Marine Biology (2006) 149: 1365–1370 DOI 10.1007/s00227-006-0314-4


George Skoufas Comparative biometry of singularis (Gorgonian) sclerites at East Mediterranean Sea (North Aegean Sea, Greece)

Received: 8 December 2005 / Accepted: 13 March 2006 / Published online: 19 April 2006 © Springer-Verlag 2006

Abstract The two forms of sclerites, constitute a robust structure attached to the substra- spindles and clubs, were examined in two sites in East tum. The architecture of this macroscopic structure is Mediterranean Sea, Greece. The comparison of the scle- based on the presence of microscopic unities, the spic- rites size was based on the hydrodynamic proWle of the ules or sclerites. The presence of sclerites is not an sites (the site of Arethoussa was exposed and the Phido- exclusive characteristic of the gorgonian colonies, as nissi site was sheltered), on the sites bathymetry (AR some other forms with a diVerent constitution have 5–8 m, AR 9–13 m, PH 5–10 m, PH 11–13 m) and on the been observed in several zoological groups as Porifera, position occupied by the sclerites on the gorgonian colo- Hexacorallia and Echinodermata. The gorgonian axis nies (top, middle and base). With the usage of image sys- is composed by gorgonin, containing modiWed colla- tem analysis the following microfeatures were measured gen (Goldberg 1976). The chemical constitution of or calculated: projection, length, width, elongation fac- sclerites and their formation mechanisms have been tor, compactness factor, length £ width and length/ the object of several studies (Goldberg 1981; Goldberg width. The present study conWrms the hypothesis that and Benayahu 1987a, b; Kingsley 1984; Majoran spindles are involved in the recovering of the gorgonian 1987). colonies and clubs contribute to the Xexion capacity of The mechanic properties of gorgonian axes are modi- the colonies. The spindles of the shallow E. singularis Wed by the presence of the sclerites in the coenenchyme colonies (AR 5–8 m) were signiWcantly bigger (length, (Muzik and Wainwright 1977; Esford and Lewis 1990; width) compared with the others, in order to assure the Vogel 1988, 1981). The gorgonian colonies proWt by best recovery of the colonies after their Xexion, induced water currents for their feeding. However, an increase of by higher water current velocity in shallow water. The water velocity can damage the colonies and as a result clubs occupy the intern part of the mesoglea and their the gorgonian distribution depends on the water current size (length, width) increased in colonies from the shal- intensity (Jeyasuria and Lewis 1987; Yoshioka and low exposed site in order to facilitate the gorgonian Yoshioka 1989). Several studies during the last years Xexion. The present study demonstrates the gorgonian deal with the mechanic role of the sclerites (Esford and adaptation (in a microscopic scale) to the environmental Lewis 1990; Lewis and Von Wallis 1991; West 1997). pressure of hydrodynamic conditions. Except their contribution in the mechanic properties of the colonies, the sclerites are also implicated in the colo- nies defense. As sclerites increase in size, gorgonians become less palatable for predators such as Cypfoma Introduction gibbosium in tropical waters and spelta in Medi- terranean Sea (Van Alstyne and Paul 1992; West et al. Gorgonians are sedentary colonies exposed to the 1993; West 1998). environmental hydrodynamic conditions. Their axes Eunicella singularis or White gorgonian is a very common Mediterranean . However, very little is known about the sclerites adaptation to the water cur- Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe rent velocity with an exception of a study concerning the species of the same genus E. cavolinii (Velimirov 1976). G. Skoufas The aim of the present study was to investigate whether Department of Fisheries and Aquacultures Technology, Alexandrian Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, the sclerites size is related to their position on the colony, N. Miltiadi 1, 63200 N. Moudania, Greece to the bathymetry of the site and to the water current E-mail: [email protected] intensity. 1366

