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1992 The olC lege News 1992-11-12 Vol.14 No. 4 Students of Bryn Mawr College

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For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE COLLEGE NEWS VOLUME XIV NUMBER 4 FOUNDED T 1914 BRYN MAVR COLLEGE NOVEMBERNOVEMB1 12,1992 Students question dedication to minority recruitment at Bryn Mawr By Mary Sef ranek and Lorelei Atalic would have minority recruitment among newspaper outlined instances of both Vargas their responsibilities. This demand was blatant and subtle racism and classism met; it wasn't until 1988 that another encountered by people of color and/or "A concern to which I think we must direct outcry came from the minority students working class backgrounds on this cam- our energies is an increased effort to create a on campus. pus." (Elizabeth Vermey, Director of community here which is both truly repre- In May of 1987, a total of 5 African Undergraduate Admission in a letter sentative of the peoples of the United States Americans and8Latinasgraduated from dated October 19,1988, on the topic of and attractive to the students from abroad. the college (Statistics from Bryn Mawr Minority Recruitment.) We have work to do together to ensure that Facts.) In the spring of 1988, the Minority The Minority Coalition presented Bryn Mawr is a congenial place for people of Students Coalition petitioned the entire Elizabeth Vermey with a list of demands, different races and religions to pursue com- community, with signatures of over 150 which asked that the students have in- mon interests and grow in understanding." students and faculty members of all races. creased participation in minority recruit- — Mary Patterson McPherson, Inaugu- This document printed in the student see Minority recruitment on page 7 ral Address, September 7,1978

Since 1978, Bryn Mawr has come a long way, but has it reached it's poten- Racism vs. responsible police action tial? Recently, many students have been By Heather Carwile on the Main Line. There are no safety ing, and you fit the description." questioning the efforts of the Admis- nets, no checks and balances to assure What sort of power did Nigel have in this sions Office Staff and Administration in 'Take your hands out of your pockets the well-being of the majority of people situation to question the officer's statement? their efforts to further diversify Bryn where I can see them." The Lower Merion of color in Bryn Mawr and Haverford, as Excuse me, sir, but could you give me Mawr's campus and to make it some- Police officer approached Nigel Th- well as in the surrounding towns. The proof of that? Are you sure you're not what more representative of United ompson, HC '94. The officer had his gun police do not encourage positive rela- just picking on me because I'm black? States' minority populations. ready in his left hand, not pointed at tions by pulling out their guns on pas- Exactly what is this description you're In 1982, when there were 8 African Nigel directly, but poised for action. An- sers-by, much less by doing it to people talking about, and what makes you think Americans and 12 Latinas on campus other officer watched in the car nearby. at peace on their own college campuses. I fit it? Hold on a minute here, you have (Statistics from Bryn Mawr Alumni Of- "Now drop your bag. Put your hands in The police, inevitably, have the ultimate a gun ready and loaded! fice), a group identifying themselves as the air, slowly, so that I can see them." power to play out their own prejudices. "Do you have any weapons in your the Minority Task Force asked that the Nigel did as he was told. "Turn around, Thus the concept of "positive relations" bag?" Admission's Office hire at least one and put your hands up against the wall." becomes a joke. "" minority staff member. This individual Any person who is not white is at risk "There was a bank robbery this morn- see Racism vs. police action page 7 Promises, promises: Clinton's proposed health care reforms By Emily Cottier ample: prohibiting insurance companies ance at work or through a public pro- residents, and those in the "'insurance from denying coverage to people with gram. gap." This plan will probably have the America's public health care system is preexisting conditions; reducing paper- * Clinton was going to repeal the abor- support of the medical establishment as deplorable. Our national health care work and processing; providing people tion "gag" rule, but afederal court has well. In the past, nurses, doctors and program is plagued with miles of red with personal health record "smart already beaten him to it. He also plans to federal health officials have protested tape and a treatment system that pro- card s"so that you always have a copy repealthe Hyde amendment that cur- against immobilizing red tape and such vides too little— or too much— care. of your records. rently prohibits federal funding for abor- government moves as the refusal to Compounding that, our pharmaceutical • Eliminate the tax breaks that phar- tion services. NIH contraceptive research admit RU486 into the country. industries are run frankly for profit and maceutical com- and an extensive But this plan is not perfect, nor has it medical insurance becomes ever more panies receive family planning been implemented yet. Most of these difficult and expensive to obtain. and encourage program are also measures will have to be passed through Many people fall through the cracks in them to spend part of this plan. Congress. It will probably take eighteen this system, since they make too much more money on • Expand months to a year for any of them to be- money to receive Medicare or Medicaid, research and de- support of AIDS come reality. Clinton and his advisers and they cannot afford health insurance. veloping, not on research and seem to be leery of disrupting the health The only other Western country with marketing. health/life care insurance industry too much and several such an erratic health-care system is South • Revise and for those with of their proposals lean towards govern- Africa. expand Medi- AIDS. Other as- ment-sponsored health insurance rather What will our new President, William care by creating pects of Clinton's than actual medical care. Cl in to n, do to change health care in Amer- flexible funding, health plan— And, finally, all thesechanges will take ica? Here is what he promises to try and home and com- lower drug prices, MONEY. The question remains: will do: munity care, more choice in the matter of no denial of insurance becauseof a preex- Americans be willing to pay higher taxes * Establish an annual health budget treatment centers, and an increase in isting condition, local or in-home care for a national health care program that and crack down on billing preventative and primary care. This will be very helpful to HTV+ people and works? Time will tell. fraud. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social ought to expand Medicare to some of the those with AIDS. Would You Be Willing To Pay 5-10% Security benefits associated with health people in the "insurance gap" and re- Clinton's plan would seem to expand Higher Taxes To Support National Health care eat up an enormous amount of the duce current medical problems like heart and revise health coverage in a positive Care? Send your responses to Box C-966 by federal budget without helping the ma- disease and infant mortality. way. It has the potential to improve the 5 p.m. on Friday, November 13. "Yes" or jority of Americans. • Provide a Core Benefits program to health careof currently neglected groups, "No" is an Adequate Response. Results will * Implement insurance reforms, forex- provide everyone with medical insur- such as ethnic minorities, rural area be in the next College News! S ssues of Race You can call me Ray... Asian The haves, have-nots, and Halloween Minority recruitment: How committed is BMC? & Awareness Racism, a serious barrier to responsible police action Month see centerspreadon pages six - nine Page 2 The College News November 12,1992 Health Center tales of woe To the community: is the only pair of tweezers in the entire Editors* note Health Center. How about a needle? Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your overwhelming This is going to be a very angry letter. Nope, sorry. Any ointment to draw the At 11 pm tonight, I got a splinter in my splinter out? Regrets, dear— you picked response to our last editorial has warmed our hearts. foot. Much as I love Rhoads and its lovely a slim night! Some said that we were too harsh and would alienate hardwood floors, I do not love the slivers Excuse me, but why is the Health members of this community by laying it all out in such that have numerous times buried them- Center at such a prestigious, expensive selves in my feet. Yes, I was wearing school as this one lacking in such rudi- a blunt manner, but it seems mat we've struck a cord; socks. mentary supplies as a good pair of tweez- this weekend, a miracle occurred— we had almost The first time I went to the Health ers, a needle, ointment? I must thank the more articles than we knew what to do with. Center in September, to have a splinter two nurses who looked at my foot for removed, they were very cooperative. their patience and willingness to do the (Make no mistake: that is a very good thing.) But I wonder why I found a leftover best they could with meager resources. I We have also been taken to task for not reaching out to chunk of wood in my toe, two weeks must also thank Public Safety for driving members of this community, for not telling them what later. What happened? me to the Center and back. Again, a less than spectacular show of And once home, I managed to get all of The College News is and how it operates. But if the medical expertise tonight, when my foot that stubborn sucker out of my foot, with numerous, heartfelt articles are any indication, many, was dug at for an HOUR, to slight avail— a mundane needle from my sewing kit. many people on this campus have a quite a clear idea of half a splinter is better than a whole, I Please, whoever oversees the Health suppose? I gasped, I gritted my teeth, I Center, take my $23,000 and buy some what this paper is and how it serves this community. soaked in hot water. goddamned sharp tweezers. We encourage everyone to keep up the trend and Could I give it a try? Sure— with a pair But not for me— I will not subject submit articles; lets hope we can recreate the miracle of tweezers not suitable for a fourth- myself to such ridiculous play medicine grader camping kit. What's this? I've again. two weeks from now. seen children's scissors with sharper (The deadline for the next issue is Thursday, Nov. 20). points. Have you