Europe – Developing Capabilities for a credible Defence

About the Congress: 24-25 November 2021 » One of the largest events on European Security and Defence Vienna House Andel’s Berlin » International Forum for Members of Parliaments, politicians, and Landsberger Allee 106 senior executives of the military and security organizations and industry D-10369 Berlin » Partners 2021 are EDA, OCCAR, NSPA and NCIA » Former Partners: Russia, United Kingdom, Turkey, USA, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, Czech Republic SPECIAL » Exhibitions with companies from Europe and abroad FORUM » Organized by the ’s leading independent Lessons Identified Newspaper for the Civil and Military Services AFGHANISTAN

Advisory Board

Wolfgang Hellmich Claude-France Arnould Michel Barnier MP, Chairman of the Defence MP, Minister of State, Senior Advisor on European former Head of Task Force Committee, German , German Federal Foreign matters of the French Institute of for Relations with the Congress President BSC 2021 Office international relations (Ifri), former ­United Kingdom, French Ambassador to Belgium, European ­Commission former Chief Executive of the EDA

Bettina Cadenbach Michael Gahler Prof Ioan Mircea Pa s¸ cu Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering Assistant Secretary General for Political MEP, EPP Group former Vice-President of former President of the European Affairs and Security Policy NATO, Foreign Affairs the , Parliament, Representative for former Director for Security Policy at Coordinator, former Defence Minister European Affairs of the Konrad the Federal Foreign Office, former European Parliament of Romania, Congress Adenauer Stiftung, Congress Ambassador of Germany to Georgia President BSC 2018 President BSC 2019–2020

Ambassador Jiří Šedivý Dr Robert Walter Chief Executive, European MP, Parliamentary State Secretary, Honorary President of President of the Assembly­ Defence Agency (EDA), former German Federal Ministry of the Kangaroo Group, of the WEU 2008–2011, Minister of Defence of the Defence Congress President President ESDA, Congress Czech Republic, Congress BSC 2001–2011 President BSC 2012–2014 President BSC 2015–2017

Associations cooperating with the Berlin Security Conference Media Partners


congress language: English status: 23 September 2021 status: 23 September 2021

Main Programme Wednesday, 24 November 2021

07:30 Opening of the Exhibition / Registration

08:30 Welcome to the Congress Uwe Proll, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Behörden Spiegel , Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Defence Committee, German Bundestag, Congress President BSC 2021

08:45 OPENING OF THE CONFERENCE Opening Ceremony » NN, High-Level Representative OPENING

09:15 SPECIAL FORUM European Security and Defence – Lessons Identified from 20 years of Afghanistan Engagement Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering, former President of the European Parliament, Representative for European Affairs of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Congress Predsident 2019-2020 speaking with: Niels Annen MP*, Minister of State, German Federal Foreign Office Ambassador Claude-France Arnould, Senior Advisor on European matters of the French Institute of international relations (ifri) , former French Ambassador to Belgium, former Chief Executive of the EDA

SPECIAL FORUM Prof Ioan Mircea Paşcu, former Vice-President of the European Parliament, former Defence Minister of Romania, Congress President BSC 2018 NN, High-Level Representatives

10:15 Keynote Speech Thomas Silberhorn MP, Parliamentary State Secretary, German Federal Ministry of Defence

10:40 Keynote Congress Partner NN, Raytheon

11:00 Modern Procurement for Europe Vice Admiral Matteo Bisceglia, Director OCCAR

11:30 Coffee Break

11:50 Enhancing Europe’s Military Capabilities General Claudio Graziano, Chairman of the European Military Committee

12:20 Keynote Congress Partner NN, Lockheed Martin

12:40 Keynote Speech Ambassador Jiřý Šedivý, Chief Executive, European Defence Agency

13:10 Keynote Congress Partner NN, Samsung

13:30 Luncheon / Buffet

14:30 How NSPA can assist in European Capability Building? Stacy A. Cummings, General Manager NSPA