solution of sodium hypochlorite 3%. Two forms of scle- Materials and methods rites, spindles (Fig. 2) and clubs (Fig. 3), were isolated with the usage of a pipette Paster and afterwards they Gorgonian colonies of E. singularis were collected from were Wxed for microscopic observation. The measure- Arethoussa and Phidonissi. The sampling sites are ments of microfeatures were realized in Musée d’Histoire located in North Aegean Sea, in Kavala Bay (Greece) Naturelle in Paris (France). For the sclerite measurements (Fig. 1). The gorgonian populations from each site were we have acquired the digital image using a video camera subdivided into two subpopulations, the shallow and connected to a microscope. Analysis and measurements deep one. Samples were collected from Arethoussa of the acquired image were realized using the programs between 5 and 8 m depth (AR 5–8) (31 colonies), from Adobe and Optilab. The usage of informatics help, for the Arethoussa between 9 and 13 m depth (AR 9–13) (39 sclerite measurements, is much more precise than the colonies), from Phidonissi between 5 and 10 m depth usage of a micrometric scale adapted to microscope. For (PH 5–10) (45 colonies) and from Phidonissi between 11 each one of the sclerite type from the three diVerent parts and 13 m depth (PH 11–13) (48 colonies). The relative of the colonies and from the diVerent sites studied, the hydrodynamic exposure of the two sampling sites was following microfeatures were measured or calculated: investigated using the method described by Kaandorp (1986). The above parameter was estimated quantita- 1. Projection, which is deWned as the surface area of the tively by relating the exposure to water movement to the sclerites projection in pixels, given in surface unities erosion of gypsum blocks placed in the same depth. The (m2) (Fig. 4, dark area) W W V erosion value was de ned as the weight loss of the gyp- 2. Length, which is de ned as the di erence Xmax¡Xmin sum blocks during a lunar day. After the application of in the horizontal axis X (Fig. 4). W V this method, it was demonstrated that Arethoussa site 3. Width, which is de ned as the di erence Ymax¡Ymin in was signiWcantly more exposed than Phidonissi. the vertical axis Y (Fig. 4). A sample, 1 cm long, was taken randomly from 4. Elongation factor, which is deWned as the ratio the top, middle and base of the gorgonian colonies from between the longest segment of the sclerites and the each subpopulation. These samples were dissolved in a mean value of the perpendicular segments.

Fig. 1 Map of Arethoussa and Phidonissi sites, where sampling of Eunicella singularis took place 1367

