More trade stories than all the others put together Issue 272 September 2019

REVOKE NONOWMOR!E SECOND CHANCES AS MAYOR REVIEWS UBER’S LICENCE Pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 2 Issue 272 - September 2019

NO REASON FOR UBER RELICENSING Firstly, I would like to say I issued were raised but one in hope you all had a welcome particular that caught Mike Brown break over the summer, by surprise was when I told him recharged your batteries and the recently licensed ViaVan on demand service was in fact the Published by are ready for what I believe will The Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd. be a momentous end to 2019. same engine as the Euro6 Vito Unit A 301.3, taxis that we have not been able Tower Bridge Business Complex Tower Point, 100 Clements Road In this edition of the Badge we to purchase since Jan1st 2018. Southwark, London SE16 4DG primarily focused on the issue of the Mike Brown informed me that he Telephone: 020 7394 5553 upcoming Uber relicensing at the had been told that the ViaVan end of this month. As you can see engines were not the same but E-mail for membership enquiries: E-mail: [email protected] from pages 3-4 and 8-9, we believe were greener and cleaner. He Web: we have set out enough evidence to then asked me to write to him show that there should be no reason with proof (which I did) - see Editor: Grant Davis in the world that Uber gets page 11 for the full breakdown. The Badge is distributed free to the Licensed London Cab Trade. relicensed this month. In fact, we For advertising enquiries please contact the office on think the evidence is so Car Free Day 020 7394 5553 or E-mail: [email protected] overwhelming that their Operator’s In case you are not aware, All advertising in The Badge is accepted under our terms and conditions. These are available licence should be revoked Sunday the 22nd September the at the LCDC office. immediately. Mayor has announced a car free Before entering into any commitment, financial or otherwise, always remember to seek day covering 12 miles of central professional advice. London as his initiative to combat The views expressed in this publication are not Meeting the necessarity those of the Editor or of the climate change. Whilst we all Management Committee of the Commissioner London Cab Driver’s Club. Last month I attended on behalf of want cleaner air (especially us Contributions for publication are welcomed the Club our quarterly meeting with who sit in it all day long) one has and should be sent to the Editor at the above address. Commissioner Mike Brown - I was to ask oneself just how relevant pleasantly surprised that the this is to solving the problem? The London Cab Drivers’ Club Ltd. meeting was attended by the Printed by Iliffe Print. T: 01223 656500 Deputy Mayor for Transport, Heidi Grant Davis, Alexander. At the meeting many LCDC Chairman Issue 272 - September 2019 3

Surely Transport for London drivers to pick up Londoners in count of failing to keep adequate that Uber are surely NOT fit and can no longer allow Uber to vehicles without “PROPER records. Uber were also ordered proper to hold an operator’s Woperate. hatINSURdANCE” aond “FAILeING TO sto pay a £i22k tcourt feetand alickence in eany way. ? As every taxi driver is aware, we KEEP ADEQUATE RECORDS”. £170 victim surchargeU all this The LCDC has also instructed are fast approaching the date Uber were ordered to pay a fine whilst still on probation. licensing lawyer, John Halford when UBER’s probationary (see pages 8-9) partner from licence is up for renewal. In this Bindman’s LLP to further edition of the Badge, we set In this edition of the Badge, pressurise TFL to investigate the unequivocal evidence as to why booking process to see whether TFL should not in any way Uber London Ltd is breaching the consider renewing Uber’s we set unequivocal evidence Local Government Act 1976 or is Operating licence. facilitating its systemic, unlawful In fact, we believe that the as to why TFL should not in evasion by Uber Britannia Ltd. evidence set out is so After receiving Mr Halford’s overwhelmingly damning that any way consider renewing initial letter, Transport for Uber’s operating licence should London refused to accept be revoked immediately. liability for any investigation, but The latest abuse of their Uber’s Operating licence. we feel strongly that after the “Probationary” 15-month licence of £14k for each count of After the shocking events at recent guilty verdicts delivered was as recent as three weeks allowing its drivers to accept Westminster Magistrates’ Court I against Uber in Westminster ago where in Westminster bookings in vehicles without the felt compelled to write to the Magistrates’ Court, it is the duty Magistrates’ Court, Uber was required hire and reward Mayor, (see pages 4-5) outlining as our Regulator to investigate fined £28,000 for allowing its insurance, and £400 for each in detail why the LCDC believes our valid concerns. 4 Issue 272 - September 2019

Rt Hon Sadiq Khan MayLor oCf LondDon C DEMANDS REVOCATION City Hall The Queens Walk London SE1 2AA 5th August 2019

Dear Mayor Khan, Uber Probationary Licence As I am sure you are aware on the 31st July 2019 at Westminster Magistrates Court, Uber London Ltd were found guilty of on two occasions allowing its drivers to accept bookings in vehicles without the required hire and reward insurance (penalty imposed £14,000 for each count) and for two offences of failing to keep adequate records (penalty imposed £400 for each count) plus Court costs and victim surcharge. It is clear with regard to the large fines imposed, how seriously the Court took these offences, noting (as is relevant) that had Uber London Ltd held a driving license upon conviction of 2 offences of not having in force the relevant insurance they would have been given a minimum of 6 points for each offence and thus would have been disqualified under the totting provisions. It is understood that Ubers fifteen month probationary license expires on the 25th September 2019, following a refusal by TFL on the 22nd September 2017 by TFL to grant Uber London Ltd a license as they were not a “fit and proper” person within the meaning of the act to hold an operator’s license. The refusal to grant Uber a license although appealed by Uber London Ltd, was done so on the unusual ground of not opposing TFL’s reasons for not renewing the license – in brief they accepted that at the time the license was refused that was the correct decision as they were not “fit and proper”. Mr. de la Mare QC, for Uber London Ltd, even argued that TFL had made the right decision on the evidence at that time, arguing instead that the last 3 inspections showed a “perfect record of compliance” and promising “total compliance to the letter and spirit” of regulatory obligations. This appeared to be a persuasive argument. In the Judgment of The Chief Magistrate, Emma Arbuthnot, recorded on the 26th June 2018, at para 15 she states: “Nine months have passed, the changes set out in the skeleton arguments have taken place. The question for this court is whether ULL can be trusted when it says it has changed and whether it will maintain the changes when these proceedings drop away”. It is submitted that this recent conviction, relating to matters which directly affect the safety of Londoners, is evidence that Uber London Ltd cannot be trusted and establishes beyond all doubt that the changes which permitted Uber London Ltd to be granted a license have predictably not been maintained once legal proceedings dropped away. Section 3(3) of The Private Hire Vehicles (London) Act 1998 sets out that TfL shall grant an operator’s licence where it is satisfied that the applicant is a “fit and proper person” to hold such a licence. In granting a license to Uber London Ltd, Chief Magistrate Arbuthnot stated: 40. I have considered the evidence and submissions in the case. I have given particular weight to the conditions that have been agreed between the parties. Taking into account the new governance arrangements, I find that whilst ULL was not a fit and proper person at the time of the Decision Letter and in the months that followed, it has provided evidence to this court that it is now a fit and proper person within the meaning of the Act. I grant a licence to ULL. 41. The length of the licence has been the subject of discussion. The rapid and very recent changes undergone by ULL lead me to conclude that a shorter period would enable TfL to test out the new arrangements. A 15-month licence will enable Ms Chapman and her team to check the results obtained by the independent assurance procedure set out in condition number 4 whilst ensuring the public are kept safe. Condition 4 is as follows: 4. Independent assurance procedure ULL shall maintain an independent assurance procedure designed to review and validate the effectiveness of its systems, policies, procedures and oversight mechanisms for promoting compliance with its obligations as a licensed operator in accordance with the 1998 Act as well as these conditions. ULL shall provide TfL with details about all existing and new customer and/or driver safety and security initiatives, safety and security related products and services and the work of ULL’s Safety Team, and the independent assurance procedure shall also include a review of these safety and security initiatives, safety and security related products and services and the work of ULL’s Safety Team. ULL shall provide the licensing authority with a copy of an independently verified assurance procedure report produced every six (6) months L.C.D.C LEADERS NOT FOLLOWERS Stop talking about it and JOIN ! Issue 272 - September 2019 5

frOom theF date oUf any BdecisioEn graRnting ’thSis Lice ncOe togePther wEith aR summAary oTf actiOons ULRL prop’oSses to taLke inI reCsponsEe to tNhat repCort. E We urge you to consider, for the purposes of section 3(3) of The Private Hire Vehicles (London) Act 1998 whether Uber London Ltd remains a “fit and proper person” to hold such a licence. If, as accepted by all (including Uber London Ltd and The Chief Magistrate), the refusal by TFL to grant an operator’s license to Uber London Ltd on the 22nd September 2017 was the correct decision surely now, having promised a “perfect record of compliance” and promising “total compliance to the letter and spirit” which Uber London Ltd have spectacularly failed to maintain, even for the 15 months of their probationary license, it is submitted that a decision must NOW be made to immediately revoke Uber London Ltd’s operator’s license. The Chief Magistrate was clear of the importance of “ensuing the public are kept safe” which it is submitted can never be the case when an operator permits uninsured drivers onto the street of the capital to ferry around unsuspecting fee-paying passengers. Uber London Ltd are not fit to hold a driving license (nor would they if they were an individual) let alone an operator’s license. Condition 4 has clearly been breached, the public are not being kept safe – Uber London Ltd are not complying with either the spirit or the letter of compliance and we respectfully demand that action must now be taken to protect the public and restore London’s reputation as a safe city in which to travel. I look forward to your urgent reply. Yours sincerely,

Grant Davis Chairman London Cab Drivers Club

SADIQ KHAN GRANT DAVIS ‘Calling all drivers..! Do you need a cab?’