another pair? No, this Michele Drivon '95 And don't forget to read the centerspread (pages 8-11). Lack of information disturbs student Not only did many Mawrters write for this issue; they To the community: have taken up some very serious issues and explored gums, dizziness, fatigue, short-term them with insight, honesty and thoughtfulness. Last year during the renovations of memory loss, etc. I myself worked in this So read, react and continue the process of dialogue and Thomas Great Hall, chemicals were float- office; I've been told I'm stressed and ing around the build i ng, seeping through that my symptoms cannot be attributed discussion that these articles have started off. the vents, entering classrooms, offices, directly to the chemicals. My friends and hallways. We could smell the fumes, we my professors have also been told simi- could taste them. lar things. Mawrter takes on issues of the No measures were taken to protect the I don't want to have to continue search- people working in the building until ing for answers or for the truth. lam tired students and professors started com- of asking questions. I am tired of being Guerilla Girls & feminism plaining— it was only after months of inconvenienced. My parents should not exposure that any sort of precautions have to call the school. All of us, not just To the Editors: what it is to truly be a man? were taken (maybe some of you recall the workers, not just the staff, not just the Lee, after all, takes it upon herself to the large fans that were finally used to Art History department, should be noti- In reference to Matilda Lee's article in define for us what it is to be a WOMAN blow the fumes out of the building rather fied of exactly what happened. the last issue, I can't help but suggest that and declares that the feminist artists than in) to protect us. Maybe we have not been damaged; I the real disgrace is not the behavior of the group, the Guerrilla Girls, whose mem- The Visual Resource Room and the certainly hope not, but I would like Guerilla Girls, but rather the mentality bers don gorilla masks and fishnet stock- Slide Library located in the basement of someone to tell me this. I spend 85% of echoed in the author' s criticism. ings (my, what heathens!) not up to snuff. Thomas were affected more than any my waking hours in the halls and rooms Who exactly were these "highest men Lee asserts that "being a feminist is being other spot in the building as chemicals of Thomas. I am an Art History major insociety" of days gone by that Lee writes truly aware of what it is and what it is not to tend to sink to the lowest point in any (our library is non-circulating) and I still of? These men in history "who discov- be a woman." I can only hope that other closed space. The staff was nervous about work for Visual Resources. I have not ered truth... the noble Mawrters were as out- what might have been affecting them been offered any alternative choices, nor men who lived for God raged as I was at such a andnowthethreefull-timeemployeesof have I been offered any answers. or some definition of I associate narrow and intolerant Visual Resources are sick at home indefi- More fuss has been caused about the God" as Lee writes... interpretation of femi- nitely. new location of the Visual Resources "men who knew what a feminism not nism. Students, as well as professors and ad- Room to the Quita Woodward Room, woman really was and had with right and Me? I associate femi- ministrative staff, have been complain- than about the reasons why it has been a true love for one"? nism not with right and ing about headaches, nausea, bleeding see Misinformation & confusion pg. 5 Were these the men wrong but with wrong but with RIGHTS of ancient Rome who and CHOICE... mother- legally defined woman RIGHTS and hood, education, type of THE COLLEGE NEWS as an imbecile? CHOICE. employment, lifestyle, BRYN MAWR ^LLEGE VOLUME XIV, NO. 4, NOV. 12,1992 Were these the men role in family, goals, Editors Nadine Allaf who, speaking of God, representation in gov- c-7,649-5098 wrote the Bible (supposedly inspired by ernment, equal opportunity, and free- anujain the ultimate male figure) and insisted dom from harassment, attack and dis- c-166, x5560 that woman should be submissive to man, crimination. These are among the rights that woman (Eve, the temptress) brought and choices I demand. Editorial Board Laura Brower, Miriam Cope, evil to paradise and wrecked it for all of I reject Lee's definition of feminism Christine Hufschmid, Elizabeth us? simply because what it truly means to be Lyzenga, Erika Merschrod, Were these the men who founded our ennifer Mosher, Yuko a woman can be ANYTHING a woman Nakani wa, Sook-hee Sohn cherished country while destroying na- actively chooses it to mean. That, as I see tive populations as well as denying us, it, includes wearing gorilla masks to Photography Editor Amy Cavelier women, the vote and other rights associ- conceal the artists' identity during a ated with citizenship? Guerilla Girls' presentation. Graphics Editor Monica Farrow Or were these great men such as Mich- Actually, that includes wearing gorilla elangelo and Plato, who, incidentally, masks whenever the hell we feel like it. Copy editor for Ranya Sihweil had a preference for boys over girls, or the issue does that not fit into Lee's definition of Tania Galloni '95 Many thanks to: Hania Al Hallaq, Brooks Constantine, Tania Roy, Sana "Sacred" places taken away Shafqat To the community: Just this year, the smoking sections of the dining halls were eliminated before Our next deadline is Friday, November 20. The next centerspread topic I am very disappointed that the Quita we were informed, which raises another mil deal with Issues of Diversity, concerning curriculur and more general Woodward room is indefinitely no longer point. Changes are being implemented topics. Letters and articles should be left in front of our Denbigh office or accessible to the community. Of course I without prior notice given to the com- £ut in our mailbox (cl716 ) by 5:00pm on Friday. All submissions should understand that the problem the College munity. Obviously, there is not too much t on a Mac disk. We will accept articles written by women and letters from faces is of greater magnitude than just we can do about emergency and neces- men. All opinions expressed in articles and letters are those of the authors only and are not representative of the opinions of the Ed board. the loss of this wonderful study in Tho- sary changes. However, it is considerate mas. The issue is one of space: finding it, to inform the community about changes STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The College News is a feminist using it. before they are made. Otherwise, it seems newsjournal which serves as a source of information and There are Peer-Ed groups on campus as if things are being done behind our self-expression for the Bryn Mawr community. Recognizing that without rooms to house their collection backs. The injury is [temporary(?)I re- feminism is a collective process, we attempt to explore issues of interest to all women, both as members of this college and of the of books, hold meetings, and easily store moval of "sacred" places, the insult is larger world community. Through this continuing dialogue, we everything they need. The end of the leaving us in the dark about decisions seek to promote communication and understanding and to foster year concern to most is storage space. until after they are executed. self-confidence and independence in expression. Not everyone gets it and students some- times find themselves without enough. Miriam Cope'94 November 12,1992 The College News Page 3 Elsinore: Looking for a few good knights to keep the adventure alive By Ellen Brundige crastination. nipulate anyone else's, and 2) Elsinore more interesting story. No one author There's solitare, Mad Libs, the Back- volumes may not be removed from the knows exactly what's going to happen What exactly is Elsinore? Easy, says smoker Science Fiction Lending Library smoker without consulting the Royal next; each writer may have some plots in your average English major. The castle in generously donated by a backsmoker Knight and notifying other authors. The mind, and two or more writers may col- which Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, de- alum, the usual smoker diary, Elsinore story itself is loosely based in a fantasy laborate, but the joy of Elsinore is learn- bated between bare bodkins and "taking itself, and, most of all, the company. world ("just off the coast of Iowa, which ing to respond to unexpected events arms against a sea of troubles," a mixed Around meal- is why it's so within the story. Some writers even find metaphor for which the average English times, people Traditional fantasy and hard to find on their style improving over time, although major would be impaled. Actually, there's often congre- a map"), and the production of polished prose is not a another castle Elsinore right here on gate in the Medieval stereotypes tend to follows the .major goal for most of the writers. Elsi- campus, which has inspired numerous smoker, chat- get turned inside-out, adventures of nore is an outlet for all those who like to pages of not-so-literary prose. ting about any- various charac- write, but aren't necessarily planning on Traditionally based in the Erdman thing from poli- especially in terms of ters, many of being great writers. backsmoker, the Chronicles of Elsinore tics to science classism, sexism, and whom live at Elsinore is largely run by group con- have been written daily for the last seven fiction to ducks. Castle Elsinore, sensus; the person in charge, however, is years by a core of writers numbering as Elsinore, how- ethnocentrism... a haven for the so-called Royal Knight. In real life, few as two or as many as thirteen, with a ever, is avail- people who the Royal Knight procures the hard- handful of less frequent writersand read- able 24 hours a day, for those who prefer don't fit in elsewhere. backed artists' sketchbooks in which ers who don't have time or inclination to to read, write, and procrastinate in soli- Traditional fantasy and Medieval stere- Elsinore is written, sees to it that a fron- write. One goal unites them with all the tude. otypes tend to get fumed inside-out, tispiece, Elsinore map, authors' credits, other interesting people who make up There are only two rules for writing especially in terms of classism, sexism, and Royal Decree are written in each the eclectic and sometimes eccentric Elsinore: 1) each author may only write and ethnocentrism: characters of many volume, begs SGA for funds, arranges Erdman backsmoker community: pro- her own characters, and may not ma- races, species, and cultures