6. L £ W, which is deWned as the product of length and width. 7. L/W, which is deWned as the ratio of length and width.


The mean values (§ SD) of . singularis microfeautures are presented in Table 1. Spindles from the top of the colonies from site AR 5–8 exhibited signiWcant higher Fig. 2 Spindle form of sclerites in E. singularis gorgonian values (ANOVA, df =3, f = 11.6, P < 0.05), as regards the projection, than spindles from the same colony posi- tion from the other three sites. Important diVerences were observed as well, concerning the clubs. The mean projection values were higher at the top of the colonies from site AR 9–13 (ANOVA, df =3, f = 4,7, P <0.05) and remarkably lower for the basal clubs from the same site (ANOVA, df =3, f =4, P < 0.05). A general observation, concerning the length of the spindles, remarked that the mean values were increased in the middle of the colonies (ANOVA, df =3, f =3.5, P < 0.05). An exception of this observation was noticed in the spindles from the top of the colonies from the shal- low exposed site (AR 5–8). The mean length values of the clubs for colonies from the exposed sites (AR 5–8 and AR 9–13) decreased from top to the base. The width of the spindles and clubs varied as well. Fig. 3 Club form of sclerites in E. singularis gorgonian SigniWcantly higher mean width values (ANOVA, df =3, f =9.5, P < 0.05) were observed in the spindles from exposed sites colonies (AR 5–8 and AR 9–13). However, the clubs from the four study sites did not exhibit important diVerences (ANOVA, df =3, f =1.7, P > 0.05). Elongation factor mean values of spindles were lower at the top (ANOVA, df =3, f =3.3, P < 0.05) and at the middle (ANOVA, df =3, f =6, P < 0.05) for the colonies from the shallow exposed site (AR 5–8), when compared to those from the other sites. The highest elon- gation mean values of spindles were observed in the mid- dle part of the deep colonies (AR 9–13 and PH 11–13) (ANOVA, df =3, f =6, P < 0.05). The highest mean elongation factor value was observed at the clubs of the middle part of the less exposed shallow colonies (PH 5–10) and the lowest elongation factor mean value was observed at the clubs of the base of the less exposed deep colonies (PH 11–13). Another microfeature measured during the present study is the compactness factor. The mean values of compactness factor concerning spindles were increased in the apical position from the shallow exposed colonies Fig. 4 Projection (dark area), length and width of the two sclerites (AR 5–8) (ANOVA, df =3, f =9.1, P < 0.05) compar- forms (spindles and clubs) of E. singularis gorgonian ing with those from the other sites. The mean compact- ness values of the clubs did not exhibit signiWcant 5. Compactness factor, which is deWned as the ratio of diVerences (ANOVA, df =3, f =2.1, P > 0.05). the surface area of the sclerites projection and the Except the above measured factors, two more were smaller rectangle that can include this area. calculated. The product length £ width is considered 1368 3 3 7 6 6 2 8 4 4 4 0.49 0.41 0.51 0.41 0.50 0.451 0.611 0.49 0.49 0.53 0.48 0.46 0.266 0.240 0.214 0.191 0.183 0.265 0.247 0.223 0.191 0.181 § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § 045 3.285 § )L/W 515.953 2.0940.269 392.274 1.993 458.441 2.097 598.447 2.075 500.305 2.121 590.339 2.207 481.759 1.970 537.830 2.136 1,735.027 3.108 1,568.640 3.078 691.389 2.086 599.467 2.155 1,614.766 3.207 1,848.635 3.070 1,618.490 3.120 499.602 3.470 1,730.8151,647.596 3.361 1862.210 3.303 1,205.826 3.523 2.946 1,893.311 3.268 1538 596.409 2.107 462.502 1.9380.198 2 § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § m  W ( £ 0.040 2,495.524 0.032 2,702.668 0.036 2,846.847 0.033 2,592.365 0.032 3,048.287 0.042 2,726.576 0.038 2,514.688 0.033 2,719.939 0.0460.038 5,885.085 5,692.653 0.048 2,743.472 0.038 3,007.089 0.0490.057 5,183.252 5,878.114 0.0450.040 6,818.407 0.046 5,804.412 0.041 6,416.251 0.0510.042 6,490.848 0.049 5,937.500 6,448.274 5,661.503 0.051 5,629.563 0.038 2,805.605 0.250 2,880.389 § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § 0.400 0.665 0.273 0.678 0.414 0.667 0.413 0.667 0.321 0.664 0.325 0.664 0.282 0.665 0.429 0.658 1.0420.818 0.541 0.528 0.480 0.648 0.374 0.647 1.3341.102 0.504 0.535 1.0910.961 0.535 1.167 0.531 1.118 0.523 1.0801.118 0.512 1.174 0.507 0.507 0.547 0.978 0.563 0.296 0.658 0.265 0.666 § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § SD) § 5.197 3.161 3.636 2.953 3.997 3.158 4.902 3.131 4.007 3.207 4.740 3.344 4.405 2.975 4.801 3.266 5.568 5.862 6.064 5.901 5.289 3.247 5.222 3.346 5.130 6.486 6.176 5.860 5.2065.991 6.190 6.108 6.048 6.713 6.9115.659 6.631 6.598 5.8684.098 7.017 5.489 5.548 5.903 4.731 3.220 4.471 2.921 m) Elongation factor Compactness factor L  § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § 36.883 gorgonian (mean § 23.137 41.188 26.946 43.268 23.202 42.758 26.163 39.902 25.979 43.391 28.08122.577 45.349 42.330 21.262 43.146 22.45124.594 43.942 42.248 29.53120.374 42.452 43.840 m) ( Width 5.947 34.680 5.294 7.583 36.944 9.103 35.312 6.988 38.189 7.544 35.108 6.261 35.471 7.736 35.782 10.241 32.210 6.636 37.434 8.460 36.434 5.690 38.638 §  § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Eunicella singularis )Length ( )Length 2 m 322.458 71.482 274.149 73.032 303.801 76.786 375.391 72.644 329.884 80.437 360.281 76.888 299.337 69.870 640.065 75.582 804.631 134.171 801.880 131.070 430.675 74.705 358.901 79.764 809.139 134.8242 794.701 127.867 893.385 133.094 392.685 76.276 286.585 74.236 1,014.692866.350 148.328 135.170 834.221 147.696 867.766802.362 146.023 947.870 138.822 579.314 149.450 