Atacartlmr Orders Purge Ofwar Guilty
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(a AtacArtlmr Orders Purge of War Guilty *W WESTERN EUROPE EDITION One Year Ago Today The Weather Today First and Third Armies close in on Germans in Bulge in giant PARIS: Fair, cold—32 pincers movement. U.S. troops S. FRANCE: Fair, frost—16 make two new landings on Min- THE STARS ANDrSTRIPES DOVER: Overcast—37 doro in Philippines. GERMANY: Cloudy—33 Un»l(icial Newspaper ol U.S. Forces in the European Theater Vol. 2—No. 171 2Fr. Id. Saturday, Jan. 5, 1916 an Ordered TRUMAN RAPS CONGRESS DELAY UNRRA's 3fe •Aide Denies 1946 Is 'Year Troops Fire on Croivd In Line for Throne of Japan Of Decision,' In Mexico; 25 Dead Resigning MEXICO CITY, Jan. 4 (AP).— Twenty-five persons were dead By Associated Press Savs President and 3J hospitalized today alter y troops tired on a crowd ot thou- The UNRRA announced WASHINGTON. Jan. 4 (AP). sands in a political demonstra- yesterday afternoon that it —President Truman declared tion at Leon last night. had demanded the resigna- Troops patrollet* the center of tion of Sir Frederick Morgan, last night that progress had the ?ity today and all business been "distressingly slow" on houses were closed. chief of operations in Ger- his legislative program -nd Soldiers said the crowd attack- many, because of his press that "1946 is our year of ed them, while civilians said the conference statements i n decision." troops' firing was unprovoked. Frankfurt Wednesday. In a nation-wide broadcast Morgan, who declared Wed- to the American people the nesday that thousands of Mae Demands Polish Jews were moving into tne President listed ^measures U.S. zone in Germany with a 'well which lie haa recommended and organized, positive plan to get out of on which Congress had delayed Purge of Jap Europe," had been the center of action. conflicting reports earlier yester- "We are well along the road to day. our goal," he declared, "but at In Washington an unidentified every turn we run the risk of com- War Makers UNRRA official had said Morgan, a ing under a barrier which can stop British general, had resigned volun us." TOKYO, Jan. 4 (AP).—Gen. Mac- tarjly, but this.was denied in Frank- He said many obstacles had been Arthur today ordered a full-scale furt by Morgan, who commented: thrown in the way of efforts to purge of Japanese officials who "I have not resigned, for I see no avert the dangers of inflation and helped lead Japan into war. reason why I should." deflation, and first among these he In two far-reaching directives, listed as labor disputes. MacArthur told Japan to -elean her Dual Announcement political house and dismiss from This was followed by announce- Reviews Labor Policy public office and government ser- ments in Washington and London Truman reviewed the steps the vice all such guilty persons, whether that UNRRA had demanded his re- government has taken to end labor small fry or members of the Diet. signation because "issues outside troubles and stressed his recom- The Government, MacArthur said, the scope of UNRRA were raised mendation to Congress for legisla- will abolish all ultra-nationalist, at the press conference and the ad- tion to authorize a fact-finding terrorist and militarist groups or ministration must therefore be commission to investigate labor societies, and remove from public completely disassociated from any disputes while strikes were barred life and influence those persons views expressed by Morgan on these for 30 days. "who deceived and misled the peo- issues." He said he had hoped Congress ple of Japan into embarking on The general refused to confirm either would follow his recom- world conquest " or deny reports that UNRRA head- mendations or would propose a solution of its own. But it had Peace Price Cited quarters in Washington had cabled done neither, he said. The directives went further than a request for his resignation last Early in his speech the President any preceding ones in carrying out night, and that he had received said: "First. I can say with empha- terms of the Potsdam Declaration, the cable after the Washington sis that the legislative branch of which demanded as a price for announcement that he had resigned. our government has done its full peace that Japan free itself of "Ir- Here is an exclusive photo of Crown Prince Akishito Tsugo-No-Miya, "It is to be regretted that my share toward carrying out its responsible militarism." who some day may be called to govern 70,000,000 Japanese as successor remarks were interpreted in some responsibilities in foreign affairs." The first directive sought to free to his father. Emperor Hirohito. The 12-year-old youth continues a quarters as an attack on the motives After congratulating Congress for Japan's new