15:00 Opening of the Lounges, Programme of the Service Chiefs

17:30 NN, PwC Strategy& (Germany) GmbH

18:00 CiDAN/ESDA Ceremony

18:30 Welcome address to the opening of the dinner buffet NN, IAI

20:00 End of the first day

*speakers requested status: 23 September 2021

Main Programme Thursday, 25 November 2021

07:30 Opening of the Exhibition

08:30 Keynote Speech General Jörg Vollmer, Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum

09:00 Keynote Congress Partner Dr Germar Schröder, Managing Director and Partner PwC Strategy& (Germany) GmbH

09:20 HIGH-LEVEL DISCUSSION How do we enhance efficiency in European procurement? Chair: Dr Hans-Peter Bartels, Former Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces, Germany Speakers: Lieutenant General Thierry Carlier*, Head of International Development and National Armament Director, France Vice Admiral Santiago González Gómez, National Armaments Director General, Ministry of Defence, Spain » Dr Gáspár Maróth*, Government Commissioner for National Defence Industry, Defence Development and Coordination of Armament Modernization, Hungary » Vice Admiral Carsten Stawitzki, National Armaments Director, MOD, Germany Major General (AF) Giandomenico Taricco, Director 4th Department Armament Programs Coordination, National Armaments Directorate, Italy HIGH-LEVEL DISCUSSION Morton Tiller, National Armaments Director at Ministry of Defence, Norway

10:30 Service Lounges to continue

13:00 Luncheon / Buffet

14:00 Keynote Congress Partner NN, Airbus

14:20 Keynote Speech Dr Hans C. Atzpodien, Managing Director, Federation of German Security and Defence Industries (BDSV)

14:50 Keynote Congress Partner Pasquale di Bartolomeo, Executive Group Director Sales & Business Development and Managing Director MBDA Italia

15:10 Coffee Break

15:30 Keynote Speech Ludwig Decamps, General Manager NCI Agency

16:00 Keynote Congress Partner NN, IAI

16:30 HIGH-LEVEL MILITARY FORUM The Way ahead Chair: Wolfgang Hellmich, MP, Chairman of the Defence Committee German Bundestag, Congress President BSC 2021 Speakers: Lieutenant General (MC) Dr. Ulrich Baumgärtner, Surgeon General of the Bundeswehr Joint Medical Service Vice Admiral Dr. Thomas Daum, Chief of the German CID Service Lieutenant General Alfons Mais, Chief of the German Army Lieutenant General Dr Ansgar Rieks, Deputy Chief of the German Air Force Lieutenant General Martin Schelleis, Chief of the German Joint Support and Enabling Service

FORUM HIGH-LEVEL MILITARY Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach, Chief of the German Navy

17:30 CLOSING REMARKS Wolfgang Hellmich, MP, Chairman of the Defence Committee German Bundestag, Congress President BSC 2021 Uwe Proll, Publisher and Editor-in Chief Behörden Spiegel CLOSING

*speakers requested status: 23 September 2021 Capability Lounges 1-2: Meet the German Service Chiefs and their European Colleagues

