Scholarly Publisher RS Global Sp. z O.O. ISNI: 0000 0004 8495 2390 Dolna 17, Warsaw, Poland 00-773 Tel: +48 226 0 227 03 Email:
[email protected] JOURNAL International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science p-ISSN 2544-9338 e-ISSN 2544-9435 PUBLISHER RS Global Sp. z O.O., Poland FICTIONALITY IN A POSTMODERN NOVELS (BASED ON ARTICLE TITLE THE CREATIVITY OF JASPER FFORDE) AUTHOR(S) Abdullayeva Yegane Atamoglan Abdullayeva Ye. A. (2020) Fictionality in a Postmodern Novels (Based on the Creativity of Jasper Fforde). International Journal ARTICLE INFO of Innovative Technologies in Social Science. 7(28). doi: 10.31435/rsglobal_ijitss/30122020/7295 DOI RECEIVED 30 October 2020 ACCEPTED 13 December 2020 PUBLISHED 18 December 2020 LICENSE This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. © The author(s) 2020. This publication is an open access article. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science 7(28), 2020 FICTIONALITY IN A POSTMODERN NOVELS (BASED ON THE CREATIVITY OF JASPER FFORDE) Abdullayeva Yegane Atamoglan, PhD assistant professor, Azerbaijan University of Languages, Baku, Azerbaijan DOI: ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Received 30 October 2020 In “The Postmodern Condition”, F. T. Lyotard argues that the logos is a myth Accepted 13 December 2020 with the concept of “sunset of metanarrative” and that the world can only be Published 18 December 2020 understood as a fictional story. Postmodernist aesthetics refers to this concept and puts forward the idea that the fictitiousness of a character in a literary work fictionizes its state and the events in which he participates.