Pedregal-Catambuco Segment
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- – ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY FOR THE RUMICH2015 ACA PASTO DUAL CARRIAGEWAY, PEDREGAL CATAMBUCO SPAN, CONCESSION CONTRACT UNDER SCHEME APP NO. 15 OF Ambientales S.A.S Géminis Consultores EXECUTIVE SUMMARY March 2017 San Juan de Pasto, - – ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY FOR THE RUMICHACA PASTO DUAL CARRIAGEWAY, PEDREGAL CATAMBUCO SPAN, CONCESSION CONTRACT UNDER SCHEME APP NO. 15 OF 2015 -Pasto theThePedregal Rumichaca- Catambuco dualspan carriageway road project is a project of national interest and one of the most important in the department of Nariño, which is part of , subject matter of this Environmental Impact Study (EIS). Given its technical characteristics, which can lead to serious deterioration to the implementation,renewable natural resources, or the environment, or introduce significant or notable changes to the landscape, -theANLA project- is subject of environmental licensing for its reason why it is submitted to considerationgathered of the National Authority 2015.of Environmental Licenses , in compliance with provisions of decree 1076 of 2015, as well as the terms of reference for road projects, by resolution 0751 of The EIS SAS where the is developed by Gemini Environmental Consultants and contains the environmental characterizationn of the territory project of the second carriageway will be constructed, as well as the description of the actions and interrelation of the atural resourcesthere with said works. On the other hand, the title holder of is the Concesionaria Vial Unión del Sur and is part of the eight second wave projects of the Fourth Generation of Road Concessions that are governed by the guidelines set forth in the CONPESation document 3760 of 2013 and byInfrastr the regulations (Law 1508 of 2012) related to Public Private Partnerships (PPPS) and who are in charge of the Ministry of Transport , through the National ucture AgencyEIA (ANI). area develop and Structuring the in accordance with characteristics has led to the ment Interiorof specific( activities such as the Archaeological Management Plan Prior Consultation activities, since according to the resolutions issued by the Ministry of the resolutions 22 and 23 of 2016) certifies the presence of ethnic communities. Therefore, the activities to be carried out and achievement of proposed objectives are Generalsubject to Informatio the resultsn of these processes. road origin- ing - and m 1.00The existingm has an destination length of 82.91 km consist of a tworoadway road, composed of 2 3.65 m wide lanes berms of between 0.50 and joining approximately, on a plot of land between undulating and steep. The , in addition to connecting the main citiesCrossed in the south of Colombia, is the international Ilesaxis Colombia and Ecuador enablingPasto trade and improving the living conditions of the inhabitants of the region as a whole. municipalities are: Ipiales, Contadero, , Imues, Tangua, Yacuanquer and , with the road subject matter of this study adjacent to the Pedregal and Tangua populated centers. FINAL VERSION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY March 2017 Page 1 - – ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY FOR THE RUMICHACA PASTO DUAL CARRIAGEWAY, PEDREGAL CATAMBUCO SPAN, CONCESSION CONTRACT UNDER SCHEME APP NO. 15 OF 2015 way road s The fundamental purpose of the Project is to convert the existing infrastructure in a high specification dualroad carriage , improving communicationlengths, of allof the country's southwest betweens Cali, Popayán, Pasto and the border with Ecuador. This aims to improve the current road with slopes and steep in general high values reaching maximum close tos 9% and with very small radii of curvature. in the order of 40 m resulting in the operating with average travel speeds around 35 km/h, that even for light- vehicles makeroad it practically unfeasibletwo- to safely pass cars 0.50 berms spans carriagewayThe cross sectionwidth of the is currently a way street with a 8.30 m roadway section withroad 3.65 m wide lanes and - , however, there are where the can reach 9.30 m. The purpose of this project is to improve the route,to giving the a configuration of two one way roads with two lanes each. For such end, the road improvement is designed by adapting the circulation of the existing roadway dual carriageway. – this study The estimated length of the Pedregal Pasto sector is approximatelyF 37.96 Km,U nitsthe sector(UF) that- corresponds- Tangua to environmental impact 15.76 is between Pedregal-5 and Catambuco,- Catambucoconsisting of approximately 32.76 Km, divided into two unctional ; UF 4 PedregalUF -5 sub- with an2 approximateCatambuco-Pasto length of Km, UF subsector 1 Tangua with an- approximate- extension of 16.94 Km and the first 60 meters of length of sector , for a total length of 32.76 km, the remaining 5.2 Km of the UF 5 sub sector 2 are not covered in this study. Table 1: Division de Functional Units UF4 and UF5 Beginning End Total UF Coordinates Coordinates Sector PK PK Length N E N E 606679.9 957013.4 613384.7 966117.8 Pedregal- UF4 15.76 km 00+000 0 0 15+760 3 7 Tangua PK PK Tangua- 613384.7 966117.8 619975.1 975562.4 16.94 km Catambuc 15+760 3 7 32+700 8 8 UF5.1 PK PK o 619975.1 975562.4 623684.6 977560.7 Catambuc 5.26 km 32+700 8 8 37+959 2 0 o-Pasto PK PK Total double carriageway construction length 32.76 km Total Length km Source (Géminis Consultores Ambientales, 2016) 37.96 FINAL VERSION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY March 2017 Page 2 - – ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY FOR THE RUMICHACA PASTO DUAL CARRIAGEWAY, PEDREGAL CATAMBUCO SPAN, CONCESSION CONTRACT UNDER SCHEME APP NO. 15 OF 2015 - -Tangua highway for road The UF 4 Pedregal corridor is between PR43+217cross- sectionsto PR 60+020 of national landforms. 