Communicating during a crisis: Leadership lessons for the COVID-19 era Page 24

Breslin: Planning ahead for 2021 Page 10 Lindauer: How good ideas Staying on survive Page 6 Leveraging data: The key to Course 21st-century success Page 16

4 The New Normal 6 Facing the Ultimate Test 10 COVID-19 and Jobsite Culture

67368_TAUC_Magazine_X.indd 1 8/14/20 9:30 PM The Boilermakers advantage FORGED FROM INTEGRITY.







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67368_TAUC_Magazine_X.indd 2 8/14/20 9:39 PM THE A Publication of The Association of CONSTRUCTIONSUMMER 2020 USERUnion Constructors ADVANCING UNION CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE

The Construction User is published quarterly by:

IN EVERY ISSUE IN EVERY CORNER THE ASSOCIATION OF UNION 4 FROM THE DESK OF THE 10 THE BRESLIN CORNER CONSTRUCTORS PRESIDENT All the Drama Movies Aren’t 1501 Lee Highway, Suite 202 Arlington, Va 22209 Regarding the American Worker on Netflix 703.524.3336 Steve Johnson Mark Breslin 703.524.3364 (Fax) 11 THE EHS CORNER EXECUTIVE EDITOR FEATURED ARTICLES Partnering in Safety David Acord Rusty Brown 703.628.5545 6 New Job, Same Tools [email protected] Steve Lindauer 12 THE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE CORNER (Contact for rates and details) 8 Study: Craftworker Shortage Connections Was Easing Slightly Before Jim Daley Bill Spilman Innovative Media Solutions COVID-19 Crisis 320 W. Chestnut St. David Acord 14 THE GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS P.o. Box 399 CORNER Oneida, Il 61467 309.483.6467 13 Thomas J. Reynolds Awards for Crisis & Collaboration [email protected] Excellence in Construction Safety & Jim Kolb Health 2020 Winners SUBSCRIPTIONS 30 For information about subscriptions, THE LEGAL CORNER reprints, or purchasing bulk copies, 16 The Data-Driven Construction What Does the Supreme contact: Business Court’s LGBTQ Ruling Mean for Executive Editor, David Acord Contractors? 703.628.5545 Ani Abrahamian [email protected] Katharine Meyer

ART DIRECTION & DESIGN 18 Top NMA Contractors 31 THE TECH CORNER Top Shelf Design, LLC Embracing Innovation — 24 What to Say When Everyone Is and a New Challenge © 2020 The Association Of Union Afraid Timothy Hoch Constructors. David Acord

All Rights Reserved. The Contents 28 News Briefs Of This Publication May Not Be Reproduced, In Whole Or In Part, Without The Prior Written Consent Of The Publisher.


67368_TAUC_Magazine_X.indd 3 8/14/20 9:30 PM FROM THE DESK OF THE PRESIDENT Regarding the American Worker

s contractors in the union construction and maintenance industry, we are constantly remade, reshaped and redesigned by the world Aaround us. Compare our behaviors and attitudes now with the same time last year. Chances are we will notice major differences in what we do and how we act because of the coronavirus pandemic: social distancing, BY STEVE JOHNSON, wearing face masks, using hand sanitizer more frequently, working from PRESIDENT, GEM, INC. home instead of the office, etc. Some changes were abrupt and jarring, but others happened more subtly. Perhaps we haven’t fully realized just how dramatically our everyday life has changed in the last few months because we’ve been so busy.

But we must pay attention. We are living through one of the most Several experts noted how the pandemic has exacerbated these stressful periods in recent history, and if we don’t deal with it the long-standing industry problems. As I mentioned, men and right way — and help those around us do the same — it could nega- women grappling with serious emotional issues or addictions tively affect our lives, our families, our jobs and the entire industry. are already vulnerable. The constant barrage of negative news Now that we’re several months into the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s a about the rising death toll and packed hospitals may compound good idea to step back and evaluate where we stand. the problem. Even seemingly simple requirements such as social Recently, published an article highlighting distancing or wearing masks can be highly stress-inducing for many words and phrases created during the COVID-19 crisis. It some people. was fascinating to see how our common, everyday language has So what can we as contractors do to help? By practicing transformed itself in such a short period of time. Here are a few mindfulness on the job — mindful of our attitudes, our words and examples: (especially) our actions — perhaps we can help workers dealing Doom-scrolling: Scrolling through the news feed on your smart- with tough circumstances get through the day a little easier. If phone and reading all the depressing and scary virus-related we can positively affect employees’ attitudes daily, we will reap headlines. huge rewards in terms of efficiency, productivity and peace of mind. COVID-15: Another play on words, this time combining COVID-19 Here are a few quick tips: with “freshman 15,” which is used to describe the weight many • Not everyone views change the same way. What you might college students put on in their first year away from home. consider a small or minor change to workplace procedures “COVID-15” describes the extra pounds many people pack on (wearing a mask, for instance) might be viewed differently after they start working from home — and closer to the refrigerator by someone else. Don’t dismiss their concerns out of hand. — as a result of office closures. Take people at their word when they express misgivings. Take Quarantini and coronarita: Cocktails and martinis people the time to listen. Go the extra mile and explain why the make when they are quarantined at home and can’t go out. changes are necessary — and let them know you’ll do While these are funny examples, some of the new words — whatever you can to help them get comfortable with the such as “doom-scrolling” and the references to alcohol — have “new normal.” dark undertones and hint at potential problems. Reading the • Give employees the resources they need. Do your workers news every day can be scary and depressing, especially for know where to go or whom to talk to if they’re filled with anx- folks already dealing with relationship or health problems. And iety about COVID-19 — or anything else? Do you have an excessive drinking at home as a way to deal with the stress of the on-site EHS professional ready to handle such situations? pandemic is certainly nothing to joke about. Work with the local unions on these types of issues; many of In early July, TAUC held an informative webinar titled the larger locals have trained staffers ready and able to help. “Construction in Crisis: Preventing Suicide and Substance Abuse.”


67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 4 8/12/20 7:25 PM • Take the temperature of the room. We’re busier than ever face and different experiences in their lives that differ from — I get it. But as leaders and supervisors, we can’t forget the our own. Regard for people means caring. Caring about how importance of simply stopping and looking around from our words, actions and attitudes affect the people around time to time. What’s the mood of the crew today? What’s life us. Caring and understanding about viewpoints different like in the trailer on the jobsite? We don’t live in a vacuum. from our own and caring enough to be willing to evaluate and The outside world pushes in on our thoughts and feelings change our approach when needed. more than ever. If you notice a persistent negative shift in COVID-19 isn’t going away any time soon. More outbreaks or attitudes, talk to your EHS professional or seek out a coun- severe quarantine restrictions might be just around the corner. seling expert to see what you can do. These will affect your workers as well as their families and friends. • Regard for people. Showing regard for people means lis- We may not be able to stop the world from reshaping all our tening to people’s concerns, learning about their struggles actions, but we can make a greater effort to ensure that we don’t and understanding that everyone has different obstacles to forget what’s most important: people.

We are living through one of the most stressful periods in recent history, and if we don’t deal with it the right way — and help those around us do the same — it could negatively affect our lives, our families, our jobs and the entire industry.

2020 SUMMER 5

67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 5 8/12/20 7:59 PM New Job, Same Tools


s I write this, it’s mid-July, and everyone I know is tired of dealing with (and talking about) COVID-19. Unfortunately, we don’t have a choice. Here in Athe Washington, D.C., area, the virus is still running rampant, and most area governments have implemented some type of mandatory face mask ordinance. Social distancing — a phrase no one had heard of a few months ago — is now second nature to most people, and when my wife and I go to the grocery store, we dutifully follow the directional arrows on the floor, telling us which way to walk down each aisle. It’s a new world, whether we like it or not. As construction industry professionals, though, we don’t have the luxury of sit- Steve Lindauer is the CEO ting around and complaining about the situation. We don’t have the time. Our of The Association of Union contractors, building trades partners and owner-clients are, quite literally, working Constructors and also serves around-the-clock to ensure the country’s lights stay on and major assembly plants as Impartial Secretary and CEO keep rolling. When they do find a spare minute or two, rather than use that time to vent of the National Maintenance their frustrations, our members jump on a Zoom call to share new ideas and strategies Agreements Policy Committee, with their peers on various TAUC committees — Industrial Relations, Innovation and Inc. (NMAPC). Technology, EHS, Government Affairs and Local Employer Organizations. From my vantage point as CEO of TAUC and Impartial Secretary/CEO of NMAPC, I’ve been able to view the last few months from a unique perspective. Since the pandemic hit in early spring, I have spent most of my days doing one of three things: coordinating, connecting or communicating (sometimes all at once). I work with our staff to coor- dinate both organizations’ response to COVID-19; for instance, we created a webinar series from scratch to replace the canceled TAUC Leadership Conference and have held regular “virtual roundtables” with members to make sure that everyone knows what’s going on and that nothing falls through the cracks. On the NMAPC side, we issued an addendum to the NMA that allowed power plants across the country to maintain the reliability of the electrical grid during the darkest days of the COVID-19 emergency. The addendum provides flexibility to signatory contractors working at power plants in site lockdown or quarantines and ensures they can fulfill their duties safely. I also help to connect contractors with representatives from the building trades and owner-client communities, and vice versa. Now, more than ever, it’s important to make sure that when a problem arises, the right people are talking to one another. And together, we all strive to communicate with our members and bring them the latest information they need to do their jobs, whether it’s analyzing a new OSHA regulation or issuing a “call to arms” on an important legislative or regulatory issue, such as pension reform.