make for a see Elsinore on page 5 •The Women's Center0 The coordinators' welcome all By MicheleDivron and Helen Matthews other useful stuff. What is meant by "women's issues" ? The debate reexamined: Does Bryn Mawr Abundant thanks to all of you who re- Everything that deals with women, from sponded with comments on the Campus PMS treatments to dieting; from What need or want a women's center? Center board to the question: "Does Bryn Women Want to Mists of Avalon ; from "Is it a Lesbo Gathering?" was the the variety of lifestyles of women around Mawr College need a Women's Center?" sexuality to childbirth; from rape to self- phrase used by an anonymous scrawler them. It seems people's feelings on this topic defense; from Women of the Wild West to as an answer to the Women's Center The Women's Center is meant to be a are both happily diverse and horribly Bryn Mawr's own M. Carey Thomas' comment board question, "Does Bryn center of support for all women in this skewed. achievements. Mawr College need a Women's Center?" community, a space to celebrate and To prevent any further misconceptions, The Women's Center has poetry (from last weekend. strengthen our common ties: our female let it be widely proclaimed that the Adrienne Rich to Anne Bradstreet), an- Nicole Lucier and Charlotte Hand lives and our eternal search for respect, Women's Center is by, for, and about thologies, statistical research, Bryn Mawr Green are writing this article-type thing equality and freedom. Unfortunately, the women. ALL women. This is not an students' work, Spanish language maga- with the help of some great women Women's Center cannot operate effec- exclusive affair. It is neither a "lesbo zines, fairy tales, and bibliographies. And, friends— among them the co-coordina- tively without the support and help of gathering" to whomever asked— and I of course, anything you care to donate. tors of the Bryn Mawr College Women's the community. What good will such a must say, many were justifiably offended We will be adding to our library at the Center, Helen Matthews and Susan resource be if we by your lack of semester's end, so voice your opinion Ahlstrom. We're sitting around a table of never use it? If we knowledge of now about what books, magazines, tapes, cookies drinking excellent coffee. are not aware of proper vocabu- and movies you would like the Women's It's Friday night, November 6th. The whatitoffers? If we lary— nor is the Center to purchase. All suggestions will soulful sounds of Sweet Honey in the do not ask for the Women's Center be taken seriouslv! Rock, Shawn Colvin and Michelle lectures, movies solely for hetero- Included in the plans for the rest of the Shocked waft through the air, setting the and activities that sexual women. year are such fun things as films, speak- tone of comfort and style. As the aromas we women want to It is not ers, comedians, musicians, parties, and of hazelnut and chocolate raspberry drift be available to us. solely for feminists, gatherings to discuss issues of interest as through Merion living room, we wonder We urge you to for conservatives, well as homework and life in general. why gatherings such as this one are not stop by the Center. for women of color, Want to see a a particular movie, hear a more common on this campus. We all pass Merion or for euro-ameri- certain speaker? Think we should plan a Maybe we needed an excuse to feel everyday on our can women. The party? Got some great ideas about comfortable getting together. If so, the way to the campus Women's Center is Women's History Month? Suggest it. currently open and newly renovated center and the PSB. a resource in which Come to our meeting held every Thurs- Women's Center can now provide that Sign up to help in all members of the day in the Women's Center from 6-7 excuse. Already a resource room lined an area which in- Bryn Mawr College p.m., and get involved. We HOPE you'll with books on women-related literature terests you. Whatever your inclination, community are encouraged, and wel- be as excited about the Women's Center both non-fiction and fiction, comfy chairs be it to bring more women artists on come, to participate. as we are. One request we make— DON'T and a large selection of women's music. campus, tackle discrimination, set up The Women's Center, as it is now, is knock the Women's Center before you A large sign next to the door proclaims, discussion groups, etc., the Women's located in Merion dorm, and can be ac- even try it. "Please tell us which books, movies, Center is available as a place to help you, cessed through Public Safety (more on If you are of the opinion that a Women's magazines, lectures and activities you if you put out a little effort to help your- that later). It is a bright and cosy room Center is a frivolous idea at a women's want your women's center to offer." This self. with a table, chairs, a couch, lots of cush- college, stop by and see why so many is the reason the Women's Center is here, We realize accessibility is a little awk- ions, big windows, a great carpet, a ra- people disagree. to serve the Bryn Mawr Community. ward; please do not get discouraged. The dio, an incredible tape collection, and Expand your views. Test your percep- In the past week, a debate has surfaced Women's Center is open daily from lots of books and magazines. Most books, tions. Increase your awareness. Learn on the bulletin board of the campus 9am—10pm. To help us determine the whether fiction or non-fiction, deal with about your history— or just come and center Should we have a Women's number of people using the Center and women and women's issues directly, hang out. Center? What would it be? Who would it for what reasons, please take 2 minutes although there are also texts on car main- So we urge you to check it out, and this serve? And theunderlyingquestion: Why and fill out the survey in the Center. tenance, consensus decision making and is how you get there: ioes a women's college need a women's Thank you and enjoy yourself! renter? Are we not our own center? This article was written by Nicole The fact that we attend a college de- Lucier and Charlotte Hand Green. Any Go through the Public Safety entrance. Tell them you are going to /oted to the education and well-being of literary comments should be directed to the Women's Center. Leave your I.D. and sign in. The Women's vomen is the strongest argument for a them. Any comments about the Women's Center is locked, so get a key while you're in the Public Safety enter. Some of the comments written on Center should be directed tothe Women's he comment board were testimony to Center Coordinating Committee. Any office. Follow the signs up the stairs to the first floor. Walk down ust how isolated from one another comments regarding the removal of the the hall toward the smoker. The Women's Center is on your right, nembers of this community feel. It is sad Women's Center from the Campus Cen- where the S.G.A. office used to be. hat here, where we preach diversity and ter should be directed at the school at olerance, people feel so threatened by large. ENJOY! II An 'open house' at Perry House, a cultural celebration By Elizabeth Lyzenga beginning in which she explained that European imperialism and its implica- her name means "Joy" and "Wait for tions for Africans today, as well as their Did you know that Bryn Mawr's Sis- Money", music, the story, which was descendants in the United States." The terhood organization was formed in 1969 written by a former prime minister of reaction from Dean Parker's son John after students staged a sit-in to protest Kenya, more music and a discussion. afterward was, "She did it enthusiasti- the lack of black presence on campus? Or When she turned on the music, the cally; she was very expressive. I hope that the first open house at Perry House storyteller explained it was to "travel to everyone in the world can have this was twenty years ago? Africa/' and she told the audience to experience." And from Lorelei Vargas: This year's main attraction, a story- stand up and dance. When the audience "I was really happy with the story— I teller "from Nigeria and New York" sat down again to listen, the music added thought it was very applicable." "She named Princess Ayo Durodola was very to the colorful story which Tania Galloni spoke about Kenya— couldn't have popular with all who attended. Her per- described as "A brilliant allegory relat- chosen a better topic," said Irene Ndibo, formance included: a short talk in the ing to us through humor the story of see Perry House Open House page 5 Page 4 The College News November 12,1992 AIDS Walk found too easily ignored By Erika Merschrod me of what I had come to do. Was it just a self-congratulatory activity to help me The morning of October 25 was cold feel useful in this time of death and mis- e^sfaC^ and gray, yet quite a few people from the information? Where was that warm, Bi-College community showed up to take fuzzy feeling I had last year when I One way to spend Election Day the Blue Bus into Philadelphia to walk walked behind the blue and white "Bryn By Elizabeth Lyzenga Hon. When I got into town I walked for a the 8+ miles in Mawr" banner? very long time (what a martyr to democ- support of AIDS Maybe "Hello,my name is Elizabeth. I racy !). At last I reached Welker Real care and educa- By the time the paperwork A IDS Walk has al- am calling for the Democratic Victory Estates. tion. With pledge was completed, I had ready become an D2 to remind you that today is Election Mercifully, we were phoning a sheets in hands, institution after Day. Your vote is important to us, and I highly Democratic district, so hostile re- we all went to reg- already lost some of the six years. Maybe urge you to vote the straight Democratic sponses were minimum in number. ister and pick up enthusiasm which had it's too easy to ticket by pulling the Democratic lever. When I got them though they were our buttons. ignore when Thank you very much." memorable: By the time the built up over the previous people are walk- I believe I must have said this at Me: Hello, my name's Elizabeth. I'm call- paperwork was evening. ing away off by least 500 times two Tuesdays ago, phon- ing for the Democratic Victory '92 to remind completed, I had the river out of ing for the Clinton ("straight Democrat") you that today's Election Day. already lost some of the enthusiasm the traffic on a Sunday afternoon. campaign. It was a surreal and hypnotic Him: So?! which had built up over the previous Maybe we need to march on Center experience. I had to take a train to Philly Me: Um, your vote's important and I urge evening and I realized that I was wear- City, going down the Chestnut Street and find a place there that I'd never seen. you to vote the straight Democratic