2501 a total of FapproximatelyU 15.76 km of which run through a crossingtopography with longitudinal slopes and notorious Imues given the natural PK0+000 of this unctional nit is located approximately 1.6 km before the Pedregal populated center, municipality of and ends at PK15+760, in the municipality of Tangua, works are planned in its layout, such as: - Relief- s (PK1+750 PK2+300). - R i to a road in the Pedregal town betweenúquerres abscissa to - oundabout type overpasses ntersection (PK2+150) +780 access to the Pedregal town - and bypass road toward Imues, T and the southwestern region. - A bridge over the Guaitara river betweenCreek abscissa PK2 and PK3+080 - El Placer toll in abscissain PK6+200. - Crossing structure in the La Magdalena - PK13, in K7+000. - KP 14+500 Overpass connection abscissaexit PK8+600.. Turnaround between abscissa PK12+600 +000 and PK14+050 at T the Tangua town– entrance and - follows: he UF 5 Tangua Pasto corridor is located between PK15+760 and PK37+959 for a total of -22.205 Tangua km of- road approximately- and corridoris subdivided in two sub sectors as PK77 +062 highway for road crossingThe UF Catambuco Sub sectorgradient 1 longitudinal is located, between PK60+020and of national 2501 a total of 16.94 km of approximately,areas beginning topography with high province however, the transversal development becomes softT er resulting in more appropriate planimetrically , in PK15+760 and endingsub-sector in PK32+700 in the: of Catambuco in the municipality of Pasto. he following works, among others, are foreseen in the delineation of functional unit 5 1 are projected - Relief-road - turnaround - Yacuanquer Cebadal entry Alberto Quijano between PK22+600 and PK23+800 - Oval type operational turnaround between PK19+000 PK20+000- PK26+900 and - PK28+800- PK29+400 - Bowtie type oridgeperationalBavaria K31+300 between PK26+500 Bowtie type operational turnaround Pedestrian b- so Pasto (Catambuco The second sub sector of Functional Unit 5 is located between the highway interchanger uth of the eastern r) relief road and thetransport entranceation toi the Pasto urban area, where rehabilitation of the existing road is considered, bearing in mind that FINAL VERSION rehabilitation is considered to be the " econstruction of nfrastructure to ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY March 2017 Page 3 - – ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY FOR THE RUMICHACA PASTO DUAL CARRIAGEWAY, PEDREGAL CATAMBUCO SPAN, CONCESSION CONTRACT UNDER SCHEME APP NO. 15 OF 2015 - 2 its return it to the initial state for which it was built", For this reason, Sub. sector of UF5 is not part of this Environmental Impact Study with the exception of first 60 meters in Areathe Catambuco of influence province given that an access to this town is foreseen Rumichaca - Pasto – Catambuco span based The area of influence of the dual carriageway road project,envisage Pedregal was defined of the technical characteristics- of the project and basedthe environmentalon andproject socialactivities. characteristics of the area. This definition d the impacts that can occur in the abiotic, biotic and socio economic development aspects execution of - when delimit Among the technical and socio economic development aspects taken into account layouting the area of influence are those primarily associated to constructive activities, which areshown present in the area of intervention of the road-of -project, defining the latter as the of theproject project which establish as delimitation parameters the flat line surfaces in the design, the extension of the right way and suitabilitytheir of access. In addition, the . associated infrastructure corresponding to Camp Areas, the Waste Management and the Excavation Material Areas (ZODME) and access roads wereInit considered physical- socio-economic made ially, a preliminarysupport identification of the biotic and areas of thereinfluence was , analyzing the components thatProject make up these means, to theoretically the elements that define the geographicalphysica delimitation of each one socio-of. Later, andarea baseds on the impacts identified by activities, intermediate wareas were identified for each component to define the l or abiotic, biotic and economic of influence, where direct Project effects are foreseen and for hich baseline characterization, evaluation and identificationFigure 0.