8 Issue 272 - September 2019

provision for the invitation or (2) alternatively, if UB is evading of the solicitor handling this (section 4(5) [EX1/C/2/99]). I LCDC LaccEeptanGce of boAokingsL for TlocEal liceAncing reMgulation b y DmEatter.M The signaAture onN the 4 DundeSrstand thaTt the rFeasonL why John Halford Uber vehicles from the ghost making provision in London for July 2019 letter is illegible and only licensed operators can Bindmans offices either ULL or UB make the invitation or acceptance of the name underneath, “Mayor accept private hire bookings, LLP that provision using a bookings for Uber vehicles in of London”, is clearly not the and only at specified operating combination of the Uber App respect of non-London signatory. centres, is that Parliament and staff and computer bookings, that would also call considered it important that equipment located at ULL’s into question ULL’s fitness and 11. Correspondence should be such bookings are accepted by operator premises in London. propriety because: directed to John Halford, persons who are fit and proper This is unlawful as our 5 June Partner, who can be contacted to fulfil the role. A fit and proper 2019 letter explained. The 1976 (a) in deciding to refuse ULL a on 020 7833 4433 or via email operator will (amongst other Act requires licenced operators London operator’s licence in at [email protected]. things) pay sufficient regard to such as UB to make such September 2017, TfL correctly Please mark all public safety, keep proper Transport for London provision from locally licensed recognised that fitness and correspondence relating this records, handle complaints Legal operators’ premises. Section propriety under s.3(3) matter with reference appropriately and be subject to Petty France 55A of the 1976 Act (which was embraces matters such as the 264550/1/JHL. inspection and regulation.” 55 Broadway added by s.11 of the evasion of regulation in London Deregulation Act 2015) allows a licencing jurisdictions regimes Details of the matter being 18. In this way, Ms Chapman SWIH OBD licenced operator outside outside London (indeed challenged correctly recognised the links London who has already aboard) and is not confined to between the means by which Dear Sir or Madam, accepted a booking in the the actions of ULL alone, 12. The 4 July 2019 decision Uber group companies accept manner contemplated by the especially given the corporate and/or ongoing failure to of bookings, acceptance at Proposed claim for judicial statute to then subcontract with structure of the Uber group of investigate the LCDC’s specified operating centres, review by the London Cab another person to provide a companies; and concerns as set out in the 5 ULL’s fitness and propriety as Drivers Club Ltd vehicle to carry it out by June 2019 letter. an operator and TfL’s regulation supplying a vehicle, including (b) TfL agreed special Interested parties to the of ULL in the public interest. 1. As you know, we are by subcontracting with a conditions with ULL as regards proposed claim instructed by the London Cab London operator. However, that its ‘probationary license’ 19. Secondly, in her first Driver’s Club (‘the LCDC’) of exception is narrowly and (granted as a result of the 13. The LCDC considers ULL statement at paragraphs 311 to Block A, Unit A301.3, The carefully drafted. It does not appeal determined by Senior and UB to be interested parties 341, Ms Chapman also Biscuit Factory, 100 Clements permit a non-London operator District Judge and Chief to the proposed claim and we explains how ULL’s bookings Road, London, SE16 4DG. such as UB to accept non- Magistrate, Emma Arbuthnot will copy this correspondence have been made since March London bookings in London, on 26 June 2018 (‘ULL’s to their solicitors, Hogan 2018. On the face of things, the 2. On 5 June 2019, we wrote nor does it allow a London London Appeal’)) which Lovells, Atlantic House Holborn arrangements apply equally to on the LCDC’s behalf asking operator such as ULL to accept expressly cover evasion of Viaduct, London EC1A 2FG. If non-London bookings Transport for London (‘TfL’) to those bookings directly. regulation in other jurisdictions, you consider there are other purportedly made through UB investigate what appears to be including (but not limited to) interested parties to this claim, as a local 1976 Act-licensed a widespread, serious and 5. You responded to the 5 June evasion using ULL’s software. please identify them in your operator. If so, ULL is both systemic problem involving 2019 letter on 4 July stating that response. making provision for both Uber London Ltd (‘ULL’) our “concerns are directed at 7. TfL is about to redetermine acceptance of non-London which, as you know, holds a UBL’s operations under the whether ULL is a fit and person Factual background to the bookings and accepting those London private hire vehicle 1976 Act, for which TfL is not to hold a PHV operator’s claim bookings. (‘PHV’) operator’s licence and responsibleU Licensing licence because ULL’s its sister company, Uber authorities outside London are probationary licence expires ‘Ghost offices’ ULL and other Uber group Britannia Ltd (‘UB’). responsible for ensuring next month. TfL must approach companies’ evasion of compliance by their operators that decision properly taking 14. Please see paragraph 5 regulatory regimes 3. The problem has two with the 1976 Act and any into account relevant matters, above and paragraphs 2 to 4 elements. First, UB holds PHV licenses granted under that which include those and 25 to 31 of our 5 June 20. As you are aware, on 22 operators’ licences granted by legislation”. You invited us to summarised above. Choosing, 2019 letter. September 2017, TfL took a various local licensing take up the LCDC’s concerns or failing, to do so is an unlawful decision that ULL was not a fit authorities around the UK with non-London licensing abdication of TfL’s regulatory 15. Two points from that letter and proper person to hold a under s.55 of the Local authorities, or direct with UB. functions. bear emphasising. PHV operators’ licence in Government (Miscellaneous London. It was based on three Provisions) Act 1976 (‘the 1976 6. Your response was unlawful, 8. The LCDC plans to 16. First, as discussed at factors: Act’). However, the LCDC has as is TfL’s ongoing failure to challenge the decision which paragraphs 13 to 16, a locally learned that UB does not, in investigate ULL’s role in respect the 4 July 2019 letter based operating centre model (1) ULL had misled TfL in 2014 reality, make provision for the of ghost offices. In summary, communicates and the ongoing is an intrinsic part of the as to the process by which invitation or acceptance of that is because TfL has a failure to investigate its scheme established by the Uber vehicle bookings are bookings for Uber vehicle from statutory responsibility to concerns by means of a judicial 1976 Act in order to facilitate accepted through the Uber many of the premises in regulate ULL under the Private review claim in the regulation by local licensing app; respect of which those licenses Hire Vehicles (London) Act Administrative Court. This letter authorities. have been granted. The 1998 (‘the 1998 Act’) and: constitutes a letter before claim (2) as regards a piece of premises from which no in accordance with the Pre- 17. This is accepted by TfL. Ms software called ‘Greyball’ which provision is made, known in the (1) if, as appears to be the Action Protocol for Judicial Chapman’s London Appeal is open to misuse by Uber taxi trade as ‘ghost offices’, are case, ULL is making provision Review. As such, it offers TfL evidence is useful in one other group companies to avoid not staffed at all or have a very for the invitation or acceptance the opportunity to reconsider respect. At paragraph 13 of her regulatory oversight: limited staff presence (for of bookings for Uber vehicles in and change its position on she said this by way of an instance, staff may call in once respect of non-London investigation so the planned explanation of the structure of “ULL had assured TfL that a week to collect post or bookings, then it is committing claim becomes unnecessary. the current UK licensing Greyball had not been used for possibly make local records). licensing offences contrary to regime: the purposes of evading The LCDC understands that s.46(1)(d) and (2) of the 1976 9. Please confirm receipt by regulatory enforcement in most of UB’s s.55 licensed Act many times each day, return and let us have your “PHV operator's licence shall London. However, TfL did not offices are ghost offices. which would seriously call into substantive response no later not in London accept a private consider that ULL had been question whether ULL is a fit than 10 September 2019. hire booking other than at an open and transparent about 4. The second element of the and proper person to continue Reference details and legal operating centre specified in his Greyball, despite having been problem is ULL’s role in all of to hold a London operators’ advisors licence. A London PHV given ample opportunity to this. Instead of making licence for the purposes of operator that contravenes that state its position clearly. In s.3(3) of the 1998 Act; 10. Please confirm the identity provision is guilty of an offence particular, the extent to which Issue 272 - September 2019 9

