The Brain from Ape To
BOOK REVIEW The Brain fr om Ape to Man , a Cont ribut ion differentiation in its central nervous system, is to the Study of the Evo lut ion and Dev el op - more like man than any of the other Simians. men t of the Human Brai n . By Frederick Tilney, The actual interrelationship between man and ph .d ., m.d . With Chapters on the Reconstruction the great apes seems more likely to be based of the Gray Matter in the Primate Brain Stem, by upon derivation from some common or gen- Henry AIsop Riley, a .m., m.d . Foreword by Henry eralized stock which held in it the potentiality Fairfield Osborn, sc .d ., ll .d . Two volumes, New York, Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1928. to specialize along the anthropoid line in one direction, and through certain subhuman stages This is not a suitable medium in which to to man in another. Thus man, modern or pale- review the scientific study of the anatomy and olithic, cannot trace a direct line of descent to physiology of the brain which forms the bulk one or the other of the living anthropoid apes. of the two large volumes of Dr. Tilney’s great Of the genera of the Simiidae, the orang-outang work. Suffice it to say that the microscopic is placed by Tilney lowest in the scale, the and gross structures of the brain are studied chimpanzee next above, and the gorilla next to in the most minute detail and illustrated in the man, basing his opinion chiefly on the morpho- large number of accurate and artistic plates logical consideration of the brain structure.
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