Lounge 1: Lounge 2: Land Forces Air Forces

Capabilities for Land Forces Capabilities for Air Forces

15:00 Opening of the Lounge 15:00 Opening of the Lounge Lieutenant General Alfons Mais, Chief of the German Army Lieutenant General Dr Ansgar Rieks, Vice Chief of the 15:05 Keynote Congress Partner German Air Force NN, RUAG 15:10 Keynote Congress Partner 15:25 Intelligence and Reconnaissance – Current and future NN, ...., IAI requirements for capabilities in the concurrency of Crisis 15:30 Operational Airforce / MN -Exercices Response Operations and National and Alliance Defence NN, … , Air Force Command NN, Headquarters of the German Army – Department of 16:00 Keynote Congress Partner Operations, G2 NN, Airbus 16:00 Command and Control: A new approach in time of 16:40 Operational Airforce / Air Transport digitalization NN, …, Air Force Command Brigadier General Frank Pieper, Chief Digital Officer (CDO) 17:30 End of Day 1 German Army 16:35 Multinationality - The importance of multinational cooperation in the Land Domain from the perspective of 10:30 OPENING OF DAY 2: 1 (GE/NL) Corps and Industry Keynote Congress Partner NN, Commanding General 1 (GE/NL) Corps Dr Jan Wille, Partner and Managing Director at NN, Congress Partner PwC Strategy& (Germany) GmbH 17:10 Keynote Congress Partner 10:50 Luftwaffe – Quo Vadis ? – Space Command NN, ESG NN, …, Air Force Command 17:30 End of Day 1 11:25 Responsive Space Capability Dr Dirk Zimper, German Aerospace Center (DLR) 11:45 Keynote Congress Partner 10:30 STARTING DAY 2 NN, Airbus 10:30 Keynote Congress Partner 12:05 Luftwaffe – Quo Vadis ? – Air Power Connected NN, … NN, …, Air Force Command 10:50 Capabilities and Requirements in the spectrum of light, 12:50 Summary Air Force Lounge medium and heavy forces – current status and way ahead Lieutenant General Dr Ansgar Rieks, Vice Chief of the NN, Headquarters of the German Army – Department of German Air Force Plans/Development, and International Cooperation 13:00 End of the Lounge Air Forces NN, Congress Partner 12:15 Significance of the Land Domain in modern conflict scenarios – Operational Guidelines for German Land Forces Lieutenant General Alfons Mais, Chief of the German Army Selection of topics to be discussed: 12:40 Keynote Congress Partner Under discussion with Air Force Command NN, … 13:00 End of the Lounge Land Forces

*speakers requested status: 23 September 2021 Capability Lounge 3: Meet the German Service Chiefs and their European Colleagues

Lounge 3: Naval Forces

Capabilities for Naval Forces

15:00 Introduction to the Lounges – Day One and Two 12:15 Challenges and Trends in Underwater Warfare Rear Admiral Ulrich Reineke, Director Plans & Concept, Captain Sebastian Brune, … International Cooperation, German Naval Command 12:30 PANEL DISCUSSION 15:10 The Geopolitical and Military Situation Multinational Capability Development Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach, Chief of the German Navy Chair: 15:25 Key Drivers of Capability Development from a Military NN, … Intelligence Perspective NN, Chief of Naval Intelligence 15:35 A Defence Companie’s Answers to Military Challenges DAY 2 (Lounge B - Room TOPAS 1) Oliver Dörre, CEO Thales The National Maritime Picture 11:35 PANEL DISCUSSION 15:55 PANEL DISCUSSION Introduction – Requirement for Maritime Situational Chair: Awareness Rear Admiral Ulrich Reineke, Director Plans & Concept, Rear Admiral Ulrich Reineke, Director Plans & Concept, International Cooperation, German Naval Command International Cooperation, German Naval Command 16:15 Break – Panel Reconfiguration 11:45 A German View on the Oceans 16:20 Introduction to Joint Integration and Joint Capability Planning , Maritime Coordinator Rear Admiral Ulrich Reineke, Director Plans & Concept, 12:00 The German Guidelines for the Indo-Pacific: a Maritime International Cooperation, German Naval Command Region 16:30 Joint Integration as a Prerequisite for Naval and Single Rear Admiral Axel Ristau, Director for Security and Service Capabilities Defence Policy, German Federal Ministry of Defence Prof Dr Koch, Fraunhofer FKIE 12:10 The Information Fusion Centre in Singapore 16:45 The Combat Cloud – Should FCAS Drive Joint Capability NN, … Development? 12:20 Technical Solutions for Maritime Situational Awareness NN, Airbus Frank Reich, IBM 16:55 Model Based Systems Engineering as a Basis for Successful 12:30 Airbus Contribution to Maritime Situational Awareness Projects NN, Airbus NN, IBM 12:40 The German Maritime Picture 17:05 PANEL DISCUSSION Rear Admiral Ulrich Reineke, Director Plans & Concept, Chair: International Cooperation, German Naval Command Rear Admiral Ulrich Reineke, Director Plans & Concept, Captain Thomas Burchert, … International Cooperation, German Naval Command 13:00 End of the Lounges Naval Forces 17:30 End of Day 1

