Aging Well Through Innovative Care, Education and Research

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Aging Well Through Innovative Care, Education and Research Built on Dreams Aging well through innovative care, education and research BAYCREST AND BAYCREST FOUNDATION Annual Report 2012-2013 Guided by our new five-year Strategic Plan, we at Baycrest Health Sciences continue to build on the dreams of our founders. Then, as now, the belief was that the oldest among us should be treated with the utmost respect and cared for with compassion. Close to 100 years later, an exciting new dimension has been added to that dream – namely, a radical shift in thinking about the aging process that promises to transform and enrich the lives of older adults. 1. Introduce The Baycrest Model, an innovative portfolio of high quality aging and brain health services and care approaches that enrich the cognitive, emotional, spiritual, social, and physical well-being of older adults in community, residential and healthcare settings. 2. Disseminate Baycrest’s expertise to maximize the age-related cognitive and mental health of older adults in our community Strategic Goals and across the globe. 3. Attract and retain the best global human resources, while fostering the highest performance in our people. 4. Develop a new comprehensive business model that will achieve financial strength. Raise $600 million in philanthropic support over 10 years; grow revenue from new business development opportunities; secure additional government funding. ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 1 Message from the Baycrest Board Chair and the President & CEO Built on Dreams the Baycrest way For many, the aging of the global population every 20 years to 65.7 million in 2030, and presents overwhelming challenges. At Baycrest 115.4 million in 2050. According to the World Health Sciences, we see unprecedented Health Organization (WHO), there is one new opportunities to dramatically redefine the case of dementia arising every four seconds. potential for personal engagement, activity and fulfillment in later life. We aim to transform How can we make a difference amidst such and vastly improve the care and support daunting demographic realities? provided to current and future generations of older adults in our community and beyond. As If, for instance, through our research and we approach nearly a century of caring for older innovations in aging brain health, we could help adults, Baycrest has become a “gift to the world” find a way to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s from our local Jewish community. We embrace disease by five years, we could cut its prevalence the moral mandate of Tikkun Olam, , in half. By taking our groundbreaking research “repairing a broken world,” to improve the from bench to bedside, we will transform aging well-being of people in their local communities for seniors on our Bathurst Street campus and as well as around the globe. around the world. We will uniquely contribute to creating a “new old age.” We know brain failure At Baycrest, we are dedicated to optimizing is not inevitable with aging, and we know our well-being through an unrivaled and innovative work is already helping preserve and extend the portfolio of high quality aging and brain health cognitive and emotional well-being of older adults. services and care approaches that enrich the cognitive, emotional, spiritual, social, and physical Baycrest will seize the opportunity to bring to health of older adults in community, residential an aging world a pioneering, dynamic approach and healthcare settings. This has never been to the care and support of older adults that a more vital imperative. emphasizes vitality of mind and body, and that is adaptable, scalable and truly transformative. For the first time in history, it is expected that the number of seniors worldwide will surpass We have a legacy of dreaming what might the number of children under the age of five. be possible and then creating it, of never By 2050, people aged 65 years or older will settling for the status quo, and of sharing account for 20 per cent of the world’s population. our work with all who can benefit, locally, This demographic shift has been accompanied nationally and internationally. by an increase in the number of people living longer with chronic illnesses, including This is the Baycrest way. age-associated brain disorders. GARRY FOSTER Of especially great concern has been the Chair, Baycrest Board of Directors dramatically rising prevalence of dementia, in which Alzheimer’s disease is the most common DR. WILLIAM REICHMAN cause. The number of people with dementia President and Chief Executive Officer worldwide is presently estimated at approximately 35.6 million and is projected to nearly double 2 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION Message from the Foundation Board Chair and the President Baycrest Foundation leading the way Imagine, if you will, a society where we don’t This past year we have seen your heartfelt fear aging with anticipatory dread as though it commitment to the unique work we do through were to be avoided at all costs but embraced record-breaking financial support. Your continued with joy and hope – a celebratory third act. investment in our programs has allowed for new tools, strategies and technologies to bring Imagine knowing now what you could do wellness promotion, illness prevention and early to prevent dementia and other brain health diagnosis to those living and receiving services disorders later in life. here and in the community. Your investment in expertise allows us to attract the best and Imagine knowing that you always had the benefit brightest minds in brain health research to of a seamless system of care that extended well Baycrest. Your understanding that holistic beyond the walls of a healthcare institution into care includes specially tailored spiritual and your home and community as you age. cultural programming has enhanced wellness options. And your foresight into the need for Imagine a world where seniors were at the emerging technologies enables us to deliver vanguard of new technology and innovation. state-of-the-art care. Now imagine that your gift helped to By donating funds, volunteering, participating create that world. in our events, engaging with us online and on our campus you are supporting a vital 100-year These are not far off dreams of the future, but history that has led to extraordinary healthcare a reality we work towards every day at Baycrest innovation, an accomplishment of which we Health Sciences. And you have helped to make can all be proud. this happen. Built on your generosity, Baycrest is a place where the best research, education Thank you for helping us revolutionize the way and care have come to lead the world in we age – and transform the aging experience. transforming the aging experience. We know we do so with the commitment and support of those who have built this dream What began in 1918 as Toronto’s first Jewish and turned it into a reality. Your investment Home for the Aged has grown with your support has been our success. into the only health sciences centre in the world that brings translational research, patient care, WARREN KIMEL training and education together with a local Chair, Board of Directors and global population of aging adults looking Baycrest Foundation for support and prevention solutions. SUSAN SUTTON President, Baycrest Foundation Vice President, Global Institutional Advancement ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 3 We Welcome Doctor Volunteer Researcher Donor Nurse Educator Baycrest Health Sciences is a physical place, yes, but also a unique philosophy of care. It is home to hundreds of seniors and a valued community resource for thousands more. All who come here experience a continuum of care provided by specialists in the field of geriatrics, informed by world-leading research and education, and supported by the remarkable generosity of donors and the commitment of many volunteers. With its light-filled hallways, walls lined with beautiful art, and gardens visible from every floor, Baycrest is a welcoming place, a healing place. 4 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION 1,200 Cared for each day Janitor Clients Resident & donor We Care mind & body RIGHT CARE, RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT TIME As Ontario’s population ages the number of seniors living with complex health issues continues to rise. Most vulnerable are those who struggle with the difficult behaviours – agitation, aggression and wandering, for example – that may result from dementia, mental illness or other neurological conditions. To ensure respectful and compassionate treatment is provided at the right time and in the right setting, Baycrest Health Sciences is leading the province’s Behavioural Support for Seniors Program for the Toronto Central LHIN (Local Health Integration Network). The program takes a holistic approach to care rather than relying on medications to manage behaviour. Forty new positions have been created at Baycrest to help deliver the program, which supports seniors, families and caregivers in our city, and includes: • A 23-bed transitional unit providing expert care for patients whose behaviours have become unmanageable where they live – whether in the community or in long-term care homes. On average, patients stay on the unit for five months. • A mobile team of registered nurses and personal support workers assisting more than 37 long-term care homes in managing residents’ behaviours. • A community outreach team working with partners to deliver care, caregiver support and skills training. 85+ Years Every half of this age 4 group will develop Seconds dementia A NEW CASE OF DEMENTIA IS DIAGNOSED WORLDWIDE $100 115.4
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