67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 6 8/12/20 9:05 PM still had a huge effect on our growth and evolution by single-handedly creating the We were prepared. zero-injury movement and transforming the safety culture of our industry. Today, More important, we had thanks to Emmitt and others like him, apprentices are trained to look out not just always been prepared — for themselves but for their co-workers, too. They are taught that it’s their duty to we just didn’t know it. speak up and point out unsafe practices and environments. In the 21st century, we see Emmitt’s legacy play out in new and The Big Lesson When you spend nearly 50 years living unexpected ways. What began with a desire So what have I learned after more than those principles — not just paying lip to prevent physical injuries has blossomed four months in the COVID-19 trenches? service to them — you’re ready for the into a grassroots movement to help craft- What great wisdom and insights have I unexpected, whether it’s a devastating workers with substance abuse, depression gleaned from week after week of confer- recession (2008) or a global pandemic and thoughts of suicide, too. The safety cul- ence calls and virtual meetings with top (2020). Both TAUC and NMAPC were actu- ture Emmitt cultivated is also more than construction executives from across the ally well-positioned. No one saw COVID-19 able to handle COVID-19; men and women country? coming, but when the pandemic reached on jobsites now openly talk about the My main takeaway is that TAUC and crisis proportions, we didn’t have to rein- importance of wearing masks and social NMAPC were ready to handle the situa- vent the wheel or hold an emergency distancing, something he couldn’t have tion from day one. We were prepared. More meeting to figure out what to do. The conceived of in the 1970s and 1980s as he important, we had always been prepared — answer was simple: Do what you’ve always developed the zero-injury concept. we just didn’t know it. done, but pivot tactically. The playbook had Good ideas survive. In the right hands, Now, before you accuse me of arro- been written long ago. they can be used to successfully meet gance and bragging, let me explain. No, The performance of TAUC and NMAPC new challenges that their creators never we didn’t have a hundred boxes of face during the COVID-19 situation is a tribute anticipated. And solid principles don’t masks and hand sanitizers stashed away not to current leadership but to the profes- fade away — they only get stronger. Those in a closet somewhere. That’s not what I’m sionals who built both organizations over are my takeaways, so far, from the Year of talking about. When I say we were prepared the decades. I’m thinking of leaders such Coronavirus. I wish everyone a safe and from day one, I mean that both TAUC and as Joseph La Rocca, founder of TAUC’s healthy summer. NMAPC were built on similar foundations. predecessor group and the first Impartial From the beginning, both organizations Secretary of NMAPC. Or Jim Willis, long- were designed to adhere to a core set of time NMAPC president, who came from underlying principles. You’ve heard them the labor side and fervently preached the before. gospel of tripartite cooperation. Safety. Productivity. Quality. Strength. And then there’s Emmitt Nelson. Emmitt Communication. Transparency. never worked for TAUC or NMAPC, but he

2020 SUMMER 7

67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 7 8/12/20 9:05 PM Study: Craftworker Shortage Was Easing Slightly Before COVID-19 Crisis BY DAVID ACORD

abor shortages in the union con- detailed charts and analysis on regional stable shortage. That is, after a number of struction and maintenance industry labor supply levels broken down by industry, years where the industry saw increases in were still prevalent in early 2020, but region and individual crafts—will assist shortage data, in 2019 there was a “leveling respondents to a survey conducted contractors and labor as they begin the off.” Over the past three years of survey between mid-January and mid-February long post-coronavirus recovery process. results covering 2017-2019, the range of reported that the problem had leveled off Knowing which areas of the country were responses (varying from large shortages somewhat. Then the COVID-19 pandemic experiencing labor shortages or surpluses to surpluses) has been quite consistent. hit, upending conventional wisdom and pre-COVID-19 will be especially helpful in But while the data has plateaued, the labor- compelling contractors, labor represen- gauging where to allocate scarce resources. shortage issue hasn’t disappeared; it has tatives and owner-clients to deal with a The Association of Union Constructors just stabilized. The big question is how the dramatically altered business landscape. (TAUC), in conjunction with the Construction COVID-19 pandemic will affect labor supply Nevertheless, the wealth of data gener- Labor Research Council (CLRC), utilized in 2020 and beyond, a topic we will cover ated by the sixth annual TAUC Union Craft a rigorous scientific methodology to extensively in next year’s survey. Labor Supply Study gives construction analyze more than 800 responses to a Also, new to the study this year is an professionals an in-depth understanding multiquestion survey sent earlier this examination of the prevalence of per diem of the “state of play” in the industry before year to a cross section of contractors, payments in the industry. Nearly half of the the crisis. This information—especially the union representatives and owner-clients. respondents said their organization paid The large sample size per diems in 2019 and the average amount and carefully worded was $84.50. These payments were most questions combine to common in the civil, manufacturing and make this one of the utility industries; in terms of regional dis- most useful labor-supply tribution, per diems were more prevalent reports available, and the in the New England, Southeast and South only union-specific study Central areas of the country. focusing on construction A copy of the complete report is available and maintenance. for free download at: In terms of the labor shortage, the survey found that the pre-COVID-19 narrative had shifted from a growing shortage to a The pre-COVID-19 narrative had shifted from a growing shortage to a stable shortage.


67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 8 8/12/20 7:25 PM 67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 9 8/12/20 7:25 PM THEBRESLINCORNER

Mark Breslin is a strategist All the Drama Movies and author of several books, including most Aren’t on Netflix recently, The Five Minute BY MARK BRESLIN Foreman: Mastering the People Side of Construction. Visit his website at or contact him at 925-705-7662.

ow many of you, when flipping through (or will not) agree on solutions before the Disciplined ROI is the H the channels, will stop and re-watch a election, so the states are on their own. movie you’ve seen five or 10 times? All of us. That situation leads to slashing sources of name of the game: to The Godfather. The Shawshank Redemption. funding for the entire market. Rocky. The Departed. Jurassic Park. Titanic. Except for the bipolar stock market, the improve operational or My weakness is Gladiator. I’ve watched that economic indicators say the sky is kind probably 10 times. You know what’s going to of falling — and if not now, pretty damn economic outcomes happen; you know all the lines. You enjoy it soon. Public entities are already getting for your companies. for its familiarity, not the surprise or shock of nervous with tax revenue in steep decline something new. and capital budgets looking ripe for reas- Well, that is exactly the situation our signment. Private construction owners industry finds itself in again. One of two looking ahead probably need Xanax. movies is going to play for you beginning Industrial expenditures are more or less on Let us remind ourselves that this is later this year and probably through 2021. hold. Building offices in the Zoom world? not new and that market cycles are And it won’t be on Netflix. Maybe later. And finally, there’s uncertainty normal in our business. These two movies represent the eco- on whether we will see a V recovery, a U • What is our operational edge that we nomics of our construction marketplace. recovery or the Nike Swoosh recovery. need to focus on right now? And if you have been at this for any length OK. So what to do? Watch that crappy • What market pivots would be smart of time, you have seen them both at least movie. Again. Let’s check out your viewing to make now that will pay off later? two or three times — maybe four if you have history. • What discretionary versus essential some gray hairs. U.S. Recessions Affecting Our Industry investments do we need to make in The first movie, most recently rereleased • 1980-82 people, programs, technology, training in 2008, is rated five stars. Let’s call it • 1990-91 or equipment to get to the other side? Desperately Shoveling Cash. The plot: The • 2001 • What sacred cows, processes, legacy government sends out massive infusions of • 2008-09 BS, B-C players or other barriers need federal infrastructure dollars to put America Unless you are among the many new to be eliminated, because a good to work. Infrastructure is the depend- apprentices** or college graduate project shock to the system is a fine time to able, proven and fastest way to put people managers who have never seen a hard enact change? to work. From the Great Depression to the down-market cycle before (welcome to • What sacrifices, economies or leaning financial crisis, government turns to us the real world, sons and daughters), the out can and should we make to roll to generate economic firepower. If we downturn movie is mostly the same. through market instability? Where is watch this movie, there is cheering and And that familiarity should be an asset, the maximum ROI? fist-bumping. The good guys win, and in the because it means you know the plot. I have seen both of these market trends, end, the infrastructure work bridges the gap So, before we grind through it again, and, as an organizational leader, I am to the other side of the recession. If this is 2020 is a time to sit down with your not freaked out or left wondering what to going to happen, it will be decided in 2020, management team and ask the key do. I always have tried to think and act in and most likely in the next 60 to 90 days. questions that everyone needs to address “what is most important to the members The other movie is a one-star, low- before a market cycle change: NOW” mode as much as possible so that budget horror flick. Let’s call it Slashers • What did we learn from watching and when the shit hits the fan, my organization at the Jobsite. In this one, the feds cannot living the last versions of this movie? never faces conflicting resource priorities. Continued on page 32


67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 10 8/12/20 7:25 PM THEEHSCORNER Rusty Brown is the Partnering in Safety Environmental Health BY RUSTY BROWN and Safety Director for Kiewit Power Constructors Co. and Chair of the TAUC Environmental Health and Safety Committee.

