Portland Daily Press: October 02,1882

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Portland Daily Press: October 02,1882 . — "■ PORTLAND■ ——— DAILY\ PRESS. _ ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862--VOL. 20. PORTLAND, MONDAY OCTOBER MORNING, ffT-1882. IPBICE 3 CENTS. THE PORTLAND DAILY ANOTHER T--- PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2. HORROR. SPORTING. CORBA AND JAPAN. CHINA. Valeno.a poase 11 Published every day (Sundays excepted,) the *J0@12| Choice 24®26 by Extra large j | Good.2*223 PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., METEOROLOGICAL Lemons. Store.,.18030 INDICATIONS Elliot Defeats Gaisel. Messina.B 00®f> 601 Cheese. FOB the NEXT TWHH*TY-»OCB Arrival of U. S. Minister At 97 Exchange St,, Portland. * Young at Palermos.6 00®6 60| New. HOURS. Steamer R. E. Lee Burned to the Flushing, N, Y., Sept. 30.—The scull race Full I between and Agreements Given to All of Peking. Malaga. Vermont_12 War Dep’t Office Chief Signal 1 Elliott, ex-champion of England, Witts. N V Gaisel of Shanghai, 12.—United States Minister Factory.12 D. > Water’s Edge. George Harlem, for 8500, came off Sept. Peanuts— Sklma. Officer, Washington, C., this Japan’s Demands. Young arrived at the middle of 7Vt Oct. 1 A. M. afternoon, over a three mile course on Peking Wilmington. 1 76®2 261 2, J August, and at once assumed the duties of his Apples. THE MAINE STATE PRS8S Flushing Bay, and was easily won by Ellipt, Virginia....2 26(^2 60 Per crate.1 00® 1 60 For New England, Gaisel led office. His first act of was to cause Tennessee... 1 ia until within a short distance of importance 80® 2 00 Eating t> bbl..3 60®4 00 published dyer? Thuhbday Mobnij o at fS.60 a STRONG Fail- northeast the of war if weather, northwest to winds, rounding the when lie wide ship Monocacy to proceed to Corea Caatana.pib. tfffilOo Sooktng t>bbl. 00a3 26 year, paid in advance at $2.00 a year. stake, got entirely The Walnuts •• no change in and barom- TWENTY-ONE PEOPLE SUPPOSED TO of his thus King’s Father Carried Away by to watch events. This was intended in a large 12Va S15o Evaporated.. 14® 18 temperature higher course, allowing Elliot to round the Filberts •• of eter. stake with a degree as an expression of moral to- 12Vj»14c Dried Western....8®6'A Rates advertising: One inch of space, the HAVE PERISHED. three Minute lead, which he eon- Chinese.- Vessels. sympathy Poean 13 weather bulletin. ward even if (glOo' do Eastern.... 6@6Vj jenath of column, constitutes a “square.” siderably increased on the return stretch. El- Japan, the Japanese did not FACTS! to be in $1.60 per square, daily first week, 76 cents per The barometer is north of the Lake liot s time was 23 minutes. prove need of practical support. The week highest after; three insertions or less, $1.06; continn MonocacyJs trip it is understood nad no con- Freeh Beef region and lowest east of Halifax. Clear The Hillsdale Crew. market. ine every other day after first week, 60 cents. nection with existing relations Corea Half weather prevails on the Atlantic coast and in between Corrected for the Passs Swift square, throe insertions or less, 76 cents: are I 30.- The Yokoiujia, 30.—At from daily by Wheeler, A great many people asking the lower Lake List of the Persons Lost and lULADELrHiA, Sept. Hillsdale Sept. envoy Japan China and the United States « Oo., Comniwmon Merchants In Dro one week, $1.00; 60 cents per week after. region, with northeast to Saved. crew arrived reached Se ihe Chicago sed to-day by steamship Indiana. Oul, capita of Corea, Aug. — Beef, Franklin Wharf: Special Notices, one-third additional. what articular troubles BROWN’S northwest winds and no in and was ] change tempera- Lake loth, received with osi‘msible Sides. 8 ® Under head of “Amusements’* and “Auction ture. Local rains are from the Mis- Massabesie Regatta. courtesy. 9>* Hinds.KH4S12 Iron Bitters is for. reported he obtain, d an MINOR TELEGRAMS. 7 Sales,” $2.00 per Bquare per week; three inser good difficulty audience £or». 6V4® Rattles. 6V4§ 6>* sissippi valley and partly cloudy weather in Boston, Oot., i.—Charles E. Courtney ar- who Backs. 6 ffi 8 tions or loss. $1.50. rived in kmu, continues rule nomi~ The American consulate at Tunis has been Rounds. 8V4@ 9V4 the upper Lake and Ohio with this city this morning and left at 1 p. wli» ■“? Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State region valley New nally, though at that time under formally abolished. Ramps.10 @14 Loins.16 @18 It will cure Heart Disease, Paral- winds and in Oelkans, Sept. 30 —The s'eamboat R. m for Lake Massabesie near N. completely Rump Press (which has a circulation in northeasterly slight changes Manchester, the control ot his tho former Loins.. jgio large every part E. Lee led Vicksburg for H., where he is to father, regent who Henry M. the African has of the for $1.00 for first'inser- Con- temperature. yesterday evening participate in the regatta is now known as Stanley, explorer, State), per square ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, New with 800 bales of the Tai #n K!un. On arrived at and 60 oents Fair weather is indicated for the Middle Orleans, cotton and a Tuesday next. Entries in the single sculls in- Brussels, and has had an audience tion, per square for each subs uent August 30r.h, fr.ll agreements were all Bailreud inser ion. sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, States and New and fair list of passengers. While opposite Point cludi'S given to with the king. Beceipts. England Monday, Courtney, Conley, Hamm, Hosmor, Lee, o* Japans demands and the Corean Address all communications to food'leasant, at 3.30 a. m., she was discovered to Riley, Govern- Portland, Sept. 29. and all similar diseases. weather for New England Tuesday. Light Plaiated, Driscoll, Elliott, (ex-champion ment Charles Williams was in Provi- Miscellaneous Neuralgia, be on and was pledged itself to the following tona’tions: arraigned merchandise received oy the Port- PORTLAND PUBLISHING OO. rains will in the fire, immediately headed for the of England) and a number of scullers of dence on a land prevail Mississippi valley local To arrest the insurgents within Saturday, charge of passing coun- A.Ogdensburg Railroad, 38 cars. and Louisiana shore. She landed at Ynoatau plan- prominence. There are eleven entries for twenty days terfeit silver half Its wonderful curative is Monday Tuesday. the and inflict due punishment dollars. power tation, 38 miles below Vicksburg. In a few four oared morking boat race. upon them, the Japanese delegates t<» be present at the Adam Crystol, a weaver, was found dead in SPECIAL because it and en- minutes Bhe was eompletely enveloped in Private advices from Hanlan, received in trial; Dry Gssds Wholesale market. NOTICES._ simply purifies to pay Japan a as North Foul is flames. this ©500,000 year indemnity for Providence, Saturday. play The are riches the at city give assurance that he will be present following quotations wholesale prices and blood, thus beginning are expenditures, etc., in five yearly suspected. corrected Store' rfroe. A Twenty-one persons believed to have at the regatta. to instalments; dally by (Jo., Dry Goods, allow Japanase in Se Oul for Woolens f.nd I. oTo. F. the foundation, and by building up BY TELEGRAPH. been lost, including many of the crew as fol- troops protec- The farmers’ convention at St. Louis de- FanoyOcoos, 144 to 152 Middle street: glass Ball. tion of the to lows: Gatin -Mr legation and provide proper ac- nounced the tariff as the drives out all disease. passengers Pointerof Mays- At present unjust,and passed ondlrachkd cotton*. system, Cleveland—Detroits 7; Cleveland 7. commodations for to send an a resolution A special meeting of Eastern Star En- ville, Ky.; Mrs. McClellan of New Orleans; them; apology by in favor of making the Commis- Heavy 36 in. 7V4® 8V4 Fine 7-4.14® 17 Game called at end of the seventh on special embassy to to MAINE. Miss Adams, music on her to inning Japan; gradually extend sioner of Agriculture a Cabinet offioer. Med. 38 in. 7V4 Fine 8-4... No. 0. 0. F. will beheld teacher, way account of the privileges to 6Vif ...18122 campment 2,1. Baton an infant of Mrs. rain. Japanese residents and traders Light 38 in. 6 Fine 9-4.22M28 A Lured ot Rheumatism. Rouge; Searle of At ana to afford B. Frank Bigelow, defaulting cashier of the @6 in Encampment Ball THIS MONDAY Laay and two colored the Philadelphia—Treys 4; Philadelphiaa 2. proper conveniences for travel Pine 40 in. 7V4® 9 Fine 10-4.... 27 V4 (6132 V4 Vicksburg, women; also At St. National Bank of the Republic at Baltimore, Md., x88o. Louis—Louisvilles 8; St. Louis 3. throughout Corea for the Washing- BLEACHED EVENING at half seven o’clock. May 7, FATAL ACCIDENTS. following: Frank Jones, fireman; Ophelia Japanese govern- ton, was released on bonds COTTONS. past health was much shattered At Buffalos 5. ment officials. $12,000 Saturday. My by Jones and Martha Webb, second and third Chicago—Chicagos 6; Deal, nih. .HVfelcQlB nne Per order Rheumatism when I commenced On the same the A R. I. that 6-4.15 @20 S.P. KELSEY, C. P. Thomas Joe Boston, 30.—A Providence day Chinese envoy suddenly Newport, dispatch says Engin- Med. 30 In.. 8 @11 Fine 7-4.19 0Ct2 Brown’s Iron Bitters, and I chambermaids; Fisher, Murrell, Sept. dispatch C eer @23 dltsn taking Scott the threat the b°dy his troops, about 3000 Taylor, of the yacht Fanny, reported Jght30ln.
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