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CHANGE of COMMAND THURSDAY Col rroperty of CORPS HISTORICAL LIBRARY AUG 5 1960 Tr'letiL3c) hutura to Room 3127 CHANGE OF COMMAND THURSDAY Col. Marion M. Magruder, com- in Station Bulletin 5060. Lt. Col. Magruder Day," was set aside over 24 years Marine Corps ser- manding officer of the Kaneohe C. H. Moore was named comman- to fete De outgoing Station vice, reported to Kaneohe from Marine Corps Air Station since ing officer of troops, Capt. V, M. Commander. Festivities began FMFPac at Camp Smith where he Aug. 19, 1958, will formally re- Ernst Jr. as field adjutant. with luncheon at the Offices had served as Deputy Chief of linquish command to Col. William Uniform will be summer ser- Club and was followed by a Staff. During World War II, as com- R. Campbell during ceremonies vice "C" for officers, Summer golf tourney at the Klipper at Dewey Square next Thursday Course. At the conclusion of manding officer of VMF(N)-533, at 3:30 p.m. service "A" for enlisted men, Play. Col. Magruder was award- he was awarded the Legion of CoL Campbell and his family both with frame caps and rib- ed a special trophy. Merit with Combat "V" when his unit established an Asiatic-Pac- are scheduled to arrive, in Hono- bons. In addition,' officers will Tuesday, Col. Magruder was lulu this morning aboard the Mat- wear swords. cif ic record by shooting down 36 guest of honor at a luncheon held, during night oper- sonia. will be furnished enemy aircraft Martial music by key Station staff rations. Departure date for Col. Ma- by the 1st Marine Brigade Band. non-com- gruder and his family is set for missioned officers at the Staff All military personnel, their de- Club. Friday, Aug. 5. They will sail pendents and guests arc invited to aboard the Mariposa. Col. Ma- witness the colorful event. Bleach- A combined aloha party, wel- Three Squadrons gruder will assume new duties er seating will be available. coming Col. Campbell as the new as director, 12th Marine Corps A full rehearsal will be held at commanding officer and bidding Reserve and Recruitment Dis- 2 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 3, with farewell to Col. Magruder, is sche- Set New Record trict with Headquarters in San all assigned personnel participat- duled at the Officers Club im- Francisco. ing. Uniform for the mediately following the change of COL. M. M. rehearsal In Flight Safety MAGRUDER Details for the change of com- will be utilities. command ceremony. mand ceremony were announced Last Monday, tabbed "Col. Col. Magruder, a veteran of Three squadrons of the Kaneohe Air Station's Marine Air-- 'ft Group-13 have set a new record in flight safety-nearly 30,000 hours of accident-free flying. Computed on July 1, the re- cord shows the results of con- stant training in both pilot pro- ficiency and ground crew main- tenanc e-with a continuing stress on the most important factor: safety. Leading the trio is Marine At- the "Devil VOL. IX NO. tack Squadron-212, 30 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII July 29, 1960 Cats" who celebrated their 10,000th accident-free hour last April, and now hold a total of Colonel Paul J. 11,644.7 hours, flown within a Fontana period of 590 days. Close behind the Devil Cats are Promoted To Flag Rank the Marine Attack Squadron-214 safe Colonel Paul J. Fontana, "Blacksheep" with 9,473.4 Chief Brigadier General Tuesday hours within the last 414 of Staff, 1st Marine Brigade, flying was in the office of Brig. Gen. R. G. days. nrornnted to the one star rank of Weede, the Brigade commander. Both squadrons fly the FJ4-B A veteran of 24-yeara active "Fury," a supersonic jet fighter General Officers' service with the Marine Corps, used in close air support opera- Gen. Fontana earned both the tions with ground forces. Accord- Navy Cross and Distinguished ing to statistics, ground crews Assignments Flying Cross while leading a must devote an average of 15 Set Marine fighter squadron against Following close on the heels of hours of maintenance to the plane the Japanese over Guadalcanal. for every hour it is in the air. the genera 1 officer selection It was during the fighting in the boards, Headquarters Marine Solomon Islands that he became It is this constant attention Corps early this week announced an "ace" in 1943 when he des- on the part of the maintenance by dispatch, new assignments for troyed five enemy aircraft in crews that guarantees squadron various flag positions. aerial combat. pilots a safe and reliable ma- Acoording to the dispatch, Prior to being named Brigade chine when they take to the air. K-Bay's brigadier general selec- Chief of staff, Gen. Fontana com- Once aloft, responsibility for an tee. Paul