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Gregbellmedia.Com Mar 15Th - Mar 21St, 2021 SHOW TIME PT ET MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY PT ET 9Pm 12Mid St SHOW TIME RadioClassics (SiriusXM Ch. 148) Mar 15th - Mar 21st, 2021 SHOW TIME PT ET MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY PT ET 9pm 12mid St. Patrick's Day Special Aldrich Family (New) 4/21/49 Damon Runyon 7/10/49 Mercedes McCambridge All New To Channel Block Burns & Allen 2/26/48 Lawson Zerbe Birthday 9pm 12mid Prev Jack Benny Show 3/17/46 Life Of Riley (New) 2/2/51 CBS Radio WorkshoP Defense Atty 8/28/52 Grand Marquee 3/27/46 Abbott & Costello 3/14/46 Words At War 8/14/43 Prev Night Night Fred Allen Show (Hour) Dr. Kildare 9/14/50 from Dec. 2nd, 1956 Defense Atty 9/11/52 Molle Mystery Thtr 4/18/47 Fibber McGee 1/4/44 Inner Sanctum 3/26/46 from March 17th, 1937 I Was A Communist/FBI Molle Mystery Thtr 3/8/46 Lights Out 9/14/43 Mr. Keen, Tracer Of…5/25/50 Red Skelton Show X-Minus One 1/2/58 Burns & Allen Show 3/17/41 From May 14th, 1952 Mystery Is My Hobby 1945 X-Minus One 10/3/57 The Green Hornet 7/18/43 From March 12th, 1950 Suspense 1/21/62 11pm 2am GoinG Green Special Charlie McCarthy 11/30/47 Fort Laramie 3/4/56 Jerry Lewis Birthday Yours Truly, Johnny Crime Club 7/10/47 Phil Harris & Alice Faye 11pm 2am Prev The Green Lama 5/17/49 Screen Guild Theatre's Gunsmoke 6/12/54 Martin & Lewis 1 Hr 1/18/52 Dollar Marathon Mar. 1956 CBS Radio WorkshoP From Oct. 2nd, 1953 Prev Night Night Green Hornet 12/18/43 Tailored For Toni 3/12/39 The Six Shooter 5/27/54 Martin & Lewis 11/14/49 "The Clinton Matter" from Dec. 16th, 1956 Jack Benny Prgm 2/15/53 Green Hornet 11/24/46 Dragnet (New) 12/6/51 Gunsmoke 9/12/53 On Harris & Faye Show Starring Bob Bailey The Hermit's Cave 1940s The Whistler 4/16/45 Irish Luck - Have Gun 4/24/60 Dragnet Big Meet 10/26/50 from 3/29/53 Broadway's My Beat 4/7/50 The Sealed Book 6/10/45 Mystery Is My Hobby 1945 1am 4am Ozzie Nelson Birthday Art Gilmore Birthday The Chase 6/1/52 Comparing Johnny Dollars Edward Pawley Birthday Ides Of March Special Damon Runyon 7/10/49 1am 4am Ozzie & Harriet 8/12/45 Frank Race 8/7/49 Molle Mystery Theatre Charles Russell 8/7/49 Big Town 11/23/48 Crime Classics 2/10/54 CBS Radio WorkshoP Ozzie & Harriet 4/25/52 Frank Race 1/22/50 from APril 5th, 1946 Edmond O'Brien 4/11/50 Big Town 3/15/49 The Whistler 11/22/42 from Dec. 2nd, 1956 In Suspense 12/26/47 Dr. Christian 4/11/51 The Chase 6/28/53 Nero Wolfe 4/6/51 The Avenger 7/20/45 Dr. Sixgun 9/2/54 Molle Mystery Thtr 3/8/46 Suspense 7/3/60 Harry Nile 9/13 2009 Strange Dr. Weird 5/15/45 Police Headquarters 1932 Sherlock Holmes 