International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 1 No. 8; July 2011 FIDIC CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT AS A MODEL FOR AN INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Dr. Jur.Tunay KÖKSAL Assistant Professor Atılım University, Faculty of Management Department of International Trade & Logistics Ankara, Turkey E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract The FIDIC prepares the rules of the world technical consultancy and publishes the related documents. After the first edition of the FIDIC Contracts, containing some important changes over time as a result of experiences brought by the application, the new editions have been published. Published in 1987 and known as the "Red Book", 4th edition of the FIDIC Condition of Contracts for Construction, is being used very widely for international construction works, due to it has established a fair balance risk between the Contractor and the Employer, has contributed successfully completion of a number of large-scale infrastructure projects around the world. Keywords: FIDIC, Conditions of Contract, Dispute Settlement, Employer, Contractor. INTRODUCTION In this article, after examining the content of the FIDIC standard contract and conditions of contract in detail, a model general contracting contract for international construction works in accordance with FIDIC model is given. A. FIDIC IN GENERAL Being established in Lausanne, in Switzerland in 1913, two professional organizations; the “Fédération Internationale des Ingéniurs Conseils” (International Federation of Consulting Engineers) and the “Fédération Internationale du Bátiment et des Travaux Publics” (International Federation of Housing and Public Works), jointly preparing The FIDIC Contracts, have published the first edition in 1957.1 Members of FIDIC include Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects, 67 countries’ national associations of consultant engineers.