SURVIVAL Is the Name of the Game and When You Get Down to Basics Your Reserve Had Better Be a MORSETH

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SURVIVAL Is the Name of the Game and When You Get Down to Basics Your Reserve Had Better Be a MORSETH SURVIVAL Is the Name of the Game And when you get down to basics your reserve had better be a MORSETH. " you are a Police Officer, Infantryman, Special Forces Trooper, S.E.A.L., Marine Recon, Fighter Pilot, or simply an outdoorsman: you may someday find you rself in a situation whe re a knife will be important to your survival. MORSETH makes knives that stay right with it when the going gets tough. Super tough laminated blades with 64 Rockwell C edges that really hold an edge. Solid construction, Micarta handles, threaded tang, epoxy, sitver solder. Fine hand work. each knife completely handmade, FAIR delivery, reasonable prices. THE PILOT, PARACHUTIST SURVIVAL KNIFE. Designed by A. G. Russell. Light enough to wear aU the time, tough enough for any job. Micarta handle. $69.00 THE MORSETH BOOT KNIFE. Designed by A. G. Russe ll. A personal defense and combat weapon. $68.00 THE MORSETH SLEEVE KNIFE. 7" overall. Same tough laminated steel. A weapon of last resort, in Velcro backed boot sheath. $60.00 TRAILWEIGHT " PERSONAL." A. G. Russell's personal pattern for all round use. " Put it on with your pants." On ly 3th oz. of tough, tough knife. $65.00 MORSETH KNIVES • 1705 Hiway 71 North Spri ngda Ie, Arkansas 72764 . -, _ ... ,.•• ...,w... .. sop, ,,, .......... oIIff"k>aky Memo From The Publisher . _ill 1M 1_. iII", ....... 0... .n' ... wil ...,. em.­ ptOftll ccnuc, ..... fob Md Thai· Snlptn: no.. M~n .M tMir WtorpGIII.· \arid ond lIbbysio rq>OIt 1ipl1kM. in­ Pimomt:du" Juff\P In/o HOItd_: 10. ..-ill ~ Klirity. M1Ida ... .......... piotoI "ootirIa, ill· no FO<CI ~.""IIoa·. IiMioI .... .:.IiII& ............ DaIo )I"",,', ODd Ic)r ........ '0'--", SOOltlo Yoo1. o"ldo SlOW'. "Solllhwal ..........ioouI: _...,~ 10 ......,. ~ We '0&0 C_1ou WudMo,~ Itidurd 0..;.' ..... yel '0 _ 1 atilfK'ory uplolw- " Se.oll. 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Le,'.bar from yout Bulletin Board . , ... A 1100 FOOT BRIDGE AT na: IN· TERSEcnON OF lNTJ:RSTATE 70 AND THE KASKASKIA RIVER, NEAR VANDAlJA , LLUNOIS ... All EXSFERS INVITED TO mE Bt.AST ... CONTAcr SOl' FOR FUR· THERlNFO •.. Rldwd Do.... ion-on'"" 0( 2nd 0.• ...,. booLy ..,.,or, will bo lulhorln& ' eoiWlln .~'I~td "Sho .. Flred~ ... ... ill <Ita! wilh compttht...... delcr'lpUOIl of poIlco 511001 ........ 0UrU !lUI .... MEL· TAPPAN . AIJT1IOR OF SUR· VlVAL GUNS AND AtrrnOiUTY IN mE RAPIDLY GROWING flEW OF P£RSONAL SURVIVAL, HAS COME ABOARD AS OUR SURVIVAL ED[· TOR •.• ~nb lao Saudi ArabIa f"" C- 130 .... C·I40 lircnft molnlon"""" pollO"",,1 avalloble with Loo:k/letd Alr· cnrt Inlern. ~onal, BOI 33, 0.0.00. CA 9[ 'M[ ..." oItum Ho[;cqIIell. b,O. , Box T, WIY~lIe . LA 1OSOL bi.-.. /he '0 ~n diooppor piiOb tad! ...,.,Ih f"" .".... IiorIs in Lolin Amerk.o, Nicki" EMI and Gutf of "'uLeo .. The Br:><de •••, ..... 1ookiIIa ."" 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"WIth· Ii.. oppOir"'" \ no ........ O. _ ... '0 ""'. thtm .... rhdr JlUta"Ieo at U.s. 11M ......... honIi " ....IDY . Of 11.. 200 oupport,H RorOM ..... , "tho Irodioiotua/o "'""'", ""F [ .. ..,.1105 _ pad...... no. pr,._ 01 ....... pl""e~""""" """' ............. Iheir lion bod .... 11M biotory ond .....,.,.. 0( .- SOLDIER of FORTUNE ___Th_e.J;.;ournalof Professional Adventurers • (0Il0R.At STAfF CONTENTS , IEVIEWS ROil, K. IIlIOWH , "PlUS'OI THE CIA Je>y Mom .. ......, ...... 1,,,,,"",,,_. ___, MAJ. G . C. NONTE IIQUIIM'OI THin "ATIONS M. S. M«:"oU ~~ • ,. ._on ot.o -..,..,,.r_ DONALD McLEAN ... -....... 9 -SOlDIII Of fORTUNE INTERV IEW L'...-. COL. ........J. COOPER """ ......----- - ..... .. LEE E. JURRAS....... 12 '"lllU.TII OF ... SnLOUT ..JllorlG/ _ ~-... MAJ. AlEX McCOll " ...ClA _ ASSASSUIAnOIt....., OF TtUJILlO Rob<trl Rom.... A..-- G. RUSSELL 18 ...THE.