6/20/48 Frontier Fighters 1935 Mystery Is My Hobby 1945 3am 6am Lawson Zerbe Birthday Gunsmoke 1/31/53 All New To Channel Block Sir Michael Redgrave In Archie Andrews 10/19/46 St. Patrick's Day Special Art Gilmore Birthday 3am 6am Words At War 8/14/43 Ellery Queen 5/6/48 Grand Marquee 3/27/46 Studio One - Return Of Jack Benny Prgm 12/12/54 Jack Benny Show 3/17/46 Frank Race 8/7/49 Inner Sanctum 3/26/46 Defense Attorney 4/10/52 Molle Mystery Thtr 4/18/47 The Native 6/15/48 Harry Nile 3/18 2012 Fred Allen Show (Hour) Frank Race 1/22/50 X-Minus One 1/2/58 Have Gun, Will Travel - Mr. Keen, Tracer Of…5/25/50 Arch Oboler's...(New) 1/13/40 The Green Hornet 8/3/46 from March 17th, 1937 Dr. Christian 4/11/51 Suspense 1/21/62 "The Wager" 7/26/59 The Green Hornet 7/18/43 The Unexpected 7/18/48 Burns & Allen Show 3/17/41 Harry Nile 9/13 2009 5am 8am Crime Club 7/10/47 Mercedes McCambridge SprinG Is Here Special Ozzie Nelson Birthday Phil Harris & Alice Faye When Radio Was Jerry Lewis Birthday 5am 8am CBS Radio WorkshoP Defense Atty 8/28/52 Gunsmoke Spring Term Ozzie & Harriet 8/12/45 From Oct. 2nd, 1953 The Bickersons 12/13/47 Martin & Lewis 1 Hr 1/18/52 from Dec. 16th, 1956 Defense Atty 9/11/52 Mr. Keen Spring Fever Ozzie & Harriet 4/25/52 Jack Benny Prgm 2/15/53 Kraft Music Hall 10/2/47 Pt 1 Martin & Lewis 11/14/49 The Hermit's Cave 1940s Lights Out 9/14/43 Harris & Faye Spring In Air In Suspense 12/26/47 The Whistler 4/16/45 Richard Diamond 11/19/49 On Harris & Faye Show The Sealed Book 6/10/45 X-Minus One 10/3/57 Gildersleeve 1st Day Spring Suspense 7/3/60 Mystery Is My Hobby 1945 Suspense Slow Burn 9/23/50 from 3/29/53 7am 10am Burns & Allen 2/26/48 Hoplaong Cassidy 11/17/51 Ides Of March Special Aldrich Family (New) 4/21/49 Fort Laramie 3/4/56 Charlie McCarthy 11/30/47 All New To Channel Block 7am 10am Abbott & Costello 3/14/46 Gunsmoke 7/5/54 Crime Classics 2/10/54 Life Of Riley (New) 2/2/51 Gunsmoke 6/12/54 Screen Guild Theatre's Grand Marquee 3/27/46 Fibber McGee 1/4/44 Voyage Of The Scarlet The Whistler 11/22/42 Dr. Kildare 9/14/50 The Six Shooter 5/27/54 Tailored For Toni 3/12/39 Molle Mystery Thtr 4/18/47 Red Skelton Show Queen From Nov 27th 1947 Dr. Sixgun 9/2/54 I Was A Communist/FBI Gunsmoke 9/12/53 Dragnet (New) 12/6/51 Mr. Keen, Tracer Of…5/25/50 From March 12th, 1950 EscaPe 7/14/49 Frontier Fighters 1935 From May 14th, 1952 Dragnet Big Meet 10/26/50 The Green Hornet 7/18/43 9am 12 When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was Mercedes McCambridge GoinG Green Special 9am 12 Noon Life Of Riley 4/20/46 Screen Director's Play 9/9/49 Mystery Is My Hobby 1945 The Third Man 10/12/51 Inner Sanctum 1/9/50 in Lux