ANNUAL REPORT of the Librarian of Congress for the fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2004
ANNUAL REPORT of the Librarian of Congress for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004 annual report of the librarian of congress 2004 ANNUAL REPORT of the Librarian of Congress for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004 library of congress · washington · 2005 Library of Congress Photographs by Giulia Adelfio (page 104); Architect of 101 Independence Avenue, SE the Capitol (page 160); Reid Baker (page vi); Rob Crandall Washington, DC 20540 (page 35);Anne Day (pages xvi,5,16,28,38,98,149,150,159; inside back cover); Bill Ferris (page 44); Roger Foley (page For the Library of Congress on the World Wide Web, ix); Charles Gibbons (pages 19,21,24,27); John Harrington visit (pages 77,80, 100, 120); Jim Higgins (page ii); Carol High- smith (front cover, inside front cover; pages x, 6; back The annual report is published through the Publishing cover); Kristen Jenkinson-McDermott (page 40); Kevin O≈ce, Library Services, Library of Congress, Washing- Long (page 37); Dee McGee (page 33); Michaela McNichol ton, DC 20540–4980, and the Public A∑airs O≈ce, (pages 66, 78, 84, 111, 153); Robert H. Nickel (page 12); O≈ce of the Librarian, Library of Congress,Washington, Charlynn Pyne (pages 97, 108); Tim Roberts (page 83); DC 20540–1610.Telephone (202) 707–5093 (Publishing) Christine Robinson (page 125); Jim Saah (pages 8, 11, 14); or (202) 707–2905 (Public A∑airs). Fern Underdue (page 103); and Carolyn Wells (page 36). Managing Editor: Audrey Fischer Front cover: The emblematic Torch of Learning atop the lantern of the Thomas Je∑erson Building’s dome.
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