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Dear Friend & Fellow Member of the ACLJ, You’ve been a major force to be reckoned with in 2019. Your support for the ACLJ has put us on the front lines of some of the biggest issues and cases across the nation and around the world. With you at our side, we’re battling — all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States in many cases — and we’re winning. We’re beating back an avalanche of extreme abortion laws. We’re saving babies’ lives. We’re delivering blow after blow to the abortion industry and its exorbitant taxpayer funding. We’re exposing insidious Deep State corruption in court. We’re mobilizing to defend the persecuted Church. We’ve stood before the United Nations (U.N.) for dying Christians. We have not wavered in our stand for Israel: at the U.N., the International Criminal Court (ICC), and in Congress. In all of this and more, our relentless pursuit of liberty compels us — and your support is key. Aggression from the Left has reached a treacherous pitch. :H¶UHXSDJDLQVWD¿UHVWRUPRIFDVHVDQGLVVXHV We are battling at an unprecedented scope — going toe-to-toe with well-funded enemies that have incredibly deep pockets. But as this report reveals, in the face of evil, we will not give up or back down. We are relentless because you are relentless. God bless you for being faithful. IN PURSUIT OF VICTORY

Pastor Andrew Brunson dangerous case made its way through the Freed From Turkey federal court system. Nearly 600,000 ACLJ members signed our petition demanding his freedom! Supreme Court Victory for Life After more than two years of wrongful Box v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana and detainment in Turkey for his Christian faith, Kentucky American Pastor Andrew Brunson was freed. The Supreme Court agreed with the The ACLJ represented Pastor Andrew during ACLJ, upholding an Indiana law requiring his imprisonment. the humane disposal of aborted babies. As expressed in our amicus brief in this case, Christian Mom Asia Bibi Released abortionists cannot “treat the bodies of dead Her 10-year nightmare is over, unborn children as ‘medical trash.’” thanks to you! The ACLJ relentlessly fought for Asia Bibi’s freedom, engaging in a multipronged legal advocacy campaign across the globe.

California Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Vindicated A big win for life and free speech rights in National Institute of Family Advocates (NIFLA) v. Becerra A federal court permanently blocked the state of California from forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise state-funded Dismantling the Market for Aborted abortions. Babies’ Body Parts Demanding an end to this disgusting practice The Cross Shall After a massive public outcry from the Stand ACLJ and members like you, the Department Resounding win for of Health and Human Services (HHS) under religious freedom President Trump ended a morbid contract With a strong 7-2 involving the use of aborted babies in vote, the Supreme Court grotesque medical research. of the United States agreed with the ACLJ’s Religious Freedom Victory in Bulgaria amicus brief and upheld Your support of freedom extends around the the constitutionality world! of Maryland’s One of the ACLJ’s affiliates, the Bladensburg Peace European Centre for Law and Justice Cross. The ACLJ filed (ECLJ), fought back against a dangerous numerous briefs as this bill amending the Religious Denominations ´%HRQ\RXUJXDUGVWDQGÀUPLQWKH IDLWKEHFRXUDJHRXVEHVWURQJµ


Act of Bulgaria and violating the freedom of Court ruled in agreement with our amicus religion of Christians. As a result, the main brief that the state of Ohio could defund provisions violating freedom of religion were Planned Parenthood. This win sets a major removed … and the rights of your Christian precedent, allowing other states to enact brothers and sisters were protected. similar laws.

Supreme Court Rejects Atheist ACLJ Defends “Woman’s Right to Challenge to National Motto Know Act” “In God We Trust!” Ensuring women are fully informed about In a big win for our American heritage, abortion procedures — and consequences the Supreme Court rejected a federal lawsuit The ACLJ testified before Maryland State aimed at removing “In God We Trust” from legislators, defending the constitutionality our national currency. The ACLJ filed a of the pro-life Woman’s Right to Know Act. series of critical amicus briefs from the time This powerful legislation requires women the original lawsuit was first filed and during seeking an abortion to be informed about the appeals process. alternatives, the abortion procedure itself, and adverse effects. Big Win for Life in the Abortion Capital of America ACLJ beats pro-abortion IN New York! The ACLJ experienced a major win against pro-abortion in a Manhattan hearing room, in front of a New York judge. We presented such a strong case defending embattled pro-life pregnancy centers that the city had no option but to withdraw its own case.

