!.Frost-n ill6wn ioddLLC RECEIVED i\ I 1 0 tt · ~ l ·1 S APR 14 2011 Keeana Sajadi Boarman Attorney at Law 859.244.7553 (t) OSM KNOXVI LLE-. 859.231.0011 (f) FIELD OFFICE
[email protected] April 13, 2011 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY SERVICE and ELECTRONIC MAIL Earl D. Bandy, Jr. Field Office Director Office of Surface Mining John J. Duncan Federal Building 710 Locust Street, Second Floor Knoxville, TN 3 7902 Re: Notice of Intervention in Opposition to the State of Tennessee's Petition Dear Mr. Bandy: Please find enclosed a Notice of Intervention on behalf of National Coal, LLC, in opposition to the State of Tennessee's Petition to Designate Certain Lands in Tennessee as Unsuitable for Surface Coal Mining Operations. Should you have any questions or need anything further from me, please do not hesitate to ~ontact me. Sincerely, ~ Keeana Sajadi Boannan KSB/jnj Enclosures LEXLibrary 454 61 Ov I 250 West Main Street I Suite 2800 I Lexington, Kentucky 40507-1749 I 859.231.0000 I frostbrowntodd.com Offices in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING RECLAMATION AND ENFORCEMENT KNOXVILLE FIELD OFFICE In re Designation of Certain Lands ) Within the North Cumberland ) RECEIVEC Wildlife Management Area and the ) Emory River Tracts Conservation ) APR 14 2011 Easement, Anderson, Campbell, Morgan ) and Scott Counties, Tennessee as ) OSM KNOXVILLE Unsuitable for Surface Coal Mining ) F.IELD OFFICE Operations ) NOTICE OF INTERVENTION IN OPPOSITION TO THE STATE OF TENNESSEE'S PETITION Pursuant to 30 C.F.R.