XEbe Hmerican Bcclesiastical IReview



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JANUARY Some Street Shrines of John J. Wright 1 Nationalization and the Catholic Tradition.. Msgr. William J. McDonald 14 The New Hebrew Manuscripts. Part I Edward P. Arbez, S.S. 25 The Independence of the Church Thomas Owen Martin 37 The Direction of Catholic Polemic Joseph Clifford Fenton 48

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Obligation of Oratio imperata 56 Substitution of an Office cum sociis 56 Ne quid nimis 57 Ringing the Bell at Communion Time 57 Prizefighting and Boxing 58 Catholics Assisting at an Invalid Marriage 59 The Pastor's Right to Confirm 60 Restitution to an Insurance Company 61

ANALECTA .., / 62

BOOK REVIEWS The Weakness of God, by Luke O'Donnell, O.S.B 74 Les rites et prieres du sacrifice de la Messe, Volumes II and III, by Chanoine Aug. Croegaert 74 Henry the Eighth, by Theodore Maynard 76 Handbook for Forty Hours' Adoration by Dominic J. Unger, O.F.M.Cap. 79 CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXII

FEBRUARY A Communication from His Excellency Msgr. Montini 81 Should We Support Socialized Medicine? Msgr. William J. McDonald 82 Recent Dogmatic Theology Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R. 97 The "Catholic" Viewpoint on Industry Councils William J. Smith, S.J. 107 Caesaropapism in Action Thomas Owen Martin 121 Backgrounds of Secularism Robert F. Drinan, S.J. 132 The New Hebrew Manuscripts. Part II Edward P. Arbes, S.S. 137 Regina Patriarcharum Joseph Clifford Fenton 146 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Voluntary Substitution of the Office 150 Nuns on Ash Wednesday 150 Cloth of Gold for the Ciborium Veil 151 John Cardinal or Cardinal John? 151 The Composition of Incense 152 Burial in a Non-Catholic Cemetery 152 Stipends 153

BOOK REVIEWS Truth in the Morning, by Sister Mary Charitas 155 Tractatus Dogmaticus de Eucharistia. Tome II. by Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.I. 156 The Chosen, by E. J. Edwards 157 A Popular History of the , by Philip Hughes 157 Who Shall Bear the Flame? by Cardinal Saliege 159 The Laws of Holy Mass, translated by Joseph Francis 159 CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXII v

MARCH Magnificat of America Francis Cardinal Spellman 161 Some Street Shrines of Rome. Part II Bishop 165 Mary's Co-Redemption A. Michel 183 The Lord's Prayer. What Is It? Martin E. Gounley, C.SS.R. 193 The New Hebrew Manuscripts. Part III Edward P. Arbez, S.S. 196 The Status of St. Robert Bellarmine's Teaching about the Member­ ship of Occult Heretics in the Catholic Church Joseph Clifford Fenton 207 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Gestures to be Made by the Server 222 The Manual Acts at Mass 222 The Sign of the Cross at the End of Prayers 223 When Assistant Deacons are not Available 223 Holy Communion without Confession 224 The Use of a Sterilizing Drug 225 The Mass and Financial Considerations 225 Parents Receiving with First Communicants. ... 226 The New Ruling of Canon 1099 227 ANALECTA 228

BOOK REVIEWS Maria, fitudes sur la Sainte Vierge, edited by Hubert du Manoir, S.J. 233 Manual of Solemn Ceremonies for Altar Boys, by James J. Doherty.. 236 My Catholic Faith, by Bishop Morrow 237 The Riches of the Missal, by Jean Vagaggini, O.S.B 238


APRIL Our Lady Queen of Apostles Archbishop Richard J. Cushing 241 Some Street Shrines of Rome. Part III Bishop John Wright 246 The Minister's Intention in Baptism Ulric Beste, O.S.B. 257 Defamation: "The Sin in Loving Virtue". .Francis J. McGarrigle, S.J., 275 The Opening of the Holy Door Antonio Caretta 287 The Independence of St. Ambrose Thomas Owen Martin 289 The Parish Census-List and Membership in the True Church Joseph Clifford Fenton 300 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Preparing for a Mixed Marriage 312 The Privilege of the Little Office 312 Position of the Sub-Deacon at the Sanctus 313 Blessing when taking Holy Communion to the Sick 314 Benedictio post partum in the plural 314 The Asperges in a Semi-Public Oratory 314 BOOK REVIEWS God the Father: Meditations, by Archbishop Guerry 316 Vademecum theologiae moralis, 6th edition, by Dominic M. Pruemmer, O.P. 317 Secrets of the Interior Life, by Archbishop Martinez 318 As We Ought, by Vincent P. McCorry, S.J 319 BOOK NOTES 400 CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXII VH

MAY An Important Roman Instruction Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R. 321 How Near Is Evening Mass? Gerald Ellard, S. J. 331 Apostolic Consecration to Mary Robert Knopp, S.M. 345 "Americanism" Reviewed by Abbe Felix Klein Thomas T. McAvoy, CS.C. 355 We Owe It to Our Nuns. Part I Daniel A. Lord, S.J. 364 The Baptismal Character and Membership in the Catholic Church Joseph Clifford Fenton 373 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Oscillation in the Distribution of Holy Communion 382 The Use of Synthetic Ashes 382 Repetition of the Apostolic Blessing for the Sick 383 What Necessity Justifies the Short Form of Extreme Unction 383 Coalescence of Repeated Thefts 384 The Obligation of the Missa pro populo 385 Gum-chewing During Mass 386 A Sterilizing Operation 386 ANALECTA 388 BOOK REVIEWS Introduction to the Devout Life, translated and edited by John K. Ryan 394 St. Ignatius of Loyola, by Paul Dudon, S.J 395 The Christian Virtues, by Charles Sheedy, CS.C 397 The Liturgical Altar, by Geoffrey Webb 398 Two Ways of Life, by F. Sherwood Taylor 399 To Heaven Through a Window, by John Carr 399 vm CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXXII

JUNE Thoughts on Mary's Co-Redemption Charles Boyer, SJ. 401 "Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit" John J. Nash 416 St. Paul and the Mystery Religions John W. Moran, S.J. 419 Theodosius' Church Laws Thomas Owen Martin 430 We Owe It to Our Nuns. Part II David A. Lord, S.J. 445 The Local Church of Rome Joseph Clifford Fenton 454

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS The Material of the Surplice 465 The Cross on the Chasuble 465 A Wooden Cross for Good Friday ? 466 Coercion to Join Union 466 Advice Given by a Confessor 467 Dispensation from an Irregularity 468 The Workingman's Privilege 469


BOOK REVIEWS Searchlighting Ourselves. The Retreat Notes of Timothy Brosnahan, SJ 478

Neoplatonism and the Ethics of St. Augustine, by Bruno Switalski 478 A Sketch of Mediaeval Philosophy, by D. J. B. Hawkins 479 Lineamenti di dirrito canonico, by Luigi Oldani 480 De iure religiosorum ad normam codicis iuris canonici, by P. Ludovicus I. Fanfani, O.P. 481