10:30 STARTING DAY 2 (Lounge A – Room AMETHYST) Multinational Capability Development 10:30 Introduction - Work and Achievements of the MTMD-F Rear Admiral Ulrich Reineke, German Principal MTMD-F 10:50 A Dutch View on the Future of Integrated Maritime Theatre Missile Defence NN, DMO 11:05 DEU AMD Testbed NN, BAAINBw 11:20 Radar Technology for Integrated Air and Missile Defence Mr Müller, Hensoldt 11:30 Break – Panel Reconfiguration 11:35 The Way to U212 CD and F NSM – an Industrial View NN, Kongsberg / KTA 11:50 The Way to U212 CD and What Comes Next NN, TKMS

*speakers requested status: 23 September 2021 Capability Lounges 4-5: Meet the German Service Chiefs and their European Colleagues

Lounge 4: Lounge 5: Capabilities for Joint Support and Cyber and Information Domain Service Enabling Service Capabilities for Cyberspace and Information Capabilities for Joint Support Services Technology Forces

15:00 Opening of the Lounge – Welcome Adress 15:00 Opening of the Lounge Lieutenant General Martin Schelleis, Chief German Joint Vice Admiral Dr Thomas Daum, Chief of the German Cyber Support and Enabling Service and Information Domain Service 15:15 Keynote Congress Partner in discussion with: NN, Anavia AG Ludwig Decamps*, General Manager NCI Agency 15:45 Territorial Operations Command Martin Kaloudis, CEO BWI GmbH Lieutenant General Martin Schelleis, National Territorial 15:30 Keynote Congress Partner Commander NN, Secunet 16:15 Logistic Command 16:00 Education in the CID • Adapting & enhancing of logistic capabilities Brigadier General Rainer Simon, Commander of the • NATO/EU strategies on the mobile logistic Bundeswehr CIS School • Bi/Multinational capabilitity development Dr Garry Hargreaves*, Director NCI Academy Major General Gerald Funke, Commander Logistic 16:30 Keynote Congress Partner Command Bundeswehr NN, Atos 17:00 Keynote Congress Partner 17:00 Capabilities and Procurement in the CID NN, Ecolog Major General Dr Michael Färber, Commander Bundeswehr 17:30 End of Day 1 CIS Command Brigadier General Michael Hauschild, Head of Department Information Technology, Federal Office of Bundeswehr 10:30 STARTING DAY 2 Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support 10:30 Keynote Congress Partner Eric Lievre*, Acting Chief Operating Officer NCI Agency NN, … 17:30 End of Day 1 11:00 Miltary Police Command • MP Role & Function • Operational Scenario 10:30 START OF DAY 2 • National Frame Keynote Congress Partner • Future Capability Challenges & Gaps Dr Christoph Erdmann, CEO Secusmart Colonel G.S. Thieser, Deputy Commander Miltary Police 11:00 Service Operations in the CID Command Bundeswehr NN, CIDS HQ 11:30 CBRN Command in discussion with: • Changed CBRN-threat perception Brigadier General Ralf Hoffmann*, Director Service • Integraded CBRN-situations for national & alliance Operations NCI Agency defence Frank Leidenberger*, Chief Digital Officer BWI GmbH • consequences for further development 11:30 Keynote Congress Partner NN, Commander or Deputy Commander CBRN Command NN, 12:15 Keynote Congress Partner 12:00 Relevance of Information Security in international Context NN, … Major General Jürgen Setzer, Vice Chief of the German 12:45 Closing Remarks Cyber and Information Domain Service and Chief Information Lieutenant General Martin Schelleis, Chief German Joint Security Officer of the Bundeswehr Support and Enabling Service in discussion with: 13:00 End of the Lounge Joint Support and Enabling Service Ian West*, Chief NATO Cyber Security Centre (NCI Agency) Ulrich Schade, Director of the Bundeswehr Cyber Security Centre 12:45 Closing Remarks Vice Admiral Dr Thomas Daum, Chief of the German Cyber and Information Domain Service in discussion with: Ludwig Decamps*, General Manager NCIA Lieutenant General (ret) Frank Leidenberger, Chief Digital Officer, BWI GmbH 13:00 End of the Lounge Cyber and Information Domain Service

