About 3,000 Tibetans flee Tibet through Nepal anually, and approximately 20,000 reside in settlements scattered throughout Nepal. Tibet’s Stateless Nationals: Tibetan Refugees in Nepal appraises the current status and cir- cumstances of Tibetan refugees in Nepal. Tibetans residing in Nepal and their descendants live in legal limbo; they are not recognized as refugees or given any definable legal status. Their future is increasingly insecure in a country that reluctantly acknowledges, but refuses to accept, their presence. They and their children, born in Nepal and entitled under international law to acquire a nationality, remain stateless. Newly arriving refugees face increased harassment and risks of being returned to Tibet. By providing detailed information on these topics, Tibet Justice Center hopes to clarify the circumstances for Tibetan refugees in Nepal and to suggest politically feasible means to improve them. The circumstances highlighted by this report reveal a pressing need for governments, UNHCR, and the interna- tional community to reexamine the current informal arrangement regard- ing the status and treatment of Tibetan refugees in host countries, and to work to provide them with a more durable solution. For further information and copies of this report, please contact our office: Tibet Justice Center 2288 Fulton Street, Suite 312 Berkeley, California 94704, USA
[email protected] tel: 510-486-0588 fax: 510-548-3785 Tibet’s Stateless Nationals: Please visit our website at www.tibetjustice.org Tibetan Refugees in Nepal Cover photo: Three children begin the long journey to the Tibet-Nepal border. ©Nancy Jo Johnson Cover and book design: Charles MacNulty ISBN 0-9709950-1-6 Tibet’s Stateless Nationals: Tibetan Refugees in Nepal June 2002 © June 2002 by Tibet Justice Center All rights reserved.