The Parish Church of 50p St. James, North Cray April, 2019 (Part of the Bexley Team Ministry) 1 St JAMES, NORTH CRAY PARISH STAFF Team Vicar: Reverend Ren Harding 01322 528923 The Vicarage, 6 Tile Kiln Lane, Joydens Wood, DA5 2BB
[email protected] Lay Reader: David Stevens 020 8300 0867 Church Wardens: Suzy Higgs 020 8302 5719
[email protected] Maxine Heath 020 8468 7895
[email protected] Treasurer: Andy Bye 0776 8980829
[email protected] PCC Secretary: Rhonda Collins 020 8300 3797 Sacristan: Stephen Hills 020 8302 7236 Bothy Bookings: Lynne Meads 07966 315518 Parish Safeguarding: Rhonda Collins 020 8300 3797 Magazine Editor: Steve Blake
[email protected] St James Sunday Service 9.30am Holy Communion (All age service with Uniformed Organisations on second Sunday) 2 TEAM RECTOR’S LETTER APRIL 2019 We are now well on our way through Lent, which began on Wednesday 6 March – Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the time that traditionally people come into church and have the sign of the cross marked in ash on their foreheads. It begins a period of prayer, fasting and charitable acts, and a time when Christians reflect on their own journey of faith. It was a great privilege for me to be involved in the ‘Ashing’ at one of the Team’s schools, Old Bexley Church of England Primary School, with the Team Vicar Reverend Clive Wood and the Team Curate, Reverend Gary Best. We had arranged for Years 4 and 5, (so aged 8 to 9 years) to come into the school hall for the Ashing Service and the two hundred children were joined by some parents and grandparents.