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Open Access Version If You Believe That This Document Breaches Copyright Please Contact Us Providing Details and We Will Investigate Your Claim University of Southern Denmark Withdrawal of antihypertensive drugs in older people Reeve, Emily; Jordan, Vanessa; Thompson, Wade; Sawan, Mouna; Todd, Adam; Gammie, Todd M; Hopper, Ingrid; Hilmer, Sarah N; Gnjidic, Danijela Published in: The Cochrane database of systematic reviews DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD012572.pub2 Publication date: 2020 Document version: Final published version Citation for pulished version (APA): Reeve, E., Jordan, V., Thompson, W., Sawan, M., Todd, A., Gammie, T. M., Hopper, I., Hilmer, S. N., & Gnjidic, D. (2020). Withdrawal of antihypertensive drugs in older people. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2020(6), [CD012572]. Go to publication entry in University of Southern Denmark's Research Portal Terms of use This work is brought to you by the University of Southern Denmark. Unless otherwise specified it has been shared according to the terms for self-archiving. If no other license is stated, these terms apply: • You may download this work for personal use only. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying this open access version If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details and we will investigate your claim. Please direct all enquiries to [email protected] Download date: 25. Sep. 2021 Cochrane Library Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Withdrawal of antihypertensive drugs in older people (Review) Reeve E, Jordan V, Thompson W, Sawan M, Todd A, Gammie TM, Hopper I, Hilmer SN, Gnjidic D Reeve E, Jordan V, Thompson W, Sawan M, Todd A, Gammie TM, Hopper I, Hilmer SN, Gnjidic D. Withdrawal of antihypertensive drugs in older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD012572. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD012572.pub2. Withdrawal of antihypertensive drugs in older people (Review) Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cochrane Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S HEADER......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS.............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 METHODS..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 RESULTS........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Figure 1.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Figure 2.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 3.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Figure 4.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Figure 5.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Figure 6.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................................................................... 21 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23 CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDIES.................................................................................................................................................................. 27 DATA AND ANALYSES.................................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Analysis 1.1. Comparison 1: Discontinuation by no treatment/placebo of antihypertensives vs Continuation, Outcome 1: All- 47 cause mortality...................................................................................................................................................................................... Analysis 1.2. Comparison 1: Discontinuation by no treatment/placebo of antihypertensives vs Continuation, Outcome 2: 47 Cardiovascular mortality...................................................................................................................................................................... Analysis 1.3. Comparison 1: Discontinuation by no treatment/placebo of antihypertensives vs Continuation, Outcome 3: 47 Myocardial infarction (fatal and nonfatal)........................................................................................................................................... Analysis 1.4. Comparison 1: Discontinuation by no treatment/placebo of antihypertensives vs Continuation, Outcome 4: 48 Systolic blood pressure........................................................................................................................................................................ Analysis 1.5. Comparison 1: Discontinuation by no treatment/placebo of antihypertensives vs Continuation, Outcome 5: 48 Diastolic blood pressure....................................................................................................................................................................... Analysis 1.6. Comparison 1: Discontinuation by no treatment/placebo of antihypertensives vs Continuation, Outcome 6: 48 Hospitalisation...................................................................................................................................................................................... Analysis 1.7. Comparison 1: Discontinuation by no treatment/placebo of antihypertensives vs Continuation, Outcome 7: Stroke 49 (fatal + nonfatal + TIA).......................................................................................................................................................................... Analysis 1.8. Comparison 1: Discontinuation by no treatment/placebo of antihypertensives vs Continuation, Outcome 8: Sucess 49 rate - withdrawal/resumption due to hypertension or other clinical reason.................................................................................... Analysis 1.9. Comparison 1: Discontinuation by no treatment/placebo of antihypertensives vs Continuation, Outcome 9: Quality 49 of life...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Analysis 1.10. Comparison 1: Discontinuation by no treatment/placebo of antihypertensives vs Continuation, Outcome 10: 50 Systolic blood pressure subgrouped on duration.............................................................................................................................. Analysis 1.11. Comparison 1: Discontinuation by no treatment/placebo of antihypertensives vs Continuation, Outcome 11: 50 Systolic blood pressure subgrouped on drug type...........................................................................................................................
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