Coaching Hero Vaught Passes Away at 96
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1 C M Y K Steelers get satisfied -Page 9 MONDAY FEBRUARY 6, 2006 Vol. 97, No. 86 CoachingCoaching hheroero VVaughtaught passespasses awayaway aatt 9966 Tyler Nelson “With the death of John Vaught, Born on May 6, 1909, in Olney, Rebels won six Southeastern Con- Senior Staff Reporter we lose an epic fi gure of 20th cen- Texas, Vaught played guard for ference championships from 1947- Legendary Ole Miss football tury college football,” Khayat said. Texas Christian University from 70 and he was selected SEC Coach coach John Howard Vaught died “Universally recognized as one 1930-32. of the Year six times by the Associ- Friday night at his residence at of the great coaches in American After leading TCU to a South- ated Press, among other coaching Hermitage Gardens of Oxford. He football history, he brought dig- west Conference championship honors. was 96. nity, intellect, creativity and vision his senior year and becoming the Three of his squads – 1959, His family will fi nalize funeral to the game.” schoolʼs fi rst All-American, he 1960 and 1962 – are recognized as arrangements Monday afternoon. Vaughtʼs legendary status has began his coaching career. Fol- national champions by at least one Colemanʼs Funeral Home in Ox- reached as far as the current Ole lowing coaching stops in the high rating system. ford is in charge of the proceed- Miss staff. school ranks and at the University Vaught led the Rebels until ings. “In the short time that I was of North Carolina, he entered the 1970, when his failing health side- The coaching hero brought fame able to get to know Coach Vaught, Navy during World War II, eventu- lined him. to the university and Vaughtʼs pass- it was evident how much he loved ally rising to the rank of lieutenant After the Rebs started poorly in ing has affected the entire Rebel Ole Miss football and his former commander. 1973, Vaught returned to fi nish the faithful – from the past to the pres- players,” Rebel head coach Ed After his stint in the war, he season before becoming athletic ent. Orgeron said. “We have lost a gi- took a line coaching position at Ole director for the next four years. Ole Miss Chancellor and gradu- ant in our coaching profession, and Miss under Red Drew, then took His fi nal record with Ole Miss ate Robert Khayat was the place you simply canʼt measure the im- the reins in 1947 when Drew left was a staggering 190-61-12 re- Photo Courtesy of Sports Information kicker on Vaughtʼs Rebels in the portant contributions he made to for Alabama. cord, good enough to be among John Vaught passed away Friday our great game.” Under Vaughtʼs tutelage, the late ʼ50s. See VAUGHT page 4 at the age of 96. King of Jordan urges dialogue ASB election began Bryan Doyle who may have the most accurate London and the Jordanian capitol Campus News Editor perspective of the heating political of Amman, can be prevented not turmoil in the Middle East. just through security measures, offi cially on Friday Friday, Ole Miss students, fac- King Abdullah II bun Al Hus- but through education, a healthy President presides over the ASB ulty and administrators, along with sein, ruling monarch of Jordan, economy and human rights pro- Michael Simmons Staff Reporter Senate and heads the Executive Oxford residents, listened to a ruler the Middle-Eastern country that tections. shares its borders with Israel, Pal- The clash of civilizations and The 2006 spring elections of- Council, which comprises seven estine and Iraq, spoke briefl y at religions has been tagged by fi cially started Friday at 4 p.m., high-ranking offi cers of the ASB. the Gertrude Ford Center, urg- many as the cause of the Middle when petitions for Associated The treasurer is responsible ing tolerance and cooperation Eastʼs violent history, but the Student Body offi cers were due. for drafting a budget for the ASB in the global quest for peace global community should recog- Elections will choose the new and allocating funds through the in the region and the world. nize the powerful bonds between president, vice president, treasur- organization for various interest King Abdullahʼs speech Islam, Christianity and Judaism, er, secretary and judicial chair on groups. The secretary is respon- at the university was the three religions with believers that Tuesday, Feb. 21, with campaign- sible for keeping track of all ASB only public appearance make up 60 percent of the world, ing to begin on Monday, Feb. 13 meetings and activities, as well in his stay at the U.S. that he said. at 7 p.m. as aiding students with questions includes a visit to New Or- The Quran, the Torah and the Sterling