All Saints Parish Paper Margaret Street, London W.1
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All Saints Parish Paper MARGARET STREET, LONDON W.1 JUNE 2009 £1.00 VICAR’s LETTER wardrobe, the door of the church admits us into another world; the one from which our For over three weeks now a lorry has world gains its meaning. “This is the house parked outside the Vicarage in Margaret of God and this is the gate of heaven.” Street each morning. From it a seemingly endless stream of scaffolding and planking The fact that much of the interior of has been carried into church to build the All Saints is now hidden from view, and extraordinary structure which is now we must wait for the glory that shall coming to completion. In the nave there be revealed at the last day of the work, are no less than seven levels of scaffolding. should focus our attention on what is most At the highest level the flooring stretches important, the things for which All Saints across the whole width of the nave to allow exists; to explore them more deeply and to the conservators to work on the interior of grow in them. the roof. The final element is an elaborate structure around the chancel arch which is It will do us no harm to remember being erected as I write this. how blessed we are in our situation compared with that of so many of our Rather like Dr Who’s Tardis; old- fellow-Christians around the world. We fashioned police box on the outside, time might think of our fellow-Anglicans in machine on the inside, All Saints is a the Diocese of Harare who are prevented building which creates an impression of from worshipping in their churches by being much larger inside than it is outside. Mugabe’s thugs. It was part of Butterfield’s genius that he could create this lofty and spacious effect The requirements of safety have meant on such a small site. He created an effect that the church has had to be closed to which still takes visitors by surprise. the public during the erection of the scaffolding and I know that this has been a There is a sense in which any church disappointment both to those who came to building is much bigger than it seems, look as well as to those who came to pray. because it is a doorway into an invisible We have maintained the daily services in and infinitely greater world; its worship the parish room but for security reasons, as a sharing in the liturgy of heaven. What well as for safety ones, we have not been goes on in All Saints is not merely human able to have the parish room open for prayer activity as if it were the meeting room of during the day. It has been frustrating for some club or society. Like C.S. Lewis’s us to have to turn people away; including one little boy from Mortimer Street who we pray for him. The provisional date for likes to come with his mother to see the his consecration is July 5th. church. Canon Graham Kings, the Vicar of St We all long to have our church back; Mary’s, Islington, who preached for us yearn to see the final results of all this at Epiphany, is to be the new Bishop of work, but in the meantime our task is not Sherborne in the Diocese of Salisbury; a to complain. Fr Mackay’s wastepaper rather more comfortable see than Harare. basket (see 00 Years Ago page 5) has not Canon Kings tells us that he had been in survived as a holy relic but its latter-day Salisbury being interviewed for the job on equivalent sits under the Vicar’s desk. the very day he came to us. So preaching Yours in Christ, at All Saints must have seemed like light Alan Moses relief! Fr Julian Browning has joined us as an PARISH NOTES honorary member of the staff team. He had previously ministered at St Cyprian’s, A Bishop for Zimbabwe Clarence Gate, and before that for ten years Father Chad Gandiya lived with us for a at St Saviour’s, Warwick Avenue. year or so in the basement flat at No 6 and helped out with weekday Masses when Bishop Ambrose Weekes has never been his duties and travels on behalf of USPG one for making a fuss over birthdays, permitted. but even he could not ignore his 90th. A large card filled with messages from his He has been elected Bishop of Harare in friends at All Saints was despatched to Zimbabwe. In a note to him, I write that I Charterhouse for the great day. Bishop am never quite sure that “congratulations” Ambrose has asked us to thank everyone is the right word to a friend who is made a for their kindness by which he felt greatly bishop. Never has this been truer than in touched. the case of Fr Chad, who is going to a very difficult and potentially dangerous job in “Going for Gold” his devastated homeland. If the political Fr Gerald’s description of Philip and problems of the country are not bad enough, Yvonne Harland at High Mass on the there are parallel problems in the Church day they celebrated their 49th wedding there which had fallen under the control of anniversary. Yvonne is making excellent henchmen of Robert Mugabe. These have progress after her second knee operation. now been removed from office but remain in control of much of the property of the Walsingham Pilgrimage diocese; though not of its people. The Parish Pilgrimage to Walsingham was blessed with lovely spring sunshine. As it Fr Chad has been actively engaged was a Bank Holiday weekend, the shrine through USPG in the efforts to assist the was busy with a number of pilgrimage Anglican Church there recover from this groups. The new Administrator, Bishop terrible position. He knows as well as Lindsay Urwin, coped admirably with anyone what lies before him. He asks that what must be one of the most specialised ministries in the Church of England; even and the coach to the National Pilgrimage more than that of the clergy of All Saints. later in the month. He did not assume that everyone there would understand everything that was Bishop Lindsay has written: going on and gave simple explanations as “Dear Father Alan, we went along. It was very good to welcome you and your group from All Saints to the Shrine Those of our servers who were present last weekend. I hope it was a blessing for helped with various liturgical ceremonies everyone, including you as you ‘watched and Fr Alan was drafted in to hear over the flock!’ I feel I owe a great deal confessions after the Saturday evening to Margaret Street, which provided such procession and to assist with the laying a spiritual home for a young Australian on of hands for the sick on the Sunday in London.” afternoon. On the Sunday morning we went to Mass at the parish church. Wedding Ruth Moss and Adam Tibbalds were Although the programme was a busy married at All Saints on Saturday May 9th. one, there was time for some relaxation The Vicar offered to arrange for them to and fun. A sunny Saturday afternoon be married in a church without scaffolding allowed a number of us to walk along the but they are made of stern stuff and were old railway line to the Roman Catholic determined to be married in All Saints. Fr shrine. We were able to enjoy the beauty Alan explained to the congregation that and peace of the shrine gardens and when like a marriage, All Saints is “a work in the sun had gone down, there were late progress”. We wish Ruth and Adam every evening sessions for “fellowship” in the blessing. Bull. Environmental Audit Jean Castledine organised a group The Two Cities Area of the diocese has telephone call to Rosemary Harris, a begun a programme of environmental disappointed would-be pilgrim, unable audits of churches to assist them in to be with us because she was just out reducing their “carbon footprint”; their of hospital after having her appendix consumption of energy. The intention removed. A card signed by us all was is both to save money and to benefit the delivered to her at the convent in Chiswick environment. The programme has been by Caroline Farrer. funded by a generous donor. Our driver on the way home took us by Another Anniversary: an unconventional route which allowed 100 years of the Organ us the unexpected pleasure of seeing Ely The project to install a new organ was Cathedral lit by the evening sun. only being mentioned in 909 but Dr Vale Our thanks to the staff of the Shrine for and Fr Mackay, both new brooms, must their warm welcome and kind hospitality, have wasted no time in planning, fund- and to Ross Buchanan for all his hard raising and execution, for 00 will mark work in organising both this pilgrimage the centenary of the magnificent Harrison organ which resulted. “It sounds like a million dollars!”, which is more or less what it cost to restore. We are of course enjoying the benefits of its restoration under the guidance of Dr Paul Brough is planning a commemorative Harry Bramma who can be heard to say that day of events to mark the occasion. DIARY DATES Thursday 4 June 7.05 p.m. HOLY HOUR led by the Vicar. Sunday 7 June — TRINITY SUNDAY 11.00 a.m.