ticket— ing sweatpants and (ugh) sneakers and I Transitway and back on Walnut or My first action of the day was to take Him: 1 wouldn't vote Democratic if you hadn't even eaten breakfast. Spruce. Or how about right here in Bryn down a few Bush stickers and one for put a gun to my head. I already voted! I voted I missed the warm-up (men in lycra Mawr, right on Lancaster Ave? Perot that were defacing the train sta- for Ross Perot! leading a crowd of some 10,000 people in That one was a registered an aerobic routine) because I was in the Democrat, actually. When I accidentally Philadelphia Museum looking at a pile dialed a registered Republican (we were of red yarn draped from the ceiling to the : Alcohol Awareness Week supposed to skip them), I got this re- floor. When we all met again at noon to sponse: start the walk, I had eaten a pretzel and : SCHEDULE Me: lam calling for the Democratic Vic- regained some of my high spirits. We • Sponsored by A.S.A.P. tory... Her: Uuuugh. (slam). started out atasiowish pace but gradu- ;(AchJeve Substance Abuse Prevention, a Peer Education group ally, as the sun came out, things started ' Lots of people I called weren't picking up. ; at Bryn Mawr) the people the list said they were. I re- There was entertainment along the • minded them anyway, "It is important to way,insuchdiverseandsurrealformsas *TUc«day. November 17 vote!" One of these people simply re- plied, "Nope." Oh well. ££^3££S£3S : » ™. -WW. Afraid of Virginia WooKf Based on the Most people were really pretty rainbow flags playing under a highway *play by Edward Albee, this provocative film deals with the do- nice about having their homes invaded bridge, and "Cynthia and Omar": three •mestic drama of a tortured college professor and his caustic with a corny mid-afternoon summoning belly dancers and their musicians. As we • ., .. ■ .■ .... i by phone. A few answering machines were approaching the end, just after the -wife as they spend the evening with an innocent young couple, God Blessed me, and two assured me boogie-woogie piano man, we passed ^Starring Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor (1966). Campus that even though, unfortunately, the oc- quite close to the speakers of a band just * Center Main Lounge, cupant of the house was not there, my as they ended with an emphatic "FUCK • call was very important to them. YOU!" It was then that I realized just • Other people cheerfully ex- how invisible I felt. •Wednesday. November 18 plained their current circumstances that I kept saying "Wait until we get closer • 9 P.M. "Relationships: A Journey To Tomorrow, A prevented them from going to the polls immediately, as one woman who was to the highway. Then people will start .B|ueprint of Yesterday." Counselor Lucy Darlington from the honkingand waving. Theydidnthonk. • r* / / # o currently occupied with "vomiting and They didn't even yell at us for spreading "School of Social Research will lead a discussion in which par- diarrhea," but would vote sometime in off the sidewalk and into the road a little, •ticipants will be encouraged to explore patterns in their rela- the day. One woman called by someone else would not be so fortunate— when Whenwewerecrossingthebridgeatthe :tionships as we|| as the influences from family and society that midway point there was a freight tram _r .. „ ' ' she was asked for by name, the person going across the river; I kept thinking .might promote or discourage intimacy. All are welcome to answering the phone said, "Just a mo- that the conductor or the people in the • attend. Campus Center 210. ment," and returned a few moments later last car would wave or sound a bell or m to say that the woman in question "is wave a red flag. They didn't. • dead, dearie." Other people who were jogging by in •Tnursday. November 19 Some people grunted ac- the opposite direction didn't smile or I 7-8 P.M. Mocktails. Come to the upstairs patio of the knowledgement of Election Day, and show any recognition. We arrived at the -Campus Center for some refreshing and tasty alternatives to al- some were actually happy to hear from finish point, which was also the starting ' , ,. . _i j u A c A n JlL r ,, me and said: "Who could forget it!", "It's point. There was food: ice cream, hoi Jcoholic beverages provided by A.S.A.P. and the Cafe. an event in this household!", "Hey, don't dogs,packaged, "ready-to-eat"crudites • 8 P.M. Rape, Alcohol, And Personal Responsibility. Peer want old Bill to fail today!", or just re- from Veggie-to-go or some such com- Educators from A.S.A.P. and R.A.P. (Rape Awareness Project) turned my chipper "Thank you very pany, and lemonade in wax-coated cups. #W|11 .„ , ...... • . , ._ , ' .,, much!" with their own. You were supposed to show your pin to « facilitate a discussion after the viewing of a 15-mmute film I would encourage anyone to receive food, but people didn't really •concerning a date rape on a college campus. Campus Center take part in this aspect of the Democratic check. »210 (propagandists?) process. Meet new I went back into the Museum to kill • Comment boards will be up in the Campus Center Tuesday people! A socially sanctioned weekday time until Earl came back with the bus z , ... , 11.11 11. ■ ■ in Philly free of all schoolwork, with a and saw the few displays that weren't ^through Friday. Please take the time to look over the displays and cramped elbow and a temporary inabil- closed off for the day. My AIDS Walk pin »leave your comments or questions for us. Have a great week!!! ity to speak without a script and a false was nicely hidden away in the folds of # tone of heartiness being the only draw- myjacket,andIdidn'tevenhaveshort- . T . Ga||onj A.S.A.P. X5796, box C-1293. backs! HINT: Do this for a winning can- ness of breath or aching calves to remind • didate— it's more fun. A call for understanding, not alienation, for women By Stephanie Debner self. It is a way that does not have much nists (or more precisely, women who It saddens me to see this split in the to do with hating men so much as to take identify with being womyn) being un- community, to see it spreading so un- I just saw something on the comment "man" out of feminine, equivocally as to break down communi- board about the Women's Center that "woman," but humorless cation and dialogue on women's issues. disturbed me. In responding to the ques- one that has to or simply an It is especially disturbing to see this split tion of whether we needed a Women's do with a re- undesirable in this crucial year of election when we Center or not, someone had spelled evaluation of the "other". should be united by gender as a political women with a '/.Underneath that, some society in which I'm entity. Even if you don't believe in abor- anonymous person wrote "Give me a I live and the not quite tion rights, education issues, AIDS care, break". systems to which sure welfare or homosexual rights, can't you I have noticed that there seems to be a I adhere. whether comprehend how frightened others are growing split between the women in this Now, I was "womyn" is about issues that directly influence their community about women vs. womyn, under the im- universally lives? which I think is symbolic of a split in pression that being a community of equated with being queer. But even if it My personal issue of choice is homo- ideologies. Using the spelling "womyn" women, we could support different ide- is, why should one be afraid to be self- sexual rights. Although Measure 9 has is symbolic of an ideology of choice that ologies and each other's differences as a identified as a "womyn"? I mean, if it's been defeated in Oregon, the OCA and has been arrived at by examination and sort of a solidarity thing. Instead, what an issue, can't one just say "No, I am the anti-gay backlash they represent is active thought. I've been hearing is reminiscent of the heterosexual but I believe in this ideol- still around. What is scarier is that I see By using "womyn" to describe myself, initial backlash against feminism in the ogy"? That may be asking for a middle antecedents of this anti-gay backlash at I am choosing a new way to name my- '60*8 and 70*8: comments about femi- ground that may not exist. tee Understanding page 5 November 12,1992 The College News Page 5 Eating disorders: we need to talk about them To Watch Out For By Elena McFadden walk right off the road all together, if we so choose. In each documentary, each article, each But this decision to turn can come only conversation I encounter on the broad after we are fully aware of exactly where subject of human toil there appears a we are headed, and the realization that consistent theme. This theme, or prob- this is not a desirable place for which to lem, is that people generally seem to be heading. So when the topic at hand believe that they can not seems to be the damag- make themselves happy It is modern man ing effect of the media and facing this, come to portrayal of women as the conclusion that some who continue* to impeccably sculptured thing, or some person— museum pieces on acting as a thing— can believe so Joann Sixpack's body bring forth that happi- passionately in the image, it is a great thing ness in their lives. that we have the free- "The Famine Within," suicidal structures dom and gumption to shown at Bryn Ma wr on talkat all. But rather than November 2nd, is an be/ond his control call for society to give important contribution Joann Sixpack a better to the broadening dis- which we all call body image, I am call- course about women's society. Women have, ing for an intense dis- complex place in post- _, cussion of why it is that industrial society. But, in eiiect, been Joann Sixpack does not it falls short of giving us have full rein over her CM. MUWIfeWUtarTir I rTG*T IWK I BOB Ml MM AM *M> I * MM IMP the perspective we des- dragged along for own body image in the