Kidd and Roun McNe- directed to the ASB. The judicial leans. Bible have many parallels, among al are the two candidates for Presi- chair presides over the University In his speech Abdul- them teachings to love the Lord dent. Mary Cile Glover-Rogers and ASB judicial council. lah said terrorists attacks, and to avoid quarrelling with oth- and John “Rip” Rippy are running Last year there were only two such as the bombings of ers, he said. for Vice President. Anna Gatlin is contested races with a runoff re- New York, Madrid, The monarch touched broadly running unopposed for Secretary. sulting for president. Four out of on contentious topics affecting the Jermaine Jackson and Shad White fi ve positions are being contested Middle East, including Iranʼs are the candidates for Treasurer, this year, but there will be no run- desire for nuclear research and and Lauren Clark and Marty Hitt off elections. the Palestinian parliamentary are up for Judicial Chair. “Many students will vote and elections. The task of ASB President, turnout will be traditional as it has He said the recent Pal- which is currently held by Rebec- been in the past,” Bertrand said. estinian elections were an ca Bertrand, is to serve the student “Last year over 2,300 students important step in the his- body by working with students voted in the Spring elections, and tory of the Palestinian and the administration. The Vice the ASB is hopeful to see a similar See JORDAN page 8 fi gure.” Media evolution Senate to decide on voting system Lindsey Phillips addition to the Code allowing for prepared for the system, Edwards Staff Reporter electronic voting as well as rules and Henry hopes lines at polling A bill proposing the use of an pertaining to it.” stations will be reduced dramati- electronic voting system in the According to Edwards, the sys- cally, encouraging a larger num- Feb. 21 Associated Student Body tem, which was developed in No- ber of students to participate in the elections will be discussed and vember by the Elections Commis- election. voted on in ASB Senate tonight at sion and Information Technology “This is the fi rst step in propel- 7 p.m. staff will allow voters to access ling elections and ASB into what If passed, the bill will amend election ballots on authenticated has now become an Internet-fed Title V under which elections are computers and cast votes within generation of computers and tech- currently being conducted, and 45 seconds. nology,” Edwards said. allow the use of both paper and Polling stations will be located Electronic voting is also ex- electronic ballots without alter- in Weir Hall, Conner Room 10 pected to raise the level of secu- ing previous voting methods, ASB and the main plaza of the Student rity in campus elections as well as Elections Commissioner Andrew Union, Edwards said. Weir Hall tally votes immediately, a process Edward said. will provide voters with 25-30 that has taken four to fi ve hours in “The ASB Code has no provi- computers dedicated to the elec- the past, Henry said. Matthew Sharpe The Daily Mississippian sions for electronic voting,” ASB tion, while 17 authorized comput- “This system uses technology Chris Carroll, director of student media at Vanderbilt University, speaks at a Elections Commissioner George ers will be located in Conner and that we are already using on cam- Henry said. “It specifi es paper two laptops will be set up in the pus,” current ASB President Re- conference on reinventing college media. The conference featured several Union. becca Bertrand said. “Everyone is speakers and presentations on how and why student media is evolving. ballots. For electronic voting to be used, there will have to be an With more than 50 computers See SENATE page 4 PINION O MONDAY • FEBRUARY 6, 2006 PAGE 3 Meghan Blalock PAGE 2 915-5503 February 6, 2006 Roe to be challenged Feminist should be remembered e always think we, in I am 100 percent content with wonder if I am? 2006, are my life – happier than Did Friedan teach us nothing? ast Monday marked the 33rd final trimester, the Court gave the ahead of Iʼve ever been. But Women deserve more than just anniversary of Roe v. Wade, government the ability to regulate Wthe times. those who are moms and babies and a husband. If thatʼs the landmark Supreme Court abortions and protect the unborn, We can clone wives tend to have that all you want, thatʼs great. Live it Lcase that declared which acknowledges that it Cast your vote sheep and put thou- look on their faces that up. But itʼs simply not enough for it a constitutional is a person, even though the sands of songs into says, “Oh. Poor thing,” me, and itʼs not enough for some right for a woman child is not born.