struggling political line which has teen ruling since 660 years before Christ. of Eurooean Jewry," I "organ said these accomplishments. TrumaD de- parties a? well as the government in an official statement released to clared: "When we turn to domestic itself from the Influence of "mili- newspapermen. "In my remarks to problems we do not find a similar tary and feudal elements, and re- the press Wednesday I made refer- record ot achievement and pro- lease government officials from the Big 3 Ask Paris Peace Talk; ence to the Jewish question, not as gress in Congress." fear ot attack by secret and ter- a whole but to local symptoms Truman reiterated his stand that rorists societies." which seemed to me as unhealthy government fact-finding boards Thirty-seven societies, most of French Question Procedure (Continued on Page 4. Col 1} should be able to look at the books them influential politically, .were of companies involved in disputes ordered abolished. They included Fact-finding legislation is up to the great Japan Renovations So- Paris probably will be the scene of the peace conference Annamites Fight French, Congress, the President declared, ciety, the Greater Asia Associa^ officially ending hostilities in Europe. France has notified the Set Fires Near Saigon and every day that production Is tion, the Black Dragon Society, the Allies she wants to play host, but has asked the "Big Three" delayed and civilian goods are kept East Asia League and the All-Japan from the markets by strikes or Young Men's Club. capitals to clarify proposals made in regard to the conference. SAIGON, Jan. 4 (AP).—The lockouts injures the reconversion All property, records and member- In a note made public yesterday, the French Government countryside around Saigon was program. ship lists of the societies will be announced the Big Three had asked aflame tonight, with smoke obscur- Truman also stressed the tmport- seized. that France be the seat of the ing the northeastern horizon, as tance of "keeping prices on an MacArthur stressed that these European peace conference. The Annamites resisted advancing even keel," and declared pressure dismissals of Japanese officials U.S. Denounces Big Three recommended that the French troops. They apparently groups both in and out of Congress alone "would not be sufficient to meeting be held in Paris before pursued a scorched-earth policy. were working for removal of price establish the new order of peace, May {. Meeting stubborn resistance, the controls to let prices rise without security'and justice envisaged by German Brass The French Government with- French were reported to be unaole interference. the Potsdam Declaration." held full approval, however, accept- to reach the scene of one of tne ing the proposal only on condition biggest fires, believed to be a go- NUREMBERG, Jan. 4 (AP).— that certain questions ue answered. vernment warehouse containing The U.S. demanded today the con- The note, handed to Jefferson Caf- Gl's Harem No Gold Mine viction as war criminals of the 20,000 tons of rubber. Fires were whole German High Command and fContinued on Page 8, Cot. 5) visible also in other directions. 2—The Immigration Service General Staff. won't permit more than one wife The broad denunciation brushed U.S. to Aid But One to enter the U.S. aside suggestion that the generals There probably are a dozen were merely professional soldiers. 2-Headed Girl Dies; Doctors other reasons and bureaus that It left virtually no loophole for —Rest Must Stay would block the path of a man escape in event of conviction of the intent on getting rich via. the entire militaristic system. To Study Infant's Anatomy In South Seas marriage route and the GI Bill With a mass of documents—most of Rights, officials said. of them aimed at convicting gen- BIRMINGHAM, England, Jan. 4 and obstetric surgeon, said X-rays WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 (AP).— The soldier said he believed he erals with their own words—a young (AP).—The two-headed girl born showed that the child had two To the GI who married several acquired the wives legally be- U.S. prosecutor, Col. Talford Taylor, New Year's Day to an English girl backbones, two gullets ana two wives on a South Pacific isle and cause it "was according to native laid before the International Mili- and her American soldier husband stomachs. It had two legs and 'wo wanted to bring them back while custom. tary Tribunal evidence that rank- died in a Birmingham hospital last arms. The infant, born a month he went to college in hopes ot "It's the way they do business ing German generals and admirals night after 50 hours and 35 mi- prematurely, was so formed oe- collecting $15 a month for each in this tribe," he wrote. "The were thinking of war before Hit- nutes of life.