Radio Theatre's The Green Lama 5/17/49 Noon CouPle Next Door 2/11/59 Gleason & Armstrong 1931 SuPerman 2/12/48 Pt 8 ToPs In SPorts 12/27/60 Johnny Dollar 5/14/56 Pt 1 "SPellbound" 1/25/51 Green Hornet 12/18/43 Y.T. Johnny Dollar 12/17/49 X Minus One 3/28/56 Richard Diamond 11/19/49 Y.T. Johnny Dollar 12/17/49 X Minus One 3/28/56 Lights Out 4/13/43 Green Hornet 11/24/46 Jeff Regan 7/17/48 The Chase 1/18/53 Suspense Slow Burn 9/23/50 Jeff Regan 7/17/48 The Chase 1/18/53 Lights Out 5/11/43 Irish Luck - Have Gun 4/24/60 11am 2pm Comparing Johnny Dollars Jerry Lewis Birthday Yours Truly, Johnny Mercedes McCambridge Damon Runyon 7/10/49 Gunsmoke 1/31/53 Hoplaong Cassidy 11/17/51 11am 2pm Charles Russell 8/7/49 Martin & Lewis 1 Hr 1/18/52 Dollar Marathon Mar. 1956 in Lux Radio Theatre's CBS Radio WorkshoP Ellery Queen 5/6/48 Gunsmoke 7/5/54 Edmond O'Brien 4/11/50 Martin & Lewis 11/14/49 "The Clinton Matter" "Spellbound" 1/25/51 from Dec. 2nd, 1956 Defense Attorney 4/10/52 Voyage Of The Scarlet Nero Wolfe 4/6/51 On Harris & Faye Show Starring Bob Bailey Lights Out 4/13/43 Molle Mystery Thtr 3/8/46 Have Gun, Will Travel - Queen From Nov 27th 1947 Police Headquarters 1932 from 3/29/53 Broadway's My Beat 4/7/50 Lights Out 5/11/43 Mystery Is My Hobby 1945 "The Wager" 7/26/59 EscaPe 7/14/49 1pm 4pm SprinG Is Here Special Archie Andrews 10/19/46 Phil Harris & Alice Faye GoinG Green Special The Chase 6/1/52 Ozzie Nelson Birthday Aldrich Family (New) 4/21/49 1pm 4pm Gunsmoke Spring Term Jack Benny Prgm 12/12/54 From Oct. 2nd, 1953 The Green Lama 5/17/49 Molle Mystery Theatre Ozzie & Harriet 8/12/45 Life Of Riley (New) 2/2/51 Mr. Keen Spring Fever Harry Nile 3/18 2012 Jack Benny Prgm 2/15/53 Green Hornet 12/18/43 from APril 5th, 1946 Ozzie & Harriet 4/25/52 Dr. Kildare 9/14/50 Harris & Faye Spring In Air The Green Hornet 8/3/46 The Whistler 4/16/45 Green Hornet 11/24/46 The Chase 6/28/53 In Suspense 12/26/47 I Was A Communist/FBI Gildersleeve 1st Day Spring Mystery Is My Hobby 1945 Irish Luck - Have Gun 4/24/60 Strange Dr. Weird 5/15/45 Suspense 7/3/60 From May 14th, 1952 3pm 6pm Sir Michael Redgrave In Edward Pawley Birthday Burns & Allen 2/26/48 Art Gilmore Birthday CBS Radio Workshop Mercedes McCambridge When Radio Was 3pm 6pm Studio One - Return Of Big Town 11/23/48 Abbott & Costello 3/14/46 Frank Race 8/7/49 "The Little Prince" 5/25/56 Defense Atty 8/28/52 Kraft Music Hall 10/2/47 Pt 2 The Native 6/15/48 Big Town 3/15/49 Fibber McGee 1/4/44 Frank Race 1/22/50 Gunsmoke 12/6/52 Defense Atty 9/11/52 The Falcon 9/7/52 Arch Oboler's...(New) 1/13/40 The Avenger 7/20/45 Red Skelton Show Dr.
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