Helen Stephens Collection (C3552) Collection Number: C3552 Collection Title: Helen Stephens Collection Dates: 1890-2014 Creator: Stephens, Helen, 1918-1994 Abstract: The papers of the 1936 Olympic track champion contain her Olympic diary, correspondence, publicity clippings, posters, photographs, and other materials related to her long athletic career, both professional and recreational. Newsletters from her employers, Curlee Clothing Company, Curtiss-Wright Corporation, and the Defense Mapping Agency, along with some personal documents, are also included. Collection Size: 6.0 cubic feet (290 folders, 4 volumes, 100 oversize items) Language: Collection materials are in English. Repository: The State Historical Society of Missouri Restrictions on Access: Collection is open for research. This collection is available at The State Historical Society of Missouri Research Center-Columbia. If you would like more information, please contact us at
[email protected]. Collections may be viewed at any research center. Restrictions on Use: Copyright restriction. For questions concerning copyrights and literary rights, contact Sharon Hanson. Preferred Citation: [Specific item; box number; folder number] Helen Stephens Collection (C3552); The State Historical Society of Missouri Research Center-Columbia [after first mention may be abbreviated to SHSMO-Columbia]. Donor Information: According to Helen Stephens’ wishes stated in a written contract of 28 May 1991, the papers were donated to University of Missouri on 1 February 2005 by Stephens’ biographer, Sharon Kinney Hanson (Accession No. CA5882). In accordance with a settlement agreement of May 1996 between Hanson and Stephens’ brother, Robert, the Olympic diary was donated after his death to the University of Missouri on 9 November 1998 by his wife, Betty R.