Editor’s Note: This is the first article in a three- management. Members of the CVIS No one wants to see part series on safety innovations on the job- program are selected by their peers based site. Future articles will explore the topics on their safety mindset and leadership in someone get hurt on discussed below in greater detail. safety. Workers selected to the CVIS team obody gets hurt” and “Pleased continue to work on their tools, but they also a project. So why not "Nbut not satisfied” are two simple make themselves available to listen and help but important phrases get all parties involved that have become the driving forces in the Kiewit in the safety program? safety program. We can all Kiewit has learned get caught up from time to time with the details of over the years that construction operations and lose focus, which is when we have a good why I believe we can do better. Kiewit has taken partnership with labor, a proactive approach to injuries and incidents learning and understanding from our labor force. are greatly reduced. No one wants to see someone get hurt on a project. So why not get all parties involved in the safety program? Kiewit craftworkers as safety-team members. has learned over the Having a member of the safety team years that when we have who has a better understanding of the a good partnership with work being performed has proved invalu- labor, injuries and inci- able across many of our projects. The dents are greatly reduced. craftworkers who transition to the safety Several years ago, we started breaking down solve issues that co-workers may have. The team can have conversations with their incidents by craft. Then we opened a CVIS team meets with the project-manage- peers that a noncraft safety person may dialogue with those crafts and discussed ment team to discuss any issues that may struggle with. what we could do to influence positive arise on the project. Both of these innovations have signifi- changes on our projects. The idea was to Another key component of the CVIS pro- cantly affected our overall safety perfor- have a true partnership in safety and give gram is “rodeos,” or demonstrations of mance. We have better-educated workers, everyone a sense of ownership over the proper safety practices. CVIS members will and everyone feels they have a voice in outcomes. work with project management to develop safety. The bottom line is that everyone The first partnership we created was and present these rodeos at meetings with deserves to work in an environment free of Craft Voice in Safety (CVIS). The CVIS other craftworkers. things that will get us hurt. program is a direct line of communica- The second key partnership between tion between craftworkers and project management and crafts involves hiring Until next time — stay safe!

2020 SUMMER 11

67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 11 8/12/20 7:25 PM THEINDUSTRIALRELATIONSCORNER

Connections Jim Daley is the Chair BY JIM DALEY, JJ WHITE AND INC. of TAUC’s Industrial Relations Committee and Executive Vice President of Operations for JJ White Inc.

lot has changed since I wrote my last offer advice. After our spring Leadership overwhelming majority of respondents A column in early March, just before Conference was canceled (including our indicated that at least 30% of their work the coronavirus prompted a prolonged scheduled committee meeting), we quickly had been postponed and would remain so nationwide shutdown. I hope that every came up with the idea of “virtual round- for at least seven to 12 months. We can TAUC member, as well as every reader tables.” These short, online videoconfer- glean a couple of insights from this infor- of The Construction User, is staying safe ence meetings allowed members to update mation. First, a portion of this work may and finding ways to remain productive. the committee on how their companies very well go away entirely with end users Whoever you are, wherever you call home, were responding to the various logistical simply scrapping capital projects or defer- and wherever you do business, I know upheavals caused by COVID-19. How were ring maintenance out even further. On the that your life has been affected by the they handling work-from-home mandates? other hand, should the majority of post- pandemic in ways both large and small. In What kinds of software were they using poned work come back, it could make for this month’s column, I’d like to share a few to ensure everyone stayed on the same another tight labor market when we are quick updates on how the TAUC Industrial page? Contractors discussed what worked able to put crafts back in the field. Relations Committee has adapted to the (and what didn’t) in a frank and open When looking back on the first half of unexpected. environment. The online roundtable con- this year and everything our industry TAUC has always focused on ways to cept proved extremely popular, and so far has gone through, I have gleaned one connect our members with one another. we’ve held two of them—one in April and lesson. When uncertainty hits, we don’t In the past, we’ve achieved that primarily another in June, with more planned for necessarily need more control—we might through meetings and conferences. But later this year. just need to do a better job of utilizing COVID-19 forced us to improvise on the The first roundtable also sparked a great the skill sets and intelligence of our team fly and find alternative ways to make idea—we surveyed the committee mem- members. That’s what we’re doing with the sure our contractors could stay in touch bership to find out just how severely the Industrial Relations Committee, and so far, with one another, exchange ideas and pandemic had cut into their business. The the results have been promising. When uncertainty hits, we don’t necessarily need more control – we might just need to do a better job of utilizing the skill sets and intelligence of our team members.


67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 12 8/12/20 7:25 PM Thomas J. Reynolds Awards for Excellence in Construction Safety & Health 2020 Winners

Category One Category Four Mascaro Construction Company, L.P. Over 1 Million Hours Worked Less than 99,999 Hours Worked Matrix North American Construction, Inc. Without a DART Case Without a DART Case McCarl's Inc. BHI Energy I Specialty Services LLC Chemsteel Construction Company Morrison Construction Company Graycor Industrial Constructors Inc. Delta Nooter MPW Environmental Services, Inc. Harder Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Fuellgraf Electric Company NAES Power Contractors Nooter Construction Company Hayden Wrecking Corporation Performance Contracting, Inc. Solid Platforms, Inc. M & O Environmental Company Pioneer Pipe, Inc. Songer Steel Services, Inc. Smart Energy Insulation - Michigan Mechanical, Inc. RMF Nooter, Inc. Walbridge Aldinger Company StructSure Scaffold Solutions LLC Ryan & Associates, Inc. Sargent Electric Company Category Two Certificates of Achievement Stevens Engineers & Constructors, Inc. 500,000–1 Million Hours Worked DART Rate of 25% or more below BLS Superior Construction Without a DART Case National Average The Boldt Company Construction & Turnaround Services, LLC Abel Construction Company, Inc. The Jamar Company Gallagher-Kaiser Corporation AECOM Energy & Construction, Inc. The State Group Industrial (USA) Limited M.J. Electric Alberici Constructors Triangle Enterprises, Inc. Matrix North American Construction Inc. Atlantic Plant Maintenance Tron Mechanical, Inc. Monarch Welding & Engineering, Inc. Avalotis Corporation Performance Mechanical, Inc. AZCO Inc. About the Awards Superior Electric Great Lakes Company Babcock & Wilcox Construction Company Inc. Established in 1983, the Thomas J. Reynolds Barton Malow Company Awards for Excellence in Construction Safety and Category Three Beltline Electric Company, Inc. Health were named in honor of a long-serving 100,000–499,999 Hours Worked Black Swamp Steel, Inc. member of TAUC’s predecessor organization, the Without a DART Case BMWC Constructors, Inc. National Erectors Association (NEA). A U.S. Navy APComPower Inc. Broadway Electric Service Corporation veteran, Thomas J. Reynolds spent more than forty Burnham Industrial Contractors C.R. Meyer and Sons Company years in the construction industry, starting out as a Dearborn Mid-West Company Capital Electric Construction Company Inc. union ironworker, boilermaker and millwright. DLZ Industrial, LLC Central Rent-A-Crane, Inc. From 1955 to 1976 he held a variety of high-level Genesys Industrial Corporation Commercial Contracting Corporation safety positions at Bethlehem Steel, culminating in George V. Hamilton, Inc. Conti Corporation his appointment as Supervisor of Plant Protection Henderson Services, LLC Corval Constructors, Inc. and Safety at the company’s Burns Harbor, Indiana Lytle Electric Company Inc. Dee Cramer, Inc. facility. He went on to serve as Corporate Manager M & O Insulation Company EMCOR Hyre Electric Company of Indiana, Inc. of Safety for Morrison Construction Company for Meccon Industries, Inc. Enerfab Power & Industrial, Inc. many years. Niles Industrial Coatings LLC Fluor Constructors International, Inc. In 1980, Mr. Reynolds assisted in writing proposed Onex Construction GEM Inc. construction safety standards for OSHA. In 1986, R.L. Bondy Insulation LLC Grand River Construction, Inc. he was invited by Labor Secretary William Brock to Smart Energy Insulation - Toledo Mechanical, Inc. Gribbins Insulation Company, Inc. join OSHA’s Advisory Committee on Construction Stevenson Crane Service, Inc. Ideal Contracting, LLC Safety and Health, becoming the first NEA member Swan Electric Company Industrial Contractors Skanska to participate on this prestigious panel. The appoint- Thermal Solutions, Inc. J.J. White Inc. ment was a fitting capstone to a career dedicated to Universal Piping Industries, LLC Kiewit Power Constructors Company advancing worker safety. Madison Industrial Services Team, Ltd.