By Linda Chan Many Asian-American students have For these reasons, the model minority trouble keeping up in school and lack myth has caused irreparable harm by The Model Minority myth, which family support because their parents are generating many false charges. Perhaps, praises Asian-Americans for their indus- busy trying to earn money to support the most destructive part of this myth is trious efforts and asserts that Asian- their family. Over the last couple of years, that there are still many people who Americans have "pulled themselves up the number of teenage Asian boys who believe in it or use it to undermine the by their bootstraps," does a great dis- join gangs has increased. The number of rights of Asian-Americans. service to the Asian-American popula- Asian-American high school drop-outs *Civil Rights Facing Asian-Americans in tion. Many people fail to see the insidi- has also increased over the years. the 1990s, pgs. 20 & 33. ous nature of this myth. They see noth- ing negative about a myth which claims that Asian-Americans are rewarded for Asian Awareness Month their hard work through high levels of education and income. Unfortunately, the rosy picture painted by the myth denies the problems many Schedule of Events Asian-Americans face. Most of all, this myth has been consistently used as justi- fication for denying Asian-Americans en- Asian-Americans: trance into top colleges, it led to the "glass- Tuesday, November 10 ceiling" in terms of employment, and Foreigners or allowed serious social problems facing Asian-Americans, such as teenage del i n- Movie Night— Campus Center Main Lounge, 8 to Americans? 10 pm. "Unffortunately, the rosy By Linda Chan picture painted by the Sponsor: ASA This summer while I was flying to myth denies the prob- California, my friend, a fellow Mawrtyr, lems many Asian- Lecture/Discussion. AIDS: South Asia, South and I happened to be seated in the emer- Asians led by Harsha Ram,, South Asian AIDS gency door section. A stewardess came Americans face." over and asked us in a very slow, patron- Activist— Campus Center Room 210,8 pm. izing manner,"Do... you... girls... speak... quency, to go on being ignored. Sponsor: SAW English? You need to speak English in If we look at the heart of this myth, the order to sit in themergency door area." so-called high levels of i neo me earned by The way she paused and slowly dragged Asian-Americans, we find that it does Wednesday, November 11 out each word, as if we were retarded, not account for the fact that a huge influx stunned me. Of course my friend re- of immigrants are living below the pov- sponded and assured her that we could erty line. The reason why Asian-Ameri- Workshop given by members of Asian Americans speak perfect English. My mouth hung cans appear to earn more is due to the agape as I reacted incredulously to the fact that the family is usually an extended United on Anti-Asian Violence— Rock Living stupidity of this woman's question. Since unit. Many live together under one roof. Room, 8 to 10 pm. I did not answer her, the stewardess By relying on income-statistics, the asked my friend, "Excuse me, but does danger lies in assuming that all Asian- Sponsor: ASA your friend speak English?" This time, I Americans, lumped together in one big responded angrily— telling her that I homogeneous group, live under similar was born in this country and had been conditions. Reality shows that huge dis- Friday, November 13 speaking English ever since I developed parities exist between different Asian the ability to form sentences. Her igno- ethnic groups. In the 1980s, the United rance and assumption that we were for- States Commission on Civil Rights con- Culture Night— Thomas Great Hall, 8 to 10 pm. cluded "the Asian-Americans are a suc- "Her ignorance and as- cessful minority who no longer suffer Sponsor: ASA from disadvantage."* sumption that we were However, the current United States foreigners simply because Commission on Civil Rights in the 1990s Thursday, November 19 concluded that Asian-Americans are we were of Asian descent severely discriminated against and irked me." hampered by the perception that all Fred Ho. Speaking— Campus Center Room 105,4 to Asians are foreigners, and the stereotype 5 pm. Fred Ho & Band— Thomas Great eigners simply because we were of Asian of Asians as being passive and inarticu- descent irked me. All this time, my friend late. "A recent commission study showed Hall, 8 to 9:30 pm. and I had been conversing in English, that U.S. born Asian-American men were Sponsor: ASA but, of course, she must have thought we between 7% and 11 % less likely to be in were speaking Chinese. managerial occupations than non-His- After Asian-Americans have been in panic white men with the same meas- this country for over two hundred years, ured characteristics."* Tuesday, November 24 they are still bombarded with questions One of the biggest problems with this like, "Where do you come from?" and, myth lies in its effects on Asian-Ameri- my favorite, "Can you speak English?" I can children. No, not all Asian-American Movie Night— Campus Center Main Lounge, cannot get over the fact that Asians are children attend schools like Harvard, 8 to 10 pm still considered by larger society as for- Yale, or Princeton. Many parents of eigners. immigrant children work all day long, Sponsor: ASA I am proud of being Asian and I don't leaving the kids to look after themselves. think being Asian has at all diminished my ability to be an American. The two are not irreconcilable. The fact that Asian- Books by & about Asians and Asian-Americans Americans have to constantly re-assert their position as Americans indicates how America is in the Heart by Carlos Bulosan Cebu by Peter Dacho little society has progressed from the perception that anyone who does not Clay Wells by Donyoung Kim possess standard Caucasian features is Chickencoop Chinaman by Frank Chin "the other"; it never ceases to amaze me. It is time for society to re-evaluate its treatment of Asians. Most of all, I am Homebase by ohawn Wong tired of being treated differently, like a Japanese American Ethnicity by Fugita and David O' Dricn second class citizen. How long must Asian-Americans wait before they are Dead It Dead It Dead It Dead It Dead It Dead It Dead It Dead It accepted as full-fledged Americans? November 12,1992 The College News Page 9 ^ wareness Month Conference brings questions of identity into perspective By anu jain because they were new arrivals from the terproof. But sometimes, it is easy for me third world—looked, smelted, and spoke to forget, in the somewhat sheltered Instead of going home for all of Fall in a different way. I was cursed at, told to world at Bryn Mawr, why and how this Break this year, I spent the weekend at mind my own business, and most pain- pride can be threatened. Yale at a conference for South Asian col- ful of all, told that it wasn't me they were I know there are racists here; I am sure lege groups: "Breaking Stereotypes." In humiliating and abusing, so why did I I have come into contact with them. But, more ways than one, this experience has care. whether it is the PC atmosphere or the really opened my eyes. But I did care. I almost cried every day fact that there are fewer die-hard, violent Having grown up in an area where racists here than in the 'real world', I "Hindu" [with a hard 'd', rather than a "...I was no longer have not seen nor felt racism directed my soft one, as is correct] was a word used as way. And so it was easy for me to say to a curse and where an FOB (Fresh-off -the- glad that people a friend a few weeks ago, "Well, while I boat, not Friends of Bill) was something looked at me and could separate my identity as an Indian you didn't want to be, I have come to women from all that I am, I could never own and appreciate my identity as an said/Oh, but you're separate my identity as a woman from Minority Indian woman not without some struggle that (i.e. say 1 am a person first, and a and soul-searching. not like themV (for woman second)." By my sophomore year in high school, them read 'those im- But, after attending the conference with Admissions at I was no longer glad that people looked other members of SAW (South Asian at me and said, "Oh, but you're not like migrant losers/)" Women) from BMC, I must rescind that them." (For them, read "those immigrant very thoughtless statement. How can I BMC losers.") I didn't appreciate being treated as I watched people sitting alone at lunch ever deny my identity as an Indian continued from page 7 asiflwerewhite,asifldidn'thaveavery tables, looking hungrily at other students woman, while it permeates every aspect If Bryn Mawr does not set a prece- traditional, very non-white family at who chatted and laughed together, but of my thinking, acting and feeling life? dence for serving the needsof the minor- home. unable to approach them due to lan- And why should I see it as secondary to ity students today, it may not be in the No, I was fighting mad. I spent every guage barriers, shyness, or a fear of the what I am, when it is so obviously not? running as an institution of choice for the lunch break getting into fights; not physi- rejection that most 'FOBs' faced. Theconference also helped me remem- future. As for the issue of racism on this cal confrontations, but arguments with Now, sometimes I am glad for such ber that I do have my own prejudices campus, we would like to quote Presi- people on the lunch line who felt it was trials by fire; my pride in who I am and about what Indian, or more generally dent McPherson, from a letter she ad- acceptable and appropriate to mock and the heritage that my parents have pre- South Asian women and men, are like— dressed to the Bryn Mawr Community insult the person behind them, who— served for me is something almost shat- what they think, how they dress and on April 6,1988: "We have seen too little what is important to them. progress in the last decade in achieving 5ooks by & about Asians and Asian-Americans I think that is something we all should racial harmony in the United States. Some keep in mind, throughout this month: of our national tension s have clearly been somewhat amusingly known as Asian reflected in many of the colleges and Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston Awareness Month. While it is important universities across the nation. If colleges to celebrate our differences and learn to and universities are to play a construc- approach each other with an awareness tive role in what is clearly a national task, The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tbn of our biases and a willingness to relearn then we must start at home on our own or erase them, it is also very necessary campus." not to peg people into groups or see them Four years after this remark, can we, in only as representations of their ethnic all honesty, say that a constructive role The Loom & Other (Stories by E> A (Sasaki background. All of us are prey to this; has begun to be played in the "Bryn sometimes, ironically, especially people Mawr" tasks? China Boy by Gus Lee of color who are so aware and against such pegging. Dalikbayan by MichelleCruz 6kinner Hopefully, I am further down the road Some people of learning for myself to take people for what they are and enjoy with them the richness that comes from interacting with had mentioned others who are very different from my- Pangs of Love by David Wong Louie self in as many ways as they arethe same. that they have And, despite the shortcomings of the conference (it didn't go too deeply into The Land & People of Cambodia by Chandler anything, some of the speakers didn't articles for this seem to want to speak on issues about South Asians, etc.), for me it was defi- Hearts of Sorrow by James Freeman nitely a period for self-analysis and centerspread, revaluation and thus definitely worth it. but were un- Vietnamese (Short (Stories edited/translated by James Banerian able to submit them for a Fifth Chinese Daughter by Jade (Snow Wong book titles and infor- ion was compiled by variety of rea- Nisei Daughter by Monica oone h ("km. M.inv thanks. sons. We urge Middlemen and Other (Stories by Bharati Mukerjee these people to submit their ar- Read It Read It Dead It Dead It Dead It ticles for the next issue. — the editors Page 10 The College News November 12,1992