Ohio Defunds Planned Parenthood We’re crippling taxpayer-supported abortion! We helped secure a significant pro-life victory in Ohio, where the Sixth Circuit IN DEFENSE OF LIFE

ith your support — financially defend laws and working with legislators Wand in prayer — the ACLJ is in other states to pass new bills. aggressively fighting to eradicate • We continue working to overturn New the scourge of abortion from America. York’s outrageous abortion law that strips Can Planned Parenthood and abortion be away the human rights of babies born alive defeated? Yes, they can. Here’s how we’re after botched abortions. doing it:

At the State Level: Heartbeat Laws In states across the nation, the ACLJ is fully engaged in the battle to defeat abortion extremism and protect millions of precious heartbeats:

• The ACLJ’s legal teams have been working with state legislatures to craft “heartbeat” laws that outlaw abortion once a baby’s heartbeat can be detected • We’ve filed legal memoranda addressing (usually around six weeks). At press time, New York state-level Freedom of seven states have passed vital “heartbeat” Information Law (FOIL) requests seeking legislation, with others pending. records exposing any interactions between the Governor’s office/executive branch and Planned Parenthood during the legislative process. • We filed FOIL demands to force the state of Virginia to produce all records regarding extreme legislation that allows abortion even at the moment of birth. • We’re fighting a massive wave of anti-life legislation at the state level in New York, Rhode Island, Virginia, New Mexico, Illinois, and Vermont.

• The pro-abortion American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Planned Parenthood are challenging “heartbeat” laws in court. We’re fighting back … filing briefs to ´)RU\RXFUHDWHGP\LQPRVWEHLQJ\RX NQLWPHWRJHWKHULQP\PRWKHU·VZRPEµ


The ACLJ and You: Protecting Heartbeats Across the Nation

; Fetal “Heartbeat” Law Passed With the help of the ACLJ, these states now limit access to abortion after a doctor can detect a heartbeat, effectively banning abortions after 6-8 weeks: Georgia, Kentucky, and Ohio. Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Missouri have also passed “heartbeat” legislation.

; Fetal Heartbeat Legislation Pending The ACLJ is currently engaged in researching, drafting, and giving input on multiple “heartbeat” bills in Iowa, Michigan, South Carolina, and Texas. Florida, Maryland, Minnesota, Tennessee, and West Virginia also currently have “heartbeat” legislation pending.

; Defeated Live-Birth Abortion Laws The ACLJ fought back and helped defeat horrific live-birth abortion laws in Virginia, New Mexico, and Maryland.

Every day, Planned Parenthood kills 900 babies — and takes $1.5 million of our tax funds to do it. This indescribable evil must end. After decades in the fight, we are getting closer to decimating taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry:

Blocking the Flow of Abortion However, this huge victory is now under attack. The legal fight could go 1. Ohio’s Sixth Circuit Court agreed with all the way to the Supreme Court of the our amicus brief that Planned Parenthood has no constitutional right to state tax funds — setting a clear legal precedent that will allow other states to stop state tax dollars from funding the abortion giant. 2. The Department of Health and Human Services revised the Title X family planning program, cutting approximately $60 million of Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding. IN DEFENSE OF LIFE

United States. We’re fighting back on case in California and make its problems appeal. go away.

