Help Desk - Sales Associate Maps

When connected to the internet, explore the feature located in the Customer Update profile. This feature Google Maps pin points customer’s location (see A). instantly connects you to a local search, mapping out customer locations, surrounding potential customers and/or helping coordinate strategic, on-the-road planning for a full day of customer appointments. 2. Click on “Get Directions”.

1. Click on the “Google Maps” button. Help Desk - Sales Associate Google Maps

1. This will open a text box to type in a starting/ending destination (example: home address). 3. At any time you can drag a line on the map to change your route. 2. Click the “Get Directions” button. Google Maps will display a detailed map and driving directions with distance and total time. Help Desk - Sales Associate Google Maps

New businesses are growing and changing daily. Locating prospects in the vicinity of each customer is now easy and fast. A directory of potential customers with name, address and phone numbers will display on the left side. Each time you schedule an appointment, click on the Google Maps and follow the below routine for up-to-date Google Maps will pin point each location on the map with a corresponding letter. To get information fast, click on the let- prospecting. ters located on the map.

1. Click the “Search nearby” link. 2. Type a general word to view customer prospects (example: gift, flower, garden). 3. Click the “Search” button. Help Desk - Sales Associate Google Maps

1. Click the “Satellite” button to view a digital image of the area. 2. Click the “Earth” button to get a view of the area. 3. Scroll to zoom in or out. Help Desk - Sales Associate Google Maps

Google has added a feature called street view. To utilize this function, click on the little person (see A) and drag to the Once you release at the desired location, you will get a street view of the customer location. desired location, customer address in this case, (see B). At any time, click “Close” to come out of Google Maps (see C).