MADONNA: SEX,THE BOOK Mixed messages & questions of responsible art By Lynne Kraskoutkas statement of the Material Girl's latest en- weren't looking like those on the pages «4 deavor. It seems strange to me, then, that of Playboy, most women weren't anorexi- s Well, Madonna, you've managed to she would not portray pictures of sexual cally thin with silicon tit implants. Sure z do it again. You have managed to take a acts with the use of condoms or dental women look great naked, but real women, a/ 41 slew of ideas and personal fantasies and dams. She justifies this by saying, "This not pseudo-plasto-women from hell. I sling them together and sell them for book does not condone unsafe sex. When wonder if Madonna has ever seen any- $49.95. Written by someone else, this I let myself go, I rarely think of con- thing like the Rape Culture Project? would be considered lewd and offensive doms...,-" her fantasies take place in a Probably not. And when she says no one pornography, but since it bears the name "place without AIDS." is holding a gun to these women's heads, ! 'Madonna', suddenly it becomes a styl- Hello, wouldn't it be nice if life was what about Linda Lovelace, whose hus- «♦- ish and fashionable way to look at sexu- one big fantasy and wecould all not have band/director literally held a gun to her ality. to worry about condoms? I feel if she head while she was forced to make a "This book is about sex. Sex is not love. really wanted to make an impact project- porno film? One tC- HTC vwxny-faces ■)/vA^wUnnn Love is not sex." This is the opening ing the importance of safe sex, she could But then the book takes a surprising have showed a condom/dental dam. She turn, shifting to a section that positively cannot expect to send a message of safe portrays female sexuality. She has a sec- Two thumbs down, sex by writing a book and displaying tion about masturbation and the explo- photos of unsafe sex, it just does not ration of oneself which isa positive thing. work. She writes, "I love my pussy, it is the from this reviewer The next few pages are photographs of complete summation of my life. It's the By Jennifer M osher punctuation. I'm not sure what Madonna Madonna and two other women acting place where the most painful things have was trying to get at— anyone here (in- out a series of S&M fantasies. Madonna happened. But it has given me indescrib- As a long time Madonna fan, I jumped cluding me) could write better erotica. If, is tied up with a pair of scissors held to able pleasure. My pussy is the temple of at the chance to review her new book, as with the pictures, she was trying to her throat (in one picture) and to her learning." SEX. It was the perfect opportunity; no shock, shedidn't succeed. It just came off vagina (in another) by one woman, as the Although it's a bit blunt, I think Ma- fifty dollar outlay, no two hour wait at as flat and contrived. other performs cunnilingus on her. Later donna is sending a positive message to the reserve book line at Haverford, and Personally, I was disappointed. I ex- on in the book, she gives the definition of women, encouraging them to know and no guilty feelings Q'm not looking at an pected better things from Madonna. She, S&M as acts where "you let someone love their sexuality. Young girls are erotic book because I want to— I have to who was once so unique, has done noth- hurt you who you know would never taught froma veryyoungage: "Youdon't do it! Yeah right, Jen.) So, when I finally ing better than publish a glorified girlie hurt you." She adds that "S&M is not touch or look down there, and you don't got my hands on my very own (bor- mag. There is nothing in her book that about sex, but power. It's a head trip." let anyone else touch or lookdown there!" rowed) copy, I had to do it right. I went hasn't already been done in Penthouse The main topic of many of the photos/ Our own bodies become a mystery, into my room, closed the door, and rev- or Hustler, or seen on Berkeley streets. writings is the placement of 'woman' in something unknown to us, and since we erently slid the book out of its embossed And if the pictures themselves aren't the dominant position of the sexual act. fear what we don't know or understand, foil wrapper. I was pleasantly surprised shocking her views are. I find it hard to The topic of S&M brings up her theory we sort of leam to fear our sexuality. by its cover— the hard metal gleamed consider her a woman after all the hor- on abusive relationships. She says, *1 Madonna, in a way, is handing women flatly in the dim light. Etched in mini- rible stereotypes she is propagating about think for the most part if women are in an the power to take back their bodies for scule letters was the word SEX. The image us. I don't take issue with the sadomaso- abusive relationship and they know it, themselves. was perfect— it evoked secrecy, steami- chism portrayed, but rather with the they must be digging it. I suppose some She also addresses homosexuality. ness, forbidden short, eve- conflicting views of sexuality she pres- women might say that's an irresponsible Sometimes I thought she did so in a rything I needed to spice up a run-of-the- ents. The one-time singer of "Express statement." You're damned right that's really positive way, and other times I felt mill Thursday night. Or so I Yourself" is now saying, "1 think that for an irresponsible statement. it wasn't very positive at all. I think it was thought...then Iopened the the most part if women are Hello, Madonna, did you ever see The good that she expressed lesbianism as a book. To avoid unneces- A copy of in an abusive relationship Burning Bed? I'm sure Farah Fawcett's very natural thing— sometimes it seemed sary boredom and/or and they know it and they character was just digging the hell out of she was saying two women together were trashiness, I will summa- Hustler at stay in it they must be that relationship. And it's just such a better than a man and a women could rize things for you. digging it." The pictures wonderful message to send to abusive ever be—but then I am reminded of a The photographs, some- $2.95 would or discontinuous body men who can now justify what they are series of letters that she (as Dita, a charac- times black and white, parts (as well as certain doing by thinking, "Well, she's staying ter on her Erotica album) wrote about sometimes tinted, always make you parts of the text) suggest with me, hell, she must love it when I having sex with another woman, as she confusing, cover the that mistreating women is abuse her." waits for a man to return. Then she finds gamut of sexual experi- just as happy, okay, and that having any- I suppose if we were all multi-million- out the man is having a homosexual rela- ences. Almost every com- thing less than a perfect aire superstars we could all feel that tionship on the side and suddenly drops bination imaginable is and costs $43 body (being overweight. people who remain in abusive relation- him like a hot potato, feeling very be- shown, from masturbation in particular) is a "big ships want to be that way. And I'm sure trayed. to mass orgies in gay bars, less. problem" for (her). It sets if we all had the self-esteem and confi- It seems a bit homophobic, hypocriti- and of course. Madonna off something that says dence equal to the weight of a two-ton cally homophobic, to be having a lesbian "starred" in almost all of them. There "overindulgent pig". This really makes mack truck then we'd be free to make affair, and then to drop someone because were some that I considered to be artistic me angry, because Madonna as a big star such irresponsible statements that only they are having a homosexual affair. (Madonna draped over a statuary fish, does have some influence over what reflect an ignorance of these situations. I think the book has some positive Madonna doi ng a back ward s somersault people think. By writing this kind of Another photo I found disturbing was aspects, but it is also negative in many in a swimming pool) and some that were material, she is only reinforcing male one depicting Madonna being raped by ways. Sex definitely possesses a lot of comic (Madonna eating in a pizza parlor ideas of women. I also think that the type two men resembling some sort of hood- potential that totally was not expanded naked, to name one) but in general, I of uptight, straight-laced person, who lums. Here, I think it is irresponsible of upon, and the negative aspects almost found that the photographs occupied that Madonna states she is targeting, isn't her, again, to direct a fantasy to a mass of seemed to cancel out the positive ones. hazy realm between art and pornogra- going to buy it anyway. absorbing minds. Although she tries to I wondered as I read the book who phy. Rather than being erotic or intrigu- If Madonna had been serious about make it clear that these are not realities, it exactly was the audience for whom ing, they tended to distance the reader. wanting to spread a revolutionary mes- still upsets me that she can publicly fan- Madonna was aiming, and what mes- Interspersed throughout the book were sage about sexuality, she would have tasize rape as a sexual pleasure when it is sage she was hoping to deliver. It brings letters written by T3ita'— Madonna's had more success in showing real people unquestionably an act of violence. It is up the subject of vhe responsibility literary alter-ego— to her boyfriend having real sex; it would have been just sending a message that since a woman Madonna should have with her art. In Johnny, descriptions of sexual fantasies, as shocking, and a lot more meaningful. fantasizes about rape, she must want to one view, she shouldn't have to care and various pithy statements about sex As it is, I get the impression that Ma- be raped. what she should or should not print— ("There is something comforting about donna did this primarily for her own On pornography, she says, "...Idon't she has the right to express herself (no being tied up. Like when you were a pleasure, and is now trying to make think pornography degrades women. pun intended)— but at the same