3. Internal turmoil has Planned Parenthood •We’re also in federal court working reeling too: the same week the Title X to defund Planned Parenthood of state funding rule went into effect, Planned taxpayer money; we’ve already filed three Parenthood ousted its president of just crucial amicus briefs. eight months in a secret board meeting. As a medical professional, she wanted •We’re working to stop H.R. 2740 in the to focus on healthcare services, but Senate. Passed by the liberal House, the the Planned Parenthood board was bill goes so far as to reverse our recent determined to double down on abortion- Title X victory and reinstate the massive rights advocacy, validating what we’ve flow of your tax dollars to fund abortions. known for a long time — Planned Parenthood is all about abortion. In the Courts Members of the abortion lobby are We scored a major victory against 4. frantically filing lawsuits against every Planned Parenthood at the Ninth Circuit pro-life law they can. But we are making Court of Appeals, where the abortion tremendous strides — in the states, in federal giant was dealt a major legal blow in its court, at the Supreme Court. We can’t let up lawsuit against the Center for Medical … because the abortion industry won’t back Progress, the organization that exposed it down without a fight. was selling body parts of aborted babies for profit. The Ninth Circuit used to be •Working in the courts to overturn New regarded as a “cakewalk” for Planned York’s outrageous abortion law. Parenthood; but now a quarter of its appellate judges have been appointed by • Miano v. Miller and Devine v. City of New President Trump. As a result, Planned York — defending the constitutional free Parenthood can no longer simply file a speech of pro-life counselors on public sidewalks. • Cynthia Isabell v. Trustees of Indiana University — defending a very qualified nurse not hired for a teaching position based on her pro-life beliefs. • Turco v. City of Englewood — battling an unconstitutional abortion buffer zone law. • Aloha Pregnancy Care and Counseling Center, Inc. v. Chin (D. Haw.) — battling an anti-crisis pregnancy center law. • Planned Parenthood Federation of America, et al. v. Center for Medical Progress, et al., N.D. California — fighting to expose the evil about aborted babies’ body parts being up for sale. • Filing briefs to defend crucial “heartbeat” laws in multiple courts nationwide.

The abortion lobby is pushing its deadly agenda harder than ever. But we’re fighting back: state by state, case by case, bill by bill. We’ll dismantle the abortion industry piece by piece until we see victory.

• Preterm-Cleveland, et al. v. Lance Himes — fighting to prohibit abortion based on a Down Syndrome diagnosis. • June Medical Services v. Gee — fighting for commonsense restrictions on abortion providers in Louisiana. • Price v. City of Chicago — huge pro-life case with massive implications.

Countless defenseless babies depend on our action now. Together, we will relentlessly defend their lives. Together, we will see victory. PROTECTING PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS

ore Christians are persecuted Mworldwide than ever before. At the ACLJ, we’re expanding our efforts to defend the defenseless. We’re mobilizing our international offices in the most expansive campaign for the persecuted Church we’ve ever undertaken as increasingly barbaric attacks are being carried out against Christians in countries like Nigeria, Egypt, and Sri Lanka. • Through the ECLJ, we filed a written submission before the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) detailing the spread of religiously motivated attacks ³ Beheadings against Christians around the world. It ³ Victims Burned Alive is critical that the U.N. and international ³ Rape community come together to put an end to this senseless violence against Christians. ³ Kidnapping • We continue to advocate on behalf of ³ Enslavement imprisoned 15-year-old Leah Sharibu, who was kidnapped by ³ Destruction of Religious Sites Boko Haram more than a ³ Sexual Slavery year ago and is being held ³ Forced Conversion captive because she refuses to renounce her Christian faith. ³ Property Seizures • We’re demanding justice and ³ Forced Business Closures freedom for Christian Pastor John Cao, a U.S. permanent ³ Ransom Demands resident who has spent more ´5HVFXHPHIURPWKHKDQGRIP\\ HQHPLHVDQGIURPP\SHUVHFXWRUVµµ ³3VDOP

than two years imprisoned in China for “apostasy” five years ago. After nearly because of his faith. three years in prison, Pastor Youcef was • We’ve filed finally set free. But Iranian agents have a written rearrested him. Our international legal team submission is fighting for his freedom. and delivered • Victory! The ACLJ successfully recovered an oral a Christian family of five from captivity intervention at the UNHRC regarding the in Pakistan. The family is finally free after repeated imprisonment in Iran of Christian nearly five years of bonded labor, physical Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani — an Iranian torture, and severe brutality. pastor who was originally sentenced to die

11 Christians will die today from deadly persecution RELENTLESS . . . IN ACTION

Here’s what your support looks like!

he ACLJ and you … together, we’re on the front lines of some of the most important, most pressing battles of our day — making a powerful difference for life, religious liberty, Tconstitutional freedoms, and more. Thank you for the strength you bring to our work. ACLJ members like you are making an important impact. The ACLJ will not rest until we end the barbarism of abortion and completely FIGHTING FOR LIFE defund and defeat the abortion industry.