2020 SUMMER 13


he nation is going through an unprec- investment returns and the ability of plan The longer Congress waits to act, Tedented public health and economic sponsors to contribute on behalf of plan the more expensive any future solution crisis because of COVID-19. The long-term participants, the current market volatility becomes. The time to act is now, before fallout will not be known for many years. and economic slowdown can further more multiemployer plans lack the assets However, if previous economic downturns undermine the system. Addressing the to continue to provide benefits. and declines in the stock market and invest- risk facing these plans will require a ment returns are a guide, it is fair to assume comprehensive federal solution to prevent Recent Developments that the effect on multiemployer pension employer exits, bankruptcies and mass plans will be significant. withdrawals that could lead to plan failures In May, the U.S. House of Representatives Before this turbulent period, the overall and increase the PBGC’s liability. passed legislation providing $3.5 trillion in health of the multiemployer pension The federal government has under- COVID-19 relief — H.R. 6800, the HEROES system was not good. The Pension Benefit taken an unprecedented effort to respond Act — which included significant multiem- Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), the fed- to the economic slowdown by enacting ployer pension relief and reforms. Specifically, eral backstop for multiemployer pension trillions of dollars in stimulus programs. H.R. 6800 included a special partition plans, reported that its multiemployer TAUC has been working with other program to allow the PBGC to rescue failing program had a $65.2 billion deficit in fiscal signatory contractor organizations and multiemployer pension plans. This pro- 2019. This was up from $53.9 billion in several of our building and construc- gram would allow the PBGC to take over fiscal 2018 and does not reflect the effect tion trade union partners to urge policy- parts of failing plans for the most at-risk of COVID-19. The report projected that the makers to also take steps to strengthen pensions over the next four years. Under multiemployer pension program would be multiemployer pension plans as part of the this provision, plans that would otherwise insolvent by 2025. federal response to the pandemic. fail could be restored to financial viability While the vast majority of multiemployer Future legislation should provide finan- by removing (“partitioning”) the pension pension plans aren’t in danger of insolvency, cial assistance to failing plans — which costs for participants who never worked the looming failure of a few systemically have been further weakened by the market for surviving employers. Responsibility important plans continues to endanger the volatility and declines in employer for the pension liabilities of these health of the overall multiemployer pension contributions because of the slowdown — “orphaned” participants would become the system. The current crisis threatens to and also allow for reforms to multiemployer responsibility of the PBGC. Removing speed up the impending insolvency of failing pension plans to retain existing contrib- these liabilities from failing plans would plans and contribute to the weakening of uting employers and expand the number of ensure that participants receive full healthy plans. Because plans depend on signatory contractors. benefits while providing plans with the path to long-term solvency. If previous economic downturns and This approach would both protect the pension benefits and retirement secu- declines in the stock market and rity of participants in failing plans while addressing the long-term solvency and investment returns are a guide, it is fair to viability of the pension plan. It would also remove the threat of unsustainable contri- bution rates and withdrawal liability facing assume that the effect on multiemployer the remaining signatory contractors. pension plans will be significant.


67368_TAUC_Magazine_X.indd 14 8/14/20 9:37 PM Jim Kolb is a partner with Summit Strategies Government Affairs LLC

We were also very pleased that the and would be critical to maintaining the Now that the House has acted, attention HEROES Act included the Give Retirement viability of contributing employers and turns to the Senate and Majority Leader Options to Workers Act (GROW Act), strengthening the overall multiemployer Mitch McConnell (R-KY). As of this writing, which would authorize the voluntary system. both chambers continue to clash over sev- use of hybrid composite plans. This vital TAUC and a number of our contractor eral aspects of the relief package and a reform to the multiemployer system would association partners recently commis- final deal has not yet been reached. provide trustees an additional tool to sioned a study to demonstrate the benefits Authorizing the voluntary use of ensure that plans remain solvent for the of composite retirement plans in the face composite plans is key to providing long term. of the coronavirus pandemic and related stability to multiemployer pension plans, TAUC and our construction industry market declines. That study, by the Groom security to plan participants, and removing and building trades union partners have Law Group, found that participants in uncertainty and risk to signatory con- long supported legislative efforts to autho- composite plans fared significantly better tractors. We are glad the House included rize these innovative plan designs that after the 2008 financial crisis (and thus comprehensive reform in its HEROES Act. would allow trustees of multiemployer far during the current coronavirus pan- We remain hopeful that the Senate will plans to ensure plan participants con- demic) than plans that stuck with tradi- follow suit soon. This is vital to the long- tinue to have lifetime retirement security tional defined-benefit multiemployer plans. term viability of the multiemployer pen- at no cost to the federal government or The study highlighted the stability and sion system. to participants of multiemployer pension security that composite plans could plans. Composite plans would also protect provide and demostrated the benefit to contributing employers from market both participants and employers if volatility and unfunded pension liabilities Congress authorized their use.

ASSOCIATIONNEWS TAUC Welcomes New Board Members, Announces Other Leadership Assignments TAUC recently announced several changes to the Board of Directors and related member leadership positions. Two members were elected to the Board of Directors: Todd Doenitz of Barton Malow and Seth Abraham of Kalkreuth Roofing & Sheet Metal. In related moves, board member Mike Haller of Walbridge was elected Second Vice President of the TAUC Executive Committee. The Board also approved the election of Timothy Hoch of APM as Chair of TAUC's new Innovation and Technology Committee; Matt Hedke of Barton Malow will serve as Vice Chair. Additionally, Chuck Binkowski of Barton Malow; Greg Trueman of Alberici; and David Brenner of Segal all concluded their terms as members of the Board of Directors. The Board — and TAUC as a whole — thanks them for their hard work and service.

2020 SUMMER 15

67368_TAUC_Magazine_X.indd 15 8/14/20 9:37 PM The Data-Driven Construction Business Why Leveraging Data Is the Key to Success in the 21st Century BY ANI ABRAHAMIAN, SVP, ENGINEERING AT PROCORE

hile the amount of data produced Top Eight Data Trends in Construction making it difficult to accurately fore- Wevery day is staggering, even more With more businesses utilizing digital cast and improve future results. On so is the fact that it’s increasing exponen- solutions, we are indisputably in a new era the other hand, managing data in tially by the hour. In fact, experts estimate of construction. While teams may not have a constructive way will help busi- that by 2025, the global population will a construction crystal ball to predict what nesses outperform those that do not. have generated about 175 zettabytes of the future will hold, they can look at cur- data. To put that in perspective, a zettabyte rent trends to better understand where 2. Data is more accessible than is roughly equal to a trillion gigabytes. the industry is headed. This enables them ever before As we have seen in the construction to equip themselves with the tools they Research suggests that the construc- industry, more data means greater efficien- need today to better prepare for tomorrow. tion workforce is getting more tech- cies, time savings, and improved project Here’s a breakdown of the top eight data savvy and collaborative. Plus, the cost delivery. But there’s also a downside: the trends: of technology is more affordable, Wifi sheer volume of information coming in is more accessible, and with 1.3 bil- on a daily (even hourly) basis makes it 1. The amount of data is growing lion connected devices worldwide, challenging for contractors to utilize the As I mentioned above, as projects it’s easier than ever to share data and data to its full capacity. In fact, studies become more complex, the amount collaborate efficiently. The reality is, show that 96% of all data goes unused in of data is also increasing — and man- technology is driving new ways of the engineering and construction industry. aging that data efficiently is no longer working — both on site and off — and But it is precisely here, in what many a nice-to-have luxury but a necessity. it’s enabling teams to make better people might perceive as an industry- Relying on manual processes or dis- data-driven decisions from anywhere. wide challenge, where businesses can parate solutions means information find a massive opportunity — one that has is often captured in siloed systems 3. Integrations offer enhanced the potential to set their company apart and data is fragmented. As a result, insights from their competition. The reality is, teams have no way to gain a compre- According to FMI, 90% of all data gen- businesses that are able to leverage hensive view of project performance, erated in construction is unstructured. actionable insights from their data gain a competitive advantage over those who don’t, and here’s why. Leveraging data and insights enables businesses to mitigate risk in two key areas. First, they can spot trends and risk areas so they are able course correct before a project derails. Secondly, they are able to use that data for better forecasting. In other words, data helps businesses be proactive, rather than reactive, so they can stay one step ahead of any surprises.


67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 16 8/12/20 7:25 PM Ani Abrahamian is the Senior Vice President of Engineering at Procore where she is responsible for overseeing all of the company’s global engineering efforts. Prior to joining Procore, Abrahamian spent 13 years in engineering at Salesforce where she held leadership roles on the mobile engineering team and was responsible for the Salesforce Mobile App, the company’s flagship mobile application.