time, baby and your mother strapped you in money off of it. My advice? Unless you The women who are doing it want to do there are a lot of impressionable minds the car seat."). The letters and the fanta- somehow manage to get your hands on a it. No one is holding a gun to their head." on which she is certainly making an sies were written in the "oh let's see how copy of the cover (by far the best part of She adds, "I love looking at Playboy be- impression. I think one could get the many bad words we can cram onto one the book), don't waste your money. A cause women look great naked." Ok. same quality pornography for a lot less page/I'm so horny" style, with 'cock' copy of Hustler at $2.95 would make you Pornography doesn't degrade women? than $50, the only difference would be and 'pussy* sprinkled everywhere as just as happy, and costs $43 less. Last time I checked, most women I know the lack of Madonna. Sherry Butler brings jazz onto campus and breathes new life into our social lives and activities By Nadia Masri out your throat; so nasty it would make on over to the CC and see how it's really Quartet. And if thaf s not all, on Thurs- your grandmother blush; so scary it done. But eat a good breakfast: believe day, November 5, you missed The Big Let's get one thing straight right now: would give Stephen King nightmares. me, you'll need it. Ouch! For all of you Push, with ourownSteveGreen (of Trans- this ain't no yuppie restaurant back- This is Thursday nights at the Campus out there who don't know what I'm talk- portation) on bass, along with a lot of ground music. This ain't something you Center, thanks to Sherri Butler, ESPN, ing about— losers, you've missed the very, very dangerous cats. turn on at night to help you sleep. This is and the office of atudent activities. Next Arpeggio Jazz where Sherry graced us Don'': take my word for it: next Thurs- Jazz with a capital Crowe: a groove so time you find yourself calling out Hiram's with her amazing vocals. You've missed day, take a break around 9:00 pm, drop funky it boils in your gut and explodes set list before they've begun to play, hop guitar goddess Monette Sudler and her by, and be prepared to be blown away. November 12,1992 The College News 11 Suzanne Vega combines brevity with depth of insight By Jeanne Obbard slightest inflection puts the humor in the half-spoken lines of If You Were In My 999 Degrees Fahrenheit is a deceptively Movie," and you get the impression that short album. You could pretty much lis- she is keeping a mock-straight face for ten to it in one sitting and still have time the benefit of the record company, while Sparse attendance at Orchestra to finish your homework (which may or inviting us to laughat stereotypical media may not be a good thing). But don't images. mistake it for a Vega has performances a shame small album; it is a called herself a folk By Erika Merschrod The second concert was sparsely at- collection of rela- singer; yet, shedoes tended, in spite of Smith's performance. tively compact not focus on wide- The Bryn Mawr-Haverford Orchestra It isn't everyday that one can hear such songs that will ranging social is- had a busy performance schedule this an excellent musician right in one's own endure a lot of lis- sues so much as the semester, with oneconcert at Bryn Mawr, home. tening. common human ex- two at Haverford and one at Swarthmore. I guess I should be used to it after The progression periences of lost The members of this orchestra worked playing in the orchestra for three semes- from Suzanne love, alienation for months putting together some really ters, but I was stunned to find that even Vega's last album from society, grow- nice programs with pieces for people of fewer people came to our third perform- (Solitude Standing) ing up, and the all tastes. ance. To be sure, there were a lot of teas is obvious: much dampening of the Llouyd Smith, the assistant principal being held that night, but there will be of 993 has a newly spirit that often cellist of the Philadelphia Orchestra, was other teas, and there won't be another or- synthesized sound occurs in the proc- our guest soloist for Boccherini's Cello chestra concert at Bryn Mawr or Haver- which, surpris- ess. "Blood Sings" Concerto in B-flat, which was played at ford until next spring. ingly, does not de- talks of someone Haverford on November 1 and at You all support different groups on tract from her "left alone at Swarthmore on November 8. Edward campus, either because they represent breathy, matter-of- birth.../ See his eyes Collins-Hughes, reserve librarian at an interest of yours, or because you know fact voice. Far from and how they start Haverford College, played the organ part someone there, or simply because you making her sound with light/Getting for Albinioni's Adagio for Strings and Or- appreciate and enjoy what they put out. generic, the quick, colder as the pic- gan. Playing with musicians of such cali- Appreciate us! Meet someone in the punctuating beats tures go." She could ber inspired the entire orchestra and orchestra, or become a part of it yourself! and wide range of be speaking of brought a special vigor to our playing. Participating in an orchestra is fun for its psetxkXsyrthesized)- many of us. This Too bad no one was there to hear us. own sake. We play nice music and, de- instruments of album is more Our first concert was well attended; it spite the hassles involved, it's well worth many of these songs set off her quirky complex than a social bitch list— it was Parents' Day here at Bryn Mawr, i it just for the playing experience. Having observations to good effect. "Blood manages to encompass the paradoxical and the parents don't know that going to an audience would make performing a Makes Noise" is a good example: it is a nature of our lives. In " As A Child," Vega watch the orchestra isn't the thing to do lot more exciting. concept you probably never thought of, sings, "You see yourself/ And wonder on a Sunday. They heard some really Thanks to all of you who spared 60,30 but it makes perfect sense when Vega why/ You can't seem to move./ Hand good music, including Vaughn Williams' or however many minutes of your day to delivers it with that certain flat insistence on the doorknob/ Feel like a thing/ One Rhosymedre which sounded wonderful come and hear our music-making. It which is her hallmark. foot on the sidewalk/ Too much to in the Great Hall. wasn't that difficult, was it? But Vega's voice is expressive. The see Suzanne Vega on page 12 Rabbi addresses Jewish/Muslim relations in medieval Spain

By Ranya Sihweil vine inspirations from God. speak at least three languages (Hebrew, from Arabic to Hebrew. Demonstrating how in Medieval Spain, Arabic and Catalan) and were able to Philosophy also went through thesame Leila Berner is a full time rabbi at the Jews and Muslims shared many cultural communicate freely (and disguise them- lines of transmission. Another strong Beth Israel congregation in Media, PA, and historical links, the Rabbi notes that selves if necessary) with Muslim people. common link between Arabic and He- and although not currently teaching, she this should be testament that Arabs and Their education system was the same, brew was poetry. Rhyme, meter and stro- has been a lecturer at Swarthmore for the Jews can get along and that there is hope both religions focused on religious the- phic patterns were the same for both past four years. Her lecture in the Ely for peace in the Middle East. The Mus- ory, writing, poetry, philosophy, mathe- languages. If they could share poetry, Room in Wyndham on Thursday, No- lims conquered the Iberian peninsula in matics, physics, logic, optics, astronomy Rabbi Berner highlighted, "life is not so vember 5th, sponsored by the Muslim 711 CE, including the East coast of the etc. Education was shared, it was com- bad." Students Association (MSA) and Achot Mediterranean as well as the Southern municated and passed through several All of these links, Rabbi Berner be- as part of their Jewish/Muslim Friendship part of Spain. They controlled every area channels. Astronomy, for example, was lieves, demonstrate that peace in the Series, a purely religious series which of Spain, they were the Kings and Ca- translated from Greek to Arabic and then see Rabbi Leila Berner on page 12 aims to educate the community about Ju- liphs, they were the law makers and the daism and Islam and dispel the various rulers. stereotypes surrounding the two relig- Under their rule, both Christians and Palestinian-Israeli ions. Jews became subordinated. Although Rabbi Berner's talk entitled, "The there weremanynegativeaspects to their Children of Abraham in the Medieval conquest, such as the Jewish persecution speaks to community Kingdoms of Spain" highlighted the simi- by Muslims and the periodic violent larities between Jews and Muslims in outbreaks. Rabbi Berner points out that By Ranya Sihweil through negotiation. A settlement "agree- Medieval Spain and pointed out how there were more positive areas. She says ment" by Israel can only be achieved Jews and Muslims are really "family to that although the Jews and Christians An Arab living in Israel, Mohammad through a parallel process of condition- one another... rather dysfunctional, but were governed, they were "governed Darawshe gave a lecture at Haverford ing with Palestinians. Time is an impor- nevertheless family." Peace in the Middle humanely." College on October 16th about his own tant factor, Mr. Darawshe noted; "nego- East can be achieved, she stresses, be- Also, under the pact of Omar written personal involvement and his perspec- tiations cannot occur all at once." cause of the many common links Arabs by an Umayyid Caliph, non-Muslims tive on Israeli-Palestinian peace negotia- "A solution for national integrity is and Jews share— as is seen in Medieval were completely free to worship under tions and settlement agreements. "Our only a temporary thing", he stated, and Spain. their own religion, but it had to be done struggle here is how to become main- accepting that every nation is sufficient Rabbi Berner pointed out the Biblical discreetly and quietly. For Jews, this stream." He proposed ways of achieving is unsound. He noted that the Arab states links between Jews and Muslims. Believ- meant that there could be no singing and this. in general don't always have the needs of ing that she was infertile, Sarah, wife of for Christians, no bell-ringing. Also, Mr. Darawshe suggested that change Palestinians in mind, and that forming a Abraham, had her maid-servant Hagar synagogues and churches had to be lower can only happen in two ways: from the confederation with Jordan might prove bear a child for him. Ishmael, born from in height than mosques and burial of the bottom up (grass