-.._M_ AIOITlD FOGHT OF TNE WILD GIESE .......- AlITGmlN 22 .-"MlIICAN MlKlNA.lts IN A'IICA Rober! It IIo"own CAPT. J---. LEATHERWOOD ...1p/o>fI ....... - ""P'nII 26 COOPII.. ott RHODESIA J.II CcOJMj DR . JOHN --- PHERS ..... ,,-""'_... ... ...... ._ d,~ • ..... ,,,', _UIo<> """'--DAVIO --SHELE THI AUTO MAG MINI·SNIPIR snTl. l , Jur<o. ,..,n.. • -, .100' .. _1.,...... JAY MAlLIN " - .......~, ........ 34 THI AMAZ ING NEW I$lAUI GAUl o-(leNonI. ALJ. ViNJE. ASSAUlt Ilfll --~ GEORGE---.- SI'EAICMAN .. 'InT IOUND l loU A1 toO MmlS J.l_'''-'-od """"~''''_''''G _owl GEORGE 8USS DIVISION It 0.", MctItO/l ..........,.­ fl>o ... ,~ __.opy'" MEL TAPPAN " ~ .. Fill LltNCE PAIA·MEDfCS JUM P John ' .ters .fIt,IN10 ........ PEIUYIAN ,_ ANDES DESIGN 50 UNDEIWA1EIINIFE FIGHTING Da"ld $1 ..1 • ........ """-d_bl..... 54 FlYING F-4 PHANTOMS FOI U.S. Primus AlH'OtMIullcus PRODUCTION AND ISIAU ~. .. I ........ ' ..... _ ... ~'--­ BUSINESS-- MGt. 54 -_._---,..,.._Un ..A" _,........,,-""" snm SU I VIVAL Art Glllln ____ .. _~ ___, __ .. __. _.- , .... ' .o.__ ......1. _....., --_.. _ .... ._-...... ,-""'-...... __- . .. ,"' .. _-,..... _- - ( REVIEWS The Plumber's Kitchen: The Secret massive and obviously difficult research fifteen, he joined the regular Army but Story of American Spy Weapons, by which provides good solid data in a field was discharged when his age was Donald 8. McLean, Nonnomt TeebnJcaI which has been prefunctorliy ignored by discovered. Publications, P.O. Drawer N-2, authors not willing to do the homework. He served the Cuban exiles in Florida Wi ckenburg, AZ 85358, $12.95, 8¥.!" x 11", as a gun runner, organizer and guerilla 282 pp., 132 pbotograpbs and The Zambed Salient: Conflict in fighter. When the Vietnam conflict illustrations. Southern Africa, by AI J. Venter, Devin· threatened he reenlisted in the Army and There has always been a gaping hole in AdaiR, Old Greenwich, cr 06870, $12.50, put in for combat duty in Southeast Asia. weapons' history, that of clandestine 5W' x SW', 400 pp. He was seriously wounded when his weapons, and this Venter, a member of the editorial staff helicopter was shot down in the Central very thoroughly of SOLDIER OF FORTUNE and veteran Highlands, where he served with the researched and African war corres· famed First Cavalry Division. After his well-illustrated rtI ll(lf1 II.. ' pondent, evaluates • &IflIIWI In .,..... wounds healed he became an instructor volume goes a long the ideals and at the famed Reconnaissance Conunando way toward filling ~,. - capabilities of the ( Recondo) School at Fort Carson. the void. TIle black African' revo­ Colorado. Since his discharge he has reviewer has read 1. 9 lutionaries, whe­ served with distinction first as deputy virtually all the ther he be con­ and then W'ldersheriff in Teller CoW'lty, works printed in the ~ 't ducting terrorist Colorado. English language raids into northeast Arthur matched wits with the Ton Ton during the 20th Rhodesia or intent century on the Macautes, the assassination trigade of on laying death­ Haitian Dictator Francois Duvalier in subject of weapons, but this fresh volume dealing landmines 1963, to spirit Clement Benoit, fonner held a surprise or revelation on nearly in the Caprivi Strip. Counsel General, out of Nassau to the every page. Primarily a history of what­ A lucid picture is presented of how the safety of the United States. when-why and by-whom of the special Communist world - China, Russia, Cuba weapons developed for the secret Office and Algeria support the Thrust into the limelight by this ac· of Strategic Services (and largely still in revolutionaries with weapons and tivity, Arthur was approached by a group use by the C.I.A.), this book presents training, as the conflict gives every in­ which offered him $90,000 to assassinate technical and historical data in a very dication of expanding into a gigantic race Castro. He turned his back on the entire palatable combination; the hard tech w ...
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