What’s more, 30% of companies use and managed, and it’s providing different softwares that don’t integrate greater transparency to a histori- with each other, meaning that data is cally fragmented industry. Notably, stored in different devices (desktop to platforms provide stakeholders with mobile) and different formats (emails, more accurate, real-time access to PDFs, blueprints, timecards). But data — leading to more efficient and managing data with an array of dispa- informed decisions. This is because rate solutions isn’t a sustainable way platforms are able to look at overall to manage projects, let alone a busi- performance across projects and the ness, for the long-term.TAUC _IntegrationsPrintAd_SC_PRT_ 8.625x11.1company25.indd 1 as a whole. Not only does this With more 6/8/20 1:04 PM allow different solutions to “talk” give teams a single source of truth, but to one another — enabling stream- it creates better alignment across all businesses utilizing lined communication and reduced stakeholders — from owners to gen- double entry. Most importantly, teams eral contractors to specialty contrac- digital solutions, can access enhanced reporting and tors. It also allows executives to see a analytics across projects. high-level overview of project health, we are indisputably enabling them to identify areas of 4. Platforms consolidate data into improvement to drive greater produc- one place tivity, less risk (and waste), and higher in a new era of In order to obtain useful insights, profits down the road. your solutions not only need to talk construction. While to one another, but they also should 6. Data supports safer jobsites be consolidated in one centralized Leveraging data helps teams stay on teams may not solution. Unlike a single solution that schedule and under budget, and it only addresses one business need also supports a safer workplace. Many have a construction at a time, a platform is a stream- safety accidents happen as a result of lined system that connects solutions rushing to get the job done or lack of crystal ball to through integration. Similar to a phys- attention. Better forecasting leads to ical platform, digital platforms pro- fewer on-site surprises and last-minute predict what the vide a base structure, or scaffold, onto changes, allowing teams to dedicate which multiple components can attach more time to the task at hand — and future will hold, they (a solution for accounting, another for that means fewer mistakes and inju- scheduling, and so on). This means all ries. What’s more, businesses now have project information lives in one place, the ability to leverage machine learning can look at current and stakeholders — from the site to which tracks trends and can automati- the office — have one source of truth to cally detail where accidents are most trends to better ensure information is accurate, up-to- likely to happen and what types most date, and efficient. frequently occur. With insights like understand where these, contractors can design safer 5. Greater project visibility leads to jobsites to mitigate future risks. the industry more informed decisions Digitization is changing the land- Continued on page 32 is headed. scape of how work is performed

2020 SUMMER 17

67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 17 8/12/20 7:25 PM 6 7 3 6 18 8 _ T A U CONSTRUCTION THE C _ M a g a z i n e . i n TOP NMA CONTRACTORS d USER d

1 8

2019 2018 Change Contractor Website City & State Work Hours

1 2 +1 Matrix North American Construction Inc.* Canonsburg, PA 2,692,951

2 1 -1 Enerfab Power & Industrial, Inc.* Cincinnati, OH 2,483,519 The National Maintenance 3 5 +2 RMF Nooter, Inc. Toledo, OH 1,711,868 Agreements Policy 4 10 +6 BMWC Constructors, Inc.* Indianapolis, IN 1,467,452 Committee, Inc. (NMAPC) 5 15 +10 Graycor Industrial Constructors Inc.* Oakbrook Terrace, IL 1,410,707 is proud to showcase the 6 3 -3 Chapman Corporation* Washington, PA 1,391,535 top signatory contractors 7 8 +1 Solid Platforms, Inc.* Portage, IN 1,325,976 and owners that utilized 8 18 +10 International Industrial Contracting Corp.* Sterling Heights, MI 1,317,883 the NMA in 2019. 9 13 +4 Barton Malow Company* Southfield, MI 1,208,484

10 4 -6 BrandSafway Industries LLC East Hazel Crest, IL 1,140,251 Here are the top 50 signatory contractors

11 9 -2 GEM Industrial Inc.* Walbridge, OH 1,021,306 that performed the most construction and maintenance work hours under 12 36 +24 Nooter Construction Co.* St. Louis, MO 879,778 the NMA last year. TAUC Governing 13 65 +52 AZCO Inc.* Appleton, WI 876,767 Members are denoted by an asterisk next to their name and shaded row. 14 16 +2 Industrial Contractors Skanska* Evansville, IN 821,439 Work hours figures are based on data 15 12 -3 Hayes Mechanical Inc. Chicago, IL 742,194 received through mid-July 2020.

16 7 -9 SSS, Inc.* Washington, PA 738,192

17 31 +14 Motor City Electric Detroit, MI 736,390

18 17 -1 Construction & Turnaround Services, LLC* Tulsa, OK 736,289 construction-and-turnaround-services

19 23 +4 Lakehead Constructors, Inc. Superior, WI 650,308

20 26 +6 C.R. Meyer and Sons Company* Oshkosh, WI 645,073

21 11 -10 Sterling Boiler & Mechanical, Inc.* Evansville, IN 594,793

8 22 47 +25 Aristeo Construction* Livonia, MI 585,230 / 1 2 / 2

0 23 N/A John E. Green Co. Highland Park, MI 584,379

7 : 2 5

P M 6 7 3 6 8 _ T A U C _

M Together, these 50 contractors a 24 29 +5 Stevens Engineers & Constructors, Inc.* Middleburg Heights, OH 531,989 g a performed more than 36 million work z i n e 25 25 MPW Environmental Services, Inc. Hebron, OH 492,949 .

i hours under the NMA program in 2019. n d d

If your company is signatory to the

1 26 19 -7 Superior Electric Great Lakes Co. Troy, MI 487,847 9 NMA and is not on this list, but you did a 27 40 +13 PayneCrest Electric, Inc. St. Louis, MO 477,137 significant number of work hours under

28 55 +27 M.J. Electric* Iron Mountain, MI 469,538 the program, it may be due to the fact that you are not adequately reporting 29 22 -7 Industrial Contractors, Inc. (ND) Bismarck, ND 461,953 your work hours on For 30 38 +8 Morrison Construction Company* Hammond, IN 460,021 assistance in reporting work hours, please feel free to contact the NMAPC 31 30 -1 The Jamar Company* Duluth, MN 446,003 office at (703) 841-9707, ext. 118. 32 67 +35 Piping & Equipment Company Wichita, KS 434,491 After the Top 50 list, you will find a 33 21 -12 The Boldt Company* Appleton, WI 418,232 listing of the top owners that utilized the 34 20 -14 Brock Industrial Services Joliet, IL 402,208 NMA, as well as breakdowns of NMA work hours by craft, industry and state. 35 236 +201 Industrial Power Systems Inc. (OH) Rossford, OH 398,286

36 33 -3 AECOM Energy & Construction, Inc.* Princeton, NJ 384,321

37 28 -9 J.J. White Inc.* Philadelphia, PA 382,794

38 N/A Conti Corporation Sterling Hgts, MI 371,124

39 60 +21 Monarch Welding & Engineering, Inc.* Warren, MI 365,903

40 41 +1 Fluor Constructors International, Inc.* Greenville, SC 365,117

41 49 +8 TurbinePROs Rogers, MN 344,399

42 56 +14 McAbee Construction, Inc. Tuscaloosa, AL 342,526

43 62 +19 Pioneer Pipe, Inc.* Marietta, OH 331,243

44 27 -17 Alberici Constructors* St. Louis, MO 330,909

45 44 -1 Rudolph/Libbe, Inc. Walbridge, OH 328,636 rudolph-libbe-inc

46 177 +131 Apache Industrial United, Inc. Houston, TX 313,735

47 63 +16 ACMS Group, Inc. Crown Point, IN 302,721

SUMMER 48 24 -24 Day & Zimmermann NPS, Inc.* Lancaster, PA 300,761

2020 49 146 +97 Giffin, Inc. Auburn Hills, MI 300,092 8 / 1

2 50 39 -11 Bowen Engineering Corp. Indianapolis, IN 293,343 / 2 19 0

7 : 2 5

P M TOP 10 NMA Owner-Clients Ranked by 2019 Work Hours

Rank Owner Work Hours

1 BP Products North America, Inc. 4,738,747

2 General Motors Company 4,488,030

3 United States Steel Corporation 4,416,048

4 Ford Motor Company 3,129,876

5 American Electric Power 2,686,468

6Husky Energy, Inc.2,530,611

7 ArcelorMittal 2,415,425

8Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.2,391,763

9 Fiat Chrysler Automotive 2,371,489

10 PRO-TEC Coating Company 1,602,307

NMAPC 2019 Work Hours Reports by Industry






Sum of 2020 Work Hours Work 2020 of Sum 2,000,000


Gas Utility Other Chemical Automotive Wood/Paper Transportation Steel/Aluminum Heavy Equipment Food/Food Products Petroleum/Natural Industry Pharmaceutical/Healthcare


67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 20 8/12/20 7:25 PM 2019 NMA Work Hours by Craft




6,000,000 Work Hours Work



IBEW Roofers Laborers Insulators TeamstersBricklayers Carpenters BoilermakersIron Workers

United Association Operating Engineers Sheet Metal Workers Operative Plasterers and Painters and Allied Trades Cement Masons Craft

Top 10 NMA States Ranked by 2019 Work Hours




Work Hours Work 6,000,000



Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Missouri Kentucky WisconsinMinnesota West VirginiaPennsylvania State

2020 SUMMER 21

67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 21 8/12/20 7:25 PM Top 10 NMA Contractors - Utility Sector Ranked by 2019 Work Hours Rank Contractor Work Hours

1 Enerfab Power & Industrial, Inc. 1,973,106

2 BMWC Constructors, Inc. 915,981

3 BrandSafway Industries LLC 719,754

4 Hayes Mechanical Inc. 697,226

5 MPW Environmental Services, Inc. 438,586

6 Industrial Contractors, Inc. (ND) 409,868

7 Industrial Contractors Skanska 390,467

Matrix North American Construction 8 381,567 Inc.

