OFAC Central africa Monitoring system Activities & Skills

Publications Cartography


#635 Sustainable Nature Management of the Chinko Project Africa

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last update: Nkambu Grâce 2019-02-27 12:35:55

Nom du projet Sustainable Nature Management of the Chinko Project Africa

Acronyme du projet USFWS-AFR1501

Start date 2015-07-28

End date 2016-09-30



Document du projet

Observations Programme lié

Programme lié


last update: Nkambu Grâce 2019-02-27 11:48:27 Objectif général

To support a conservation effort in the Chinko Reserve of the by developing the necessary infrastructure, law enforcement activities, and wildlife monitoring and habitat management to support park management. The project is intended to conserve the rich savanna and forest species of the Chinko/Mbari drainage basin including large antelopes, wild dogs, , and elephants by addressing the impacts of poaching, , human wildlife conflict, mining and security threats.

Objectif Road construction to demarcate boundaries and enable patrols spécifique

Objectif Development of scout housing to accommodate the law enforcement spécifique team

Objectif Purchase of supplies to facilitate communications. spécifique Budget

last update: Nkambu Grâce 2019-02-27 11:48:35

1 - APF ( Foundation of America)

Leader/Gestionnaire APF (African Parks Foundation of America)

Source de financement USFWS (United States Fish and Wildlife Service)

Budget 109 527,00

Type de financement Fonds publics

Instrument Dons

Canal de mise en Institution internationale oeuvre

Devise USD


Localisation (zone d’activités)

last update: United States Fish and Wildlife Service Africa Program 2019-01-21 16:56:14

Niveau Aires protégées

Protected Areas

Domaines d’intervention

last update: United States Fish and Wildlife Service Africa Program 2019-01-22 20:44:26 p g

Domaine principal Domaine secondaire Activités générales

Biodiversité / Conservation Aires protégées Appui technique Travaux de terrain Appui institutionnel Suivi-Evaluation/Audit/Etude d'impact Formation/Communication Recherche

Etude Autres



Existence d'un Comité yes no de Pilotage/suivi

Fréquence des réunions

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