In New York, declawing a cat is against the law, but you can abort a Approximately 35% of all baby up until the moment of birth. pregnancies in New York in 35% 2015 ended in abortion.

Disturbing seagull nests or eggs Because of Ohio’s new is illegal in California … but “heartbeat” law, an you can legally dismember a estimated 7,000 babies’ child before she’s born. lives could be saved over the next year.

7 states across the nation have drafted and passed vital “heartbeat” legislation in 2019 with the assistance of the ACLJ — and you! 543,700,000 One World Trade Center was lit up pink to of taxpayer funding goes “celebrate” passage of to Planned Parenthood New York’s pro-abortion every year. “Reproductive Health Act” — which legalized abortion up to birth. The very monument that exists because 3,000 people lost their lives to terrorism in one tragic day — including 11 unborn children who are listed We’re on the The ACLJ is relentlessly chipping on the memorial as victims away at the evil abortion of the World Trade Center precipice of giant’s armor. We’ll dismantle defunding tens attacks — was being the abortion industry piece by used to celebrate another of millions more piece, battle by battle, until we tragedy: an industry that from Planned see victory. aborts more than 3,000 Parenthood! babies every day. Our work on behalf of Israel’s interests is more critical than ever before. THREATS TO ISRAEL Together, you and the ACLJ are relentlessly protecting America’s greatest friend and ally in the Middle East The sun never sets on the from increasing threats on ACLJ’s fight for Israel. From multiple fronts, including our Special Operations from within our nation’s own Unit based in Jerusalem, congressional ranks. we’re committed to protecting Israel at the U.N. and the International Criminal Court.

We’re defending our ally at the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice.

The U.N. has established a $65 million slush fund to aid groups like Hamas in waging legal warfare against Israel.

U.S. Taxpayer $ Israel is under constant U.N. attack. The ACLJ is taking aggressive action to defend our ally from an array of deadly enemies.

U.S. Taxpayer $ The ACLJ is battling the U.N.’s $65 million anti-Israel U.N. lawfare slush fund that is financing the terrorists and Slush using U.S. taxpayer funds to pad its coffers! Fund

We’re fighting in two major U.S. federal lawsuits to Palestinian Authority protect Israel’s interests. Hamas Terrorists The ACLJ is taking THE PERSECUTED decisive action to protect persecuted Christians around the world. With your faithful CHURCH support, we’re mobilizing IRAN our international offices Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani and working in Congress ➤ The ACLJ is urging the UNHRC to demand the release of Pastor Youcef, who has and the courts to protect the been rearrested for his Christian faith after serving three years on death row. persecuted Church. • Iran is #9 on the Christian Persecution World Watch List. • Church raids, brutal attacks, public humiliation, arrests, jail, and more are status quo for Iranian Christians. • Converts from Islam face persecution from the government.

United Nations Human Rights Council ➤ The ACLJ is a strong presence for religious freedom at the UNHRC. We are fighting for persecuted Christians around the world and urging the international community to protect Christians and end PAKISTAN jihadist genocide. Christian Mom Asia Bibi ➤ After 10 years on death row in Pakistan, Christian mom Asia Bibi CHINA is finally free! Christian Pastor John Cao • Pakistan is #5 on the Christian ➤ A U.S. permanent resident, Pastor Cao Persecution World Watch List. has been sentenced to seven years and • 28 Christians were killed, 1,467 unjustly imprisoned in China because of his Christian faith. Our legal team is TURKEY Christians were attacked, and 56 were arrested in 2018. fighting for his freedom. American Pastor Andrew Brunson • China is #27 on the Christian ➤ After more than two years of • Christians daily live in fear that they will be accused of Persecution World Watch List. detainment in Turkey, you helped blasphemy, which carries a secure Pastor Andrew’s freedom! • 1,131 Christians were arrested in penalty of death. 2018 alone, a 744% increase • Turkey is #26 on the Christian from 2017. Persecution World Watch List. NIGERIA Christian Teen Leah Sharibu • Children can be taken away • Persecution is dramatically on ➤  from Christian parents. the rise under the rule of Turkish Courageous teenager Leah Sharibu is being held hostage by terrorist President Erdogan.˘ organization Boko Haram for refusing to recant her faith in Christ. The ACLJ is working in her defense. • Christians have no access to state jobs and are routinely harassed • Nigeria is #12 on the Christian Persecution World Watch List. for their faith. • 3,731 Christians were killed, and 21,850 Christians violently attacked, in 2018. • Christian villages and churches are being burned to the ground. FIGHTING FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM

he ACLJ is your voice for religious overruled. The Supreme Court of the United Tfreedom in Washington, D.C., States has granted review of the Espinoza in courtrooms, and in the media. case; the ACLJ filed an amicus brief urging Enemies of the Christian faith repeatedly try the Justices to overturn the rule of religious to censor and silence your point of view in hostility imposed by the Montana Court. public forums. We will not let it happen. Status: ACLJ has filed an amicus brief Current Cases supporting school choice Cambridge Christian School v. Florida Recent Victories High School Athletic Association Your membership empowers our efforts for Two Christian the causes of faith and freedom! schools were barred by the • The ACLJ secured multiple victories for government’s state churches on the zoning front. In Gaffney, athletic association South Carolina, and in New York, we from including defeated discriminatory zoning ordinances prayer at a high and upheld religious freedom for our school football clients. We’re currently fighting a similar championship game simply because of the church zoning issue in Citrus County, prayer’s Christian message. Florida. With your support, we continue to defend protections given to churches under Status: ACLJ has filed an amicus brief in the law. federal appeals court • The ACLJ recently represented a private Espinoza v. Montana Department business owner who faced investigation of Revenue for conducting regular prayer meetings at The state of Montana has excluded religious work. However, under federal and state schools from the list of beneficiaries of a law, private employers are not required state scholarship tax credit school choice to purge the workplace of all religious program. Various parents who wanted to send activity. They can legally hold devotional their children to religious schools brought or prayer meetings for employees so long the suit in court. A state trial court agreed as it remains clear to all employees that with them. But the Montana Supreme Court attendance is never required. This business owner is now free to hold prayer meetings at work in full compliance with the law.


ile anti-Semitism is on the rise in $65 million anti-Israel lawfare slush fund. VAmerica. A recent report revealed • We’re fully engaged in two major federal that 60% of the hate crimes lawsuits in defense of Israel’s interests committed in New York City alone targeted — their enemies are trying to eliminate Jewish people. And it’s not just here. It’s Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish State happening around the globe. Anti-Semitic through litigation. attacks rose a reported 13% worldwide in 2018. • We’re at the U.N., International Criminal Court, and the International Court of This is a critical time for Israel. Our Justice battling Israel’s enemies and friend is in the crosshairs. Israel’s enemies defending our ally. attack from many fronts: with deadly rockets • We have just submitted and continue to on the ground, hateful anti-Semitism in the work on written and oral arguments on a public square, and damaging lawfare in the broad array of topics to protect both Israel courts. The ACLJ is committed to Israel. We and Christians. are engaged in the battle to defend Israel’s interests and the Jewish people. • Anti-Semitism has made its way into Congress. The ACLJ is demanding that the Left address this hateful Israel, America’s most important ally in the Middle East, rhetoric and censure representatives must be protected. And the ACLJ is doing just that, on who engage in anti-Semitism. an international scale: Myriad powerful enemies are relentless in their pursuit of • We have a team of lawyers on the ground Israel … but so are we. in Jerusalem working daily to protect Because dangerous threats to Israel’s Israel’s very right to exist. sovereignty and security don’t stop, our work • We’re battling the U.N.’s treacherous never stops.


