OurOur VoicesVoices InIn WritingWriting BankstownBankstown OlderOlder Women’sWomen’s NetworkNetwork Writers’Writers’ GroupGroup Our Voices In Writing - Bankstown Older Women’s Network Writers’ Group Our Voices in Writing is a selection of writings produced as the result of a project initiated by the Bankstown Older Women’s Network Wellness Center, and funded by Bankstown City Council. This project was auspiced by the Older Women’s Network NSW Inc. Our Voices in Writing Project Facilitator: Silvana Gruber Older Women’s Network NSW Inc. 87 Lower Fort Street, Millers Point 2000 Phone (02) 9247 7046 Fax (02) 9247 4202 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.ownnsw.org.au Disclaimer: This publication was compiled by the participants of the Writing Group at the OWN Bankstown Wellness Centre. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted. The views expressed in Our Voices In Writing are not necessarily those of the Older Women’s Network NSW. The Older Women’s Network NSW accepts no responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting, or not acting, upon any material in Our Voices In Writing. This publication is protected by Copyright, no part may be reproduced without written permission. 2 Our Voices In Writing - Bankstown Older Women’s Network Writers’ Group CONTENTS Pages Foreword ..........................................................5 Acknowledgments................................................6 About the Autobiographies...................................7 MY JOURNEY - Barbara McDonall.................9-28