Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1992 The olC lege News 1992-11-12 Vol.14 No. 4 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News 1992-11-12 Vol.14 No. 4 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1992). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews/1442 For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE COLLEGE NEWS VOLUME XIV NUMBER 4 FOUNDED T 1914 BRYN MAVR COLLEGE NOVEMBERNOVEMB1 12,1992 Students question dedication to minority recruitment at Bryn Mawr By Mary Sef ranek and Lorelei Atalic would have minority recruitment among newspaper outlined instances of both Vargas their responsibilities. This demand was blatant and subtle racism and classism met; it wasn't until 1988 that another encountered by people of color and/or "A concern to which I think we must direct outcry came from the minority students working class backgrounds on this cam- our energies is an increased effort to create a on campus. pus." (Elizabeth Vermey, Director of community here which is both truly repre- In May of 1987, a total of 5 African Undergraduate Admission in a letter sentative of the peoples of the United States Americans and8Latinasgraduated from dated October 19,1988, on the topic of and attractive to the students from abroad. the college (Statistics from Bryn Mawr Minority Recruitment.) We have work to do together to ensure that Facts.) In the spring of 1988, the Minority The Minority Coalition presented Bryn Mawr is a congenial place for people of Students Coalition petitioned the entire Elizabeth Vermey with a list of demands, different races and religions to pursue com- community, with signatures of over 150 which asked that the students have in- mon interests and grow in understanding." students and faculty members of all races. creased participation in minority recruit- — Mary Patterson McPherson, Inaugu- This document printed in the student see Minority recruitment on page 7 ral Address, September 7,1978 Since 1978, Bryn Mawr has come a long way, but has it reached it's poten- Racism vs. responsible police action tial? Recently, many students have been By Heather Carwile on the Main Line. There are no safety ing, and you fit the description." questioning the efforts of the Admis- nets, no checks and balances to assure What sort of power did Nigel have in this sions Office Staff and Administration in 'Take your hands out of your pockets the well-being of the majority of people situation to question the officer's statement? their efforts to further diversify Bryn where I can see them." The Lower Merion of color in Bryn Mawr and Haverford, as Excuse me, sir, but could you give me Mawr's campus and to make it some- Police officer approached Nigel Th- well as in the surrounding towns. The proof of that? Are you sure you're not what more representative of United ompson, HC '94. The officer had his gun police do not encourage positive rela- just picking on me because I'm black? States' minority populations. ready in his left hand, not pointed at tions by pulling out their guns on pas- Exactly what is this description you're In 1982, when there were 8 African Nigel directly, but poised for action. An- sers-by, much less by doing it to people talking about, and what makes you think Americans and 12 Latinas on campus other officer watched in the car nearby. at peace on their own college campuses. I fit it? Hold on a minute here, you have (Statistics from Bryn Mawr Alumni Of- "Now drop your bag. Put your hands in The police, inevitably, have the ultimate a gun ready and loaded! fice), a group identifying themselves as the air, slowly, so that I can see them." power to play out their own prejudices. "Do you have any weapons in your the Minority Task Force asked that the Nigel did as he was told. "Turn around, Thus the concept of "positive relations" bag?" Admission's Office hire at least one and put your hands up against the wall." becomes a joke. "...no..." minority staff member. This individual Any person who is not white is at risk "There was a bank robbery this morn- see Racism vs. police action page 7 Promises, promises: Clinton's proposed health care reforms By Emily Cottier ample: prohibiting insurance companies ance at work or through a public pro- residents, and those in the "'insurance from denying coverage to people with gram. gap." This plan will probably have the America's public health care system is preexisting conditions; reducing paper- * Clinton was going to repeal the abor- support of the medical establishment as deplorable. Our national health care work and processing; providing people tion "gag" rule, but afederal court has well. In the past, nurses, doctors and program is plagued with miles of red with personal health record "smart already beaten him to it. He also plans to federal health officials have protested tape and a treatment system that pro- card s"so that you always have a copy repealthe Hyde amendment that cur- against immobilizing red tape and such vides too little— or too much— care. of your records. rently prohibits federal funding for abor- government moves as the refusal to Compounding that, our pharmaceutical • Eliminate the tax breaks that phar- tion services. NIH contraceptive research admit RU486 into the country. industries are run frankly for profit and maceutical com- and an extensive But this plan is not perfect, nor has it medical insurance becomes ever more panies receive family planning been implemented yet. Most of these difficult and expensive to obtain. and encourage program are also measures will have to be passed through Many people fall through the cracks in them to spend part of this plan. Congress. It will probably take eighteen this system, since they make too much more money on • Expand months to a year for any of them to be- money to receive Medicare or Medicaid, research and de- support of AIDS come reality. Clinton and his advisers and they cannot afford health insurance. veloping, not on research and seem to be leery of disrupting the health The only other Western country with marketing. health/life care insurance industry too much and several such an erratic health-care system is South • Revise and for those with of their proposals lean towards govern- Africa. expand Medi- AIDS. Other as- ment-sponsored health insurance rather What will our new President, William care by creating pects of Clinton's than actual medical care. Cl in to n, do to change health care in Amer- flexible funding, health plan— And, finally, all thesechanges will take ica? Here is what he promises to try and home and com- lower drug prices, MONEY. The question remains: will do: munity care, more choice in the matter of no denial of insurance becauseof a preex- Americans be willing to pay higher taxes * Establish an annual health budget treatment centers, and an increase in isting condition, local or in-home care for a national health care program that and crack down on billing preventative and primary care. This will be very helpful to HTV+ people and works? Time will tell. fraud. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social ought to expand Medicare to some of the those with AIDS. Would You Be Willing To Pay 5-10% Security benefits associated with health people in the "insurance gap" and re- Clinton's plan would seem to expand Higher Taxes To Support National Health care eat up an enormous amount of the duce current medical problems like heart and revise health coverage in a positive Care? Send your responses to Box C-966 by federal budget without helping the ma- disease and infant mortality. way. It has the potential to improve the 5 p.m. on Friday, November 13. "Yes" or jority of Americans. • Provide a Core Benefits program to health careof currently neglected groups, "No" is an Adequate Response. Results will * Implement insurance reforms, forex- provide everyone with medical insur- such as ethnic minorities, rural area be in the next College News! S ssues of Race You can call me Ray... Asian The haves, have-nots, and Halloween Minority recruitment: How committed is BMC? & Awareness Racism, a serious barrier to responsible police action Month see centerspreadon pages six - nine Page 2 The College News November 12,1992 Health Center tales of woe To the community: is the only pair of tweezers in the entire Editors* note Health Center. How about a needle? Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your overwhelming This is going to be a very angry letter. Nope, sorry. Any ointment to draw the At 11 pm tonight, I got a splinter in my splinter out? Regrets, dear— you picked response to our last editorial has warmed our hearts. foot. Much as I love Rhoads and its lovely a slim night! Some said that we were too harsh and would alienate hardwood floors, I do not love the slivers Excuse me, but why is the Health members of this community by laying it all out in such that have numerous times buried them- Center at such a prestigious, expensive selves in my feet. Yes, I was wearing school as this one lacking in such rudi- a blunt manner, but it seems mat we've struck a cord; socks.
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