennsylvania Rep. Curt Weldon introduced the 8:00 p.m., Burnight Center Marcela Reyes, a music major at Cerritos •v Steven Logo a Cerritos College students who Universal Military Training and Service Act of finds the bill un-American and sexist. is unable to join the armed forces due to a dis­ 2001 to the House of Representatives. "I do not agree with the bill at all and I hope ability views the birt as a nepessity. Under the proposed act American males i( never passes. It is sad because it shows that .' •' "Our country is in a time of need, we nee

Stories about Women & Money New director in charge of economic development v • 9:30- 10:45 a.m., SS-306 v "I have always admired commu­ "I am thrilled to have Jose join competitive, or offer specific train­ workforce more productive so busi­ nity colleges' role in economic the college," says Executive Dean ing in their area of need to enhance nesses can grow and prosper." Wednesday - March 13 development," says new Cerritos of Community, Industry arid expertise. ' Anaya holds an MBA with an College Director of Economic Technology Education Nick "My position has been vacant emphasis in entrepreneurship and Development Jose Anaya, "I chose Kremer. "His experience with the" for a few years, so some of the pro­ marketing from the University of A Worn Path to come to Cerritos*College to pur­ business community, as well as his grams have not had the support they Southern California, and received p 11:00- 12:00 .m., LA 29 sue a more meaningful opportuni­ marketing skills, complement the need. "Anaya says of his first chal­ his B.S.M.E. in Mechanical ty." ! ' :/ • strong campus economic develop­ lenges. "My focus, is developing Engineering from California Anaya joined Cerritos College ment team we already have." and implementing a strategy plan to Polytechnic State University, Thursday * March 14 on January 15, 200?, after leaving It is the responsibility of the expand services that meet the needs Pomona. 1 . Valley Economic Development Office of Economic Development, of the business community. Also, to Currently Anaya is involved in a Corporation, where he was a pro­ to make training opportunities partner and collaborate with busi­ program that is addressing the digi­ Life Scripts: What Works in 2002? gram manager. "I wanted to be available to businesses itl the com­ ness and industry to improve all tal divide - the problem of low :..' 10:00 aim,. - 10:45 a.m., LC 155 involved in my lifelong passion: munity, so that those may succeed levels of our economic base." income areas not having much tech­ economic development," says and grow and consequently create According to Anaya "this is a nology available to them. "I am War, Women, and Opportunity/Radio Broadcast Anaya. "At Cerritos College I can more jobs. This would lead to eco­ dream job." It has all he could ever involved in an organization that 10:00- 11.00a.m., WPMD 1700AM provide training and knowledge nomic development in the commu­ ask for in a job: it is challenging and tries to bring technology to those 11:00 a.m. - Noon, WPMD 1700 AM transfer to help businesses be more nity. Colleges go out and train the something he can be proud of. "I areas and to give them a. greater successful." . work, force, so they become more want to be successful in making our opportunity to improve their lives." GRAND OPENING m Decisions, dleasions , decisions . INTERNET PC CLW

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