J. Fontana, will re- manded Marine Aircraft Group 13, outstanding saftey record rests port to HQMC for duty in Aug- the in the pilot's hands alone. air-arm of the 1st Marine Bri- PROUD MOMENT-Brig. Gen. Paul J. Fontana, left, Chief of Staff, ust. No special duty assign- gade. It was while commanding The third member of the record 1st Marine Brigade, is congratulated by the Brigade commander, ment has been announced. the aircraft group that he led a holding group is Headquarters Other assignments and reassign- trans-Pacific flight from the Kan- Brig. Gen. R. G. Weede, upon his promotion to the one star rank and Maintenance Squadron-13, ments include Maj. Gen. Donald eohe Marine Corps Air Station to Tuesday. "surgery department" for all air- M. Weller to succeed Maj. Gen. the Naval Air Station, Atsugi, Ja- craft aboard the station. "HAMS" Robert B. Luckey as CG, Third pan. carries out all major repairs and Marine Division cn or about Sept. In addition to the Navy Cross TWO HQMC SELECTION BOARDS overhauls, and maintains a "pool" 1. Maj. Gen. Luckey will then re- and the Distinguished of ships to replace those turned lieve Brig. Gen. Sidney Flying S. Wade Cross, Gen. Fontana has also in for work. In addition to the as CG, MCB, Camp Lejeune in REPORT OUT; 13 TO ADD STARS pool, the squadron maintains two October. been awarded the Silver Star General Wade will re- for close air sup- New stars sparkled Tuesday on Personnel, HQMC; Col. John 11. multi-engine passenger and cargo port to Medal (army) HQMC in October. port of the Army's X Corps the collar of Brig. Gen. Paul J. Masters, Legislative Assistant to ships, plus three F9F trainers. will 1st Marine Brigade chief Brig. Gen. Lewis J. Fields over Korea in 1950: the Legion Fontana, the Commandant; Wood B. Kyle, As of July 1, HAMS contributed relieve Brig. Gen Alpha L. Bowser of staff, following last week's hours, in of Merit, with Combat "V", staff, Commander in Chief, 8,852.3 flawless flying in September as CG, Force Troops, announcement by Headquarters to the group re- earned in 1951 while leading Europe, Paris, France; Lewis W. a 763-day period, FMFPac and CG. MCB, 29 Palms. pilots of Marine Aircraft Group Marine Corps of his selection for Med. Walt, Marine Corps Representa- General Bowser will report to 33 against Communist aggres- the new rank. The grand total comes to 29,- HQMC for duties to be announced In addition to Gen. Fontana, the tive on Joint Advance Study flight of Staff, De- 970.4 hours of accident free it a later date. (See FONTANA Page 8) board chose seven other colonels Group, Joint Chiefs to conscientious including Col. time, a tribute for flag status, and constant training. George S. Bowman Jr., staff mem- (See PROMOTIONS Page 8) effort ber, Commander in Chief, Pacific, at Camp H. M. Smith. Headquarters Marine Corps also announced the results of the se- lection board picking brigadier generals for promotion to major general status. Among those se- lected were former Brigade com- mander, Brig. Gen Avery R. Kier, now commanding the Japan-based 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, and Brig. Gen. James M. Masters Sr., Marine Corps Inspector General who, at the time of the announce- ment, was inspecting Brigade units here at Kaneohe. The complete listing of officers selected for major general in- cluded: Brig. Gens. Alpha L. Bow- ser, CG, Force Troops FMF, Pa- cific and CG, MCB, Twentvnine Palms, Calif; Sidney S. Wade, CG, MCB, Camp Lejeune; Ralph K. Rottet, Commander, MCAB, Eas- NSPECTOR GENERAL-Brig Gen. James M. Masters. Sr., left, and tern Area, and CG, MCAS, Cherry unusual photo Group FJ4B Furies Eric. Gen. R. G. Weede. CG, 1st Marine Brigade, c heck the Point; James M. Masters Sr., and SAFETY IN PROFICIENCY--In this as would be done in combat "wounds" of Pfc. R. L Casey, C1-4, a "casualty" during B-Med s Avery R. Kier. practice "buddy tanker" refuelina it Fury at carries fuel tanks erection of a full field medical unit in the Fort Hese area for the Officers selected for one star fully loaded with rockets and napalm. left IG on July 21. The B-Med installations, including X-Ray and surgery status included Col's. Rathvon Mc with extended "drogue" into which center plane has plugged its torts, were in full operation within two hours of first call to the field. Tompkins, Assistant Director of fuel probe. This seven-minute opcation is praticed by all Fury pilots. July 29, 1960 U.S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION. KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII ebaptain's Corner IfinfuiPittf PitotoyPerpho By CHAPLAIN K. W. CARLSON Not wanting to emboli ass anyone and, ducking i.e%,.:ral punches, a COL.
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