those responsible for Uber's operations in any jurisdiction where a Relevant Metropolitan Borough Council [1977] AC bookings itself under s.55A(1), which is inI LoNndon wVere awaEre of Sor involTved in IGPersonA is or hTas beeEn em ploUyed or BE1014 Rwill be p arPticularlyR onerouOs. CnoEt whaSt Ms ChS apman describes as decisions about the use of Greyball in engaged by an Uber Company at the The legal basis for the proposed claim happening in her first statement. Only other jurisdictions only became clear time of such use or proposed use of any for judicial review then would UB be permitted to sub- after repeated and persistent software, tool or other mechanism contract with ULL to provide vehicles to questioning from TfL.” (including Greyball and Ripley) (i) to 28. As summarised above, the proposed carry out those bookings. interfere with or evade any regulatory claim has two linked bases. Both arise (see paragraph 52(b) of the first enforcement action or (ii) for any from TfL’s statutory responsibility to 34. Evasion of regulation by Uber statement of Helen Chapman for the improper purpose. For these purposes regulate ULL under the 1998 Act which companies in other jurisdictions will be London Appeal); and ‘proposed use’ means a use proposed were correctly described by Ms relevant to ULL’s fitness and propriety, or endorsed (whether implicitly or Chapman in the London Appeal. as Ms Chapman’s own evidence in the (3) ULL had demonstrated a lack of explicitly) by a Senior Manager or London Appeal repeatedly says: see corporate responsibility in relation to a Director.” ULL’s conduct paragraphs 16 to 19 above. Even more number of other issues with potential specifically, misuse of any software by public safety implications. and clause 9 states: 29. TfL must satisfy itself of ULL’s fitness ULL or UB to evade regulatory oversight and propriety, having regard to a broad in other jurisdictions will be relevant to 21. The second of these factors is “ULL shall not use any software, tool or range of factors including, but not limited ULL’s fitness and propriety: see important in the present context any other mechanism to interfere with or to, those listed in its policy. “[A]nything paragraph 22 above. because it illustrates the proper scope of evade any enforcement action by a which a reasonable and fair-minded TfL’s regulatory responsibilities under regulatory or law enforcement authority, decision maker, acting in good faith and 35. It is no answer to say that a local s.3(3) of the 1998 Act. Ms Chapman including the licensing authority.” with proper regard to the interests both authority in which UB holds a PHV elaborated on this elsewhere in her Legal framework of the public and the applicant, could operators’ licence can take action evidence for the London Appeal: see, for properly think it right to rely on” is against UB if it is breaching the 1976 example, paragraphs 122 to 162 of her Non-London operators’ licenses relevant: see McCool, paragraph 23 Act. That does not change TfL’s first statement. Significantly, she rejects above. responsivities to regulate ULL generally ULL’s repeated argument that use of 23. See paragraphs 10 to 20 of our 4 and in line with the terms of its Greyball outside the UK by other Uber June 2019 letter. 30. Misconduct by ULL or another Uber probationary licence. group companies had no relevance to TfL’s responsibilities as ULL’s regulator group company will certainly be relevant: The action that TfL, as proposed ULL’s fitness and propriety. For instance, see International Sporting Club, Defendant, is asked to take at paragraph 134 of her first statement, 24. TfL was established by s. 154 of the paragraph 24 above. On any view, she states (our emphasis): Greater London Authority Act 1999. Its misconduct would embrace large scale, 36. TfL is asked to confirm it will: functions include licensing private hire systemic breaches of licensing law, i.e. “I consider that it is relevant to ULL's operators, drivers and vehicles in the 1976 Act directly by ULL in other (1) promptly and fully investigate the fitness to be a licence holder that its London, under the 1998 Act. jurisdictions. LCDC’s concerns as set out in the 5 previous director holds directorships in June 2019 letter; and other countries where there is a 25. Before it grants or renews a PHV 31. Our 5 June 2019 letter set out a possibility that Greyball technology has operators’ licence, TfL must be satisfied credible, evidence-based prima facie (2) reach and communicate (including to been used for the purposes of interfering that the operator is a “fit and proper case that ULL is using software to make the LCDC) an evidence-based with or impeding regulatory person” to hold a licence. In McCool v provision for the invitation or acceptance conclusion on them; enforcement. It has been admitted by Rushcliffe BC 1998 WL 1043984, Lord of bookings for Uber vehicles in respect ULL that Mr van der Woude had Bingham CJ held that a licensing of non-London bookings. Some of the before determining any future ULL PHV authority to authorise the use of Greyball authority must have a good reason for evidence comes from TfL’s principal operators licence application. technology in other jurisdictions by virtue determining that an applicant is not fit witness in the London Appeal, Ms Alternative Dispute Resolution (‘ADR’) of his position within the Uber group.” and proper, but may take into account Chapman. If ULL is doing so, it is proposal any factor that a r easonable and fair- committing offences contrary to and at paragraph 248 to 263 noted that minded decision maker may rely on. At s.46(1)(d) and (2) of the 1976 Act many 37. The LCDC is willing to engage in Greyball’s use “in other jurisdictions” §25 he said this: times each day. That a matter that is ADR in the form of a confidential was a matter that remained of concern. “What will be (or may be) a good reason directly relevant to ULL’s fitness and roundtable discussion of this claim with This issue is also discussed in the will vary from case to case and vary propriety as a London PHV operator and TfL’s representatives, provided that can judgment on the London appeal at according to the context in which those TfL has accepted as much in the past. happen expeditiously. We remind you of paragraphs 11 and 24. words appearU it is appropriate for the This is put beyond doubt by the terms of your obligation to give meaningful and local authority or justices to regard as a ULL’s probationary licence: see clear reasons if you decide to decline 22. We also note that when the London good reason anything which a paragraphs 22 and 27 above. such an ADR offer: see PGF II SA v Appeal was heard, ULL had accepted reasonable and fair-minded decision OMFS Company Ltd [2013] EWCA Civ TfL was right to conclude it had not been maker, acting in good faith and with 32. It is not lawfully open to TfL to 1288. a fit and proper person to hold a PHV proper regard to the interests both of the abdicate its investigatory and regulatory operator’s licence in September 2017. public and the applicant, could properly functions in respect of these matters on Information and documents sought Its position was that it had reformed itself think it right to rely on.” the basis that local authorities could since then and adopted a different investigate them. Only TfL can Please provide the documented analysis culture, including accepting the need for 26. Misconduct by a would-be licence determine whether ULL is a fit and of ULL’s software undertaken in 2018 regulation, to the extent that TfL’s holder, including in a different corporate proper person to hold a London and any other documents held by TfL concerns were historical. That was guide will always be a relevant factor: operator’s licence given ULL’s role in that have a bearing on ULL’s role in accepted in the London Appeal see R v Knightsbridge Crown Court, ex making provision for the invitation or making provision for the invitation or judgment (and recently endorsed by the parte International Sporting Club [1982] acceptance of bookings for Uber acceptance of bookings for Uber Divisional Court). However, ULL also QB 304, 318. vehicles in respect of non-London vehicles in respect of non-London agreed that its future regulatory bookings. bookings directly or in any way that compliance in other jurisdictions was a 27. Where, as here, a licence is granted assists UB. matter for TfL to assess in relation to its on a ‘probationary’ basis expressly UB’s conduct fitness and propriety. That is clear from intended to allow an operator to Concluding remarks clauses 3, 7, 8, 9 and 13 of the demonstrate that past concerns about its 33. Alternatively, if UB is somehow probationary licence granted as a result fitness and propriety have been making provision from its non-London Please acknowledge safe receipt of this of the appeal. For instance, clause 8.b. addressed, TfL will need take future ghost offices for acceptance of non- letter promptly and provide a substantive requires ULL to report to TfL any: decisions very carefully, on a fulling London bookings using the Uber App, response by no later than close on 10 informed basis after appropriate contrary all appearances, that in itself is September 2019, as requested above. “U use or proposed use by ULL, UBL, investigations are concluded. The duty not sufficient to meet the criteria of the Uber BV, UTI or any other affiliated Uber identified in Secretary of State for sub-contracting exception. UB would Yours faithfully Group company (“an Uber Company”) Education and Science v Tameside need to also be ‘accepting’ those Bindmans LLP

Issue 272 - September 2019 11 SO MUCH FOR BEING CLEANER! Figures show Via Van claim is incorrect

Issue 272 - September 2019 13 Dutch minister: I did not have

AMScTERDAoM (Rneuterst) - act with Uber on tax plan The top Dutch tax politician The company said the has denied meeting intellectual property move led representatives of Uber to an increase of $6.1 billion Technologies, in answer to in “foreign tax assets” - that is, questions from parliament investment costs that can be about why the company deducted from eventual has been allowed to claim a profits. On Aug. 8, Uber provisional $6.1 billion tax reported a core operating loss write-off in the Netherlands. of $656 million. The remarks by State Uber disclosed in June that its Secretary of Finance Menno 2013-2014 tax filings are Snel come as the Dutch being audited by the U.S. government has embarked on Internal Revenue Service, a campaign to reform its and its taxes for 2010-2019 reputation as an enabler of remain unresolved in multiple tax avoidance by jurisdictions including the multinationals. Netherlands. “We do not systematically Snel said in answer to track contacts between (tax) questions from lawmaker officials and ... companies, Pieter Omtzigt that “in but in general it is true that general” intangible assets such contacts take place,” could be amortized in the Snel said in a letter to Netherlands, offsetting profits parliament published on earned there. Friday. But he declined to comment “For myself, I can say that I on any specific case. have not had contact with an Uber representative.” Omtzigt said on Monday there had been a rush of In an Aug. 9 SEC filing, Uber companies in the first half of said it had moved a Bermuda 2019 seeking advance subsidiary that owns approval from Dutch tax difficulty in even finding rulings”, but they can also intellectual property to the authorities for tax plans somebody to communicate seek informal advice, as Uber An Uber spokeswoman said Netherlands, “primarily to before a set of loopholes with.” appears to have done. on Monday the company is align its structure to its closed on July 1. “committed to openness and evolving operations.” Oxfam tax expert Francis “It would surprise me if Uber transparency with tax “It definitely appears that the Weyzig said Snel’s comments were the only one doing this,” authorities around the world.” San Francisco-based Uber tax service has been very were remarkable, as they Weyzig said. headquarters its international helpful to companies,” he suggest that not only can Uber is “faithful to both the operations in Amsterdam, said. “If only they would be so companies seek formal The finance ministry could not letter and intent of the laws in where it now has more than helpful to low-income advice from the government immediately be reached for the many jurisdictions where 1,000 employees. individuals, who have great in the form of “advance tax comment. we operate,” she said. Parents warned not to allow children to use Uber alone Parents have been warned The Sunday Telegraph journey cancellations and The company policies have Harry Campbell, an Uber not to allow their children spoke to multiple parents refusals." come under scrutiny in driver and blogger, founder to travel in Uber cars as who admitted allowing their A Transport for London recent months after a 12- of the website the Rideshare drivers complain that they underage children to travel spokesman said its year-old girl from Florida Guy and author of The are under pressure to pick in the cars alone using a regulations require driversto travelled alone in an Uber to Rideshare Guide, said: “It's up unaccompanied parent's account, something undergo enhanced a multi-storey car park using an issue that Uber and Lyft children even though it’s which is against the terms background checks, which her mother’s phone and are keenly aware about, but against the rules of the and conditions of the app. would allow them in theory paid for it using a gift card, obviously, they make a lot of app. James Farrar, the chair of to transport unaccompanied before jumping to her death. money off these rides. The taxi app has a United Private Hire Drivers children. Many parents said they "So they sort of sweep it worldwide policy which bars branch of the IWGB union, Uber said that despite this, it were concerned about under the rug and shift a lot under-18s from setting up said: "Drivers in the UK are does not allow minors letting their teenage children of the risk and liability onto accounts or riding alone. increasingly worried about because they cannot enter drive at night in busy cities, drivers." Drivers are told to check minors using ride share contracts or use a credit or take unreliable public He said Uber should require ages by asking for ID, but services. card. Its policies state that transport, and saw Uber as passengers to provide ID many are concerned about "As it stands, they face an drivers should not be a safer alternative. when signing up for the app, offending their passengers unwinnable dilemma - they penalised for refusing to Neither Uber nor its biggest something it already does or losing out on earnings if are often pressured into pick up an unaccompanied US rival Lyft ask for proof of for users of its Jump bicycle they have to decline an accepting minors out of fear child. age when signing up new and scooter programme in underage customer. of being penalised for Show more customers. some cities.

