Due to the Covid 19 global crisis the MEETING OF SOUTHFLEET PARISH COUNCIL to be held on Monday 5th October was held remotely by telephone. Parish Council Members whilst working from home considered and resolved the subjects and matters set out in the Agenda.

Members considering the Agenda: Cllr M N Salway, Cllr I Brown, Cllr S Carter, Cllr L Tomkins, Cllr P Tester and Cllr C Willis

83/20 PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS AND THE LAW: Noted: The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) ( and Wales) Regulations 2020 allows for Members to discuss items on the agenda remotely. Minutes of matters discussed/noted during the month will be published on the Parish Council website. This is subject to change if circumstances warrant.

84/20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr Brown declared a pecuniary/prejudicial interest in matters relating to Gravesham Borough Council Planning: and Enforcement matters in and ; and as the Chairman of Sedley’s School Governors, and Member of St Nicholas PCC. Cllr Carter declared and interest in Planning: Court Lodge Farm. Cllr Salway declared a prejudicial interest in 1 Orchardlea.

85/20 MINUTES: The Minutes of the remote September 2020 meeting were considered, agreed to be a true record and will be signed by the Chairman.


a. Highways: Highways issues reported to the contact centre during the month noted.

b. To note road closures September/October. • Station Road Closed for 1 day on 12th September due to railway bridge inspection, KCC also patched potholes in Dale Road during this time. • Road closed for 1 day on 6th October due to BT works

c. New Barn Road: Traffic calming at Broadditch. Noted: Funding for Scheme has been approved and works to take place 5th October for 2 nights

d. New Barn Road by the recycling unit. Request for reduced speed: No update from KCC. Pedestrians beware signs have been erected.

e. A2 Bean and Ebbsfleet: Night closures and speed restrictions are in operation.

f. Eurostar service from Ebbsfleet: Suspension of the service to last until 2022 was noted. Gareth Johnson, MP has requested in Parliament a review of the situation.

g. Ebbsfleet Car Park: Closure of the Covid testing facility noted, it will be used for a lorry park.

87/20 FOOTPATHS: Noted

a. PROWs in the parish: Nothing to report.

1 88/20 PLANNING:

a. To note observations given by the Planning Sub Committee on planning applications: - • Haylands New Barn Road DA/20/01062/LDC - Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed erection of a detached gymnasium. The Parish Council has become aware of the LDC application and seeks clarification. 1.The site is within the Green Belt and has been extended by consent in the past including conversion of a stable to a residential unit ancillary to the main house. Is it possible that the extension percentage allowance for properties in the Green Belt has been absorbed?. 2 Regarding the proposed, will it be family use only? Will it have vehicular access via the gateway to the main house? 3 It is not clear from the location plan, whether the application applies to the main house (Haylands) or to a separate land holding. The DBC Development document of 2016 shows the plot between "Coney Glade" and Bushfield" to be one curtilage. If there are now two plots, we suggest definition is required.

• The Limes Hook Green Road DA/20/01024/TPO - Application to carry out various works to various trees subject to Tree Preservation Order No.1 1984 within Hook Green Conservation Area The Parish Council supports the very comprehensive arboricultural report and has no objections

b. To note consents granted.

• Withens Nursing Home DA/20/00833/TPO Applications for Crown Lifting

To note consents Refused. • 17 Sedley DA/20/00901/TPO Fell 1 Oak Tree subject to Tree Preservation order no 1 1964

c. Enforcement Issues: Outstanding/follow up reports to DBC including: • Ivy Stableyard B&B site: Request for info from DBC on change of use

d. London Resort: Highways England confirmed on impacts on rural roads was the responsibility of KCC Highways. KCC Highways were approached with PC concerns, and they confirmed they were involved with initial talks with London Resort and would voice the PC’s concerns.

e. New proposals by Government Advisors for increased Housing Development were noted. Increased housing in the parish is of concern due to the impact on current infrastructure.

89/20 ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS/POLICE MATTERS/LICENSING ETC: a. Police, Kent Fire and Rescue: Correspondence, and incidents of crime including criminal damage and unsocial behaviour. Noting to report

b. Fly Tipping: Incidents in Foxhounds Road, Dale Road and Hook Green Road were reported to DBC.

c. Trees, Hedges and Bulbs: KCC has advised a permit is required to plant shrubs on KCC amenity land. Due to the onerous paperwork task, the shrubs will be planted in Broomhills and other locations.

90/20 CODE OF CONDUCT/STANDARDS FOR ENGLAND, LOCAL GOVERNMENT, STANDING ORDERS The Forum meeting has been cancelled due to lack of suggested business.

2 91/20 CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATION: COVID 19 CRISIS. • The Government “keep alert” and social distancing instruction in the fight against Covid 19 is continuing. The restrictions include wearing masks in public premises and transport and a rule of 6 people maximum together indoors and outdoors. • Betsham Noticeboard: The new owner of the property has confirmed they are willing to continue to host the board on their property. They have requested to move and paint it in due course. • St Nicholas Church: Resignation of The Rev Josh Young was noted.


• St Nicholas Church - Clock repairs: Information has been received that the Church has received a grant for the repairs. • The Vale Management Committee re: Children’s playground. The PC will consider an individual request from time to time for a donation towards maintenance or new equipment. • Allotment Society. A Request for a donation for maintenance of the allotment, maintenance of the PROW and purchase of fruit tree was considered. It was agreed that costings for items was required to make a final decision. The PROW is the responsibility of KCC, therefore the PC would not donate towards its maintenance. The PC has been advised a grant has been received for a water system connected to the PC water tanks, therefore the water tanks will be formally donated to the Society and removed from the PC fixed assets list. • School Allotment costs. The PC has offered to donate the cost of £10 to the school and is awaiting payment instructions.

93/20 PRECEPT: Preliminary consideration was given to the precept to be set for the financial year 2021/2021. Suggestions included: A Southfleet Boundary sign in New Barn Road, a bus shelter in New Barn Road, Tree Planting, Donations considered to help the Church, School and Village Hall, footpath signage and future projects.

94/20 FINANCE:

• a Bank Transfers agreed: -

• St Nicolas Church Donation for Clock £110 • Southfleet Village Hall. To note 2020 invoice is on hold pending further advice from the SVH Secretary

b. Bank Transfers for October to agree and be witnessed by Cllr Carter • Clerks Salary and expenses £-

c. Receipts: to note • UK Power Networks Wayleave £8.31 • VAT return completed for £788.97

d. Bank Statements: Current Account £7618, Reserve Account £19,954.13 including £5867 CIL.

e. DBC Capacity Building Fund Grant: The application procedure was noted and will be completed. Suggestions include the continuation of the bollards in Station Road to protect the low-level footpath

f. Pensions Regulator - Completion of declaration of nil person entitlement was noted.