9 Sterling Boiler & Mechanical, Inc. 375,198

10 AECOM Energy & Construction, Inc. 370,359

Top 10 NMA Contractors - Petroleum/Natural Gas Sector Ranked by 2019 Work Hours Rank Contractor Work Hours 1RMF Nooter, Inc.1,539,371

2 Chapman Corporation 1,075,144

3 Graycor Industrial Constructors Inc. 1,045,499

4 Nooter Construction Co. 875,959

Construction & Turnaround Services, 5 724,376 LLC

6 Solid Platforms, Inc. 702,804

7 BMWC Constructors, Inc. 390,447

8 Piping & Equipment Company 367,237

9 M.J. Electric 354,555

10 Amex Nooter LLC 287,588


67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 22 8/12/20 7:25 PM Top 10 NMA Contractors - Automotive Sector Ranked by 2019 Work Hours Rank Contractor Work Hours

International Industrial Contracting 1 1,317,883 Corporation

2 John E. Green Co. 584,379

3 Motor City Electric 511,034

4 Superior Electric Great Lakes Co. 487,256

5 Aristeo Construction 446,700

6 Barton Malow Company 411,734

7 Conti Corporation 355,950

8 Giffin, Inc. 300,092

9 Ideal Contracting, LLC 213,092

The State Group Industrial (USA) 10 186,927 Limited

Top 10 NMA Contractors - Steel/Aluminum Sector Ranked by 2019 Work Hours Rank Contractor Work Hours Matrix North American Construction 1 858,067 Inc.

2 Barton Malow Company 639,240

3 SSS, Inc. 562,456

4 Lakehead Constructors, Inc. 562,235

5AZCO Inc. 548,266

6 Stevens Engineers & Constructors, Inc. 441,869

7 Morrison Construction Company 394,832

8 Solid Platforms, Inc. 392,845

9 Graycor Industrial Constructors Inc. 342,602

10 ACMS Group, Inc. 268,832

2020 SUMMER 23

67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 23 8/12/20 7:25 PM What to Say When Everyone Is Afraid

For Contractors, Learning How to Communicate During a Crisis Has Never Been More Important

By David Acord, Director of Communications, TAUC & NMAPC


67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 24 8/12/20 7:25 PM othing exposes a company’s strengths and weaknesses Regardless of how your company performed during the first like a crisis. Just as poorly built houses rarely withstand few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, mastering the basics Na hurricane, businesses lacking strong foundations of internal crisis communication can set you up for success almost always fail when an unexpected storm hits. But other down the road. If you’re in relatively good shape, following these organizations — led by executives with the foresight to prepare simple rules can put you in an even stronger position moving for even the most severe disruptions — are able to survive gale- forward. And if you’re struggling, then understanding how to force winds and, in many cases, quickly regain their foothold in better connect with your employees and partners can only the marketplace. improve your situation. A few months ago, our industry experienced the mother of all unexpected storms in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. Well- An Unlikely Role Model laid plans were thrown out the window, and projects that had In the early 1930s, in the depths of the Great Depression, been in the works for years were literally scrapped overnight. President Franklin D. Roosevelt began broadcasting a series It was the ultimate test; some companies passed while others of live radio messages from the White House that came to be didn’t. Many are still struggling, unsure of their ultimate fate. known as the Fireside Chats. They were enormously popular with What separates the winners from the losers? No two con- an American public that was quite literally at the breaking point. tractors are alike, of course, and each company faces its own Millions were unemployed, and many families didn’t know where particular set of challenges. But the same set of fundamental their next meal would come from. Banks were failing left and principles that guided savvy contractors through the crushing right. It got so bad that Roosevelt had to shut down the entire recession of 2008 and any number of other crises over the banking system. In the midst of all this, he took to the airwaves years can also help them navigate the COVID-19 situation. In to speak directly to Americans, explain the situation and lay out this article, I’d like to shine a spotlight on one principle in par- what the government was doing to make things better. ticular that is often overlooked even by experienced executives. The first Fireside Chat, on March 12, 1933, was an instant It can be summed up this way: hit. The President’s words buoyed the nation’s spirit. People Companies that consistently survive “worst-case sce- grew more confident that he could be trusted to make the right narios” almost always have leaders who know how to decisions for the country. With a few skillfully placed words, he communicate effectively during a crisis. pulled the U.S. back from the brink of utter disaster. “Crisis communication” is a term often associated with public What worked for FDR can work for you, too. The communi- relations. If a company’s food makes a lot of people sick, the cation and persuasion techniques he used are just as effective CEO calls in an expert to handle the messaging, deal with the today as they were in the 1930s. Let’s see how you can put them media and hopefully fend off a wave of lawsuits. But that’s only to use in your own organization. half the story. Contractors also need to know how to communi- cate during a crisis like COVID-19. While most of you will never have to address a room full of reporters and news cameras, you will have to talk to your own employees, building trades partners During a crisis, we and owner-clients. This type of crisis communication is internal — within the confines of your immediate company or industry— as opposed to external, where you address the general public. need everyone locked Our industry’s greatest asset has always been our people. During a crisis, we need everyone locked in, focused and ready to meet the challenge. Morale and productivity go hand in, focused and ready in hand. People can’t perform at the highest level if they are worried and confused about what’s happening around them, to meet the challenge. especially during an event as unsettling as a global pandemic. Management’s job is to communicate in a clear, consistent and ethical manner so that their concerns are addressed.

2020 SUMMER 25

67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 25 8/12/20 7:25 PM Know Your Purpose Roosevelt avoided using big words and batting average, not only for myself, but AfraidThe first thing to do is figure out why you complex language in his chats in order to for the team.’” need to communicate with your employees minimize confusion and reach the max- FDR also got to the point as soon as or business partners. Whether you choose imum number of listeners. As the Museum possible. There were no long pream- to conduct an in-person meeting or of Broadcast Communications noted, bles or flowery language in the Fireside arrange a conference call over Zoom, make “Eighty percent of the words FDR chose Chats. Look at the plain, no-frills way sure your reason is simple and clear. “Just were among the 1,000 most commonly he began his very first radio address in getting together to chat” won’t cut it. used words in the English vocabulary. 1933: “I want to talk for a few minutes Engaging in a rambling, unfocused mono- He also relied on stories, anecdotes, and with the people of the United States logue while a crisis is raging will erode analogies to explain the complex issues about banking … I want to tell you what employees’ confidence in you and make facing the country. For example, he used a has been done in the last few days, why things much worse. You may wish to baseball analogy to describe the first two it was done, and what the next steps are address false rumors, provide an update months of the New Deal: ‘I have no expec- going to be.” Quick, basic, and we’re off to on the financial health of the company, tations of making a hit every time I come the races. or speak frankly about layoffs and cut- to bat. What I seek is the highest possible backs. Regardless, remember that to most people, a crisis represents uncertainty and chaos. Your job as a leader is to provide the antidote to that chaos by being calm, pre- pared, focused and disciplined.

Simple and Steady Gets It Done In his Fireside Chats, FDR spoke in a friendly, conversational tone and used simple, everyday language to get his point across. As his speechwriter Samuel Rosenman once noted, “He looked for words that he would use in an informal conversation with one or two of his friends.” While the Great Depression was a hugely important and dramatic event that very nearly destroyed the country, FDR deliberately chose not to use an important and dramatic tone in his radio chats—just the opposite, in fact. Why? Because doing so would have stirred up listeners’ already frayed emotions. And that would have gotten in the way of his main goal: to persuade Americans that things were going to be OK and the gov- ernment had the situation in hand. FDR, in other words, knew how to read the room. He chose a tone and style that worked with, not against, his purpose for speaking in the first place.


67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 26 8/12/20 7:46 PM FDR’s Tips for Communicating During Tough Times FDR’s Fireside Chats are a master class in crisis communication. Here are a few more helpful tips gleaned from the President’s radio addresses.

Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Begin by giving your listeners a The Truth and Nothing But road map to your upcoming comments by quickly stating what topics you are You might find it insulting to be reminded going to discuss. Set the goal early: “I want to talk about…” or “I’m here to give to tell the truth. But when you talk to your you a quick update on X, Y and Z” helps focus your listeners and keeps them employees in the middle of a crisis, it is engaged. If you have several topics to discuss, use verbal “directional arrows” often very tempting to gloss over the real like First, second and last to keep everything organized and flowing. problems and imply that everything will Speak plainly, not eloquently. A major crisis is not your moment to shine. be OK. Why? Because you want them to Your employees are afraid and worried, perhaps even fearful of losing their feel better, you don’t want them to worry jobs. They don’t want eloquence. They don’t want to hear your thoughts on unnecessarily, or you feel guilty. “Let me do perseverance during tough times; they want to hear your nuts-and-bolts plan all the worrying,” you think. for making things better. Focus on practical actions: “Here’s what’s happening, While wanting to protect your workers and here’s what we’re going to do.” from pain is admirable, it’s also misguided. Don’t forget your ABCs. In this case, ABC stands for “Always Be Clear.” Your goal should be to tell them the truth in Avoid using technical or business terminology that some employees may not a professional and measured way. Holding understand. Leave no employee behind — everyone should be able to follow back important facts simply delays the your discussion. inevitable—and you risk an even greater Use the Emergency Room Technique. Imagine you receive a call late at backlash when the truth finally comes out night that one of your children has been in a car accident. You and your spouse (and it always does). rush to the emergency room and are met by a doctor. Ask yourself what you would want the doctor to say first. Should he introduce himself or talk about Conclusion the weather? Should he reel off his qualifications and talk about all the car As we head into the second half of 2020 accident victims he’s treated in the past? Of course not. You want informa- and beyond, COVID-19 will continue to tion about your child’s condition, and you want it right now. Likewise, when you throw wrenches into our industry’s well- address your employees in the midst of a crisis, think of yourself as the doctor laid plans. And if by some miracle the virus in the emergency room. Cut out the small talk and give them the facts about fades away, another crisis will quickly show the situation as quickly and succinctly as possible. Facts are the antidote to up to take its place. As a leader, you need panic and fear. to be prepared to communicate with your Rip off the bandage. If there is bad news — layoffs, the loss of a big con- extended team (employees and business tract, etc.—be upfront and announce it early in your comments. Don’t keep partners) in a way that makes a bad situ- people waiting for the other shoe to drop. Once you’ve given them the bad ation better. FDR changed the attitudes news, immediately follow up with mitigating action steps: tell them what will of tens of millions of Americans with a few happen next and lay out what management is doing to bring the company back short radio messages. By following his to full strength. example, you can turn around your organi- Give them skeletons. Your management team has come up with a brilliant zation, too. plan to deal with the current crisis. You have detailed reports, loads of Excel charts and an awesome PowerPoint that you can’t wait to share with everyone. But that would be the wrong move. If you’re in the middle of a crisis, resist the urge to get bogged down in the details. Forcing your employees to sit through an hourlong presentation while they are worried about their next paycheck is torture. Instead, give them a skeleton of your plan—a brief, accurate outline that hits the high points. Anticipate objections. Before delivering your comments, read through them and try to anticipate objections or questions some of your more skeptical employees might have. “Now, I know what you’re thinking” or “You might be wondering” are good ways to introduce these objections and deal with them.

2020 SUMMER 27

67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 27 8/13/20 3:27 PM ASSOCIATIONNEWS TAUC News Briefs

NMAPC Cancels ZISA Gala Aristeo Welcomes Lars Luedeman as New CFO The National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee, TAUC Governing Member Aristeo has Inc. (NMAPC) has cancelled announced that it recently hired Lars the Zero Injury Safety Awards® Luedeman as its new Chief Financial (ZISA®) Dinner and Gala, origi- Officer. nally scheduled for October Luedeman previously served 22, 2020 at the National as Executive Vice President, Chief Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Financial Officer, and Treasurer at Barton Malow. He also has While the in-person event extensive advisory experience in the automotive and steel will not move forward, tripar- industries, as well as a background in investment banking. “His tite teams that achieved zero approach to integrating advanced financial strategies, new tech- injuries on projects will still receive their awards, and NMAPC will nologies, and construction-specific accounting principles will honor the winners with a special online celebration. directly benefit Aristeo,” the company said. “Since starting at "This is not how anyone expected the 20th annual ZISA® Aristeo, Luedeman has immediately become a critical asset, Gala to turn out," said NMAPC Impartial Secretary/CEO Steve working with the rest of the leadership team to successfully navi- Lindauer. "We were all looking forward to gathering together gate the company through the current economic environment.” and celebrating two decades of hard work and tripartite com- “I have really hit the ground running since starting at Aristeo,” mitment to the zero-injury philosophy. But at the end of the day, Luedeman stated. “This company has built a solid reputation we could not in good conscience schedule a large physical event as one of the leading construction solutions providers in the while the coronavirus remains a significant public health concern industry and I am honored to be part of the team that will lead for our industry and our country. Doing so would be contrary to the organization forward.” both expert guidance and the NMAPC's fundamental commit- “Lars has been a perfect fit for the Aristeo team,” added ment to safety." President Michelle Aristeo Barton. “He has demonstrated many Lindauer added, "For our industry, 2020 has been a master of the same values that we hold dear at Aristeo, including our class in adapting to unexpected circumstances, embracing commitment to integrity, ingenuity, grit, and excellence. We’ve uncertainty and finding new ways to innovate and move forward appreciated his unique insight over the last few months and look in the face of extreme challenges. COVID-19 may have forced us forward to continue working together in the years to come.” to cancel the Gala, but rest assured, ZISA® itself is not cancelled. We are in the final stages of auditing this year's applications and will soon be notifying the winning tripartite teams." New Book of Decisions Update Available This year's winners will receive their physical awards in the mail later this fall. In addition, NMAPC is working on a special The latest update to the NMAPC Book of Decisions, approved 20th anniversary video that will soon debut on our website. We on July 15, 2020, is now available online: Bulletin XXII - 4: will also publicize the winning teams via our website and social Lockout and Work Stoppage - Requirements When Owner/ media channels. Client's In-Plant Employees Are on Strike "I want to personally congratulate every tripartite team that achieved zero injuries on their projects - not just in the current To download the update in PDF format, please visit the Book awards cycle, but over the last twenty years," Lindauer con- of Decisions page at and go to the "Recent cluded. "We will get through this, and ZISA® will continue to Book of Decisions Updates" in the right-hand column. On the represent the highest ideals of the union construction and main- same page, you can also download an updated copy of the tenance industry for another twenty years — and beyond." complete Book of Decisions in PDF format (you will need your NMAPC username and password to download the book).


67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 28 8/12/20 7:46 PM PROUD PARTNER





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67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 29 8/12/20 7:46 PM THELEGALCORNER

Katharine Meyer is a What Does the Supreme Principal at GKG Law, P.C. in Washington, DC. For Court’s LGBTQ Ruling the past 19 years, Katie has been a member of the Mean for Contractors? firm’s Association Practice BY KATHARINE MEYER, ESQ, GKG LAW, P.C. Group, which provides legal advice to nonprofit organizations throughout the United States. An individual’s homosexuality or n the spring issue of The Construction IUser, I discussed sexual harassment in transgender status is not relevant to the construction industry. Typically, I like to tackle a variety of topics in this column, employment decisions. but the Supreme Court’s recent decision — which effectively makes it illegal in the U.S. to fire employees based on sexual orientation can face significant penalties, depending local discrimination statutes. Therefore, or gender identity — is a bombshell. Even on the facts of the case and the size of the even if state law does not prohibit this more surprising, the 6-3 ruling was written employer. type of discrimination, city or county by Neil Gorsuch, one of the more conser- What is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act? ordinances may. vative justices on an already conservative Title VII protects employees against dis- Additionally, independent contractors court. Therefore, I am compelled to write crimination based on race, color, national are not covered by anti-discrimination about employment law once again. origin, sex and religion. Under Title VII, laws, because they are not employees. Be In the June 15 ruling, the Supreme an employer may not discriminate with aware, though, that if a company treats an Court held that an employer that fires an regard to any term, condition or privilege independent contractor like an employee, employee for being gay or transgender vio- of employment. It is enforced by the Equal a court could find that that individual is lates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Employment Opportunity Commission. actually an employee. In that case, these In the opinion, Justice Gorsuch stated: “An What are the penalties if an employer discrimination laws would apply. individual’s homosexuality or transgender is found to have violated Title VII? Are there any caveats to this decision? status is not relevant to employment deci- An employer that violates Title VII can Gorsuch stated that some employers may sions. That’s because it is impossible to be ordered to pay damages, including have valid religious objections to hiring discriminate against a person for being back pay, injunctive relief, out-of-pocket gay or trans workers. It is possible that the homosexual or transgender without dis- expenses, court costs and attorney’s 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act criminating against that individual based fees. Additionally, an employee can be may protect employers that, for religious on sex.” awarded compensatory and punitive dam- reasons, do not want to hire gay or trans Below are the answers to several ages, which are capped at $50,000 to individuals. common questions regarding this decision: $300,000, depending on the size of the So what does this mean for the Why is this decision important? employer. construction industry? For companies In 27 states, including Texas, Florida Does this law apply to just employee that do business in states that already and Arizona, there are no explicit state termination? No. Title VII covers all types offer protections to gay and transgender laws that protect gay or transgender of workplace discrimination, including individuals, not much should change from employees from employment discrimina- harassment, the failure to hire, train or pro- a legal standpoint. However, this decision tion. Employees in those states now are mote, or the failure to provide benefits to gives companies the opportunity to reit- protected under federal law and have an employee. erate their anti-discrimination policies and recourse if they are fired or otherwise Is every employer covered under this remind workers that harassment against discriminated against because of their new ruling? No. Employers with fewer gay and transgender employees is strictly sexual orientation or gender identity. If than 15 employees are not covered under prohibited in the workplace. a company in these states discriminates the Civil Rights Act. However, those smaller Companies in the 27 states that do not against a gay or transgender worker, it employers still are governed by state and protect gay and transgender employees