Issue 272 - September 2019 15

Hakkasan Mayfair, In Desperate WILL UBER BE PLYING FOR Need Of Same Taxi Rank Markings As Novikovs TRADE... OR PLYING FOR HIRE, 11pm Tuesday night (27/08/19), saw the five Taxi rank at Hakkasan completely occupied by three Private hire vehicles, two of which are pictured above, and also Either wWay, pIlyTingH for THEIR NEW KIOSKS? two high end customer cars. trade/plying for hire are This has now become a regular sight throughout the West both considered in End and Mayfair. legislation to be illegal to August has seen the normal influx of tourists from the Private Hire vehicles. Middle East. Any form of regulation seems to be shut down For the first 10 years of its at this time of year, as the West End is overrun with illegal existence, Uber was useless parking and hoards of illegal electrical powered Rickshaw to anyone without a bikes. smartphone as the concept If you complain to the police, they just say “this is low priority could only operated as an offence and they have no officers available to attend any app. incidents that may arise from these issues”. Now they have What's become even more apparent, is the complete lack contemporaries, who have of enforcement from both TfL and Westminster Traffic adopted exactly the same Marshals. technology, in the form of Ola, I took it upon myself again on Tuesday night, to inform the Kapten, Bolt and ViaVan. three Private Hire cars parked on the rank that they were in But this is all about to contravention of their licence, by parking on a licensed Taxi change. rank. Their response was the same I always get, a mixture Earlier this month, Uber rolled of laughs and profanity. No help from the door staff who say out a kiosk at Toronto's (rightly so), it's not their job to police the rank. Pearson International Airport The MiniCab drivers don't even get upset anymore, even that allows passengers to when you take photos and threaten to report them to TfL, actually book a ride without a which points to a possibility (what we've always suspected) smartphone. that our complaints about this type of problem at Taxi The company says it's new Ranks, are falling on death ears. idea has been designed to Luckily enough, while I was parked on the bus stop, waiting create greater access for for the Minicabs to move....along came a Westminster traffic travellers who might have a marshal on a moped. He parked at the front of the rank and difficult time using the app, as soon as he produced his ticket book the three Minicabs because of language or decided they weren't brave enough to stick it out and technical problems such as; proceeded to move off. I pulled forward onto the rank and no battery, no signal and even was joined by another driver in a Vito. no smart phone. There's no word yet on where similar less complicated As other taxis were just driving by, we had to spread out a One of the systems designers the next locations might be version 10tears ago in the city, bit, to made sure no other minicabs could occupy the rank. said on Twitter: next, but the company says it where a lamppost style The warden ticketed the two private cars at the front of the “Much of the technology in the hopes to use them to increase beacon was erected. rank but it's a shame he failed to take the numbers of the kiosk is similar to what's used access at high-volume venues Potential customers only had three Minicabs as its a straight away offence with no time in "green light" hubs, where like airports, mainline rail and to press a red button and this period, which means that PCNs can be issued straight the company on-boards coach stations and even in was said to be enough to be away. I did offer the Marshal the registration numbers and drivers.” busy hotels with a smaller classed as a ore booking. photographic evidence...but he wasn't interested and The same kiosks are also Concierge foyer version. Unfortunately for that declined my offer. being used in shopping malls The equipment looks like an company, some one kept It's about time this rank was marked out properly as is in the San Francisco area. ATM machine and uses a 32 putting super glue on the Sketch (finally), Nobu and Novikov. I remember members Anurag Agarwalla, head of inch top monitor. Below is a button rendering the beacon of the joint ranks committee telling me it was a waste of time Uber's innovation team for its 10.5 inch iPad Air. To the side useless. trying to get a rank at Novikov's technology services group, is a swipe/chip and Pin CC In the end, the company gave Most of the aggregation at Hakkasan comes from the fact, said in a blog post: reader to make payments. up. the drivers committing these contraventions don't realise it's "One influence for the Uber Make no mistake, this is More up to date systems (on actually a working rank as the tiny signage on the lamppost kiosk came from arcade coming and sooner than you a slightly smaller scale are is confusing and easily missed. This rank needs marking games, which, compared to a would think. Even if Uber are already being used by hotels out, not once a week untrained marshals from a certain org PC at home, creates a social refused a licence, other and clubs to summoned that take it more as a coffee break than a marshalling job. environment inviting others to companies are already looking private hire vehicles for their While we are on about Mayfair Ranks, surely it's time we help the primary user. at this system. guests. had a proper rank outside Annabel's. There is a definite need "That attribute, along with a Even Credit Card clearance and Taxis are forced to form a pop up rank most nights. live support representative, company CMT have concierge Where are the Joint Ranks Committee with their brings in a human element we TAXI LEAKS equipment in hotels and chairperson Richard Massett on these important issues ? wanted to highlight." EXTRA BIT: hospitals which dispatch jobs Are they waiting and seeing in the fashion of their mentors We have already seen a to their Taxi drivers. at W9?

Issue 272 - September 2019 17 London Taxi PR announces the launch of ‘All Hail the Street Hail’ advertising campaign London Taxi PR (LTPR), an and will also include some funded by fellow London Taxi organisation which subtle messaging such as, drivers as well as supportive represents the interests of ‘Mobile Data not Required’, companies and organisations, the Licensed London Taxi and includes a reminder that many of whom have signed up profession, has announced ALL London Taxis accept all to donate to the cause on a the launch of its new major credit cards as well. monthly basis, indicating how advertising and promotional passionate they all are about campaign, celebrating 365 With the increased usage and their industry and the cause. years of hailing a London licensing of Apps to hail Taxis, London Taxi PR. Passionate Taxi, ‘All Hail the Street Hail’, it was felt that the general about promoting and which has now gone live public needed a reminder of preserving the iconic London across major billboard not only how long the Taxi trade and funded by advertisement locations traditional London Taxi has London Taxi drivers who care throughout London. been serving and transporting about their industry. customers in London, but also The campaign, which is being just how easy and simple it is For more information on displayed initially for one month to hail a London Taxi rather London Taxi PR and their at 24 prime central London than using your mobile phone. campaigns, please visit their digital billboard location sites, website with the assistance of digital Since their formation, London media out of home advertising Taxi PR has undertaken a company, London Lites, will series of targeted media also include the usage and campaigns, which are being display of the advertisement on used by London Taxi PR to some rooftop signage display promote the benefits, boards of London Taxis. advantages and safety of using the iconic London Taxi to a Carrying the main message, wide audience. ‘All Hail the Street Hail’, the new campaign celebrates 365 All the campaigns and publicity years of the traditional hailing that has so far been generated of London Taxi from the street, by the company has been

Issue 272 - September 2019 19

hard on the trade’s behalf for a fairer, our standard as a London taxi driver. AS AN L.C.D.C and more safer future at Heathrow. Recently we have held meetings to work  RANKS AND HIGHWAYS against the ULEZ strategy and the MEMBER YOU The LCDC attend the Joint Ranks introduction of taxi age limits. committee, working hard for more  CLUB PROTECTA ranks and more access for the taxi To help drivers who have acquired WILL RECEIVE: trade in London. twelve points keep their licence.  24 HOUR DUTY SOLICITOR  CAB TRADE ADVICE EXCLUSIVE TO THE CAB TRADE All members can call the office for Your 24 Hr duty solicitor hotline any information or up to the date membership card. news on any trade related subject. Peace of mind 24 hrs of the day.  TRADE’S FUTURE  FULL LEGAL COVER The Club worked tirelessly in bringing Our fantastic team of City Of London in the green & yellow identifiers to based solicitors and barristers, the taxi trade. experts in and And are always working hard to road traffic law. protect our future. JUST Join over the  COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS As a member of the LCDC, we will  CAB TRADE REPRESENTATION phone - just call deal with any complaint that has been We are working hard to work with £3 per made against you by members of the members of the GLA and also and we’ll take public. politicians to fight our corner against month Also we will attend the LTPH with you TFL and was a major influence in the recent your payment on any personal appeals that would “ future proof” document. affect your licence. details  HEATHROW AIRPORT  VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATION The Club works alongside LTC and * £12 per month is tax deductible With our reps at the airport working Mercedes to deliver a vehicle that meets

JOIN THE LCDC IN JUST FIVE 1: CMall I0N20U 7T39E4S 55! 53 2: Get the DD link sent to your phone 3: Activate the link 4: You are now a member of the London Cab Drivers’ Club