roots) and from the top to be an effective solution. their union, became the father to Islam. dead had to be non-ceremonial. down. He stressed that changing the Mr. Darawshe's solution to develop- Later on during their marriage, Sarah Rabbi Berner stresses that for the government is not enough, changing the ing Middle East economic power includes became pregnant and bore Isaac, father Middle Ages, this "wasn't bad." Minor- people must occur. National identity all Arab states including Jordan and Syria, to Judaism. This family was acknowl- ity people in Muslim Spain were treated must be defined through what he calls a and maintains that "Israel can't allow edged by the Prophet Mohammed, who as tolerated guests, and at times this "re-Palestin ization process." Palestinians itself to be outside of that coalition." He when he began to preach in the 7th C. caused problems. The status of Jews and that remained in Israel after their occu- proposed that the current sea-port at noted all the cultural and historical links Christians depended solely on the whims pation in 1948 are "mostly farmers," and Asrilot (7 miles away from Jerusalem) between Muslims and Jews. of their oppressors and of course was just as an Israelization process occurred, should serve as access to the Mediterra- The Rabbi showed us linguistic links unstable at many times. Jews were "liv- so must a Palestinian one, in order to nean for both Israelis and Palestinians. In between Arabic and Hebrew: both the ing on a tightrope"; at any moment they solve the identity crises. order not to disturb the infrastructure of basic Muslim text, the Koran, and the could fall off. The process of settlement is extremely Israel, economically, the land should be Jewish Mikrab come from the word "to Jews, she points out, were very cosmo- complex and not as simple as some might shared by both Palestinians and Israelis— read." Both religions are based on the politan people— they spoke many lan- like to think; there is more to self-rule building an airport in Jerusalem or a sea- two same concepts; Iman and Din (Ara- guages, adapted easily to different cul- than forming a government and voting port in Gaza is both economically and bic) and Imuna and Din (Hebrew), mean- tures and climates and lead very mobile process; "self-rule has hundreds of culturally unwise. ing faith and law. The religions are both lives. The average Jew on the streets of angles." "A cease-fire does not mean peace," monotheistic and they both share the Granada, Cordoba and Seville looked Both parties must enter the peace talks Mr. Darawshe said. Substantial peace, belief that their religious texts were di- like their Muslim neighbors; they could with proposals that can be conditioned see Mr. Darawshe on page 12 Page 12 The College News November 12,1992 Dates Women Make Thursday, November 22 Antonya Nelson, fiction reading. Author of In the Land of Men. 1:15pm, Campus Owl Book Sale. Owl Book Stop, Bryn Mawr College. l-5pm. Call 525-6117 for Center 105, Bryn Mawr College. more information. Tuesday, November 17 Using Food to Cope, lecture by Rebecca Radcliffe. 730pm, Chase 104, Haverford College. Posse N EFX and Live. 930pm. Tickets Available starting the 10th at the Campus Center Front Desk. Rights, Obligations and the New Reproductive Technologies. Speakers include Laura M. Purdy and Barbara Katz Rothman. 7:30-9:30pm, Nesbitt Hall, Ruth Audi- Wednesday, November 18 torium, Drexel University. Mozart's Serenades for Winds. Swarthmore Music and Dance Festival. 4:30pm, Lang Concert Hall, Swarthmore. Sephardic and Middle Eastern Music performed by Rabeeya and Sapon Sephar- dic Duo. Ethnic Food. 8pm, Thomas Great Hall, Bryn Mawr College. Thursday, November 19 Economic Development and the Environment Lecture by Nemet Shafik. 730pm, Burn This, play by Lanford Wilson. 8pm, Pearson-Hall Theater, P AC, Swarthmore Dupont Lecture Room, Swarthmore College. College. The Fever, Bryn Mawr/Haverford Theater. 7:30pm,"Goodhart, Bryn Mawr Off-Center Ballet, Pennsylvania Ballet 8pm, MTI Tabernacle Theater, Philadel- College. Call 526-5211. phia. Admission $15. Call 551-7014 for more information. Friday, November 20 Friday, November 13 Griot New York, performance by Garth Fagan Dance, Philadelphia Museum of Owl Book Sale. Owl Book Shop, Bryn Mawr College. l-5pm. Call 525-6117 for Art, 8pm. Admission $5-$15. Call 763-5498. more information. The Fever, Bryn Mawr/Haverford Theater. 7:30pm, Goodhart, Bryn Mawr The Fever, Bryn Mawr/Haverford Theater. 7:30pm, Goodhart, Bryn Mawr Col- College. Call 526-5211. lege. Call 526-5211 for more information. Saturday, November 21 Power Pipes. 8pm performance. Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia. Admis- Holiday Arcade. Clothing, Crafts, Jewelry and More. Eye's Gallery, 402 South sion $15. Call 925-9914 for information. Street, Philadelphia. Call 925-0193.

Asian Culture Night 8-lOpm, Thomas Great Hall, Bryn Mawr College. The Fever, Bryn MawT/Haverford Theater. 7:30pm, Goodhart, Bryn Mawr College. Call 526-5211. Off-Center Ballet, Pennsylvania Ballet 8pm, MTI Tabernacle Theater, Philadel- phia. Admission $15. Call 551-7014 for more information. Griot, New York, performance by Garth Fagan Dance, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 8pm. Admission $5-$15. Call 787-5455 to reserve tickets. Swarthmore College Orchestra with Am Running. Works by Brahms and Maxwell-Davies. 8pm, Marshall Auditorium, Haverford College. Haverford/Biyn Mawr Choral Conceit Mariam Tamari, soprano. 8pm, Marshall Auditorium, Haverford College. Call 896-1011 for reservations. Burn This, play by Lanford Wilson. 8pm, Pearson-Hall Theater, P AC, Swarthmore College. Liz Lerman's Dance Exchange and Dancers of the Third Age. Swarthmore Music and Dance Festival. 8pm, Lang Performing Arts Center, Swarthmore Col- Freak Night with Karoake Singing, Velcro Jumping, and D.J. Dance Party. lege. Admission $6. 10pm-lam, Campus Center, Bryn Mawr College. Sunday, November 22 Saturday, November 14 Haverford/Bryn Mawr Choral Concert Mariam Tamari, soprano. 3pm, Marshall Owl Book Sale. Owl Book Shop, Bryn Mawr College. 10am-4pm. Call 525-6117 for Auditorium, Haverford College. Call 896-1011 for reservations. more information. Leonardo da Vinci on the Lesser and Greater Worlds. Lecture by Dr. Martin The Fever, Bryn Mawr/Haverford Theater. 7:30pm, Goodhart, Bryn Mawr Col- Kemp. 230pm, Van Pelt Auditorium, Philadelphia Museum of Art. Call 787-5455 lege. Call 526-5211 for more information. for more information.

Power Pipes. 8pm performance, Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia. Admis- Monday, November 23 sion $15. Call 925-9914 for information. Hateful Images: Women's Bodies in TV and Video. Discussion with Alexandra Juhasz. 8pm, Campus Center Main Lounge, Bryn Mawr College. Burn This, play by Lanford Wilson. 8pm, Pearson-Hall Theater, PAC, Swarthmore College. THANKSGIVING

Off-Center Ballet, Pennsylvania Ballet 8pm, MTI Tabernacle Theater, Philadel- On going... phia. Admission $15. Call 551-7014 for more information. Exposing the Artists of Oaxaca and Tonala. Displays of works by Luis Sunday, November 15 Valencia, Jorge Wilmot, Josephina Aguilar, and Miguel Santiago. Eye's Gallery, Student/Faculty/Staff Recital. Bach, Mozart and Beethoven. 3pm, Goodhart 402 South Street, Philadelphia. Until November 21st. Call 925-0193. Music Room, Bryn Mawr College. Reception follows. Call 526-5210. Soil and Sky: Mel Chin. Exhibit of works by New York sculptor and installation Thunderbird Native American Dancers. 3pm, The University Museum of Ar- artist. List Gallery, Lang Arts Center, Swarthmore College. Call 328-8116. chaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania. Admission $8. Call 898- 4890 for more information. Leonardo da Vinci: The Anatomy of Man; Drawings from the Collection of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II. Berman and Stieglitz Galleries, Ground Floor, Philadel- The Fever, Bryn Mawr/Haverford Theater. 730pm, Goodhart, Bryn Mawr Col- phia Museum of Art. Until November 29th. Call 763-8100 for more information. lege. Call 526-5211. Martin Puryear. Works of American sculptor on display. Dorrance Galleries, Power Pipes. 8pm performance, Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia. Admis- First Floor, Philadelphia Museum of Art. Until January 3rd. Call 763-8100 for more sion $15. Call 925-9914 for information. information.

Ingrid Johnson '92 will be on CN as part of a 5 part show about women today .She Every Wednesday was interviewed at BMC during commencment in May 1992. Original show will air Make It A Night! Selected Center City stores open late. Sidewalk musicians, at 9pm. Rebroadcasts will be during regular news hours. store discounts^ree parkiru^raii^areonlyST' Suzanne Vega's new album continued from page 11 is in her detail and her subtlety. prove./ And you learn to/ Have a life." The real highlight of this album is "In Against the odds, Vega says, you do Liverpool," which is simple and lyrical Mr. Darawshe at break out of the immobility imposed and manages to express profound sad- Rabbi Berner upon you by one-dimensional social im- ness through the profoundly mundane. continued from page 11 Haverford College ages and impending responsibilities. You Vega is a poet at heart, which probably Middle East is possible. Jews and Arabs continued from page 11 grow up. all songwriters must be in part, but only have the capacity to share and to give; it he noted, can only be achieved through In some songs Vega does take on up- the best manage to combine brevity and is in their religion and in their culture. substantial negotiations. "We want to to-the-minute issues. "When Heroes Go depth as she does. She pointed out that the negatives as- make a marriage out of Israel and Pales- Down" is especially relevant to the re- So don't be fooled by the simplicity of pects of Medieval Spain were due to the tine—not a divorce," he said. It is impor- cent rash of public figures whose private these songs: Suzanne Vega has a compel- inequality of power—that peace between tant that while watching and reading lives have been disastrously exposed. By ling way with phrasing and delivery, two peoples must be balanced militarily about current peace negotiation, we while this is a catchy song, it is not as im- and observes with moving clarity the as well as socially. remember this and remind ourselves that, mediate and accessible as "Fat Man and individual details of our lives, those as Mr. Darawshe said, "Achieving peace Dancing Girl," which is -at once slightly which create the intimate links of the Note: 1992 is the500thanniversary of the means a lot more than putting on a t- cryptic and quite personal. Vega's magic common thread running through them. expulsion of the Jews from Spain. shirt.'