128.540  § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § 50) 3,355.054 = 50) 1,896.503 = 50) 1,721.919 = 50) 1,768.633 = 50) 1,938.844 = 50) 3,077.938 = 50) 3,308.150 = 50) 3,256.998 50) 3,639.728 n n n n n n= n n = 50) 1,653.312 = 50) 1,831.628 = 50) 1,667.281 = 50) 1,784.612 = 50) 2,147.018 = 50) 2,985.136 = 50) 2,996.614 = 50) 3,069.366 = 50) 2,043.940 = 50) 1,801.182 = 50) 3,140.768 = 50) 2,597.582 = 50) 3,103.148 = 50) 1,844.776 = 50) 1,912.172 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n= Base ( Base ( Middle ( Middle ( Base ( Base ( Base ( Base ( Middle ( Middle ( Middle ( Middle ( Middle ( Base ( Middle ( Base ( Microfeatures of spindleand club scleritesof AR 9–13 Top( PH 11–13 Top( Table 1 Sites colony of Part ( Projection AR 9–13 Top( PH 5–10 Top( PH 11–13 Top( Clubs AR 5–8( Top PH 5–10 Top( Spindles AR 5–8( Top 1369 also as a microfeature, which conWrms the other The data obtained from the biometry of the clubs obtained data. The spindles of the colonies from the shal- support also the hypothesis for their mechanic role low exposed site (AR 5–8) showed signiWcantly higher (Lewis and Wallis 1991). According to this hypothesis mean values of L £ W than the ones of the other colo- the clubs rotation is involved in colony torsion. The nies (ANOVA, df =3, f =8, P < 0.05). The clubs from clubs sclerites of E. singularis are signiWcantly smaller the base of colonies from the shallow exposed site (AR (length, width) at the middle part of the exposed colo- 5–8) exhibited mean values of L £ W remarkably lower nies. The smaller clubs size increases the torsion capacity than the others. of the gorgonian colonies. This micro morphological The ratio length/width showed important diVerences adaptation is much more interesting, when related to the as well. The spindles from the middle of the colonies col- capacity of the gorgonian to resist to the high water cur- lected from the shallow exposed site exhibited low mean rent velocity. Similar results have been obtained in the values (ANOVA, df =3, f =3.4, P < 0.05). The mini- study for E. cavolinii (Velimirov 1976). The size of the mum values of the ratio L/W for the clubs sclerites were clubs sclerites diminishes at the stem of the exposed colo- observed in the apical part of the colonies from the shal- nies and consequently increases the Xexion capacity of low sheltered colonies (ANOVA, df =3, f = 16, the colonies. P < 0.05). The data obtained under the frame of the current sur- vey enrich the macroscopic studies of gorgonian axis (Leversee 1984; Velimirov 1976) and demonstrate the importance of the microscopic architectural of sclerites in Discussion E. singularis. The functional role of sclerites in adaptation mechanisms is described: spindle sclerites are involved in The macrostructure of the gorgonian axis, as known, is the recovering of the gorgonian axis and clubs sclerites based on the sclerites microstructure (Lewis and Wallis have an important role in the increase of the Xexion and 1991). Several types of sclerites can be observed in the torsion capacity of the gorgonian colonies. gorgonian mesoglea and each one of them is typical of the gorgonian species. As observed subsequently (Wein- Acknowledgment We would like to thank Professor D. Doumenc from the Musée d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris for providing work- berg 1976; Velimirov 1976) two potential forms of scle- place and laboratory facilities. rites are involved in the architecture of the gorgonian of the genus Eunicella: the spindles and the clubs. The cur- rent study conWrms this observation for E. singularis col- onies from the East Mediterranean Sea and includes References separate examination of the two sclerites types. Using their form and their position in the gorgonian axis as the Bayer FM, CrasshoV M, Verseveldt J (1983) Illustrated trilingual criterion, several hypotheses have been postulated con- glossary of morphological and anatomical terms applied to cerning their mechanic role (Muzik and Wainwright Octocorallia. EJ Brill, Leiden, p 75 Esford LE, Lewis JC (1990) Mechanical properties of Caribbean 1977; Wainwright et al. 1982). The spindle sclerites were gorgonians (Coelenterata, Octocorallia). Mar Ecol Prog Ser found in a greater concentration at the external part of 67:189–200 the gorgonian axis and their longitudinal axes were par- Goldberg WM (1976) Comparative study of the chemistry and allel to the gorgonian axes (Bayer et al. 1983). Their most structure of gorgonian and antipatharian coral skeletons. 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In addition, the Goldberg WM, Benayahu Y (1987b) Spicule formation in the gor- compactness factor of the spindle sclerites from the api- gonian coral Pseudoplexaura Xagellosa 2: calcium localization by cal part exhibited higher values in the samples from the antimonite precipitation. Bull Mar Sci 40(2):304–310 Jeyasuria P, Lewis JC (1987) Mechanical properties of the axial skel- exposed site than from the sheltered site. An explanation eton in gorgonians. Coral Reefs 7:147–153 for these observations concerns the protecting role of the Kaandorp J (1986) Rocky substrate communities of the infralittoral spindle sclerites. When the water current velocity fringe of the Boulonnais coast, NW France: a quantitative sur- increases the gorgonian colonies are consequently vey. Mar Biol 110:203–215 V Kingsley RJ (1984) Spicule formation in the invertebrates with exposed to potential forces. The most e ective adapta- special reference to the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata. 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