*speakers requested status: 23 September 2021 Capability Lounge 6: Capability Lounge 7: Meet the German Service Chiefs Meet BWI IT for Germany and and their European Colleagues their European Colleagues

Lounge 6: Capability Lounge 7: Joint Medical Service Analyse capabilities and procurement

Capabilities for Medical Service How to effectively integrate new capabilities

15:00 Opening of the Lounge Chair: Lieutenant General (ret) Frank Leidenberger, Major General (MC) Dr Norbert Weller, Chief of Staff of the Chief Digital Officer, BWI GmbH Bundeswehr Joint Medical Service Headquarters 15:10 MMCC/EMC 15:00 How we provide full IT support to the German Armed Forces Brigadier General (MC) Dr Stefan Kowitz, MBA, Director Lieutenant General (ret) Frank Leidenberger, Multinational Medical Coordination Centre/European Chief Digital Officer, BWI GmbH Medical Command (MMCC/EM) 15:30 The vision of modern IT Procurement – teaming with 15:40 Keynote Congress Partner companies under contract NN, … 16:00 Keynote Congress Partner 16:00 Keynote Speech NN, Cisco Systems GmbH Brigadier General Dr Laszlo Fazekas HUN-A, ACO Medical 16:30 Maintaining the “fleet”: Logistics and digitization Advisor, SHAPE NATO NN, Logistic Command 16:30 Medical Expertise of Military European Missions 17:00 Keynote Congress Partner (and Capability Development) NN, IBM* Lieutenant Colonel Wouter van Deele, Medical Planner, 17:30 End of Day One Military Staff (EUMS) 17:00 Keynote Congress Partner NN, … 10:30 START OF DAY 2: 17:30 End of Day 1 Looking over the horizon NN, OCCAR EA 11:00 Cooperation of BWI with start-ups and the Cyber 10:30 OPENING OF DAY 2: Innovation Hub Major General (MC) Dr Norbert Weller, Chief of Staff of the 11:30 Keynote Congress Partner Bundeswehr Joint Medical Service Headquarters NN, SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH 10:40 Keynote Congress Partner 12:00 Disruptive IT-Projects and rapid prototyping NN, … 12:30 Last Briefing: BWI’s vision for 2032 11:00 Interrelation of Health and Security / Global Health (optionally supported by Bw Consulting) Colonel, Veterinary Corps, Dr Katalyn Roßmann, Branch Chief Preventive Health Protection Operations, Bundeswehr Joint Medical Service 12:10 Keynote Congress Partner Selection of topics to be discussed: NN, … Under discussion with BWI GmbH 12:30 The Operational Concept of the Joint Medical Service – Capability Development Captain (N), Medical Corps, Dr Ralf Wieking, Head of Branch, Medical Service Planning, Concepts and Further Development, Bundeswehr Joint Medical Service Headquarters Colonel, Pharmacy Corps, Hans Guttenthaler, Head of Division, Medical Service Planning, Concepts and Further Development, Bundeswehr Joint Medical Service Headquarters 13:00 End of the Lounge Joint Medical Service

*speakers requested