Issue 272 - September 2019 21

WShy is Iit cMalled SimPple ALs E AS FAT WITH JOHN GandA runs oUn that Nand whT en Fat? that runs out it starts burning It’s called that because we through your stored body fat. don’t believe in counting calories or portion size Exercise? We believe the best way to Simply walking! eat, is eating good animal fat, You don’t need to join a gym saturated fat, low carbs, high or go jogging but just go for a fat and NO sugar walk. I know that is the one thing you lot don’t do very Isnt that bad and much of, because let’s face it, something that should be you are sitting on your lardy feared? backside all day and probably No! not eating the right things We have been told for the In fact you should come last 50 years or so, that down to Russell Square saturated fat that you will find shelter on Tuesday October in animal fat for example is 1st in the afternoon where we bad for us and leads to all show you cabbies a healthier sorts of diseases, including way of eating and you can go heart attacks and type 2 for a walk around Russell diabetes Square as well and I will We don’t agree with this and have all the answers to your nor do some eminent excuses, I mean questions. scientists. And let’s face it your job What has also happened is, depends on your health, so they have confused the fats. do yourself a favour, For example, the type of fats come down to the Cab that we are saying are good, shelter in Russell Square on are the fats you get from the 1st of October in the meat, fish, dairy afternoon sometime and we (Eggs,Cheese,double cream) will show you how to eat the avocados and nuts (Not Simple As Fat Way. peanuts, those are peas - clue is in the title). We are giving a year’s We say you should cook with subscription to Simple As Fat olive oil, pure butter (Not Low for a year by way of a fat or Lite), Lard, and competition by answering Coconut oil, the pure way your simple question which is and avoid the bad fats like mass produced vegetable oil, Which London radio station rape seed oil, Mazola, Etc Conspiracy? carb, high fat was the way to Carbs turn to glucose in your was I, Jon Gaunt on for over whic h have been promoted Maybe but I don’t think so, go. body almost immediately, so 5 years and I loved it instead, which are not good Bottom line is, this fat does Let me make it clear, this is Potatoes, Bread, Pasta, Rice types of fat. not end up in your veins and based on Kitogenics which and beer (Liquid bread) must Send your answer to I say we have been conned we have got top scientists on has been around since the be avoided. They all turn to [email protected] or over the last fifty years by our website saying this, 1920s and the Banting diet glucose which is in turn to @mickthebrit on Twitter being given bad advice and including the eminent which has been around for stored around your midriff. it’s this bad advice that has cardiologist Dr.Asem over a century which is based Our way is that your body Tell us about your website made us fat and lead to Malhotra, Zoe Harcombe and on low carbs. gets used to the saturated fat other diseases. It’s about Professor Tim Noakes saying I have a load of diet books eating the right types of fat this. that just end up sitting on the and that is why we have kept In fact if you go to our shelf and it was my daughter it simple and called it As website, you can see a free that said we should be on Simple As Fat podcast there by Zoe social media Harcombe dispelling the myth But we have been told about Cholesterol. Our website is eating fat is bad and We have been deliberately should be feared? confused about the types of That is exactly the problem. fats. There you can look and listen Havard university in the USA Every time you see Low fat or to some articles for free, but over 50 years ago, came out Lite on the label, avoid! once you sign up, you will with a study that demonized This is because, they are have access to over 100 good animal fat in favour of instead loaded with sugar to podcasts, recipes and of agriculture and sugar, which make it taste good. course access to our closed has since been found was We say Sugar is bad, not the facebook group page on sponsored by the sugar good saturated fats. which I do 2 live T.V. shows a industry! I learnt from professor Tim week answering your Bottom line, good fat does Noakes you can’t outrun a questions live and unscripted not kill you, it’s excess sugar bad diet and if you really want and the big food companies’ to lose weight, it’s about what processed foods that are we put in our mouths. cheaper to produce with a I learnt after doing some Thank you Gaunty and I look higher profit margin and research that it’s not about forward to seeing you longer shelf life that they starving or denying yourself October 1st in the afternoon want on the food shelves. and really discovered that low down at the Russell Square Cab shelter with Katie 22 Issue 272 - September 2019 Walker on the March... London Bridge was the only dry General were getting them passed crossing over the Thames until the before this amendment. There were early 1600s. This was in no small part favours for the boys even then. due to the objections of the watermen FROM ROWING BOATS against the building of new bridges. TURN OF THE The watermen were the forerunners TO ELECTRIC; THE of the hackney carriage trade. 20TH CENTURY The lack of bridges gave plenty of work There followed too many different to the wherries (or ferries) and the 2,000 HISTORY OF THE CAB makers of cabs to mention but none or so wherries operating on the water the trade (1838). He then delegated the shillings (£2.50 in new money). gained ascendency until the gave work to 3,000 boatmen. job to The met police in 1850 and Mann & Overton first came on the cab Beardmore came on scene in 1915 at Carriages never really got going in subsequently the PCO was established scene in 1904. This was the firm that sold a price of £795 but this was quickly London until the mid 1500s due to the in 1869. London Taxis. They were still the reduced to £405 because a Unic terrible state of the roads. Next on the scene were the monopoly supplier of cabs, made by could still be had for £405. Although there are records of ferrymen Hummingbirds. This was an electric cab , when I appeared on the If only we had that sort of competition operating as far back as medieval times, and was introduced in 1987.In the same scene at the very end of the 70s. today. A Citroen cab could be had for Henry VIII first regulated them and their year the Daimler Victoria came on the They were then taken over by a £395 in 1921. M&O brought out the Unic fares in a 1514 statute. At the same time scene – a petrol alternative to the horse. conglomerate, Rio Tinto Zinc, I think Gate in the mid 20s for £625. The Yellow Trinity House was given authorization to The poor old horse had no chance with around the end of the 80s. A subsidiary Cab followed at £590 in 1923. give sailors between voyages temporary these motorized cabs. Not only were of RTZ – Manganese Bronze - then took In the period between the Great licences to ply the water . This caused motor cabs quicker, they were cheaper over. Later this became London Taxis Depression and the onset of World War upset to the regular watermen and to feed and stable than a horse. International. The firm was in deep doo II, M&O took an unassailable lead in the brawls often ensued. The company of Watermen was established in 1514 and then in 1555 it received a royal charter and began a one year apprenticeship ( the first incarnation of The Knowledge). This apprenticeship was increased to seven years after a an Act passed in 1603 as a result of too many lives being lost, people injured or property lost as a result of poor watercraft by the boatmen. There is no record of sexual assaults or rape but there was no Uber back then. On “passing out” a boatman became a freeman of the company and even received a retirement pension if they were poor enough to qualify. The Company of Watermen is still at St Mary at Hill but although still a City Guild is no longer recognised as a livery company. In 1715, Thomas Doggett, an actor and theatre manager – and he of Doggett’s Coat and Badge fame at Blackfriars Bridge – founded a sculling race to be contested by six watermen. The race took place between Swan Stairs by London Bridge to The Sawn Tavern, Chelsea. This race is said to be the world’s oldest continuous sporting event. Nowadays, we seem to have a regular The PCO then came up with the doo by the turn of the 21st century. market when they introduced the Austin race between a PHV, Taxi and Taxibike. “” pretty much as we Losing money hand over fist, they began taxi. It went on sale in 1929 and was a ¾ know them today. Only two body types selling the family silver and even ended Landau and in looks, obviously were allowed in 1903. The first was up selling their based in Holloway road influenced the look of the FX3 much HACKNEY CARRIAGES basically the hansom cab Prunell, with but could not stop the rot. later. This cab could be bought outright The Hackney Carriage eventually an engine instead of a horse. The To get out of trouble, they sold 45% of for £377 or on HP for £465 including overtook the ferries and by the mid second was the Brougham, known to all the company to . When they had to interest. The deposit was £50 and 1700s there were more than a 1000 of as “The Growler”. The Prunell was the go back to the well again, they found it weekly payments of £2.10 shillings these “hell-carts” plying London’s first cab to have the driver sitting in front dry. Geely wouldn’t put up any more (£2.50 in new money) for four years. As streets. of the passengers rather than on top of loans and eventually bought the usual with M&O (LTC, LTI, LEVC) as This led to the need for regulation and in the vehicle. company for buttons. soon as they started shifting the droshky 1636, Charles I licenced 50 plates. This gave the Carriage Officers (CO’s), However, the