DECEPTION Protecting our Constitution!

e are waging battle against the corruption of Deep State criminals, halt their Wdangerous Deep State at work in unprecedented and unconscionable behavior, the federal government today that and reclaim our republic. is undermining the conservative agenda and We’re relentlessly working to expose the endangering our national security. lawless bureaucrats and hold these rogue, With the support of citizens like you, Obama-era holdovers accountable to the the ACLJ is fighting back to expose the American people.

Deep State — A secret political faction that coordinates efforts by government employees and others to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership. ? Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) — A law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. We’ve uncovered direct evidence that former Obama Secretary of State John Kerry’s State Department used $400,000 in American taxes to fund a Palestinian effort to “replace the government” of Israel, led by none other than Palestinian Authority President Abbas’s son. Deep State Plot EXPOSED. In the closing days of the Obama Administration, senior officials — including Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Attorney General Loretta Lynch — made a rule change that allowed raw intelligence to be shared in an expansive way throughout the bureaucracy. We witnessed a massive uptick in Deep State leaks of classified information as a result. Through our FOIA lawsuits, the ACLJ uncovered that there was a rush in Clapper’s office, the NSA, and the DOJ to implement the rule change “before the conclusion of this [Obama] administration.” Deep State Collusion UNCOVERED. We have learned the Obama DOJ gave Clinton attorneys immunity from the Espionage Act even though they deliberately destroyed evidence. Though the media has moved on from this topic, the rule of law must be upheld. The ACLJ is relentless in our pursuit of truth and justice! There’s more. Our Government Accountability Project is fighting back. We’re filing legal demands, FOIA requests, and lawsuits against the Deep State bureaucracy. What we are finding and exposing is shocking — but the Deep State can be stopped and the offenders held accountable!

Other FOIA requests that could become lawsuits: ³Elementary students are being forced to participate in Buddhist-based meditation in public schools. Federal government grant funds have been awarded ´-XVWLFHMXVWLFH\RXVKDOOSXUVXHµ to implement these “mindfulness” programs. We’re seeking answers and information about the U.S. ³'HXWHURQRP\ government’s spending of taxpayer dollars to conduct Buddhism-based social experiments on children. ³We filed a FOIA request to expose the horror of a disturbing government contract funding research The ACLJ will relentlessly pursue the to create “humanized mice” using tissue from truth and root out corruption until aborted babies. In a huge victory for life, the Trump justice is served. Administration canceled the contract and is setting new policies that could end taxpayer funding for research using human tissue from abortions. Together, we’re making a difference! IN FINANCIAL INTEGRITY

RANKINGS Named as the top ³VWDURYHUDOOHIÀFLHQWUDWLQJE\ organization for 0LQLVWU\:DWFK “Positive Cultural ³LQIXQGDFTXLVLWLRQUDWLQJ Change in the U.S.” *2017 survey by the American ³LQDVVHWXWLOL]DWLRQUDWLQJ Culture & Faith Institute


Contributions $47,686,510 86% Major Donors, Grants, Bequests $4,808,739 9% Other Income $2,829,494 5%

Total Income $55,324,743

Source: 2018 IRS Form 990


44% Legal Services 31% Media Services/Radio & TV Broadcasting 17% Public Education Services 6% Fundraising Expenses 2% Managerial & Administrative Expenses

Total Expenses $52,364,525.67

Source: 2018 IRS Form 990

We Are Proud to Fight for Your Values While Maintaining the Highest Standards of Integrity, Transparency, and Stewardship. IN OUR IMPACT TOGETHER

I am so appreciative of all of your work and whenever you do the matching challenges because then I know my donation can really stretch“ that much further and do that much more good.” — Vicki, Mariposa, CA

I cannot express my gratitude enough to the ACLJ for the information that I am able to get and share. Through the ACLJ, I have been“ supplied an arsenal of information that allows me to understand and speak intelligently about the issues of the day and hopefully be a VZD\LQJLQÀXHQFHRQIULHQGVDQGDFTXDLQWDQFHVZKRGRQRWKDYHDFOHDU picture or understanding of certain issues. The fact that the ACLJ is consistently working for our rights as U.S. citizens and Christians is a blessing that no amount of money could ever compensate. I feel deeply in your debt.” — Gloria, Sacramento, CA ´7KHUHIRUHZHRXJKWWRVXSSRUW VXFKPHQVRWKDWZHPD\EH IHOORZZRUNHUVZLWKWKHWUXWKµ ³-RKQ