Continued on page 32 THE 30 CONSTRUCTIONUSER

67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 30 8/12/20 7:46 PM THETECHCORNER

Timothy Hoch is Embracing Innovation Information Technology and Innovation Director at — and a New Challenge APM. He also is Chairman BY TIMOTHY HOCH of TAUC’s Innovation and Technology Committee.

ello, TAUC members! My name is opportunities to grow my skill set. At this point, you may be asking, what HTimothy Hoch, and I am honored and My family supported me through the is the ultimate goal of all these initiatives? humbled to have been elected as the first challenges of completing multiple degrees The answer is simple — to use the power chairman of the newly formed Innovation and and earning a commission as an Air Force of technology and innovation to inspire the Technology Committee. I would like to intro- Cyber Operations officer. Our time in the Air APM culture of safety, productivity and duce myself and provide a little background Force took us around the world, including excellence. Safety is and always will be our about my life and experiences. a five-year assignment in Japan and top priority, and all our technology projects Technology has always been my fasci- multiple deployments to the Middle East have the objective of maximizing the time nation. Entry-level courses in electronics and Africa. After nearly 24 years, I made the APM superintendents spend at jobsites to and computer programming sparked my difficult decision to retire in November 2014 ensure safe task execution. The more effi- interest in the developing digital world, and sought my next opportunity. cient our digital systems are, the less time but it would be several years before I Retirement brought me to the Houston our superintendents need to spend with would decide to make technology a career. area, and in January 2015, I started a them. The less time they need to spend Working as a machinist apprentice while new career with APM, an organization with their computer, iPad or smartphone, attending community college provided whose visionary leadership created an IT the more time they can be present and many opportunities to explore multiple and Innovation Director position focused directly lead their craftspeople. Improving interests, and each semester I enrolled in on exploring and implementing new safety is an ongoing challenge, and one a technology course of some type. I didn’t technologies and digital tools. APM has that must be our priority. realize then that I was building a path embraced innovation as critical to the Speaking of challenges, leading the toward an amazing career and that I was future of the company, and over the past Innovation and Technology Committee will seeking opportunities that provided in- five years, the business and its operations certainly be a new one for me. I am thankful depth training along a defined career path. have rapidly evolved. APM pivoted toward for the opportunity and look forward to Eventually, the perfect opportunity pres- developing a custom jobsite-management Continued on page 32 ented itself, and in April 1991, I enlisted suite that has fundamentally changed the in the U.S. Air Force as a computer- way our superintendents execute on the At APM, our systems technician. The Air Force offered jobsite. Internal objective-oriented teams everything I was in search of — technical are established to rapidly execute LEAN ultimate goal is training, knowledge, experience, leadership projects, accomplishing singular tasks that development and a career path — as create business value. to use the power well as several things I didn’t know I was The value of analytics and big data seeking, including discipline, camaraderie, has been unlocked, leveraging years of of technology exposure to new cultures and new ways company data to fine-tune processes of thinking, and a broadened worldview. and operations. Over the past 18 and innovation Most important, the Air Force introduced months, pilot programs have launched me to my beautiful wife, Sherri, and we will to investigate tools using predictive to inspire our celebrate 29 years together later this year. analytics and artificial intelligence, and Advanced education and training are our team continually seeks to evaluate culture of safety, core competencies Air Force leadership new technologies. Our drive is to lead productivity and encourages and provides, and I was change, rather than allow change to fortunate to be offered multiplelead us. excellence.

2020 SUMMER 31

67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 31 8/12/20 7:46 PM Embracing Innovation compensation will be another manage- A New Era of Construction — and a New Challenge ment challenge in 2020 and beyond. Construction represents about 13%, Continued from page 31 or $10 trillion, of global annual GDP and employs 7% of the global workforce. learning about how other businesses The Data-Driven As one of the world’s largest indus- engage in this realm. What technologies Construction Business tries, those numbers will only increase. have been implemented that made a dif- Continued from page 17 Projects, teams, and construction busi- ference? What innovative or transforma- nesses will continue to grow and become tive ideas are you investigating? How are 7. Businesses are leveraging data to more complex. you leading change? How well has your gain a competitive edge More than ever before, businesses have workforce accepted change? I am open Today’s leading construction busi- an opportunity to take their people, pro- to any ideas or recommendations that nesses are using data not just to sur- cesses, and profits to new heights. They can help shape our committee. I look vive but to thrive. In fact, they’re have the ability to learn from past proj- forward to hearing from you! leveraging data to gain key insights ects, make better decisions going for- I will leave you with a quote that is to help them outperform their com- ward, and benchmark against peers. more than 200 years old but is still appli- petition. By leveraging an integrated They can predict risk and minimize waste. cable today: solution like Procore Analytics, which They have an infinite amount of data to Lead the ideas of your time and they offers insights from project data, help them improve, right in the palm of will accompany and support you. Fall teams are able to improve forecasting, their hands. behind them and they will drag you along extract trends from larger datasets, As we look to the future of construction, with them. Oppose them and they will and identify patterns with machine the volume of data will continue to grow overwhelm you. —Napoleon Bonaparte learning. Teams are able to visualize at an astonishing rate. However, it’s up to their data while moving in between each business to leverage those insights reports and dashboards, all while in an efficient and effective way to drive All the Drama Movies gaining granular insights to help guide their company, and the industry, forward. Aren't on Netflix their business. This helps them reduce risk, make faster data-driven deci- Continued from page 10 sions, and more accurately forecast to What does the Supreme maximize project results. Procore is a Court's LGBTQ Ruling Mean for Disciplined ROI is the name of the game: TAUC Legacy Partner. Contractors? to improve operational or economic out- comes for your companies. 8. Industry insights help businesses Continued from page 30 So the show is about to start. The navigate uncharted waters coming attractions look mixed. Settle back Shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic, need to review their employee policies to with your popcorn and take a breath. The Procore released the Construction ensure that they prohibit the discrimina- year 2020 will likely be decent based on Activity Index. The data utilizes aggre- tion of gay and transgender employees. backlogs and current market momentum. gated jobsite activity from Procore as Additionally, employers should provide But the path ahead is clearly one requiring well as publicly available information to proper discrimination and harassment additional forethought and vision. I can measure construction activity during training to all their employees. Ultimately, tell you that the theater is packed (social the COVID-19 outbreak. It provides companies can be held liable for the illegal distancing doesn’t apply here) as we ride data on everything from how states are actions of their employees. Companies, it out together. And for the questions of reopening, sheltering-in-place orders, therefore, need to make it clear that dis- ROI, though we cannot guarantee a hap- and changes in worker hours. It gives crimination against gay and transgender pily-ever-after ending, you are going to businesses insight into how COVID-19 workers will not be tolerated. Any com- want your team aligned in the seats behind impacts construction businesses and is plaints should be promptly investigated, you watching your back. enabling analysts, economists, and gov- and quick and decisive action should be ** Note: Every apprentice, PM or other ernment officials to make projections. taken against any offenders. employee who entered the workplace in the This kind of data is helping businesses last 10 years has never seen a downturn. In not only navigate current changes in the fact, they have been employed in a period industry but also helps them make better of unprecedented opportunity. The ability business decisions going forward. to manage expectations, emotions and


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TAUC_PrintAd_SC_PRT_8.625x11.125.indd 1 6/8/20 1:04 PM 67368_TAUC_Magazine.indd 33 8/12/20 7:30 PM The National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee, Inc. (NMAPC) has been serving the union construction and maintenance industry for more than 40 years. We negotiate and administer the National Maintenance Agreements (NMA), a series of collective bargaining agreements utilized by more than 2,000 industrial construction and maintenance contractors employing members of fourteen international building trades unions. Now, the NMAPC has created a comprehensive web-based resource center to help contractors, clients and crafts more effectively utilize the NMAPC Program.

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