Overton’s remained they raised the price 5% to £395. By 1654, Ollie Cromwell completed the serving policemen, a bit of a problem. involved in the company until quite By 1932 there were 3 cabs on the job and introduced the licensing system They knew all about the welfare of recent times. I digress. market, all struggling a bit. Some would that all current licensing stems from. horses but sod all about motor engines Next up was the Renault Unic. This was say as a result of manufacturers’ need to The Hackney cab was replaced by the when the Prunell (Hansom) was licensed a 12 horsepower cab and the newly sell more cabs, the PCO set an age limit Hansom Cab around 1835. The in 1904. formed General Cab Company ordered on cabs for the first time. This was 15 Hansom soon made the Hackney The London Motor Cab Co was the first 500 of these cabs. The Unic caused a years, with a rider in “exceptional redundant as it was much cheaper to petrol fleet, operating out of Manor St in kerfuffle re the CoF. The CoF required condition” that cabs older than 15 years run, only requiring one horse. It was also Chelsea in 1905. This was a six vehicle the width of the side members of the may be granted further licences. a lot nippier in traffic and could dodge fleet of “Rationals”. chassis to be 81cm but the Unic’s were M&O moved to their premises in around the various carts and wagons Vauxhall produced a version of the only 66cm. Wandsworth bridge Rd, that cab drivers that clogged London’s roads. Hansom in 1905, for the princely sum of Although the CoF were amended to as old as me still remember visiting. This This was also about the time that the £375. Roof racks were extra at £2 10 accommodate the Unic in 1906, the was just before the war but as war came Home secretary took charge of licensing closer, cab sales dropped off a cliff and Issue 272 - September 2019 23 they only sold just over 200 cabs that to India. This was replaced with the ill- included the wheelchair ramp as the engine. year. fated FX4R. This cab was a joke. It didn’t standard. I bought my last Fairway Gold This was made worse by the have enough poke to get up Highgate in 1996 for just under £29,000. I suspect manufacturer often making the cheapest Hill unless you got a run at it and with a most of us would have been happy to repair rather than the correct one with ROUND TWO OF THE four-hander it wasn’t getting up there no carry on with the Driver but EU and UK cabs under warranty. In my own case, an CONNAUGHTS matter how good a run you got at it. law meant that neither the body nor the insufficient repair led to a disastrous If the Hackney carriages were the The crowning glory was the power engine re suitable. second chain break that wrecked half the first usurpers of the trade from the assisted braking system. Talk about engine. Luckily this was with a couple of watermen, PH reared its ugly head for exciting! It was driven by a small belt that 100 miles left on the warranty. However, the first time in 1938. This was a mob THE TX ERA had a habit of breaking regularly. When So, it was 1998 when the TX1 was the cab was off the road for two months called “streamliners” that operated due to an argument with LTI as they only cars with meters in the suburbs. wanted to replace the cam shaft. Yellow Badges (YBs) had just been The TX2 was followed by the TX4 in licensed for the first time but it was the 2007 at a basic price of £33,000. That PH operators who got angry at the was when the real fun started as cabs licensing of YBs rather than the other began bursting into flames a year later. way around This caused an investigation There were 600 cabs went up in smoke into licensing PH at the start of 1939. PH and as far as I am aware, drivers are still Licensing was recommended. This waiting to be compensated for lost investigation also questioned the need earnings. for cabs such as the Austin, when a On top of that the early models gained private car from the same maker was something of a reputation for blown 25% cheaper at £300. However, WWII engines after about 120,000 – 130,000 delayed the process and then it fell by miles. the wayside. By the time I bought my 65 plate euro It next reared its head in the 1960s with 5, it cost just shy of £40,000, although it Gotla and Welbeck motors and, sadly, has to be said that this current cab has this time they never went away again. been a very good runner. It has nearly 160,000 (doubled) on the clock with no POST WWII horror stories. This was the age of diesel. While The TX4 Euro 6 came on the market at available in petrol, all post WWII taxis the end of 2015 with a basic price of a were predominantly diesel as shade over £40,000. standard. This shift was made So here we are with theTXe that so far concrete by the 1956 Suez Crisis that looks like it is up to the job. The only sent the price of petrol through the the belt broke, the brakes wouldn’t introduced and the CoF meant every cab problem is the price. A Vista Comfort Plus roof. actually stop you but if you stood up on had to have a wheelchair ramp. Older weighs in at a shade over £60,000 net of WWII had a profound effect on the cab the brake and headed for the nearest cabs without this facility could get a the grants. It would otherwise cost just trade. Inflation had gone through the roof kerb, it would usually stop before you hit conversion for £1500. In exchange, we over £67,500. However, call me a cynic as a new purchase tax of 33.33% was anything. got 10p on the flag fall for 10 years. but I can’t help thinking that if there were levied on new cabs, among other goods, The FX4R was introduced in late 1982 The TX1 had a few niggles but was no grants available, the price to the driver and steel was scarce. Bearing in mind and the basic price was just under basically a good tool for the job. would have been the same as the net the pre-war Austin price of £395, £10,000 so the price of a cab had risen Prominent niggles were the battery and price after grants. Beardmore’s Oxford taxi came in at close from £1,000 in 1949 to £10,000 in 1982; the immobilizer. Often the cab would fail After all, the manufacturer knew the to £1,000 in 1949. a 1000% increase in 33 years. to start in The City due to signals and grant amount before they ever listed the Meanwhile, M&O were producing the I had the personal misfortune of being high buildings which knocked out the price so why wouldn’t they have FXII chassis for the FX3, the archetypal one of the first to buy an FX4R. I was a immobilizer. It was easily put right but still appropriated some or all of the grant taxi. This went on sale in 1948 at an butterboy at the time and I took the scars a nuisance. As for the battery, a lack of when they fixed the price? equally eye-watering price of £936 and if and learned my lesson. I have never space under the bonnet compelled the So, in terms of actual price, the price you were prepared to pay extra, it was bought a new model since until it was manufacturer to put in a smaller battery rose 1,000% in the 33 year period 1949 - now available in colours. Other vehicles bedded in and everybody knew what it and initially the new battery was just not 82, In the 37 years since the price has came and went but the FX3 was king. was. up to the job. risen again by 675%. By 1955, the taxi fleet was in dire The FX4R was so bad that the This was as nothing though compared The price of a £1000, for a cab in 1949 trouble. The multiple effects of WWII, manufacturer had to offer an alternative. to the problems following the introduction has risen 6,750% to £67,500 in 2019. Suez, inflation and taxes had reduced This was the FX4Q and was basically a of the TX2 in 2002. There was a However, to get this into perspective, I the fleet to less than 7,000 cabs by 1955. completely reconditioned FX4 from the tendency in these for the timing chain to bought my current house in 1080 and my chassis up with new FX4 engine re- snap. When this happened, the repair FX4R in 1982. The value of the house THE LIVING MEMORY ERA imported from India. could be anything from a new chain to a has risen considerably faster than the in 1958, M&O produced what to my Clearly the FX4R was doomed from the new camshaft to the replacement of half price of a cab. mind was the ultimate cab – the FX4. start and by 1985 it was already replaced This was a complete dog – the driver by the FX4S at a price of £11,239 for the froze in winter and cooked in summer. basic model. The unfortunate owners of The damn things were addicted to “eazi- FX4Rs were offered a replacement of start” but they ran – and – ran – and ran. their 2.2lt engines with the new FX4S They were like Trigger’s Broom. Every engine for £2,400. All of this no doubt part was changed but they kept going helped the new Metrocab that came out and 500,000 milers were not unusual. An in 1987. idiot could fix most problems with a However, the FX4S was not without its couple of screw-drivers and spanners own problems and was quickly replaced and, especially, a hammer. The price of by the FX4S – Plus after two years in this loveable yet hateful machine was the 1987. The Plus was not offered with a princely sum of £1,198. M&O became wheelchair ramp as standard. But this the trade’s monopoly supplier as could be added for £998. Beardmore had given up trying to Two years later the manufacturer finally conform to PCO CoFs. started getting things right with the This monopoly turned into a duopoly in introduction of what is probably rated by the early 60s with the introduction of first drivers as the best cab ever – the the Winchester and then the Metro but Fairway. This had the workhorse Nissan no manufacturer ever gained a true engine, possibly the most reliable engine foothold against M&O until Mercedes we have ever had. came on scene. The Fairway was improved when the The FX4 came to an end in the early Fairway Driver was introduced in 1993 at 1980s and the engine platform was sold a cost of £21,300 for the basic model that