,WLQVSLUHVPHWRJLYHWR\RXURUJDQL]DWLRQWKDW¿JKWVWRNHHS our freedom here in America, to protect the lives of the unborn, that you“ strive to protect the sovereignty of our friend and ally, for the persecuted Christians, and for the work you do all over the world. I will continue to pray that God will meet the needs of your organization.” — Elizabeth, New Braunfels, TX

%\JLYLQJWKLVPRQH\WRWKH$&/-WRXVHLQLWV¿JKWWRVXSSRUW the nation of Israel, we feel we are returning to God, for His work, a VPDOOSRUWLRQRIWKDWZKLFK+HKDVVHHQ¿WWRSURYLGHDVDEOHV“ VLQJWR us. This too will be a blessing to us.” — Phillip & Merry, Poquoson, VA

My wife and I just wanted to support the ACLJ. Especially with abortion becoming a major issue in this country. Thank you for all you do.“ Keep up the great work.” — Stephen & Mercy, Taylorsville, UT THROUGH ACTION, ADVOCACY, AND CHANGE!

he ACLJ’s outstanding programs and • and ACLJ Social Action Apps Tsocial media tools enable you to stay on Facebook, iPhone, and informed and up to date on the issues Android are designed to and cases that matter most to you. give you instant access to the information you need. • Jay Sekulow Live! — the daily radio Stay informed and take program airing at noon ET on Sirius/ meaningful action; sign XM and more than 1,050 radio stations petitions to make your nationwide, as well as streaming live voice heard in Washington; online. The program features up-to-the- and view special video minute news and insights related to the reports, ACLJ television hottest court cases and issues where faith, shows, and ACLJ Films freedom, and liberty are on the line. trailers. Listen to Jay Sekulow Live! • Facebook LIVE lets you receive instant live updates on your mobile device when online at Chief Counsel Jay Alan Sekulow discusses breaking news as it happens. “Like” the • ACLJ This Week is a hard-hitting ACLJ on Facebook, and he will use this television program wrapping up events of unique forum to bring you legal and the week and previewing upcoming news legislative insight from our state-of-the-art on life-and-liberty fronts. ACLJ Media Center studio.

Stay involved in the fight for life and liberty through your Donor Advised Fund!

Many lose sight of their way for you to fight effectively appreciation enough for the labor Donor Advised Fund (DAF); for life and liberty in America the ACLJ puts in to helping it’s there, but essentially and internationally. Simply persecuted Christians who would “invisible.” You’ve received make a grant request in order otherwise be heavily oppressed a tax benefit by placing the for the ACLJ to receive the and without legal representation.p funds in your DAF. But those funds. Using our Donor AdAdvisedvised FuFundnd funds could be accomplishing to make a donationn iiss an easyasy tremendous things if distributed “WeWe hahavev been blessed to and convenient way ttoo susupportrt to worthy causes. Your DAF suppsupporto the ACACLJ for many the ACLJ.” represents a quick, convenient yyears.ears. WWee cancan’t’ express our —W. & S. Brown, CT

Contact Brooke Rush at 757-802-9186 or [email protected] if you have questions regarding Donor Advised Funds.

Follow the ACLJ, as well as Jay Sekulow and Jordan Sekulow, on social media. • Twitter @ACLJ @JaySekulow @JordanSekulow YOUR LEGACY MATTERS

L E G A C Y I believe in the work Jay and the ACLJ are doing, so I want to support them while“ I am here and leave a lasting gift. o create a legacy of defending life, Which is why I have chosen to add the Tliberty, and religious freedom with the $&/-DVDEHQH¿FLDU\WRP\,5$´ ACLJ, while benefiting yourself and — Monique, Brentwood, TN your family, consider these excellent options:

An IRA rollover gift may simplify your tax A gift of stocks, instead of a gift of cash return, as charitable distributions (counting after selling stocks, allows the ACLJ to toward your required minimum distributions) receive the full value of the stock instead of up to $100,000 are not included in your what’s left after payment of taxes. federal taxable income. If you are age 70½ or older, Congress has made this option A trustFDQEHQH¿WERWK\RXDQGWKH permanent. ACLJ. Find multiple trust options at A bequest in your will means an estate tax charitable deduction, often lessening A gift of life insurance you no longer the burden of taxes on your family — and need can make a convenient, tax-deductible leaving a lasting legacy. charitable gift, with tax deductions on the premiums being paid or the cash value of the A charitable gift annuity (CGA) will policy. give you or you and your spouse income for life and a charitable tax deduction now — all For help with these or other special gift while helping the ACLJ continue the work to or estate planning options, please visit our which you are committed. planned-giving website,

The ACLJ is not offering tax advice in supplying members the information contained herein. We urge you to seek professional tax advice. ACLJ RESOURCES

By three-time New York Times bestselling author and ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Alan Sekulow:

Jerusalem: A Biblical and Unholy Alliance: The Agenda Undemocratic: Rogue, Reckless and Historical Case for the Jewish Iran, Russia, and Jihadists Share for Renegade: How the Government is Stealing Capital Conquering the World Democracy One Agency at a Time

One of the most This book debuted at Jay Sekulow’s hard-hitting comprehensive books #12 on The New York exposé debuted at #10 on on Israel’s legitimacy Times Best Sellers List. The New York Times Best as a state ever written. Sellers List.

Also from the ACLJ:

NEW RELEASE! Targeting U.S., a film Burning Bridges — This publication highlighting our unprecedented and reveals the nation of Turkey as a successful legal fight against the IRS critical piece of the Middle East to protect our clients’ constitutional puzzle. A longtime friend of the U.S., rights. Turkey is now under tremendous pressure to join the radical Islamic movement and become a threat to Protecting the Promised Land: The Israel and America. Case for Israel — This revealing ACLJ documentary presents interviews with top diplomatic, military, and legal Let My People Go — A compelling experts as well as leading authorities, behind-the-scenes DVD featuring making the definitive case for why stories of Christians targeted for their Israel is vital to both America and the faith that highlights what must be Middle East. done to save the persecuted Church.

Abortion, Inc. — A riveting Unshaken — A firsthand view of documentary film that reveals the Islamic jihad’s threat, including a biggest human rights crisis of our bomb shelter interview with Israel’s lifetime and shines a light on the true President. motivations of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.

Call 800-342-2255 toll-free to request any of these important resources. OUR MISSION





he American Center for Law and services, render advice to individuals and TJustice (ACLJ) and its globally governmental agencies, and counsel clients affiliated organizations are committed on global freedom and liberty issues. They to ensuring the ongoing viability of freedom also support training law students from and liberty in the United States and around around the world in order to protect religious the world. liberty and safeguard human rights and dignity. By focusing on U.S. constitutional law, European Union law, and human rights law, As a non-profit organization, the the ACLJ and its affiliated organizations are ACLJ does not charge for its services and dedicated to the concept that freedom and is dependent upon God and the resources liberty are universal, God-given, inalienable He provides through the time, talents, and rights that must be protected. gifts of people who share our concerns and desire to protect religious and constitutional The ACLJ and its worldwide affiliates freedoms. engage in litigation, provide legal American Center for Law & Justice P.O. Box 90555 Washington, D.C. 20090-0555


In Conjunction With:

European Centre for Law & Justice, Strasbourg, France Slavic Centre for Law & Justice, Moscow, Russia African Centre for Law & Justice, Zimbabwe

American Center for Law and Justice is a d/b/a for Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, Inc., a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, specifically dedicated to the ideal that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable, God-given rights. The Center’s purpose is to engage legal, legislative, and cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy, education, and litigation to ensure that those rights are protected under the law. The organization has participated in numerous cases before the Supreme Court, Federal Court of Appeals, Federal District Courts, and various state courts regarding freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Your gift is very much appreciated and fully deductible as a charitable contribution. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by writing to us at P.O. Box 450349, , GA 31145-0349.