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United States Department of Agriculture Maricopa Trail Segment 22 – Scottsdale City Limits to the Bronco Trailhead Final Environmental Assessment Forest Service Tonto National Forest Cave Creek Ranger District November 2016 For More Information Contact: Tyna Yost, South Zone NEPA Coordinator Tonto National Forest 5140 East Ingram Street Mesa, Arizona 85205 Phone: 480-610-3311 Email: [email protected] Fax: 480-610-3346 Cover Photo: Representative photograph of the project area taken by John Rose, Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department. 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Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: [email protected]. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. Contents List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... ii List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. ii Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Project Location .......................................................................................................................... 1 Need for the Proposal ...................................................................................................................... 4 Existing Condition ...................................................................................................................... 4 Desired Condition ....................................................................................................................... 5 Purpose of and Need for Action .................................................................................................. 5 Tribal Consultation and Public Involvement ................................................................................... 6 Proposed Action and Alternatives ................................................................................................... 7 Proposed Action .......................................................................................................................... 7 No Action Alternative ............................................................................................................... 11 Environmental Effects of the Proposed Action and No Action Alternatives ................................ 11 Biological Resources ................................................................................................................. 11 Cultural Resources .................................................................................................................... 18 Soils ........................................................................................................................................... 21 Socioeconomic Conditions ....................................................................................................... 22 Recreation Resources ................................................................................................................ 23 Visitor Safety ............................................................................................................................ 26 Water Resources ....................................................................................................................... 27 Cumulative Impacts .................................................................................................................. 30 Finding of No Significant Impact .................................................................................................. 31 Context ...................................................................................................................................... 31 Intensity ..................................................................................................................................... 32 References ..................................................................................................................................... 36 i List of Tables Table 1. Management Indicator Species and Habitats Evaluated for This Project........................ 17 List of Figures Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map ........................................................................................................ 1 Figure 2. Project Area Map, Northern Portion ................................................................................ 2 Figure 3. Project Area Map, Southern Portion ................................................................................ 3 Figure 4. Representative Photograph of the Project Area ............................................................... 4 Figure 5. Representative Trail Sign for Maricopa Trail .................................................................. 9 ii Cave Creek Ranger District, Tonto National Forest Introduction The Maricopa Trail is an approximately 310-mile non-motorized loop around the Phoenix metropolitan area that would connect parks and recreational facilities throughout Maricopa County, Arizona (Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3). It is designed to be a continuous loop that connects numerous regional parks, including the following: White Tank Mountain, Lake Pleasant, Cave Creek, Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area, McDowell Mountain, Usery Mountain, San Tan Mountain, Estrella Mountain, and Buckeye Hills. The planning process began in 1999 and was granted $5 million by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in 2004. The concept gives the public free access to a varied outdoor experience, although the regional parks require a nominal fee for entrance. Acquisition of land rights for the construction of the Maricopa Trail has been a lengthy process due to varying land ownership along the trail. In addition to private property acquisition, use agreements such as easements and permits have been obtained from the Arizona State Land Department, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Tonto National Forest, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County Flood Control District, Maricopa County Department of Transportation, and several municipalities. To date, over $3 million has been spent in land acquisition, construction, and maintenance of the trail, which is approximately 75 percent complete. Project Location The majority of the project would be located within the boundaries of the Tonto National Forest, with the exception of approximately 600 feet located along the south side of Bartlett Dam Road, which is within Maricopa County Department of Transportation right-of-way. The legal description of the location of the project is Township 7N, Range 5E, Sections 14, 15, 23, 26, 35, and 36 and Township 6N, Range 5E, Sections 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 27, and 34. The project area is situated at an elevation of 2,800 to 3,800 feet above mean sea level and is characterized by low desert surrounded by fault-block mountain ranges (Chronic 1983). The region has high temperatures and generally low precipitation. The project area is located within the foothills and mesas of the Arizona Uplands and the bajada surfaces of the lower desert environmental zones. Dominant vegetation observed along the proposed route for Segment 22 includes turpentine bush, catclaw acacia, agave, paloverde, mesquite, juniper, and several cacti, including cholla and saguaro. The largest drainage in the vicinity of the project area is Camp Creek, and seasonal seeps and springs are present. Topographic features surrounding the project area include Kentuck Mountain to the northeast and Apache Peak to the west. 1 Cave Creek Ranger District, Tonto National Forest Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map 1 Maricopa Trail Segment 22 Final Environmental Assessment