Issue 272 - September 2019 25

Paul Weller - a Wvery tastyo dresks senisen. His gs.h owCs throlugah its usse osf . Hhimeself writhoo ut a record I once said that I’d like to thank for an He was given his first guitar one influence on the generation that clothes, photo pin ups, books contract for the first time in education I didn’t get at Christmas around the same made up the mod revival and general ephemera, a many years. After a short break school. Through reading time. He then paired up with movement cannot be tantalising glimpse into the mind to take stock, he re-appears in interviews with him in the school friend, Steve Brookes, underestimated. and interests of Paul and Mick. The Paul Weller Movement, music papers (ask your dad and soon they began learning Of course, the Weller playing smaller venues to even kidsK) I found myself being the popular tunes of the time, But Weller is a modernist in its trainspotters picked over every smaller crowds on the tipped off onto films, books, before writing songs of their purist form. He has an enquiring detail looking for clues on what comeback trail in 1991. The music and art that fuelled my own. mind that is forever seeking out to investigate next. song ‘Into Tomorrow’ signal’s a curious mind at the time. new music and experiences. By strong return to form and his In 1972 they began performing 1982, he had had enough of Completing the TSC line up solo career begins picking up I suppose he was like an older in pubs and working men’s . The three-piece line- were teenage drumming pace. re-joins him brother in some respects, one clubs in Woking. Weller and up of the band was too sensation Steve White and and the touring line-up is who would steer you towards completed by things that you should be aware and Damon Minchella from the of. Well, that is how it was for band Ocean Colour Scene. The me, and judging by the people I crowds begin flocking back. talk to now, who are of the Cited as a major influence by same vintage, it is a similar tale the likes of Oasis, Weller is for them too. Then when you once again flavour of the month throw in my start on the life long being dubbed The Modfather journey of all things mod round by many among the Brit-Pop the same time, you can see generation. The 1995 how important he has been to ‘’, with its cover what I do for a living now. designed by pop art master Sir Peter Blake, and named after It is of course no secret that all the street in Woking where he aspects of the world of Mod lived as a teenager, saw Weller have influenced Paul Weller back at the top of the charts throughout his adult life. Its once again. lifestyle can be tracked and traced in his songs from the He picks up a Lifetime early Jam days to his present- Achievement Brit Award in day highly successful solo 2006, and is offered a CBE in career. the same year, which he turned down. Mod is simply in the fabric of his Mark Baxter. Photo: Tony Briggs soul. Fair to say, Weller was now achieving major critical acclaim ‘Its like a religion. Its my code, it Brookes are joined by drummer restricting and he wanted to singer . From the as well as once again, real gives something to my life, I’m Rick Buckler and then guitarist break out. This was a massive outset, Weller had used many commercial success. still a mod, I’ll always be a mod, Bruce Foxton. Weller’s Dad shock to his fans, but most of all of the new songs to get across you can bury me a mod ” he John, became their manager, to his band mates and his dad. his own political viewpoint and Sadly, John Weller, his told TV host Jonathan Ross in getting them gigs locally. He was breaking up one of the the group become involved in manager for his entire career, 1991. most successful UK bands of the miner’s strike of 1984, Band died aged 77 in 2009. In the mid- 70s Weller discovers recent times, for fear of them Aid in 1985 and then Red John William Weller was born in the 1965 song ‘My Generation’ becoming stale and losing their Wedge, a group of like-minded Over the last few years, his Woking, Surrey on 25th May by The Who and a new world meaning. musicians, which offered have included ‘Wake 1958. He was unofficially re- opens up for him. Before long support to the Labour Party. Up The Nation’ ‘’ named Paul by his family whilst he is pouring over photos of Paul Weller was aged just 24. ‘’ and last year still a baby. He came from a Townsend and Daltrey along Style Council record sales his first soundtrack for the film solid working class background, with those of Steve Marriott and Never one to waste too much however were in decline. The ‘Jawbone’ as well as the highly with dad John working as a the rest of The Small Faces, time, he soon formed The Style band continued to tour, but acclaimed ‘’ cab driver and builder and mum checking out what they are Council with the keyboard audiences and fans were often Ann as a cleaner. A sister Nicky, wearing. Soon, he is wearing player , once of the left confused by the direction As he reaches the age of 60, was born five years later. During the same clothes too, for he has mod outfit The Merton Parkas. Weller was taking the band in. there is no real sign of him his formative years, Weller been well and truly bitten by the It became evident quite quickly, With Polydor refusing to release slowing down. In fact, the discovered early twin loves that mod bug that a lot of new and different their ‘Garage’ influenced new opposite may be true. have remained constant in his influences were going into the album ‘Modernism: A New life – music and clothes. Brookes leaves the band in mix of this new line up. Blue Decade’ in 1989, Weller He told journalist Miranda 1976. Foxton picks up the bass Note jazz, Euro chic fashions, decides to call time on the Sawyer a few years back U His love of 1960s pop music duties and Weller takes over as and a general sense of ‘fun’, band. ‘obviously I’m conscious of how came from hearing the hits of singer and lead guitar. The wrong footed many of The Jam old I am, but if I don’t think the day on the family radiogram Jam as we know it today are fans who had idolised Weller However, songs of the calibre of about it, then I don’t feel any whilst a small boy, and listening born. and the band. A lot of them ‘Ever Changing Moods’, ‘You’re sort of age, really. I don’t feel to the chart singles his young couldn’t keep up and drifted The Best Thing’ and ‘Long Hot like an old person, and I don’t mum had bought. His first They would go on to become away Summer’ and my favourite feel like a young person. I just musical love was The Beatles. one of the most influential album ‘Confessions of a Pop feelU I’m just me.” By the age of eleven, he had bands of their day. Singles like Many others though, stayed Group, among many other fine also developed a passion for ‘That’s Entertainment’ ‘Down in loyal and followed the new moments, ensure the band You just know he will go on, clothes, following all trends of the Tube Station’ and ‘Eton group as they got off to a great have a very healthy legacy and zigging and zagging, forever the day at first, and then Rifles’ show the lyrical skill that start with a diverse selection of they are still fondly remembered forward. becoming a Suedehead, set Weller apart from his singles and a couple of fine by many today. complete with Sta-Prest and contemporaries. From the get- albums. The cover of ‘Our Just like all good modernists Crombie. Ann would take him to go, Weller had the whole Favourite Shop’ from 1985 Then in his thirties, and now should. London’s Petticoat Lane market package. Exciting music, lyrics designed by long time married to Dee C Lee and soon to get him all the gear. that ‘spoke’ to his followers and collaborator Simon Halfon, to be a father, Weller finds The Mumper of SE5

Issue 272 - September 2019 27 Veterans guests at charity lunch Three veterans were guests of the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans at a lunch on 15 August to celebrate their 100th birthdays On 15 August, the 74th anniversary of V-J day, three veterans Ray Whitwell, Jeffrey Hayward and Chelsea Pensioner, George Parsons assembled with a group of heroes for a lunch at the Union Jack Club in London to celebrate their 100th birthdays. The lunch at 1pm saw a group of veterans celebrate with the birthday boys, who were joined by 101-year-old, Albert Gardner who served with the Royal Engineers and West African Frontier Force. Jeffrey Haward, recipient of the Military Medal is the subject of the book “Fighting Hitler From Dunkirk to D Day”

About the Taxi Charity The Taxi Charity for Military Veterans was formed in Fulham in 1948, to work for the benefit, comfort and enjoyment of military veterans and arranges many trips every year for veterans from all conflicts. The charity offers international trips to Holland, Belgium and France, UK day trips to concerts or museums, transport to attend fundraising events, as well as special days out to catch up with friends and comrades. To fund and facilitate these outings, the charity is wholly reliant on generous donations from members of the public, businesses and trusts and the amazing group of proud London licensed taxi drivers who offer their time and vehicles free. To find out more about the charity or to donate visit the website Twitter @TaxiCharity Facebook CharityUK

Issue 272 - September 2019 31

These are the Notes & supplied information to the Actions supplied by Unite’s Police that has not been acted Heathrow Branch Secretary on for quite some time and the Stuart Hope from the arrest rates for touts is HEATHROW COMPLIANCE negligible. MEETING held on Monday 22nd July, 2019 at Unite How many TPCSO’s are there House, Heathrow. at Heathrow? Our Rep was at the meeting was Heather Rawlinson, as How many tickets are issued Unite’s Secretary persists with annually on the Forecourts by his ban on the LCDC Senior the Police at Heathrow? Representative, despite having previously accepted that his HAL take no action against PH reasons for doing so were Drivers who do not go through nonsense. the Official Car Parks after From Unite’s own rule book: “A leaving the AVA (the figure given member must not knowingly, previously was 25% of cars) but recklessly or in bad faith provide Airport will take action against Taxi the Union with false or Drivers who use the Feeder misleading information relating Park. This is inequitable and PH to a member or any aspect of matters Drivers who fail to comply with the Union’s activities.” HAL’s AVA system should be This resulted in the LCDC reported to TfL. However, TfL withdrawing from the second by Mark White have not taken any action Joint Trade meeting at against PHV’s who fail to Woodfield Road (another can Seminar (TOPS) in the meeting comply as HAL fail to report. kicking contest) and saw Mark with TfL Licensing Officers. What are TfL/HAL and the White excluded from the “TfL still uncomfortable with Police going to do to stop the subsequent meeting on Local engagement from a business abuses on Terminal Journeys and Fair Fares perspective. Wary that only Forecourts? despite Club Reps having Heathrow specifics should be initially requested the meeting to on agenda. This is different from LCDC would also like to know discuss the issue in the first other engagement policies that what the local authorities place and having attended an are used as information (Hillingdon/Spelthorne/Hounslo Airport Tariff Meeting with TfL at gathering exercises. HUTG w etc)are doing about parking Woodfield Road. perspective is that any item on enforcement on local streets as Whether the HUTG the agenda that affects drivers residents are still complaining? (Unite/LTDA/RMT/UCG) at Heathrow should be TfL say that it’s not part of their actually do anything regarding discussed. remit, HAL will point out that the Heathrow Expansion they have the AVA Car Park and Consultation and the In/Out NSL Passing Centres of care in protecting the public. trying to turn it into a Heathrow the Police will say that it’s not a Policy remains to be seen. The As previously discussed there Heathrow police do inform TfL if version of TOPS. It is not priority. Who is responsible for LCDC will not be party to seems to be many reasons why a driver has been convicted of helped that the Police Enforcement and what is the meetings about holding a only taxis go up on ramps. touting. continually fail to attend. TfL current strategy? meeting to have a meeting. At These include chassis number take no action against PH the first meeting there was recognition. Various equipment Social media Operators or Drivers unless the The Heathrow Police have unanimous agreement to on the rear end of taxis that are TfL have dedicated staff to Police inform them. Hardly any provided a number of Officers to produce a joint response to only accessible by putting on monitor all social media. Once touts have been prosecuted in attend meetings over the years. HAL, however, subsequent ramps. again this is being described as the past 5 years. PC’s Hooley, Hughes, James events meant that the LCDC fitness of character. Heather Rawlinson had more and White. Who is the current declined to participate. PHV identifiers r e l e v a n t q u estions related to contact? The other Trade Groups PHV identifiers are allowed to Charging point success Compliance at the Airport, but continue to condone the actions be hidden because there are no TfL state that they do monitor was unable to ask them as the Who is the Senior Officer at of Mr Hope by their own legal requirements due to usage of charging points in meeting turned into a farce with Heathrow? inaction. DVSA page stating that “there London but not at Heathrow. TfL refusing to answer Who is responsible for Taxis The other attendees were: a r e n o r u le s f o r t i n t i n g t h e r e a r T h is gives them a map of where questions that were not and PH at the local authorities? Stuart Hope, Unite/Chair windscreen or passenger chargers may be needed in the appropriate for Compliance Who has ultimate responsibility Danny Murphy, Unite w i n d o w s . ” T a x i s d o h a v e t o f u t u r e . G o vernment websites Officers. for Taxis, PH & Touting? Steve Jones, UCG show their identifiers and plates. are available for all greener These were the questions that ‘The Badge’ goes to print before PaulWalsh, RMT f u e l s f o r t axis. the LCDC wanted answers to: the next TOP Seminar at TfL Sam Houston, LTDA Change of destination LCDC would like to put the and the next Liaison Meeting at Sean Taylor, APCOA The legal requirement of a Credit cards issue of ‘Enforcement on Heathrow, where we are waiting Charanjit Singh Brar HAL p a s s e n g e r ’s d e s t i n a t io n is n o t T f L m a d e aware that certain Terminal Forecourts’ on the to hear if HAL will stop Unite Ben Ellis/Roger Rowe, endorsed by a legal verbal credit cards from Asia do not agenda. Reps abusing the signing in Marshals c ontract. Therefore, if a match or are accepted with LCDC would like TfL to revisit process and whether the LCDC Andrew Antoni, TfL passenger changes their mind most card machines in taxis. ‘The Day of Action’ that was will be given permission to site Edgerton Rodgers, TfL they can do so. Returning a TfL again to take this away with held in conjunction with an Office in the Feeder Park. Cliff Llewellyn, TfL passenger against their will is solution. Hillingdon Council and the other We have yet to hear from TfL Noted was the absence of “kidnap” and a driver can only Agencies. What were the on the Agenda, the police and/or security team do so with the passenger’s Marshals results and how soon will it be Presentation or even receive working with marshals on consent. Marshals made attendees carried out again? the amended notes from the terminals, TfL are saying that HAL have to aware that they are not previous TOP Seminar in May. The Notes below were solve this issue as it is private informed by police if there is an HAL have said that they cannot This is unacceptable given that supplied by Unite’s Heathrow land. exercise in the terminals against carry out civil enforcement on we were promised that they Secretary, who despite touts. the Terminals and it is the would be published on TfL’s warnings from TfL that this was Fitness of character Marshals given dedicated responsibility of the Police. The website a month before the next not the appropriate forum for TfL can revoke a license without contact point for reporting touts Police, who are funded by HAL, meeting. these issues, persisted in trying a criminal to TfL.” say that they do not have We will be making a formal to raise subjects that are conviction/prosecution, due to enough resources and parking complaint to TfL and the discussed at the Taxi the fitness of a driver. Or the Very little was achieved at the enforcement is bottom of their Transport Committee of the OperationalPerformance licensing authority having a duty Compliance due to the Chair priorities. The Marshals have London Assembly. 32 Issue 272 - September 2019

Daniel Dubois will bid and rankings by winning the to add another title to WBC Youth, WBO his collection when he European and Global titles. "So I believe this is the ideal takes on Ebenezer next step for me against an Tetteh next month. The hard-hitting unbeaten fighter with a lot heavyweight returns to of KOs to his name. action following his win over "It should make for an domestic rival Nathan exciting fight at the Royal Gorman. Albert Hall and I cannot wait And the Commonwealth title to get back there and do my will be on the line at the thing." Royal Albert Hall in London Nicola Adams, who was on September 27, assuming recently elevated to world Tetteh comes through a champion, will also appear scheduled fight next on the show. weekend. Tickets to the Promoter Frank Warren event can be bought from also has a tentative agreement for Adams to The Ghanaian has won all face the winner of the clash 19 of his professional fights between IBF champion but has never boxed Leonela Paola Yudica and outside of his homeland. Mexican Isabel Millan, The combined record of his providing the winner comes previous opponents reads a through unscathed. dispiriting 119-185-3. Double Olympic champion But Dubois said: "This is a Adams was upgraded to natural progression for me WBO world champion last because I want to win every month by virtue of her title available to me on my Interim title holding status, way to becoming a world following the removal of champion. Arely Mucino. "I have won the Southern The show will also feature Area, English and British super featherweight Archie titles already, so I am Dubois bids to add Sharp, middleweight banger heading down what people Denzel , call the traditional route, heavyweight Jonathan while also gaining Palata and bantamweight international experience title with Tetteh fight talent Dennis McCann.

MNaidostonae bokxere Sam s signs four year deal with Frank Warren Noakes is targeting a world title after signing a four- year contract with legendary promoter Frank Warren. The deal sees Noakes turn professional under one of the biggest names in the sport after a successful amateur career at Westree ABC. He won the national light- welterweight title in April, claimed gold on his England debut in the Tri Nations tournament a month later and is set to make his pro debt at the iconic Albert Hall. Warren manages heavyweight star Tyson Fury and WBO super-middleweight champion Billy Joe Saunders and has also worked with the likes of Frank Bruno, Nigel Benn, Joe Calzaghe, Naseem Hamed, Amir Khan and Ricky Hatton over the years. “Just before I went to the Tri Nations he invited me along to the Billy Joe Saunders fight and I met his son, Francis, who’s now my manager. “I nice that they’ve approached you’re getting noticed and it top promoters in the country where I’ve not been in the was invited up to the offices, me. I didn’t have to go looking makes you feel like you’re and I jumped at the chance to amateurs for too long, and my he said all the right things and for it or anything.” It’s like the wanted. work with him. “It’s perfect mind’s still fresh, so I’ll be I wanted to sign with him. “It’s hard work’s paying off when “Frank Warren is one of the timing for me. “I’m still fresh able to learn more.

Issue 272 - September 2019 35 Dynamo fully electric taxi finally plated in London

Hello to everyone great our fully electric taxi to pass ready to be used as a Taxi news today about the certification and to be in London and the greater Dynamo fully electric Taxi plated. UK. for London We have kept quiet, as I The team is excited as to As MD and founder of only like to deal in facts, as the impact our taxi will have Dynamo I would like to you can see from the in reducing pollution whilst personally thank you all, for pictures, the new Dynamo increasing driver income. you the world’s only 100% Best regards. your patience waiting for fully electric Taxi is now We are very proud to offer emission free taxi. Brendan O'Toole

PAYTON’S SOLICITORS Suite 12, Temple Chambers, 3, Temple Avenue, London EC4Y 0HP

We at the LCDC don’t often bang our own drum when it comes to helping our members with their legal troubles. A lot of the cases which come our way with members are quite sensitive and we respect their wishes to keep things in house and out of the paper which I can fully appreciate.

However, not only do Payton’s Solicitors offer our members a 24 Hour Duty Solicitor 365 days a year, but since getting involved with the Club, our solicitor Keima Payton has the distinction of having a 100% success rate in all her cases which she has handled on behalf of the Club’s members.

Keima Payton has a fearsome reputation in court and should ever the need arise you will find no one better able to fight your corner and save your Badge than Keima. - Grant Davis, LCDC Chairman

Tel: 0207 405 1999 FAX: 0207 405 1991 Adam D. Elliott Vincent House, 99a Station Road, London, E4 7BU


Tel: 020 8281 0500 email: [email protected] / SKYPE: taxitax Issue 271 - July 2019 37

The Cab Chat Show difficult time. 07753 602424. Our Pie & Mash club has been DCriverTaxa have debcided to noChat CoCab Crhat ins now thee only wr eekly on the back burner for the past Now with the summer holidays longer sponsor the show and we Taxi Trade podcast in the UK couple of months but we will be over we are more than halfway would like to thank them for their and we would like more drivers starting to visit various through the year with Christmas support over the past 14 months, to get involved, if you have establishments around London looming closer with every day that although they are no longer something to say that you think towards the end of September passes, August is normally the sponsors we will stay in touch may be of interest to other driver as the team are starting to get month that we take a break from and hopefully Gary & Jason will than please do get in touch with withdrawal symptoms, so please doing shows due to nothing really take part in the show from time us and air your views and look out for the date of our next happening and everyone being to time. opinions, also if you are already meet as all are welcome to away on their jollies. But this year Plan Insurance are still a listener please let your friends come along. we have produced 3 shows sponsoring Cab Chat for which know about the podcast and August was busier than usual during August, if you haven’t we are very grateful, Dan from show them how to listen and this year and let’s hope the trend listened to them yet please go Plan always send in an download. continues through September back and download them. interesting contribution every Next weeks is the 26th Annual and on the run up to Christmas, Six Mile Steve is sadly taking an week which is well worth a listen Magical Taxi Tour to Disneyland lets keeping giving our indefinite break from doing his and the staff at Plan are always Paris for Seriously Ill Children customers the best possible Point of The Week feature and willing to offer their help and and a few members of the team service that we can with clean will be greatly missed by the support. Also do not forget that if are taking part this year, we will and presentable Taxis and good team and listeners, as you all you mention Cab Chat you will tickets will be £50.00 per person hopefully get some interviews for customer service and no know Steve is doing the get £25 of your insurance with which includes a 3 course meal, the trip that we can use in the brooming. knowledge to gain his Green Plan. this is fast becoming the highlight show on our return. This is a truly Until next month the team at Cab badge which is all consuming, The Hack Shack Dinner & of the Taxi Trades social magical event for all who take Chat would like to thank you all coupled with that his mum is Dance is now booked for 8th calendar and we hope to part is can be very humbling for for your continued support, we suffering from dementia which is February 2020 at the Tudor Park improve on this years function the drivers so please give us a hope that you have a busy a horrible disease and one which Marriott Hotel in Bearsted Kent. which was the best to date. If wave if you see the convoy September in the cab and earn affects everyone around the The Jukebox Party Band of Jon you would like to enquire about weaving its way down the A2 on well, stay safe and above all sufferer, the teams thought are Cox and Joe Cartwright will be tickets, please either call Jamie Friday the 13th September or on have fun, oh! and keep listening with Steve and his family at this providing the entertainment, on 07743 161656 or Ian on its return on Sunday 15th. to Cab Chat.

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